
Defines functions CheckModuleFileExistence MakeDir LoadData IsEmpty IsEmpty.NULL IsEmpty.data.table IsEmpty.list CopyToNewFolder UpdateToGitHub

#' @import data.table

#' Check if the module file exists
#' This function checks if a list of module files exists.
#'  These module files are often prefixed with their module number.
#' @export
#' @param path_list a list of paths that you want to search for
#' @param pattern_list, a list of regex patterns of the module files that you
#' want to search for within those paths.
#' @param pattern_names, a list of names you want to have for each pattern.
#' @return a data.table that includes list of modules for which the files exist
#' and their corresponding file sizes.
CheckModuleFileExistence <- function(path_list, pattern_list, pattern_names = NULL){
  DT_list <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(path_list)){
    cur_path <- path_list[[i]]
    cur_pat  <- pattern_list[[i]]
    if(!is.null(pattern_names)) cur_name <- pattern_names[[i]]
    file_list          <- grep(cur_pat, dir(cur_path), value = TRUE)
    module_number_list <- sub(cur_pat, '\\1', file_list)
    file_size_list     <- file.info(paste0(cur_path, file_list))$size
    DT_list[[i]]       <- data.table(module_number = module_number_list,
                                    file_size = file_size_list)
    if(!is.null(pattern_names)) colnames(DT_list[[i]]) <- c('module', cur_name)
  merge_module <- function(x, y){
    merge(x, y, by = 'module', all = TRUE)
  Reduce(merge_module, DT_list)

#' Make Directories
#' This function makes a list of directories recursively.
#' @export
#' @param folder_list a list of directories that you want to create
MakeDir <- function(folder_list){
  for(cur_dir in folder_list){
    if(grepl('\\.', cur_dir)){
      VerboseWarning(cur_dir, ' could be a file instead of a directory')
      dir.create(cur_dir, recursive = TRUE)

#' load a data.table from a file
#' This function loads a data.table from a file, it will check if the data.table
#' is empty and valid. If not this function will return NULL. This should be
#' deprecated if the data is saved in the format of RDS.
#' @export
#' @param file the path of the file
#' @param dt_name the name of the data.table variable
#' @return the data.table with name dt_name
LoadData <- function(file, dt_name  = 'move'){
  assign(dt_name, NULL)
  VerboseWarning('loading', dt_name, 'from', file, '\n')
    error = function(e){}
  dt <- get(dt_name)
    cat('failure loading', dt_name, 'from', file, '\n')
  } else {

#' test if an object is empty
#' @export
IsEmpty <- function(object, ...){

#' @describeIn IsEmpty NULL
#' @export
IsEmpty.NULL <- function(object){

#' @describeIn IsEmpty data.table
#' @export
IsEmpty.data.table <- function(dt){
  if(is.null(dt)) return(TRUE)
  if(nrow(dt) == 0) return(TRUE)

#' @describeIn IsEmpty list
#' @export
IsEmpty.list <- function(list){
  if(is.null(list)) return(TRUE)
  if(length(list) == 0) return(TRUE)

#' Copy necessary script files to new folder
CopyToNewFolder <- function(
  from, to,
  folder_list = folder_list <- c(
    'DESCRIPTION', 'R/', 'src/',
    'NAMESPACE', 'inst/', 'vignettes/', 'Readme.md', 'readme')
  folder_list <- paste0(from, '/', folder_list)
  for(cur_file in folder_list){
      file.copy(cur_file, paste0(to, '/'), recursive = TRUE)

#' Create a new git repository with only the necessary function files
#' @export
UpdateToGitHub <- function(from, to,
                           user_name, repos_name, commit_message = 'First Commit'){
  folder_list <- c(
    'DESCRIPTION', 'R/', 'src/',
    'NAMESPACE', 'inst/', 'vignettes/', 'Readme.md', 'readme')
  folder_list <- paste0(from, '/', folder_list)
  for(cur_file in folder_list){
      file.copy(cur_file, paste0(to, '/'), recursive = TRUE)
  repos_name_full <- sprintf('git@github.com:%s/%s.git', user_name, repos_name)
  Sys.setenv(new_repository = repos_name_full)
  write(commit_message, '/tmp/git_commit_message.txt')
  Sys.setenv(commit_message = commit_message)
  git_upload_script = system.file("create_git.sh", package = 'CommonFunctions')
  system(paste('sh', git_upload_script))

georgegui/CommonFunctions_Public documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:42 p.m.