
# Summary statistics object (storing Z and R).
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
RSSData <- R6Class("RSSData",
  inherit = DenseData,
  portable = FALSE,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(Z, R = NULL, eigenR = NULL, tol) {
      if (any(is.infinite(Z))) {
        stop("Z scores contain infinite value")
      if (is.null(dim(Z))) {
        Z <- matrix(Z, length(Z), 1)
      if (is.null(R) & is.null(eigenR)) {
          "At least one of R and eigen-decomposition of R should be ",
      if (!is.null(eigenR)) {
        if (any(names(eigenR) != c("values", "vectors"))) {
            "eigen-decomposition of R must contains 2 elements with the ",
            "following names: values, vectors"
        if (nrow(eigenR$vectors) != nrow(Z)) {
            "The dimension of eigenvectors of R does not agree with ",
        .eigenR <<- eigenR
      if (!is.null(R)) {
        is_numeric_matrix(R, "R")

        # Check input R.
        if (!susieR:::is_symmetric_matrix(R)) {
          stop("R is not a symmetric matrix")
        if (nrow(R) != nrow(Z)) {
            "The dimension of correlation matrix (", nrow(R), " by ",
            ncol(R), ") does not agree with expected (", nrow(Z),
            " by ", nrow(Z), ")"
        .XtX <<- R

      # Replace NAs in Z with zero.
      if (anyNA(Z)) {
        warning("NA values in Z-scores are replaced with 0")
        Z[is.na(Z)] <- 0
      .J <<- nrow(Z)
      .R <<- ncol(Z)
      .X <<- t(.eigenvectors[, .eigenvalues != 0]) *
        .eigenvalues[.eigenvalues != 0]^(0.5)
      .Y <<- (t(.eigenvectors[, .eigenvalues != 0]) *
        .eigenvalues[.eigenvalues != 0]^(-0.5)) %*% Z
      .Y_has_missing <<- FALSE
      .X_has_missing <<- FALSE
      .XtY <<- .UUt %*% Z # Same as Z when Z is in eigen space of R.
      .residual <<- .Y

  active = list(

    # "n_sample" doesn't mean sample size here, it means the number of
    # non zero eigenvalues.
    n_sample = function() {
      sum(.eigenvalues > 0)
  private = list(
    .UUt = NULL,
    .eigenR = NULL,
    .eigenvectors = NULL,
    .eigenvalues = NULL,

    # This returns the R6 object invisibly.
    check_semi_pd = function(tol) {
      if (is.null(private$.eigenR)) {
        private$.eigenR <<- eigen(.XtX, symmetric = TRUE)
      private$.eigenR$values[abs(.eigenR$values) < tol] <- 0
      if (any(private$.eigenR$values < 0)) {
        private$.eigenR$values[private$.eigenR$values < 0] <- 0
        warning("Negative eigenvalues are set to zero")
      .XtX <<- private$.eigenR$vectors %*% (t(private$.eigenR$vectors) *
      .csd <<- rep(1, length.out = .J)
      .d <<- diag(.XtX)
      private$.eigenvectors <<- private$.eigenR$vectors
      private$.eigenvalues <<- private$.eigenR$values
      private$.UUt <<-
        tcrossprod(private$.eigenvectors[, which(private$.eigenvalues > 0)])
gaow/mmbr documentation built on April 24, 2024, 7:12 p.m.