
Defines functions fpTxtGp fpLegend prMergeGp prGetShapeGp fpShapesGp fpColors fpDrawBarCI fpDrawSummaryCI fpDrawPointCI fpDrawCircleCI fpDrawDiamondCI prFpDrawLine prDefaultGp fpDrawNormalCI

Documented in fpColors fpDrawBarCI fpDrawCircleCI fpDrawDiamondCI fpDrawNormalCI fpDrawPointCI fpDrawSummaryCI fpLegend fpShapesGp fpTxtGp prDefaultGp prFpDrawLine prGetShapeGp prMergeGp

#' Draw standard confidence intervals
#' A function that is used to draw the different
#' confidence intervals for the non-summary lines.
#' Use the \code{fpDrawNormalCI} function as a
#' template if you want to make your own funky line + marker.
#' @param lower_limit The lower limit of the confidence line.
#'  A native numeric variable that can actually be
#'  outside the boundaries. If you want to see if it
#'  is outside then convert it to 'npc' and see if the
#'  value ends up more than 1 or less than 0. Here's how
#'  you do the conversion:
#'  \code{convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)}
#'  and the \code{\link[grid]{convertX}} together with \code{\link[grid]{unit}}
#'  is needed to get the right values while you need to provide the valueOnly
#'  as you cannot compare a unit object.
#' @param estimate The estimate indicating the placement
#'  of the actual box. Note, this can also be outside bounds
#'  and is provided in a numeric format the same way as the
#'  \code{lower_limit}.
#' @param upper_limit The upper limit of the confidence line. See
#'  lower_limit for details.
#' @param size The actual size of the box/diamond/marker.
#'  This provided in the 'snpc' format to generate a perfect
#'  marker. Although you can provide it alternative units as well,
#'  this is useful for the legends to work nicely.
#' @param y.offset If you have multiple lines they need an offset in
#'  the y-direction.
#' @param clr.line The color of the line.
#' @param clr.marker The color of the estimate marker
#' @param lwd Line width, see \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}
#' @param lty Line type, see \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}
#' @param vertices Set this to TRUE if you want the ends of the confidence
#'  intervals to be shaped as a T. This is set default to TRUE if you have
#'  any other line type than 1 since there is a risk of a dash occurring
#'  at the very end, i.e. showing incorrectly narrow confidence interval.
#' @param vertices.height The height hoft the vertices. Defaults to npc units
#'  corresponding to 10% of the row height.
#' @param ... Allows additional parameters for sibling functions
#' @return \code{void} The function outputs the line using grid compatible
#'  functions and does not return anything.
#' @param shapes_gp A set of graphical parameters of class \code{\link{fpShapesGp}}
#' @param shape_coordinates A vector of length 2 the label (first item of the vector)
#' and the band (second item of the vector) of the confidence interval.
#' This is used together with shapes_gp to retrieve graphical parameters for that item.
#' @author Max Gordon, Thomas Lumley
#' @example inst/examples/forestplot_alt_ci_example.R
#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
#' @family forestplot functions
fpDrawNormalCI <- function(lower_limit,
                           y.offset = 0.5,
                           clr.line, clr.marker,
                           lty = 1,
                           vertices.height = .1,
                           shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(),
                           shape_coordinates = structure(c(1, 1), max.coords = c(1, 1)),
                           ...) {
  if (is.na(lower_limit) ||
    is.na(estimate) ||
    is.na(upper_limit)) {

  # Funciton for drawing the confidence line
    lower_limit = lower_limit,
    upper_limit = upper_limit,
    line_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "lines", default = prDefaultGp(col = clr.line, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)),
    vertices_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "vertices", nodefault = TRUE),
    y.offset = y.offset,
    vertices = vertices,
    vertices.height = vertices.height

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
  if (is.na(box)) {
    stop("The estimate '", estimate, "' does not convert into a valid numeric value using grid::convertX")
  skipbox <- box < 0 || box > 1

  # Lastly draw the box if it is still there
  if (!skipbox) {
    # Convert size into 'snpc'
    if (!is.unit(size)) {
      size <- unit(size, "snpc")

    # Draw the actual box
    gp <- prGetShapeGp(
      shapes_gp = shapes_gp,
      coords = shape_coordinates,
      object = "box",
      default = gpar(fill = clr.marker, col = clr.marker)
      x = unit(estimate, "native"),
      y = y.offset,
      width = size,
      height = size,
      gp = gp

#' Construct default parameters from arguments that may include missing arguments
#' @param col Line color (or missing)
#' @param lwd Line width (or missing)
#' @param lty Line type (or missing)
#' @return a \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} object
#'  containing these three attributes
prDefaultGp <- function(col, lwd, lty) {
  ret <- list()
  if (!missing(col)) {
    ret$col <- col
  if (!missing(lwd)) {
    ret$lwd <- lwd
  if (!missing(lty)) {
    ret$lty <- lty
  return(do.call(grid::gpar, ret))

#' Draws a straight line
#' If the line is outside the boundaries the line
#' is clipped with an arrow at the limit indicating
#' that it continues. If the lower limit is not below
#' the upper limit the line is not drawn.
#' @inheritParams fpDrawNormalCI
#' @param clr.line Legacy color of line (please, use line_gp)
#' @param lwd Legacy width of line (please, use line_gp)
#' @param lty Legacy type of line (please, use line_gp)
#' @param line_gp A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} for drawing the horizontal line
#' @param vertices_gp A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} for drawing the vertices.
#'  unspecified attributes in vertices_gp default to line_gp.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @return \code{void}
prFpDrawLine <- function(lower_limit, upper_limit, clr.line, lwd, lty, y.offset,
                         vertices, vertices.height = .1, line_gp, vertices_gp) {

  # clr.line, lwd and lty are obsolete but are maintained for backward compatibility
  line_gp0 <- prDefaultGp(col = clr.line, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)

  if (missing(line_gp) & missing(vertices_gp)) {
    line_gp <- line_gp0
    vertices_gp <- line_gp0
  } else {
    line_gp <- prMergeGp(line_gp0, line_gp)

  # Draw the lines if the lower limit is
  # actually below the upper limit
  if (lower_limit >= upper_limit) {

  if (any(vertices.height < 0)) {
    stop("The vertices height cannot be negative")

  if (inherits(vertices.height, "unit")) {
    vertices.height <- convertY(vertices.height,
      unitTo = "npc",
      valueOnly = TRUE

  if (!inherits(y.offset, "unit")) {
    y.offset <- unit(y.offset, "npc")

  # If the limit is outside the 0-1 range in npc-units
  # then that part is outside the box and it should
  # be clipped (this function adds an arrow to the end
  # of the line)
  clipupper <-
    convertX(unit(upper_limit, "native"),
      valueOnly = TRUE
    ) > 1
  cliplower <-
    convertX(unit(lower_limit, "native"),
      valueOnly = TRUE
    ) < 0

  gp_list <- line_gp
  if (is.null(gp_list$lty)) {
    gp_list$lty <- 1

  grid_line_args <- list(
    y = y.offset,
    gp = do.call(gpar, gp_list)
  verticals <- "none"
  if (clipupper || cliplower) {
    # A version where arrows are added to the part outside
    # the limits of the graph
    ends <- "both"
    lims <- unit(c(0, 1), c("npc", "npc"))
    if (!clipupper) {
      ends <- "first"
      verticals <- "right"
      lims <- unit(c(0, upper_limit), c("npc", "native"))
    if (!cliplower) {
      ends <- "last"
      verticals <- "left"
      lims <- unit(c(lower_limit, 1), c("native", "npc"))
    grid_line_args$x <- lims
  } else {
    verticals <- "both"
    grid_line_args$x <- unit(c(lower_limit, upper_limit), "native")

  do.call(grid.lines, grid_line_args)

  # The arrows should not have dashed line type
  # and it seems that the simples solution is just to do
  # an arrow of my own through the line-call
  if (clipupper || cliplower) {
    # Make arrow the same height the intended vertices
    # Old code: unit(0.05, "inches")
    radians <- 30 * pi / 180
    vertices.height_mm <- convertY(unit(vertices.height, "npc"),
      valueOnly = TRUE
    arrow_length <- max(abs(vertices.height_mm)) / tan(radians)
    y_mm <- convertY(grid_line_args$y[1], "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
    arrow_args <-
        y =
              y_mm + vertices.height_mm,
              y_mm - vertices.height_mm
          ) |>
    gp_list$lty <- 1
    arrow_args$gp <- do.call(gpar, gp_list)

    if (clipupper) {
      x <- max(grid_line_args$x)
      x <- unit.c(
        x - unit(arrow_length, "mm"),
        x - unit(arrow_length, "mm")
      ) |>
      arrow_args$x <- x
      do.call(grid.lines, arrow_args)

    if (cliplower) {
      x <- min(grid_line_args$x)
      x <- unit.c(
        x + unit(arrow_length, "mm"),
        x + unit(arrow_length, "mm")
      ) |>
      arrow_args$x <- x
      do.call(grid.lines, arrow_args)

  if (missing(vertices)) {
    if (gp_list$lty != 1) {
      vertices <- TRUE
    } else {
      vertices <- FALSE

  if (vertices && verticals != "none") {
    if (length(vertices.height) == 1) {
      vertices.height <- c(vertices.height, -vertices.height)
    } else {
      vertices.height <- range(vertices.height)
    y <- convertY(grid_line_args$y[1], "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
    y_spread <- y + vertices.height
    gp_list$lty <- 1
    gp_vertices <- prMergeGp(gp_list, vertices_gp)
    if (verticals != "right") {
        x = rep(grid_line_args$x[1], 2),
        y = y_spread,
        gp = gp_vertices
    if (verticals != "left") {
        x = rep(grid_line_args$x[2], 2),
        y = y_spread,
        gp = gp_vertices

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
fpDrawDiamondCI <- function(lower_limit,
                            y.offset = 0.5,
                            clr.line, clr.marker,
                            lty = 1,
                            vertices.height = .1,
                            shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(),
                            shape_coordinates = structure(c(1, 1), max.coords = c(1, 1)),
                            ...) {
  if (is.na(lower_limit) ||
    is.na(estimate) ||
    is.na(upper_limit)) {

  # Funciton for drawing the confidence line
    lower_limit = lower_limit,
    upper_limit = upper_limit,
    line_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "lines", default = prDefaultGp(col = clr.line, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)),
    vertices_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "vertices", nodefault = TRUE),
    y.offset = y.offset,
    vertices = vertices,
    vertices.height = vertices.height

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
  if (box >= 0 &&
    box <= 1) {

    # Convert size if needed
    default.size.unit <- "snpc"
    if (is.unit(size)) {
      size <- convertUnit(size, unitTo = "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
      default.size.unit <- "mm"

      x = unit(estimate, "native") +
        unit(c(-size / 2, 0, +size / 2, 0), default.size.unit),
      y = unit(y.offset, "npc") +
        unit(c(0, size / 2, 0, -size / 2), default.size.unit),
      gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "box", default = gpar(fill = clr.marker, col = clr.marker))

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
fpDrawCircleCI <- function(lower_limit,
                           y.offset = 0.5,
                           clr.line, clr.marker,
                           lty = 1,
                           vertices.height = .1,
                           shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(),
                           shape_coordinates = structure(c(1, 1), max.coords = c(1, 1)),
                           ...) {
  if (is.na(lower_limit) ||
    is.na(estimate) ||
    is.na(upper_limit)) {

  # Funciton for drawing the confidence line
    lower_limit = lower_limit,
    upper_limit = upper_limit,
    line_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "lines", default = prDefaultGp(col = clr.line, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)),
    vertices_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "vertices", nodefault = TRUE),
    y.offset = y.offset,
    vertices = vertices,
    vertices.height = vertices.height

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)

  if (box >= 0 &&
    box <= 1) {
    # Convert size into 'mm' and switch to radius
    if (is.unit(size)) {
      size <- convertUnit(size, unitTo = "mm", valueOnly = TRUE)
      size <- unit(size / 2, "mm")
    } else {
      size <- unit(size / 2, "snpc")

      x = unit(estimate, "native"),
      y = unit(y.offset, "npc"),
      r = size,
      gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "box", default = gpar(fill = clr.marker, col = clr.marker))

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @param pch Type of point see \code{\link[grid]{grid.points}} for details
#' @export
fpDrawPointCI <- function(lower_limit,
                          y.offset = 0.5,
                          clr.line, clr.marker,
                          lty = 1,
                          vertices.height = .1,
                          pch = 1,
                          shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(),
                          shape_coordinates = structure(c(1, 1), max.coords = c(1, 1)),
                          ...) {
  if (is.na(lower_limit) ||
    is.na(estimate) ||
    is.na(upper_limit)) {

  # Funciton for drawing the confidence line
    lower_limit = lower_limit,
    upper_limit = upper_limit,
    line_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "lines", default = prDefaultGp(col = clr.line, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)),
    vertices_gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "vertices", nodefault = TRUE),
    y.offset = y.offset,
    vertices = vertices,
    vertices.height = vertices.height

  # If the box is outside the plot the it shouldn't be plotted
  box <- convertX(unit(estimate, "native"), "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)

  if (box >= 0 &&
    box <= 1) {
    # Convert size into 'snpc' if not given
    if (!is.unit(size)) {
      size <- unit(size, "snpc")

      x = unit(estimate, "native"),
      y = unit(y.offset, "npc"),
      size = size,
      pch = pch,
      gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "box", default = gpar(fill = clr.marker, col = clr.marker))

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @param col The color of the summary object
#' @export
fpDrawSummaryCI <- function(lower_limit, estimate, upper_limit,
                            size, col, y.offset = 0.5,
                            shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(),
                            shape_coordinates = structure(c(1, 1), max.coords = c(1, 1)),
                            ...) {
  if (is.na(lower_limit) ||
    is.na(estimate) ||
    is.na(upper_limit)) {

  # Convert size into 'npc' value only if
  # it is provided as a unit() object
  size <- ifelse(is.unit(size),
    convertUnit(size, unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = TRUE),
  ) * .9
    x = unit(c(lower_limit, estimate, upper_limit, estimate), "native"),
    y = unit(y.offset +
      c(0, 0.5 * size, 0, -0.5 * size), "npc"),
    gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "summary", default = gpar(fill = col, col = col))

#' @rdname fpDrawCI
#' @export
fpDrawBarCI <- function(lower_limit, estimate, upper_limit, size, col, y.offset = 0.5,
                        shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(),
                        shape_coordinates = structure(c(1, 1), max.coords = c(1, 1)),
                        ...) {
  size <- ifelse(is.unit(size), convertUnit(size, unitTo = "npc", valueOnly = TRUE), size) * 0.9
    x = unit(c(lower_limit, upper_limit, upper_limit, lower_limit), "native"),
    y = unit(y.offset + 0.5 * c(1, 1, -1, -1) * size, "npc"),
    gp = prGetShapeGp(shapes_gp, shape_coordinates, "summary", default = gpar(fill = col, col = col))

#' A function for the color elements used in forestplot()
#' This function encapsulates all the colors that are used in the
#' \code{\link{forestplot}} function. As there are plenty of color
#' options this function gathers them all in one place.
#' Further customization of non-text elements can be performed with
#' \code{\link{fpShapesGp}} passed as \code{shapes_gp} parameter to
#' \code{\link{forestplot}}. The \code{fpColors} function is kept for
#' backwards compatibility.
#' If you have several values per row in a forestplot you can set
#' a color to a vector where the first value represents the first
#' line/box, second the second line/box etc. The vectors are only
#' valid for the \code{box} & \code{lines} options.
#' This function is a copy of the \code{\link[rmeta]{meta.colors}}
#' function in the \pkg{rmeta} package.
#' @param all.elements A color for all the elements. If set to NULL then
#'  it's set to the par("fg") color
#' @param box The color of the box indicating the estimate
#' @param lines The color of the confidence lines
#' @param summary The color of the summary
#' @param zero The color of the zero line
#' @param text The color of the text
#' @param axes The color of the x-axis at the bottom
#' @param hrz_lines The color of the horizontal lines
#' @param vrtcl_lines The color of the vertical lines
#' @return A list with key elements
#' @author Max Gordon, Thomas Lumley
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @example inst/examples/fpColors_example.R
#' @export
#' @family forestplot functions
fpColors <- function(all.elements,
                     box = "black",
                     lines = "gray",
                     summary = "black",
                     zero = "lightgray",
                     text = "black",
                     axes = "black",
                     hrz_lines = "black",
                     vrtcl_lines = "lightgray") {
  if (missing(all.elements)) {
    # Make sure the color lengths match
    # if nott then add a slightly lighter/darker shade
    if (length(box) > length(lines)) {
      nl <- length(lines)
      for (n in (nl + 1):length(box)) {
        lines <- append(
          colorRampPalette(c(box[n], par("bg")))(10)[2]
    } else if (length(box) < length(lines)) {
      nl <- length(box)
      for (n in (nl + 1):length(lines)) {
        box <- append(
          colorRampPalette(c(lines[n], par("fg")))(10)[2]

    if (length(summary) < length(box)) {
      summary <- rep(summary, length.out = length(box))
    ret <- list(
      box = box,
      lines = lines,
      summary = summary,
      zero = zero,
      text = text,
      axes = axes,
      hrz_lines = hrz_lines,
      vrtcl_lines = vrtcl_lines
  } else {
    if (is.null(all.elements)) {
      all.elements <- par("fg")

    ret <- list(
      box = all.elements,
      lines = all.elements,
      summary = all.elements,
      zero = all.elements,
      text = all.elements,
      axes = all.elements,
      hrz_lines = all.elements,
      vrtcl_lines = all.elements

  ret |>
    structure(class = c("fpColors", class(ret)))

#' A function for graphical parameters of the shapes used in `forestplot()`
#' This function encapsulates all the non-text elements that are used in the
#' [`forestplot()`] function. As there are plenty of shapes
#' options this function gathers them all in one place.
#' This function obsoletes [`fpColors()`].
#' If some, but not all parameters of a shape (e.g. box) are specified in gpar()
#' such as setting lwd but not line color, the unspecified parameters default
#' to the ones specified in `default`, then, default to legacy parameters
#' of `forestplot` such as `col`.
#' Parameters `box`, `lines`, `vertices`, `summary` may be set as list
#' containing several gpars. The length of the list must either be equal to the number of bands
#' per label or to the number of bands multiplied by the number of labels, allowing specification
#' of different styles for different parts of the forest plot.
#' The parameter `grid` can either be a single gpar or a list of gpars with as many
#' elements as there are lines in the grid (as set by the `xticks` or `grid`
#' arguments of forestplot)
#' Parameters `zero`, `axes`, `hrz_lines` must either be NULL or gpar
#' but cannot be lists of gpars.
#' @param default A fallback [grid::gpar] for all unspecified attributes.
#'  If set to NULL then it defaults to legacy parameters, including
#'  the `col`, `lwd.xaxis`, `lwd.ci` and `lty.ci`
#'  parameter of `fpColors`.
#' @param box The graphical parameters (`gpar`, `character`) of the box, circle
#'  or point indicating the point estimate, i.e. the middle
#'  of the confidence interval (may be a list of gpars). If provided
#'  a string a `gpar` will be generated with `col`, and `fill` for
#'  those arguments.
#' @param lines The graphical parameters (`gpar`, `character`) of the confidence lines
#'  (may be a list of gpars). If provided a string a `gpar` will be generated
#'   with `col` as the only arguments.
#' @param vertices The graphical parameters (`gpar`, `character`) of the vertices
#'  (may be a list of gpars).
#'  If `ci.vertices` is set to TRUE in `forestplot`
#'  `vertices` inherits from `lines` all its parameters but lty that is set
#'  to "solid" by default.
#' @param summary The graphical parameters (`gpar`, `character`) of the summary
#'  (may be a list of gpars). If provided a string a `gpar` will be generated with
#'  `col`, and `fill` for those arguments.
#' @param zero The graphical parameters (`gpar`) of the zero line
#'  (may not be a list of gpars). If provided a string a `gpar` will be generated
#'   with `col` as the only arguments.
#' @param axes The graphical parameters (`gpar`) of the x-axis at the bottom
#'  (may not be a list of gpars).
#' @param hrz_lines The graphical parameters (`gpar`) of the horizontal lines
#'  (may not be a list of gpars). If provided a string a `gpar` will be generated
#'  with `col` as the only arguments.
#' @param vrtcl_lines The graphical parameters (`gpar`) of the vertical lines
#'  (may not be a list of gpars). If provided a string a `gpar` will be generated
#'  with `col` as the only arguments.
#' @param grid The graphical parameters (`gpar`) of the grid (vertical lines)
#'  (may be a list of gpars). If provided a string a `gpar` will be generated
#'   with `col` as the only arguments.
#' @return list A list with the elements:
#' * default: the gpar for default attributes
#' * box: the gpar or list of gpars of the box/marker
#' * lines: the gpar or list of gpars of the lines
#' * vertices: the gpar or list of gpars of the vertices
#' * summary: the gpar or list of gpars of the summary
#' * zero: the gpar of the zero vertical line
#' * axes: the gpar of the x-axis
#' * hrz_lines: the gpar of the horizontal lines
#' * grid: the gpar or list of gpars of the grid lines
#' @author Andre GILLIBERT
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @example inst/examples/fpShapesGp_example.R
#' @export
#' @family forestplot functions
fpShapesGp <- function(default = NULL,
                       box = NULL,
                       lines = NULL,
                       vertices = NULL,
                       summary = NULL,
                       zero = NULL,
                       axes = NULL,
                       hrz_lines = NULL,
                       vrtcl_lines = NULL,
                       grid = NULL) {
  ret <- list(
    default = default,
    box = box,
    lines = lines,
    vertices = vertices,
    summary = summary,
    zero = zero,
    axes = axes,
    hrz_lines = hrz_lines,
    vrtcl_lines = vrtcl_lines,
    grid = grid

  for (clr_grp in c("box", "summary", "lines", "zero", "hrz_lines", "grid", "vertices")) {
    gpar_generator <- \(clr) gpar(col = clr)
    if (clr_grp %in% c("box", "summary")) {
      gpar_generator <- \(clr) gpar(col = clr, fill = clr)

    if (is.character(ret[[clr_grp]])) {
      ret[[clr_grp]] <- sapply(ret[[clr_grp]],
                               FUN = gpar_generator,
                               USE.NAMES = TRUE,
                               simplify = FALSE)

      if (length(ret[[clr_grp]]) == 1) {
        ret[[clr_grp]] <- ret[[clr_grp]][[1]]

  # check that objects have the correct type
  for (nm in names(ret)) {
    obj <- ret[[nm]]
    if (!is.null(obj) & !inherits(obj, "gpar")) {
      if (nm %in% c("default", "zero", "axes", "hrz_lines")) {
        stop("`", nm, "` must either be NULL or a gpar")

      if (!is.list(obj)) {
        stop("`", nm, "` must either be NULL, a gpar or a list of gpars")

      if (!all(sapply(obj, function(o) inherits(o, "gpar")))) {
        stop("`", nm, "` is not a proper list of gpars")

  ret |>
    structure(class = c("fpShapesGp", class(ret)))

#' A function to extract graphical parameters from a fpShapesGp object
#' @param shapes_gp An object of class \code{\link{fpShapesGp}} specifying all graphical parameters
#' @param coords A numeric vector of length 2, specifying the label number (first item of the vector)
#'  and the confidence band number within this label ; that can be >= 2 if there are multiple confidence
#'  bands per label. Can be NULL for objects that are used only once (e.g. axes).
#'  Vector \code{coords} must have an R attribute \code{max.coords} as numeric vector of length 2
#'  specifying the total number of labels
#'  and number of confidence bands by label for the forest plot.
#'  The first coordinate specify the label number and the second coordinate (for multi-band forest plots)
#'  specifies the band number within the label.
#' @param object One of \code{"box"}, \code{"lines"}, \code{"vertices"}, \code{"summary"}, \code{"zero"},
#'  \code{"axes"}, \code{"hrz_lines"} or \code{"grid"}, refering to the object for which the
#'  graphical parameters are requested.
#' @param default Default attributes to rely on when neither found in \code{shapes_gp$object}
#'  nor in \code{shapes_gp$default}
#' @param nodefault Logical. If TRUE, do not search attribute in shapes_gp$default
#' @return An object of class \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}
#' @author Andre GILLIBERT
#' @export
prGetShapeGp <- function(shapes_gp, coords, object, default = grid::gpar(), nodefault = FALSE) {
  # validation of parameters
  if (!inherits(shapes_gp, "fpShapesGp")) {
    stop("`shapes_gp` must be of class fpShapesGp")

  if (!is.character(object) || !is.vector(object) || length(object) != 1) {
    stop("`object` must be a character vector of length")
  if (!(object %in% c("box", "lines", "vertices", "summary", "zero", "axes", "hrz_lines", "vrtcl_lines", "grid"))) {
    stop("`object` must be one of: \"box\", \"lines\", \"vertices\", \"summary\", \"zero\", \"axes\", \"hrz_lines\", \"vrtcl_lines\", \"grid\"")

  undefined_coords <- is.null(coords)

  if (!(is.null(coords) || is.numeric(coords) & length(coords) == 2)) {
    stop(paste0("`coords` must be NULL or a numeric vector of length 2 rather than a ", class(coords)))
  if (!is.null(coords)) {
    if (is.null(attr(coords, "max.coords"))) {
      stop("`coords` must have a `max.coords` attribute")
    max.coords <- attr(coords, "max.coords")
    if (!is.numeric(max.coords) | length(max.coords) != 2) {
      stop("`max.coords` attribute must be a numeric vector of length 2")
    if (!all(coords <= max.coords & coords >= 1)) {
      stop(paste0("`coords` (", paste(coords, collapse = ", "), ")  out of range of `max.coords` (", paste(max.coords, collapse = ", "), ")"))
  } else {
    max.coords <- c(1, 1)
    coords <- c(1, 1)

  if (nodefault) {
    gp <- default
  } else {
    gp <- prMergeGp(default, shapes_gp[["default"]])
  if (!is.null(shapes_gp[[object]])) {
    # override.
    shps <- shapes_gp[[object]]
    if (inherits(shps, "gpar")) {
      gp <- prMergeGp(gp, shps)
    } else if (!is.list(shps)) {
      stop(paste0("`shapes_gp$", object, "` must be a gpar or a list of gpars"))
    } else if (length(shps) == max.coords[2]) { # list of gpars...
      shp <- shps[[coords[2]]]
      gp <- prMergeGp(gp, shp)
    } else if (length(shps) == max.coords[1] * max.coords[2]) {
      shp <- shps[[(coords[1] - 1) * max.coords[2] + coords[2]]]
      gp <- prMergeGp(gp, shp)
    } else {
      if (undefined_coords) {
        stop(paste0("shape_gp$", object, " should be a gpar"))
      } else if (object == "grid") {
        stop(paste0("length of shape_gp$grid (", length(shps), ") must either be equal to 1 or to the number of grid elements specified in `xticks` or `grid` parameter of forestplot"))
      } else {
          "length of shapes_gp$", object, " (", length(shps), ") should either be equal to number",
          " of bands per label (", max.coords[2], "),\nor to the product of the number of labels and",
          " number of bands per label (", max.coords[1], "*", max.coords[2], " = ", max.coords[1] * max.coords[2], ")"

#' A function to merge two sets of graphical parameters
#' @param weak A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}
#' @param strong Another \code{\link[grid]{gpar}}, with parameters taking precedence
#' over \code{weak}
#' @return A \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} merging attributes of both \code{weak} and \code{strong}
prMergeGp <- function(weak = gpar(), strong = gpar()) {
  ret <- weak
  for (nm in names(strong)) {
    ret[[nm]] <- strong[[nm]]

#' A function for the legend used in forestplot()
#' This function encapsulates all the legend options that are used in the
#' \code{\link{forestplot}} function. This is in order to limit the crowding
#' among the arguments for the \code{\link{forestplot}} call.
#' @param pos The position of the legend, either at the "top" or the "right" unless
#'  positioned inside the plot. If you want the legend to be positioned inside the plot
#'  then you have to provide a list with the same x & y qualities as \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.
#'  For instance if you want the legend to be positioned at the top right corner then
#'  use \code{pos = list("topright")} - this is equivalent to \code{pos = list(x = 1, y = 1)}.
#'  If you want to have a distance from the edge of the graph then add a inset to the list,
#'  e.g. \code{pos = list("topright", "inset" = .1)} - the inset should be either a \code{\link[grid]{unit}}
#'  element or a value between 0 and 1. The default is to have the boxes aligned vertical, if
#'  you want them to be in a line then you can specify the "align" option, e.g.
#'  \code{pos = list("topright", "inset" = .1, "align" = "horizontal")}
#' @param gp The \code{\link[grid]{gpar}} options for the legend. If you want
#'  the background color to be light grey then use \code{gp = gpar(fill = "lightgrey")}.
#'  If you want a border then set the col argument: \code{gp = gpar(fill = "lightgrey", col = "black")}.
#'  You can also use the lwd and lty argument as usual, \code{gp = gpar(lwd = 2, lty = 1)}, will result
#'  in a black border box of line type 1 and line width 2.
#' @param r The box can have rounded edges, check out \code{\link[grid]{grid.roundrect}}. The
#'  r option should be a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object. This is by default \code{unit(0, "snpc")}
#'  but you can choose any value that you want. The \code{"snpc"} unit is the preferred option.
#' @param padding The padding for the legend box, only used if box is drawn. This is
#'  the distance from the border to the text/boxes of the legend.
#' @param title The title of the legend if any
#' @return \code{list} Returns a list with all the elements
#' @export
#' @family forestplot functions
fpLegend <- function(pos = "top",
                     gp = NULL,
                     r = unit(0, "snpc"),
                     padding = unit(ifelse(!is.null(gp), 3, 0), "mm"),
                     title = NULL) {
    pos = pos,
    gp = gp,
    r = r,
    padding = padding,
    title = title

#' Get font settings for forestplot
#' This function generates all the \code{\link[grid]{gpar}()}
#' elements for the different text elements within the graph.
#' Elements not specified inherit their default settings from the
#' \code{label} argument.
#' @section List arguments for \code{label}/\code{summary}:
#' You can provide a \code{list} of elements for the \code{label}
#' and \code{summary} in order to specify separate elements. If you
#' provide a \code{list} in one dimension the \code{gpar} elements are assumed
#' to follow the columns. If you provide a \code{list} of 2 dimensions the
#' structure assumes is \code{list[[row]][[column]]} and the number of elements
#' should correspond to the number of labels for the \code{label} argument, i.e.
#' without the rows marked as summary elements. The same goes for \code{summary}
#' arguments.
#' @param label The text labels (see details below)
#' @param summary The summary labels (see details below)
#' @param xlab The xlab text
#' @param title The plot title
#' @param ticks The ticks associated with the xlab
#' @param legend The legend text
#' @param legend.title The legend title
#' @param cex The font size
#' @return A list of the \code{fpTxtGp} class
#' @examples
#' fpTxtGp(label = gpar(fontfamily = "HersheySerif"))
#' @export
fpTxtGp <- function(label,
                    cex = 1) {
  prGparMergeMultiLevel <- function(ret, element) {
    name <- deparse(substitute(element))
    if (!inherits(element, "gpar")) {
      if (inherits(element, "list") &&
        (inherits(element[[1]], "gpar") ||
          (inherits(element[[1]], "list") &&
            inherits(element[[1]][[1]], "gpar")))) {
        if (inherits(element[[1]], "gpar")) {
          ret <- lapply(element, function(x, l1) prGparMerge(l1, x), l1 = ret)
          attr(ret, "txt_dim") <- 1
          default_element <- ret[[1]]
        } else {
          el_len <- sapply(element, length, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
          if (any(el_len != el_len[1])) {
              "It seems that you haven't provided a square list",
              " for '", name, "'",
              ", ie all rows have the same number of elements.",
              " Currently the list lengths are:",
              " '", paste(el_len, collapse = "', '"), "'"
          ret <- lapply(element, function(l) {
            lapply(l, function(x, l1) {
              prGparMerge(l1, x)
            }, l1 = ret)
          attr(ret, "txt_dim") <- 2
          default_element <- ret[[1]][[1]]
      } else {
        stop("You can only provide arguments from gpar() or a 1-2 dimensional list of gpars to the function")
    } else {
      ret <- prGparMerge(
      attr(ret, "txt_dim") <- 0
      default_element <- ret
    attr(ret, "ref") <- default_element

  ret <- list()
  ret$label <- list(
    fontface = "plain",
    cex = cex
  attr(ret$label, "ref") <- ret$label
  attr(ret$label, "txt_dim") <- 0

  if (!missing(label)) {
    ret$label <- prGparMergeMultiLevel(

  ret$summary <-
      attr(ret$label, "ref"),
        fontface = "bold",
        cex = attr(ret$label, "ref")$cex * 1.1
  attr(ret$summary, "ref") <- ret$summary
  attr(ret$summary, "txt_dim") <- 0

  if (!missing(summary)) {
    ret$summary <- prGparMergeMultiLevel(

  ret$title <-
      attr(ret$label, "ref"),
        fontface = "bold",
        cex = attr(ret$label, "ref")$cex * 1.2,
        just = "center"

  if (!missing(title)) {
    if (!inherits(title, "gpar")) {
      stop("You can only provide arguments from gpar() to the function")
    ret$title <- prGparMerge(

  ret$xlab <-
      attr(ret$label, "ref"),
      list(cex = attr(ret$label, "ref")$cex * 0.6)

  if (!missing(xlab)) {
    if (!inherits(xlab, "gpar")) {
      stop("You can only provide arguments from gpar() to the function")
    ret$xlab <- prGparMerge(

  ret$ticks <-
      attr(ret$label, "ref"),
      list(cex = attr(ret$label, "ref")$cex * 0.5)

  if (!missing(ticks)) {
    if (!inherits(ticks, "gpar")) {
      stop("You can only provide arguments from gpar() to the function")
    ret$ticks <- prGparMerge(

  ret$legend <-
      attr(ret$label, "ref"),
      list(cex = attr(ret$label, "ref")$cex * 0.8)
  attr(ret$legend, "ref") <- ret$legend
  attr(ret$legend, "txt_dim") <- 0

  if (!missing(legend)) {
    if (!inherits(legend, "gpar")) {
      stop("You can only provide arguments from gpar() to the function")

    ret$legend <- prGparMergeMultiLevel(

  ret$legend.title <-
      attr(ret$label, "ref"),
        fontface = "bold",
        cex = attr(ret$label, "ref")$cex * 1.1

  if (!missing(legend.title)) {
    if (!inherits(legend.title, "gpar")) {
      stop("You can only provide arguments from gpar() to the function")
    ret$legend.title <- prGparMerge(

    class = c("fpTxtGp", class(ret))
gforge/forestplot documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 7:40 a.m.