
Defines functions `add_spp_site_scores` `layer_draw_list` `check_user_layers` `valid_layers.cca` `valid_layers.rda` `valid_layers` `label_fun` `getDimensionNames` `scoresLength` `arrow_mul`

#' @title Scale Vectors to Data
#' @description Scale vector arrows to \code{fill} proportion of the data.
#' @param arrows a two-column matrix-like object containing coordinates for the
#'   arrows/vectors on x and y axes.
#' @param data a two-column matrix-like object containing coordinates of the
#'   data on the x and y axes.
#' @param at numeric vector of length 2; location of the origin of the arrows.
#' @param fill numeric; what proportion of the range of the data to fill
#' @return a numeric multiplier that will scale the arrows
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`arrow_mul` <- function(arrows, data, at = c(0, 0), fill = 0.75) {
    u <- c(range(data[, 1], range(data[, 2])))
    u <- u - rep(at, each = 2)
    r <- c(range(arrows[, 1], na.rm = TRUE), range(arrows[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))
    rev <- sign(diff(u))[-2]
    if (rev[1] < 0)
        u[1:2] <- u[2:1]
    if (rev[2] < 0)
        u[3:4] <- u[4:3]
    u <- u/r
    u <- u[is.finite(u) & u > 0]
    fill * min(u)

#' @title Number of scores
#' @description Returns the number of scores returns in object \code{x}.
#' @param x The object whose number of scores is required.
#' @return a numeric vector of length 1 with the number of scores.
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`scoresLength` <- function(x) {
        obs <- NROW(x)
        if (is.null(obs))
            obs <- 0


#' @title Extract the names of the dimensions to plot as a character vector
#' @description Find the character vector of names for the two dimensions of
#'   data to be plotted.
#' @param object a fortified ordination object.
#' @return A length 2 character vector of dimension names.
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`getDimensionNames` <- function(object) {

#' @title Adds a label layer using one of a set of common geoms
#' @description Adds labels to a plot using one of \code{geom_label}, \code{geom_text}, \code{geom_label_repel} or \code{geom_text_repel}.
#' @param data data frame; data set to use for the label layer. Must contain a variable \code{label} containing the strings to use as labels.
#' @param geom character; which geom to use for labelling.
#' @param vars character; vector of names of variables to ass to the \code{x} and \code{y} aesthetics of the chosen geom.
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_text geom_label aes_string
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel geom_label_repel
`label_fun` <- function(data,
                        geom = c("label", "text", "label_repel", "text_repel"),
                        vars) {
    ll <- switch(geom,
                 label =
                     geom_label(data = data,
                                mapping = aes_string(x = vars[1],
                                                     y = vars[2],
                                                     label = 'label')),
                 text =
                     geom_text(data = data,
                               mapping = aes_string(x = vars[1],
                                                    y = vars[2],
                                                    label = 'label')),
                 label_repel =
                     geom_label_repel(data = data,
                                      mapping = aes_string(x = vars[1],
                                                           y = vars[2],
                                                          label = 'label')),
                 text_repel =
                     geom_text_repel(data = data,
                                    mapping = aes_string(x = vars[1],
                                                         y = vars[2],
                                                         label = 'label'))

#' @title Valid layers for vegan objects
#' @param object An R object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @rdname valid_layers
#' @export
`valid_layers` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname valid_layers
#' @export
`valid_layers.rda` <- function(object, ...) {
    c("species", "sites", "constraints", "biplot", "centroids", "regression")
#' @rdname valid_layers
#' @export
`valid_layers.cca` <- function(object, ...) {
    c("species", "sites", "constraints", "biplot", "centroids", "regression")

#' @title Check user-supplied layers against list of valid layers
#' @param user character; vector of user supplied layer names.
#' @param valid character; vector of valid layer names.
#' @param message logical; should a message be raised in the case of invalid
#'   user-supplied layer names.
`check_user_layers` <- function(user, valid, message = FALSE) {
    ok <- user %in% valid

    if (isTRUE(message) && any(!ok)) {
        msg <- "Invalid (ignored) layers for this object:"
        invalid <- paste(user[!ok], collapse = ', ')
        message(paste(msg, invalid, sep = " "))


#' @title List of layers to draw for a given vegan object
#' @param valid character; vector of valid layer names
#' @param layers character; a vector of layer names for \code{object} that has
#'   already been filtered for validity.
#' @param available charecter; what layers are actually available
#' @importFrom stats setNames
`layer_draw_list` <- function(valid, layers = NULL, available = NULL) {
    l <- setNames(rep(TRUE, length(valid)), valid)
    if (!is.null(layers)) {
        if (!is.null(available)) {
            layers <- layers[layers %in% available]
        i <- valid %in% layers
        l[!i] <- FALSE


#' @title Adds species and site score layers to an existing plot
#' @param object an ordination object.
#' @param plt a ggplot object.
#' @param vars character; length 2 vector of dimension names.
#' @param geom character; vector of length 1 or 2 indicating which geoms will
#'   be used ofr the species or site scores.
#' @param draw_list logical; vector of types of scores indicating which are
#'   available and requested for plotting.
#' @param arrows logical; length 1 vector indicating if species scores should
#'   be drawn using arrows.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point geom_text
`add_spp_site_scores` <- function(object, plt, vars, geom, draw_list, arrows) {
    wanted <- names(draw_list[c("species","sites","constraints")])
    ## if we're plotting species by arrows, drop species if in list
    if (isTRUE(arrows)) {
        wanted <- wanted[wanted != "species"]

    ## if still something to draw, draw it
    if (length(wanted) > 0L) {
        ## case of a single geom
        if (length(geom) == 1L) {
            take <- object[["score"]] %in% wanted
            if (geom == "point") {
                plt <- plt +
                    geom_point(data = object[take, , drop = FALSE],
                               aes_string(x = vars[1], y = vars[2],
                                          shape = 'score', colour = 'score'))
            } else {
                plt <- plt +
                    geom_text(data = object[take, , drop = FALSE ],
                              aes_string(x = vars[1], y = vars[2],
                                         label = 'label', colour = 'score'),
                              size = 3)
        } else {
            ## we have to plot species and sites/constraints separately
            if ("species" %in% wanted) {
                take <- object[["score"]] == "species"
                if (geom[2L] == "point") {
                    plt <- plt +
                        geom_point(data = object[take, , drop = FALSE],
                                   aes_string(x = vars[1], y = vars[2],
                                              shape = 'score',
                                              colour = 'score'))

                } else {
                    plt <- plt +
                        geom_text(data = object[take, , drop = FALSE ],
                                  aes_string(x = vars[1],
                                             y = vars[2],
                                             label = 'label',
                                             colour = 'score'),
                                  size = 3)

            if (any(c("sites","constraints") %in% wanted)) {
                take <- object[["score"]] %in% c("sites","constraints")
                if (geom[1L] == "point") {
                    plt <- plt +
                        geom_point(data = object[take, , drop = FALSE],
                                   aes_string(x = vars[1], y = vars[2],
                                              shape = 'score',
                                              colour = 'score'))

                } else {
                    plt <- plt +
                        geom_text(data = object[take, , drop = FALSE ],
                                  aes_string(x = vars[1],
                                             y = vars[2],
                                             label = 'label',
                                             colour = 'score'),
                                  size = 3)

    ## now check if species should be added as arrows
    if (isTRUE(arrows) && draw_list["species"]) {
        take <- object[["score"]] == "species"
        pdat <- object[take, , drop = FALSE]
        col <- "black"
        plt <- plt +
            geom_segment(data = pdat,
                         aes_string(x = 0, y = 0,
                                    xend = vars[1], yend = vars[2]),
                         arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.2, "cm")),
                         colour = col)
        pdat[, vars] <- 1.1 * pdat[, vars, drop = FALSE]
        plt <- plt + geom_text(data = pdat,
                               aes_string(x = vars[1], y = vars[2],
                                          label = 'label'), size = 4)

    ## return
gavinsimpson/ggvegan documentation built on July 28, 2023, 9:24 a.m.