
def=function(object, clusters, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9, useMulticore = FALSE, nrCores = NULL){

signature(object = "CAGEset"),
function (object, clusters, qLow = 0.1, qUp = 0.9, useMulticore = FALSE, nrCores = NULL){

	pt <- .Platform$OS.type
	if(useMulticore == TRUE){
		if(pt == "unix"){
			if("parallel" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
				stop("Cannot use multicore because package 'parallel' is not installed!")
			useMulticore = FALSE
			warning("Multicore is not supported on non-Unix platforms! Setting useMulticore=FALSE")
	objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
	sample.labels = sampleLabels(object)
	message("\nGetting positions of quantiles within clusters...")
	ctss.clusters.q.low.list <- list()
	ctss.clusters.q.up.list <- list()
	if(clusters == "tagClusters"){	
		samples.cumsum.list <- object@CTSScumulativesTagClusters
		for(s in sample.labels) {
			message("\t-> ", s)
			clusters.cumsum.list <- samples.cumsum.list[[s]]
			ctss.clusters <- tagClusters(object, sample = s)
			ctss.clusters.q.low <- .get.quant.pos(cluster.cumsums = clusters.cumsum.list, coors = ctss.clusters, q = qLow, q.orientation = "low", use.multicore = useMulticore, nrCores = nrCores)
			ctss.clusters.q.up <- .get.quant.pos(cluster.cumsums = clusters.cumsum.list, coors = ctss.clusters, q = qUp, q.orientation = "up", use.multicore = useMulticore, nrCores = nrCores)

			ctss.clusters.q.low.list[[s]] <- ctss.clusters.q.low[,c(which(colnames(ctss.clusters.q.low) == "cluster"), grep("q_", colnames(ctss.clusters.q.low), fixed = T))]
			ctss.clusters.q.up.list[[s]] <- ctss.clusters.q.up[,c(which(colnames(ctss.clusters.q.up) == "cluster"), grep("q_", colnames(ctss.clusters.q.up), fixed = T))]
		object@tagClustersQuantileLow <- ctss.clusters.q.low.list
		object@tagClustersQuantileUp <- ctss.clusters.q.up.list
	}else if (clusters == "consensusClusters"){
		samples.cumsum.list <- object@CTSScumulativesConsensusClusters
		ctss.clusters.orig <- merge(object@consensusClusters, object@consensusClustersTpmMatrix, by.x = 1, by.y = 0)
		for(s in sample.labels) {
			message("\t-> ", s)
			clusters.cumsum.list <- samples.cumsum.list[[s]]
			ctss.clusters <- ctss.clusters.orig[ctss.clusters.orig[,s]>0,]
			colnames(ctss.clusters)[which(colnames(ctss.clusters) == "consensus.cluster")] = "cluster"
			ctss.clusters.q.low <- .get.quant.pos(cluster.cumsums = clusters.cumsum.list, coors = ctss.clusters, q = qLow, q.orientation = "low", use.multicore = useMulticore, nrCores = nrCores)
			ctss.clusters.q.up <- .get.quant.pos(cluster.cumsums = clusters.cumsum.list, coors = ctss.clusters, q = qUp, q.orientation = "up", use.multicore = useMulticore, nrCores = nrCores)
			ctss.clusters.q.low.list[[s]] <- ctss.clusters.q.low[,c(which(colnames(ctss.clusters.q.low) == "cluster"), grep("q_", colnames(ctss.clusters.q.low), fixed = T))]
			ctss.clusters.q.up.list[[s]] <- ctss.clusters.q.up[,c(which(colnames(ctss.clusters.q.up) == "cluster"), grep("q_", colnames(ctss.clusters.q.up), fixed = T))]
		object@consensusClustersQuantileLow <- ctss.clusters.q.low.list
		object@consensusClustersQuantileUp <- ctss.clusters.q.up.list
		stop("'clusters' parameter must be one of the (\"tagClusters\", \"consensusClusters\")")
	assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())

ge11232002/CAGEr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:13 a.m.