
Defines functions g3_data

Documented in g3_data

#' @title Aggregate count data from a data frame to gadget3
#' @description Aggregates data from a data frame ready to be passed to gadget3. Useful for generating datasets for \code{g3l_catchdistribution}, \code{g3l_abundancedistribution} and \code{g3_timeareadata}. Imitates the behavior of \code{mfdb_sample_*} functions and returns the required object attributes as instructed by the \code{params} argument.
#' @param x A data frame, tibble or data table
#' @param params A list of parameters defining the grouping. See details in \code{mfdb_sample_count}.
#' @param method A character defining the aggregation method: use \code{"count"} to count occurrences or \strong{name of the column} that should be summarized in \code{x} based on grouping defined by \code{params}.
#' @param column_names A named vector explaining the column names which gadget3 expects in \code{x} if not the same than in mfdb. See the default suggestion for example.
#' @param floating_point_correction Logical indicating whether 1e-6 should be added to all numeric columns except for \code{year} and \code{step}. Corrects for floating point issues associated with certain numbers such as 28 and 57.
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether the function should return messages about potential assumptions when expected data are not specified.
#' @details This function attempts to do the same than \code{mfdb_sample_*} functions: summarise data ready for gadget3, with the difference that this function uses dataframes instead of a SQL database as input data. Consequently, this function should be independent of mfdb if the functions that generate groups and intervals as the mfdb package (\code{mfdb_interval}, \code{mfdb_group}) were imported to a project with this function.
#' Importantly, \code{g3_data()} does not attempt to filter other data than length unlike \code{mfdb_sample_*} functions that filter all columns passed to \code{params}. 
#' @export
# @examples
# data_count(
#   x = y %>%
#     filter(sampling_type == "ENS",
#            gear == "BottomTrawls",
#            sex == "F",
#            !is.na(age),
#            year >= 1996),
#   params = list(
#     age = mfdb_interval(
#       "age", stock_params$minage:stock_params$maxage,
#       open_ended = c("upper")
#     ),
#     length = mfdb_interval(
#       "len",
#       seq(stock_params$minlength, stock_params$maxlength,
#           by = 5),
#       open_ended = c("upper","lower")
#     )
#   )
# )
# Debugging params
# method = "count"; column_names = c("year" = "year", "step" = "month", "area" = "areacell"); floating_point_correction = TRUE; verbose = FALSE
g3_data <- function(x, params = list(), method = "count", column_names = c("year" = "year", "step" = "month", "area" = "areacell"), floating_point_correction = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
  # To find the number of decimal places to correct for floating point problems while aggregating. From https://stackoverflow.com/a/59022366/1082004
  # decimalplaces <- function(x) {
  #   ifelse(abs(x - round(x)) > .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
  #          nchar(sub('^\\d+\\.', '', sub('0+$', '', as.character(x)))),
  #          0)
  # }
  ## Assign x to new object for easier debugging
  dt <- x
  ### Correct inconsistency in naming timestep
  if("timestep" %in% names(params) & !"step" %in% names(params)) {
    params$step <- params$timestep
    params$timestep <- NULL
  ## Rename column names
  names(dt)[match(column_names, names(dt))] <- names(column_names)
  ## Subset years
  if("year" %in% names(params))
    if(inherits(params[["year"]], "integer"))
      dt <- dt[dt$year %in% unique(params[["year"]]),]
  ## Add step and area
  if(!"step" %in% names(column_names) & !"step" %in% colnames(dt)) {
    if(verbose) message("The (time)step column not found. Assuming step = 1")
    dt$step <- 1
  if(!"step" %in% names(params)) {
    if(verbose) message("(Time)step not specified. Assuming yearly aggregation. Change by defining step = mfdb_timestep_*")
    params$step$all <- sort(unique(dt$step))
  if(!"area" %in% names(params)) {
    if(verbose) message("area not defined. Assuming no areal aggregation.")
    dt$area <- "all"
    if("area" %in% names(column_names)) {
      tmp <- as.character(sort(unique(x[[unname(column_names[names(column_names) == "area"])]])))
    } else {
      tmp <- "all"
    params$area$all <- tmp
  ## Tests
  if (!is.list(params)) {
    stop("params argument must be a list")
  # if(any(!cols %in% names(params))) {
  #   stop(paste(setdiff(cols, names(params)), collapse = ", "), " are not specified in params. Tell how they should be aggregated")
  # }
  if(any(!c("year", names(params)) %in% colnames(dt))) stop(paste(setdiff(c("year", params), colnames(dt)), collapse = ", "), " is not a column in x. Specify the expected column names using column_names")
  ## Select relevant columns for easier debugging
  if(method == "count") {
    cols <- names(params)[!names(params) %in% c("year", "step", "area")]
    dt <- dt[c("year", "step", "area", cols)]
  } else {
    cols <- names(params)[!names(params) %in% c("year", "step", "area", method)]
    dt <- dt[c("year", "step", "area", cols, method)]
  ## Filter closed upper/lower length intervals from data to avoid NAs
  if("length" %in% names(params) & "length" %in% cols) {
    if(!is.null(attributes(params[["length"]])$open_ended)) {
      if(!"lower" %in% attributes(params[["length"]])$open_ended) {
      dt <- dt %>% dplyr::filter(.data$length >= min(params[["length"]]))
      if(!"upper" %in% attributes(params[["length"]])$open_ended) {
        dt <- dt %>% dplyr::filter(.data$length <= max(params[["length"]]))
  ## Grouping
  dt[names(params)] <-
    lapply(names(params), function(k) {
      tmp <- params[[k]]
      if(inherits(tmp, "mfdb_group")) {
        if(all(sapply(tmp, is.numeric))) {
          if(k == "step") {
            if(!inherits(dt[[k]], c("numeric", "integer"))) {
              stop("The step column in x has to be numeric")
          tmp <- sapply(tmp, max)
          # if(floating_point_correction & k %in% cols) {
          #   # dec_places <- as.integer(names(sort(table(decimalplaces(tmp)), decreasing = TRUE))[1])
          #   cut(dt[[k]] + 1e-6, c(-Inf, tmp), labels = names(tmp))
          # } else {
          if(all(is.integer(dt[[k]]))) {
            cut(as.integer(dt[[k]]), c(-Inf, tmp), labels = names(tmp))
          } else {
            cut(dt[[k]], c(-Inf, tmp), labels = names(tmp))
          # }
        } else if (all(sapply(tmp, is.character)) | all(sapply(tmp, is.factor))) {
          dplyr::recode(dt[[k]], !!!stats::setNames(names(tmp), unlist(tmp)))
      } else if(inherits(tmp, "mfdb_interval")) {
        cut_seq <- unlist(unname(c(tmp)))
        labs <- names(tmp)
        if("lower" %in% attributes(tmp)$open_ended) {
          cut_seq[1] <- -Inf
        if("upper" %in% attributes(tmp)$open_ended) {
          cut_seq[length(cut_seq)] <- Inf
          labs <- labs[-length(tmp)]
        if(floating_point_correction & k %in% cols) {
          out <- cut(dt[[k]] + 1e-6, cut_seq, labels = labs, right = FALSE)
        } else {
          out <- cut(dt[[k]], cut_seq, labels = labs, right = FALSE)
        ## Fix a special case where missing ages get aggregated as NAs even though no age aggregation is requested
        if(k == "age" & all(cut_seq %in% c(-Inf, Inf)) & nlevels(out) & any(is.na(out)))
          out[is.na(out)] <- levels(out)
        # Return
      } else if(inherits(tmp, "list")) { # area and step aggregation case. Used for attributes later
        dt[[k]] <- "all"
      } else if(inherits(tmp, "integer")) { # year case, returns the column unchanged
      } else {
        stop(class(tmp)[1], " not implemented yet.")
  ## Aggregation ####
  if(method == "count") {
    out <- dt %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$year, .data$step, .data$area, dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(cols))) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(number = dplyr::n(), .groups = 'drop') %>%
  } else {
    out <- dt %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$year, .data$step, .data$area, dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(cols))) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(value = sum(get(method), na.rm = TRUE), .groups = 'drop') %>%
    colnames(out)[colnames(out) == "value"] <- method
  out <- rapply(out, as.character, classes = "factor", how = "replace")
  ## Add stupid attributes
  if("year" %in% names(params)) {
    attributes(out)$year <-
        lapply(unique(params$year), function(k) k),
        lapply(unique(params$year), function(k) k)
    params <- params[!names(params) %in% "year"] # Remove year from params to avoid duplicates
  } else {
    attributes(out)$year <-
        lapply(unique(out$year), function(k) k),
        lapply(unique(out$year), function(k) k)
  if(any(sapply(params, function(k) inherits(k, "mfdb_group")))) {
    tmp_params <- sapply(params, function(k) inherits(k, "mfdb_group"))
    tmp_params <- names(tmp_params[tmp_params])
    attributes(out) <-
          lapply(tmp_params, function(k) {
  if(any(sapply(params, function(k) inherits(k, "list")))) {
    tmp_params <- sapply(params, function(k) inherits(k, "list"))
    tmp_params <- names(tmp_params[tmp_params])
    attributes(out) <-
          lapply(tmp_params, function(k) {
  if(any(sapply(params, function(k) inherits(k, "mfdb_interval")))) {
    tmp_params <- sapply(params, function(k) inherits(k, "mfdb_interval"))
    tmp_params <- names(tmp_params[tmp_params])
    attributes(out) <-
          lapply(tmp_params, function(k) {
            tmp <- params[[k]]
            stats::setNames(lapply(seq_along(tmp)[-length(tmp)], function(i) {
              min_val <- unname(tmp[i])
              max_val <- unname(tmp[i+1])
              outout <- call("seq", min_val, max_val -1)
              attr(outout, "min") <- min_val
              attr(outout, "max") <- max_val
              if("lower" %in% attributes(tmp)$open_ended & i == 1) {
                attr(outout, "min_open_ended") <- TRUE
              if("upper" %in% attributes(tmp)$open_ended & i == length(tmp) -1) {
                attr(outout, "max_open_ended") <- TRUE
  attributes(out)$generator <- "g3_data"
  ## Test whether the aggregation worked
  if(any(apply(out[names(params)], 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) > 0))) {
      paste(names(params)[apply(out[names(params)], 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)) > 0)],
            collapse = ", "), 
      "column contain missing values. Check your data (x). g3_data does not do filtering unlike mfdb functions"
  ## Test whether attribute names match those of data
  test_attributes <- names(attributes(out)[names(attributes(out)) %in% names(out)])
  lapply(test_attributes, function(k) {
    if(!all(unique(out[[k]]) %in% names(attributes(out)[names(attributes(out)) == k][[1]]))) {
      warning(paste("Unique column and attribute values for", k, "do not match."))
  ## Return
gadget-framework/gadgetutils documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 8:45 a.m.