
Defines functions local_gh_pkg extract_gh_sha1 extract_version get_user_repo slash_split get_remote_sha1 gh_fix_ref is_on_branch get_last_date local_version trim_ref fetch_news fetch_desc compare_sha1 remote_version empty_df validate_branche

Documented in compare_sha1 extract_gh_sha1 extract_version fetch_news get_remote_sha1 get_user_repo local_gh_pkg remote_version

#' @importFrom gh gh
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply

#' extract local github packages
#' @param lib path to lib
local_gh_pkg <- function(lib) {
  pkgs <- row.names(utils::installed.packages(lib.loc = lib))
  desc <- lapply(setNames(pkgs, nm = pkgs), utils::packageDescription, lib.loc = lib)
  gh_pkg <- vapply(desc, function(x) !is.null(x$GithubSHA1), logical(1))

#' extract HEAD sha1sum
#' @param desc pkg description
extract_gh_sha1 <- function(desc) {
  vapply(desc, function(x) x$GithubSHA1, character(1))

#' extract Version
#' @param desc pkg description
extract_version <- function(desc) {
  vapply(desc, function(x) x$Version, character(1))

#' concatenate user/repo
#' @param desc pkg description
get_user_repo <- function(desc) {
  vapply(desc, function(x) {
    paste0(x$GithubUsername, "/", x$GithubRepo, "/", x$GithubRef)},

slash_split <- function(repos) {
  num_slashes <- nchar(gsub("[^/]", "", repos))
  if (num_slashes < 2) stop(paste("missing info in", repos), call. = FALSE)
  l <- as.list(strsplit(repos, "/")[[1]])
  # slashes can be used in branch names
  # collapse elements from 3 to the end
  if (num_slashes > 2) {
    new_l <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3L)
    for (i in seq_along(l)) {
      if (i < 3) new_l[[i]] <- l[[i]]
      else new_l[[3]] <- append(new_l[[3]], l[[i]])
    new_l[[3]] <- paste(new_l[[3]], collapse = "/")
    l <- new_l
  names(l) <- c("user", "repo", "ref")

#' fetch distant HEAD sha1sum
#' @param repos pkg user/repo
get_remote_sha1 <- function(repos) {
  message(paste("fetching",  length(repos), "distant sha1"))
  pblapply(repos, function(x) {
    rep <- slash_split(x)
    gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/heads/:ref",
       owner = rep$user, repo = rep$repo, ref = rep$ref)[["object"]][["sha"]]

gh_fix_ref <- function(rep) {
  rep <- slash_split(rep)
  # refs work only it is a branch
  # check if ref is commit and fix to replace by the its branch of origin
  # https://stackoverflow.com/a/468378/1395352
  if (grepl("[0-9a-f]{7,40}", rep$ref)) {
    # procedure as in https://stackoverflow.com/a/23970412/1395352
    # list all branchs with:
    branches <- gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/branches", owner = rep$user, repo = rep$repo)
    branch_names <- unlist(lapply(branches, function(x) x$name))
    for (branch in branch_names) {
      if (isTRUE(is_on_branch(rep, branch))) {
        new_ref <- branch
      #else {message("not found")}
  } else new_ref <- rep$ref
  rep$ref <- new_ref
  # check if ref is a valid branch
  rep$ref <- validate_branche(rep)
  # rebuild string with fixed ref which a branch now
  paste(rep, collapse = "/")

is_on_branch <- function(rep, branch) {
  status <- tryCatch(
    expr = {
      status <- gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/compare/:ref...:sha",
                   owner = rep$user, repo = rep$repo,
                   ref = branch, sha = rep$ref)
    # to avoid this:
    # Error in gh: GitHub API error (404): 404 Not Found
    # catch it and we know this is not the branch where the commit originate from
    error = function(e) {
  if (status %in% c("behind", "identical") ) {
  } else if (status %in% c("diverged", "ahead")) {
  } else {
    # should not happen

get_last_date <- function(repos, sha1) {
  mapply(function(rep, sha) {
    rep <- slash_split(rep)
    last_date <- gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha",
                    owner = rep$user, repo = rep$repo, sha = sha)$commit$author$date
    format(as.Date(last_date), "%Y-%m-%d")
  }, repos, sha1, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

local_version <- function(rep, sha) {
  mapply(function(rep, sha) {
    ref <- slash_split(rep)$ref
   paste0(ref, "@", substr(sha, 1, 7))
   }, rep, sha, USE.NAMES = TRUE, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

trim_ref <- function(repos) {
  vapply(repos, function(x) {
    paste(strsplit(x, "/")[[1]][1:2], collapse = "/")
  }, character(1))

#' fetch distant news file
#' @param repos pkg user/repo
fetch_news <- function(repos) {
  # - look recursively in the tree or only the root? check for the 37 repos
  # - deal with several positive answers, rank by extension
  # query the files/folder at repo root
  rep <- slash_split(repos)
  gh_list <- gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path/?ref=:ref",
                    owner = rep$user, repo = rep$repo, path = ".", ref = rep$ref)
  # extract the flatten chr list
  remote_list <- vapply(gh_list, "[[", "", "name")
  # look for a news files
  # TODO might need to look for more than news.md / NEWS.md
  news_idx <- grep("news\\.md", remote_list, ignore.case = TRUE)
  if (length(news_idx) == 0) {
    message(paste("no news for", repos))
  } else if (length(news_idx) > 1) {
    # message(paste("multiple news for", repos))
    # might be used if grep is only news without extension
  } else {
    # get download url and read news files

fetch_desc <- function(repos) {
  rep <- slash_split(repos)
  gh_desc <- gh("GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/DESCRIPTION/?ref=:ref",
                    owner = rep$user, repo = rep$repo, path = ".", ref = rep$ref)
  desc <- readLines(gh_desc$download_url, warn = FALSE)
  version <- desc[grep("^Version:", desc)]
  strsplit(version, " ")[[1]][2]

#' compare 2 vectors
#' @param a first vector of repo names
#' @param b second vector of repo names
compare_sha1 <- function(a, b) {
  if (sum(names(a) != names(b)) > 0) stop("vectors differ", call. = FALSE)
  names(a[a != b])

#' build remote version, ref and short sha1
#' @param ref vector of repo ref
#' @param sha vector of sha1sum
remote_version <- function(ref, sha) {
  if (sum(names(ref) != names(sha)) > 0) stop("names differs", call. = FALSE)
  ref <- strsplit(ref, "/")[[1]][3]
  paste0(ref, "@",
         substr(sha, 1, 7))

empty_df <- function() {
    pkgs = character(0),
    loc_version = character(0),
    gh_version = character(0),
    local = character(0),
    remote = character(0),
    date = character(0),
    news = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @importFrom gh gh
validate_branche <- function(rep) {
  branches <- unlist(lapply(
    X = gh("/repos/:owner/:repo/branches", repo = rep$repo, owner = rep$user),
    FUN = `[[`, "name"
  if (rep$ref %in% branches) {
  } else {
ginolhac/upnews documentation built on Oct. 28, 2019, 3:18 p.m.