
Defines functions ellptsc ellpts ellbox elltan elltanc ellptc ellpt uv.default uv.ell uv ConjComp center.ell center ell.conj dell ell

Documented in center center.ell ConjComp dell dell ell ellbox ell.conj ellpt ellptc ellpts ellptsc elltan elltanc uv uv.default uv.ell

## p3d:ell.R
## 2011-12-22

# Modified by GM 2013-10-27:
#    added ellpts and ellptsc to generate 9 points
#    of tangent parallelogram
## Last modified by Georges Monette 2010-12-02
## Consolidated ell.R, dell.R, ell.conj.R, center.R and center.ell.F
## Added function ellpt, ellptc, elltan, elltanc, ellbox to generate points on ellipses,
## axes of ellipses and tangents.

#' @export
ell <-
function( center = c(0,0), shape = diag(2) , radius  = 1, n =100) {
          fac <- function( x )  {
              # fac(M) is a 'right factor' of a positive semidefinite M
              # i.e. M = t( fac(M) ) %*% fac(M)
              # similar to chol(M) but does not require M to be PD.
              xx <- svd(x)
          t(xx$v) * sqrt(pmax( xx$d,0))
         angles = (0:n) * 2 * pi/n
         if ( length(radius) > 1) {
            ret <- lapply( radius, function(r) rbind(r*cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles)),NA))
            circle <- do.call( rbind, ret)
         else circle = radius * cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles))
         ret <- t( c(center) + t( circle %*% fac(shape)))
         attr(ret,"parms") <- list ( center = rbind( center), shape = shape, radius = radius)
         class(ret) <- "ell"

#' @export
dell <-
function( x, y, radius = 1, ...) {
        if ( (is.matrix(x) && (ncol(x) > 1))|| is.data.frame(x)) mat <- as.matrix(x[,1:2])
        else if (is.list(x)) mat <- cbind(x$x, x$y)
        else mat <- cbind( x,y)
        ell( apply(mat,2,mean), var(mat), radius = radius, ...)

#' @export
ell.conj <-
function( center, shape, dir, radius = 1, len = 1) {
            # returns conjugate axes or tangent lines to ellipse
            vecs <- uv( shape, dir, radius)
            list( u = list( center-len*vecs$u, center+len*vecs$u),
                  v = list( center-len*vecs$v, center+len*vecs$v),
                  tan1 = list( center + vecs$u - len*vecs$v,center + vecs$u+ len*vecs$v),
                  tan2 = list( center - vecs$u - len*vecs$v,center - vecs$u+ len*vecs$v),
                  tan3 = list( center + vecs$v - len*vecs$u,center + vecs$v+ len*vecs$u),
                  tan4 = list( center - vecs$v - len*vecs$u,center - vecs$v+ len*vecs$u),
                  center = center)

#' @export
center <-
function( obj, ... ) UseMethod("center")

#' @export
center.ell <-
function( obj, ...) attr(obj, 'parms') $ center

#' @export
ConjComp <- function( X , Z = diag( nrow(X)) , ip = diag( nrow(X)), tol = 1e-07 ) {
                  # also in package spida:
                  # keep versions consistent
                     # ConjComp returns a basis for the conjugate complement of the
                     # conjugate projection of X into span(Z) with respect to inner product with
                     # matrix ip.
                     # Note: Z is assumed to be of full column rank but not necessarily X.
                     xq <- qr(t(Z) %*% ip %*% X, tol = tol)
                     if ( xq$rank == 0 ) return( Z )
                     a <- qr.Q( xq, complete = TRUE ) [ ,-(1:xq$rank)]
                     Z %*% a

#' @export
uv <- function(object,...) UseMethod('uv')

#' @export
uv.ell <- function( object, u, radius = 1, ...){
        p <- attr(object,"parms")
        uv( p$shape, u=u, radius=radius)

#' @export
uv.default <-
function( object, u , radius = 1, ...) {
       # returns 'unit' u and conjugate v
            u <- u / sqrt( sum( u*solve(object,u)))   # 'unit' vector in direction of dir
            v <- c(ConjComp( u, diag(2) , solve(object)))  # conjugate
            v <- v / sqrt( sum( v * solve( object, v)))
       list(u = radius * u, v= radius * v)

#' @export
ellpt <- function(ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 ) {
   # point on an ellipse in a particular direction
   p <- attr(ell,'parms')
   dir <- cbind(dir)
   dn <- sum(dir* solve(p$radius[1]^2 * p$shape, dir))
   ax <- dir / sqrt(dn)
   #disp( rbind(radius))
   #disp( p$center)
   t( ax %*% rbind(radius) + as.vector(p$center))               # returns a row for plotting

#' @export
ellptc <- function(ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 ) {
   # point on an ellipse in a conjugate direction
   p <- attr(ell,'parms')
   dir <- cbind(dir)
   ax <- Null( solve(p$shape, dir) )
   dn <- sum(ax* solve( p$shape, ax))
   ax <- ax* p$radius[1] /sqrt(dn)
   t( ax %*% rbind(radius) + as.vector(p$center))               # returns a row for plotting

#' @export
elltanc <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
       p <- attr(ell,'parms')
       ax <- ellptc( ell, dir = dir, radius = len * v)
       if ( is.null(radius) ) return( t( t(ax) + dir))
       pt <- ellpt( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius)
       t( t(ax) -as.vector(p$center) + as.vector(pt))

#' @export
elltan <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
       p <- attr(ell,'parms')
       ax <- ellpt( ell, dir = dir, radius =  len * v)
       pt <- ellptc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius)
       t( t(ax) -as.vector(p$center) + as.vector(pt))

#' @export
ellbox <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 ){
 elltan(  ell, dir = dir, radius = radius) , NA,
 elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius) , NA,
 elltan(  ell, dir  = dir, radius = -radius), NA,
 elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = -radius) )

#' @export
ellplus <-
function (center = rep(0, 2), shape = diag(2), radius = 1, n = 100,
    angles = (0:n) * 2 * pi/n, fac = chol, ellipse = all, diameters = all,
    box = all, all = FALSE)
    help <- "\n        ellplus can produce, in addition to the points of an ellipse, the\n        conjugate axes corresponding to a chol or other decomposition\n        and the surrounding parallelogram.\n        "
    rbindna <- function(x, ...) {
        if (nargs() == 0)
        if (nargs() == 1)
        rbind(x, NA, rbindna(...))
    if (missing(ellipse) && missing(diameters) && missing(box))
        all <- TRUE
    circle <- function(angle) cbind(cos(angle), sin(angle))
    Tr <- fac(shape)
    ret <- list(t(c(center) + t(radius * circle(angles) %*% Tr)),
        t(c(center) + t(radius * circle(c(0, pi)) %*% Tr)), t(c(center) +
            t(radius * circle(c(pi/2, 3 * pi/2)) %*% Tr)), t(c(center) +
            t(radius * rbind(c(1, 1), c(-1, 1), c(-1, -1), c(1,
                -1), c(1, 1)) %*% Tr)))
    do.call("rbindna", ret[c(ellipse, diameters, diameters, box)])

#' @export
ellpts <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
    ellpt( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltan( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltan( ell, dir = dir, radius = -radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)))

#' @export
ellptsc <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
    ellptc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = -radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)))
gmonette/p3d documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 11:31 p.m.