#' Call, download, and update many packages
#' @details `call_packages()` finds and download other packages
#' that belong to the many universe of packages.
#' It allows users to rapidly access the names and other
#' descriptive information of these packages.
#' If users intend to download and install a package listed,
#' they can type the package name within the function.
#' @family call_
#' @param package A character vector of package name.
#' For multiple packages,
#' please declare package names as a vector (e.g. c("package1", "package2")).
#' @param develop Would you like to download the develop
#' version of the package?
#' FALSE by default.
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows rename relocate %>% as_tibble
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_remove
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @importFrom remotes install_github
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion askYesNo
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #call_packages()
#' #call_packages("manyenviron")
#' }
#' @return
#' `call_packages()` returns a tibble with the 'many packages'
#' currently available.
#' If one or more package names are provided,
#' these will be installed from Github.
#' @export
call_packages <- function(package, develop = FALSE) {
# introduce variables to avoid check notes
Description <- Installed <- Latest <- Name <- updated <-
description <- full_name <- name <- NULL
# get info from GitHub if package is missing
if (missing(package)) {
# get package releases, versions, and bind information
repo <- httr::GET("https://api.github.com/users/globalgov/repos",
query = list(state = "all", per_page = 100, page = 1))
repo <- suppressMessages(httr::content(repo, type = "text"))
repo <- jsonlite::fromJSON(repo, flatten = TRUE)
repo <- repo[c("name", "full_name", "description")]
if (length(repo) < 3 | nrow(repo) < 5) {
"The download limit from GitHub has been reached.
To see all the available 'many packages' packages,
please go to the following link: https://github.com/globalgov")
# search for locally installed packages
repo$Installed <- sapply(repo$name, function(x) {
}, error = function(e) {
# get latest release
repo$Latest <- get_latest_release(repo$full_name)
repo <- subset(repo, !grepl("Unreleased", repo$Latest))
# format tibble
repo <- repo %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
dplyr::select(-full_name) %>%
dplyr::rename(Name = name, Description = description) %>%
dplyr::relocate(Name, Description, Installed, Latest) %>%
# prints tibble before asking about updates
print(repo, justify = "right")
# ask users if they want to install/update packages
if (any(repo$Installed != repo$Latest)) {
not_up_to_date <- repo[repo$Installed != repo$Latest,]
install <- not_up_to_date[is.na(not_up_to_date$Installed), "Name"]
update <- not_up_to_date[!is.na(not_up_to_date$Installed), "Name"]
if (nrow(install) > 0) {
if(utils::askYesNo(msg = paste0("Would you like to install ",
paste(install$Name, collapse = ", "),
" ?"))) {
for (i in install$Name) {
remotes::install_github(paste0("globalgov/", i))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("The download limit from GitHub has been reached.
Please download the package using:
remotes::install_github(globalgov/", package, ")"))
if (nrow(update) > 0) {
if(utils::askYesNo(msg = paste0("Would you like to update ",
paste(update$Name, collapse = ", "),
" ?"))) {
for (i in update$Name) {
remotes::install_github(paste0("globalgov/", i))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("The download limit from GitHub has been reached.
Please download the package using:
remotes::install_github(globalgov/", package, ")"))
# add message with hyperlinks
usethis::ui_info(c("For more information on each of the packages please see:",
lapply(repo$Name, function(x) {
cli::style_hyperlink(x, paste0("https://globalgov.github.io/", x))
} else {
# download package if declared
if (stringr::str_detect(package, "/")) {
package <- strsplit(package, "/")[[1]][2]
if (develop == FALSE) {
remotes::install_github(paste0("globalgov/", package))
} else {
remotes::install_github(paste0("globalgov/", package), ref = "develop")
library(package, character.only = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("The download limit from GitHub has been reached.
Please download the package using:
remotes::install_github(globalgov/", package, ")"))
usethis::ui_info(paste0("Please see ",
cli::style_hyperlink(package, paste0("https://globalgov.github.io/", package)),
" for more information."))
# Helper function to get package releases
get_latest_release <- function(full_name) {
latest <- paste0("https://api.github.com/repos/",
full_name, "/releases/latest")
if (length(latest) == 1) {
latest <- httr::GET(latest)
latest <- suppressMessages(httr::content(latest, type = "text"))
latest <- jsonlite::fromJSON(latest, flatten = TRUE)$tag_name
} else {
latest <- sapply(latest, function(x) {
x <- httr::GET(x)
x <- suppressMessages(httr::content(x, type = "text"))
x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(x, flatten = TRUE)$tag_name
if (is.null(x)) {
x <- "Unreleased"
} else {
x <- stringr::str_remove(x, "v")
#' Call releases historical milestones/releases
#' The function will take a data frame that details this information,
#' or more usefully, a Github repository listing.
#' @param repo the github repository to track, e.g. "globalgov/manydata"
#' @param begin When to begin tracking repository milestones.
#' By default NULL, two months before the first release.
#' @param end When to end tracking repository milestones.
#' By default NULL, two months after the latest release.
#' @family call_
#' @importFrom httr GET content warn_for_status stop_for_status http_error
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom stats ave
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_remove
#' @importFrom messydates as_messydate
#' @import ggplot2
#' @details The function creates a project timeline graphic using ggplot2
#' with historical milestones and milestone statuses gathered from a
#' specified GitHub repository.
#' @source
#' https://benalexkeen.com/creating-a-timeline-graphic-using-r-and-ggplot2/
#' @return A ggplot graph object
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #call_releases("globalgov/manydata")
#' #call_releases("manypkgs")
#' }
#' @export
call_releases <- function(repo, begin = NULL, end = NULL) {
# Step one: get releases from repo
if (!is.data.frame(repo)) {
if (!grepl("/", repo)) {
usethis::ui_info("Looking for package in 'globalgov' repo.")
repo <- paste0("globalgov/", repo)
# return link for more information
usethis::ui_info(paste0("Please see ",
cli::style_hyperlink(strsplit(repo, "/")[[1]][2],
strsplit(repo, "/")[[1]][2])),
" for more information."))
df <- get_releases(repo = repo, begin = begin, end = end)
} else df <- repo
# Step two: assign colors to releases
milestone <- NULL
milestone_levels <- c("Patch", "Minor", "Major")
milestone_colors <- c("darkgreen", "blue", "red")
df$milestone <- factor(df$milestone, levels = milestone_levels,
ordered = TRUE)
positions <- c(0.5, -0.5, 1.0, -1.0, 1.5, -1.5)
directions <- c(1, -1)
# Step three: add lines
line_pos <- data.frame("date" = unique(df$date),
"position" = rep(positions,
length.out = length(unique(df$date))),
"direction" = rep(
directions, length.out = length(unique(df$date))))
df <- merge(df, line_pos, by = "date", all = TRUE)
df <- df[with(df, order(date, milestone)), ]
# Step four: get text in the right position
df$month_count <- stats::ave(df$date == df$date, df$date, FUN = cumsum)
df$text_position <- (df$month_count * 0.05 * df$direction) + df$position
if (!messydates::is_messydate(df$date)) {
df$date <- as.Date(messydates::as_messydate(df$date), mean)
} else df$date <- as.Date(df$date, mean)
# Step five: get months date range
month_date_range <- seq(min(as.Date(df$date, min)) - months(2),
max(as.Date(df$date, max)) + months(2), by = "month")
month_format <- format(month_date_range, "%b")
month_df <- data.frame(month_date_range, month_format)
# Step six: get years date range
year_date_range <- c(min(month_date_range), max(month_date_range))
year_format <- format(year_date_range, "%Y")
year_df <- data.frame(year_date_range, year_format)
# Step seven: plot
timeline_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(x = date, y = 0,
col = .data$milestone,
label = .data$milestone)) +
ggplot2::labs(col = "Milestones") +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = milestone_colors,
labels = milestone_levels, drop = FALSE) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "black", linewidth = 0.3) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(data = df[df$month_count == 1, ],
ggplot2::aes(y = .data$position, yend = 0,
xend = date),
color = "black", linewidth = 0.2) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(y = 0), size = 3) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "bottom") +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = month_df,
ggplot2::aes(x = month_date_range,
y = -0.1, label = month_format),
size = 2.5, vjust = 0.5, color = "black", angle = 90)
# Show year text if applicable
if (nrow(month_df) > 12) timeline_plot <- timeline_plot +
ggplot2::geom_text(data = year_df, ggplot2::aes(x = year_date_range,
y = -0.2, fontface = "bold",
label = year_format),
size = 2.5, color = "black")
# Show text for each milestone
timeline_plot + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(y = .data$text_position,
label = .data$tag_name),
size = 2.5)
# Helper function for getting onformation from GitHub repos
get_releases <- function(repo, begin, end) {
repo <- paste0("https://api.github.com/repos/", repo, "/releases")
df <- httr::GET(repo, query = list(state = "all",
per_page = 100, page = 1))
df <- httr::content(df, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(df, flatten = TRUE)
df <- df[, c("tag_name", "url", "published_at")]
df$date <- stringr::str_remove(df$published_at, "T.*$")
df$date <- messydates::as_messydate(stringr::str_replace(df$date,
if(!is.null(begin)) df <- dplyr::filter(df, date >= begin)
if(!is.null(end)) df <- dplyr::filter(df, date <= end)
# Get milestones
code_milestone <- function(tag_name) {
tags <- c(tag_name, "v0.0.0")
test <- lapply(stringr::str_split(stringr::str_remove(tags, "v"),
"\\."), function(x) as.numeric(x))
elemt <- function(lst, n) {
sapply(lst, `[`, n)
ifelse(elemt(test, 3) > dplyr::lead(elemt(test, 3)), "Patch",
ifelse(elemt(test, 2) > dplyr::lead(elemt(test, 2)),
"Minor", "Major"))[-length(tags)]
df$milestone <- code_milestone(df$tag_name)
#' Call sources for datacubes and datasets in 'many' packages
#' @details `call_sources()` displays sources of the datacubes and datasets
#' in 'many' packages.
#' Please declare package, datacube, and dataset
#' @family call_
#' @param package A character vector of package name.
#' For multiple packages,
#' please declare package names as a vector (e.g. c("package1", "package2")).
#' @param datacube A datacube from one of the many packages.
#' @param dataset A dataset in a datacube from one of the many packages.
#' NULL by default.
#' That is, all datasets in the datacube are used.
#' For multiple datasets, please declare datasets as a vector
#' (e.g. c("dataset1", "dataset2")).
#' @param open_script Would you like to open the preparation script
#' for the dataset?
#' By default false.
#' @param open_codebook Would you like to open the codebook for the dataset?
#' By default false.
#' @importFrom utils help browseURL
#' @importFrom dplyr relocate %>% as_tibble
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all str_remove_all str_trim
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' call_sources("manydata", "emperors")
#' }
#' @return
#' `call_sources` returns a tibble with information on the dataset,
#' their sources, URL, and mapping to facilitate understanding
#' variable name changes from original data.
#' @export
call_sources <- function(package, datacube, dataset = NULL,
open_script = FALSE, open_codebook = FALSE) {
Dataset <- Source <- URL <- Mapping <- NULL
# return package link for help
usethis::ui_info(paste0("Please see ",
cli::style_hyperlink(package, paste0("https://globalgov.github.io/", package)),
" for more information."))
# get help file as clean(ish) text
helptext <- get_help_file(utils::help(topic = as.character(datacube),
package = as.character(package)))
# get names if one or more datasets are declared
if (!is.null(dataset)) {
names <- unlist(dataset)
} else {
names <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(gsub(
"following \\d datasets\\:", "", stringr::str_extract(
helptext, "((following \\d datasets\\:)[^\\.]*)")), ", ")))
# keep only portions we are interested in
helptext <- paste0(sub('.*</div>', '', helptext), " \\item")
# get sections
sections <- .get_sections(helptext)
# organize information into lists of list
out <- list()
for (i in names) {
out[i] <- stringr::str_extract_all(helptext, paste0(i, "\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\\\item"))
# bind list
out <- .check_and_bind_df(out, names)
# clean observations
out <- data.frame(t(apply(out, 1, function(x) {
paste0(paste(names, collapse = "|"),
"|\\\\item|\\\\tabular|\\\\url|\\\\emph|\\\\section|\\\\source|Variable Mapping"), "", x))
# add names to data frame
colnames(out) <- sections
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("Unable to get sources from documentation file,
please try the help file `?", package, "::", datacube, "`"))
rownames(out) <- gsub(":", "", names)
out[] <- lapply(out, function(x) gsub("^: ", "", x))
# clean variable mapping
out$Mapping <- unlist(lapply(out$Mapping, function(x) {
gsub("\\|", " | ", gsub("\\_", " ", gsub("\\(|\\)", "", gsub(
" ", " - ", gsub("(\\S* \\S*) ","\\1|", gsub(
"\\s+(?=[^()]*\\))", "_", gsub("('.*?')", "(\\1)", x), perl=TRUE))))))
# open preparation script if declared
if (open_script == TRUE & !is.null(dataset)) {
url <- paste0("https://github.com/globalgov/", package, "/blob/main/data-raw/",
datacube, "/", dataset, "/", "prepare-", dataset, ".R")
utils::browseURL(url, browser = getOption("browser"), encodeIfNeeded = FALSE)
}, error = function(e) {
message(paste0("Unable to open preparation script, please visit: ", url))
} else if (open_script == TRUE & is.null(dataset)) {
message("Please declare a dataset to open a preparation script.")
# open codebook if declared
if (open_codebook == TRUE & !is.null(dataset)) {
url <- paste0("https://github.com/globalgov/", package, "/raw/develop/data-raw/",
datacube, "/", dataset)
utils::browseURL(paste0(url, "/", "OriginalCodebook.pdf"),
browser = getOption("browser"), encodeIfNeeded = FALSE)
}, error = function(e) {
message(paste0("Unable to open codebook, please visit: ", url))
} else if (open_codebook == TRUE & is.null(dataset)) {
message("Please declare a dataset to open codebook.")
# out a with a tibble
dplyr::as_tibble(out, rownames = "Dataset") %>%
dplyr::relocate(Dataset, Source, URL, Mapping)
# Helper function to get help file into text
get_help_file <- function(file) {
path <- dirname(file)
dirpath <- dirname(path)
if (!file.exists(dirpath))
stop(gettextf("invalid %s argument", sQuote("file")),
domain = NA)
pkgname <- basename(dirpath)
RdDB <- file.path(path, pkgname)
fetchRdDB <- function(db) {
vals <- db$vals
vars <- db$vars
datafile <- db$datafile
compressed <- db$compressed
envhook <- db$envhook
key <- basename(file)
fetch <- function(key) lazyLoadDBfetch(vals[key][[1L]],
datafile, compressed, envhook)
out <- as.character(lazyLoadDBexec(RdDB, fetchRdDB))
out <- stringr::str_remove_all(out, "\\\n|\\{|\\}|\\\\tab$|\\\\cr$|^cc$")
out <- paste(stringr::str_trim(out[nzchar(out)]), collapse = " ")
# Helper function to get sections
.get_sections <- function(x) {
sections <- c(unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(x, "section \\w*")), "Source")
sections <- stringr::str_trim(gsub("section", "", sections))
# Helper file for checking information
.check_and_bind_df <- function(x, names) {
if (length(names) == 1) {
x <- data.frame(x[[1]])
} else {
if (length(unique(lengths(x))) > 1) {
for (i in names(x)) {
if (length(x[[i]]) < 3) {
if (all(!grepl("\\url", x[[i]]))) {
x[[i]] <- c(paste0(i, ": \\url NA \\item"), x[[i]])
} else if (all(!grepl("Variable Mapping", x[[i]]))) {
x[[i]] <- c(x[[i]][1], paste0(i, ": Variable Mapping \\tabular \\emph from \\emph to NA NA \\item"), x[[i]][2])
} else x[[i]] <- c(x[[i]], paste0(i, ": NA \\item"))
x <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, x))
#' Call treaties from 'many' datasets
#' @details Certain datasets, or consolidated datacubes, in 'many' packages
#' contains information on treaties which can be retrieved
#' with `call_treaties()`.
#' @family call_
#' @param dataset A dataset in a datacube from one of the many packages.
#' NULL by default.
#' That is, all datasets in the datacube are used.
#' For multiple datasets, please declare datasets as a vector
#' (e.g. c("dataset1", "dataset2")).
#' @param treaty_type The type of treaties to be returned.
#' NULL, by default.
#' Other options are "bilateral" or "multilateral".
#' @param variable Would you like to get one, or more, specific variables
#' present in one or more datasets in the 'many' datacube?
#' NULL by default.
#' For multiple variables, please declare variable names as a vector.
#' @param actor An actor variable in dataset.
#' NULL by default.
#' If declared, a tibble of the treaties and their member actors is returned.
#' @param key A variable key to join datasets.
#' 'manyID' by default.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' membs <- dplyr::tibble(manyID = c("ROU-RUS[RFP]_1901A",
#' "ROU-RUS[RFP]_1901A", "GD16FI_1901A"),
#' stateID = c("ROU", "RUS", "DNK"),
#' Title = c("Convention Between Roumania And Russia Concerning Fishing
#' In The Danube And The Pruth",
#' "Convention Between Roumania And Russia Concerning Fishing
#' In The Danube And The Pruth",
#' "Convention Between The Governments Of Denmark And
#' The United Kingdom Of Great Britain
#' And Northern Ireland For Regulating The Fisheries
#' Of Their Respective Subjects Outside
#' Territorial Waters In The Ocean Surrounding The Faroe Islands"),
#' Begin = c("1901-02-22", "1901-02-22", "1901-06-24"))
#' call_treaties(membs)
#' call_treaties(membs, treaty_type = "bilateral",
#' variable = c("Title", "Begin"))
#' call_treaties(membs, variable = c("Title", "Begin"), actor = "stateID")
#' }
#' @return
#' `call_treaties()` returns a tibble with a list of the agreements.
#' @export
call_treaties <- function(dataset, treaty_type = NULL, variable = NULL,
actor = NULL, key = "manyID") {
Memberships <- manyID <- NULL
# check if key is valid
if (key != "manyID" & key != "treatyID") {
stop("Please declare either 'manyID' or 'treatyID'.")
# get variables, if declared
if (!is.null(variable)) {
out <- dataset[,c(key, variable)] %>% dplyr::distinct()
} else {
out <- dataset[,key] %>% dplyr::distinct()
# subset treaty types
if (!is.null(treaty_type)) {
if (treaty_type == "bilateral") {
out <- subset(out, stringr::str_detect(manyID, "\\-"))
if (treaty_type == "multilateral") {
out <- subset(out, stringr::str_detect(manyID, "\\-", negate = TRUE))
# get memebership lists, if actor is declared
if (!is.null(actor)) {
actors <- dataset[,c(key, actor)] %>% dplyr::distinct()
names(actors)[names(actors) == actor] <- "Memberships"
out <- actors %>%
dplyr::group_by(manyID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Memberships = toString(Memberships)) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::right_join(out, by = key) %>%
# Helper function for checking and downloading packages
thisRequires <- function(pkgname){
if (!requireNamespace(pkgname, quietly = TRUE)) {
if(utils::askYesNo(msg = paste("The", pkgname,
"package is required to run this function. Would you like to install", pkgname, "from CRAN?"))) {
} else {
stop(paste("Please install", pkgname, "from CRAN to run this function."))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.