
pkgname <- "pmml"
source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
options(warn = 1)

base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
base::assign(".old_wd", base::getwd(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
### * add_attributes

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: add_attributes
### Title: Add attribute values to an existing element in a given PMML
###   file.
### Aliases: add_attributes
### Keywords: interface

### ** Examples

# Make a sample model:
fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris[, -5])
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

# Add arbitrary attributes to the 1st 'NumericPredictor' element. The
# attributes are for demostration only (they are not allowed under
# the PMML schema). The command assumes the default namespace.
fit_pmml_2 <- add_attributes(fit_pmml, "/p:PMML/descendant::p:NumericPredictor[1]",
  attributes = c(a = 1, b = "b")

# Add attributes to the NumericPredictor element which has
# 'Petal.Length' as the 'name' attribute:
fit_pmml_3 <- add_attributes(fit_pmml,
  attributes = c(a = 1, b = "b")

# 3 NumericElements exist which have '1' as the 'exponent' attribute.
# Add new attributes to the 3rd one:
fit_pmml_4 <- add_attributes(fit_pmml,
  attributes = c(a = 1, b = "b")

# Add attributes to the 1st element whose 'name' attribute contains
# 'Length':
fit_pmml_5 <- add_attributes(fit_pmml,
  attributes = c(a = 1, b = "b")

### * add_data_field_attributes

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: add_data_field_attributes
### Title: Add attribute values to an existing DataField element in a given
###   PMML file
### Aliases: add_data_field_attributes
### Keywords: interface

### ** Examples

# Make a sample model:
fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris[, -5])
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

# The resulting model has mining fields with no information besides
# fieldName, dataType and optype. This object is already an xml
# node (not an external text file), so there is no need to convert
# it to an xml node object.

# Create data frame with attribute information:

attributes <- data.frame(c("FlowerWidth", 1), c("FlowerLength", 0),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rownames(attributes) <- c("displayName", "isCyclic")
colnames(attributes) <- c("Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length")

# Although not needed in this first try, necessary to easily add
# new values later. Removes values as factors so that new values
# added later are not evaluated as factor values and thus rejected
# as invalid.
attributes[] <- lapply(attributes, as.character)

fit_pmml_2 <- add_data_field_attributes(fit_pmml,
  namespace = "4_4"

# Alternative method to add attributes to a single field,
# "Sepal.Width":
fit_pmml_3 <- add_data_field_attributes(
  fit_pmml, c(displayName = "FlowerWidth", isCyclic = 1),

mi <- make_intervals(
  list("openClosed", "closedClosed", "closedOpen"),
  list(NULL, 1, 2), list(1, 2, NULL)
mv <- make_values(
  list("A", "B", "C"), list(NULL, NULL, NULL),
  list("valid", NULL, "invalid")
fit_pmml_4 <- add_data_field_children(fit_pmml,
  field = "Sepal.Length",
  interval = mi, values = mv

### * add_data_field_children

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: add_data_field_children
### Title: Add 'Interval' and 'Value' child elements to a given DataField
###   element in a given PMML file.
### Aliases: add_data_field_children
### Keywords: interface

### ** Examples

# Make a sample model:
fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris[, -5])
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

# The resulting model has data fields but with no 'Interval' or Value'
# elements. This object is already an xml node (not an external text
# file), so there is no need to convert it to an xml node object.

# Add an 'Interval' element node by typing it in
fit_pmml_2 <- add_data_field_children(fit_pmml,
  field = "Sepal.Length",
  intervals = list(newXMLNode("Interval",
    attrs = c(closure = "openClosed", rightMargin = 3)

# Use helper functions to create list of 'Interval' and 'Value'
# elements. We define the 3 Intervals as ,1]  (1,2)  and [2,
mi <- make_intervals(
  list("openClosed", "openOpen", "closedOpen"),
  list(NULL, 1, 2), list(1, 2, NULL)

# Define 3 values, none with a 'displayValue' attribute and 1 value
# defined as 'invalid'. The 2nd one is 'valid' by default.
mv <- make_values(
  list(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), list(NULL, NULL, NULL),
  list("valid", NULL, "invalid")

# As an example, apply these to the Sepal.Length field:
fit_pmml_3 <- add_data_field_children(fit_pmml, field = "Sepal.Length", intervals = mi, values = mv)

# Only defined 'Interval's:
fit_pmml_3 <- add_data_field_children(fit_pmml, field = "Sepal.Length", intervals = mi)

### * add_mining_field_attributes

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: add_mining_field_attributes
### Title: Add attribute values to an existing MiningField element in a
###   given PMML file.
### Aliases: add_mining_field_attributes
### Keywords: interface

### ** Examples

# Make a sample model
fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris[, -5])
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

# The resulting model has mining fields with no information
# besides fieldName, dataType and optype. This object is
# already an xml node (not an external text file), so there
# is no need to convert it to an xml node object.

# Create data frame with attribute information:
attributes <- data.frame(
  c("active", 1.1, "asIs"),
  c("active", 2.2, "asIs"),
  c("active", NA, "asMissing"),
  stringsAsFactors = TRUE
rownames(attributes) <- c(
  "usageType", "missingValueReplacement",
colnames(attributes) <- c(
  "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length",

# Although not needed in this first try, necessary to easily
# add new values later:
for (k in 1:ncol(attributes)) {
  attributes[[k]] <- as.character(attributes[[k]])

fit_pmml <- add_mining_field_attributes(fit_pmml, attributes, namespace = "4_4")

### * add_output_field

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: add_output_field
### Title: Add Output nodes to a PMML object.
### Aliases: add_output_field

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset

# Create a linear model and convert it to PMML
mod <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., iris)
pmod <- pmml(mod)

# Create additional output nodes
onodes0 <- make_output_nodes(
  name = list("OutputField", "OutputField"),
  attributes = list(list(
    name = "dbl",
    optype = "continuous"
  ), NULL),
  expression = list("ln(x)", "ln(x/(1-x))")
onodes2 <- make_output_nodes(
  name = list("OutputField", "OutputField"),
  attributes = list(
      name = "F1",
      dataType = "double", optype = "continuous"
    list(name = "F2")

# Create new pmml objects with the output nodes appended
pmod2 <- add_output_field(
  xml_model = pmod, outputNodes = onodes2, at = "End",
  xformText = NULL, nodeName = NULL, attributes = NULL,
  whichOutput = 1
pmod2 <- add_output_field(
  xml_model = pmod, outputNodes = onodes0, at = "End",
  xformText = NULL, nodeName = NULL,
  attributes = NULL, whichOutput = 1

# Create nodes with attributes and transformations
pmod3 <- add_output_field(xml_model = pmod2, outputNodes = onodes2, at = 2)
pmod4 <- add_output_field(
  xml_model = pmod2, xformText = list("exp(x) && !x"),
  nodeName = "Predicted_Sepal.Length"

att <- list(datype = "dbl", optpe = "dsc")
pmod5 <- add_output_field(
  xml_model = pmod2, nodeName = "Predicted_Sepal.Length",
  attributes = att

### * audit

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: audit
### Title: Audit: artificially constructed dataset
### Aliases: audit
### Keywords: datasets

### ** Examples

data(audit, package = "pmml")

### * file_to_xml_node

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: file_to_xml_node
### Title: Read in a file and parse it into an object of type XMLNode.
### Aliases: file_to_xml_node
### Keywords: interface

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D # Define some transformations:
##D iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)
##D iris_box <- xform_z_score(iris_box, xform_info = "column1->d1")
##D iris_box <- xform_z_score(iris_box, xform_info = "column2->d2")
##D # Make a LocalTransformations element and save it to an external file:
##D pmml_trans <- pmml(NULL, transforms = iris_box)
##D write(toString(pmml_trans), file = "xform_iris.pmml")
##D # Later, we may need to read in the PMML model into R
##D # 'lt' below is now a XML Node, as opposed to a string:
##D lt <- file_to_xml_node("xform_iris.pmml")
## End(Not run)

### * function_to_pmml

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: function_to_pmml
### Title: Convert an R expression to PMML.
### Aliases: function_to_pmml

### ** Examples

# Operator precedence and parenthesis
func_pmml <- function_to_pmml("1 + 3/5 - (4 * 2)")

# Nested arbitrary functions
func_pmml <- function_to_pmml("foo(bar(x)) - bar(foo(y-z))")

# If-else expression
func_pmml <- function_to_pmml("if (x==3) { 3 } else { 0 }")

# If-else with boolean output
func_pmml <- function_to_pmml("if (x==3) { TRUE } else { FALSE }")

# Function with string argument types
func_pmml <- function_to_pmml("colors('red','green','blue')")

# Sign in front of expression
func_pmml <- function_to_pmml("-(x/y)")

### * houseVotes84

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: houseVotes84
### Title: Modified 1984 United States Congressional Voting Records
###   Database
### Aliases: houseVotes84
### Keywords: datasets

### ** Examples

data(houseVotes84, package = "pmml")

### * make_intervals

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: make_intervals
### Title: Create Interval elements, most likely to add to a DataDictionary
###   element.
### Aliases: make_intervals

### ** Examples

# make 3 Interval elements
# we define the 3 Intervals as ,1]  (1,2)  and [2,
mi <- make_intervals(
  list("openClosed", "openOpen", "closedOpen"),
  list(NULL, 1, 2), list(1, 2, NULL)

### * make_output_nodes

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: make_output_nodes
### Title: Add Output nodes to a PMML object.
### Aliases: make_output_nodes

### ** Examples

# Make two nodes, one with attributes
two_nodes <- make_output_nodes(
  name = list("OutputField", "OutputField"),
  attributes = list(list(name = "dbl", optype = "continuous"), NULL),
  expression = list("ln(x)", "ln(x/(1-x))")

### * make_values

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: make_values
### Title: Create Values element, most likely to add to a DataDictionary
###   element.
### Aliases: make_values

### ** Examples

# define 3 values, none with a 'displayValue' attribute and 1 value
# defined as 'invalid'. The 2nd one is 'valid' by default.
mv <- make_values(
  list(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), list(NULL, NULL, NULL),
  list("valid", NULL, "invalid")

### * pmml.ARIMA

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.ARIMA
### Title: Generate PMML for an ARIMA object the *forecast* package.
### Aliases: pmml.ARIMA

### ** Examples


# non-seasonal model
mod <- Arima(WWWusage, order = c(3, 1, 1))
mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)

# seasonal model
mod_02 <- Arima(JohnsonJohnson,
  order = c(1, 1, 1),
  seasonal = c(1, 1, 1)
mod_02_pmml <- pmml(mod_02)

# non-seasonal model exported as StateSpaceModel
mod <- Arima(WWWusage, order = c(3, 1, 1))
mod_pmml <- pmml(mod, ts_type = "statespace")

### * pmml

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for R objects.
### Aliases: pmml

### ** Examples

# Build an lm model
iris_lm <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)

# Convert to pmml
iris_lm_pmml <- pmml(iris_lm)

# Create a data transformation object
iris_trans <- xform_wrap(iris)

# Transform the 'Sepal.Length' variable
iris_trans <- xform_min_max(iris_trans, xform_info = "column1->d_sl")

# Output the tranformation in PMML format
iris_trans_pmml <- pmml(NULL, transforms = iris_trans)

### * pmml.ada

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.ada
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for an ada object from the
###   package 'ada'.
### Aliases: pmml.ada

### ** Examples


fit <- ada(Adjusted ~ Employment + Education + Hours + Income, iter = 3, audit)
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

### *

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name:
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a cv.glmnet object from the
###   package 'glmnet'.
### Aliases:

### ** Examples


# Create a simple predictor (x) and response(y) matrices:
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 20), 100, 20)
y <- rnorm(100)

# Build a simple gaussian model:
model1 <- cv.glmnet(x, y)

# Output the model in PMML format:
model1_pmml <- pmml(model1)

# Shift y between 0 and 1 to create a poisson response:
y <- y - min(y)

# Give the predictor variables names (default values are V1,V2,...):
name <- NULL
for (i in 1:20) {
  name <- c(name, paste("variable", i, sep = ""))
colnames(x) <- name

# Create a simple poisson model:
model2 <- cv.glmnet(x, y, family = "poisson")

# Output the regression model in PMML format at the lambda
# parameter = 0.006:
model2_pmml <- pmml(model2, s = 0.006)

### * pmml.gbm

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.gbm
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a gbm object from the
###   package 'gbm'.
### Aliases: pmml.gbm

### ** Examples


mod <- gbm(Adjusted ~ .,
  data = audit[, -c(1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12)],
  n.trees = 3, interaction.depth = 4

mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)

# Classification example:
mod2 <- gbm(Species ~ .,
  data = iris, n.trees = 2,
  interaction.depth = 3, distribution = "multinomial"

# The PMML will include a regression model to read the gbm object outputs
# and convert to a "response" prediction type.
mod2_pmml <- pmml(mod2)

### * pmml.glm

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.glm
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a glm object from the
###   package 'stats'.
### Aliases: pmml.glm

### ** Examples

mod <- glm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris, family = "gaussian")
mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
rm(mod, mod_pmml)

mod <- glm(Adjusted ~ Age + Employment + Education + Income, data = audit, family = binomial(logit))
mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
rm(mod, mod_pmml)

# Create a new 2-class target from a 3-class variable:
dat <- iris[, 1:4]
# Add a new 2-class target "Species_setosa" before passing it to glm():
dat$Species_setosa <- iris$Species == "setosa"
mod <- glm(Species_setosa ~ ., data = dat, family = binomial(logit))
mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
rm(dat, mod, mod_pmml)

### * pmml.hclust

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.hclust
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a hclust object from the
###   package 'amap'.
### Aliases: pmml.hclust

### ** Examples

# Cluster the 4 numeric variables of the iris dataset.

model <- hclusterpar(iris[, -5])

# Get the information about the cluster centers. The last
# parameter of the function used is the number of clusters
# desired.
centerInfo <- centers.hclust(iris[, -5], model, 3)

# Convert to pmml
model_pmml <- pmml(model, centers = centerInfo)

### * pmml.iForest

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.iForest
### Title: Generate PMML for an iForest object from the *isofor* package.
### Aliases: pmml.iForest

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D # Build iForest model using iris dataset. Create an isolation
##D # forest with 10 trees. Sample 30 data points at a time from
##D # the iris dataset to fit the trees.
##D library(isofor)
##D data(iris)
##D mod <- iForest(iris, nt = 10, phi = 30)
##D # Convert to PMML:
##D mod_pmml <- pmml(mod)
## End(Not run)

### * pmml.kmeans

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.kmeans
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a kmeans object from the
###   package 'stats'.
### Aliases: pmml.kmeans

### ** Examples

ds <- rbind(
  matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
  matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2)
colnames(ds) <- c("Dimension1", "Dimension2")
cl <- kmeans(ds, 2)
cl_pmml <- pmml(cl)

### * pmml.ksvm

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.ksvm
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a ksvm object from the
###   package 'kernlab'.
### Aliases: pmml.ksvm

### ** Examples

# Train a support vector machine to perform classification.

model <- ksvm(Species ~ ., data = iris)

model_pmml <- pmml(model, dataset = iris)

### * pmml.lm

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.lm
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for an lm object from the
###   package 'stats'.
### Aliases: pmml.lm

### ** Examples

fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

### * pmml.naiveBayes

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.naiveBayes
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a naiveBayes object from
###   the package 'e1071'.
### Aliases: pmml.naiveBayes

### ** Examples


house <- na.omit(houseVotes84)

model <- naiveBayes(Class ~ V1 + V2 + V3, data = house, threshold = 0.003)

model_pmml <- pmml(model, dataset = house, predicted_field = "Class")

### * pmml.neighbr

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.neighbr
### Title: Generate PMML for a neighbr object from the *neighbr* package.
### Aliases: pmml.neighbr

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D # Continuous features with continuous target, categorical target,
##D # and neighbor ranking:
##D library(neighbr)
##D data(iris)
##D # Add an ID column to the data for neighbor ranking:
##D iris$ID <- c(1:150)
##D # Train set contains all predicted variables, features, and ID column:
##D train_set <- iris[1:140, ]
##D # Omit predicted variables or ID column from test set:
##D test_set <- iris[141:150, -c(4, 5, 6)]
##D fit <- knn(
##D   train_set = train_set, test_set = test_set,
##D   k = 3,
##D   categorical_target = "Species",
##D   continuous_target = "Petal.Width",
##D   comparison_measure = "squared_euclidean",
##D   return_ranked_neighbors = 3,
##D   id = "ID"
##D )
##D fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)
##D # Logical features with categorical target and neighbor ranking:
##D library(neighbr)
##D data("houseVotes84")
##D # Remove any rows with N/A elements:
##D dat <- houseVotes84[complete.cases(houseVotes84), ]
##D # Change all {yes,no} factors to {0,1}:
##D feature_names <- names(dat)[!names(dat) %in% c("Class", "ID")]
##D for (n in feature_names) {
##D   levels(dat[, n])[levels(dat[, n]) == "n"] <- 0
##D   levels(dat[, n])[levels(dat[, n]) == "y"] <- 1
##D }
##D # Change factors to numeric:
##D for (n in feature_names) {
##D   dat[, n] <- as.numeric(levels(dat[, n]))[dat[, n]]
##D }
##D # Add an ID column for neighbor ranking:
##D dat$ID <- c(1:nrow(dat))
##D # Train set contains features, predicted variable, and ID:
##D train_set <- dat[1:225, ]
##D # Test set contains features only:
##D test_set <- dat[226:232, !names(dat) %in% c("Class", "ID")]
##D fit <- knn(
##D   train_set = train_set, test_set = test_set,
##D   k = 5,
##D   categorical_target = "Class",
##D   comparison_measure = "jaccard",
##D   return_ranked_neighbors = 3,
##D   id = "ID"
##D )
##D fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)
## End(Not run)

### * pmml.nnet

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.nnet
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a nnet object from package
###   'nnet'.
### Aliases: pmml.nnet

### ** Examples

fit <- nnet(Species ~ ., data = iris, size = 4)
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)


### * pmml.randomForest

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.randomForest
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for a randomForest object from
###   the package 'randomForest'.
### Aliases: pmml.randomForest

### ** Examples

# Build a randomForest model
iris_rf <- randomForest(Species ~ ., data = iris, ntree = 20)

# Convert to pmml
iris_rf_pmml <- pmml(iris_rf)


### * pmml.rfsrc

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.rfsrc
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for an rfsrc object from the
###   package 'randomForestSRC'.
### Aliases: pmml.rfsrc

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D library(randomForestSRC)
##D data(veteran)
##D veteran_mod <- rfsrc(Surv(time, status) ~ .,
##D   data = veteran,
##D   ntree = 5, forest = TRUE,
##D   membership = TRUE
##D )
##D veteran_mod_pmml <- pmml(veteran_mod)
## End(Not run)

### * pmml.rpart

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.rpart
### Title: Generate the PMML representation for an rpart object from the
###   package 'rpart'.
### Aliases: pmml.rpart

### ** Examples


fit <- rpart(Species ~ ., data = iris)

fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)

### * pmml.svm

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.svm
### Title: Generate the PMML representation of an svm object from the
###   'e1071' package.
### Aliases: pmml.svm

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D library(e1071)
##D data(iris)
##D # Classification with a polynomial kernel
##D fit <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris, kernel = "polynomial")
##D fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)
##D # Regression
##D fit <- svm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris)
##D fit_pmml <- pmml(fit)
##D # Anomaly detection with one-classification
##D fit <- svm(iris[, 1:4],
##D   y = NULL,
##D   type = "one-classification"
##D )
##D fit_pmml <- pmml(fit, dataset = iris[, 1:4])
##D # Inlier detection with one-classification
##D fit <- svm(iris[, 1:4],
##D   y = NULL,
##D   type = "one-classification",
##D   detect_anomaly = FALSE
##D )
##D fit_pmml <- pmml(fit, dataset = iris[, 1:4])
## End(Not run)

### * pmml.xgb.Booster

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: pmml.xgb.Booster
### Title: Generate PMML for a xgb.Booster object from the package
###   'xgboost'.
### Aliases: pmml.xgb.Booster

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D # Example using the xgboost package example model.
##D library(xgboost)
##D data(agaricus.train, package = "xgboost")
##D data(agaricus.test, package = "xgboost")
##D train <- agaricus.train
##D test <- agaricus.test
##D model1 <- xgboost(
##D   data = train$data, label = train$label,
##D   max_depth = 2, eta = 1, nthread = 2,
##D   nrounds = 2, objective = "binary:logistic"
##D )
##D # Save the tree information in an external file:
##D xgb.dump(model1, "model1.dumped.trees")
##D # Convert to PMML:
##D model1_pmml <- pmml(model1,
##D   input_feature_names = colnames(train$data),
##D   output_label_name = "prediction1",
##D   output_categories = c("0", "1"),
##D   xgb_dump_file = "model1.dumped.trees"
##D )
##D # Multinomial model using iris data:
##D model2 <- xgboost(
##D   data = as.matrix(iris[, 1:4]),
##D   label = as.numeric(iris[, 5]) - 1,
##D   max_depth = 2, eta = 1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 2,
##D   objective = "multi:softprob", num_class = 3
##D )
##D # Save the tree information in an external file:
##D xgb.dump(model2, "model2.dumped.trees")
##D # Convert to PMML:
##D model2_pmml <- pmml(model2,
##D   input_feature_names = colnames(as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])),
##D   output_label_name = "Species",
##D   output_categories = c(1, 2, 3), xgb_dump_file = "model2.dumped.trees"
##D )
## End(Not run)

### * rename_wrap_var

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: rename_wrap_var
### Title: Rename a variable in the xform_wrap transform object.
### Aliases: rename_wrap_var
### Keywords: manip methods utilities

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset, already built into R

# First wrap the data
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)

# We wish to refer to the variables "Sepal.Length" and
# "Sepal.Width" as "SL" and "SW"
iris_box <- rename_wrap_var(wrap_object = iris_box, xform_info = "column1->SL")
iris_box <- rename_wrap_var(wrap_object = iris_box, xform_info = "Sepal.Width->SW")

### * save_pmml

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: save_pmml
### Title: Save a pmml object as an external PMML file.
### Aliases: save_pmml
### Keywords: interface

### ** Examples

## Not run: 
##D # Make a gbm model:
##D library(gbm)
##D data(audit)
##D mod <- gbm(Adjusted ~ .,
##D   data = audit[, -c(1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12)],
##D   n.trees = 3,
##D   interaction.depth = 4
##D )
##D # Export to PMML:
##D pmod <- pmml(mod)
##D # Save to an external file:
##D save_pmml(pmod, "GBMModel.pmml")
## End(Not run)

### * xform_discretize

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_discretize
### Title: Discretize a continuous variable as indicated by interval
###   mappings in accordance with the PMML element *Discretize*.
### Aliases: xform_discretize
### Keywords: manip

### ** Examples

# First wrap the data
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)
## Not run: 
##D # Convert the continuous variable "Sepal.Length" to a discrete
##D # variable "dsl". The intervals to be used for this transformation is
##D # given in a file, "intervals.csv", whose content is, for example,:
##D #
##D #  5],val1
##D #  (5:6],22
##D #  (6,val2
##D #
##D # This will be used to create a discrete variable named "dsl" of dataType
##D # "string" such that:
##D #    if(Sepal.length <= 5) then dsl = "val1"
##D #    if((Sepal.Lenght > 5) and (Sepal.Length <= 6)) then dsl = "22"
##D #    if(Sepal.Length > 6) then dsl = "val2"
##D #
##D # Give "dsl" the value 0 if the input variable value is missing.
##D iris_box <- xform_discretize(iris_box,
##D   xform_info = "[Sepal.Length -> dsl][double -> string]",
##D   table = "intervals.csv", map_missing_to = "0"
##D )
## End(Not run)

# A different transformation using a list of data frames, of size 1:
t <- list()
m <- data.frame(rbind(
    "Petal.Length", "dis_pl", "leftInterval", "leftValue",
    "rightInterval", "rightValue"
    "double", "integer", "string", "double", "string",
  c("0)", 0, "open", NA, "Open", 0),
  c(NA, 1, "closed", 0, "Open", 1),
  c(NA, 2, "closed", 1, "Open", 2),
  c(NA, 3, "closed", 2, "Open", 3),
  c(NA, 4, "closed", 3, "Open", 4),
  c("[4", 5, "closed", 4, "Open", NA)
), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

# Give column names to make it look nice; not necessary!
colnames(m) <- c(
  "Petal.Length", "dis_pl", "leftInterval", "leftValue",
  "rightInterval", "rightValue"

# A textual representation of the data frame is:
#   Petal.Length  dis_pl leftInterval leftValue rightInterval rightValue
# 1 Petal.Length  dis_pl leftInterval leftValue rightInterval rightValue
# 2       double integer       string    double        string     double
# 3           0)       0         open      <NA>          Open          0
# 4         <NA>       1       closed         0          Open          1
# 5         <NA>       2       closed         1          Open          2
# 6         <NA>       3       closed         2          Open          3
# 7         <NA>       4       closed         3          Open          4
# 8           (4       5       closed         4          Open       <NA>
# This is a transformation that defines a derived field 'dis_pl'
# which has the integer value '0' if the original field
# 'Petal.Length' has a value less than 0. The derived field has a
# value '1' if the input is greater than or equal to 0 and less
# than 1. Note that the values of the 1st column after row 2 have
# been deliberately given NA values in the middle. This is to
# show that that column is meant for a textual representation of
# the transformation as defined for the method involving external
# files; however in this methodtheir values are not used.

# Add the data frame to a list. The default values and the missing
# values should be given as a vector, each element of the vector
# corresponding to the element at the same index in the list. If
# these values are not given as a vector, they will be used for the
# first list element only.
t[[1]] <- m
def <- c(11)
mis <- c(22)
iris_box <- xform_discretize(iris_box,
  xform_info = t, default_value = def,
  map_missing_to = mis

# Make a simple model to see the effect.
fit <- lm(Petal.Width ~ ., iris_box$data[, -5])
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit, transforms = iris_box)

### * xform_function

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_function
### Title: Add a function transformation to a xform_wrap object.
### Aliases: xform_function

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset:

# Wrap the data:
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)

# Perform a transform on the Sepal.Length field:
# the value is squared and then divided by 100
iris_box <- xform_function(iris_box,
  orig_field_name = "Sepal.Length",
  new_field_name = "Sepal.Length.Transformed",
  expression = "(Sepal.Length^2)/100"

# Combine two fields to create another new feature:
iris_box <- xform_function(iris_box,
  orig_field_name = "Sepal.Width, Petal.Width",
  new_field_name = "Width.Sum",
  expression = "Sepal.Width + Sepal.Length"

# Create linear model using the derived features:
fit <- lm(Petal.Length ~
Sepal.Length.Transformed + Width.Sum, data = iris_box$data)

# Create pmml from the fit:
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit, transform = iris_box)

### * xform_map

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_map
### Title: Implement a map between discrete values in accordance with the
###   PMML element *MapValues*.
### Aliases: xform_map
### Keywords: manip

### ** Examples

# Load the standard audit dataset, part of the pmml package:

# First wrap the data:
audit_box <- xform_wrap(audit)
## Not run: 
##D # One of the variables, "Sex", has 2 possible values: "Male"
##D # and "Female". If these string values have to be mapped to a
##D # numeric value, a file has to becreated, say "MapGender.csv"
##D # whose content is, for example:
##D #
##D #  Male,1
##D #  Female,2
##D #
##D # Transform the variable "Gender" to a variable "d_gender"
##D # such that:
##D #    if Sex = "Male" then d_sex = "1"
##D #    if Sex = "Female" then d_sex = "0"
##D #
##D # Give "d_sex" the value 0 if the input variable value is
##D # missing.
##D audit_box <- xform_map(audit_box,
##D   xform_info = "[Sex -> d_sex][string->integer]",
##D   table = "MapGender.csv", map_missing_to = "0"
##D )
## End(Not run)
# Same as above, with an extra variable, but using data frames.
# The top 2 rows gives the variable names and their data types.
# The rest represent the map. So for example, the third row
# indicates that when the input variable "Sex" has the value
# "Male" and the input variable "Employment" has
# the value "PSLocal", the output variable "d_sex" should have
# the value 1.
t <- list()
m <- data.frame(
  c("Sex", "string", "Male", "Female"),
  c("Employment", "string", "PSLocal", "PSState"),
  c("d_sex", "integer", 1, 0),
  stringsAsFactors = TRUE
t[[1]] <- m

# Give default value as a vector and missing value as a string,
# this is only possible as there is only one map defined. If
# default values is not given, it will simply not be given in
# the PMML file as well. In general, the default values and the
# missing values should be given as a vector, each element of
# the vector corresponding to the element at the same index in
# the list. If these values are not given as a vector, they will
# be used for the first list element only.
audit_box <- xform_map(audit_box,
  xform_info = t, default_value = c(3),
  map_missing_to = "2"

# check what the pmml looks like
fit <- lm(Adjusted ~ ., data = audit_box$data)
fit_pmml <- pmml(fit, transforms = audit_box)

### * xform_min_max

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_min_max
### Title: Normalize continuous values in accordance with the PMML element
###   *NormContinuous*.
### Aliases: xform_min_max
### Keywords: manip

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset:

# First wrap the data:
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)

# Normalize all numeric variables of the loaded iris dataset to lie
# between 0 and 1. These would normalize "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width",
# "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width" to the 4 new derived variables named
# derived_Sepal.Length, derived_Sepal.Width, derived_Petal.Length,
# derived_Petal.Width.
iris_box_1 <- xform_min_max(iris_box)

# Normalize the 1st column values of the dataset (Sepal.Length) to lie
# between 0 and 1 and give the derived variable the name "dsl"
iris_box_1 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column1 -> dsl")

# Repeat the above operation; adding the new transformed variable to
# the iris_box object
iris_box <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column1 -> dsl")

# Transform Sepal.Width(the 2nd column)
# The new transformed variable will be given the default name
# "derived_Sepal.Width"
iris_box_3 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column2")

# Repeat the same operation as above, this time using the variable name
iris_box_4 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "Sepal.Width")

# Repeat the same operation as above, assign the transformed variable,
# "derived_Sepal.Width". the value of 0.5 if the input value of the
# "Sepal.Width" variable is missing
iris_box_5 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "Sepal.Width", "map_missing_to=0.5")

# Transform Sepal.Width(the 2nd column) to lie between 2 and 3.
# The new transformed variable will be given the default name
# "derived_Sepal.Width"
iris_box_6 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column2->[2,3]")

# Repeat the above transformation, this time the transformed variable
# lies between 0 and 10
iris_box_7 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column2->[,10]")

### * xform_norm_discrete

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_norm_discrete
### Title: Normalize discrete values in accordance with the PMML element
###   *NormDiscrete*.
### Aliases: xform_norm_discrete
### Keywords: manip

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset, already available in R

# First wrap the data
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)

# Discretize the "Species" variable. This will find all possible
# values of the "Species" variable and define new variables. The
# parameter name used here should be replaced by the new preferred
# parameter name as shown in the next example below.
# 	"Species_setosa" such that it is 1 if
#      "Species" equals "setosa", else 0;
# 	"Species_versicolor" such that it is 1 if
#      "Species" equals "versicolor", else 0;
# 	"Species_virginica" such that it is 1 if
#      "Species" equals "virginica", else 0

iris_box <- xform_norm_discrete(iris_box, input_var = "Species")

# Exact same operation performed with a different parameter name.
# Use of this new parameter is the preferred method as the previous
# parameter will be deprecated soon.

iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)
iris_box <- xform_norm_discrete(iris_box, xform_info = "Species")

### * xform_wrap

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_wrap
### Title: Wrap data in a data transformations object.
### Aliases: xform_wrap

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset

# Make a object for the iris dataset to use with
# transformation functions
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)

# Output only the transformations in PMML format.
# This example will output just an empty "LocalTransformations"
# element as no transformations were performed.
trans_pmml <- pmml(NULL, transforms = iris_box)

# The following will also work
trans_pmml_2 <- pmml(, transforms = iris_box)

### * xform_z_score

flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())

### Name: xform_z_score
### Title: Perform a z-score normalization on continuous values in
###   accordance with the PMML element *NormContinuous*.
### Aliases: xform_z_score
### Keywords: manip methods utilities

### ** Examples

# Load the standard iris dataset, already built into R

# First wrap the data
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)

# Perform a z-transform on all numeric variables of the loaded
# iris dataset. These would be Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width,
# Petal.Length, and Petal.Width. The 4 new derived variables
# will be named derived_Sepal.Length, derived_Sepal.Width,
# derived_Petal.Length, and derived_Petal.Width
iris_box_1 <- xform_z_score(iris_box)

# Perform a z-transform on the 1st column of the dataset (Sepal.Length)
# and give the derived variable the name "dsl"
iris_box_2 <- xform_z_score(iris_box, xform_info = "column1 -> dsl")

# Repeat the above operation; adding the new transformed variable
# to the iris_box object
iris_box <- xform_z_score(iris_box, xform_info = "column1 -> dsl")

# Transform Sepal.Width(the 2nd column)
# The new transformed variable will be given the default name
# "derived_Sepal.Width"
iris_box_3 <- xform_z_score(iris_box, xform_info = "column2")

# Repeat the same operation as above, this time using the variable
# name
iris_box_4 <- xform_z_score(iris_box, xform_info = "Sepal.Width")

# Repeat the same operation as above, assign the transformed variable
# "derived_Sepal.Width". The value of 1.0 if the input value of the
# "Sepal.Width" variable is missing. Add the new information to the
# iris_box object.
iris_box <- xform_z_score(iris_box,
  xform_info = "Sepal.Width",

### * <FOOTER>
options(digits = 7L)
base::cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - base::get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n")
### Local variables: ***
### mode: outline-minor ***
### outline-regexp: "\\(> \\)?### [*]+" ***
### End: ***
gbm-developers/gbm documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 6:13 p.m.