
Defines functions readFeaturesGFF

Documented in readFeaturesGFF

# Start of gff.R ###############################################################

# readFeaturesGFF --------------------------------------------------------------
#' Read annotation from GFF file.
#' @param annofile Input annotation GFF file.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of primary genome features, such that each
#' row contains at least the reference sequence (\code{'chr'}), start and
#' end positions (\code{'start'} and \code{'end'} respectively), and \code{'ID'}
#' of a feature. Additional feature annotation is included, if available.
#' @export
#' @family GFF functions
#' @importFrom S4Vectors unstrsplit
#' @rdname readFeaturesGFF
readFeaturesGFF <- function(annofile) {
    stopifnot( isSingleString(annofile) )
    stopifnot( file.exists(annofile) )
    # Get info on annotation headings.
    supp.hdgs <- const$anno$supported.headings
    req.hdgs <- const$anno$required.headings
    # If rtracklayer version 1.30 or greater, read
    # features from file with function `readGFF`..
    version <- utils::packageVersion('rtracklayer')
    if ( version$major > 1 || ( version$major == 1 && version$minor >= 30 ) ) {
        # Read GFF file to DataFrame.
        anno <- rtracklayer::readGFF(annofile,
            columns=const$anno$columns, tags=const$anno$tags)
    } else { # ..otherwise use the older `import.gff` function.
        # Read GFF file to GRanges object.
        x <- rtracklayer::import.gff(annofile,
            colnames=c(const$anno$columns, const$anno$tags))
        # Get feature ranges.
        anno.ranges <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(
            seqid  = GenomicRanges::seqnames(x),
            start  = GenomicRanges::start(x),
            end    = GenomicRanges::end(x),
            strand = GenomicRanges::strand(x)
        # Get feature metadata.
        anno.metadata <- GenomicRanges::elementMetadata(x)
        # Merge feature annotation into one DataFrame
        stopif( any( colnames(anno.ranges) %in% colnames(anno.metadata) ) )
        anno <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(anno.ranges, anno.metadata)
    # Identify and remove unwanted features.
    irrelevant <- anno$type %in% const$anno$irrelevant
    secondary <- lengths( as.list(anno$Parent) ) > 0
    unidentified <- is.na(anno$ID)
    anno <- anno[ ! ( unidentified | secondary | irrelevant ), ]
    # Create features data-frame (S3) from annotation DataFrame (S4).
    features <- as.data.frame( matrix( nrow=nrow(anno), ncol=length(supp.hdgs),
        dimnames=list(NULL, supp.hdgs) ), stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
    features$chr <- normSeq( as.character(anno$seqid) )
    features$start <- anno$start
    features$end <- anno$end
    features$strand <- as.character(anno$strand)
    features$ID <- as.character(anno$ID)
    features$Alias <- S4Vectors::unstrsplit(anno$Alias, '; ')
    features$type <- as.character(anno$type)
    features$orf_classification <- as.character(anno$orf_classification)
    features$source <- as.character(anno$source)
    features$dbxref <- as.character(anno$dbxref)
    features$Ontology_term <- S4Vectors::unstrsplit(anno$Ontology_term, ' ')
    features$Note <- S4Vectors::unstrsplit(anno$Note, '...')
    # Remove empty columns.
    features <- removeColsNA(features)
    unfound <- req.hdgs[ ! req.hdgs %in% colnames(features) ]
    if ( length(unfound) > 0 ) {
        stop("required annotation headings not found - '", unfound, "'")
    # Check feature positions are within range of reference sequence.
    seqtab <- getSeqTable()
    for ( anno.seq in unique(features$chr) ) {
        seq.pos <- unname( unlist(
            features[ features$chr == anno.seq, c('start', 'end') ] ) )
        seq.length <- seqtab[ seqtab$seqids == anno.seq, 'seqlengths' ]
        if ( any( seq.pos < 1 | seq.pos > seq.length ) ) {
            stop("features out of range of reference sequence")

# End of gff.R #################################################################
gact/shmootl documentation built on Nov. 11, 2021, 6:23 p.m.