
# Copyright 2012-2017 Google
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#' Simulate strategies for Multi-Armed Bandit in multiple periods
#' This function is aimed to simulate data to run
#' strategies of Multi-Armed Bandit in a sequence of periods. Weight plot
#' and regret plot are provided if needed. In each period there could be
#' multiple pulls and each method can only be applied once. The default setting
#' is that in each period there is only 1 pull, corresponding to continuous
#' updating.
#' Various methods have been implemented. "Epsilon-Greedy" and
#' "Epsilon-Decreasing" allocates \eqn{1 - epsilon} traffic to the arm which has
#' the largest average reward and equally distribute the traffic
#' to other arms. For "Epsilon-Greedy" epsilon in \code{method.par} serves as
#' constant exploration rate . For "Epsilon-Decreasing" epsilon in
#' \code{method.par} serves as exploration rate at period 1,
#' while in period \eqn{t} exploration rate is \eqn{epsilon / t}.
#' See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-armed_bandit#Approximate_solutions}
#' for more details about these strategies.
#' "Thompson-Sampling" refers to Beta-Binomial Thompson Sampling using
#' Beta(1, 1) as a prior. "Bayes-Poisson-TS" refers to Poisson-Gamma Thompson
#' Sampling using a Bayesian Generalized Linear
#' Mixed Effects Model to compute weights. "Bayes-Poisson-TS",
#' "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS" and "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS" depends on the package
#' "emre" to compute posterior distribution. For algorithm
#' details, see the paper \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.00047}.
#' UCB (Upper Confidence Bound) is a classical method for Multi-Armed Bandit.
#' For algorithm details, see the paper
#' \url{http://personal.unileoben.ac.at/rortner/Pubs/UCBRev.pdf}.
#' EXP3 is a method which needs to specify exploration rate \code{gamma} and
#' exploitation rate \code{eta}. For algorithm details, see the paper
#' \url{https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~yfreund/papers/bandits.pdf}.
#' Ensemble methods are also implemented. "Greedy-Thompson-Sampling" and
#' "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS" allocate \eqn{1 - epsilon} traffic to the arm
#' corresponding to the largest
#' Thompson sampling weight and allocate \eqn{epsilon} traffic
#' corresponding to Thompson sampling weights.
#' Instead of using average reward for each period to update weights in "EXP3",
#' "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling" and "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS" use Thompson sampling
#' weights in the updating formula in "EXP3".
#' "HyperTS" is an ensemble by applying Thompson Sampling to selecting the best
#' method in each period based on previous performance. For algorithm details,
#' see the paper
#' \url{http://yxjiang.github.io/paper/RecSys2014-ensemble-bandit.pdf}.
#' To measure the performance. Regret is computed by summing over the products
#' of the number of pulls on one arm at one period and
#' the difference of the mean reward of that arm compared with the largest one.
#' Relative regret is
#' computed by dividing the regret of a certain method over the regret of the
#' benchmark method that allocates equal weights to each arm
#' throughout all the periods.
#' @param method A character string choosing from "Epsilon-Greedy",
#' "Epsilon-Decreasing", "Thompson-Sampling",
#' "EXP3", "UCB", "Bayes-Poisson-TS", "Greedy-Thompson-Sampling",
#' "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling",
#' "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS", "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS" and "HyperTS".
#' For details of these methods, see below. Default is "Thompson-Sampling".
#' @param method.par A list of parameters needed for different methods:
#' \code{epsilon}: A real number between 0 and 1; needed for "Epsilon-Greedy",
#' "Epsilon-Decreasing", "Greedy-Thompson-Sampling" and
#' "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS".
#' \code{ndraws.TS}: A positive integer specifying the number of random draws
#' from the posterior;
#' needed for "Thompson-Sampling", "Greedy-Thompson-Sampling" and
#' "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling".  Default is 1000.
#' \code{EXP3}: A list consisting of two real numbers \code{eta} and
#' \code{gamma};
#' \eqn{eta > 0} and \eqn{0 <= gamma < 1}; needed for "EXP3",
#' "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling" and "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS".
#' \code{BP}: A list consisting of three postive integers \code{iter.BP},
#' \code{ndraws.BP} and \code{interval.BP};
#' needed for "Bayes-Poisson-TS", "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS" and
#' "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS"; \code{iter.BP} specifies the number of iterations
#' to compute posterior;
#' \code{ndraws.BP} specifies the number of posterior samples
#' drawn from posterior distribution; \code{interval.BP} is specified to draw
#' each posterior sample from a sample sequence of length \code{interval.BP}.
#' \code{HyperTS}: A list consisting of a vector \code{method.list},
#' needed for "HyperTS". \code{method.list} is a vector of character strings
#' choosing from "Epsilon-Greedy", "Epsilon-Decreasing", "Thompson-Sampling",
#' "EXP3", "UCB", "Bayes-Poisson-TS", "Greedy-Thompson-Sampling",
#' "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling", "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS" and
#' "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS". "HyperTS" will construct an ensemble consisting all
#' the methods in \code{method.list}.
#' @param nburnin A positive integer specifying the number of periods to
#' allocate each arm equal traffic before applying any strategy.
#' @param nperiod A positive integer specifying the number of periods
#' to apply the strategy.
#' @param npulls.per.period  A positive integer  or a vector of positive
#' integers. Default value is 1. If \code{npulls.per.period} is a positive
#' integer, the number of pulls is \code{npulls.per.period} for each period.
#' If \code{npulls.per.period} is a vector, each element represents
#' the number of pulls for one period; the length of \code{npulls.per.period}
#' should be equal to \code{nburnin} + \code{nperiod}.
#' @param reward.family A character string specifying the distribution family
#' of reward. Available distribution includes
#'  "Bernoulli", "Poisson" and "Gaussian". If "Gaussian" is chosen to be the
#' reward distribution,
#' a vector of standard deviation should be provided in \code{sd.reward}.
#' @param sd.reward A vector of non-negative numbers specifying
#' standard deviation of each arm's reward distribution if "Gaussian" is chosen
#' to be the reward distribution. Default to be NULL.
#' See \code{reward.family}.
#' @param mean.reward A vector or a matrix of real numbers specifying the mean
#' reward of each arm. If \code{mean.reward} is a vector, each element is the
#' mean reward for each arm and the mean reward of each arm is unchanged
#' throughout all periods (corresponding to the stationary Multi-Armed Bandit).
#'  If \code{mean.reward} is a matrix, it should
#'  have (\code{nburnin} + \code{nperiod}) rows. The mean reward of each arm
#' could change. Each row represents a mean reward vector for each period
#'   (corresponding to nonstationary and adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit).
#' @param weight.plot A logic value with FALSE as default. If TRUE, weight plot
#' object for each arm is returned.
#' @param regret.plot A logic value with FALSE as default. If TRUE,  relative
#' regret plot object is returned.
#' @return a list consisting of:
#' \item{weight}{A weight matrix whose each element is the allocated weight
#' for each arm and period. Each row represents one arm and each column
#' represents one period.}
#' \item{regret}{A relative regret vector whose each element is relative regret
#' for each period. For definition of relative regret, see above.}
#' \item{weight.plot.object}{If weight.plot = TRUE, a ggplot object is returned.}
#' \item{regret.plot.object}{If regret.plot = TRUE, a ggplot object is returned.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### Simulate Thompson-Sampling
#' set.seed(100)
#' res <- SimulateMultiplePeriods(method = "Thompson-Sampling",
#'                                method.par = list(ndraws.TS = 1000),
#'                                nburnin = 30,
#'                                nperiod = 180,
#'                                npulls.per.period = 5,
#'                                reward.family = "Bernoulli",
#'                                mean.reward = runif(3, 0, 0.1),
#'                                weight.plot = TRUE)
#' res$weight.plot.object
#' ### Simulate EXP3-Thompson-Sampling
#' set.seed(100)
#' res <- SimulateMultiplePeriods(
#'            method = "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling",
#'            method.par = list(ndraws.TS = 1000,
#'                              EXP3 = list(gamma = 0, eta = 0.1)),
#'            nburnin = 30,
#'            nperiod = 180,
#'            npulls.per.period = 5,
#'            reward.family = "Bernoulli",
#'            mean.reward = runif(3, 0, 0.1),
#'            weight.plot = TRUE)
#' res$weight.plot.object
#' ### Simulate ensemble method HyperTS given "Thompson-Sampling", "Epsilon-Greedy" and "Epsilon-Decreasing"
#' set.seed(100)
#' res <- SimulateMultiplePeriods(
#'            method = "HyperTS",
#'            method.par = list(
#'                ndraws.TS = 1000,
#'                epsilon = 0.1,
#'                HyperTS = list(method.list = c("Thompson-Sampling",
#'                                               "Epsilon-Greedy",
#'                                               "Epsilon-Decreasing"))),
#'                nburnin = 30,
#'                nperiod = 180,
#'                npulls.per.period = 5,
#'                reward.family = "Poisson",
#'                mean.reward = runif(3, 0, 0.1),
#'                weight.plot = TRUE)
#' res$weight.plot.object

SimulateMultiplePeriods <- function(method = "Thompson-Sampling",
                                    method.par = list(ndraws.TS = 1000),
                                    sd.reward = NULL,
                                    npulls.per.period = 1,
                                    weight.plot = FALSE,
                                    regret.plot = FALSE){
  if (! method %in% c("Epsilon-Greedy", "Epsilon-Decreasing",
                      "Thompson-Sampling","EXP3", "UCB", "Bayes-Poisson-TS",
                      "Greedy-Thompson-Sampling", "EXP3-Thompson-Sampling",
                      "Greedy-Bayes-Poisson-TS", "EXP3-Bayes-Poisson-TS",
    stop("Please specify correct method names!")

  if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
    rewardVec <- mean.reward

  if (length(npulls.per.period) == 1){
    npullsVec <- npulls.per.period
  }else if(length(npulls.per.period) != nburnin + nperiod |
           min(npulls.per.period) <= 0){
    stop("Please specify correct number of pulls per period!")

  if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
    bestReward <- max(rewardVec)
    n <- length(rewardVec)
    bestReward <- apply(mean.reward, 1, max)
    n <- dim(mean.reward)[2]

  if (reward.family == "Gaussian" &
      (length(sd.reward) != n | anyNA(sd.reward))){
    stop("Please specify correct standard deviation for Gaussian reward family!")

  if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
    if (length(npulls.per.period) == 1){
      burninTrial <- rmultinom(1, nburnin * npullsVec, rep(1 / n, n))
      burninTrial <- rmultinom(1, sum(npulls.per.period[1:nburnin]),
                               rep(1 / n, n))
    burninReward <- apply(cbind(burninTrial, rewardVec, sd.reward), 1,
                          GetReward, reward.family)
  } else {
    burninTrial <- rep(0, n)
    burninReward <- rep(0, n)
    if (length(npulls.per.period) == 1){
      for (period in 1:nburnin){
        tempTrial <- rmultinom(1, npullsVec, rep(1 / n, n))
        tempReward <- apply(cbind(tempTrial, mean.reward[period, ], sd.reward),
                            1,  GetReward, reward.family)
        burninTrial <- burninTrial + tempTrial
        burninReward <- burninReward + tempReward
    } else {
      for (period in 1:nburnin){
        tempTrial <- rmultinom(1, npulls.per.period[period], rep(1 / n, n))
        tempReward <- apply(cbind(tempTrial, mean.reward[period, ], sd.reward),
                            1, GetReward, reward.family)
        burninTrial <- burninTrial + tempTrial
        burninReward <- burninReward + tempReward
  burninEvent <- data.frame(trial = burninTrial, reward = burninReward)

  equalDailyRegret <- rep(0, nperiod)
  for (period in 1:nperiod){
    if (length(npulls.per.period) == 1){
      dailyTrial <- rep(npullsVec / n, n)
      dailyTrial <- rep(npulls.per.period[nburnin + period] / n, n)
    if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
      equalDailyRegret[period] <- sum(dailyTrial * (bestReward - rewardVec))
      equalDailyRegret[period] <-
          sum(dailyTrial * (bestReward[nburnin + period] -
                            mean.reward[nburnin + period, ]))

  allWeight <- cbind()
  all.event <- burninEvent
  dailyRegret <- rep(0, nperiod)
  weight <- as.vector(CalculateWeight(method = "Thompson-Sampling",
                                      sd.reward = sd.reward,
                                      reward.family = reward.family,
                                      all.event = all.event,
                                      method.par = list(ndraws.TS = 1000)))
  EXP3Info <- list(prevWeight = weight,
                   EXP3Trial = burninTrial,
                   EXP3Reward = burninReward)

  if (method == "HyperTS"){
    nmethod <- length(method.par$HyperTS$method.list)
    total.reward <- rep(0, nmethod)
    if (reward.family == "Bernoulli"){
      total.trial <- rep(0, nmethod)
    if (reward.family == "Gaussian" | reward.family == "Poisson"){
      total.trial <- rep(1, nmethod)

  for (period in 1:nperiod){
    if (method == "HyperTS"){
      ndraws <- 1000
      ans <- matrix(nrow = ndraws, ncol = nmethod)
      if (reward.family == "Bernoulli"){
        for (i in 1:nmethod) ans[ ,i] <-
            rbeta(ndraws, total.reward[i] + 1,
                  total.trial[i] - total.reward[i] + 1)
      if (reward.family == "Gaussian"){
        for (i in 1:nmethod) ans[ ,i] <-
            rnorm(ndraws, mean = total.reward[i] / total.trial[i],
                  sd = sd.reward[i] / sqrt(total.trial[i]))
      if (reward.family == "Poisson"){
        for (i in 1:nmethod) ans[ ,i] <-
            rgamma(ndraws, shape = total.reward[i] + 1,
                   scale = 1 / total.trial[i])
      method.index <- which.max(as.vector(table(factor(max.col(ans),
                                                       levels = 1:nmethod))))
      method.chosen <- method.par$HyperTS$method.list[method.index]
      weight <- CalculateWeight(method.chosen,
                                all.event = all.event,
                                sd.reward = sd.reward,
                                reward.family = reward.family,
                                method.par = method.par,
                                period = period,
                                EXP3Info = EXP3Info)

    if (method != "HyperTS"){
      weight <- CalculateWeight(method,
                                all.event = all.event,
                                sd.reward = sd.reward,
                                reward.family = reward.family,
                                method.par = method.par,
                                period = period,
                                EXP3Info = EXP3Info)

    allWeight <- cbind(allWeight, weight)
    if (length(npulls.per.period) == 1){
      dailyTrial <- rmultinom(1, npullsVec, weight)
    } else {
      dailyTrial <- rmultinom(1, npulls.per.period[nburnin + period], weight)
    if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
      dailyReward <- apply(cbind(dailyTrial, rewardVec, sd.reward),
                           1, GetReward, reward.family)
    } else {
      dailyReward <-
        apply(cbind(dailyTrial, mean.reward[nburnin + period, ], sd.reward),
              1, GetReward, reward.family)
    all.event$trial <- all.event$trial + dailyTrial
    all.event$reward <- all.event$reward + dailyReward
    if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
      dailyRegret[period] <- sum(dailyTrial * (bestReward - rewardVec))
      dailyRegret[period] <-
        sum(dailyTrial *
              (bestReward[nburnin + period] - mean.reward[nburnin + period, ]))
    EXP3Info = list(prevWeight = weight,
                    EXP3Trial = dailyTrial,
                    EXP3Reward = dailyReward)
    if (method == "HyperTS"){
      total.reward[method.index] <-
          total.reward[method.index] + sum(dailyReward)
      total.trial[method.index] <- total.trial[method.index] + sum(dailyTrial)
  relativeRegret <- ifelse(equalDailyRegret != 0,
                           dailyRegret / equalDailyRegret, 0)

  if (weight.plot == TRUE){
    weightVector <- c(t(allWeight))
    if (is.vector(mean.reward)){
      names <- rep(sapply(rewardVec, function(x) paste("Mean Reward =", x)),
                   each = nperiod)
      names <- rep(sapply(1:n, function(x) paste("Arm", x)), each = nperiod)
    periodSeq <- rep(1:nperiod, n)
    graphData <- data.frame(names, periodSeq, weightVector)
    weight.plot.object <- ggplot(graphData,
                                 aes(x = periodSeq,
                                     y = weightVector,
                                     colour = names)) +
      geom_line() + ggtitle("Weight Plot") +
      theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
            legend.title = element_blank()) +
      labs(y = "weight", x = "period")
  if (regret.plot == TRUE){
    periodSeq <- 1:nperiod
    graphData <- data.frame(periodSeq, relativeRegret)
    regret.plot.object <- ggplot(graphData,
                                 aes(x = periodSeq,
                                     y = relativeRegret)) +
      geom_line() + ggtitle("Regret Plot") +
      theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
            legend.title = element_blank()) +
      labs(y = "Relative Regret", x = "period")
  if (weight.plot == TRUE & regret.plot == TRUE){
    return(list(weight = allWeight,
                regret = relativeRegret,
                weight.plot.object = weight.plot.object,
                regret.plot.object = regret.plot.object))
  if (weight.plot == FALSE & regret.plot == TRUE){
    return(list(weight = allWeight,
                regret = relativeRegret,
                regret.plot.object = regret.plot.object))
  if (weight.plot == TRUE & regret.plot == FALSE){
    return(list(weight = allWeight,
                regret = relativeRegret,
                weight.plot.object = weight.plot.object))
  if (weight.plot == FALSE & regret.plot == FALSE){
    return(list(weight = allWeight, regret = relativeRegret))

GetReward <- function(x, reward.family, sd.reward){
  if (reward.family == "Bernoulli") {
    return(rbinom(n = 1, size = x[1], prob = x[2]))
  if (reward.family == "Gaussian") {
    return(rnorm(n = 1, mean = x[1] * x[2], sd = x[3] * sqrt(x[1])))
  if (reward.family == "Poisson"){
    return(rpois(n = 1, lambda = x[1] * x[2]))
google/MAB documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:01 p.m.