# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2021 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
# procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; #
# or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, #
# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
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# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# functions described hereunder are experimental #
# inputs and outputs may change in the future #
#' @title Gating Strategy File Writer
#' @description
#' Writes GatingML from an `IFC_data` object to a xml file
#' @param obj an `IFC_data` object extracted with features extracted.
#' @param write_to pattern used to export file.
#' Placeholders, like "\%d/\%s_fromR.\%e", will be substituted:\cr
#' -\%d: with full path directory of 'obj$fileName'\cr
#' -\%p: with first parent directory of 'obj$fileName'\cr
#' -\%e: with extension of 'obj$fileName' (without leading .)\cr
#' -\%s: with shortname from 'obj$fileName' (i.e. basename without extension).\cr
#' Exported file extension will be deduced from this pattern. Note that it has to be a .xml.
#' @param overwrite whether to overwrite file or not. Default is FALSE.
#' @param display_progress whether to display a progress bar. Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose whether to display information (use for debugging purpose). Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed.
#' @details Partial implementation of ISAC's Gating-ML 2.0 data exchange standard for gating description.
#' See Josef Spidlen et al. Cytometry A 87 683-687 (2015). \doi{10.1002/cyto.a.22690}\cr
#' GatingML is partly implemented because:\cr
#' -Tagged population are not part of GatingML gates\cr
#' -IDEAS/INSPIRE regions are different from the collection of gates listed in GatingML. Notably,\cr
#' --only 1 or 2 dimensions gates will be used,
#' --range gates and quadrant gates are absent from IDEAS/INSPIRE
#' --ellipse gates exist in IDEAS/INSPIRE but are axis aligned and not rotated.
#' -Transformation applied in \pkg{IFC} is not part of GatingML.
#' Nonetheless, when possible additional information are provided in dedicated custom_info field.
#' @return It invisibly returns full path of exported file.
#' @keywords internal
writeGatingStrategy = function(obj, write_to, overwrite = FALSE,
display_progress = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
dots = list(...)
# change locale
locale_back <- setloc(c("LC_ALL" = "en_US.UTF-8"))
enc_back <- options("encoding" = "UTF-8")
on.exit(suspendInterrupts({setloc(locale_back); options(enc_back)}), add = TRUE)
now = format(Sys.time(), format = "%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S")
# check mandatory param
assert(obj, cla = "IFC_data")
if(length(obj$pops)==0) stop("please use argument 'extract_features' = TRUE with ExtractFromDAF() or ExtractFromXIF() and ensure that features were correctly extracted")
if(missing(write_to)) stop("'write_to' can't be missing")
assert(write_to, len = 1, typ = "character")
assert(overwrite, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
assert(display_progress, c(TRUE, FALSE))
assert(verbose, c(TRUE, FALSE))
# tests if file can be written
fileName = normalizePath(obj$fileName, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
title_progress = basename(fileName)
splitf_obj = splitf(fileName)
splitp_obj = splitp(write_to)
write_to = formatn(splitp_obj, splitf_obj)
file_extension = getFileExt(write_to)
assert(file_extension, len = 1, alw = "xml")
if(any(splitp_obj$channel > 0)) message("'write_to' has %c argument but channel information can't be retrieved with writeGatingML()")
if(any(splitp_obj$object > 0)) message("'write_to' has %o argument but channel information can't be retrieved with writeGatingML()")
# create root with gratingML namespaces
root <- read_xml('
<gating:Gating-ML xmlns:gating="http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/gating" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:transforms="http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/transformations" xmlns:data-type="http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/datatypes" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/gating http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/transformations http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/datatypes" >
', encoding = "utf-8")
overwritten = FALSE
if(file.exists(write_to)) {
write_to = enc2native(normalizePath(write_to, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE))
if(!overwrite) stop(paste0("file ",write_to," already exists"))
if(tolower(fileName) == tolower(write_to)) stop("you are trying to overwrite source file which is not allowed")
xmlEND_export = cpp_scanFirst(write_to, charToRaw('</gating:Gating-ML>'), start = 0, end = 0)
if(xmlEND_export > 0) {
xml_export = read_xml(readBin(con = write_to, what = "raw", n = xmlEND_export + nchar("</gating:Gating-ML>") - 1),
is_fromR = as.character(na.omit(xml_attr(xml_find_first(xml_export, "//IFC"), attr = "IFC_version")))
}, finally = rm(xml_export))
if(length(is_fromR)==0) stop("you are trying to overwrite an original file which is not allowed")
} else {
stop(paste0(write_to, "\ndoes not seem to be well formatted: </gating:Gating-ML> not found"))
tmp_file = normalizePath(tempfile(), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
overwritten = TRUE
dir_name = dirname(write_to)
if(!dir.exists(dir_name)) if(!dir.create(dir_name, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)) stop(paste0("can't create\n", dir_name))
file_w = ifelse(overwritten, tmp_file, write_to)
towrite = file(description = file_w, open = "wb")
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0(ifelse(overwritten,"temp ","'write_to' "), "file: ", file_w, "\ncan't be created: check name ?"))
write_to = normalizePath(write_to, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
# defines some variables
now = format(Sys.time(), format = "%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S")
pkg_ver = paste0(unlist(packageVersion("IFC")), collapse = ".")
is_fcs = length(obj$description$FCS)!=0
# identify gatingML node
gating = xml_find_first(root, "//gating:Gating-ML", ns = xml_ns(root))
# check if there are some tagged population
is_tagged = sapply(obj$pops, FUN = function(x) x$type == "T")
# add general custom info node
to_create = c("info","tagged","plots")[c(TRUE,any(is_tagged),TRUE)]
gating %>% xml_add_child(xml_new_node(name = "_ns_data-type_ns_custom_info", .children = lapply(to_create, xml_new_node)))
custom_info = xml_find_first(root, "_ns_data-type_ns_custom_info//info")
custom_tagged = xml_find_first(root, "_ns_data-type_ns_custom_info//tagged")
custom_plots = xml_find_first(root, "_ns_data-type_ns_custom_info//plots")
# fill general custom info node with info nodes
custom_info %>% xml_add_child(xml_new_node(name = "IFC", attrs = list(IFC_version = pkg_ver,
date = now,
IDEAS_version = obj$description$Assay$IDEAS_version,
objcount = obj$description$ID$objcount,
All = paste0(c(map_style(obj$pops[["All"]]$style, toR=FALSE),
map_color(c(obj$pops[["All"]]$color, obj$pops[["All"]]$lightModeColor), toR = FALSE)), collapse="|"))))
# fill general custom info node with tagged pop nodes
tagged_nodes = lapply(obj$pops[is_tagged], FUN = function(pop) {
custom_tagged %>% xml_add_child(xml_new_node(name = "pop", attrs = list(name=pop$name,
colors=paste0(map_color(c(pop$color,pop$lightModeColor), FALSE),collapse="|"),
pch=map_style(pop$style, toR=FALSE),
obj=paste0(which(pop$obj) - 1L, collapse = "|"))))
# fill general custom info node with graph nodes
graph_nodes = toXML2_graphs_gs(obj$graphs)
lapply(graph_nodes, FUN =function(node) xml_add_child(custom_plots, node))
# fill spillover if any
gatingML_comp = list()
if(length(obj$description$spillraw) != 0) gatingML_comp = c(gatingML_comp, list(toXML2_spillover_gs(obj$description$spillraw, name = "spillraw")))
if(length(obj$description$spillover) != 0) gatingML_comp = c(gatingML_comp, list(toXML2_spillover_gs(obj$description$spillover, name = "spillover")))
lapply(gatingML_comp, FUN = function(gatingML_node) xml_add_child(gating, gatingML_node))
# keep track of already used ids
already = character()
# Now, we fill GatingML with Boolean and Graphical pop + regions (C and G) in gating node
pop_nodes = lapply(obj$pops, FUN = function(pop) {
# color conversion
pop$colors = paste0(map_color(c(pop$color,pop$lightModeColor), FALSE),collapse="|")
# only keep what is need
pop = pop[!(names(pop) %in% c("color","lightModeColor","names"))]
gatingML_node = switch(pop$type,
"C" = {
pop = pop[!(names(pop) %in% "obj")]
foo = toXML2_boolpop_gs(obj, pop, already)
already <<- c(already, foo[["already"]])
"G" = {
pop = pop[!(names(pop) %in% "obj")]
reg = obj$regions[[pop$region]]
toXML2_graphpop_gs(pop, reg)
if(inherits(gatingML_node, "xml_node")) {
gating %>% xml_add_child(gatingML_node)
} else {
lapply(gatingML_node, FUN = function(node_ele) {
gating %>% xml_add_child(node_ele)
# here we use an awful trick to write the file
# because it looks impossible to create a node
# in XML2 with a namespace e.g. gating:Gating-ML
# so xml file:
# -is 1st generated with _ns_gating_ns_
# -then it is read with readLines and each _ns_gating_ns_
# is substituted with gating: within each lines
# (same process with data-type: and transformations:)
# -then file is written with writeLines
# -Finally, to get good indentation, file is
# read with read_xml and write back with write_xml
write_xml(root, file = file_w, encoding = "utf-8")
lines <- readLines(file_w)
lines <- lapply(lines, FUN = function(x) {
x = gsub("_ns_gating_ns_", "gating:", x, fixed = TRUE)
x = gsub("_ns_data-type_ns_", "data-type:", x, fixed = TRUE)
x = gsub("_ns_transformation_ns_", "transformations:", x, fixed = TRUE)
x = gsub("_ns_transforms_ns_", "transforms:", x, fixed = TRUE)
doc = read_xml(paste0(lines[seq_along(lines)[-1]], collapse = ""))
write_xml(doc, file = file_w, encoding = "utf-8")
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("Can't create 'write_to' file.\n", write_to,
ifelse(overwritten,"\nFile was not modified.\n","\n"),
"See pre-file @\n", normalizePath(file_w, winslash = "/"), "\n",
e$message), call. = FALSE)
if(overwritten) {
mess = paste0("\n######################\n", write_to, "\nhas been successfully overwritten\n")
if(!suppressWarnings(file.rename(to = write_to, from = file_w))) { # try file renaming which is faster
if(!file.copy(to = write_to, from = file_w, overwrite = TRUE)) { # try file.copy if renaming is not possible
stop(paste0("Can't copy temp file@\n", normalizePath(file_w, winslash = "/"), "\n",
"Can't create 'write_to' file.\n", write_to,
"\nFile was not modified.\n"), call. = FALSE)
} else {
file.remove(file_w, showWarnings = FALSE)
} else {
mess = paste0("\n######################\n", write_to, "\nhas been successfully exported\n")
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