
Defines functions .generate_loc locations.comp

Documented in locations.comp

#' @title Estimate the number of locations.
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Estimate the number of locations (sensu IUCN) for multiple taxa, 
#' taking into account spatial threats if provided.
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gildauby@gmail.com}
#' @param XY [data.frame][base::data.frame()], see details
#' @param method string, indicating the method used for estimating the number of locations. See Details
#'  * `"fixed_grid"` (the default)
#'  * `"sliding_scale"`
#' @param nbe_rep numeric, the number of raster with random starting position
#'   for estimating the number of locations By default, it is 0 but some minimal
#'   translation of the raster are still done
#' @param threat_list list or sfc objects POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON documenting
#'   threats. If provided, this will be taken into account for calculating
#'   number of location (see Details and `method_polygons`). By default, no
#'   shapefile is provided
#' @param names_threat character vector, indicating names of threats, optional
#' @param threat_weight numeric vector, indicating weight given to each threat
#' @param cell_size_locations numeric, value indicating the grid size in
#'   kilometres used for estimating the number of location. By default, equal to 10
#' @param method_polygons string. Used if `threat_list` is provided. See Details.
#'   * `"no_more_than_one"` (the default): each single POLYGON will be considered as a single location
#'   * `"grid"`: a grid of `cell_size_locations` size will be used to estimate the number of location within polygons
#' @param id_shape string
#' @param rel_cell_size numeric, if `method_locations="sliding_scale"`,
#'   `cell_size_locations` is ignored and the resolution is given by the maximum
#'   distance separating two occurrences multiplied by `rel_cell_size`. By
#'   default, it is 0.05
#' @param parallel logical, whether running in parallel. By default, it is FALSE
#' @param NbeCores integer, register the number of cores for parallel execution.
#'   By default, it is 2
#' @param show_progress logical, whether a bar showing progress in computation
#'   should be shown. By default, it is TRUE
#' @inheritParams proj_crs
#' @details 
#' ## 
#' `XY` as a [data.frame][base::data.frame()] should have the following structure:
#' **It is mandatory to respect field positions, but field names do not matter**
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item The first column is contains numeric value i.e. latitude in decimal degrees
#'   \item The second column is contains numeric value i.e. longitude in decimal degrees
#'   \item The third column is contains character value i.e. the names of the species
#' }
#' Locations are estimated by overlaying a grid of a given resolution (see
#' `cell_size_locations` for specifying the resolution). The number of locations
#' is  the number of occupied locations. Note that the grid position is overlaid
#' in order to minimize the number of locations (several translation of the grid
#' are performed and the one providing the minimum number of occupied cells is
#' provided).
#' If `threat_list` is provided, which means occurrences within polygon
#' documenting threats (if provided) will not be taken into account for
#' estimating the number of locations following the grid system,
#' If `method` is "fixed_grid" as it is by default, the resolution is fixed and
#' determined by the argument `cell_size_locations`.
#' If `method` is "sliding_scale", the resolution is defined as 1/x*max.dist
#' where max.dist is the maximum distance between any pairs of occurrences and x
#' is a defined parameter. 1/x is defined by `rel_cell_size` argument and is
#' 0.05 by default. See Rivers M.C. et al. (2010) for more information on the
#' methods.
#' @references 
#' Gaston & Fuller (2009) The sizes of species' geographic ranges, Journal of
#' Applied Ecology: 49 1-9
#' Rivers, Bachman, Meagher, Lughadha & Brummitt (2010) Subpopulations,
#' locations and fragmentation: applying IUCN red list criteria to herbarium
#' specimen data. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 2071-2085.
#' @return A list
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item a `data.frame` of two columns with the number of locations and potential issue for each species
#'   \item a `sf` object representing the squared polygons OR a list of `sf` if `threat_list` is TRUE
#' }
#' @examples 
#' data(dataset.ex)
#' \dontrun{
#'locations <- locations.comp(dataset.ex)
#'# This would estimate the number of locations for all taxa by overlaying 
#'# randomly a grid 100 times. For each taxa, the minimum value is kept
#' \dontrun{
#'locations <- locations.comp(dataset.ex, nbe_rep = 100)
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
locations.comp <- function(XY,
                           method = "fixed_grid",
                           nbe_rep = 0,
                           threat_list = NULL,
                           names_threat = NULL,
                           threat_weight = NULL,
                           cell_size_locations = 10,
                           method_polygons = c("no_more_than_one"),
                           id_shape = "id_orig",
                           rel_cell_size = 0.05,
                           parallel = FALSE,
                           NbeCores = 2,
                           show_progress = TRUE,
                           proj_type = "cea") {
  proj_type <- proj_crs(proj_type = proj_type)
  if (length(method_polygons) > 1 & is.null(threat_list)) {
    warning('threat_list is NULL, hence notice that method_polygons is not used')
  # method_polygons <- match.arg(unique(method_polygons), c("no_more_than_one", "grid"), several.ok = TRUE)
  method <- match.arg(method, c("fixed_grid", "sliding_scale"))
  if (!is.null(threat_list)) {
    if (length(method_polygons) > 1 & length(method_polygons) != length(threat_list))
      stop('method_polygons and threat_list must be of same length')
    if (length(method_polygons) == 1 & length(threat_list) > 1)
      method_polygons <- rep(method_polygons, length(threat_list))
  list_data <- 
    coord.check(XY = XY, proj_type = proj_type, cell_size = cell_size_locations, check_eoo = FALSE)
  issue_close_to_anti <- list_data$issue_close_to_anti
  list_data <- list_data$list_data
  if (!is.null(threat_list)) {
    if (!any(class(threat_list) == "list"))
      threat_list <- list(threat_list)
    if (is.null(threat_weight) & length(threat_list) == 1) 
      threat_weight <- 0
    if (is.null(threat_weight) & length(threat_list) > 1) 
      stop("Provide a threat_weight vector of same length of threat_list with score comprised of integers 1, 2 or 3")
    if (!is.null(threat_weight)) {
      if (length(threat_weight) != length(threat_list))
        stop("threat_weight should be of same length of threat_list")

      if (any(threat_weight < 0))
        stop("threat_weight must be integers > 0")
    which_rast <- unlist(lapply(threat_list, function(x) inherits(x, "SpatRaster")))
    which_sf <- unlist(lapply(threat_list, function(x) inherits(x, "sf")))
    # if (!any(which_rast) & !any(which_sf))
    #   stop("threat_list should be either SpatRaster of sf class")
    if (all(!which_rast) & all(!which_sf))
      stop("threat_list should be either SpatRaster of sf class")
    # if (any(unlist(lapply(threat_list, function(x) class(x$geometry)[2])) != "sfc"))
    #   stop("threat_list should be sfc class objects")
    if (any(which_sf))
      threat_list[which(which_sf)] <-
               st_transform(x, crs = proj_type))
    if (any(which_rast))
      threat_list[which(which_rast)] <- lapply(threat_list[which(which_rast)],
               terra::project(x, proj_type$input))
    if (!is.null(names_threat)) {
      if (length(names_threat) != length(threat_list))
        stop("names_threat and threat_list must of the same length")
      names(threat_list) <- names(threat_weight) <- names_threat
    } else {
      if (is.null(names(threat_list)))
        names(threat_list) <- paste0("threat_layer_", seq(1, length(threat_list), 1))
      names(threat_weight) <- names(threat_list)
  if (is.null(threat_list)) {
    res_df <-
      data.frame(tax = names(list_data),
                 locations =  rep(NA, length(list_data)), 
                 issue_locations = rep(NA, length(list_data)))

    if (length(issue_close_to_anti) > 0) list_data <- list_data[-issue_close_to_anti]
    res_list <- .generate_loc(dataset = list_data,
                              method = method,
                              nbe_rep = nbe_rep,
                              cell_size_locations = cell_size_locations,
                              rel_cell_size = rel_cell_size,
                              parallel = parallel,
                              NbeCores = NbeCores,
                              show_progress = show_progress,
                              proj_type = proj_type)
    res_df[which(res_df$tax %in% names(res_list$res_df)), 2] <-
    shapes_loc <- res_list$shapes
  if (!is.null(threat_list)) {
    ### Taking into account polygon threats if provided
    XY_ID <- 
                 ID_prov_data = seq(1, nrow(XY), 1))
    DATA_SF <- st_as_sf(coord.check(XY = XY_ID, 
                                    listing = F, 
                                    proj_type = proj_type, 
                                    check_eoo = FALSE)$list_data, 
                        coords = c(2, 1), crs = proj_type)
    if (any(which_rast)) {
      threat_list[which_rast] <-
        lapply(threat_list[which_rast], function(x)
          st_make_valid(st_as_sf(stars::st_as_stars(x), merge = TRUE)))
      threat_list[which_rast] <- 
        lapply(threat_list[which_rast], function(x) 
          cbind(x, id_orig = 1:nrow(x)))
      which_sf[which(which_rast)] <- TRUE
    if (any(which_sf)) {
      intersects_poly <- lapply(lapply(threat_list[which_sf],
                                         st_intersects(x = x, y = DATA_SF)),
      intersects_poly <-
        unlist(lapply(intersects_poly, function(x)
          x > 0))
      crop_poly <- lapply(threat_list[which_sf][intersects_poly],
                            suppressWarnings(st_crop(x = x, y = st_bbox(st_buffer(DATA_SF, 10000)))))
      coords_ <- st_coordinates(DATA_SF)
      XY_all <-
          Y = coords_[,2],
          X = coords_[,1],
          tax = as.character(DATA_SF$tax),
          ID_prov_data = DATA_SF$ID_prov_data,
          stringsAsFactors = F
      ### find for each threats spatial data which id intersect with occurrences
      if (any(intersects_poly)) {
        method_polygons <- c("grid", method_polygons[which(intersects_poly)])
        # threat_list_sf <- threat_list[which_sf][intersects_poly]
        # DATA_SF$tax <- gsub(" ", "_", DATA_SF$tax)
        # DATA_SF$tax <- gsub("\\(", "", DATA_SF$tax)
        # DATA_SF$tax <- gsub("\\)", "", DATA_SF$tax)
        threat_list_inter <-
          lapply(crop_poly, function(x)
            suppressWarnings(st_set_geometry(st_intersection(DATA_SF, x), NULL)))
        threat_list_inter <- 
          lapply(threat_list_inter, function(x) cbind(x, combined = paste0(x$tax, x$ID_prov_data)))
        nbe_occ_tax <- data.frame(table(DATA_SF$tax))
        colnames(nbe_occ_tax)[2] <- "tot"
        .freq_threats <- function(x, y) {
          fre_df <- data.frame(table(unique(x[,c("tax", "ID_prov_data")])[,c("tax")]))
          res <- merge(fre_df, y)
          freq <- res$Freq/res$tot
          names(freq) <- res$Var1
        freq_threat <- lapply(threat_list_inter, 
                                 function(x) .freq_threats(x = x, y = nbe_occ_tax))
        scores_threats <- lapply(freq_threat,
               function(x) {
                 ifelse(x < 0.5, 1, 
                        ifelse(x >= 0.5 &
                                             x < 0.9, 2, 
                               ifelse(x >= 0.9, 3, x)))
        for (i in 1:length(scores_threats)) scores_threats[[i]] <- 
          scores_threats[[i]] + threat_weight[which(names(threat_weight) == names(scores_threats)[i])]
        tax_list_scor <- vector('list', length(unique(DATA_SF$tax)))
        for (i in 1:length(unique(DATA_SF$tax)))
          tax_list_scor[[i]] <- data.frame(tax = rep(unique(DATA_SF$tax)[i], length(threat_list_inter)),
                                           threat = names(threat_list_inter))
        names(tax_list_scor) <- unique(DATA_SF$tax)
        freq_threat <- unlist(freq_threat)
        for (i in 1:length(tax_list_scor)) {
          test <- 
            unlist(scores_threats)[unlist(lapply(scores_threats, function(x) names(x) == names(tax_list_scor)[i]))]
          freq_threat_sp <- 
            freq_threat[grepl(names(tax_list_scor)[i], names(freq_threat))]
          if (length(test) > 0) {
            rank_layers <- data.frame(threat = names(threat_list),
                       rank_layer = 1:length(names(threat_list)))
            names(test) <- gsub("\\..*", "", names(test))
            test <- sort(test, decreasing = T)
            names(freq_threat_sp) <- gsub("\\..*", "", names(freq_threat_sp))
            freq_threat_sp <- sort(freq_threat_sp, decreasing = T)
            ranks_df <- merge(
              data.frame(threat = names(freq_threat_sp), rank_freq = 1:length(freq_threat_sp)),
              by = "threat",
              all.x = T
            max_score <- max(test)
            score_impact <- test
            test[1:length(test)] <-
              max(test):(length(test) + max(test) - 1)
            test[which(score_impact == max_score)] <- 1
            ranks_df <- 
                data.frame(threat = names(test), rank = test),
                by = "threat",
                all.x = T
            if (sum(ranks_df$rank == 1, na.rm = T) > 1) {
              rank_freq <- 
                ranks_df[which(ranks_df$rank == 1), "rank_freq"]
              names(rank_freq) <- ranks_df[which(ranks_df$rank == 1), "threat"]
              # rank_freq <- c(3, 5)
              # names(rank_freq) <- c("cities", "cropland")
              rank_freq <- data.frame(rank_new = 1:length(rank_freq),
                                      threat = names(sort(rank_freq)))
              # threat_equal <- c("cities", "cropland")
              threat_equal <- ranks_df[which(ranks_df$rank == 1), "threat"]
              threat_equal <- merge(rank_freq, data.frame(threat = threat_equal))
              threat_equal <- threat_equal[order(threat_equal$rank),]
              ranks_df <- merge(ranks_df, threat_equal,
                    by = "threat",
                    all.x = T)
              ranks_df$rank[!is.na(ranks_df$rank_new) & ranks_df$rank_new != 1] <-
                ranks_df$rank_new[!is.na(ranks_df$rank_new) & ranks_df$rank_new != 1]
            } else {
              ranks_df <- cbind(ranks_df, rank_new = NA)
            tax_list_scor[[i]] <-
                by = "threat",
                all.x = T
          } else {
            tax_list_scor[[i]] <-
                    data.frame(threat = NA, rank_layer = NA, rank_freq = NA, rank = NA, rank_new = NA),
                    by = "threat",
                    all.x = T)
        main_threat <- unlist(lapply(tax_list_scor, 
                                     function(x) {ee = x$threat[x$rank == 1]; paste(ee[!is.na(ee)], collapse = ", ")}))
        tax_df_scor <- do.call('rbind', tax_list_scor)
      rank_locations <-
        data.frame(rank = 0, ID_prov_data = DATA_SF$ID_prov_data, tax = DATA_SF$tax)

      if (any(intersects_poly)) {
        rank_threats <- data.frame(id = 1:length(threat_list_inter), 
                                   threat = names(threat_list_inter))
        for (j in 1:length(unique(tax_df_scor$rank[!is.na(tax_df_scor$rank)]))) {
          rank_selected <-
          cor_id_threat <-
            merge(rank_threats, tax_df_scor[which(tax_df_scor$rank == rank_selected), ],
                  by = "threat")
          for (i in 1:length(unique(cor_id_threat$id))) {
            threat_id <- unique(cor_id_threat$id)[i]
              rank_locations$rank == 0 &
                rank_locations$tax %in% cor_id_threat$tax &
                rank_locations$ID_prov_data %in% threat_list_inter[[threat_id]]$ID_prov_data
            ), "rank"] <- threat_id
          # which_tax <- tax_df_scor[which(tax_df_scor$rank == j),]
          # which_tax <- which_tax[which(which_tax$threat == names(threat_list_inter)[i]),]
          # which_tax
          # if (length(which_tax) > 0)
          #   rank_locations[which(
          #     rank_locations$rank == 0 &
          #       rank_locations$tax %in% which_tax$tax &
          #       rank_locations$ID_prov_data %in% threat_list_inter[[i]]$ID_prov_data
          #   ), "rank"] <- i
          # rank_locations %>% filter(tax == "tax11", rank > 0)
          # which_tax <- tax_df_scor[which(tax_df_scor$threat == names(threat_list_inter)[i]),]
          # which_tax <- which_tax[which(!is.na(which_tax$rank)),]
          # which_tax <- which_tax[which(!is.na(which_tax$rank)),]
        unique_ranks <- sort(unique(rank_locations$rank))
        names(unique_ranks)[unique_ranks == 0] <- "unidentified_threat"
        names(unique_ranks)[unique_ranks != 0] <-
          names(threat_list_inter)[unique_ranks[unique_ranks != 0]]
      } else {
        unique_ranks <- setNames(0, "unidentified_threat")
    res_df <-
        nrow = length(list_data),
        ncol = 3 + length(unique_ranks)
    colnames(res_df) <- c("tax",
    res_df[, c(1, 4:(ncol(res_df)))] <- rep(0, nrow(res_df))
    res_df$tax <- names(list_data)
    if (any(intersects_poly))
      res_df <-
            data.frame(main_threat, tax = names(main_threat)),
            by = "tax",
            all.x = T)
    if (length(issue_close_to_anti) > 0) {
      list_data <- list_data[-issue_close_to_anti]
    locations_shp <- vector('list', length(unique_ranks))
    shapes_loc <- vector('list', length(unique_ranks))
    # row.names(locations_pa) <- names(list_data)
    for (i in 1:length(unique_ranks)) {
      # XY_shp_s <- XY_shp[[i]]
      if (length(id_shape) > 1) {
        id_shape_sel <- id_shape[unique_ranks[i]]
      } else {
        id_shape_sel <- id_shape
      if (method_polygons[i] == "no_more_than_one" & unique_ranks[i] > 0) {
        selected_ranked_occ <- rank_locations[rank_locations$rank == unique_ranks[i],]
        threat_list_inter_selected <- threat_list_inter[[unique_ranks[i]]]
        threat_list_inter_selected <- threat_list_inter_selected[which(threat_list_inter_selected$ID_prov_data %in% selected_ranked_occ$ID_prov_data),]
        ## get rid of duplicated occurrences when polygons overlap
        threat_list_inter_selected_ <- threat_list_inter_selected[!duplicated(threat_list_inter_selected$combined),]
        if (!id_shape_sel %in% colnames(threat_list_inter_selected_))
          stop("The argument 'id_shape' must contain a column name of the threat data provided")
        if (any(is.na(threat_list_inter_selected_[, id_shape_sel]))) {
          warning("Some row of the threat layer provided is NA for the column selected by 'id_shape'")
          warning("Beware that rows with NA values are excluded")
          threat_list_inter_selected_ <- 
        count_protec <- 
                as.vector(threat_list_inter_selected_[, colnames(threat_list_inter_selected_) == id_shape_sel]))
        # count_protec <- 
        #   table(threat_list_inter[[unique_ranks[i]]]$tax, 
        #         as.vector(threat_list_inter[[unique_ranks[i]]][, colnames(threat_list_inter[[unique_ranks[i]]]) == id_shape]))
        locations_shp[[i]] <- 
          apply(count_protec, 1, function(x) sum(x > 0))
        # locations_pa[which(row.names(locations_pa) %in% names(loc_pa)),1] <- loc_pa
        ### selecting polygons intersecting with occurrences
        # occ_poly <-
        #   threat_list[[unique_ranks[i]]][which(threat_list[[unique_ranks[i]]][, id_shape] %in% 
        #                                          unique(threat_list_inter_selected[, id_shape])), ][, c(id_shape)]
        occ_poly <-
          threat_list[[names(unique_ranks)[i]]][which(unlist(st_drop_geometry(threat_list[[names(unique_ranks)[i]]][, id_shape_sel])) %in% 
                                                 unique(threat_list_inter_selected_[, id_shape_sel])), ][, c(id_shape_sel)]
        all_un <- unique(threat_list_inter_selected_[ ,c("tax", id_shape_sel)])
        all_un <- data.frame(all_un, threat = names(threat_list_inter)[unique_ranks[i]])
        occ_poly <- st_sf(merge(x = all_un, occ_poly, by = id_shape_sel))
        # occ_poly <-
        #   cbind(occ_poly,
        #         threat = names(threat_list_inter)[unique_ranks[i]],
        #         tax = threat_list_inter[[unique_ranks[i]]]$tax)
        occ_poly <- st_transform(occ_poly, crs = 4326)
        colnames(occ_poly)[which(colnames(occ_poly) == id_shape_sel)] <- "id_orig"
        shapes_loc[[i]] <- occ_poly
      } else {
        ### selecting occurrences not threatened
        XY_shp <- 
          XY_all[which(XY_all$ID_prov_data %in% 
                         rank_locations[which(rank_locations$rank == unique_ranks[i]), "ID_prov_data"]),]
        # XY_shp <- lapply(threat_list_inter,
        #                  function(x) XY_all[which(XY_all$ID_prov_data %in% x$ID_prov_data),])
        list_data_pa <- split(XY_shp, f = XY_shp$tax)
        res_list <- .generate_loc(dataset = list_data_pa,
                                  method = method,
                                  nbe_rep = nbe_rep,
                                  cell_size_locations = cell_size_locations,
                                  rel_cell_size = rel_cell_size,
                                  parallel = parallel,
                                  NbeCores = NbeCores,
                                  show_progress = show_progress,
                                  proj_type = proj_type)
        locations_shp[[i]] <- res_list$res_df
        occ_poly <-
                threat = names(unique_ranks[i]),
                id_orig = NA)
        shapes_loc[[i]]  <- occ_poly
    test <- do.call('rbind', lapply(locations_shp, function(x) data.frame(nbe = x, taxa = names(x))))
    summed_locations <- unlist(by(test[,"nbe"], test[,"taxa"], sum, simplify = F))
    res_df[which(res_df$tax %in% names(summed_locations)), "locations"] <-
    for (i in 1:length(locations_shp))
      res_df[which(res_df$tax %in% names(locations_shp[[i]])), i + 3] <-
    # names(shapes_loc) <- names(unique_ranks)
    shapes_loc <- do.call('rbind', shapes_loc)
    # if (method_polygons != "no_more_than_one")
    #   shapes_loc <- shapes_loc[ ,-which(colnames(shapes_loc) == id_shape_sel)]
  if (length(issue_close_to_anti) > 0)
    res_df[issue_close_to_anti, "issue_locations"] <-
    "Estimation of locations could not computed because grid cells would overlap with antimeridian"
  return(list(locations = res_df,
              locations_poly = shapes_loc,
              threat_list = if (!is.null(threat_list)) crop_poly else NA))

#' @title Internal function.
#' @param dataset list
#' @author Gilles Dauby, \email{gildauby@gmail.com}
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar% %do% foreach
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.generate_loc <- function(dataset,
                          method = "fixed_grid",
                          nbe_rep = 0,
                          cell_size_locations = 10,
                          rel_cell_size = 0.05,
                          parallel = FALSE,
                          NbeCores = 2,
                          show_progress = TRUE,
                          proj_type = "cea") {
  if (length(method) > 1)
    stop('Choose only one method_polygons, either "fixed_grid" or "sliding_scale"')
  match.arg(method, c("fixed_grid", "sliding_scale"))
  cl <- activate_parallel(parallel = parallel, NbeCores = NbeCores)
  `%d%` <- c_par(parallel = parallel)
  pro_res <- display_progress_bar(show_progress = show_progress, max_pb = length(dataset))
  opts <- pro_res$opts
  pb <- pro_res$pb
  output <-
      x = 1:length(dataset),
      .combine = 'c',
      .options.snow = opts
    ) %d% {
      if (!parallel & show_progress)
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
      res <- 
          coordEAC = dataset[[x]], 
          cell_size = cell_size_locations, 
          export_shp = TRUE, 
          proj_type = proj_type, 
          method = method,
          nbe_rep = nbe_rep,
          rel_cell_size = rel_cell_size
      names(res) <- c("nbe_occ", "spatial")
      names(res)[1] <- dataset[[x]]$tax[1]
      res$spatial <- cbind(res$spatial[, "geometry"], tax = dataset[[x]]$tax[1])
  if(parallel) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
  if(show_progress) close(pb)
  # Locations <- unlist(output[names(output) != "spatial"])
  res_df <-
    unlist(output[names(output) != "spatial"])
  shapes <- output[names(output) == "spatial"]
  shapes <- do.call('rbind', shapes)
  row.names(shapes) <- 1:nrow(shapes)
  return(list(res_df = res_df,
               shapes = shapes))
gdauby/ConR documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 11:10 p.m.