
Defines functions PolyShift smsp gspf.1 Proj.test Proj Proj.1 spline.E spline.T basis Emat Cmat Xf Xmat

Documented in basis Cmat gspf.1 PolyShift PolyShift Proj Proj.1 Proj.test smsp spline.E spline.T Xf Xmat Xmat

##  gsp-util.R
##  added
##  General polynomial splines: August 8, 2008
##  Revised June 16, 2010 to incorporate degree 0 polynomials
##    and constraining evaluation of spline to 0 with intercept
##  Modified: June 15, 2013 - GM
##  Added specified linear constraints to gsp and 
##  to sc expressed
##  in terms of full polynomial parametrization
##  Added PolyShift function to specify constraints for
##  a periodic spline. See example in the manual page.
##  Added periodic argument to gsp
#' Estimate Dth derivative of 
#' polynomial at x
#' Generate X matrix 
#' to estimate Dth derivative 
#' of polynomial at x
#' @param x vector of values where derivative evaluated
#' @param degree of polynomial
#' @param order of derivative
#' @param signif significant digits for labeling
#' @export
Xmat <- function( x, degree, D = 0, signif = 3) {
  # Return design matrix for d-th derivative
  if ( length(D) < length( x ) ) D = rep(D, length.out = length(x))
  if ( length(x) < length( D ) ) x = rep(x, length.out = length(D))
  xmat = matrix( x, nrow = length(x), ncol = degree + 1)
  # disp( d)
  # disp( x)
  expvec <- 0:degree
  coeffvec <- rep(1, degree+1)
  expmat <- NULL
  coeffmat <- NULL
  for (i in 0:max(D) ) {
    expmat <- rbind(expmat, expvec)
    coeffmat <- rbind(coeffmat, coeffvec)
    coeffvec <- coeffvec * expvec
    expvec <- ifelse(expvec > 0, expvec - 1, 0)
  G = coeffmat[ D + 1, ] * xmat ^ expmat[ D + 1, ]
  xlab = signif( x, signif)
  rownames(G) = ifelse( D == 0, paste('f(', xlab ,')', sep = ''),
                        paste( "D",D,"(",xlab,")", sep = ""))
  colnames(G) = paste( "X", 0:(ncol(G)-1), sep = "")
#' @export
Xf <-  function(   x, knots, degree = 3, D = 0, right = TRUE , signif = 3) {
  # With the default, right ,== TRUE, if x is at a knot then it is included in
  # in the lower interval. With right = FALSE, it is included in the higher
  # interval. This is needed when building derivative constraints at the
  # knot
  xmat = Xmat ( x, degree, D , signif )
  k = sort(knots)
  g = cut( x, c(-Inf, k, Inf), right = right)
  do.call( 'cbind',
           lapply( seq_along(levels(g)) , function( i ) (g ==levels(g)[i]) *  xmat))

# Xf( c(1:10,pi), c(3,6))

# Xf( 3, c(3,6),3, 0, )
# Xf( 3, c(3,6),right = F)

#' @export
Cmat <- function( knots, degree, smooth, lin = NULL, intercept = 0, signif = 3) {
  # add lin: contraints, GM 2013-06-13
  # generates constraint matrix
  dm = max(degree)
  # intercept
  cmat = NULL
  if( !is.null(intercept))  cmat = rbind( cmat, "Intercept" =
                                            Xf( intercept, knots, dm, D=0 ))
  # continuity constraints
  for ( i in seq_along(knots) ) {
    k = knots[i]
    sm = smooth[i]
    if ( sm > -1 ) {  # sm = -1 corresponds to discontinuity
      dmat  =Xf( k , knots, dm, D = seq(0,sm) , F ) -   Xf( k ,
                                                            knots, dm, D = seq(0,sm) , T )
      rownames( dmat ) = paste( "C(",signif(k, signif),").",
                                seq(0,sm), sep = '')
      cmat = rbind( cmat,  dmat)
  # reduced degree constraints
  degree = rep( degree, length.out = length(knots) + 1)
  # disp ( degree )
  for ( i in seq_along( degree)) {
    di = degree[i]
    if ( dm > di ) {
      dmat = diag( (length(knots) + 1) * (dm +1)) [  (i - 1)*(dm + 1) +
                                                       1 + seq( di+1,dm), , drop = F]
      rownames( dmat ) = paste( "I.", i,".",seq(di+1,dm),sep = '')
      #disp( cmat)
      #disp( dmat)
      cmat = rbind( cmat, dmat)
  # add additional linear constraints
  if( ! is.null(lin)) cmat <- rbind(cmat,lin) # GM:2013-06-13
  rk = qr(cmat)$rank
  spline.rank = ncol(cmat) - rk
  attr(cmat,"ranks") = c(npar.full = ncol(cmat), C.n = nrow(cmat),
                         C.rank = rk , spline.rank = spline.rank )
  attr(cmat,"d") = svd(cmat) $ d

# Cmat( c(-.2,.4), c(2,3,2), c(2,2))

#' @export
Emat <- function(  knots, degree, smooth , intercept = FALSE, signif = 3) {
  # estimation matrix:
  # polynomial of min
  # note that my intention of using a Type II estimate is not good
  #    precisely because that means the parametrization would depend
  #    on the data which I would like to avoid
  #    BUT perhaps we can implement later
  if ( length( degree) < length(knots) + 1) degree = rep( degree,
                                                          length.out =  length(knots) + 1)
  dmin = min(degree)
  # if ( dmin < 1) stop("minimum degree must be at least 1")
  dmax = max(degree)
  smin = min(smooth)
  smax = max(smooth)
  imax = length(degree)
  zeroi = as.numeric(cut( 0, c(-Inf, sort( knots), Inf)))
  dzero = degree[zeroi]
  cmat = Xf( 0, knots, degree = dmax , D = seq( 1, dzero))
  if ( imax > zeroi ){
    for ( i in (zeroi+1): imax) {
      d.right = degree[ i ]
      d.left  = degree[ i-1 ]
      k = knots[ i - 1 ]
      sm = smooth[ i - 1 ]
      if (  d.right > sm ) {
        dmat  =Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.right) , F ) -
          Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.right) , T )
        rownames( dmat ) = paste( "C(",signif(k, signif),").",
                                  seq(sm+1,d.right), sep = '')
        cmat = rbind( cmat,  dmat)
  if ( zeroi > 1 ){
    for ( i in zeroi: 2) {
      d.right = degree[ i ]
      d.left  = degree[ i-1 ]
      k = knots[ i - 1 ]
      sm = smooth[ i - 1 ]
      if (  d.left > sm ) {
        dmat = Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.left) , F ) -
          Xf( k , knots, dmax, D = seq(sm+1,d.left) , T )
        rownames( dmat ) = paste( "C(",signif(k, signif),").",
                                  seq(sm+1,d.left), sep = '')
        cmat = rbind( cmat,  dmat)

#' Orthogonal basis for column space of a matrix
#' Orthogonal basis for column space of a matrix
#' @param X 
#' @param coef 
basis  <- function( X , coef = FALSE ) {
  # returns linear independent columns
  #   X = fr(X) %*% attr(fr(X),"R")
  q <- qr(X)
  sel <- q$pivot[ seq_len( q$rank)]
  ret <- X[ , sel ]
  attr(ret,"cols") <- sel
  if ( coef )attr(ret,"R") <- qr.coef( qr(ret) , mat)
  colnames(ret) <- colnames(X)[ sel ]

#    tt( c(-1,1,2), c(3,3,3,2), c(3,3,2))

#    tmat = rbind( c(1,1,1,1,1), c(1,0,0,0,1), c(0,1,1,1,0), c(1,2,0,0,1))
#    t(tmat)
#    basis(tmat)
#    basis( t(tmat))

#' Spline tranformation matrix
#' Spline tranformation matrix
#' @param knots 
#' @param degree 
#' @param smooth 
#' @param intercept 
#' @param signif 
#' @export
spline.T <-
  function( knots, degree, smooth, lin = NULL, intercept = 0, signif = 3 ) {
    cmat = Cmat( knots, degree, smooth, lin, intercept, signif  )  # constraint matrix
    emat = Emat( knots, degree, smooth, !is.null(intercept), signif  )  # estimation matrix
    #disp( list(C= cmat, E=emat ) )
    nc = nrow( cmat )
    ne = nrow( emat )
    basisT = t( basis( cbind( t(cmat), t(emat) ) ))
    cols = attr(basisT,"cols")
    ncc = sum( cols <= nc )
    Tmat = solve( basisT )
    attr( Tmat, "nC") =  ncc
    attr( Tmat, "CE") = rbind( cmat, emat)
    attr( Tmat, "CEbasis" ) = t(basisT)

#' Spline estimation function
#' Spline estimation function
#' @param knots 
#' @param degree 
#' @param smooth 
#' @param intercept 
#' @param signif 
#' @export
spline.E <- function( knots, degree, smooth, lin = NULL, intercept = 0, signif = 3 ) {
  cmat = Cmat( knots, degree, smooth, lin, intercept, signif  )  # constraint matrix
  emat = Emat( knots, degree, smooth, !is.null(intercept), signif  )  # estimation matrix
  # disp( list(C= cmat, E=emat ) )
  nc = nrow( cmat )
  ne = nrow( emat )
  basisT = t( basis( cbind( t(cmat), t(emat) ) ))
  cols = attr(basisT,"cols")
  ncc = sum( cols <= nc )
  Tmat = solve( basisT )
  Tmat[, (ncc+1): ncol(Tmat)]

#' Projection matrix
#' Projection matrix into column space of a matrix. Works even if
#' the matrix does not have full column rank.
#' @param x 
#' @export
Proj.1 <- function( x)  x %*% ginv(x)

#' Projection matrix
#' Matrix of orthogonal projection into column space of matrix.
#' @param x 
#' @export
Proj <- function(x) {
  # projection matrix onto span(x)
  u <- svd(x,nv=0)$u
  u %*% t(u)

#' Test accuracy of projection method.
#' @param x 
#' @param fun 
#' @export
Proj.test <- function( x, fun = Proj) {
  help = "
  # sample test:
  zz <- matrix( rnorm(120), ncol = 3) %*% diag(c(10000,1,.000001))
  Proj.test( zz, fun = Proj)
  Proj.test( zz, fun = Proj.1)
  # limited testing suggests Proj is generally
  # roughly as good as Proj.1  with errors 1e-17
  # but Proj.1 occasionally has errors ~ 1e-11
  pp <- fun(x)
  ret <- pp%*%pp - pp
  attr(ret,"maxabs") <- max(abs(ret))

#  round(basis( Proj(tmat)),3)
#  round(basis( Proj(t(tmat))),3)

#' Marked for deletion
#' @param x FIXME
#' @param knots  FIXME
#' @param degree  FIXME
#' @param smooth  FIXME
#' @param intercept  FIXME
#' @param signif FIXME
#' @export
gspf.1 <- function( x, knots, degree= 3, smooth = pmax(pmin( degree[-1],
                                                             degree[ - length(degree)]) - 1,0 ), intercept = 0, signif = 3) {
  # generates a 'full' spline matrix
  tmat = spline.T(knots, degree, smooth, intercept = intercept, signif = signif)
  # put E first then C  and intercept last
  nC = attr( tmat, "nC")
  nE = ncol(tmat) - nC
  tmat = tmat[, c(seq(nC+1, ncol(tmat)), 2:nC, 1)]  # first nE columns are E matrix
  # tmat = tmat[ , - ncol(tmat)]   # drop intercept columns
  # full matrix
  X = Xf ( x, knots, max(degree), signif = signif) %*% tmat
  qqr = qr(X)
  Q = qr.Q( qqr )
  R = qr.R( qqr )
  # we need to form the linear combination of
  gsp( seq(-2,10), 0, c(2,2), 0)
#' Generate a smoothing spline
#' @param formula 
#' @param data 
#' @export
smspline <-
  function (formula, data)
    if (is.vector(formula)) {
      x <- formula
    else {
      if (missing(data)) {
        mf <- model.frame(formula)
      else {
        mf <- model.frame(formula, data)
      if (ncol(mf) != 1)
        stop("formula can have only one variable")
      x <- mf[, 1]
    x.u <- sort(unique(x))
    Zx <- smspline.v(x.u)$Zs
    Zx[match(x, x.u), ]
#' smspline.v from library splines with better ginverse
#' @param time 
#' @export
smspline.v <-
  function (time)
    t1 <- sort(unique(time))
    p <- length(t1)
    h <- diff(t1)
    h1 <- h[1:(p - 2)]
    h2 <- h[2:(p - 1)]
    Q <- matrix(0, nr = p, nc = p - 2)
    Q[cbind(1:(p - 2), 1:(p - 2))] <- 1/h1
    Q[cbind(1 + 1:(p - 2), 1:(p - 2))] <- -1/h1 - 1/h2
    Q[cbind(2 + 1:(p - 2), 1:(p - 2))] <- 1/h2
    Gs <- matrix(0, nr = p - 2, nc = p - 2)
    Gs[cbind(1:(p - 2), 1:(p - 2))] <- 1/3 * (h1 + h2)
    Gs[cbind(1 + 1:(p - 3), 1:(p - 3))] <- 1/6 * h2[1:(p - 3)]
    Gs[cbind(1:(p - 3), 1 + 1:(p - 3))] <- 1/6 * h2[1:(p - 3)]
    Zus <- t(ginv(Q))  # orig: t(solve(t(Q) %*% Q, t(Q)))
    R <- chol(Gs, pivot = FALSE)
    tol <- max(1e-12, 1e-08 * mean(diag(R)))
    if (sum(abs(diag(R))) < tol)
      stop("singular G matrix")
    Zvs <- Zus %*% t(R)
    list(Xs = cbind(rep(1, p), t1), Zs = Zvs, Q = Q, Gs = Gs,
         R = R)
#' Approximation for semi-parametric splines
#' @param Z 
#' @param oldtimes 
#' @param newtimes 
#' @export
approx.Z <-
  function (Z, oldtimes, newtimes)
    oldt.u <- sort(unique(oldtimes))
    if (length(oldt.u) != length(oldtimes) || any(oldt.u != oldtimes)) {
      Z <- Z[match(oldt.u, oldtimes), ]
      oldtimes <- oldt.u
    apply(Z, 2, function(u, oldt, newt) {
      approx(oldt, u, xout = newt)$y
    }, oldt = oldtimes, newt = newtimes)

#' @export
smsp <- function( x, knots ) {
  # generates matrix for smoothing spline over x with knots at knots
  #  Usage:   e.g. from example in smspline
  # lme ( ....., random=list(all= pdIdent(~smsp( x, 0:100) - 1),
  #              plot= pdBlocked(list(~ days,pdIdent(~smsp( x, 0:100) - 1))),
  #              Tree = ~1))
  if( max(knots) < max(x) || min(x) < min(knots)) warning( "x beyond range of knots")
  if( length( knots ) < 4 ) warning( "knots should have length at least 4")
  sp = smspline( knots)
  approx.Z( sp, knots, x)

#' Transformation of polynomial coefficients to change origin
#' Useful to equate polynomial coefficients for a periodic spline
#' If \code{coef} is a vector of coefficients for a polynomial of the
#' form \code{ coef[1] + coef[2]*x + coef[3]*x^2 + coef[4]*x^3 }, then
#' \code{coef_tr <- PolyShift(a, 4) %*% coef} is a vector of coefficients
#' for the same polynomial centered at \code{a}, i.e.
#' \code{ coef_tr[1] + coef_tr[2]*(x-a) + coef_tr[3]*(x-a)^2 + coef_tr[4]*(x-a)^3 }, 
#' @param a center for transformed polynomial 
#' @param n number of coefficients
#' @examples
#' coefs <- c(3,2,4)
#' x <- 3
#' n <- length(coefs)
#' a <- 2
#' sum( coefs * x ^ (0:(n-1))) 
#' sum( PolyShift(a,n)%*%coefs * (x -a)^(0:(n-1)))
#' @export
PolyShift <- function(a, n) {
  ret <- matrix(0,n,n)
  pow <- a^(col(ret) - row(ret))
  ret[col(ret)>=row(ret)] <- unlist( sapply(0:(n-1),function(x) choose(a,0:a)))
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.