
Defines functions rbind.dartR cbind.dartR

Documented in cbind.dartR rbind.dartR

#seppop needs to be imported to work for dartR
#also internal functions for "[" methods
seppop <- getFromNamespace("seppop", "adegenet")
.seppop_internal <- getFromNamespace(".seppop_internal", "adegenet")
.get_pop_inds <- getFromNamespace(".get_pop_inds", "adegenet")

setClass("dartR", contains = "genlight", )

### adding new slots...
#setClass("dartR",slots=list(what="integer"), contains="genlight")

## show dartR ##
setMethod ("show", "dartR", function(object) {
  cat(" ********************\n")
  cat(" *** DARTR OBJECT ***\n")
  cat(" ********************")
  marker <- "mixed markers"
  if (all(!is.na(ploidy(object)))) {
    if (all(ploidy(object) == 2))
      marker <- "SNPs"
    if (all(ploidy(object) == 1))
      marker <- "silicoDarts (P/A) "
    "\n\n **",
    format(nInd(object), big.mark = ","),
    "genotypes, ",
    format(nLoc(object), big.mark = ","),
    ", size:",
    format(object.size(object), units = "auto")
  temp <- sapply(object@gen, function(e)
  if (length(temp > 1)) {
    cat("\n\n    missing data: ",
        " (=",
        round((sum(temp) / (
          nInd(object) * nLoc(object)
        )) * 100, 2),
        " %) scored as NA",
        sep = "")
  cat("\n\n ** Genetic data")
  cat("\n   @gen: list of", length(object@gen), "SNPbin")
  if (!is.null(object@ploidy)) {
    ploidytxt <-
      paste("(range: ", paste(range(object@ploidy), collapse = "-"), ")", sep =
    cat("\n   @ploidy: ploidy of each individual ", ploidytxt)
  ## Additional data
  cat("\n\n ** Additional data")
  optional <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(object@ind.names)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @ind.names: ",
        "individual labels")
  } else
    cat("\n   @ind.names: ", "no individual labels")
  if (!is.null(object@loc.names)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @loc.names: ", length(object@loc.names), "locus labels")
  } else
    cat("\n   @loc.names: ", "no locus labels")
  if (!is.null(object@loc.all)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @loc.all: ", length(object@loc.all), "allele labels")
  } else
    cat("\n   @loc.all: ", " no allele labels")
  if (!is.null(object@chromosome)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @chromosome: factor storing chromosomes of the", marker)
  if (!is.null(object@position)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @position: integer storing positions of the",
        "[within 69 base sequence]")
  if (!is.null(object@pop)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    poptxt <-
      paste("(group size range: ", paste(range(table(object@pop)), collapse =
                                           "-"), ")", sep = "")
    cat("\n   @pop:", paste("population of each individual", poptxt))
  } else
    cat("\n   @pop:", "no population lables for individuals")
  if (!is.null(object@strata)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @strata: ")
    levs <- names(object@strata)
    if (length(levs) > 6) {
      levs <- paste(paste(head(levs), collapse = ", "), "...", sep = ", ")
    } else {
      levs <- paste(levs, collapse = ", ")
    cat("a data frame with",
        "columns (",
  if (!is.null(object@hierarchy)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @hierarchy:", paste(object@hierarchy, collapse = ""))
  if (!is.null(object@other)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("\n   @other: ")
    cat("a list containing: ")
      "elements without names",
      paste(names(object@other), collapse = ", ")
    ), "\n")
  if (!is.null(object@other$ind.metrics)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("    @other$ind.metrics: ")
      "elements without names",
      paste(names(object@other$ind.metrics), collapse = ", ")
    ), "\n")
  if (!is.null(object@other$ind.metrics)) {
    optional <- TRUE
    cat("    @other$loc.metrics: ")
      "elements without names",
      paste(names(object@other$loc.metrics), collapse = ", ")
    ), "\n")
  if (!optional) {
    cat("\n   - empty -")
  cat("   @other$latlon[g]:")
  if (!is.null(object@other$latlon)) {
    if (nrow(object@other$latlon) == nInd(object)) {
      cat(" coordinates for all individuals are attached")
    } else{
      cat(" number of coordinates does not match number of individuals")
  } else {
    cat(" no coordinates attached")
}) # end show method

## subset dartR

#' indexing dartR objects correctly...
#' @param x dartR object
#' @param i index for individuals
#' @param j index for loci
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @param pop list of populations to be kept
#' @param treatOther elements in other (and ind.metrics & loci.metrics) as 
#' indexed as well. default: TRUE
#' @param quiet warnings are suppressed. default: TRUE
#' @param drop reduced to a vector if a single individual/loci is selected. 
#' default: FALSE [should never set to TRUE]

## dartR
setMethod("[", signature(
  x = "dartR",
  i = "ANY",
  j = "ANY",
  drop = "ANY"
         pop = NULL,
         treatOther = TRUE,
         quiet = TRUE,
         drop = FALSE) {
  if (missing(i))
    i <- TRUE
  if (missing(j))
    j <- TRUE
  ori.n <- nInd(x)
  ori.p <- nLoc(x)
  ## recycle logicals if needed
  if (!is.null(i) &&
    i <- rep(i, length = ori.n)
  if (!is.null(j) &&
    j <- rep(j, length = ori.p)
  if (!is.null(pop) && !is.null(pop(x))) {
    i <- .get_pop_inds(x, pop)
  ## genotypes
  x@gen <- x@gen[i]
  ## ind names
  x@ind.names <- x@ind.names[i]
  ## ploidy
  if (!is.null(x@ploidy)) {
    ori.ploidy <- ploidy(x) <- ploidy(x)[i]
  } else {
    ori.ploidy <- NULL
  ## pop
  if (!is.null(pop(x))) {
    ori.pop <- pop(x) <- factor(pop(x)[i])
  } else {
    ori.pop <- NULL
  ## strata
  if (!is.null(x@strata)) {
    ori.strata <- x@strata <- x@strata[i, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    ori.strata <- NULL
  nOther <- length(other(x))
  namesOther <- names(other(x))
  flags_tmp <- x$other$loc.metrics.flags
  counter <- 0
  if (treatOther & !(is.logical(i) && all(i))) {
    f1 <- function(obj, n = ori.n) {
      counter <<- counter + 1
      if (!is.null(dim(obj)) &&
          nrow(obj) == ori.n) {
        # if the element is a matrix-like obj
        obj <- obj[i, , drop = FALSE]
      } else if (length(obj) == ori.n) {
        # if the element is not a matrix but has a length == n
        obj <- obj[i]
        if (is.factor(obj)) {
          obj <- factor(obj)
      } else {
        if (!quiet)
          warning(paste("cannot treat the object", namesOther[counter]))
    } # end f1
    other(x) <- lapply(x@other, f1) # treat all elements
    #putting back the flags
    x$other$loc.metrics.flags <- flags_tmp
  } # end treatOther
  ## handle ind.names, loc.names, chromosome, position, and alleles
  if (is.character(j)) {
    j <- match(j, x@loc.names, nomatch = 0)
  x@loc.names   <- x@loc.names[j]
  x@chromosome  <- chr(x)[j]
  x@position    <- position(x)[j]
  x@loc.all     <- alleles(x)[j]
  x@gen         <- lapply(x@gen, function(e)
  x@n.loc       <- x@gen[[1]]@n.loc
  #subset also loc.metrics (if this data.frame exists)
  if (!is.null(x@other$loc.metrics))
    x@other$loc.metrics <- x@other$loc.metrics[j, ]
}) # end [] for genlight

#' adjust cbind for dartR
#' cbind is a bit lazy and does not take care for the metadata (so data in the
#' other slot is lost). You can get most of the loci metadata back using
#' gl.compliance.check.
#' @param ... list of dartR objects
#' @examples
#' t1 <- platypus.gl
#' class(t1) <- "dartR"
#' t2 <- cbind(t1[,1:10],t1[,11:20])
#' @return A genlight object
#' @export

cbind.dartR <- function(...) {
  ## store arguments
  dots <- list(...)
  ## extract arguments which are genlight objects
  myList <- dots[sapply(dots, inherits, "genlight")]
  ## keep the rest in 'dots'
  dots <- dots[!sapply(dots, inherits, "genlight")]
  if (length(myList) == 1 &&
    myList <- myList[[1]]
  if (!all(sapply(myList, function(x)
    inherits(x, "genlight"))))
    stop(error("Some objects are not genlight objects"))
  ## remove empty objects
  myList <- myList[sapply(myList, nLoc) > 0 & sapply(myList, nInd) > 0]
  if (length(myList) == 0) {
    cat(warn("  All objects are empty\n"))
  ## different checks
  if (length(unique(sapply(myList, nInd))) > 1) {
    stop(error("Objects have different numbers of individuals"))
  n.obj <- length(myList)
  n.ind <- nInd(myList[[1]])
  if (n.ind == 0) {
    cat(warn("  All objects are empty\n"))
  temp <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(lapply(myList, ploidy)))
  if (any(apply(temp, 1, function(r)
    length(unique(r))) > 1)) {
    stop("non-consistent ploidy across datasets")
  ori.ploidy <- ploidy(myList[[1]])
  ## merge one individual at a time ##
  res <- list()
  for (i in 1:n.ind) {
    res[[i]] <- Reduce(function(a, b) {
      cbind(a, b, checkPloidy = FALSE)
    lapply(myList, function(e)
  dots$gen <- res
  dots$Class <- "dartR"
  res <- do.call(new, dots)
  ## handle loc.names, alleles, etc. ##
  indNames(res) <- indNames(myList[[1]])
  locNames(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, locNames))
  alleles(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, alleles))
  pop(res) <- pop(myList[[1]])
  res@strata <- myList[[1]]@strata
  ploidy(res) <- ori.ploidy
  ## return object ##
} # end cbind.dartR

#' adjust rbind for dartR
#' rbind is a bit lazy and does not take care for the metadata (so data in the
#' other slot is lost). You can get most of the loci metadata back using
#'  gl.compliance.check.
#' @param ... list of dartR objects
#' @examples
#' t1 <- platypus.gl
#' class(t1) <- "dartR"
#' t2 <- rbind(t1[1:5,],t1[6:10,])
#' @return A genlight object 
#' @export

rbind.dartR <- function(...) {
  ## store arguments
  dots <- list(...)
  ## extract arguments which are genlight objects
  myList <- dots[sapply(dots, inherits, "genlight")]
  ## keep the rest in 'dots'
  dots <- dots[!sapply(dots, inherits, "genlight")]
  if (!all(sapply(myList, function(x)
    inherits(x, "genlight")))) {
    stop("some objects are not genlight objects")
  ## remove empty objects
  myList <- myList[sapply(myList, nLoc) > 0 & sapply(myList, nInd) > 0]
  if (length(myList) == 0) {
    warning("All objects are empty")
  if (length(unique(sapply(myList, nLoc))) != 1) {
    stop("objects have different numbers of SNPs")
  ## build output
  dots$Class <- "dartR"
  dots$gen <- Reduce(c, lapply(myList, function(e)
  res <- do.call(new, dots)
  locNames(res) <- locNames(myList[[1]])
  alleles(res)  <- alleles(myList[[1]])
  indNames(res) <- unlist(lapply(myList, indNames))
  pop(res)      <- factor(unlist(lapply(myList, pop)))
  #hierachies are ignored in dart objects here
  # Hierarchies are tricky. Using dplyr's bind_rows.
  #res <- .rbind_strata(myList, res)
  ## return object ##
} # end rbind.genlight
green-striped-gecko/dartR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 10:14 a.m.