
Defines functions gx.isElement gx.exists gx.getConnection gx.job.wait gx.job.info gx.logout gx.login gx.import.parameters gx.importers gx.import gx.put gx.get gx.export.parameters gx.exporters gx.export gx.workflow gx.analysis.parameters gx.analysis.list gx.analysis gx.ls gx.importTable gx.delete gx.createFolder gx.createProject gx.trackToGeneSet gx.importBedFile gx.searchRegulators gx.getInternals

Documented in gx.analysis gx.analysis.list gx.analysis.parameters gx.createFolder gx.createProject gx.delete gx.exists gx.export gx.exporters gx.export.parameters gx.get gx.import gx.importBedFile gx.importers gx.import.parameters gx.importTable gx.isElement gx.job.info gx.login gx.logout gx.ls gx.put gx.searchRegulators gx.trackToGeneSet gx.workflow

# Copyright (c) 2017 geneXplain GmbH, Wolfenbuettel, Germany
# Author: Philip Stegmaier
# Please see license that accompanies this software.

#' @import utils
#' @import RCurl

gx.getInternals <- function() {
    .internals <- c("biouml.query", "queryJSON", "next.job.id", "biouml.parameters")
    gx.imp <- structure(mapply(function(.internals,i) getFromNamespace(i,"rbiouml"),.internals,.internals),class=c("internal"))

connectionAttempts = 3

#' Regulator search
#' Searches for signal transduction regulators of input proteins
#' @param sourcePath          Path of table with input protein/molecule set
#' @param weightColumn        Name of column in input table with weights (optional)
#' @param limitInputSize      True to take only the first N inputs
#' @param inputSizeLimit      Number of inputs to use from input table
#' @param maxRadius           Max. number of reactions/interactions to connect inputs to regulators
#' @param scoreCutoff         Cutoff for regulator score
#' @param bioHub              Molecular network database to use
#' @param species             Species whose network shall be analyzed
#' @param calculateFdr        True to create random inputs for Z-score calculation
#' @param fdrCutoff           Cutoff to consider regulators significant
#' @param zscoreCutoff        Cutoff for Z-score
#' @param penalty             Penalty for non-input hits in regulator network
#' @param isoformFactor       Normalize multi-forms
#' @param contextDecorators   List of lists with context decorator parameters like list('A'=list(table='table path', column='column name', 'decay'=<value>), list(), ...)
#' @param removeNodeDecorators List of table paths specifying nodes to remove
#' @param outputTable         Path to store analysis results
#' @param wait                True to wait for job to complete
#' @param verbose             True for more progress info
#' @return  a string containing the status of the request in JSON format
#' @export
gx.searchRegulators <- function(sourcePath, weightColumn, limitInputSize = FALSE, inputSizeLimit = 1000, maxRadius = 5, scoreCutoff = 0.2, bioHub, species = "Human (Homo sapiens)", calculateFdr = TRUE, fdrCutoff = 0.05, zscoreCutoff = 1.0, penalty = 0.1, isoformFactor = TRUE,  contextDecorators = c(), removeNodeDecorators = c(), outputTable, wait = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
	jobID  <- gx.imp$next.job.id();
	lis = "false"
	if (limitInputSize) {
		lis = "true"
	fdr = "true"
	if (!calculateFdr) {
		fdr = "false"
	iso = "true"
	if (!isoformFactor) {
		iso = "false"
	decorators <- c()
	for (cd in contextDecorators) {
		decorators <- c(decorators, paste0("[{\"name\":\"decoratorName\",\"value\":\"Apply Context\"},",
									"{\"name\":\"parameters\", \"value\":[",
									"{\"name\":\"tableName\", \"value\": \"",cd$table,"\"},",
									"{\"name\":\"tableColumn\", \"value\": \"",cd$column,"\"},",
									"{\"name\":\"decayFactor\", \"value\": ",cd$decay,"}",
	for (rn in removeNodeDecorators) {
		decorators <- c(decorators, paste0("[{\"name\":\"decoratorName\",\"value\":\"Remove nodes\"},",
									"{\"name\":\"parameters\", \"value\":[",
									"{\"name\":\"inputTable\", \"value\": \"",rn,"\"}",
	json   <- paste0("[",
						"{\"name\":\"sourcePath\", \"value\": \"",sourcePath,"\"},",
						"{\"name\":\"weightColumn\", \"value\": \"",weightColumn,"\"},",
						"{\"name\":\"isInputSizeLimited\", \"value\": ",lis,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"inputSizeLimit\", \"value\": ",inputSizeLimit,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"maxRadius\", \"value\": ",maxRadius,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"scoreCutoff\", \"value\": ",scoreCutoff,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"bioHub\", \"value\": \"",bioHub,"\"},",
						"{\"name\":\"species\", \"value\": \"",species,"\"},",
						"{\"name\":\"calculatingFDR\", \"value\": ",fdr,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"FDRcutoff\", \"value\": ",fdrCutoff,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"ZScoreCutoff\", \"value\": ",zscoreCutoff,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"penalty\", \"value\": ",penalty,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"decorators\", \"value\": [",paste(decorators, sep='', collapse=','),"]},",
						"{\"name\":\"isoformFactor\", \"value\": ",isoformFactor,"},",
						"{\"name\":\"outputTable\", \"value\": \"",outputTable,"\"}",
	params <- list(de    = "analyses/Methods/Molecular networks/Regulator search",
				   jobID = jobID,
				   json  = json,
				   showMode = 1
	resp <- gx.imp$biouml.query("/web/analysis", params=params)
	if (wait) gx.job.wait(jobID, verbose)

#' Import a BED file
#' Imports a BED file to specified data item
#' @param bedFile  BED file to import
#' @param destPath Platform path of resulting track item
#' @param genomeDb Genome database
#' @param genomeId Genome id string, e.g. mm10, hg38
#' @param wait        True to wait for job to complete
#' @param verbose     True for more progress info
#' @return a string containing the status of the request in JSON format
#' @export
gx.importBedFile <- function(bedFile, destPath, genomeDb = "Ensembl 91.38 Human (hg38)", genomeId = "hg38", wait=T, verbose=T) {
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
	fileID <- gx.imp$next.job.id();
    jobID <- gx.imp$next.job.id();
    params <- list(fileID=fileID, file=fileUpload(bedFile))
    gx.imp$biouml.query("/web/upload", params=params)
	json <- paste0("[\n {\"name\": \"file\",\n\"value\": \"",fileID,"\"},\n",
				   "{\"name\": \"resultPath\",\n\"value\": \"",destPath,"\"},",
				   "{\"name\": \"properties\",\n \"value\":[{\"name\":\"dbSelector\",\"value\":\"",genomeDb,"\"},",
	params <- list(de = "analyses/Methods/Import/BED format (*.bed)",
				   jobID    = jobID,
				   json     = json,
				   showMode = 0
	resp <- gx.imp$biouml.query("/web/analysis", params=params)
	if (wait) gx.job.wait(jobID, verbose)

#' Track to gene set
#' Maps one or more tracks to genes of the most recent Ensembl release
#' @param tracks      List of track paths
#' @param species     Name of the species
#' @param from        Gene region start relative to 5' end of Ensembl gene
#' @param to          Gene region end relative to 3' end of Ensembl gene
#' @param resultTypes List of statistics to report (Schematic, + or -, Count, Count in exons, Count in introns, Count in 5', Count in 3', Structure, Positions)
#' @param allGenes    True if all genes shall be reported regardless of hit
#' @param destPath    output path
#' @param wait        True to wait for job to complete
#' @param verbose     True for more progress info
#' @return a string containing the status of the request in JSON format
#' @export
gx.trackToGeneSet <- function(tracks, species, from, to, resultTypes=c("Count"), allGenes=F, destPath, wait=T, verbose=T) {
	gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
	jobID  <- gx.imp$next.job.id()
	ag = "false"
	if (allGenes) {
		ag = "true"
	json = paste0("[{\"name\":\"sourcePaths\",\"value\":[\"",paste(tracks,collapse='","'),"\"]}",
	params <- list(de    = "analyses/Methods/Data+manipulation/Track to gene set",
				   jobID = jobID,
				   showMode = 1,
				   json = json)
	resp   <- gx.imp$biouml.query("/web/analysis", params=params)
	if (wait) gx.job.wait(jobID, verbose)

#' Create a new project
#' This function creates a new project within the platform workspace.
#' A project is a prerequisite to be able to upload data, perform analyses or
#' to run workflows.
#' @param name name of the project
#' @param description a short description of the project
#' @return a string containing the status of the request in JSON format
#' @export
gx.createProject <- function(name, description="New platform project") {
    con <- gx.getConnection()
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
    gx.imp$biouml.query("/support/createProjectWithPermission", params=list(user=con$user, pass=con$pass, project=name, description=description)) 

#' Create a folder
#' This function creates a new folder within an existing parent folder.
#' @param path        parent folder in which the new folder is created
#' @param folderName  name of the new folder 
#' @return a string containing the status of the request in JSON format
#' @export 
gx.createFolder <- function(path, folderName) {
    params <- list("service" = "access.service",
            "command" = "25",
            "dc" = path,
            "de" =  folderName)
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
    gx.imp$queryJSON("/web/data", params)

#' Delete a workspace item
#' This function deletes an item within the workspace. The item may be
#' a folder or another type of element. 
#' Handle with care, because deletion may be irreversible.
#' @param folder folder that contains the item
#' @param name   name of the item
#' @return type and value of the response. A type of 0 indicates success.
#' @export
gx.delete <- function(folder, name) {
    folder <- sub("[\\/\\s]+$", "", folder, perl = TRUE)
    fld <- strsplit(folder, "/", fixed = TRUE)
    if (!(fld[[1]][1] == "data")) {
        stop("Element must be located in the data branch.")
    if (length(fld[[1]]) == 3 & (name == "Data" | name == "Journal" | name == "tmp")) {
        stop(paste0("Cannot delete element ", name, " in ", folder))
    params <- list("service" = "access.service",
                   "command" = "26",
                   "dc" = folder,
                   "de" =  name)
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
    gx.imp$queryJSON("/web/data", params)

#' Import a table from a text file
#' This function imports a table into an existing platform folder.
#' @param tableFile       path to file with the table
#' @param platformFolder  folder into which the table is imported
#' @param tableName       name for the table within the platform
#' @param delim           column delimiter, one of the strings (Tab, Spaces, Commas, Pipes)
#' @param processQuotes   true to process quotation marks
#' @param headerRow       row index of the table header
#' @param dataRow         row index of the first data row
#' @param commentString   string to recognize comment lines
#' @param columnForID     name of column with ids
#' @param addSuffix       true to add suffix to ensure unique ids
#' @param tableType       type of platform table, e.g. Genes: Ensembl
#' @param species         Latin name of species
#' @return a string containing the status of the request in JSON format
#' @export 
gx.importTable <- function(tableFile, platformFolder, tableName = "imported_table", processQuotes = TRUE, 
						   delim = 'Tab', headerRow = 1, dataRow = 2, commentString = "", columnForID = "",
						   addSuffix = FALSE, tableType = "", species = "Unspecified") {
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
	fileID <- gx.imp$next.job.id();
    jobID <- gx.imp$next.job.id();
    params <- list(fileID=fileID, file=fileUpload(tableFile))
    gx.imp$biouml.query("/web/upload", params=params)
	if (length(tableName) == 0) {
		tableName = basename(tableFile)
	delimiterType = 0
	if (delim == "Spaces") {
		delimiterType = 1
	} else if (delim == "Commas") {
		delimiterType = 2
	} else if (delim == "Pipes") {
		delimiterType = 3
	pq = "true"
	if (processQuotes == FALSE) {
		pq = "false"
	sf = "false"
	if (addSuffix == TRUE) {
		sf = "true"
	json <- paste0("[\n {\"name\": \"tableName\",\n\"value\": \"",tableName,"\"},\n {\"name\": \"delimiterType\",\n\"value\": \"",delimiterType,"\"},{\"name\": \"processQuotes\",\n \"value\": ",pq,"},{\"name\": \"headerRow\",\n \"value\": \"",headerRow,"\"},{\"name\": \"dataRow\",\n \"value\": \"",dataRow,"\"},{\"name\": \"commentString\",\"value\": \"",commentString,"\"},\n {\"name\": \"columnForID\",\"value\": \"",columnForID,"\"},\n {\"name\": \"addSuffix\",\"value\": ",sf,"},\n {\"name\": \"tableType\",\"value\": \"",tableType,"\"},\n {\"name\": \"species\",\"value\": \"",species,"\"}\n]")
	params <- list(de=platformFolder,
				   format="Tabular (*.txt, *.xls, *.tab, etc.)",
	resp <- gx.imp$biouml.query("/web/import", params=params)

#' List contents of platform folder
#' This function returns a list of contents of specified folder.
#' Project folders are usually located under \emph{data/Projects}.
#' The \emph{extended} output contains in addition an indicator whether
#' a folder element has further child elements and the type of the element.
#' @param path path of folder to list
#' @param extended get extended info including data types and whether folders have children
#' @return a list of contents of specified folder
#' @keywords ls
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.ls}}
#' @export
gx.ls <- function(path, extended=F) {
    rbiouml::biouml.ls(path, extended)

#' Execute analysis using one of the integrated tools
#' This function invokes an analysis tool with specified parameters.
#' The function can \emph{wait} for the analysis to complete (default) or
#' just invoke the analysis asynchronously. In the latter case it may be desireable
#' to keep the \emph{platform job id}, which is returned by this function, to
#' be able to request the job status. Analysis progress can be observed by
#' setting \code{verbose=T} (default).
#' The function \emph{gx.analysis.parameters} shows available parameters for an analysis tool
#' and \emph{gx.analysis.list} lists the available tools.
#' @param analysisName name of analysis tool
#' @param parameters parameters to configure the analysis
#' @param wait TRUE to wait for the analysis to complete. Default: TRUE
#' @param verbose TRUE to see some progress info. Default: TRUE
#' @return the job id of the submitted task. The job id can be used to retrieve information about the status of the analysis. 
#' @keywords analysis
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis.list}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis.parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.analysis}}
#' @export
gx.analysis <- function(analysisName, parameters=list(), wait=T, verbose=T) {
    rbiouml::biouml.analysis(analysisName, parameters, wait, verbose)

#' Lists available analysis tools
#' Returns a list containing the available analysis tools
#' and their tool group. Tools are organized into thematic groups
#' like \emph{Data manipulation} or \emph{Site analysis}.
#' @return a list containing available analysis tools and their tool group
#' @keywords analysis, list
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis.parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.analysis.list}}
#' @export
gx.analysis.list <- function() {

#' Shows parameters for the specified analysis tool
#' Returns a list with parameter names and descriptions. 
#' @param analysisName  name of the analysis tool
#' @return a list with parameter names and descriptions
#' @keywords analysis, parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis.list}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.analysis.parameters}}
#' @export
gx.analysis.parameters <- function(analysisName) {
    gx.imp <- gx.getInternals()
                             params = c(de = paste0("properties/method/parameters/", analysisName),
                             showMode = 1))

#' Executes workflow with specified parameters
#' This function invokes a workflow with specified parameters. A workflow
#' is identified by its path in the platform workspace, e.g. many workflows are provided
#' under \emph{analyses/Workflows}.
#' The function can \emph{wait} for the analysis to complete (default) or
#' just invoke the analysis asynchronously. In the latter case it may be desireable
#' to keep the \emph{platform job id}, which is returned by this function, to
#' be able to request the job status. Analysis progress can be observed by
#' setting \code{verbose=T} (default).
#' Currently there is no workflow complement for \emph{gx.analysis.parameters} to inspect workflow
#' parameters. Workflow parameters are specified as shown in the platform web interface
#' and parameter names can be listed using \emph{gx.ls}, but the output also contains other
#' elements besides analysis parameters.
#' @param path        platform path to the workflow
#' @param parameters  workflow parameters
#' @param wait        set true to wait for task to complete
#' @param verbose     switch to get more or less progress info
#' @return the job id of submitted task. The job id can be used to retrieve information about the status of the analysis.
#' @keywords workflow
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.analysis}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.ls}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.workflow}}
#' @export
gx.workflow <- function(path, parameters=list(), wait=T, verbose=T) {
    rbiouml::biouml.workflow(path, parameters, wait, verbose)

#' Exports item using specified exporter
#' This function exports a specified item from the platform workspace
#' to a local file.
#' The function \emph{gx.exporters} lists available exporters and the
#' parameters of an exporter can be inspected using the function \emph{gx.export.parameters}.
#' @param path            platform path of item to export
#' @param exporter        exporter to use for export
#' @param exporter.params parameters of the exporter
#' @param target.file     local file to export to
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @keywords export
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.exporters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.export.parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.export}}
#' @export
gx.export <- function(path, exporter="Tab-separated text (*.txt)", exporter.params=list(), target.file="genexplain.out") {
    rbiouml::biouml.export(path, exporter, exporter.params, target.file)

#' Lists available exporters
#' Returns a vector with exporter names. An exporter transfers an item
#' from the platform workspace to a local file in a certain format.
#' Further information about exporters can be obtained in the context
#' of data items to export using \emph{gx.export.parameters}.
#' @return a vector with exporter names
#' @keywords exporter, list
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.export}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.export.parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.exporters}}
#' @export
gx.exporters <- function() {

#' Returns parameters defined for given export and path to export from
#' Given the path of an item to export, this function shows the
#' parameters for a selected exporter.
#' @param path     path of the object to export
#' @param exporter exporter to use for the export
#' @return a list with parameter names and descriptions
#' @keywords exporter, parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.export}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.exporters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.export.parameters}}
#' @export
gx.export.parameters <- function(path, exporter) {
    rbiouml::biouml.export.parameters(path, exporter)

#' Gets a table from the platform workspace
#' Returns a list containing the specified table.
#' @param path  path of object to load into a data.frame
#' @return a list containing the table
#' @keywords get
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.get}}
#' @export
gx.get <- function(path) {

#' Uploads a table to the platform
#' This function stores a data frame in the specified path
#' of the platform workspace.
#' @param path    platform path of new table
#' @param value   R object to put into platform 
#' @return \code{NULL} 
#' @keywords put
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.put}}
#' @export
gx.put <- function(path, value) {
    rbiouml::biouml.put(path, value)

#' Imports a file into the platform
#' This function uploads a file into the platform using 
#' the specified importer configured by its
#' parameters.
#' The function \emph{gx.importers} lists the available
#' importers. Parameters for a specific importer can
#' be inspected using the \emph{gx.import.parameters} function.
#' @param file            local file to import
#' @param parentPath      path of folder to import into
#' @param importer        importer to use
#' @param importer.params parameters for specified importer
#' @return the platform path of the imported item
#' @keywords import
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.importers}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.import.parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.import}}
#' @export
gx.import <- function(file, parentPath, importer, importer.params=list()) {
    rbiouml::biouml.import(file, parentPath, importer, importer.params)

#' Lists available importers
#' Returns a vector with available importer names. An importer
#' uploads a file to the platform, where it is imported as a
#' certain data type, e.g. as pathway or molecular network.
#' @return a vector with available importers
#' @keywords importer, list
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.import}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.import.parameters}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.importers}}
#' @export
gx.importers <- function() {

#' Returns  parameters defined for given importer and path to import to
#' Given the path to import into, this function returns a list with
#' parameter names and description for a selected importer type.
#' @param path      path to import to
#' @param importer  importer whose parameters will be shown
#' @return a list with parameter names and description
#' @keywords import, parameters
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.import}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{gx.importers}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.import.parameters}}
#' @export
gx.import.parameters <- function(path, importer) {
    rbiouml::biouml.import.parameters(path, importer)

#' Signs into geneXplain platform
#' Starts a platform session by signing in with specified credentials.
#' @param server   server to connect to
#' @param user     username
#' @param password password
#' @return a list with login parameters and session id
#' @keywords login
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.login}}
#' @export
gx.login <- function(server='https://platform.genexplain.com', user='', password='') {

#' Terminates an existing platform session
#' Signs out of a platform session.
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @keywords logout
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.logout}}
#' @export
gx.logout <- function() {

#' Gets status info for a job running on the platform
#' This function retrieves status information for a task running
#' on the platform. A common use case is to check the status of
#' tasks invoked asynchronously using \emph{gx.analysis} and \emph{gx.workflow} with
#' \code{wait=F}.
#' @param jobID  id of the platform task
#' @return a list with status info, response type of the job, the requested result and the analysis log
#' @keywords job, info
#' @seealso \code{\link[rbiouml]{biouml.job.info}}
#' @export
gx.job.info <- function(jobID) {

gx.job.wait <- function(jobID, verbose=T) {
    resp   = ""
    conAtt = 0
    ok     = F
    while (ok == F & conAtt <= connectionAttempts) {
        conAtt = conAtt+1
            resp <- rbiouml::biouml.job.wait(jobID, verbose)
        }, warning = function(w) {
            if (verbose) {
        }, error = function(e) {
        ok = T

gx.getConnection <- function() { 
    cnx <- getOption("biouml_connection")
        stop("Not signed into platform, please login first using gx.login()")
#' Finds out if a function exists
#' This function finds out whether a function exists within the geneXplainR package or not.
#' @param name       name of a possible function
#' @keywords         exist, function
#' @export
gx.exists <- function(name) {
  conI <- exists(name, where="package:geneXplainR", mode="function")
  gx.name <- paste0("gx.",name)
  conII <- exists(gx.name, where="package:geneXplainR", mode="function")
  if (conI | conII){
  } else {

#' Finds out if an item is part of a folder
#' This function checks whether an item exists in a certain path. 
#' @param path        platform path
#' @param name        name of the item
#' @keywords          isElement, exist, item, path
#' @export
gx.isElement <- function(path, name) {
  elist <- gx.ls(path)
  is.element(name, elist)
genexplain/geneXplainR documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 8:56 a.m.