vectors2shm <- function(l, limit = 2L,
share_altreps = c("no", "yes", "if_allocated"),
copy = TRUE,
class = character()) {
share_altreps <- match.arg(share_altreps)
cntr <- 1L
on.exit(unlink_all_shm(name_prefix, 1L))
vectors2shm_core <- function(l) {
if (is.environment(l)) return(l)
if (inherits(l, "shm_obj")) return(l)
if (inherits(l, "char_map")) is_char_map <- TRUE else is_char_map <- FALSE
if (isS4(l)) return(l)
if (!OK) return(l)
if (is.environment(l)) {
# nocov start
if (isTRUE(attr(l, "bettermc_recurse_protect"))) return(l)
attr(l, "bettermc_recurse_protect") <- TRUE
# nocov end
cls <- attr(l, "class")
class(l) <- NULL
idx <- if (is.list(l)) {
which(vapply(l, function(e) !identical(e, quote(expr = )), logical(1)))
} else {
# nocov start
all_names <- names(l)
ok_names <-
!vapply(all_names, is.missing.arg, logical(1), env = l) &
!vapply(all_names, is.uneval.promise, logical(1), env = l) &
!vapply(all_names, bindingIsActive, logical(1), env = l) &
!vapply(all_names, bindingIsLocked, logical(1), env = l)
# nocov end
for (i in idx) {
e <- l[[i]]
if (is.list(e) || is.environment(e)) {
l[[i]] <- vectors2shm_core(e)
} else if ((is.logical(e) || is.numeric(e) || is.complex(e) || is.raw(e)) &&
!isS4(e) && length(e) >= limit &&
!is_altrep(e) ||
share_altreps == "yes" ||
(share_altreps == "if_allocated" && is_allocated(e))
)) {
name <- paste0(name_prefix, cntr)
shm_obj <- copy2shm(e, name, copy = ifelse(is_char_map, FALSE, copy))
if (inherits(shm_obj, "shm_obj")) {
class(shm_obj) <- c(class, class(shm_obj))
cntr <<- cntr + 1L
l[[i]] <- shm_obj
} else {
attr(l, "bettermc_recurse_protect") <- NULL
class(l) <- cls
if (!is.list(l) && !is.environment(l)) {
res <- vectors2shm_core(list(l))[[1L]]
} else {
res <- vectors2shm_core(l)
shm2vectors <- function(l, class = character()) {
shm2vectors_core <- function(l) {
if (is.environment(l)) return(l)
if (isS4(l)) return(l)
if (is.environment(l)) {
# nocov start
if (isTRUE(attr(l, "bettermc_recurse_protect"))) return(l)
attr(l, "bettermc_recurse_protect") <- TRUE
# nocov end
cls <- attr(l, "class")
class(l) <- NULL
idx <- if (is.list(l)) {
which(vapply(l, function(e) !identical(e, quote(expr = )), logical(1)))
} else {
# nocov start
all_names <- names(l)
ok_names <-
!vapply(all_names, is.missing.arg, logical(1), env = l) &
!vapply(all_names, is.uneval.promise, logical(1), env = l) &
!vapply(all_names, bindingIsActive, logical(1), env = l) &
!vapply(all_names, bindingIsLocked, logical(1), env = l)
# nocov end
# we loop over idx in reverse order and hence also allocate from the shared
# memory objects in reverse order; this is because the cleanup function
# unlink_all_shm() in mclapply() iterates through them in regular order and
# stops on the first missing object (an object is deleted on successful
# allocation); example:
# - assume there are five shm objects: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
# - we successfully allocated from objects 5 and 4
# - we are interrupted before allocation from object 3
# - cleanup will unlink objects 1, 2 and 3
# - cleanup will no longer find object 4 and hence stop
for (i in rev(idx)) {
e <- l[[i]]
if (all(inherits(e, c(class, "shm_obj"), which = TRUE))) {
l[[i]] <- allocate_from_shm(e)
} else if (is.list(e) || is.environment(e)) {
l[[i]] <- shm2vectors_core(e)
attr(l, "bettermc_recurse_protect") <- NULL
class(l) <- cls
if ((!is.list(l) && !is.environment(l)) ||
all(inherits(l, c(class, "shm_obj"), which = TRUE))) {
} else {
#' Copy to and Allocate from POSIX Shared Memory
#' Copy the data of a vector to a POSIX shared memory object and allocate from
#' such.
#' @param x a logical, integer, double, complex or raw vector, an S3 object
#' based hereon or a factor. Long vectors are supported.
#' @param name the name of the shared memory object to create. A portable name
#' starts with a "/", followed by one or more (up to 253) characters, none of
#' which are slashes. \bold{Note:} on macOS the total length of the name must
#' not exceed 31 characters.
#' @param overwrite should an already existing shared memory object with the
#' given name be overwritten? If \code{FALSE}, the copy fails if such an
#' object already exists. \bold{Note:} Due to bugs in the macOS implementation
#' of POSIX shared memory, (as of now) only \code{FALSE} is supported.
#' @param copy should the vector placed in shared memory be used directly
#' (\code{FALSE}) by \code{allocate_from_shm} or rather a copy of it
#' (\code{TRUE})? \code{FALSE} is apparently faster (initially), but might
#' require more memory in the long run (up to double what is normally required
#' by such a vector): if we modify elements of such a vector, new memory
#' (pages) will be allocated to hold these changed values. The original memory
#' (pages) of the shared memory object will only be freed when the vector is
#' garbage collected. If we initially copy the whole vector from shared memory
#' to "regular" one, the former can be freed directly and the latter can be
#' modified in place. \bold{Note:} The value passed to \code{copy2shm} has no
#' direct effect. It only sets the default value for \code{allocate_from_shm},
#' which can safely be changed. \bold{Note 2:} \code{FALSE} is silently
#' ignored on macOS.
#' @note See also the general notes on POSIX shared memory under
#' \code{\link{mclapply}}.
#' @return \code{copy2shm} returns an S3 object of class "shm_obj", which is a
#' list with the following elements: (name) the name of the shared memory
#' object as given, (type) an integer specifying the type of \code{x},
#' (length) the number of elements in \code{x} as a double, (size) the size of
#' the shared memory object in bytes as a double, (attributes) the attributes
#' of \code{x} as a shallow copy of the corresponding pairlist, (copy) the
#' default value for the \code{copy} argument passed to
#' \code{allocate_from_shm}. \bold{Note:} this function will not produce an
#' error if an operation related directly to the copy to shared memory fails.
#' In this case a character vector of length 1 containing the error message
#' will be returned.
#' @examples
#' if (tolower([["sysname"]]) != "windows") {
#' x <- runif(100)
#' obj <- copy2shm(x, "/random")
#' if (inherits(obj, "shm_obj")) {
#' # copy2shm succeeded
#' y <- allocate_from_shm(obj)
#' stopifnot(identical(x, y))
#' } else {
#' # copy2shm failed -> print the error message
#' print(obj)
#' }
#' }
#' @section Windows Support: Not supported on Windows.
#' @section Lifecycle:
#' \ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-stable.svg}{options:
#' alt='[Stable]'}}}{\strong{[Stable]}}
#' @useDynLib bettermc, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_"
#' @export
copy2shm <- function(x, name, overwrite = FALSE, copy = TRUE) {
if (isS4(x)) stop("'x' must not be an S4 object")
if (!isFALSE(overwrite)) {
if (OSTYPE == "macos") {
stop("On macOS, 'overwrite' must be FALSE.")
} else if (!OSTYPE %in% c("linux", "solaris", "windows")) {
stop("invalid value for OSTYPE: ", OSTYPE)
ret <- .Call(C_copy2shm, x, name, overwrite,
getOption("bettermc.hugepage_limit", 104857600)) # 100 MiB
if (is.character(ret)) return(ret)
structure(c(ret, copy), names = c("name", "type", "length", "size",
"attributes", "copy"),
class = "shm_obj")
#' @rdname copy2shm
#' @param obj an object as returned by \code{copy2shm}, which was typically
#' called in another process.
#' @return \code{allocate_from_shm} returns a vector. \bold{Note:} this function
#' cannot be called more than once on any \code{obj}, since it unlinks the
#' shared memory object immediately after \emph{trying} to open it. If
#' \code{copy = TRUE}, the vector will be allocated using a custom allocator,
#' but this is not guaranteed. As of now, vectors with less than two elements
#' are allocated using R's default allocator. This implementational detail
#' must not be relied on. If \code{copy = FALSE}, the custom allocator
#' \emph{privately} maps the shared memory object into the address space of
#' the current process. In particular this means that changes made to this
#' memory region by subsequently forked child processes are private to them:
#' neither the parent nor a sibling process will see these changes. This is
#' most probably what we want and expect.
#' @export
allocate_from_shm <- function(obj, copy = obj$copy) {
checkmate::assertClass(obj, "shm_obj")
# macOS does not support privately mapping a POSIX shared memory object;
# if copy = TRUE we can (and do) create a shared mapping, hence:
if (OSTYPE == "macos") {
copy <- TRUE
} else if (!OSTYPE %in% c("linux", "solaris", "windows")) {
stop("invalid value for OSTYPE: ", OSTYPE)
.Call(C_allocate_from_shm, obj$name, obj$type, obj$length, obj$size,
obj$attributes, copy)
unlink_all_shm <- function(prefix, start) {
invisible(.Call(C_unlink_all_shm, prefix, start))
is_altrep <- function(x) {
.Call(C_is_altrep, x)
is_allocated <- function(x) {
.Call(C_is_allocated, x)
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