population-segmentation: Population segmentation constants

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AMSS segments the population segments the population into groups based on each consumer's current mindset with regards to the category and the advertiser's brand. Aggregate changes in the population are tracked through the size of, i.e., the number of individuals belonging to, each population segment.


An object of class character (all possible states in a single dimension) or data.table (each row specifying a valid combination of states in different dimensions).


The consumer minset is defined along six dimensions. The first three specify the consumer's relationship with the category:

Market state

describes whether the consumer should be considered part of the market for this category. Consumers with no interest are out.of.market; the rest are in.market. A consumer's market state may vary over time due to seasonal changes in consumer demand, but generally should not be affected by marketing interventions.

Satiation state

tracks whether a consumer's demand for the product category is temporarily satisfied by a recent purchase.

Activity state

tracks the consumer's progress along the path to purchase. Consumers may be in the inactive, exploratory, or purchase state. Consumers in different activity states will have different behaviors. For example, by default consumers outside the purchase state will never make a purchase. Activity state also affects media consumption; for example, individuals who are not inactive are generally more likely to make generic or branded search queries.

The last three dimensions describe the consumer's relationships with the advertiser's brand.

Brand favorability state

specifies a consumer's awareness of and opinion of the advertiser's brand. Consumers are either unaware, or are aware and have an opinion of the brand ranging from negative to favorable, with intermediate favorabilitiy levels neutral and somewhat favorable.

Brand loyalty state

specifies a consumer's loyalty status. A consumer may be a switcher, in which case he or she has no brand loyalty. Otherwise the consumer is either loyal, i.e., loyal to the advertiser's brand, or competitor.loyal.

Brand availability state

refers to whether the advertiser's product is easily available to a particular consumer. For example, if the advertiser's distribution efforts only cover seventy percent of the population, then the thirty percent of the population not covered would be in the low brand availability state. The other options are average and high brand availability. Availability can refer to physical availability, i.e. the presence of the advertiser's product on store shelves. It could also refer to the mental availability (convenience) of the advertiser's brand. Thus brand availability can be affected by, say search ads that make the advertiser's brand the most prominent on the search results page, or by having the advertiser's product at eye-level in a store shelf.

The constants kMarketStates, kSatiationStates, kActivityStates, kFavorabilityStates, kLoyaltyStates, and kAvailabilityStates list the the possible states a consumer may take in each dimension as character vectors.

A consumer's mindset is summarized by the combination of states they take in each dimension. There are certain restrictions on which combinations of consumer states are possible. For example, only consumers who are both in.market and unsatiated can leave the inactive activity state. The data.frame kCategoryStates describes all valid combinations of market state, satiation state, and activity state, and thus lists all possible consumer mindsets with respect to the category in general. The data.frame kBrandStates describes all valid combinations of brand favorability, loyalty, and availability, given that only consumers with a favorable opinion of the brand can be loyal. Thus, kBrandStates lists all possible consumer mindsets with regards to the advertiser's brand.

A data.table of all valid consumer states is provided as kAllStates. It is the cross product of all category and brand states. Every consumer is assigned to one of these 198 states.

google/amss documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:05 p.m.