#' Scenario dip and recover
#' `scenario_dip_recover()` creates a scenario where there is a rapid
#' return to the previous situation after a dip. The same annual rate of change (AROC) as
#' before dip is applied from the `recovery_year`.
#' `scenario_dip_recover_iso3()` applies `scenario_dip_recover()` to a specific iso3.
#' `scenario_dip_recover_iso3_ind()` applies `scenario_dip_recover()` to a specific `ind` and `iso3` combination.
#' Two types of AROC are supported:
#' - `lastest_year`: the AROC is calculated the values between the `start_year` and the last `reported` or
#' `estimated` value before `dip_year` is applied to the last reported value to
#' `recovery_year` onward.
#' - `average_years_in_range`: all AROC between the `aroc_start_year` and the last `reported` or
#' `estimated` value before `dip_year` are calculated. The average AROC for that period is then
#' applied to the last reported value to `recovery_year` onward.
#' If there are missing values between `dip_year` and
#' `recovery_year`, the last value from `dip_year` is carried forward. This
#' applies only to countries where the indicator value for `dip_year` is
#' `reported` or `estimated`. Otherwise, the value is carried with
#' `scenario_bau`.
#' If `progressive_recovery` is TRUE, then the recovery is
#' spread between the years between `recovery_year` and `end_year`. For
#' instance, if `recovery_year` is 2021 and `end_year` 2025, then 2021 will have 0%
#' of AROC, 2022 25%, 2023 50%, 2024 75%, and 2025 100%.
#' @param iso3 (character) ISO3 code of country to scenario
#' @param dip_year (integer) year where the dip appends
#' @param recovery_year (integer) year from which the AROC will be applied
#' @param progressive_recovery (logical) TRUE if the recovery after dip
#' should be progressive.
#' @param scenario name of scenario column to be created
#' @param scenario_name name of scenario
#' @param ind (character) name of the indicator on which to calculate the
#' scenario
#' @param baseline_year (integer) identify baseline year on which the AROC
#' should be calculated.
#' @param last_year (integer) identify last year where values were `reported`
#' or `estimated` between `start_year` and `end_year`.
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to
#' `scenario_dip_recover_iso3()`
#' @param aroc_type (character) name of the type of AROC to be used. Can be either:
#' - `lastest_year`: only the latest `reported`/`estimated` year between `start_year`
#' and `dip_year` is used to calculate
#' - `average_years_in_range`:
#' @param aroc_start_year (integer) year
#' @inheritParams calculate_uhc_billion
#' @inheritParams trim_values
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @inheritParams recycle_data
#' @inheritParams scenario_aroc
#' @inheritParams calculate_uhc_billion
#' @inheritParams calculate_hep_components
#' @return a data frame with scenario values in `value_col` with a `scenario` column.
#' @family scenario_covid
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname scenario-dip-recover
scenario_dip_recover <- function(df,
start_year = 2018,
dip_year = 2020,
recovery_year = 2021,
progressive_recovery = FALSE,
aroc_type = c("lastest_year", "average_years_in_range"),
aroc_start_year = start_year,
end_year = 2025,
value_col = "value",
scenario_col = "scenario",
scenario_name = "dip_recover",
ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("all"),
default_scenario = "default",
source = sprintf("WHO DDI, %s", format(Sys.Date(), "%B %Y")),
...) {
aroc_type <- rlang::arg_match(aroc_type)
assert_columns(df, "year", "iso3", "ind", value_col, scenario_col)
full_years_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
"year" := start_year:end_year,
"iso3" := unique(df[["iso3"]]),
"ind" := unique(df[["ind"]]),
"{scenario_col}" := default_scenario
scenario_df <- df %>%
dplyr::full_join(full_years_df, by = c("year", "iso3", "ind", scenario_col)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == default_scenario) %>%
is.na(.data[[value_col]]) & .data[["year"]] < dip_year ~ FALSE,
unique_iso3 <- unique(df[["iso3"]])
params <- get_right_parameters(list(...), scenario_dip_recover_iso3)
furrr::future_map_dfr(unique_iso3, ~ rlang::exec(scenario_dip_recover_iso3,
iso3 = .x,
df = scenario_df,
value_col = value_col,
start_year = start_year,
end_year = end_year,
dip_year = dip_year,
recovery_year = recovery_year,
progressive_recovery = progressive_recovery,
aroc_start_year = aroc_start_year,
aroc_type = aroc_type,
scenario_col = scenario_col,
ind_ids = ind_ids,
default_scenario = default_scenario,
scenario_name = scenario_name,
source = source,
)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(df) %>%
#' @rdname scenario-dip-recover
scenario_dip_recover_iso3 <- function(df,
start_year = 2018,
dip_year = 2020,
recovery_year = 2021,
progressive_recovery = FALSE,
aroc_type = c("lastest_year", "average_years_in_range"),
aroc_start_year = start_year,
end_year = 2025,
value_col = "value",
scenario_col = "scenario",
scenario_name = "dip_recover",
trim = TRUE,
small_is_best = FALSE,
keep_better_values = FALSE,
upper_limit = 100,
lower_limit = 0,
trim_years = TRUE,
start_year_trim = start_year,
end_year_trim = end_year,
ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("all"),
source = sprintf("WHO DDI, %s", format(Sys.Date(), "%B %Y")),
default_scenario = "default") {
scenario_df <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["iso3"]] == !!iso3)
assert_columns(scenario_df, "year", "iso3", "ind", value_col, scenario_col)
baseline_year <- scenario_df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["type"]] %in% c("reported", "estimated"),
.data[["year"]] >= aroc_start_year, .data[["year"]] < dip_year)
if(nrow(baseline_year) > 0){
baseline_year <- baseline_year %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] == min(.data[["year"]], na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data[["year"]], .data[["ind"]])
baseline_year <- baseline_year[order(names(baseline_year))]
baseline_year <- NA
last_year <- scenario_df %>%
.data[["type"]] %in% c("reported", "estimated"),
.data[["year"]] >= aroc_start_year & .data[["year"]] < recovery_year
if(nrow(last_year) > 0){
last_year <- last_year %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] == max(.data[["year"]], na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data[["year"]], .data[["ind"]])
last_year <- last_year[order(names(last_year))]
last_year <- NA
unique_inds <- sort(unique(scenario_df[["ind"]]))
recover_df <- furrr::future_pmap_dfr(list(unique_inds, baseline_year,
~ scenario_dip_recover_iso3_ind(
df = scenario_df,
iso3 = iso3,
ind = ..1,
dip_year = dip_year,
recovery_year = recovery_year,
progressive_recovery = progressive_recovery,
aroc_type = aroc_type,
aroc_start_year = aroc_start_year,
baseline_year = ..2,
last_year = ..3,
end_year = end_year,
value_col = value_col,
scenario_col = scenario_col,
scenario_name = scenario_name,
ind_ids = ind_ids,
default_scenario = default_scenario,
trim = trim,
small_is_best = small_is_best,
keep_better_values = keep_better_values,
upper_limit = upper_limit,
lower_limit = lower_limit,
trim_years = trim_years,
source = source
recover_df <- recover_df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] >= dip_year & !.data[["type"]] %in% c("reported", "estimated")) %>%
col = "scenario_value", value_col = value_col, trim = trim, small_is_best = small_is_best,
keep_better_values = keep_better_values, upper_limit = upper_limit,
lower_limit = lower_limit, trim_years = trim_years, start_year_trim = start_year_trim, end_year_trim = end_year_trim
df %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(recover_df) %>%
#' @rdname scenario-dip-recover
scenario_dip_recover_iso3_ind <- function(df,
dip_year = 2020,
recovery_year = 2021,
progressive_recovery = FALSE,
aroc_type = c("lastest_year", "average_years_in_range"),
aroc_start_year = start_year,
baseline_year = 2018,
last_year = NULL,
start_year = 2018,
end_year = 2025,
value_col = "value",
scenario_col = "scenario",
scenario_name = "dip_recover",
ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("all"),
default_scenario = "default",
trim = TRUE,
small_is_best = FALSE,
keep_better_values = FALSE,
upper_limit = 100,
lower_limit = 0,
trim_years = TRUE,
start_year_trim = start_year,
end_year_trim = end_year,
source = sprintf("WHO DDI, %s", format(Sys.Date(), "%B %Y"))){
ind_df <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["ind"]] == !! ind,
.data[["iso3"]] == !! iso3) %>%
assert_columns(ind_df, "year", "iso3", "ind", value_col, scenario_col)
if(!"source" %in% names(ind_df)){
ind_df <- billionaiRe_add_columns(ind_df, "source", NA_character_)
if (is.na(baseline_year) | is.na(last_year) | sum(!is.na(ind_df[[value_col]])) <= 1) {
recover_df <- ind_df %>%
only_reported_estimated = TRUE,
value_col = value_col,
start_year = dip_year,
end_year = end_year,
scenario_name = scenario_name,
scenario_col = scenario_col,
trim = FALSE,
keep_better_values = keep_better_values,
upper_limit = upper_limit,
lower_limit = lower_limit,
trim_years = trim_years,
small_is_best = small_is_best,
ind_ids = ind_ids,
bau_scenario = default_scenario,
start_year_trim = start_year_trim,
end_year_trim = end_year_trim
) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == !!scenario_name) %>%
"type" := dplyr::case_when(
is.na(.data[["type"]]) & .data[["year"]] >= dip_year ~ "projected",
TRUE ~ .data[["type"]]
"source" := dplyr::case_when(
is.na(.data[["source"]]) ~ !!source,
TRUE ~ .data[["source"]]
} else {
if(aroc_type == "lastest_year"){
target_value_iso3_ind <- ind_df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] == (dip_year - 1)) %>%
aroc <- get_target_aarc(ind_df,
target_value = target_value_iso3_ind,
target_year = dip_year - 1,
baseline_year = baseline_year,
value_col = value_col
) %>%
}else if(aroc_type == "average_years_in_range"){
target_value_iso3_ind <- ind_df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] %in% (aroc_start_year + 1):(dip_year - 1)) %>%
dplyr::mutate("baseline_year" := dplyr::case_when(
.data[["year"]]-1 <= baseline_year ~ as.integer(baseline_year),
TRUE ~ as.integer(dplyr::lag(.data[["year"]])))) %>%
dplyr::select(target_value = !!value_col, target_year = "year", "baseline_year")
aroc <- furrr::future_pmap_dfr(target_value_iso3_ind,
df = ind_df,
value_col = value_col) %>%
dplyr::summarise(aroc = mean(.data[["aroc"]])) %>%
last_value <- ind_df %>%
.data[["year"]] == last_year
) %>%
aroc_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
"year" := recovery_year:max(ind_df[["year"]]),
"iso3" := unique(iso3),
"ind" := unique(ind),
"aroc" := aroc
if (progressive_recovery) {
aroc_df <- aroc_df %>%
dplyr::mutate(aroc = .data[["aroc"]] * ((.data[["year"]] - recovery_year) / (end_year - recovery_year)))
ind_timeseries <- ind_df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] >= dip_year) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["iso3"]], .data[["ind"]]) %>%
dplyr::tally() %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["n"]] >= (end_year - dip_year - 1)) %>%
ind_no_timeseries <- ind_df %>%
dplyr::anti_join(ind_timeseries, by = c("iso3", "ind")) %>%
stringr::str_detect("ind", "campaign"),
!.data[["year"]] %in% 2018:(dip_year - 1)
recover_df <- ind_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["ind"]]) %>%
dplyr::semi_join(ind_timeseries, by = c("iso3", "ind")) %>%
baseline_value = .data[[value_col]][.data[["year"]] == dip_year]
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::left_join(aroc_df, by = c("iso3", "ind", "year")) %>%
scenario_value = dplyr::case_when(
stringr::str_detect(ind, "campaign") ~ as.numeric(.data[[value_col]]),
.data[["year"]] < dip_year ~ as.numeric(.data[[value_col]]),
.data[["year"]] >= recovery_year ~ last_value * (1 + (.data[["aroc"]]) * (.data[["year"]] - (recovery_year - 1))),
.data[["year"]] >= dip_year & .data[["year"]] < recovery_year & .data[["year"]] > last_year ~ as.numeric(last_value),
.data[["year"]] >= dip_year & .data[["year"]] < recovery_year & !is.na(.data[[value_col]]) ~ as.numeric(.data[[value_col]]),
TRUE ~ NA_real_
scenario_value = dplyr::case_when(
.data[["scenario_value"]] < 0 ~ 0.0,
TRUE ~ .data[["scenario_value"]]
"type" := dplyr::case_when(
(.data[["scenario_value"]] != .data[[value_col]] | (is.na(.data[[value_col]] & !is.na(.data[["scenario_value"]])))) & .data[["year"]] >= dip_year ~ "projected",
TRUE ~ .data[["type"]]
"source" := dplyr::case_when(
is.na(.data[["source"]]) ~ !!source,
TRUE ~ .data[["source"]]
!!sym(scenario_col) := scenario_name
) %>%
dplyr::select(-"baseline_value", -"aroc")
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