# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2020 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
# procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; #
# or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, #
# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
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# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
#' @title Batch Builder
#' @description
#' Prepares XML node for \code{\link{ExportToBATCH}}.
#' @param files path of files to batch.
#' @param compensation path to compensation file.
#' @param analysis path to analysis file.
#' @param default_batch_dir directory where batches are stored.\cr
#' It can be found in IDEAS(R) software, under Options -> Application Defaults -> Directories -> Default Batch Report Files Directory.\cr
#' If missing, the default, it will be deduced from IDEAS(R) config file, However, if it can't be deduced then tempdir(check = TRUE) from \pkg{base} will be used.\cr
#' This argument takes precedence over 'config_file' and filling 'default_batch_dir' prevents the use of 'config_file' argument.
#' @param config_file path to IDEAS(R) config file.\cr
#' It may depends on IDEAS(R) software installation but one may use "C:/Users/\%USER\%/AppData/Roaming/Amnis Corporation/userconfig.xml".
#' @param name name of batch. Default is "Batch1".
#' @param use_acquisition whether to use acquisition as analysis template. Default is FALSE.
#' @param suffix suffix to add to files when batched. Default is "".
#' @param allow_channels_dissimilarity whether to allow building batch when all files were not acquired with same channels. Default is FALSE.
#' @param overwrite whether to overwrite files or not. Default is TRUE.
#' @param segment_rif size of file segmentation. Default is "None", for no segmentation.\cr
#' Allowed are "None", "100", "1K", "5K", "10K", "50K", "100K".
#' @param options A list of arguments to be passed.\cr
#' If missing, the default, options will be set to:\cr
#' -"Brightfield compensation"=TRUE,\cr
#' -"EDF deconvolution"=TRUE,\cr
#' -"Camera background"=TRUE,\cr
#' -"Spatial alignment"=TRUE.\cr
#' Allowed are TRUE or FALSE for all, excepted for 'Spatial aligment' which can also be path to .rif file.
#' @return a list containing batch information:\cr
#' -xml, the xml object to be written,\cr
#' -batch_dir, the directory where xml file is desired to be saved according to 'default_batch_dir' and 'config_file'.
#' @export
buildBatch <- function(files, compensation, analysis, default_batch_dir, config_file,
name="Batch1", use_acquisition=FALSE, suffix="",
allow_channels_dissimilarity=FALSE, overwrite=TRUE, segment_rif="None",
options) {
fileName_comp = ""
fileName_align = ""
# various checks
if(missing(files)) stop("'files can't be missing")
name = na.omit(as.character(name)); assert(name, len = 1, typ = "character")
use_acquisition = as.logical(use_acquisition); assert(use_acquisition, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE,FALSE))
suffix = na.omit(as.character(suffix)); assert(suffix, len = 1, typ = "character")
allow_channels_dissimilarity = as.logical(allow_channels_dissimilarity); assert(allow_channels_dissimilarity, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE,FALSE))
overwrite = as.logical(overwrite); assert(overwrite, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE,FALSE))
allowed_chunk = c("None","100","1K","5K","10K","50K","100K")
segment_rif = na.omit(as.character(segment_rif)); assert(segment_rif, len = 1, alw = allowed_chunk)
# checks options
if(missing(options)) {
options=list("Brightfield compensation"=TRUE,
"EDF deconvolution"=TRUE,
"Camera background"=TRUE,
"Spatial alignment"=TRUE)
if(length(options[["Brightfield compensation"]])==0) {options[["Brightfield compensation"]]=TRUE}
if(length(options[["EDF deconvolution"]])==0) {options[["EDF deconvolution"]]=TRUE}
if(length(options[["Camera background"]])==0) {options[["Camera background"]]=TRUE}
if(length(options[["Spatial alignment"]])==0) {options[["Spatial alignment"]]=TRUE}
opt = lapply(names(options), FUN=function(x) {
##### can't be modified:
# "Brightfield gains"
# "flow speed normalization"
# "Apply cell classifiers"
# "Erase non-framed objects"
# "Separate single objects"
# "Remove clipped objects"
# "Allow post processing"
foo = as.logical(options[[x]])
if(length(foo)!=1) stop(paste0("options$",x," should be of length 1"))
if(x=="Spatial alignment") {
if(is.na(foo)) {
if(!file.exists(options[[x]])) {
stop(paste0("options$`Spatial alignment` can't find file:",options[[x]]))
} else {
if(getFileExt(options[[x]])!="rif") stop("when provided options$`Spatial alignment` should be a rif file")
} else {
if(is.na(foo)) stop(paste0("options$",x," should be of class `logical`"))
names(opt) = names(options)
if(opt[["Spatial alignment"]]=="Y") if(is.na(as.logical(options[["Spatial alignment"]]))) fileName_align = options[["Spatial alignment"]]
# checks for batch_dir
batch_dir = NULL
is_tmp_dir = TRUE
if(missing(default_batch_dir)) {
if(!missing(config_file)) {
config_file = na.omit(as.character(config_file));
config_file = normalizePath(config_file, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
if(length(config_file)!=1) {
warning("can't find config file and default_batch_dir is not provided: tempdir(check = TRUE) will be used")
} else {
if(!file.exists(config_file)) {
warning("can't find config file and default_batch_dir is not provided: tempdir(check = TRUE) will be used")
} else {
tmp_conf = read_xml(config_file, options = c("HUGE", "RECOVER", "NOENT", "NOBLANKS", "NSCLEAN"))
batch_dir = xml_text(xml_find_first(tmp_conf, "//BatchDirectory"))
is_tmp_dir = FALSE
} else {
default_batch_dir = na.omit(as.character(default_batch_dir));
if(length(default_batch_dir)!=1) {
warning("when provided 'default_batch_dir' should be of length 1: tempdir(check = TRUE) will be used")
} else{
default_batch_dir = normalizePath(default_batch_dir, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
if(!dir.exists(default_batch_dir)) {
warning("'default_batch_dir' is invalid: tempdir(check = TRUE) will be used")
} else {
batch_dir = default_batch_dir
is_tmp_dir = FALSE
if(length(batch_dir) == 0) batch_dir = tempdir(check = TRUE)
attr(x = batch_dir, which = "tempdir") <- is_tmp_dir
# checks analysis
if(!missing(analysis)) {
if(!file.exists(analysis)) stop(paste0("can't find analysis file:\n",analysis))
a_Ext = getFileExt(analysis)
if(!(a_Ext%in%c("ast","daf"))) stop("can't deal with analysis file, only .ast and .daf are supported")
# checks compensation
if(!missing(compensation)) {
if(!file.exists(compensation)) stop(paste0("can't find compensation file:\n",compensation))
c_Ext = getFileExt(compensation)
if(!(c_Ext%in%c("cif","ctm","daf"))) stop("can't deal with compensation file, only .cif, .ctm and .daf are supported for the moment")
# checks input files
dup = duplicated(sapply(files, FUN=function(x) {
x=tolower(normalizePath(x, winslash = "/"))
gsub(getFileExt(x),"", x)
if(any(dup)) {
warning(paste0(paste0(paste0(files[dup],"\n"),collapse=""),"have been removed because batch would overwrite data being processed"))
files = files[!dup]
if(length(files) == 0) stop("no file to batch using 'files' argument")
info = lapply(files, getInfo, from = "acquisition")
num_channels = unique(sapply(info, FUN=function(x) nrow(x$Images)))
if(!allow_channels_dissimilarity) {
if(length(num_channels) !=1 ) stop("'files' have been acquired on different amount of channels")
ids_channels = sapply(info, FUN=function(x) c(sum(x$in_use), x$Images$physicalChannel[x$in_use])) # maybe to remove to allow
if(typeof(ids_channels) == "list") stop("'files' have been acquired on different physical channels") # maybe to remove
if(nlevels(as.factor(ids_channels[-1,]))!=ids_channels[1]) stop("'files' have been acquired on different physical channels") # maybe to remove
mag = unique(unlist(sapply(info, FUN=function(x) x$magnification)))
if(length(mag)!=1) stop("'files' have been acquired with different magnifications")
mag = paste0("Offsets",ifelse(mag==40, "",paste0(mag,"x")),"_Gen2_0_11")
# Extracts information to build Nodes
if(fileName_align=="") {
offsets = c(X="",Y="")
} else {
IFD = getIFD(fileName = fileName_align, offsets = "first", trunc_bytes = 8, force_trunc = FALSE, bypass = FALSE)
tmp_off = read_xml(getFullTag(IFD = IFD, which = 1, tag = "33064", raw = TRUE), options=c("HUGE","RECOVER","NOENT","NOBLANKS","NSCLEAN"))
offsets = sapply(c("X","Y"), USE.NAMES = TRUE, FUN = function(off) {
paste0(round(as.numeric(strsplit(xml_text(xml_find_first(tmp_off, xpath = paste0("//",off,mag)))," ",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]),2),collapse="|")
if(!missing(compensation)) {
if(c_Ext == "daf") {
toskip = cpp_scanFirst(enc2native(compensation), charToRaw('</Assay>'), start = 0, end = 0)
if(toskip == 0) stop(paste0(compensation, "\ndoes not seem to be well formatted: </Assay> not found"))
toskip = toskip + nchar("</Assay>") - 1
tmp_comp = read_xml(readBin(compensation, what = "raw", n = toskip), options = c("HUGE", "RECOVER", "NOENT", "NOBLANKS", "NSCLEAN"))
SOD = xml_attrs(xml_find_first(tmp_comp, xpath="//SOD"))
fileName_comp = SOD["file"]
if(!file.exists(fileName_comp)) {
fileName_comp = paste(dirname(compensation), basename(fileName_comp), sep = "\\")
if(!file.exists(fileName_comp)) stop(paste0("can't find compensation file\n", fileName_comp),call. = FALSE)
if(c_Ext == "cif") fileName_comp = compensation
if(fileName_comp=="") {
num_channels = 12L
coeff = paste0(as.numeric(sapply(1:num_channels, FUN=function(x) 1:num_channels==x)), collapse="|")
} else {
IFD = getIFD(fileName = fileName_comp, offsets = "first", trunc_bytes = 8, force_trunc = FALSE, bypass = FALSE)
coeff = paste0(getFullTag(IFD = IFD, which = 1, tag = "33020"),collapse="|")
chunk = c(1,100,1000,5000,10000,50000,100000)
names(chunk) = allowed_chunk
chunk = chunk[segment_rif]
nodes = list(list(name="alignment",
attrs = list(name="",
attrs = list(name="")),
attrs = list(name=ifelse(missing(compensation), "", normalizePath(compensation, winslash = "/")),
attrs=list(name=ifelse(missing(analysis), "", normalizePath(analysis, winslash = "/")),
.children=lapply(info, FUN=function(x) do.call(what=xml_new_node, args=list(name="file", attrs = list(name=x$fileName, objectCount=ifelse(getFileExt(x$fileName)!="rif","0",format(x$objcount,scientific=FALSE))))))),
.children=lapply(unlist(lapply(info, FUN=function(x) {
if(getFileExt(x$fileName) == "daf") return(gsub("\\.daf$",paste0(suffix,".daf"),basename(x$fileName)))
if(getFileExt(x$fileName) == "cif") return(gsub("\\.cif$",paste0(suffix,".daf"),basename(x$fileName_image)))
# segment_rif only applies to rif
foo = 1
if(segment_rif!="None") foo = ceiling(x$objcount/chunk)
if(foo == 1) {
foo = ""
} else {
foo = paste(paste0("_S", 1:foo),segment_rif,sep="_")
})), FUN=function(n) xml_new_node(name="statfile", attrs = list(name=n)))))
if(!missing(analysis)) {
target = ifelse(a_Ext=="daf", '</Assay>', '</AssayTemplate>')
toskip = cpp_scanFirst(enc2native(analysis), charToRaw(target), start = 0, end = 0)
if(toskip == 0) {
if(a_Ext=="daf") {
stop(paste0(analysis, "\ndoes not seem to be well formatted: </Assay> not found"))
} else {
stop(paste0(analysis, "\ndoes not seem to be well formatted: </Assay> not found"))
toskip = toskip + nchar(target) - 1
tmp_ana = read_xml(readBin(analysis, what = "raw", n = toskip), options = c("HUGE", "RECOVER", "NOENT", "NOBLANKS", "NSCLEAN"))
statoutputfile = list(name="statoutputfile",
attrs = list(name=xml_attr(xml_find_first(tmp_ana, xpath="//StatisticsReport"), attr = "title")))
StatisticsReports = xml_find_first(tmp_ana, xpath="//StatisticsReports")
if(length(xml_children(StatisticsReports)) != 0) {
StatisticsReports = list(name="StatisticsReports",
.children = lapply(xml_children(StatisticsReports), FUN=function(x) {
N = xml_name(x)
A = xml_attrs(x)
if(N=="StatisticsReport") A = c(list("filename"=A["title"]),A)
xml_new_node(name=N, attrs = A)
} else {
StatisticsReports = list(name="StatisticsReports",
.children = xml_new_node(name = "StatisticsReport",
attrs = list(filename="",
statoutputfile = list(name="statoutputfile", attrs = list(name = ""))
nodes = c(nodes, list(statoutputfile), list(StatisticsReports))
} else {
statoutputfile = list(name="statoutputfile", attrs = list(name = ""))
nodes = c(nodes, list(statoutputfile))
xml = do.call(what = xml_new_node, args = list(name="batch",
align=opt[["Spatial alignment"]],
dc=opt[["Camera background"]],
spectral=opt[["Brightfield compensation"]],
edf=opt[["EDF deconvolution"]],
.children=lapply(nodes, do.call, what=xml_new_node)))
return(list(xml=xml, batch_dir=batch_dir))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.