
Defines functions GeoStrata .GenerateStrata IsFixedRandomization CountRandomizations IsStratumCompatibleWithRatios CountRandomizationsInAStratum

Documented in CountRandomizations CountRandomizationsInAStratum .GenerateStrata GeoStrata IsFixedRandomization IsStratumCompatibleWithRatios

# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Constructor for \code{GeoStrata} objects.
#' @param geos a \code{Geos} object.
#' @param n.groups number of groups. At least 2 and at most the number of geos.
#' @param group.ratios (integer vector of length n.groups) vector of ratios of
#' the sizes of each group. By default each group is assumed to have equal
#' ratios. The sum of these numbers also imply the size of a stratum. For
#' example, \code{c(2, 1)} implies that group 1 should be 2 times larger than
#' group 2, and the stratum size is 2 + 1 = 3. Note: the ratios do not have to
#' be normalized to have greatest common divisor 1. For example, c(4, 2)
#' implies that the ratio of group sizes is 2:1 but the stratum size is 4 + 2 =
#' 6.
#' @return A \code{GeoStrata} object that inherits from \code{Geos}. There is
#' an extra column \code{stratum} that indicates the stratum number to be used
#' in randomization, and column \code{geo.group} for fixing the geo-to-group
#' mapping.
#' @details \code{GeoStrata} objects are used for (stratified) randomization of
#' geos into groups. The geos are sorted by their 'volume' (definable by the
#' user) and then divided into strata of size n.groups (column 'stratum').
#' This object has also a column \code{geo.group}, which offers the possibility to
#' fix certain geos to certain groups. By default, this column is filled with
#' \code{NA}s, indicating that none of the geos are mapped to any groups. The
#' randomization itself is done by the method \code{Randomize}.\cr
#' Any individual geo -> geo.group mappings should be fixed by using the
#' \code{SetGeoGroup<-} method on a \code{GeoStrata} object.\cr
#' A stratum number \code{0} indicates a geo that is excluded from the scheme
#' stratification. Any geo that is mapped to group \code{0} will have stratum
#' number \code{0}; for example if geo \code{2} was omitted (geo.groups were
#' \code{NA, 0, NA, NA, NA, ...}) with group.ratios \code{c(2, 1)}, the strata
#' would be assigned as \code{1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, ...}\cr
#' Setting \code{group.ratios} to some other value than the default
#' \code{1,1,...} enables creating groups that have different sizes. The
#' stratum size is then determined by the sum of the number in
#' \code{group.ratios}. For example, \code{group.ratios=c(1, 2)} implies a
#' ratio of 1:2. Each stratum has size 3; the 3 geos in this stratum are
#' assigned a random sample with replacement from the set
#' \code{1,2,2}. Similarly, \code{c(3, 1)} implies that group 1 will be on
#' average 3 times as large as group 2.\cr
#' @note The ratios do not have to be normalized to have greatest common
#' divisor 1. For example, \code{c(4, 2)} implies that the ratio of group sizes is 2:1
#' but the stratum size is 4 + 2 = 6.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Randomize}}, \code{\link{SetGeoGroup<-}}.

GeoStrata <- function(geos, n.groups=2,
                      group.ratios=rep(1, length.out=n.groups)) {
  kClassName <- "GeoStrata"

  assert_that(inherits(geos, "Geos"))
  n.geos <- nrow(geos)
              n.groups >= 2,
              n.groups <= n.geos)
              all(group.ratios >= 1),
              length(group.ratios) == n.groups,
              sum(group.ratios) <= n.geos)

  df.geos <- as.data.frame(geos)
  df.geos[[kGeoGroup]] <- NA_integer_
  df.geos[[kStratum]] <- .GenerateStrata(df.geos[[kGeoGroup]],

  first.cols <- c(kGeo, kStratum, kGeoGroup, kProportion, kVolume)
  obj <- df.geos[union(first.cols, names(geos))]

  obj <- SetInfo(obj, n.groups=n.groups, group.ratios=group.ratios)
  class(obj) <- c(kClassName, class(geos))

#' [internal] Generate stratum numbers along a given vector.
#' @param geo.group (integer vector of length equal to number of geos) a vector
#' of geo group numbers (may be NAs).
#' @param group.ratios (integer vector of length equal to number of geo groups)
#' vector of ratios of the sizes of each group.
#' @return An integer vector of the same length as 'geo.group', with the
#' corresponding stratum numbers. '0' signifies a geo that is excluded from the
#' set. Otherwise the numbers identify the strata. There are no NAs.
#' @note
#' For internal use; no checking of arguments is done.
#' @rdname GenerateStrata

.GenerateStrata <- function(geo.group, group.ratios) {
  n.geos <- length(geo.group)
  stratum.size <- sum(group.ratios)

  strata <- rep(0L, length.out=n.geos)
  assign.to.strata <- which(!(geo.group %in% 0))
  n.assignable.geos <- length(assign.to.strata)
  if (n.assignable.geos >= 1) {
    n.strata <- ceiling(n.assignable.geos / stratum.size)
    strata[assign.to.strata] <- rep(seq_len(n.strata), each=stratum.size,

#' Test if randomizing the geostrata can lead only to a single outcome.
#' @param geostrata a GeoStrata object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if randomizing the geostrata can only lead to a single
#' \code{GeoAssignment}, \code{FALSE} otherwise.

IsFixedRandomization <- function(geostrata) {
  assert_that(inherits(geostrata, "GeoStrata"))

  group.ratios <- GetInfo(geostrata, "group.ratios")
  geos <- geostrata[geostrata[[kStratum]] != 0, , drop=FALSE]
  for(idx in geos[[kStratum]]) {
    stratum <- geos[[kGeoGroup]][geos[[kStratum]] == idx]
    count <- CountRandomizationsInAStratum(stratum,
    if (count != 0) {

#' Counts the total numbers of randomizations in a GeoStrata object.
#' @param geostrata a GeoStrata object.
#' @param show.warnings (flag) if \code{TRUE}, shows a warning when a stratum
#' is not compatible with the group.ratios.
#' @param log.scale (flag) if \code{TRUE}, returns the result on the log.scale.
#' @return An integer vector of the same length as the number of strata in
#' geostrata (excluding stratum 0, if it exists). The i-th coordinate
#' corresponds to the total number of possible randomizations for the i-th
#' stratum.
#' @note
#' A warning is issued if one or more of the stratas are not compatible
#' with the group.ratios.

CountRandomizations <- function(geostrata,
                                show.warnings=TRUE, log.scale=FALSE) {

  assert_that(inherits(geostrata, "GeoStrata"))

  group.ratios <- GetInfo(geostrata, "group.ratios")
  geos <- geostrata[geostrata[[kStratum]] != 0, , drop=FALSE]
  compatible <- tapply(X=geos[[kGeoGroup]],
  compatible <- as.vector(unlist(compatible))
  if (show.warnings && any(!compatible)) {
    warning(Message(FormatText(!compatible, "{Stratum|Strata} $w",
                               " {is|are} not compatible with group.ratios")))
  count <- tapply(X=geos[[kGeoGroup]],
  count <- as.vector(unlist(count))

#' Checks whether strata are compatible with group.ratios.
#' @param geo.group (integer vector of length equal to number of geos) a vector
#'   of geo group numbers (may be NAs, but zeros are not allowed).
#' @param group.ratios (integer vector of length equal to number of geo groups)
#'   vector of ratios of the sizes of each group.
#' @return TRUE if geo.group is compatible with group.ratios, i.e. no group
#'   has been assigned more geos than what group.ratios allows. FALSE
#'   otherwise.

IsStratumCompatibleWithRatios <- function(geo.group, group.ratios) {

  n.groups <- length(group.ratios)
  unique.group <- unique(geo.group)
  groups.exist.or.na <- structure(
      ((unique.group) <= n.groups) | is.na(unique.group),
  assert_that(all(groups.exist.or.na), msg=Message(
                 "Group{|s} $x {is|are} not compatible with",
                 " the specified group.ratios")))

  counts <- tabulate(geo.group, nbins=n.groups)
  unassigned.gr <- group.ratios - counts
  return(all(unassigned.gr >= 0))

#' Counts the total numbers of randomization in a single stratum.
#' @param geo.group (integer vector of length equal to number of geos) a vector
#' of geo group numbers (may be NAs, but zeros are not allowed).
#' @param group.ratios (integer vector of length equal to number of geo groups)
#' vector of ratios of the sizes of each group.
#' @param log.scale (flag) if TRUE, returns the result on the log.scale.
#' @return An integer value that corresponds to the total number of possible
#' randomizations for the stratum represented by geo.group.

CountRandomizationsInAStratum <- function(geo.group, group.ratios,
                                          log.scale=TRUE) {

  assert_that(all(geo.group != 0, na.rm=TRUE))  # Ignored geos were removed.
  assert_that(length(geo.group) <= sum(group.ratios))

  n.groups <- length(group.ratios)
  unique.group <- unique(geo.group)
  groups.exist.or.na <- structure(
      ((unique.group) <= n.groups) | is.na(unique.group),
  assert_that(all(groups.exist.or.na), msg=Message(
                 "Group{|s} $x {is|are} not compatible with",
                 " the specified group.ratios")))

  counts <- tabulate(geo.group, nbins=n.groups)
  unassigned.gr <- group.ratios - counts
  .Choose <- function(x, amongst) {
    # Assign 'x' geos to groups whose ratios are specified via 'amongst'.
    available <- (amongst > 0)
    if (x == 1) {
      # Only one geo to assign, how many unique groups are there
      # still available?
      lresult <- log(sum(available))
    } else if (x == sum(amongst[available])) {
      # Multinomial formula.
      z <- amongst[available]
      lresult <- lfactorial(sum(z)) - sum(lfactorial(z))
    } else {
      # Need to assign fewer geos than there are of (non-unique) groups
      # available. For example, we need to assign 3 geos, with the
      # group.ratios being 4,2,1,1 (i.e. 1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4).
      # We count recursively, by assigning the first geo to a group, and
      # count how many randomizations there are, based on what group was
      # chosen.
      lresult <- 0
      for(i in seq_along(amongst)) {
        if (available[i] > 0) {
          lresult <- lresult + Recall(x - 1,
                                      amongst - (seq_along(amongst) == i))
  lresult <- .Choose(x=sum(is.na(geo.group)), amongst=unassigned.gr)
  if (log.scale) {
google/GeoexperimentsResearch documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:42 a.m.