#' Calculate HPOP Billion
#' `calculate_hpop_billion()` calculates country-level HPOP Billion based on
#' indicator level changes.
#' @inherit transform_hpop_data return details params
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_contributions
#' @inheritParams add_hpop_populations
#' @family hpop
#' @export
calculate_hpop_billion <- function(df,
start_year = 2018,
end_year = 2019:2025,
pop_year = 2025,
transform_value_col = "transform_value",
contribution_col = stringr::str_replace(transform_value_col, "transform_value", "contribution"),
contribution_pct_col = paste0(contribution_col, "_percent"),
contribution_pct_total_pop_col = paste0(contribution_col, "_percent_total_pop"),
scenario_col = NULL,
ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("hpop")) {
assert_columns(df, "iso3", "ind", "year", transform_value_col)
assert_ind_ids(ind_ids, "hpop")
assert_unique_rows(df, scenario_col, ind_ids)
assert_same_length(transform_value_col, contribution_col)
assert_same_length(contribution_col, contribution_pct_col)
assert_years(start_year, end_year)
# calculate the contribution_pct_col (change) and contribution_col for component HPOP indicators
contr_df <- calculate_hpop_contributions(
df = df,
start_year = start_year,
end_year = end_year,
transform_value_col = transform_value_col,
contribution_col = contribution_col,
contribution_pct_col = contribution_pct_col,
contribution_pct_total_pop_col = contribution_pct_total_pop_col,
scenario_col = scenario_col,
ind_ids = ind_ids
# calculate the Billion based off the change
change_df <- calculate_hpop_billion_change(
df = contr_df,
change = contribution_pct_col,
contribution_col = contribution_col,
end_year = end_year,
pop_year = pop_year,
scenario_col = scenario_col,
ind_ids = ind_ids
# return Billions with the rest of the original data
dplyr::bind_rows(contr_df, change_df) %>%
#' Calculate the HPOP Billion using columns of change
#' `calculate_hpop_billion_change()` uses the standard HPOP methodology to calculate
#' the Billions estimates for all end years. It is used within [calculate_hpop_billion()]
#' to calculate the Billion and return the data in long format. Called by itself,
#' it expects a column of changes to be passed in, and
#' returns the Billion for all `end_year` values.
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_billion
#' @param change Column name of column(s) with change value
#' @param population Column name of column to create with population figures.
#' @family hpop
#' @export
calculate_hpop_billion_change <- function(df,
change = "contribution_percent",
contribution_col = "contribution",
population = "population",
end_year = 2019:2025,
pop_year = 2025,
scenario_col = NULL,
ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("hpop")) {
assert_columns(df, change, "ind", "iso3", "year", scenario_col)
assert_ind_ids(ind_ids, "hpop")
df <- billionaiRe_add_columns(df, c(contribution_col, population), NA_real_)
# only calculate Billion using relevant indicators and years and correct for child nutrition
change_df <- df %>%
.data[["year"]] %in% c(!!end_year),
.data[["ind"]] %in% !!ind_ids
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!sym("ind") := ifelse(.data[["ind"]] %in% ind_ids[c("wasting", "overweight")],
)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", scenario_col, "ind", "year")))) %>%
~ sum(.x, na.rm = TRUE)
), # for child_nutrition
.groups = "drop"
# add population groups
change_df <- dplyr::left_join(change_df,
by = c("iso3" = "iso3", "ind" = "ind")
# calculate billions for each contribution column
bill_df_list <- purrr::map2(change,
df = change_df,
pop_year = pop_year,
scenario_col = scenario_col
# join back together
bill_df <- purrr::reduce(bill_df_list,
by = c("iso3", "ind", "year", scenario_col)
# add population column (adding here instead of in calc_single() to not generate multiple columns)
bill_df <- dplyr::mutate(
!!sym(population) := wppdistro::get_population(
year = !!pop_year
#' Calculate the HPOP Billion for one column of change
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_billion
#' @param change Column name of column with change value
#' @keywords internal
calculate_hpop_billion_single <- function(change,
scenario_col) {
# calculate Billion contributions
contr_df <- df %>%
"_delta_temp" := .data[[change]] / 100,
"_od_temp" := 1 - abs(.data[["_delta_temp"]]),
"_pos_temp" := .data[["_delta_temp"]] > 0
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", "year", scenario_col, "_pop_group_temp", "_pos_temp")))) %>%
dplyr::summarize("_product_temp" := 1 - prod(.data[["_od_temp"]]),
"_pop_group_population_temp" := unique(.data[["_pop_group_population_temp"]]),
"_sumi_temp" := sum(.data[["_delta_temp"]]),
.groups = "drop"
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", "year", scenario_col)))) %>%
dplyr::summarize("hpop_healthier_plus" := sum(.data[["_pop_group_population_temp"]] * .data[["_product_temp"]] * .data[["_pos_temp"]]),
"hpop_healthier_minus" := -sum(.data[["_pop_group_population_temp"]] * .data[["_product_temp"]] * !.data[["_pos_temp"]]),
"hpop_healthier_plus_dbl_cntd" := sum(.data[["_pop_group_population_temp"]] * .data[["_sumi_temp"]] * .data[["_pos_temp"]]),
"hpop_healthier_minus_dbl_cntd" := sum(.data[["_pop_group_population_temp"]] * .data[["_sumi_temp"]] * !.data[["_pos_temp"]]),
.groups = "drop"
) %>%
"hpop_healthier" := .data[["hpop_healthier_plus"]] + .data[["hpop_healthier_minus"]],
"hpop_healthier_dbl_cntd" := .data[["hpop_healthier_plus_dbl_cntd"]] + .data[["hpop_healthier_minus_dbl_cntd"]]
) %>%
names_to = "ind",
values_to = contribution_col
# creating new columns called change with contributions, to present change / % contribution_col for Billion
contr_df[, change] <- contr_df[, contribution_col]
contr_df %>%
"_total_pop_temp" := wppdistro::get_population(.data[["iso3"]], pop_year),
~ 100 * .x / .data[["_total_pop_temp"]]
) %>%
#' Generate HPOP Population Table
#' `generate_hpop_populations()` creates the country/population data frame necessary
#' for correcting double counting within the HPOP Billion calculation. This is used
#' within `calculate_hpop_billion()`.
#' Because the underlying data from the wppdistro package is not publicly distributed
#' for specific small WHO member states, this is not exported as an already created
#' (and thus publicly available) table within the billionaiRe package, but instead
#' dynamically generated each R session.
#' @return Data frame in long format.
#' @inheritParams add_hpop_populations
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
generate_hpop_populations <- function(pop_year) {
iso3 = whoville::who_member_states(),
under_5_urban_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "under_5", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "male"),
btwn_5_14_urban_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "btwn_5_14", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "male"),
btwn_15_18_urban_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "male") / 2,
btwn_18_19_urban_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "male") / 2,
over_19_urban_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "over_19", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "male"),
under_5_rural_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "under_5", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "male"),
btwn_5_14_rural_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "btwn_5_14", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "male"),
btwn_15_18_rural_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "male") / 2,
btwn_18_19_rural_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "male") / 2,
over_19_rural_male = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "over_19", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "male"),
under_5_urban_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "under_5", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "female"),
btwn_5_14_urban_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "btwn_5_14", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "female"),
btwn_15_18_urban_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "female") / 2,
btwn_18_19_urban_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "female") / 2,
over_19_urban_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "over_19", rural_urb = "urban", sex = "female"),
under_5_rural_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "under_5", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "female"),
btwn_5_14_rural_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "btwn_5_14", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "female"),
btwn_15_18_rural_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "female") / 2,
btwn_18_19_rural_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "15_19", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "female") / 2,
over_19_rural_female = wppdistro::get_population(iso3, pop_year, age_range = "over_19", rural_urb = "rural", sex = "female")
) %>%
names_to = "_pop_group_temp",
values_to = "_pop_group_population_temp"
) %>%
dplyr::full_join(billionaiRe::pop_links, by = c("_pop_group_temp" = "pop_group"))
#' Calculate the change for vectors, used in [calculate_hpop_billion()]
#' @param transform_value_col Vector of transform values
#' @param year Vector of years
#' @param start_year Start year
#' @keywords internal
calculate_hpop_change_vector <- function(transform_value_col,
start_year) {
if (start_year %in% year) {
transform_value_col - transform_value_col[year == start_year]
} else {
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