
# utility functions for kernel objects

trimParentheses <- function (string) {
  # check whether the string starts with a parenthesis and remove outer
  # parentheses if so.
  if (substr(string, 1, 1) == '(') {
    string <- substr(string,
                     nchar(string) - 1)
  return (string)

dumpDetails <- function(x, digits) {
  # prettily-print a basis kernel's details.
  # x is the list returned by getObject for a basis kernel
  cat('\t\t\t\ttype: ',
  cat('\n\t\t\t\tactive columns: ',
      paste(x$columns, collapse = ', '))
  cat('\n\t\t\t\tparameters: ')
  for(i in 1:length(x$parameters)) {
        ' = ',
        paste(round(x$parameters[[i]](), digits), collapse = ', '),

parseKernelStructure <- function (x,
                                  type = c('simple',
                                           'call')) {
  # function to parse structure from nested kernels ready for printing
  # if type = 'simple' then the text returned is a simplified, human-readable
  # structure, e.g. "(rbf(a, b) * rbf(c))"; if (type = 'call' then it
  # is roughly what is needed to recreate the kernel structure, e.g.
  # "(rbf(c('a', 'b')) * rbf('c'))".
  # match the parsing type
  type <- match.arg(type)
  # get the kernel's data object
  x_obj <- getObject(x)
  if (x_obj$type %in% c('prod', 'sum', 'kron')) {
    # if it's a compositional kernel, recursively call
    # this function to parse subkernels
    string1 <- parseKernelStructure(x_obj$kernel1,
                                    type = type)
    string2 <- parseKernelStructure(x_obj$kernel2,
                                    type = type)
    # combine the strings, and add parentheses
    string <- paste0('(',
                            sum = ' + ',
                            prod = ' * ',
                            kron = ' %x% '),
  } else {
    # otherwise, if it's a regular kernel
    # if it's wanted in call form
    if (type == 'call') {
      # combine the column names, keeping the quotations
      # add inverted commas
      columns <- paste0("'",
      # if more than one column
      if (length(x_obj) > 1) {
        # combine with commas
        columns <- paste0(columns, collapse = ', ')
        # and add concatenation text
        columns <- paste0('c(', columns, ')')
    } else if (type == 'simple') {
      # otherwise in slightly simplified form
      columns <- paste0(x_obj$columns, collapse = ', ')
    # append the kernel type
    string <- paste0(x_obj$type, '(', columns, ')')
  # return the resulting string
  return (string)

# unpacking compositional kernel structure for reporting parameters etc.
# to the user

# unpacked structure is a list with contents:
# symbolic:
#   a text string, giving a symbolic representation of kernel structure, e.g.
#   '((A + B) * C)'
# data:
#   a named list giving the kernel types, columns and parameters of the basis
#   kernels corresponding to the symbols in `symbolic`, e.g.
#     A = list(type = 'rbf',
#              columns = c('a', 'b'),
#              parameters = list(sigma = 1,
#                                l = c(1, 1))),
#     B = ...

unpackKernel <- function (kernel) {
  # call flatten kernel
  kernel_data <- flattenKernel(kernel)
  # rename the elements of data_list to the letters in symbolic_string
  names(kernel_data$data_list) <- LETTERS[1:kernel_data$counter]
  # return the string and data
  return (kernel_data[1:2])

# do the opposite, take an unpacked kernel and repack it
repackKernel <- function (unpacked_kernel) {
  # convert the data_list basis function kernels
  # into kernel functions again
  unpacked_kernel$data_list <- lapply(unpacked_kernel$data_list,
  # now substitute these back into the symbolic string and evaluate
  kernel <- eval(parse(text = unpacked_kernel$symbolic_string),
                 envir = unpacked_kernel$data_list)
  return (kernel)

# build the following two into getParameters / setParameters
# to enable users to change parameters after constructing kernels

# get the parameters of a compositional kernel (or unpacked kernel)
# as a vector of their values
getParVec <- function (x, continuous = TRUE) {
  # if x is a kernel, unpack it first
  if (is.kernel(x)) {
    x <- unpackKernel(x)
  # get parameters only as an unstructured list or vector
  par_list <- lapply(x$data_list,
                     function (x) x$parameters)
  # and as a flat list
  par_vec <- unlist(par_list)
  # extract their values
  par_vec <- lapply(par_vec,
                    function(x) x(continuous = continuous))

  # coerce to a vector
  par_vec <- unlist(par_vec)
  return (par_vec)

# given a kernel (or unpacked kernel) and a corresponding vector
# or vector-like list, such as one given by getParVec, replace the
# the parameters with the elements of this list and return the kernel
setParVec <- function (x, par_vec, continuous = TRUE) {
  # flag for whether to return as a kernel or an unpacked kernel
  was_kernel <- FALSE
  # if x is a kernel, unpack it first
  if (is.kernel(x)) {
    was_kernel <- TRUE
    x <- unpackKernel(x)
  # get list of parameter lists for each basis kernel
  basis_par_list <- lapply(x$data_list,
                     function (x) x$parameters)
  # get list of parameters
  par_list <- unlist(basis_par_list)

  # get the total number of scalars we're looking for
  n <- length(unlist(lapply(par_list, function(x) x())))
  # throw an error if it doesn't match up
  stopifnot(length(par_vec) == n)

  # loop through par_list and par_vec
  # updating the parameters with the relevant new values
  # initialise the counter for the vector
  par_vec_counter <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(basis_par_list)) {
    for (j in 1:length(basis_par_list[[i]])) {

      # get length of vector needed
      len <- length(basis_par_list[[i]][[j]]()) - 1
      # get index for par_vec
      idx <- par_vec_counter + (0:len)
      # update parameter object
      basis_par_list[[i]][[j]] <- update(basis_par_list[[i]][[j]],
                              continuous = continuous)
      # increment the counter
      par_vec_counter <- par_vec_counter + len + 1
#   # relist par_list into basis_par_list
#   basis_par_list <- relist(par_list, basis_par_list)

  # loop through basis kernels, replacing the parameters
  for (basis in 1:length(basis_par_list)) {
    x$data_list[[basis]]$parameters <- basis_par_list[[basis]] 
  if (was_kernel) {
    x <- repackKernel(x)
  return (x)

# function to recurse through a kernel object and flatten the structure
flattenKernel <- function (kernel, counter = NULL, data_list = NULL) {
  # counter is used to keep track of the components so far
  # and data_list stores the basis finction details
  # if at the top, initialise the counter
  if (is.null(counter)) counter <- 0
  # get the kernel's data object
  x_obj <- getObject(kernel)
  if (x_obj$type %in% c('prod', 'sum', 'kron')) {
    # if a compositional kernel, unpack the two sub-kernel, passing the
    # counter and data_list back and forth
    part_one_list <- flattenKernel(x_obj$kernel1, counter, data_list)
    string1 <- part_one_list[[1]]
    data_list <- part_one_list[[2]]
    counter <- part_one_list[[3]]
    part_two_list <- flattenKernel(x_obj$kernel2, counter, data_list)
    string2 <- part_two_list[[1]]
    data_list <- part_two_list[[2]]
    counter <- part_two_list[[3]]
    # combine the symbolic strings, and add parentheses
    symbolic_string <- paste0('(',
                                     sum = ' + ',
                                     prod = ' * ',
                                     kron = ' %x% '),
  } else {
    # otherwise, if it's a basis kernel
    # increment the counter
    counter <- counter + 1
    # stop it form re-using letters
    if (counter > 26) {
      stop ('cannot currently represent kernels with more than 26 basis kernels symbolicly')
    # get the next available letter as the symbolic string
    symbolic_string <- LETTERS[[counter]]
    # add the kernel object data to data_list
    data_list[[counter]] <- x_obj
  # return as a list
  ans <- list(symbolic_string = symbolic_string,
              data_list = data_list,
              counter = counter)
  return (ans)

rgp <- function(n, kernel, data = NULL) {
  # draw n random GPs from a kernel, evaluated against a data.frame
  # if data is not provided  
  if (is.null(data)) {
    # make some new data
    data <- getFakeData(kernel)    
  } else {
    # otherwise, check it's a dataframe
    stopifnot(class(data) == 'data.frame')
  # evaluate the kernel on this data
  K <- kernel(data)
  # get the number of datapoints
  N <- nrow(data)
  # get a random matrix of the correct size to multiply against
  z <- matrix(rnorm(n * N),
              nrow = N,
              ncol = n)
  # factorize the covariance matrix
  L <- jitchol(K)
  # get random draws
  ans <- t(L) %*% z
  # name the columns
  colnames(ans) <- paste0('draw_', 1:n)
  # return the draws
  return (ans)

getFakeData <- function (kernel,
                         n = 1000) {
  # create fake data matching the column names of a kernel
  # for now, throw an error the kernel is compositional
  if (getType(kernel) %in% c('sum', 'prod', 'kron')) {
    stop ("sorry, this functionality is currently only available for basis kernels")
  # get the column names and dimension
  columns <- getColumns(kernel)
  D <- length(columns)
  # random uniform draws for each column
  ans <- replicate(D, runif(1000, -5, 5), simplify = FALSE)
  # add their names and turn into a dataframe
  names(ans) <- columns
  ans <- as.data.frame(ans)  
  return (ans)


expandFactor <- function (factor) {
  # check it's a factor
  # stick the factor in a dataframe
  df <- data.frame(x = factor)
  # convert into full contrasts matrix
  ans <- model.matrix(~ x - 1, data = df)
  return (ans)

# basis kernel meta-constructor

# This returns a kernel function (R function of class kernel)
# with the kernel type `type`, active on columns `columns` and with parameter
# list `parameters`. The aim of this function is to facilitate kernel function
# creation and reduce the amount of duplicated code
createKernelConstructor <- function(type,
                                    evaluator) {
  # create the model object and initialize parameters
  object <- list(type = type,
                 columns = columns,
                 parameters = parameters)
  # create a function to return
  ans <- function(data,
                  newdata = NULL,
                  diag = FALSE) {
    res <- evaluator(object,
                     diag = diag)    
    res <- as.covarmat(res)
    return (res)
  # tell this function it's now a kernel
  ans <- as.kernel(ans)

# check that the kernel isn't being asked to evaluate the diagonal
# of a non-symmetric matrix
checkSymmetric <- function(newdata) {
  if (!is.null(newdata)) {
    stop ("can't evaluate a diagonal matrix unless newdata is NULL")

# diagonal kernel
diagSigma <- function(object, data) {
  # if the diagonal of kernel(data) is just a parameter sigma
  # squared times identity, and object is the kernel's object,
  # return this diagonal matrix - saves code when writing the diagonal
  # option of a kernel evaluator
  ans <- diag(nrow(data)) * object$parameters$sigma() ^ 2

checkFactor <- function (factor) {
  # throw an error if this is not a factor
  if (!is.factor(factor)) {
    stop ("expected a factor, but found a non-factor")
goldingn/gpe documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:41 a.m.