wikipwsHS_Symbol_pathwayCollection: Wikipathways Homosapiens Gene Symbols

wikipwsHS_Symbol_pathwayCollectionR Documentation

Wikipathways Homosapiens Gene Symbols


A pathwayCollection object containing the homosapiens pathways list from Wikipathways (




A pathwayCollection list of three elements:

  • pathways : A named list of 457 character vectors. Each vector contains the Gene Symbols of the individual genes within that pathway as a vector of character strings. The names are the shorthand pathway names.

  • TERMS : A character vector of length 457 containing the shorthand names of the gene pathways.

  • description : A character vector of length 457 containing the full names of the gene pathways.


This pathwayCollection was sent to us from Dr. Alexander Pico at the Gladstone Institute (

This pathway collection was translated from EntrezIDs to HGNC Symbols with the script convert_EntrezID_to_HGNC_Ensembl.R in scripts.


Dr. Alexander Pico, Wikipathways

gabrielodom/pathwayPCA documentation built on July 10, 2023, 3:32 a.m.