
Defines functions makeCovarianceMatrixWeighted checkGenClusteredDataWeightedRandomInputs checkGenClusteredDataWeightedInputs genZmuY genClusteredDataWeightedRandom genClusteredDataWeighted checkCssClustersInput checkGetSelectedClustersOutput checkFormCssDesignInputs checkGetClusterSelMatrixInput checkFormatClustersInput checkSelectedClusters checkNewXProvided checkCssLoopOutput checkCssLassoInputs checkY checkClusters checkB checkPropFeatsRemove checkSamplingType checkWeighting checkMaxNumClusts checkMinNumClusts checkCutoff checkGetCssPredsInputs checkCssInputs checkXInputResults corFunction getClustWeights getAllClustWeights getModelSize getSelectionPrototypes getSelectedClusters formCssDesign genMuXZSd makeCoefficients makeCovarianceMatrix getClusterSelMatrix identifyPrototype getPrototypes formatClusters cssLasso cssLoop getSelMatrix getSubsamps createSubsamples cssPredict cssSelect getCssDesign print.cssr printCssDf getCssSelections getCssPreds getLassoLambda checkGenClusteredDataInputs getNoiseVar genClusteredData css

Documented in css cssPredict cssSelect formCssDesign getCssDesign getCssPreds getCssSelections getLassoLambda print.cssr

# TODO(gregfaletto): implement protolasso and clusterRepLasso (located in 
# toy_ex_slide_funcs.R, in /Users/gregfaletto/Google Drive/Data Science/LaTeX/Generalized Stability Selection Presentation)

# TODO(gregfaletto): make sure behavior of functions makes sense if selection
# indicator matrix ends up containing all 0s or all 1s (and maybe throw a
# warning or error in this case)


#' Cluster Stability Selection
#' Executes cluster stability selection algorithm. Takes subsamples of data,
#' executes feature selection algorithm on each subsample, and returns matrices
#' of feature selection indicators as well as cluster selection indicators.
#' @param X An n x p numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' p >= 2 features/predictors.
#' @param y The response; can be anything that takes the form of an
#' n-dimensional vector, with the ith entry corresponding to the ith row of X.
#' Typically (and for default fitfun = cssLasso), y should be an n-dimensional
#' numeric vector.
#' @param lambda A tuning parameter or set of tuning parameters that may be used
#' by the feature selection method fitfun. In the default case when
#' fitfun = cssLasso, lambda should be a numeric: the penalty to use for each
#' lasso fit. (css does not require lambda to be any particular object because
#' for a user-specified feature selection method fitfun, lambda can be an
#' arbitrary object. See the description of fitfun below.)
#' @param clusters A list of integer vectors; each vector should contain the 
#' indices of a cluster of features (a subset of 1:p). (If there is only one
#' cluster, clusters can either be a list of length 1 or an integer vector.)
#' All of the provided clusters must be non-overlapping. Every feature not
#' appearing in any cluster will be assumed to be unclustered (that is, they
#' will be treated as if they are in a "cluster" containing only themselves). If
#' clusters is a list of length 0 (or a list only containing clusters of length
#' 1), then css() returns the same results as stability selection (so the
#' returned feat_sel_mat will be identical to clus_sel_mat). Names for the
#' clusters will be needed later; any clusters that are not given names in the
#' provided list will be given names automatically by css. Default is list() (so
#' no clusters are specified).
#' @param fitfun A function; the feature selection function used on each
#' subsample by cluster stability selection. This can be any feature selection
#' method; the only requirement is that it accepts the arguments (and only the
#' arguments) X, y, and lambda and returns an integer vector that is a subset of
#' 1:p. For example, fitfun could be best subset selection or forward stepwise
#' selection or LARS and lambda could be the desired model size; or fitfun could be the
#' elastic net and lambda could be a length-two vector specifying lambda and
#' alpha. Default is cssLasso, an implementation of lasso (relying on the R
#' package glmnet), where lambda must be a positive numeric specifying the L1
#' penalty for the lasso.
#' @param sampling_type A character vector; either "SS" or "MB". For "MB",
#' all B subsamples are drawn randomly (as proposed by Meinshausen and Bühlmann
#' 2010). For "SS", in addition to these B subsamples, the B complementary pair
#' subsamples will be drawn as well (see Faletto and Bien 2022 or Shah and
#' Samworth 2013 for details). Default is "SS", and "MB" is not supported yet.
#' @param B Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For
#' sampling.type=="MB" the total number of subsamples will be `B`; for
#' sampling_type="SS" the number of subsamples will be `2*B`. Default is 100
#' for sampling_type="MB" and 50 for sampling_type="SS".
#' @param prop_feats_remove Numeric; if prop_feats_remove is greater than 0,
#' then on each subsample, each feature is randomly dropped from the design
#' matrix that is provided to fitfun with probability prop_feats_remove
#' (independently across features). That is, in a typical subsample,
#' prop_feats_remove*p features will be dropped (though this number will vary).
#' This is similar in spirit (but distinct from) extended stability selection
#' (Beinrucker et. al. 2016); see their paper for some of the benefits of
#' dropping features (besides increasing computational speed and decreasing
#' memory requirements). For sampling_type="SS", the features dropped in
#' each complementary pair of subsamples are identical in order to ensure that
#' the theoretical guarantees of Faletto and Bien (2022) are retained within
#' each individual pair of subsamples. (Note that this feature is not
#' investigated either theoretically or in simulations by Faletto and Bien
#' 2022). Must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.
#' @param train_inds Optional; an integer or numeric vector containing the
#' indices of observations in X and y to set aside for model training by the
#' function getCssPreds after feature selection. (This will only work if y is
#' real-valued, because getCssPreds using ordinary least squares regression to
#' generate predictions.) If train_inds is not provided, all of the observations
#' in the provided data set will be used for feature selection.
#' @param num_cores Optional; an integer. If using parallel processing, the
#' number of cores to use for parallel processing (num_cores will be supplied
#' internally as the mc.cores argument of parallel::mclapply).
#' @return A list containing the following items: \item{feat_sel_mat}{A B (or
#' `2*B` for sampling.method "SS") x p numeric (binary) matrix.
#' `feat_sel_mat[i, j] = 1` if feature j was selected by the base feature
#' selection method on subsample i, and 0 otherwise.} \item{clus_sel_mat}{A B
#' (or 2*B for SS sampling) x length(clusters) numeric (binary) matrix.
#' `clus_sel_mat[i, j] = 1` if at least one feature from cluster j was selected
#' by the base feature selection method on subsample i, and 0 otherwise.}
#' \item{X}{The X matrix provided to css, coerced from a data.frame to a matrix
#' if needed.} \item{y}{The y vector provided to css.} \item{clusters}{A named
#' list of integer vectors containing all of the clusters provided to css, as
#' well as size 1 clusters of any features not listed in any of the clusters
#' provided to css. All clusters will have names; any clusters not provided with
#' a name in the input to css will be given names automatically by css (of the
#' form c1, etc.).} \item{train_inds}{Identical to the train_inds provided to
#' css.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}. \cr Shah, R. D., & Samworth, R. J.
#' (2013). Variable selection with error control: Another look at stability
#' selection. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B:
#' Statistical Methodology}, 75(1), 55–80.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2014.2302071}. \cr Meinshausen, N., &
#' Bühlmann, P. (2010). Stability Selection. \emph{Journal of the Royal
#' Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology}, 72(4), 417–473.
#' \url{https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-9868.2010.00740.x}.
#' \cr Beinrucker, A., Dogan, Ü., &
#' Blanchard, G. (2016). Extensions of stability selection using subsamples of
#' observations and covariates. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 26(5), 1059-
#' 1077. \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-015-9589-y}. \cr Jerome Friedman,
#' Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani (2010). Regularization Paths for Generalized
#' Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software},
#' 33(1), 1-22. URL \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v33/i01/}.
#' @export
css <- function(X, y, lambda, clusters = list(), fitfun = cssLasso,
    sampling_type = "SS", B = ifelse(sampling_type == "MB", 100L, 50L),
    prop_feats_remove = 0, train_inds = integer(), num_cores = 1L

    # Check inputs

    check_list <- checkCssInputs(X, y, lambda, clusters, fitfun, sampling_type,
        B, prop_feats_remove, train_inds, num_cores)

    feat_names <- check_list$feat_names
    X <- check_list$X
    clusters <- check_list$clusters


    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)

    train_inds <- as.integer(train_inds)

    ### Create subsamples

    sel_inds <- setdiff(1:n, train_inds)
    n_sel <- length(sel_inds)
    if(n_sel < 4){
        stop("Too many training indices provided (must be at least 4 observations left for feature selection, and ideally many more)")

    subsamps_object <- createSubsamples(n_sel, p, B, sampling_type,

    ### Get matrix of selected feature sets from subsamples


    feat_sel_mat <- getSelMatrix(X[sel_inds, ], y[sel_inds], lambda, B,
        sampling_type, subsamps_object, num_cores, fitfun)

        colnames(feat_sel_mat) <- feat_names
        colnames(X) <- feat_names

    ### Get selection proportions for clusters corresponding to each feature

    clus_sel_mat <- getClusterSelMatrix(clusters, feat_sel_mat)

    # Check outputs
    stopifnot(all(colnames(clus_sel_mat) == names(clusters)))

    ret <- list(feat_sel_mat = feat_sel_mat,
        clus_sel_mat = clus_sel_mat,
        X = X,
        y = y,
        clusters = clusters,
        train_inds = train_inds

    class(ret) <- "cssr"



# TODO(gregfaletto) change cluster_size into a vector of sizes (maybe also
# deprecate n_clusters as an input, since this would be inferred by the length
# of cluster_sizes?)

#' Generate randomly sampled data including noisy observations of latent
#' variables
#' Generate a data set including latent features Z, observed features X (which
#' may include noisy or noiseless observations of the latent features in Z),
#' an observed response y which is a linear model of features from Z and X as
#' well as independent mean zero noise, and mu (the responses from y without
#' the added noise). Data is generated in the same way as in the simulations
#' from Faletto and Bien (2022).
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered. Must be at least 1.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable. Must be at least 2.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param rho Integer or numeric; the correlation of the proxies in each cluster
#' with the latent variable. Must be greater than 0. Default is 0.9.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{X}{An n x p numeric matrix of
#' n observations from a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
#' generated using the specified parameters. The first n_clusters times
#' cluster_size features will be the clusters of features correlated with the
#' n_clusters latent variables. The next k_unclustered features will be the
#' "weak signal" features, and the remaining p - n_clusters*cluster_size -
#' k_unclustered features will be the unclustered noise features.} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references
#' @export
genClusteredData <- function(n, p, k_unclustered, cluster_size, n_clusters=1,
    sig_clusters=1, rho=0.9, beta_latent=1.5, beta_unclustered=1,
    snr=as.numeric(NA), sigma_eps_sq=as.numeric(NA)){

    # Check inputs
    checkgenClusteredDataInputs(p, k_unclustered, cluster_size, n_clusters,
        sig_clusters, rho, beta_latent, beta_unclustered, snr,

    ret <- genZmuY(n=n, p=p, k_unclustered=k_unclustered,
        cluster_size=cluster_size, n_clusters=n_clusters,
        sig_clusters=sig_clusters, beta_latent=beta_latent,
        beta_unclustered=beta_unclustered, snr=snr, sigma_eps_sq=sigma_eps_sq)

    Z <- ret$Z
    y <- ret$y
    mu <- ret$mu
    other_X <- ret$other_X

    # Finally, generate clusters of proxies to complete X. First, get needed
    # variances of noise to add
    noise_var <- getNoiseVar(rho)

    # Generate these noise features
    noise_mat <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n*n_clusters*cluster_size, mean=0,
        sd=sqrt(noise_var)), n, n_clusters*cluster_size)

    # Create matrix of proxies
    proxy_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, n_clusters*cluster_size)
    if(n_clusters > 1){
        for(i in 1:n_clusters){
            first_ind <- (i - 1)*cluster_size + 1
            last_ind <- i*cluster_size
            proxy_mat[, first_ind:last_ind] <- Z[, i] +
                noise_mat[, first_ind:last_ind]
    } else{
        stopifnot(ncol(noise_mat) == cluster_size)
        proxy_mat[, 1:cluster_size] <- Z + noise_mat

    X <- cbind(proxy_mat, other_X)
    Z <- as.matrix(Z)

    # Check output
    stopifnot(length(mu) == n)

    stopifnot(nrow(X) == n)
    stopifnot(ncol(X) == p)

        stopifnot(nrow(Z) == n)
        stopifnot(ncol(Z) == n_clusters)

    return(list(X=X, y=y, Z=Z, mu=mu))

#' Get variance of noise to add to Z in order to yield proxies X with desired
#' correlations with Z
#' @param cor A numeric vector of desired correlations for each proxy to have
#' with Z. Note: correlations must be positive.
#' @return A vector of variances of independent Gaussian random variables to add
#' to Z in order to yield proxies with the desired correlations with Z.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @export
getNoiseVar <- function(cor){
    # Correlation between standard normal Z and X = Z + epsilon where epsilon
    # is normal, independent of Z, and has mean 0 and variance sig_eps_sq:
    #   E[Z X]/sqrt{Var(Z) Var(X)}
    # = (E[Z^2] + E[Z*epsilon])/sqrt{1*(1 + sig_eps_sq)}
    # = (1 + 0)/sqrt{1 + sig_eps_sq}
    # So we have
    #                 cor = 1/sqrt{1 + sig_eps_sq}
    # \iff 1 + sig_eps_sq = 1/cor^2
    # \iff     sig_eps_sq = 1/cor^2 - 1
    stopifnot(is.numeric(cor) | is.integer(cor))
    stopifnot(length(cor) >= 1)
    stopifnot(all(cor > 0))
    stopifnot(all(cor <= 1))
    return(1/cor^2 - 1)

# #' Get variance of noise to add to Z in order to yield proxies X with desired
# #' correlations between the proxies
# #'
# #' @param cor A numeric vector of desired correlations for each proxy to have
# #' with the other proxies in the cluster. Note: correlations must be positive.
# #' @return A vector of variances of independent Gaussian random variables to add
# #' to Z in order to yield proxies with the desired correlations with Z.
# #' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
# getNoiseVar <- function(cor){
#     # Correlation between X_1 = Z + epsilon_1 and X_2 = Z + epsilon_2 where
#     # Z is standard normal and epsilon_i are both normal, independent of Z,
#     # and have mean 0 and variance sig_eps_sq:
#     # 
#     #   E[X_1 X_2]/sqrt{Var(X_1) Var(X_2)}
#     # = (E[Z^2] + E[Z*epsilon_1] + E[Z*epsilon_2] + E[epsilon_1*epsilon_2])/
#     #   sqrt{(1 + sig_eps_sq)^2}
#     # = (1 + 0 + 0 + 0)/(1 + sig_eps_sq)
#     #
#     # So we have
#     #             cor = 1/(1 + sig_eps_sq)
#     # \iff sig_eps_sq = 1/cor - 1
#     stopifnot(is.numeric(cor) | is.integer(cor))
#     stopifnot(all(!is.na(cor)))
#     stopifnot(length(cor) >= 1)
#     stopifnot(all(cor > 0))
#     stopifnot(all(cor <= 1))
#     return(1/cor - 1)
# }


#' Check inputs to genClusteredData
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param rho Integer or numeric; the covariance of the proxies in each cluster
#' with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the correlation between
#' the features in the cluster will be rho/var. Can't equal 0. Default is 0.9.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{X}{An n x p numeric matrix of
#' n observations from a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
#' generated using the specified parameters. The first n_clusters times
#' cluster_size features will be the clusters of features correlated with the
#' n_clusters latent variables. The next k_unclustered features will be the
#' "weak signal" features, and the remaining p - n_clusters*cluster_size -
#' k_unclustered features will be the unclustered noise features.} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkGenClusteredDataInputs <- function(p, k_unclustered, cluster_size,
    n_clusters, sig_clusters, rho, beta_latent, beta_unclustered, snr,

    stopifnot(is.numeric(sig_clusters) | is.integer(sig_clusters))
    stopifnot(sig_clusters <= n_clusters)
    stopifnot(sig_clusters >= 0)
    stopifnot(sig_clusters == round(sig_clusters))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(n_clusters) | is.integer(n_clusters))
    stopifnot(n_clusters == round(n_clusters))
    # TODO(gregfaletto): is it easy to remove the requirement that n_clusters is
    # at least 1 (so that it's possible to generate data with no latent 
    # features)? If so, should only check that cluster_size >= 1 if n_clusters
    # >= 1, and in makeCovarianceMatrix function only need block_size >= 1
    # rather than 2.
    stopifnot(n_clusters >= 1)

    stopifnot(cluster_size >= 2)

    stopifnot(rho > 0)

    stopifnot(beta_latent != 0)
    stopifnot(beta_unclustered != 0)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(k_unclustered) | is.integer(k_unclustered))
    stopifnot(k_unclustered >= 2)
    stopifnot(k_unclustered == round(k_unclustered))

    stopifnot(p >= n_clusters*cluster_size + k_unclustered)

    # Same as make_sparse_blocked_linear_model_random, but ith coefficient
    # of weak signal features is beta_unclustered/sqrt(i) in order to have
    # a definitive ranking of weak signal features.
    if(is.na(snr) & is.na(sigma_eps_sq)){
        stop("Must specify one of snr or sigma_eps_sq")

        stopifnot(is.numeric(sigma_eps_sq) | is.integer(sigma_eps_sq))
        stopifnot(length(sigma_eps_sq) == 1)
        stopifnot(sigma_eps_sq >= 0)
    } else{
        stopifnot(is.numeric(snr) | is.integer(snr))
        stopifnot(length(snr) == 1)
        stopifnot(snr > 0)


#' Get lambda value for lasso
#' Chooses a lambda value for the lasso used on a subsample of size n/2 (as in
#' cluster stability selection) by cross-validation.
#' @param X An n x p numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the p >= 2 features/predictors that will be used by cluster stability
#' selection.
#' @param y The response; an n-dimensional numeric or integer vector. (Unlike
#' in the more general css setup, this response must be real-valued since
#' lambda will be determined using the lasso with cross-validation.)
#' @param lambda_choice Character; either "min" or "1se". If "min", chooses
#' the lambda that minimizes the cross-validated error; if "1se", chooses the
#' largest lambda within one standard error of the minimum error lambda
#' (resulting in a smaller selected set, which may be desirable because the
#' model size corresponding to the minimum error lambda tends to be larger
#' than optimal. See, for example, Bühlmann and Meinshausen 2006, Prop. 1 and
#' Bühlmann and van de Geer 2011, Section 2.5.1.). Default is "1se".
#' @param nfolds Numeric or integer; the number of folds for cross-validation.
#' Must be at least 4 (as specified by cv.glmnet). Default is 10.
#' @param alpha Numeric; the elastic net mixing parameter. Default is 1 (in
#' which case the penalty is for lasso)
#' @return A numeric; the selected value of lambda.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Bühlmann, P., & Meinshausen, N. (2006). High-Dimensional Graphs
#' and Variable Selection With the Lasso. \emph{The Annals of Statistics},
#' 34(3), 1436–1462. \url{https://doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000281}.
#' \cr Peter Bühlmann and Sara van de Geer. Statistics for High-Dimensional
#' Data. \emph{Springer Series in Statistics}. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. ISBN
#' 978-3-642-20191-2. \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20192-9}. \cr
#' Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani (2010). Regularization
#' Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent. \emph{Journal of
#' Statistical Software}, 33(1), 1-22. URL \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v33/i01/}.
#' @export
getLassoLambda <- function(X, y, lambda_choice="1se", nfolds=10, alpha=1){
    stopifnot(length(lambda_choice) == 1)
    stopifnot(lambda_choice %in% c("min", "1se"))

    stopifnot(is.numeric(X) | is.integer(X))
    n <- nrow(X)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(nfolds) | is.integer(nfolds))
    stopifnot(length(nfolds) == 1)
    stopifnot(nfolds == round(nfolds))
    stopifnot(nfolds > 3)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha) | is.integer(alpha))
    stopifnot(length(alpha) == 1)
    stopifnot(alpha >= 0)
    stopifnot(alpha <= 1)

    # Since we are using the lasso, we require y to be a real-valued response
    # (unlike for the general cluster stability selection procedure, where y
    # can have a more general format as long as a suitable feature selection
    # function is provided by the user)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(y) | is.integer(y))
    stopifnot(n == length(y))

    # Sample size to use: inflate n/2 by a factor of nfolds/(nfolds - 1),
    # so that each individual lasso fit is of size floor(n/2)

    n_sample <- min(round(n/2*nfolds/(nfolds - 1)), n)
    nfolds <- min(nfolds, n_sample)

    inds_size <- sample(1:n, n_sample)
    size_results <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x=X[inds_size, ], y=y[inds_size],
        family="gaussian", nfolds=nfolds, alpha=alpha)

    lambda_ret <- size_results[[paste("lambda.", lambda_choice, sep="")]]

    # Check output
    stopifnot(length(lambda_ret) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(lambda_ret) | is.integer(lambda_ret))
    stopifnot(lambda_ret >= 0)



#' Fit model and generate predictions from new data
#' Generate predictions on test data using cluster stability-selected model.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param testX A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate predictions. Must contain the same
#' features (in the same number of columns) as the matrix provided to css, and
#' if the columns of testX are labeled, the names must match the variable names
#' provided to css.
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights to
#' combine features from the selected clusters into weighted averages, called
#' cluster representatives. Must be one of "sparse", "weighted_avg", or
#' "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", the weight used for each cluster member is calculated in
#' proportion to the individual selection proportions of each feature. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, the cluster representative
#' is just a simple average of all the cluster members). See Faletto and Bien
#' (2022) for details. Default is "weighted_avg".
#' @param cutoff Numeric; getCssPreds will make use only of those clusters with
#' selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are used, or max_num_clusts
#' are used, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @param trainX A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to estimate the linear model from the selected
#' clusters. trainX is only necessary to provide if no train_inds were
#' designated in the css function call to set aside observations for model
#' estimation (though even if train_inds was provided, trainX and trianY will be
#' used for model estimation if they are both provided to getCssPreds). Must 
#' contain the same features (in the same number of columns) as the matrix 
#' provided to css, and if the columns of trainX are labeled, the names must
#' match the variable names provided to css. Default is NA (in which case
#' getCssPreds uses the observations from the train_inds that were provided to
#' css to estimate a linear model).
#' @param trainY The response corresponding to trainX. Must be a real-valued
#' response (unlike in the general css setup) because predictions will be
#' generated by an ordinary least squares model. Must have the same length as
#' the number of rows of trainX. Like trainX, only needs to be provided if no
#' observations were set aside for model estimation by the parameter train_inds
#' in the css function call. Default is NA (in which case getCssPreds uses the
#' observations from the train_inds that were provided to css).
#' @return A vector of predictions corresponding to the observations from testX.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}.
#' @export
getCssPreds <- function(css_results, testX, weighting="weighted_avg", cutoff=0,
    min_num_clusts=1, max_num_clusts=NA, trainX=NA, trainY=NA){
    # TODO(gregfaletto) Consider adding an argument for a user-provided prediction
    # function in order to allow for more general kinds of predictions than
    # OLS.

    # Check inputs
    check_list <- checkGetCssPredsInputs(css_results, testX, weighting, cutoff,
        min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, trainX, trainY)

    trainXProvided <- check_list$trainXProvided
    trainX <- check_list$trainX
    testX <- check_list$testX
    feat_names <- check_list$feat_names
    max_num_clusts <- check_list$max_num_clusts


    n_train <- nrow(trainX)
    n <- nrow(testX)
    p <- ncol(testX)

    # Take provided training design matrix and testX and turn them into
    # matrices of cluster representatives using information from css_results
        train_X_clusters <- formCssDesign(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
            min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, newx=trainX)
        if(!is.numeric(trainY) & !is.integer(trainY)){
            stop("The provided trainY must be real-valued, because predictions will be generated by ordinary least squares regression.")
        y_train <- trainY
    } else{
        train_X_clusters <- formCssDesign(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
            min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts)
        y_train <- css_results$y[css_results$train_inds]
        if(!is.numeric(y_train) & !is.integer(y_train)){
            stop("Can't generated predictions from the data that was provided to css because the provided y was not real-valued (getCssPreds generated predictions using ordinary least squares regression).")

    stopifnot(length(y_train) == nrow(train_X_clusters))

    testX_clusters <- formCssDesign(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
        min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, newx=testX)

    stopifnot(ncol(testX_clusters) == ncol(train_X_clusters))

    # Get names for clusters
    clust_X_names <- paste("c_fit_", 1:ncol(testX_clusters), sep="")
        stopifnot(identical(colnames(train_X_clusters), colnames(testX_clusters)))
        clust_X_names <- colnames(train_X_clusters)

    # Fit linear model on training data via OLS
    if(nrow(train_X_clusters) < ncol(train_X_clusters)){
        err_mess <- paste("css not provided with enough indices to fit OLS model for predictions (number of training indices: ",
            nrow(train_X_clusters), ", number of clusters: ",
            "). Try reducing number of clusters by increasing cutoff, or re-run css with a larger number of training indices.",

    df <- data.frame(y=y_train, train_X_clusters)
    colnames(df)[2:ncol(df)] <- clust_X_names
    model <- stats::lm(y ~., data=df)

    # Use fitted model to generate predictions on testX
    df_test <- data.frame(testX_clusters)
    colnames(df_test) <- clust_X_names
    predictions <- stats::predict.lm(model, newdata=df_test)
    names(predictions) <- NULL

    # Check output
    stopifnot(is.numeric(predictions) | is.integer(predictions))
    stopifnot(length(predictions) == n)



#' Obtain a selected set of clusters and features
#' Generate sets of selected clusters and features from cluster stability
#' selection.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights for
#' individual features within the selected clusters. Only those features with
#' nonzero weight within the selected clusters will be returned. Must be one of
#' "sparse", "weighted_avg", or "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is
#' put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", only the features within a selected cluster that were
#' themselves selected on at least one subsample will have nonzero weight. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, all cluster members within
#' each selected cluster will be returned.). See Faletto and Bien (2022) for
#' details. Default is "sparse".
#' @param cutoff Numeric; getCssSelections will select and return only of those
#' clusters with selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between
#' 0 and 1. Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are selected, or
#' max_num_clusts are selected, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @return A named list with two items. \item{selected_clusts}{A named list of
#' integer vectors; each vector contains the indices of the features in one of
#' the selected clusters.} \item{selected_feats}{A named integer vector; the
#' indices of the features with nonzero weights from all of the selected
#' clusters.} \item{weights}{A named list of the same length as selected_clusts.
#' Each list element weights[[j]] is a numeric vector of the weights to use for
#' the jth selected cluster, and it has the same name as the cluster it
#' corresponds to.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references 
#' @export
getCssSelections <- function(css_results, weighting="sparse", cutoff=0,
    min_num_clusts=1, max_num_clusts=NA){
    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    p <- ncol(css_results$feat_sel_mat)

    checkMinNumClusts(min_num_clusts, p, length(css_results$clusters))

    max_num_clusts <- checkMaxNumClusts(max_num_clusts, min_num_clusts, p,

    sel_results <- getSelectedClusters(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
        min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts)

    # sel_results$selected_clusts is guaranteed to have length at least 1 by
    # getSelectedClusters
    sel_clust_names <- names(sel_results$selected_clusts)

    stopifnot(length(sel_clust_names) >= 1)
    stopifnot(all(sel_clust_names %in% names(css_results$clusters)))

    sel_clusts <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(sel_clust_names)){
        sel_clusts[[i]] <- css_results$clusters[[sel_clust_names[i]]]
        names(sel_clusts)[i] <- sel_clust_names[i]

    stopifnot(length(sel_clusts) == length(sel_clust_names))

    # sel_results$selected_feats is guaranteed to have length at least as long
    # as sel_results$selected_clusts by getSelectedClusters
        selected_feats=sel_results$selected_feats, weights=sel_results$weights))


#' Prepares a data.frame summarazing cluster stability selection output to print
#' Print a summary of the information from the css function.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param cutoff Numeric; the outputted data.frame will display only those
#' clusters with selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between
#' 0 and 1. Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are displayed, or
#' max_num_clusts are, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @return A data.frame; each row contains a cluster, arranged in decreasing
#' order of cluster selection proportion from top to bottom. The columns are
#' ClustName (the name of the cluster that was either provided to css or made by
#' css if no name was provided); ClustProtoName (the name of the selection
#' prototype from the cluster, which is the feature with the greatest individual
#' selection proportion among all the cluster members, with ties broken by
#' choosing the feature with the highest correlation with the response if the
#' response is real-valued; only returned if the features are named),
#' ClustProtoNum (the column number of the prototype in the X matrix provided to
#' css), and ClustSize (the size of the cluster).
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @export
printCssDf <- function(css_results, cutoff=0, min_num_clusts=1,
    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    p <- ncol(css_results$feat_sel_mat)

    checkMinNumClusts(min_num_clusts, p, length(css_results$clusters))

    max_num_clusts <- checkMaxNumClusts(max_num_clusts, min_num_clusts, p,

    sel_clusts <- getCssSelections(css_results, cutoff=cutoff,

    # sel_clusts is guaranteed to have length at least 1 by
    # getCssSelections 

    # Get prototypes (feature from each cluster with highest selection
    # proportion, breaking ties by using marginal correlations of features with
    # y from data provided to css if y is real-valued)
    prototypes <- getSelectionPrototypes(css_results, sel_clusts)
    # Cluster selection proportions
    if(length(sel_clusts) > 1){
        sel_clust_sel_props <- colMeans(css_results$clus_sel_mat[,
    } else{
        sel_clust_sel_props <- mean(css_results$clus_sel_mat[,

    # Data.frame: name of cluster, cluster prototype, selection proportion,
    # cluster size

        print_df <- data.frame(ClustName=names(sel_clusts),
            ClustProtoName=names(prototypes), ClustProtoNum=unname(prototypes),
            ClustSelProp=sel_clust_sel_props, ClustSize=lengths(sel_clusts))
    } else{
        print_df <- data.frame(ClustName=names(sel_clusts),
            ClustProtoNum=unname(prototypes), ClustSelProp=sel_clust_sel_props,

    print_df <- print_df[order(print_df$ClustSelProp, decreasing=TRUE), ]

    rownames(print_df) <- NULL

    stopifnot(nrow(print_df) >= 1)



#' Print cluster stability selection output
#' Print a summary of the information from the css function (using output from
#' printCssDf function).
#' @param x An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function css).
#' @param cutoff Numeric; print.cssr will display only those
#' clusters with selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between
#' 0 and 1. Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are displayed, or
#' max_num_clusts are, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to generic print.data.frame function
#' @return A data.frame; each row contains a cluster, arranged in decreasing
#' order of cluster selection proportion from top to bottom. The columns are
#' ClustName (the name of the cluster that was either provided to css or made by
#' css if no name was provided); ClustProtoName (the name of the selection
#' prototype from the cluster, which is the feature with the greatest individual
#' selection proportion among all the cluster members, with ties broken by
#' choosing the feature with the highest correlation with the response if the
#' response is real-valued; only returned if the features are named),
#' ClustProtoNum (the column number of the prototype in the X matrix provided to
#' css), and ClustSize (the size of the cluster).
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @export
print.cssr <- function(x, cutoff=0, min_num_clusts=1, max_num_clusts=NA, ...){
    df <- printCssDf(css_results=x, cutoff=cutoff,
        min_num_clusts=min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts=max_num_clusts)
    print.data.frame(df, ...)


#' Obtain a design matrix of cluster representatives
#' Takes a matrix of observations from the original feature space and returns
#' a matrix of representatives from the selected clusters based on the results
#' of cluster stability selection.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param newX A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate the design matrix of cluster
#' representatives. Must contain the same features (in the same
#' number of columns) as the X matrix provided to css, and if the columns of
#' newX are labeled, the names must match the variable names provided to css.
#' newX may be omitted if train_inds were provided to css to set aside
#' observations for model estimation. If this is the case, then when newX is
#' omitted getCssDesign will return a design matrix of cluster representatives
#' formed from the train_inds observations from the matrix X provided to css.
#' (If no train_inds were provided to css, newX must be provided to
#' getCssDesign.) Default is NA.
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights to
#' combine features from the selected clusters into weighted averages, called
#' cluster representatives. Must be one of "sparse", "weighted_avg", or
#' "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", the weight used for each cluster member is calculated in
#' proportion to the individual selection proportions of each feature. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, the cluster representative
#' is just a simple average of all the cluster members). See Faletto and Bien
#' (2022) for details. Default is "weighted_avg".
#' @param cutoff Numeric; getCssDesign will only include those clusters with
#' selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are used, or max_num_clusts
#' are used, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @return A design matrix with either nrow(newX) (or length(train_inds), if
#' train_inds was provided to css and newX was not provided to getCssDesign)
#' observations and number of columns equal to the number of selected clusters,
#' containing the cluster representatives for each cluster.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @export
getCssDesign <- function(css_results, newX=NA, weighting="weighted_avg",
    cutoff=0, min_num_clusts=1, max_num_clusts=NA){
    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    check_results <- checkNewXProvided(newX, css_results)

    newX <- check_results$newX
    newXProvided <- check_results$newXProvided


    n_train <- nrow(newX)

    results <- checkXInputResults(newX, css_results$X)

    newX <- results$newx
    feat_names <- results$feat_names


    n <- nrow(newX)
    p <- ncol(newX)

    checkMinNumClusts(min_num_clusts, p, length(css_results$clusters))

    max_num_clusts <- checkMaxNumClusts(max_num_clusts, min_num_clusts, p,

    # Take provided training design matrix and testX and turn them into
    # matrices of cluster representatives using information from css_results
        newX_clusters <- formCssDesign(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
            min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, newx=newX)
    } else{
        newX_clusters <- formCssDesign(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
            min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts)



#' Obtain a selected set of clusters and features using cluster stability
#' selection
#' Takes in data X and y and returns a set of clusters (and a set of features)
#' that are useful for predicting y from the data in X. This is a wrapper
#' function for css and getCssSelections. Using cssSelect is simpler, but it
#' has fewer options, and it executes the full (computationally expensive)
#' subsampling procedured every time it is called. In contrast, css can be
#' called just once, and then getCssSelections can quickly return results using
#' different values of cutoff, max_num_clusts, etc. from the calculations done
#' in one call to css.
#' @param X An n x p numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the p >= 2 features/predictors.
#' @param y A length-n numeric vector containing the responses; `y[i]` is the
#' response corresponding to observation `X[i, ]`. (Note that for the css
#' function, y does not have to be a numeric response, but for this function,
#' the underlying selection procedure is the lasso, so y must be a real-valued
#' response.)
#' @param clusters Optional; either an integer vector of a list of integer
#' vectors; each vector should contain the indices of a cluster of features (a
#' subset of 1:p). (If there is only one cluster, clusters can either be a list
#' of length 1 or an integer vector.) All of the provided clusters must be
#' non-overlapping. Every feature not appearing in any cluster will be assumed
#' to be unclustered (that is, they  will be treated as if they are in a
#' "cluster" containing only themselves). If clusters is a list of length 0 (or
#' a list only containing clusters of length 1), then css() returns the same
#' results as stability selection (so feat_sel_mat will be identical to
#' clus_sel_mat). Names for the clusters will be needed later; any clusters that
#' are not given names in the list clusters will be given names automatically by
#' css. Default is list() (so no clusters are specified, and every feature is
#' assumed to be in a "cluster" containng only itself).
#' @param lambda Optional; the tuning parameter to be used by the lasso for
#' feature selection in each subsample. If lambda is not provided, cssSelect
#' will choose one automatically by cross-validation. Default is NA.
#' @param cutoff Numeric; cssSelect will only select those clusters with
#' selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' Default is NA (in which case max_num_clusts are used).
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' either cutoff is used to choose the number of clusters, or if cutoff was also
#' unspecified, cssSelect chooses max_num_clusts by cross-validation).
#' @param auto_select_size Logical; if TRUE, then max_num_clusts will be
#' automatically estimated using the lasso with cross-validation. Default is
#' TRUE, though his argument is ignored if either cutoff or max_num_clusts is
#' provided. (If desired output is to return all clusters, you should set
#' auto_select_size to FALSE and do not provide cutoff or max_num_clusts.)
#' @return A named list with two items. \item{selected_clusts}{A list of
#' integer vectors; each vector contains the indices of one of the selected
#' clusters.} \item{selected_feats}{An integer vector; the indices of the
#' all of the selected features within all of the selected clusters (typically
#' only one feature is selected from each cluster).} \item{weights}{A named list
#' of the same length as selected_clusts. Each list element weights[[j]] is a
#' numeric vector of the weights to use for the jth selected cluster, and it has
#' the same name as the cluster it corresponds to.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @export
cssSelect <- function(X, y, clusters = list(), lambda=NA, cutoff=NA,
    max_num_clusts=NA, auto_select_size=TRUE){

    # Check inputs (most inputs will be checked by called functions)

    stopifnot(length(auto_select_size) == 1)

    stopifnot(is.matrix(X) | is.data.frame(X))

    # Check if x is a matrix; if it's a data.frame, convert to matrix.
        p <- ncol(X)
        X <- stats::model.matrix(~ ., X)
        X <- X[, colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]

        if(length(clusters) > 0 & (p != ncol(X))){
            stop("When stats::model.matrix converted the provided data.frame X to a matrix, the number of columns changed (probably because the provided data.frame contained a factor variable with at least three levels). Please convert the data.frame X to a matrix yourself using model.matrix and provide cluster assignments according to the columns of the new matrix.")



    if(!is.numeric(y) & !is.integer(y)){
        stop("The provided y must be real-valued, because cssSelect uses the lasso for feature selection. (In order to use a different form of response, use the css function and provide your own selection function accommodating your choice of y.)")

    stopifnot(length(lambda) == 1)
        lambda <- getLassoLambda(X, y)

    css_results <- css(X, y, lambda, clusters)

    # If no indication of how to select model size was provided, choose model
    # size by cross-validation
    if(is.na(cutoff) & is.na(max_num_clusts)){
            max_num_clusts <- getModelSize(X, y, css_results$clusters)

        cutoff <- 0

    # Get selected features
    getCssSelections(css_results, weighting="sparse", cutoff=cutoff,
        min_num_clusts=1, max_num_clusts=max_num_clusts)


#' Wrapper function to generate predictions from cluster stability selected
#' model in one step
#' Select clusters using cluster stability selection, form cluster
#' representatives, fit a linear model, and generate predictions from a matrix
#' of unlabeled data. This is a wrapper function for css and getCssPreds. Using
#' cssPredict is simpler, but it has fewer options, and it executes the full
#' (computationally expensive) subsampling procedured every time it is called.
#' In contrast, css can be called just once, and then cssPredict can quickly
#' return results for different matrices of new data or using different values
#' of cutoff, max_num_clusts, etc. by using the calculations done in one call to
#' css.
#' @param X_train_selec An n x p numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame
#' (which will be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix)
#' containing the p >= 2 features/predictors. The data from X_train_selec and
#' y_train_selec will be split into two parts; half of the data will be used for
#' feature selection by cluster stability selection, and half will be used for
#' estimating a linear model on the selected cluster representatives.
#' @param y_train_selec A length-n numeric vector containing the responses;
#' `y[i]` is the response corresponding to observation `X[i, ]`. Unlke the more
#' general setup of css, y_train_selec must be real-valued because predictions
#' will be generated by ordinary least squares.
#' @param X_test A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate predictions. Must contain the same
#' features (in the same number of columns) as X_train_selec, and if the columns
#' of X_test are named, they must match the names of X_train_selec.
#' @param clusters Optional; either an integer vector of a list of integer
#' vectors; each vector should contain the indices of a cluster of features (a
#' subset of 1:p). (If there is only one cluster, clusters can either be a list
#' of length 1 or an integer vector.) All of the provided clusters must be
#' non-overlapping. Every feature not appearing in any cluster will be assumed
#' to be unclustered (that is, they  will be treated as if they are in a
#' "cluster" containing only themselves). If clusters is a list of length 0 (or
#' a list only containing clusters of length 1), then css() returns the same
#' results as stability selection (so feat_sel_mat will be identical to
#' clus_sel_mat). Names for the clusters will be needed later; any clusters that
#' are not given names in the list clusters will be given names automatically by
#' css. Default is list() (so no clusters are specified, and every feature is
#' assumed to be in a "cluster" containng only itself).
#' @param lambda Optional; the tuning parameter to be used by the lasso for
#' feature selection in each subsample. If lambda is not provided, cssPredict
#' will choose one automatically by cross-validation. Default is NA.
#' @param cutoff Numeric; getCssPreds will make use only of those clusters with
#' selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are used, or max_num_clusts
#' are used, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @param train_inds Optional; an integer or numeric vector containing the
#' indices of observations in X and y to set aside for model training after
#' feature selection. If train_inds is not provided, half of the data will be
#' used for feature selection and half for model estimation (chosen at random).
#' @param auto_select_size Logical; if TRUE, then max_num_clusts will be
#' automatically estimated using the lasso with cross-validation. Default is
#' TRUE, though his argument is ignored if either cutoff or max_num_clusts is
#' provided. (If desired output is to generate predictions using all clusters,
#' you should set auto_select_size to FALSE and do not provide cutoff or
#' max_num_clusts.)
#' @return A numeric vector of length nrow(X_test) of predictions
#' corresponding to the observations from X_test.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @export
cssPredict <- function(X_train_selec, y_train_selec, X_test, clusters=list(),
    lambda=NA, cutoff=NA, max_num_clusts=NA, train_inds=NA,

    # Check inputs (most inputs will be checked by called functions)
    if(!is.numeric(y_train_selec) & !is.integer(y_train_selec)){
        stop("The provided y_train_selec must be real-valued, because predictions will be generated by ordinary least squares regression.")

    stopifnot(length(auto_select_size) == 1)

    stopifnot(is.matrix(X_train_selec) | is.data.frame(X_train_selec))

    # Check if x is a matrix; if it's a data.frame, convert to matrix.
        p <- ncol(X_train_selec)
        X_train_selec <- stats::model.matrix(~ ., X_train_selec)
        X_train_selec <- X_train_selec[, colnames(X_train_selec) !=

        if(length(clusters) > 0 & (p != ncol(X_train_selec))){
            stop("When stats::model.matrix converted the provided data.frame X_train_selec to a matrix, the number of columns changed (probably because the provided data.frame contained a factor variable with at least three levels). Please convert X_train_selec to a matrix yourself using model.matrix and provide cluster assignments according to the columns of the new matrix.")


    n <- nrow(X_train_selec)

        train_inds <- sample(n, size=round(n/2))

    stopifnot(length(lambda) == 1)
        lambda <- getLassoLambda(X_train_selec[setdiff(1:n, train_inds), ],
            y_train_selec[setdiff(1:n, train_inds)]) 

    css_results <- css(X=X_train_selec, y=y_train_selec, lambda=lambda,
        clusters=clusters, train_inds=train_inds)

    # If no indication of how to select model size was provided, choose model
    # size by cross-validation
    if(is.na(cutoff) & is.na(max_num_clusts)){
            max_num_clusts <- getModelSize(X_train_selec[train_inds, ],
                y_train_selec[train_inds], css_results$clusters)

        cutoff <- 0

    # Get predictions
    getCssPreds(css_results, testX=X_test, weighting="weighted_avg",
        cutoff=cutoff, max_num_clusts=max_num_clusts)

# helper functions


#' Creates lists of subsamples for stability selection.
#' @param n Integer or numeric; sample size of the data set.
#' @param p Integer or numeric; number of features.
#' @param B Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For
#' sampling.type=="MB" the number of lasso fits will be `B`; for
#' sampling_type="SS" the number of lasso fits will be `2*B`.
#' @param sampling_type A character vector (either "SS" or "MB"); the sampling
#' type used for stability selection.
#' @param num_feats_remove Integer; number of features select automatically on
#' every iteration. Determined earlier from input prop_feats_remove to css.
#' @return A list of length `B` (or `2*B` for sampling_type = "SS"). If
#' prop_feats_remove = 0, each list element is an integer vector of length
#' floor(`n/2`) containing the indices of a subsample of 1:`n`. (For
#' sampling_type=="SS", the last `B` subsamples will be complementary pairs of
#' the first `B` subsamples; see Faletto and Bien 2022 or Shah and Samworth 2013
#' for details.) If prop_feats_remove > 0, each element is a named list with
#' members "subsample" (same as above) and "feats_to_keep", a logical vector
#' of length p; feats_to_keep[j] = TRUE if feature j is chosen for this
#' subsample, and false otherwise.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}. \cr Shah, R. D., & Samworth, R. J.
#' (2013). Variable selection with error control: Another look at stability
#' selection. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B:
#' Statistical Methodology}, 75(1), 55–80.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2014.2302071}.
createSubsamples <- function(n, p, B, sampling_type, prop_feats_remove=0){

    # Check inputs

    stopifnot(length(n) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(n) | is.integer(n))
    stopifnot(n == round(n))
    stopifnot(n > 0)

    stopifnot(length(p) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(p) | is.integer(p))
    stopifnot(p == round(p))
    stopifnot(p > 0)

    checkPropFeatsRemove(prop_feats_remove, p)

    if(prop_feats_remove == 0){
        subsamples <- getSubsamps(n, B, sampling_type)
    } else{
        # In this case, we generate subsamples as well as logical vectors
        # of features to keep
        subsamps_and_feats <- list()
        subsamples <- getSubsamps(n, B, sampling_type)
        for(i in 1:B){
            # Logical p-vector, where each entry is TRUE with probability
            # 1 - prop_feats_remove
            feats_to_keep_i <- as.logical(stats::rbinom(n=p, size=1,
                prob=1 - prop_feats_remove))
            # Make sure at least two entries are equal to TRUE (so that at
            # least two features are present for every subsample)--if not,
            # randomly choose features to add
            while(sum(feats_to_keep_i) < 2){
                false_inds <- which(!feats_to_keep_i)
                sel_feat <- sample(false_inds, size=1)
                feats_to_keep_i[sel_feat] <- TRUE
            subsamps_and_feats[[i]] <- list(subsample=subsamples[[i]],

            stopifnot(length(subsamples) == 2*B)
            for(i in 1:B){
                # Keep the same features as in the other subsample (this
                # ensures that the theoretical guarantee of Shah and Samworth
                # 2013 remains valid on every individual pair of subsamples)
                subsamps_and_feats[[B + i]] <- list(subsample=subsamples[[B + i]],

        # Check output
        stopifnot(all(names(subsamps_and_feats) == c("subsample",

    # Shouldn't be possible to reach this part of function
    stop("createSubsamples failed to return anything")


#' Generate list of subsamples
#` Generate list of `B` (or `2*B` for sampling_type="SS") subsamples of size
#` `n/2`
#' @param n Integer or numeric; sample size of the data set.
#' @param B Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For
#' sampling.type=="MB" the number of lasso fits will be `B`; for
#' sampling_type="SS" the number of lasso fits will be `2*B`.
#' @param sampling_type A character vector (either "SS" or "MB"); the sampling
#' type used for stability selection.
#' @return A list of length `B` (or `2*B` for sampling_type="SS"), where each
#' element is an integer vector of length floor(`n/2`) containing the indices
#' of a subsample of 1:`n`. For sampling_type=="SS", the last `B` subsamples
#' will be complementary pairs of the first `B` subsamples (see Faletto and
#' Bien 2022 or Shah and Samworth 2013 for details).
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}. \cr Shah, R. D., & Samworth, R. J.
#' (2013). Variable selection with error control: Another look at stability
#' selection. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B:
#' Statistical Methodology}, 75(1), 55–80.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2014.2302071}.
getSubsamps <- function(n, B, sampling_type){
    subsamples <- list()
    for(i in 1:B){
        subsamples[[i]] <- sort(sample.int(n=n, size=floor(n/2), replace=FALSE))
    stopifnot(length(subsamples) == B)
    # TODO(gregfaletto): add support for sampling_type="MS"
        for(i in 1:B){
            # For the ith entry, take a subsample of size floor(n/2) from the
            # remaining n - floor(n/2) observations. (Only necessary to actually
            # take the subsample if n is odd; if not, the set we want is
            # setdiff(1:n, subsamples[[i]]), so skip the sample function.)
            if(n/2 == floor(n/2)){
                subsamples[[B + i]] <- sort(setdiff(1:n, subsamples[[i]]))
            } else{
                subsamples[[B + i]] <- sort(sample(x=setdiff(1:n,
                    subsamples[[i]]), size=floor(n/2), replace=FALSE))

            # Check output

            stopifnot(is.integer(subsamples[[B + i]]))
            stopifnot(all(subsamples[[B + i]] ==
                round(subsamples[[B + i]])))
            stopifnot(floor(n/2) == length(subsamples[[B + i]]))
            stopifnot(length(subsamples[[B + i]]) ==
                length(unique(subsamples[[B + i]])))
        stopifnot(length(subsamples) == 2*B)


#' Generates matrix of selection indicators from stability selection.
#' @param x an n x p numeric matrix or a data.frame containing the predictors.
#' @param y A response vector; can be any response that takes the form of a
#' length n vector and is used (or not used) by fitfun. Typically (and for
#' default fitfun = cssLasso), y should be an n-dimensional numeric vector
#' containing the response.
#' @param lambda A tuning parameter or set of tuning parameters that may be used
#' by the feature selection method. For example, in the default case when
#' fitfun = cssLasso, lambda is a numeric: the penalty to use for each lasso
#' fit.
#' @param B Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For
#' sampling.type=="MB" the number of lasso fits will be `B`; for
#' sampling_type="SS" the number of lasso fits will be `2*B`.
#' @param sampling_type A character vector (either "SS" or "MB"); the sampling
#' type used for stability selection.
#' @param subsamps_object A list of length `B` (or `2*B` if sampling_type="SS"),
#' where each element is one of the following: \item{subsample}{An integer
#' vector of size `n/2` containing the indices of the observations in the
#' subsample.} \item{drop_var_input}{A named list containing two elements: one
#' named "subsample", matching the previous description, and a logical vector
#' named "feats_to_keep" containing the indices of the features to be
#' automatically selected.} (The first object is the output of the function
#' createSubsamples when the provided prop_feats_remove is 0, the default, and
#' the second object is the output of createSubsamples when prop_feats_remove >
#' 0.)
#' @param num_cores Optional; an integer. If using parallel processing, the
#' number of cores to use for parallel processing (num_cores will be supplied
#' internally as the mc.cores argument of parallel::mclapply).
#' @param fitfun A function that takes in arguments X, y, and lambda and returns
#' a vector of indices of the columns of X (selected features). Default is
#' cssLasso, an implementation of the lasso using glmnet.
#' @return A binary integer matrix of dimension `B` x `p` (if sampling_type ==
#' "MB") or `2*B` x `p` (if sampling_type == "SS"). res[i, j] = 1 if feature j
#' was selected on subsample i and equals 0 otherwise. (That is, each row is a
#' selected set.)
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getSelMatrix <- function(x, y, lambda, B, sampling_type, subsamps_object,
    num_cores, fitfun=cssLasso){

    # Check inputs


    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)

    stopifnot(length(y) == n)
    # Intentionally don't check y or lambda further to allow for flexibility--these
    # inputs should be checked within fitfun.


    # Get list of selected feature sets from subsamples

    res_list <- parallel::mclapply(X=subsamps_object, FUN=cssLoop, x=x, y=y,
        lambda=lambda, fitfun=fitfun, mc.cores=num_cores)

    # Store selected sets in B x p (or `2*B` x p for "SS") binary matrix
        res <- matrix(0L, 2*B, p)
    } else if(sampling_type=="MB"){
        res <- matrix(0L, B, p)
    } else{
        stop("!(sampling_type %in% c(SS, MB)) (don't know how to set dimensions of res")

    stopifnot(length(res_list) == nrow(res))

    # Get selected sets into matrix res

    for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
        if(length(res_list[[i]]) == 0){
            # If no features are selected, don't fill in anything in this row

            print(paste("failed on iteration", i))
            stop("Something seems to be wrong with the feature selection method (fitfun failed to return an integer vector)")
        stopifnot(length(res_list[[i]]) <= p & length(res_list[[i]]) > 0)
        stopifnot(max(res_list[[i]]) <= p)
        stopifnot(min(res_list[[i]]) >= 1)
        stopifnot(length(res_list[[i]]) == length(unique(res_list[[i]])))
        stopifnot(!("try-error" %in% class(res_list[[i]]) |
            "error" %in% class(res_list[[i]]) |
            "simpleError" %in% class(res_list[[i]]) |
            "condition" %in% class(res_list[[i]])))

        # Store selected variables in the ith row of res
        res[i, res_list[[i]]] <- 1L

    # Check output

        stopifnot(nrow(res) == 2*B)
    } else{
        stopifnot(nrow(res) == B)
    stopifnot(ncol(res) == p)
    stopifnot(all(res %in% c(0, 1)))



#' Helper function run on each subsample
#' Runs provided feature selection method fitfun on each subsample for cluster
#' stability selection (this function is called within mclapply).
#' @param input Could be one of two things: \item{subsample}{An integer vector
#' of size `n/2` containing the indices of the observations in the subsample.}
#' \item{drop_var_input}{A named list containing two elements: one named
#' "subsample" and the same as the previous description, and a logical vector
#' named "feats_to_keep" containing the indices of the features to be
#' automatically selected.} (The first object is the output of the function
#' createSubsamples when the provided prop_feats_remove is 0, the default, and
#' the second object is the output of createSubsamples when prop_feats_remove >
#' 0.)
#' @param x an n x p numeric matrix containing the predictors. (This should be
#' the full design matrix provided to css.)
#' @param y A response; can be any response that takes the form of a length n
#' vector and is used (or not used) by fitfun. Typically (and for default fitfun
#' = cssLasso), y should be an n-dimensional numeric vector containing the
#' response. This should be the full response provided to css.
#' @param lambda A tuning parameter or set of tuning parameters that may be used
#' by the feature selection method. For example, in the default case when
#' fitfun = cssLasso, lambda is a numeric: the penalty to use for each lasso
#' fit.
#' @param fitfun A function that takes in arguments X, y, and lambda and returns
#' a vector of indices of the columns of X (selected features).
#' @return An integer vector; the indices of the features selected by fitfun.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
cssLoop <- function(input, x, y, lambda, fitfun){
    # Check inputs

    colnames(x) <- character()
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)

    stopifnot(length(y) == n)
    # Intentionally don't check y or lambda further to allow for flexibility--these
    # inputs should be checked within fitfun.

        subsample <- input
        feats_to_keep <- rep(TRUE, p)
    } else{
        stopifnot(all(names(input) == c("subsample", "feats_to_keep")))
        subsample <- input$subsample
        feats_to_keep <- input$feats_to_keep

    stopifnot(all(subsample == round(subsample)))
    stopifnot(floor(n/2) == length(subsample))
    stopifnot(length(subsample) == length(unique(subsample)))

    stopifnot(length(feats_to_keep) == p)

    selected <- do.call(fitfun, list(X=x[subsample, feats_to_keep],
        y=y[subsample], lambda=lambda))

    selected <- which(feats_to_keep)[selected]

    # Check output
    checkCssLoopOutput(selected, p, as.integer(which(feats_to_keep)))



#' Provided fitfun implementing the lasso
#' Function used to select features with the lasso on each subsample in cluster
#' stability selection. Uses glmnet implementation of the lasso.
#' @param X A design matrix containing the predictors. (In practice this will
#' be a subsample of the full design matrix provided to css.)
#' @param y A numeric vector containing the response.
#' @param lambda Numeric; a nonnegative number for the lasso penalty to use
#' on each subsample. (For now, only one lambda value can be provided to
#' cssLasso; in the future, we plan to allow for multiple lambda values to be
#' provided to cssLasso, as described in Faletto and Bien 2022.)
#' @return An integer vector; the indices of the features selected by the lasso.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}. \cr Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie,
#' Robert Tibshirani (2010). Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models
#' via Coordinate Descent. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 33(1), 1-22.
#' URL \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v33/i01/}.
#' @export
cssLasso <- function(X, y, lambda){
    # Check inputs

    # TODO(gregfaletto) allow cssLasso to accept a vector of lambda values rather
    # than just a single one.
    checkCssLassoInputs(X, y, lambda)

    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)

    # Fit a lasso path (full path for speed, per glmnet documentation)

    lasso_model <- glmnet::glmnet(X, y, family="gaussian")
    stopifnot(all.equal(class(lasso_model), c("elnet", "glmnet")))

    # Get coefficients at desired lambda

    pred <- glmnet::predict.glmnet(lasso_model, type="nonzero",
        s=lambda, exact=TRUE, newx=X, x=X, y=y)


    stopifnot(!("try-error" %in% class(pred) | "error" %in% class(pred) |
        "simpleError" %in% class(pred) | "condition" %in% class(pred)))

    if(length(dim(pred)) == 2){
        selected_glmnet <- pred[, 1]
    } else if(length(dim(pred)) == 3){
        selected_glmnet <- pred[, 1, 1]
    } else if(length(dim(pred)) == 1){
        selected_glmnet <- pred
    } else{
        stop("length(dim(pred)) not 1, 2, or 3")

    stopifnot(length(selected_glmnet) >= 1)
    stopifnot(length(selected_glmnet) <= ncol(X))
    stopifnot(all(selected_glmnet == round(selected_glmnet)))
    stopifnot(length(selected_glmnet) == length(unique(selected_glmnet)))
    selected_glmnet <- as.integer(selected_glmnet)

    selected <- sort(selected_glmnet)



#' Formats clusters in standardized way, optionally estimating cluster
#' prototypes
#' @param clusters Either an integer vector of a list of integer vectors; each
#' vector should contain the indices of a cluster of features. (If there is only
#' one cluster, clusters can either be a list of length 1 or simply an integer
#' vector.) If clusters is specified then R is ignored.
#' @param p integer or numeric; the numbe of features in x (should match 
#' ncol(x), if x is provided)
#' @param clust_names A character vector of the names of the clusters in
#' clusters.
#' @param get_prototypes Logical: if TRUE, will identify prototype from each
#' cluster (the feature from each cluster that is most correlated with the
#' response) for the protolasso. In this case, x and y must be provided.
#' @param x n x p numeric matrix; design matrix. Only needs to be provided if
#' get_prototypes is TRUE.
#' @param y Numeric response vector; only needs to be provided if get_prototypes
#' is TRUE. Note: in general, the css function does not require y to be a
#' numeric vector, because the provided fitfun could use a different form of y
#' (for example, a categorical response variable). However, y must be numeric in
#' order to provide prototypes because the prototypes are determined using the
#' correlation between cluster members (columns of x) and y.
#' @param R Numeric p x p matrix; not currently used. Entry ij contains the 
#' "substitutive value" of feature i for feature j (diagonal must consist of
#' ones, all entries must be between 0 and 1, and matrix must be symmetric)
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{clusters}{A named
#' list where each entry is an integer vector of indices of features that are in
#' a common cluster. (The length of list clusters is equal to the number of
#' clusters.) All identified clusters are non-overlapping. All features appear
#' in exactly one cluster (any unclustered features will be put in their own
#' "cluster" of size 1).} \item{multiple}{Logical; TRUE if there is more than
#' one cluster of size greater than 1, FALSE otherwise.} \item{prototypes}{only
#' returned if get_prototypes=TRUE. An integer vector whose length is equal to
#' the number of clusters. Entry i is the index of the feature belonging to
#' cluster i that is most highly correlated with y (that is, the prototype for
#' the cluster, as in the protolasso; see Reid and Tibshirani 2016).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Reid, S., & Tibshirani, R. (2016). Sparse regression and marginal
#' testing using cluster prototypes. \emph{Biostatistics}, 17(2), 364–376.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/biostatistics/kxv049}.
formatClusters <- function(clusters=NA, p=-1, clust_names=NA, 
    get_prototypes=FALSE, x=NA, y=NA, R=NA){

    # Check inputs
    clusters <- checkFormatClustersInput(clusters, p, clust_names,
        get_prototypes, x, y, R)

    n <- nrow(x)

    multiple <- FALSE

    if(any(lengths(clusters) > 1)){ # & length(clusters) > 1
        # Only care about clusters with more than one element (only ones that
        # need to be treated differently)
        # keep track of whether there's more than one cluster or not
        multiple <- sum(lengths(clusters) > 1) > 1

    # For any features not already in a cluster, add a cluster containing only
    # that feature
    orig_length_clusters <- length(clusters)

    stopifnot(p >= 1)
    for(i in 1:p){
        feat_i_found <- FALSE
        if(orig_length_clusters > 0){
            for(j in 1:orig_length_clusters){
                # If i is in cluster j, break out of this loop and consider the
                # next i
                if(i %in% clusters[[j]]){
                    feat_i_found <- TRUE

        # If feature i wasn't found in any cluster, add a cluster containing
        # just feature i
            clusters[[length(clusters) + 1]] <- i

    n_clusters <- length(clusters)

    # Add names to clusters
        names(clusters) <- paste("c", 1:n_clusters, sep="")
    } else{
        # What clusters need names?
        unnamed_clusts <- which(is.na(names(clusters)) | names(clusters) == "")
        if(length(unnamed_clusts) > 0){
            proposed_clust_names <- paste("c", unnamed_clusts, sep="")
            # Replace any proposed cluster names that are already in use
            if(any(proposed_clust_names %in% names(clusters))){
                proposed_clust_names[proposed_clust_names %in% names(clusters)] <- paste("c",
                    unnamed_clusts[proposed_clust_names %in% names(clusters)] + p,
            while_counter <- 0
            while(any(proposed_clust_names %in% names(clusters))){
                proposed_clust_names[proposed_clust_names %in% names(clusters)] <- paste(proposed_clust_names[proposed_clust_names %in% names(clusters)],
                    "_1", sep="")
                while_counter <- while_counter + 1
                if(while_counter >= 100){
                    stop("Function formatClusters stuck in an infinite while loop")
            stopifnot(length(unnamed_clusts) == length(proposed_clust_names))
            names(clusters)[unnamed_clusts] <- proposed_clust_names

    # Check output

    checkClusters(clusters, p)
    stopifnot(length(multiple) == 1)

        prototypes <- getPrototypes(clusters, x, y)

        return(list(clusters=clusters, multiple=multiple,
    } else{
        return(list(clusters=clusters, multiple=multiple))


#' Estimate prototypes from a list of clusters
#' Takes in list of clusters, x, and y and returns an integer vector (of length
#' equal to the number of clusters) of the indices of the feature prototypes
#' (the features from each cluster most correlated with the response).
#' @param clusters A list where each entry is an integer vector of indices of
#' features that are in a common cluster. (The length of list clusters must be
#' equal to the number of clusters.) All identified clusters must be
#' non-overlapping. Must only include clusters of size 2 or larger.
#' @param x n x p numeric matrix; design matrix.
#' @param y Numeric response vector. Note: in general, the css function does not
#' require y to be a numeric vector, because the provided fitfun could use a
#' different form of y (for example, a categorical response variable). However,
#' y must be numeric in order to provide prototypes because the prototypes are
#' determined using the correlation between cluster members (columns of x) and
#' y.
#' @return An integer vector of the same length as clusters. Entry j is the
#' index of the feature identified as the prototype for cluster j.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getPrototypes <- function(clusters, x, y){
    # Check inputs

    stopifnot(!is.list(clusters) | all(lengths(clusters) >= 1))
    stopifnot(is.list(clusters) | length(clusters) >= 1)


    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)

    checkY(y, n)

    # Identify prototypes
    if(length(clusters) > 0){
            prototypes <- rep(as.integer(NA), length(clusters))
            for(i in 1:length(clusters)){
                prototypes[i] <- identifyPrototype(clusters[[i]], x, y)
        } else{
            # If clusters is not a list, then there is only one cluster.
            prototypes <- identifyPrototype(clusters, x, y)
    }  else{
        prototypes <- integer()

    # Check output

    if(length(clusters) > 0){
            stopifnot(length(prototypes) == length(clusters))
        } else {
            stopifnot(length(prototypes) == 1)
    } else{
        stopifnot(length(prototypes) == 0)

    stopifnot(length(prototypes) == length(unique(prototypes)))



#' Estimate prototypes from a single cluster
#' Takes in a single cluster, x, and y and returns an integer of the index of
#' the feature prototype (the feature from the cluster most correlated with the
#' response).
#' @param cluster_members_i An integer vector of indices of features that are in
#' a common cluster. Must have length at least 2.
#' @param x n x p numeric matrix; design matrix.
#' @param y Numeric response vector. Note: in general, the css function does not
#' require y to be a numeric vector, because the provided fitfun could use a
#' different form of y (for example, a categorical response variable). However,
#' y must be numeric in order to provide prototypes because the prototypes are
#' determined using the correlation between cluster members (columns of x) and
#' y.
#' @return integer; the index of the feature identified as the prototype for
#' the cluster.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
identifyPrototype <- function(cluster_members_i, x, y){
    # Check input
    # If cluster only has one member, that member is the prototype
    if(length(cluster_members_i) == 1){

    # Choose which cluster member to represent cluster for stability
    # metric purposes by choosing the one most highly correlated
    # with y

    cors_i <- apply(x[, cluster_members_i], 2, corFunction, y=y)
    max_index_i <- which.max(cors_i)[1]

    stopifnot(length(max_index_i) == 1)
    stopifnot(max_index_i %in% 1:length(cluster_members_i))

    ret <- cluster_members_i[max_index_i]

    # Check output

    stopifnot(length(ret) == 1)
    stopifnot(ret %in% cluster_members_i)
    stopifnot(identical(x[, cluster_members_i][, max_index_i],
        x[, ret]))



#' Get cluster selection matrix
#' Given a matrix of feature selection indicator variables and a list of
#' clusters of features, returns a matrix of cluster indicator variables.
#' @param clusters A named list where each entry is an integer vector of indices
#' of features that are in a common cluster, as in the output of formatClusters.
#' (The length of list clusters is equal to the number of clusters.) All
#' identified clusters must be non-overlapping, and all features must appear in
#' exactly one cluster (any unclustered features should be in their own
#' "cluster" of size 1).
#' @param res A binary integer matrix. es[i, j] = 1 if feature j was selected
#' on subsample i and equals 0 otherwise, as in the output of getSelMatrix.
#' (That is, each row is a selected set.)
#' @return A binary integer matrix with the same number of rows
#' as res and length(clusters) columns. Entry i, j is 1 if at least
#' one member of cluster j was selected on subsample i, and 0 otherwise.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getClusterSelMatrix <- function(clusters, res){

    # Check input
    checkGetClusterSelMatrixInput(clusters, res)

    p <- ncol(res)

    n_clusters <- length(clusters)

    # Matrix of cluster selection proportions (with n_clusters columns)
    res_n_clusters <- matrix(rep(0L, nrow(res)*n_clusters), nrow=nrow(res),
    colnames(res_n_clusters) <- names(clusters)

    for(j in 1:n_clusters){
        # Identify rows of res where at least one feature from this cluster
        # was selected
        rows_j_sel <- apply(res, 1, function(x){any(x[clusters[[j]]] == 1)})

        # Put ones in these rows of res_n_clusters[, j]
        res_n_clusters[rows_j_sel, j] <- 1L

        if(length(clusters[[j]]) <= 1){

    # Check output
    stopifnot(identical(colnames(res_n_clusters), names(clusters)))
    stopifnot(all(res_n_clusters %in% c(0, 1)))
    stopifnot(ncol(res_n_clusters) == length(clusters))



#' Generate covariance matrix for simulated clustered data
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the total number of features in the covariance
#' matrix to be created, including latent features, the associated noisy proxies
#' with each latent feature, and other (weak signal and noise) features.
#' @param n_blocks Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables in the
#' data, each of which is associated with an observed cluster in X. Must be at
#' least 1.
#' @param block_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_blocks latent
#' variables, the covariance matrix will include the original latent feature
#' plus block_size - 1 noisy proxies that are correlated with the latent
#' variable.
#' @param rho Integer or numeric; the covariance of the proxies in each cluster
#' with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the correlation between
#' the features in the cluster will be rho/var. rho cannot equal 0.
#' @param var Integer or numeric; the variance of all of the observed features
#' in X (both the proxies for the latent variables and the k_unclustered other
#' features). var cannot equal 0.
#' @return A `p` x `p` numeric matrix representing the covariance matrix for
#' the latent features, the associated proxies, and the remaining features. All
#' features not in a block will be independent from each other and the blocks
#' and have variance var.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
makeCovarianceMatrix <- function(p, nblocks, block_size, rho, var) {
    # Check inputs

    stopifnot(nblocks >= 1)
    stopifnot(rho != 0)
    stopifnot(var != 0)
    stopifnot(abs(rho) <= abs(var))
    stopifnot(block_size >= 2)
    stopifnot(p >= nblocks*block_size)

    # start with p x p identity matrix
    Sigma <- var*diag(p)

    # create matrix with nblocks rows, each containing a vector of
    # indices of highly correlated features
    block_feats <- matrix(seq(nblocks*block_size), nrow=nblocks, byrow=TRUE)

    stopifnot(length(unique(block_feats)) == length(block_feats))

    # add covariances of highly correlated features to sigma
    for(i in 1:nblocks){
        for(j in 1:(block_size - 1)){
            for(k in (j+1):block_size){
                feat_1 <- block_feats[i, j]
                feat_2 <- block_feats[i, k]
                Sigma[feat_1, feat_2] <- rho
                Sigma[feat_2, feat_1] <- rho
    stopifnot(nrow(Sigma) == p & ncol(Sigma) == p)
    stopifnot(all(Sigma == t(Sigma)))



#' Generated coefficients for y in latent variable model
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features that will be observed in
#' x plus the number of latent variables (each corresponding to a cluster).
#' @param k_unblocked Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_low.
#' @param beta_low Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unblocked features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_low/sqrt(1:k_unblocked).
#' @param beta_high Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_blocks latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y.
#' @param nblocks Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables that were
#' generated, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' @param sig_blocks Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). In particular, the first sig_blocks
#' latent variables will have coefficient beta_latent, and the remaining nblocks
#' - sig_blocks features will have coefficient 0. Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters.
#' @param block_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_blocks latent
#' variables, the covariance matrix will include the original latent feature
#' plus block_size - 1 noisy proxies that are correlated with the latent
#' variable.
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{beta}{A vector of
#' length `p` containing the coefficients for the true model for y. All entries
#' will equal 0 except for the sig_blocks latent variables that will have
#' coefficient beta_high and the k_unblocked independent features with
#' coefficient determined by beta_low.} \item{blocked_dgp_vars}{An integer
#' vector of length sig_blocks containing the indices of the features
#' corresponding to the latent features that will have nonzero coefficient
#' beta_high in the true model for y.} \item{sig_unblocked_vars}{An integer
#' vector of length k_unblocked containing the indices of the observed features
#' that are independent of the blocked features and have coefficient beta_low in
#' the true model for y. If k_unblocked = 0, this will just be NA.}
#' \item{insig_blocked_vars}{An integer vector containing the indices of the
#' features corresponding to the latent features that will have coefficient 0 in
#' the true model for y. If nblocks=0, this will just be NA.}
#' \item{latent_vars}{An integer vector of length nblocks containing the indices
#' of all of the latent features.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}.
makeCoefficients <- function(p, k_unblocked, beta_low, beta_high, nblocks,
    sig_blocks, block_size){

    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(k_unblocked >= 0)
    stopifnot(sig_blocks <= nblocks)
    stopifnot(p >= nblocks*block_size + k_unblocked)
    stopifnot(sig_blocks >= 0)

    # Initialize beta
    beta <- numeric(p)

    # identify indices of first coefficient in each significant block (these
    # features will have coefficient beta_high)
    latent_vars <- NA
    if(nblocks >= 1){
        latent_vars <- as.integer(((0:(nblocks - 1))*block_size + 1))

        stopifnot(all(latent_vars) %in% 1:p)
        stopifnot(all(latent_vars) %in% 1:(block_size*nblocks))
        stopifnot(length(unique(latent_vars)) == nblocks)
        stopifnot(length(latent_vars) == nblocks)

    blocked_dgp_vars <- latent_vars[1:sig_blocks]

    stopifnot(sig_blocks == length(blocked_dgp_vars))
    beta[blocked_dgp_vars] <- beta_high

    # identify remaining coefficients in blocks (which ought to be set to 0)
    insig_blocked_vars <- NA

    if(nblocks >= 1){
        insig_blocked_vars <- setdiff(1:(block_size*nblocks), blocked_dgp_vars)
        stopifnot(all(beta[insig_blocked_vars] == 0))
    # find significant unblocked variables (if applicable) and fill in
    # coefficients
    sig_unblocked_vars <- NA

    if(k_unblocked > 0){
        # Range of weak signal coefficients
        beta_lows <- beta_low/sqrt(1:k_unblocked)
        sig_unblocked_vars <- (nblocks*block_size + 1):
            (nblocks*block_size + k_unblocked)
        sig_unblocked_vars <- as.integer(sig_unblocked_vars)

        stopifnot(length(sig_unblocked_vars) == k_unblocked)
        stopifnot(length(unique(sig_unblocked_vars)) == k_unblocked)
        stopifnot(all(sig_unblocked_vars) %in% 1:p)

        beta[sig_unblocked_vars] <- beta_lows

    stopifnot(length(intersect(blocked_dgp_vars, sig_unblocked_vars)) == 0)
    stopifnot(length(intersect(sig_unblocked_vars, insig_blocked_vars)) == 0)
    stopifnot(length(intersect(blocked_dgp_vars, insig_blocked_vars)) == 0)

    stopifnot(length(insig_blocked_vars) + length(blocked_dgp_vars) ==

    stopifnot(sig_blocks + length(insig_blocked_vars) + k_unblocked <= p)

    stopifnot(sum(beta != 0) == sig_blocks + k_unblocked)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(beta) | is.integer(beta))

    return(list(beta=beta, blocked_dgp_vars=blocked_dgp_vars,
        insig_blocked_vars=insig_blocked_vars, latent_vars=latent_vars))


#' Generate observed and latent variables along with conditional mean
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of observed features (the generated X
#' will have p columns).
#' @param beta A numeric or integer vector of length `p` + sig_blocks containing
#' the coefficients for the true model for y.
#' @param Sigma A (`p` + n_blocks) x (`p` + n_blocks) numeric matrix
#' representing the covariance matrix for the latent features, the associated
#' proxies, and the remaining features.
#' @param blocked_dgp_vars An integer vector of length sig_blocks containing the
#' indices of the features corresponding to the latent features that have
#' nonzero coefficient beta_high in the true model for y.
#' @param latent_vars An integer vector of length n_blocks containing the
#' indices of all of the latent features.
#' @param block_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_blocks latent
#' variables, X will contain block_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable.
#' @param n_blocks Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{X}{An `n` x `p`
#' numeric matrix containing the observed proxies for the latent variables as
#' well as the observed unblocked (iid) variables.} \item{mu}{A length `n`
#' numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and the true
#' coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).} \item{z}{An `n` x
#' n_blocks numeric matrix containing the n_blocks latent variables. Note that
#' (X, z) is multivariate Gaussian.} \item{sd}{Numeric; the standard deviation
#' of the noise added to mu to get y (calculated either from snr or
#' sigma_eps_sq).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
genMuXZSd <- function(n, p, beta, Sigma, blocked_dgp_vars,
    latent_vars, block_size, n_blocks=1, snr=NA, sigma_eps_sq=NA){
    # Check inputs

    stopifnot(length(blocked_dgp_vars) <= n_blocks)
    stopifnot(nrow(Sigma) == p + n_blocks)
    stopifnot(ncol(Sigma) == p + n_blocks)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(sigma_eps_sq) | is.integer(sigma_eps_sq))
        stopifnot(length(sigma_eps_sq) == 1)
        stopifnot(sigma_eps_sq >= 0)
    } else{
            stop("Must provide one of snr or sigma_eps_sq")
        stopifnot(is.numeric(snr) | is.integer(snr))
        stopifnot(length(snr) == 1)
        stopifnot(snr > 0)

    stopifnot(length(beta) == p + n_blocks)
    stopifnot(all(beta[blocked_dgp_vars] != 0))

    stopifnot(length(latent_vars) == n_blocks)

    x <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=n, mu=rep(0, p + n_blocks), Sigma=Sigma)

    stopifnot(length(beta) == ncol(x))

    mu <- as.numeric(x %*% beta)

    # Remove true blocked signal feature from each block from x now that I've
    # generated mu
    if(n_blocks > 0){
        z <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow=n, ncol=n_blocks)
        stopifnot(length(latent_vars) > 0)
    } else{
        z <- NA
        stopifnot(length(latent_vars) == 0)
    if(length(latent_vars) > 0){
        z[, 1:n_blocks] <- x[, latent_vars]
    x <- x[, setdiff(1:(p + n_blocks), latent_vars)]

    # If SNR is null, use sigma_eps_sq
        sd <- sqrt(sigma_eps_sq)
        sd <- sqrt(sum(mu^2) / (n * snr)) # taking snr = ||mu||^2 /(n * sigma^2)

    # Check output

    stopifnot(length(mu) == n)

    stopifnot(nrow(x) == n)
    stopifnot(ncol(x) == p)

        stopifnot(nrow(z) == n)
        stopifnot(ncol(z) == n_blocks)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(sd) | is.integer(sd))
    stopifnot(length(sd) == 1)
    stopifnot(sd >= 0)

    return(list(X=x, mu=mu, z=z, sd=sd))


#' Create design matrix of cluster representatives from matrix of raw features
#' using results of css function
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights to
#' combine features from the selected clusters into weighted averages, called
#' cluster representatives. Must be one of "sparse", "weighted_avg", or
#' "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", the weight used for each cluster member is calculated in
#' proportion to the individual selection proportions of each feature. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, the cluster representative
#' is just a simple average of all the cluster members). See Faletto and Bien
#' (2022) for details. Default is "weighted_avg".
#' @param cutoff Numeric; css will return only those clusters with selection
#' proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0
#' (in which case all clusters are returned in decreasing order of selection
#' proportion).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @param newx A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate the design matrix of cluster
#' representatives. Must contain the same features (in the same
#' number of columns) as the X matrix provided to css, and if the columns of
#' newx are labeled, the names must match the variable names provided to css.
#' newx may be omitted if train_inds were provided to css to set aside
#' observations for model estimation. If this is the case, then when newx is
#' omitted formCssDesign will return a design matrix of cluster representatives
#' formed from the train_inds observations from the matrix X provided to css.
#' (If no train_inds were provided to css, newX must be provided to
#' formCssDesign.) Default is NA.
#' @return A design matrix with the same number of rows as newx (or the 
#' train_inds provided to css) where the columns are the constructed cluster
#' representatives.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Faletto, G., & Bien, J. (2022). Cluster Stability Selection.
#' \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.00494}.
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.00494}.
formCssDesign <- function(css_results, weighting="weighted_avg", cutoff=0,
    min_num_clusts=1, max_num_clusts=NA, newx=NA){

    # Check inputs
    ret <- checkFormCssDesignInputs(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
        min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, newx)

    newx <- ret$newx
    max_num_clusts <- ret$max_num_clusts


    n <- nrow(newx)
    p <- ncol(newx)

    # Get the names of the selected clusters and the weights for the features
    # within each cluster, according to the provided weighting rule
    weights <- getSelectedClusters(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
        min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts)$weights

    n_sel_clusts <- length(weights)

    # Form matrix of cluster representatives of selected clusters
    X_clus_reps <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(NA), n*n_sel_clusts), nrow=n,
    colnames(X_clus_reps) <- rep(as.character(NA), n_sel_clusts)

    for(i in 1:n_sel_clusts){
        clust_i_name <- names(weights)[i]

        stopifnot(length(clust_i_name) == 1)
        stopifnot(clust_i_name %in% names(weights))

        colnames(X_clus_reps)[i] <- clust_i_name

        clust_i <- css_results$clusters[[clust_i_name]]

        stopifnot(length(clust_i) >= 1)
        stopifnot(all(clust_i) %in% 1:p)

        weights_i <- weights[[clust_i_name]]

        stopifnot(length(clust_i) == length(weights_i))

        if(length(weights_i) > 1){
            X_clus_reps[, i] <- newx[, clust_i] %*% weights_i
        } else{
            X_clus_reps[, i] <- newx[, clust_i]*weights_i

    # Check output
    stopifnot(ncol(X_clus_reps) == n_sel_clusts)
    stopifnot(nrow(X_clus_reps) == n)



#' From css output, obtain names of selected clusters and selection proportions,
#' indices of all selected features, and weights of individual cluster members
#' If cutoff is too high for at least min_num_clusts clusters to be selected,
#' then it will be lowered until min_num_clusts can be selected. After that, if
#' the cutoff is too low such that more than max_num_clusts are selected, then
#' the cutoff will be increased until no more than max_num_clusts are selected.
#' Note that because clusters can have tied selection proportions, it is
#' possible that the number of selected clusters will be strictly lower than
#' max_num_clusts or strictly greater than min_num_clusts. In fact, it is
#' possible that both cutoffs won't be able to be satisfied simulteaneously,
#' even if there is a strictly positive difference between max_num_clusts and
#' min_num_clusts. If this occurs, max_num_clusts will take precedence over
#' min_num_clusts. getSelectedClusters will throw an error if the provided
#' inputs don't allow it to select any clusters. 
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights for
#' individual features within the selected clusters. Only those features with
#' nonzero weight within the selected clusters will be returned. Must be one of
#' "sparse", "weighted_avg", or "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is
#' put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", only the features within a selected cluster that were
#' themselves selected on at least one subsample will have nonzero weight. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, all cluster members within
#' each selected cluster will be returned.). See Faletto and Bien (2022) for
#' details.
#' @param cutoff Numeric; getCssSelections will select and return only of those
#' clusters with selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between
#' 0 and 1.
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.)
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) If NA, max_num_clusts is ignored.
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{selected_clusts}{A
#' named numeric vector containing the selection proportions for the selected
#' clusters. The name of each entry is the name of the corresponding cluster.}
#' \item{selected_feats}{A named integer vector; the indices of the features
#' with nonzero weights from all of the selected clusters.} \item{weights}{A
#' named list of the same length as the number of selected clusters. Each list
#' element weights[[j]] is a numeric vector of the weights to use for the jth
#' selected cluster, and it has the same name as the cluster it corresponds
#' to.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getSelectedClusters <- function(css_results, weighting, cutoff, min_num_clusts,
    # Check input
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    # Eliminate clusters with selection proportions below cutoff
    clus_sel_props <- colMeans(css_results$clus_sel_mat)

    # Get selected clusters
    selected_clusts <- clus_sel_props[clus_sel_props >= cutoff]
    B <- nrow(css_results$feat_sel_mat)

    # Check that selected_clusts has length at least min_num_clusts
    while(length(selected_clusts) < min_num_clusts){
        cutoff <- cutoff - 1/B
        selected_clusts <- clus_sel_props[clus_sel_props >= cutoff]

    # Check that selected_clusts has length at most max_num_clusts
        n_clusters <- ncol(css_results$clus_sel_mat)
        while(length(selected_clusts) > max_num_clusts){
            cutoff <- cutoff + 1/B
            if(cutoff > 1){
            # Make sure we don't reduce to a selected set of size 0
            if(any(clus_sel_props >= cutoff)){
                selected_clusts <- clus_sel_props[clus_sel_props >= cutoff]
            } else{

    stopifnot(length(selected_clusts) >= 1)

    clust_names <- names(selected_clusts)

    n_sel_clusts <- length(selected_clusts)

    # Check that n_sel_clusts is as expected, and throw warnings or an error if
    # not
    checkSelectedClusters(n_sel_clusts, min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts,
    ### Get selected features from selected clusters
    clusters <- css_results$clusters
    stopifnot(all(clust_names %in% names(clusters)))

    # Get a list of weights for all of the selected clusters
    weights <- getAllClustWeights(css_results, selected_clusts, weighting)

    # Get selected features from each cluster (those features with nonzero
    # weights)
    selected_feats <- integer()
    for(i in 1:n_sel_clusts){
        clus_i_name <- clust_names[i]
        clust_i <- clusters[[clus_i_name]]
        weights_i <- weights[[i]]
        selected_feats <- c(selected_feats, clust_i[weights_i != 0])

    feat_names <- colnames(css_results$feat_sel_mat)

    names(selected_feats) <- feat_names[selected_feats]

    # Check output (already checked weights wihin getAllClustWeights)

    checkGetSelectedClustersOutput(selected_clusts, selected_feats,
        weights, n_clusters=length(clusters), p=ncol(css_results$feat_sel_mat))

        selected_feats=selected_feats, weights=weights))


#' Identify selection prototypes from selected clusters
#' Takes in list of selected clusters and returns an integer vector of the
#' indices of the features that were most frequently selected from each cluster
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param selected_clusts A list of integer vectors; each vector must contain
#' the indices of features in a cluster.
#' @return An integer vector (of length equal to the number of clusters) of the
#' indices of the feature prototypes (the features from each cluster that were
#' selected the most often individually by the base method in cluster stability
#' selection). In the case of a tie, the tie is broken by choosing the feature
#' most correlated with the response in the full data set provided to css.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getSelectionPrototypes <- function(css_results, selected_clusts){
    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    n_selected_clusts <- length(selected_clusts)
    stopifnot(n_selected_clusts >= 1)
    stopifnot(all(lengths(selected_clusts) >= 1))

    prototypes <- rep(as.integer(NA), n_selected_clusts)
    for(i in 1:n_selected_clusts){
        clust_i <- selected_clusts[[i]]
        sel_props_i <- colMeans(css_results$feat_sel_mat)[clust_i]
        proto_i <- clust_i[sel_props_i == max(sel_props_i)]
        stopifnot(length(proto_i) >= 1)
        if(length(proto_i) > 1){
            if(is.numeric(css_results$y) | is.integer(css_results$y)){
                # Break tie by looking at marginal correlations
                corrs_i <- stats::cor(css_results$X[, proto_i], css_results$y)[, 1]
                corrs_i <- abs(corrs_i)
                proto_i <- proto_i[corrs_i == max(corrs_i)]
        # If there is still a tie, break by choosing the first feature of those
        # remaining
        prototypes[i] <- proto_i[1]
        names(prototypes)[i] <- colnames(css_results$X)[proto_i]

    # Check output

    stopifnot(length(prototypes) == length(unique(prototypes)))



#' Automated estimation of model size
#' This function is uses the lasso with cross-validation to estimate the
#' model size. Before using the lasso, in each cluster all features will be
#' dropped from X except the one feature with the highest marginal correlation
#' with y, as in the protolasso (Reid and Tibshirani 2016).
#' @param X An n x p numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the p >= 2 features/predictors.
#' @param y A length-n numeric vector containing the responses; `y[i]` is the
#' response corresponding to observation `X[i, ]`. (Note that for the css
#' function, y does not have to be a numeric response, but for this function,
#' the underlying selection procedure is the lasso, so y must be a real-valued
#' response.)
#' @param clusters A named list where each entry is an integer vector of indices
#' of features that are in a common cluster, as in the output of css.
#' (The length of list clusters is equal to the number of clusters.) All
#' identified clusters must be non-overlapping, and all features must appear in
#' exactly one cluster (any unclustered features should be in their own
#' "cluster" of size 1).
#' @return An integer; the estimated size of the model. The minimum returned
#' value is 1, even if the lasso with cross-validation chose no features.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references Reid, S., & Tibshirani, R. (2016). Sparse regression and marginal
#' testing using cluster prototypes. \emph{Biostatistics}, 17(2), 364–376.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1093/biostatistics/kxv049}.
#' @export
getModelSize <- function(X, y, clusters){

    stopifnot(is.matrix(X) | is.data.frame(X))

    # Check if x is a matrix; if it's a data.frame, convert to matrix.
        p <- ncol(X)

        X <- stats::model.matrix(~ ., X)
        X <- X[, colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]

        if(length(clusters) > 0 & (p != ncol(X))){
            stop("When stats::model.matrix converted the provided data.frame X to a matrix, the number of columns changed (probably because the provided data.frame contained a factor variable with at least three levels). Please convert X to a matrix yourself using model.matrix and provide cluster assignments according to the columns of the new matrix.")

    stopifnot(is.numeric(X) | is.integer(X))
    n <- nrow(X)

    # Since the model size will be determined by cross-validation, the provided
    # y must be real-valued (this should be checked internally in other
    # functions before getModelSize is called, but this check is here just in
    # case).
    if(!is.numeric(y) & !is.integer(y)){
        stop("getModelSize is trying to determine max_num_clusts using the lasso with cross-validation, but the y provided to getModelSize was not real-valued.")
    stopifnot(length(y) == n)

    # Check clusters argument
    clusters <- checkCssClustersInput(clusters)

    ### Format clusters into a list where all features are in exactly one
    # cluster (any unclustered features are put in their own "cluster" of size
    # 1).
    clust_names <- as.character(NA)
    if(!is.null(names(clusters)) & is.list(clusters)){
        clust_names <- names(clusters)

    clusters <- formatClusters(clusters, p=ncol(X),

    X_size <- X

    if(length(clusters) > 0){
        # Create modified design matrix by dropping all but one feature from
        # each cluster
        feats_to_drop <- integer()
        for(i in 1:length(clusters)){
            cluster_i <- clusters[[i]]
            if(length(cluster_i) > 1){
                feat_to_keep <- identifyPrototype(cluster_i, X, y)
                feats_to_drop <- c(feats_to_drop, setdiff(cluster_i,
        if(length(feats_to_drop) > 0){
            X_size <- X_size[, -1*feats_to_drop]

    size_results <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x=X_size, y=y, family="gaussian")
    coefs <- as.numeric(glmnet::coef.glmnet(size_results, s="lambda.1se"))

    # Number of nonzero coefficients (subtract one in order to ignore intercept)
    size <- length(coefs[coefs != 0]) - 1

    # Check output
    stopifnot(is.numeric(size) | is.integer(size))
    stopifnot(length(size) == 1)
    stopifnot(size == round(size))

    return(as.integer(max(size, 1)))


#' Calculate weights for each cluster member of all of the selected clusters.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param sel_clusters A named numeric vector containing the selection
#' proportions for the selected clusters. The name of each entry is the name
#' of the corresponding cluster.
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights for
#' individual features within the selected clusters. Only those features with
#' nonzero weight within the selected clusters will be returned. Must be one of
#' "sparse", "weighted_avg", or "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is
#' put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", only the features within a selected cluster that were
#' themselves selected on at least one subsample will have nonzero weight. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, all cluster members within
#' each selected cluster will be returned.). See Faletto and Bien (2022) for
#' details.
#' @return A named list of the same length as sel_clusters of numeric vectors.
#' weights[[j]] is the weights to use for the jth selected cluster, and it has
#' the same name as the cluster it corresponds to.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getAllClustWeights <- function(css_results, sel_clusters, weighting){

    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    p_ret <- length(sel_clusters)
    stopifnot(length(unique(names(sel_clusters))) == p_ret)
    stopifnot(p_ret > 0)


    # Get selection proportions and clusters
    feat_sel_props <- colMeans(css_results$feat_sel_mat)

    p <- length(feat_sel_props)
    stopifnot(p >= p_ret)

    clusters <- css_results$clusters
    stopifnot(all(names(sel_clusters) %in% names(clusters)))

    # Identify weights
    weights <- list()

    for(j in 1:p_ret){
        # Find the members of the cluster feature j is a member of
        cluster_j <- clusters[[names(sel_clusters)[j]]]
        # Get the weights for this cluster and add them to the list
        weights[[j]] <- getClustWeights(cluster_j, weighting, feat_sel_props)

    # Add names to weights
    names(weights) <- names(sel_clusters)

    # Check output

    stopifnot(length(weights) == p_ret)

    for(i in 1:p_ret){
        stopifnot(length(clusters[[names(sel_clusters)[i]]]) ==
        stopifnot(all(weights[[i]] >= 0))
        stopifnot(all(weights[[i]] <= 1))
        stopifnot(abs(sum(weights[[i]]) - 1) < 10^(-6))


#' Calculate weights for members of a cluster using selection proportions
#' Given a cluster of features, the selection proportions for each cluster
#' member, and a specified weighting scheme, calculate the appropriate weights
#' for the cluster.
#' @param cluster_i An integer vector containing the indices of the members
#' of a cluster.
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights for
#' individual features within the selected clusters. Only those features with
#' nonzero weight within the selected clusters will be returned. Must be one of
#' "sparse", "weighted_avg", or "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is
#' put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", only the features within a selected cluster that were
#' themselves selected on at least one subsample will have nonzero weight. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, all cluster members within
#' each selected cluster will be returned.). See Faletto and Bien (2022) for
#' details.
#' @param feat_sel_props A numeric vector of selection proportions corresponding
#' to each of the p features.
#' @return A numeric vector of the same length as cluster_i containing the
#' weights corresponding to each of the features in cluster_i. The weights
#' will all be nonnegative and sum to 1.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
getClustWeights <- function(cluster_i, weighting, feat_sel_props){

    stopifnot(is.integer(cluster_i) | is.numeric(cluster_i))
    stopifnot(all(cluster_i == round(cluster_i)))
    n_weights <- length(cluster_i)
    stopifnot(length(unique(cluster_i)) == n_weights)

    p <- length(feat_sel_props)
    stopifnot(all(cluster_i %in% 1:p))

    # Get the selection proportions of each cluster member
    sel_props <- feat_sel_props[cluster_i]

    stopifnot(all(sel_props >= 0))
    stopifnot(all(sel_props <= 1))

    weights_i <- rep(as.numeric(NA), n_weights)

    # Weighted or simple average?
    if(weighting == "sparse"){
        # Sparse cluster stability selection: All features in cluster with
        # selection proportion equal to the max
        # for the cluster get equal weight; rest of cluster gets 0 weight
        if(sum(sel_props) == 0){
            weights_i <- rep(1/n_weights, n_weights)
        } else{
            maxes <- sel_props==max(sel_props)

            stopifnot(sum(maxes) > 0)
            stopifnot(sum(maxes) <= n_weights)

            weights_i <- rep(0, n_weights)
            weights_i[maxes] <- 1/sum(maxes)
    } else if(weighting == "weighted_avg"){
        # Get weights for weighted average
        if(sum(sel_props) == 0){
            weights_i <- rep(1/n_weights, n_weights)
        } else{
            weights_i <- sel_props/sum(sel_props)
    } else if(weighting == "simple_avg"){
        weights_i <- rep(1/n_weights, n_weights)
    } else{
        stop("weighting must be one of sparse, simple_avg, or weighted_avg")

    stopifnot(abs(sum(weights_i) - 1) < 10^(-6))
    stopifnot(length(weights_i) == n_weights)
    stopifnot(length(weights_i) >= 1)
    stopifnot(all(weights_i >= 0))
    stopifnot(all(weights_i <= 1))



#' Absolute value of sample correlation between two vectors
#' Calculates the absolute value of correlation of t and y. If either input has
#' only one unique value, returns 0 by definition.
#' @param t A numeric or integer vector.
#' @param y A numeric or integer vector; must have the same length as t.
#' @return A numeric vector of the same length as cluster_i containing the
#' weights corresponding to each of the features in cluster_i. The weights
#' will all be nonnegative and sum to 1.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
corFunction <- function(t, y){
    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(is.numeric(t) | is.integer(t))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(y) | is.integer(y))
    stopifnot(length(t) == length(y))
    if(length(unique(t)) == 1){
    if(length(unique(y)) == 1){
        warning("The second argument to corFunction only had one unique entry")
    return(abs(stats::cor(t, y)))


#' Helper function to confirm that inputs to several functions are as expected,
#' and modify inputs if needed
#' @param newx A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate the design matrix of cluster
#' representatives. Must contain the same features (in the same
#' number of columns) as the X matrix provided to css, and if the columns of
#' newX are labeled, the names must match the variable names provided to css.
#' @param css_X The X matrix provided to css, as in the output of the css
#' function (after having been coerced from a data.frame to a matrix by css if
#' needed).
#' @return A named list with the following elements. \item{feat_names}{A 
#' character vector containing the column names of newx (if the provided newx
#' had column names). If the provided newx did not have column names, feat_names
#' will be NA.} \item{newx}{The provided newx matrix, coerced from a data.frame
#' to a matrix if the provided newx was a data.frame.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkXInputResults <- function(newx, css_X){

    # Check if x is a matrix; if it's a data.frame, convert to matrix.
        newx <- stats::model.matrix(~ ., newx)
        newx <- newx[, colnames(newx) != "(Intercept)"]

    feat_names <- as.character(NA)
        feat_names <- colnames(newx)
        stopifnot(identical(feat_names, colnames(css_X)))
    } else{
        # In this case, newx has no column names, so same better be true of
        # css_X
            warning("New X provided had no variable names (column names) even though the X provided to css did.")


    n <- nrow(newx)
    p <- ncol(newx)
    stopifnot(p >= 2)
    if(length(feat_names) > 1){
        stopifnot(length(feat_names) == p)
        stopifnot(!("(Intercept)" %in% feat_names))
    } else{

    colnames(newx) <- character()

    # Confirm that newx matches css_results$X
    if(p != ncol(css_X)){
        err <- paste("Number of columns in newx must match number of columns from matrix provided to css. Number of columns in new provided X: ",
            p, ". Number of columns in matrix provided to css: ", ncol(css_X),
            ".", sep="")
    if(length(feat_names) != 1 & all(!is.na(feat_names))){
        if(!identical(feat_names, colnames(css_X))){
            stop("Provided feature names for newx do not match feature names provided to css")

    return(list(feat_names=feat_names, newx=newx))


#' Helper function to confirm that inputs to the function css are as expected,
#' and modify inputs if needed
#' @param X An n x p numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' p >= 2 features/predictors.
#' @param y The response; can be anything that takes the form of an
#' n-dimensional vector, with the ith entry corresponding to the ith row of X.
#' Typically (and for default fitfun = cssLasso), y should be an n-dimensional
#' numeric vector.
#' @param lambda A tuning parameter or set of tuning parameters that may be used
#' by the feature selection method fitfun. In the default case when
#' fitfun = cssLasso, lambda should be a numeric: the penalty to use for each
#' lasso fit. (css does not require lambda to be any particular object because
#' for a user-specified feature selection method fitfun, lambda can be an
#' arbitrary object. See the description of fitfun below.)
#' @param clusters A list of integer vectors; each vector should contain the 
#' indices of a cluster of features (a subset of 1:p). (If there is only one
#' cluster, clusters can either be a list of length 1 or an integer vector.)
#' All of the provided clusters must be non-overlapping. Every feature not
#' appearing in any cluster will be assumed to be unclustered (that is, they
#' will be treated as if they are in a "cluster" containing only themselves). If
#' clusters is a list of length 0 (or a list only containing clusters of length
#' 1), then css() returns the same results as stability selection (so the
#' returned feat_sel_mat will be identical to clus_sel_mat). Names for the
#' clusters will be needed later; any clusters that are not given names in the
#' provided list will be given names automatically by css. Default is list() (so
#' no clusters are specified).
#' @param fitfun A function; the feature selection function used on each
#' subsample by cluster stability selection. This can be any feature selection
#' method; the only requirement is that it accepts the arguments (and only the
#' arguments) X, y, and lambda and returns an integer vector that is a subset of
#' 1:p. For example, fitfun could be best subset selection or forward stepwise
#' selection or LARS and lambda could be the desired model size; or fitfun could be the
#' elastic net and lambda could be a length-two vector specifying lambda and
#' alpha. Default is cssLasso, an implementation of lasso (relying on the R
#' package glmnet), where lambda must be a positive numeric specifying the L1
#' penalty for the lasso.
#' @param sampling_type A character vector; either "SS" or "MB". For "MB",
#' all B subsamples are drawn randomly (as proposed by Meinshausen and Bühlmann
#' 2010). For "SS", in addition to these B subsamples, the B complementary pair
#' subsamples will be drawn as well (see Faletto and Bien 2022 or Shah and
#' Samworth 2013 for details). Default is "SS", and "MB" is not supported yet.
#' @param B Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For
#' sampling.type=="MB" the total number of subsamples will be `B`; for
#' sampling_type="SS" the number of subsamples will be `2*B`. Default is 100
#' for sampling_type="MB" and 50 for sampling_type="SS".
#' @param prop_feats_remove Numeric; if prop_feats_remove is greater than 0,
#' then on each subsample, each feature is randomly dropped from the design
#' matrix that is provided to fitfun with probability prop_feats_remove
#' (independently across features). That is, in a typical subsample,
#' prop_feats_remove*p features will be dropped (though this number will vary).
#' This is similar in spirit (but distinct from) extended stability selection
#' (Beinrucker et. al. 2016); see their paper for some of the benefits of
#' dropping features (besides increasing computational speed and decreasing
#' memory requirements). For sampling_type="SS", the features dropped in
#' each complementary pair of subsamples are identical in order to ensure that
#' the theoretical guarantees of Faletto and Bien (2022) are retained within
#' each individual pair of subsamples. (Note that this feature is not
#' investigated either theoretically or in simulations by Faletto and Bien
#' 2022). Must be between 0 and 1. Default is 0.
#' @param train_inds Optional; an integer or numeric vector containing the
#' indices of observations in X and y to set aside for model training by the
#' function getCssPreds after feature selection. (This will only work if y is
#' real-valued, because getCssPreds using ordinary least squares regression to
#' generate predictions.) If train_inds is not provided, all of the observations
#' in the provided data set will be used for feature selection.
#' @param num_cores Optional; an integer. If using parallel processing, the
#' number of cores to use for parallel processing (num_cores will be supplied
#' internally as the mc.cores argument of parallel::mclapply).
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{feat_names}{A 
#' character vector containing the column names of X (if the provided X
#' had column names). If the provided X did not have column names, feat_names
#' will be NA.} \item{X}{The provided X, converted to a matrix if it was
#' originally provided as a data.frame, and with feature names removed if they
#' had been provided.}\item{clusters}{A list of integer vectors; each vector
#' will contain the indices of a cluster of features. Any duplicated clusters
#' provided in the input will be removed.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkCssInputs <- function(X, y, lambda, clusters, fitfun, sampling_type, B,
    prop_feats_remove, train_inds, num_cores){

    stopifnot(is.matrix(X) | is.data.frame(X))

    clust_names <- as.character(NA)
    if(!is.null(names(clusters)) & is.list(clusters)){
        clust_names <- names(clusters)

    # Check if x is a matrix; if it's a data.frame, convert to matrix.
        p <- ncol(X)

        X <- stats::model.matrix(~ ., X)
        X <- X[, colnames(X) != "(Intercept)"]

        if(length(clusters) > 0 & (p != ncol(X))){
            stop("When stats::model.matrix converted the provided data.frame X to a matrix, the number of columns changed (probably because the provided data.frame contained a factor variable with at least three levels). Please convert X to a matrix yourself using model.matrix and provide cluster assignments according to the columns of the new matrix.")


    feat_names <- as.character(NA)
        feat_names <- colnames(X)

    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)

        feat_names <- colnames(X)

    stopifnot(p >= 2)
    if(length(feat_names) > 1){
        stopifnot(length(feat_names) == p)
    } else{

    colnames(X) <- character()

    stopifnot(length(y) == n)
    # Intentionally don't check y or lambda further to allow for flexibility--these
    # inputs should be checked within fitfun.

    # Check clusters argument
    clusters <- checkCssClustersInput(clusters)

    ### Format clusters into a list where all features are in exactly one
    # cluster (any unclustered features are put in their own "cluster" of size
    # 1).
    clusters <- formatClusters(clusters, p=p, clust_names=clust_names)$clusters

    stopifnot(class(fitfun) == "function")
    stopifnot(length(fitfun) == 1)
    if(!identical(formals(fitfun), formals(cssLasso))){
        err_mess <- paste("fitfun must accept arguments named X, y, and lambda. Detected arguments to fitfun:",
            paste(names(formals(fitfun)), collapse=", "))

    checkPropFeatsRemove(prop_feats_remove, p)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(train_inds) | is.integer(train_inds))
    if(length(train_inds) > 0){
        stopifnot(all(round(train_inds) == train_inds))
        stopifnot(length(train_inds) == length(unique(train_inds)))
        stopifnot(all(train_inds >= 1))
        stopifnot(all(train_inds) <= n)
        stopifnot(length(train_inds) <= n - 2)
        stopifnot(length(train_inds) >= 1)

    stopifnot(length(num_cores) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.integer(num_cores) | is.numeric(num_cores))
    stopifnot(num_cores == round(num_cores))
    stopifnot(num_cores >= 1)
    stopifnot(num_cores <= parallel::detectCores())

    return(list(feat_names=feat_names, X=X, clusters=clusters))


#' Helper function to confirm that inputs to the function getCssPreds are as
#' expected, and modify inputs if needed.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param testX A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate predictions. Must contain the same
#' features (in the same number of columns) as the matrix provided to css.
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights to
#' combine features from the selected clusters into weighted averages, called
#' cluster representatives. Must be one of "sparse", "weighted_avg", or
#' "simple_avg'. For "sparse", all the weight is put on the most frequently
#' selected individual cluster member (or divided equally among all the clusters
#' that are tied for the top selection proportion if there is a tie). For
#' "weighted_avg", the weight used for each cluster member is calculated in
#' proportion to the individual selection proportions of each feature. For
#' "simple_avg", each cluster member gets equal weight regardless of the
#' individual feature selection proportions (that is, the cluster representative
#' is just a simple average of all the cluster members). See Faletto and Bien
#' (2022) for details. Default is "weighted_avg".
#' @param cutoff Numeric; getCssPreds will make use only of those clusters with
#' selection proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' Default is 0 (in which case either all clusters are used, or max_num_clusts
#' are used, if max_num_clusts is specified).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is 1.
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Default is NA (in which case
#' max_num_clusts is ignored).
#' @param trainX A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to estimate the linear model from the selected
#' clusters. trainX is only necessary to provide if no train_inds were
#' designated in the css function call to set aside observations for model
#' estimation (though even if train_inds was provided, trainX and trianY will be
#' used for model estimation if they are both provided to getCssPreds). Must 
#' contain the same features (in the same number of columns) as the matrix 
#' provided to css, and if the columns of trainX are labeled, the names must
#' match the variable names provided to css. Default is NA (in which case
#' getCssPreds uses the observations from the train_inds that were provided to
#' css to estimate a linear model).
#' @param trainY The response corresponding to trainX. Must be a real-valued
#' response (unlike in the general css setup) because predictions will be
#' generated by an ordinary least squares model. Must have the same length as
#' the number of rows of trainX. Like trainX, only needs to be provided if no
#' observations were set aside for model estimation by the parameter train_inds
#' in the css function call. Default is NA (in which case getCssPreds uses the
#' observations from the train_inds that were provided to css).
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{trainXProvided}{
#' Logical; indicates whether a valid trainX input was provided.} \item{trainX}{
#' The provided trainX matrix, coerced from a data.frame to a matrix if the
#' provided trainX was a data.frame. (If a valid trainX was not provided, this
#' output simply passes whatever was provided as trainX.)} \item{testX}{The
#' provided testX matrix, coerced from a data.frame to a matrix if the provided
#' testX was a data.frame.} \item{feat_names}{A character vector containing the
#' column names of testX (if the provided testX had column names). If the
#' provided testX did not have column names, feat_names will be NA.}
#' \item{max_num_clusts}{The provided max_num_clusts, coerced to an integer if
#' needed, and coerced to be less than or equal to the total number of clusters
#' from the output of css_results.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkGetCssPredsInputs <- function(css_results, testX, weighting, cutoff,
    min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, trainX, trainY){
    # Check inputs
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    check_results <- checkNewXProvided(trainX, css_results)

    trainX <- check_results$newX
    trainXProvided <- check_results$newXProvided


    n_train <- nrow(trainX)

        if(all(!is.na(trainY)) & length(trainY) > 1){
            stopifnot(n_train == length(trainY))
        } else{
            if(length(css_results$train_inds) == 0){
                stop("css was not provided with indices to set aside for model training (train_inds), so must provide both trainX and trainY in order to generate predictions")
            trainXProvided <- FALSE
            warning("trainX provided but no trainY provided; instead, training model using the train_inds observations provided to css to set aside for model training.")
    } else{
        if(length(css_results$train_inds) == 0){
            stop("css was not provided with indices to set aside for model training (train_inds), so must provide both trainX and trainY in order to generate predictions")
        if(all(!is.na(trainY)) & length(trainY) > 1){
            warning("trainY provided but no trainX provided; instead, training model using the train_inds observations provided to css to set aside for model training.")

    results <- checkXInputResults(testX, css_results$X)

    testX <- results$newx
    feat_names <- results$feat_names

        stopifnot(length(feat_names) == ncol(testX))
        stopifnot(!("(Intercept)" %in% feat_names))
        colnames(testX) <- feat_names


    n <- nrow(testX)
    p <- ncol(testX)

    stopifnot(n >= 1)
    stopifnot(p == ncol(trainX))
    if(!is.null(colnames(trainX)) & is.null(colnames(testX))){
        warning("Column names were provided for trainX but not for testX (are you sure they both contain identical features in the same order?)")
    if(is.null(colnames(trainX)) & !is.null(colnames(testX))){
        warning("Column names were provided for testX but not for trainX (are you sure they both contain identical features in the same order?)")
    if(!is.null(colnames(trainX)) & !is.null(colnames(testX))){
        stopifnot(all(colnames(trainX) == colnames(testX)))

    checkMinNumClusts(min_num_clusts, p, length(css_results$clusters))
    max_num_clusts <- checkMaxNumClusts(max_num_clusts, min_num_clusts, p,

    return(list(trainXProvided=trainXProvided, trainX=trainX, testX=testX,
        feat_names=feat_names, max_num_clusts=max_num_clusts))



#' Helper function to confirm that the argument cutoff to several functions is
#' as expected
#' @param cutoff Numeric; only those clusters with selection proportions equal
#' to at least cutoff will be selected by cluster stability selection. Must be
#' between 0 and 1.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkCutoff <- function(cutoff){
    stopifnot(is.numeric(cutoff) | is.integer(cutoff))
    stopifnot(length(cutoff) == 1)
    stopifnot(cutoff >= 0)
    stopifnot(cutoff <= 1)


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument min_num_clusts to several 
#' functions is as expected
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.)
#' @param p The number of features; since this is an upper bound on the number
#' of clusters of features, it is also an upper bound on min_num_clusts.
#' @param n_clusters The number of clusters; note that this is an upper bound
#' on min_num_clusts
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkMinNumClusts <- function(min_num_clusts, p, n_clusters){
    stopifnot(length(min_num_clusts) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(min_num_clusts) | is.integer(min_num_clusts))
    stopifnot(min_num_clusts == round(min_num_clusts))
    stopifnot(min_num_clusts >= 1)
    stopifnot(min_num_clusts <= p)
    stopifnot(min_num_clusts <= n_clusters)


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument max_num_clusts to several 
#' functions is as expected
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) Can be NA, in which case
#' max_num_clusts will be ignored.
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.) max_num_clusts must be at least as
#' large as min_num_clusts.
#' @param p The number of features; since this is an upper bound on the number
#' of clusters of features, it is also an upper bound on max_num_clusts.
#' @param n_clusters The number of clusters; note that this is an upper bound
#' on max_num_clusts
#' @return The provided max_num_clusts, coerced to an integer if needed, and
#' coerced to be less than or equal to the total number of clusters.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkMaxNumClusts <- function(max_num_clusts, min_num_clusts, p, n_clusters){
    stopifnot(length(max_num_clusts) == 1)
        stopifnot(is.numeric(max_num_clusts) | is.integer(max_num_clusts))
        stopifnot(max_num_clusts == round(max_num_clusts))
        stopifnot(max_num_clusts >= 1)
        stopifnot(max_num_clusts <= p)
        max_num_clusts <- as.integer(min(n_clusters, max_num_clusts))
        stopifnot(max_num_clusts >= min_num_clusts)


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument weighting to several 
#' functions is as expected
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights to
#' combine features from the selected clusters into weighted averages, called
#' cluster representatives. Must be one of "sparse", "weighted_avg", or
#' "simple_avg'.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkWeighting <- function(weighting){
        stop("Weighting must be a character")
    if(!(weighting %in% c("sparse", "simple_avg", "weighted_avg"))){
        stop("Weighting must be a character and one of sparse, simple_avg, or weighted_avg")


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument sampling_type to several 
#' functions is as expected
#' @param sampling_type A character vector; either "SS" or "MB". "MB" is not
#' supported yet.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkSamplingType <- function(sampling_type){
    stopifnot(length(sampling_type) == 1)
    stopifnot(sampling_type %in% c("SS", "MB"))
    if(sampling_type == "MB"){
        stop("sampling_type MB is not yet supported (and isn't recommended anyway)")


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument prop_feats_remove to several 
#' functions is as expected
#' @param prop_feats_remove Numeric; proportion of features that are dropped on
#' each subsample. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param p The number of features; must be greater than 2 if prop_feats_remove
#' is greater than 0.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkPropFeatsRemove <- function(prop_feats_remove, p){
    stopifnot(length(prop_feats_remove) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(prop_feats_remove) | is.integer(prop_feats_remove))
    stopifnot(prop_feats_remove >= 0 & prop_feats_remove < 1)
    if(prop_feats_remove > 0){
        # Make sure p is at least 2 or else this doesn't make sense
        stopifnot(p >= 2)


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument B to several functions is as
#' expected
#' @param B Integer or numeric; the number of subsamples. Note: For
#' sampling.type=="MB" the total number of subsamples will be `B`; for
#' sampling_type="SS" the number of subsamples will be `2*B`.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkB <- function(B){
    stopifnot(length(B) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(B) | is.integer(B))
    stopifnot(B == round(B))
    stopifnot(B > 0)
    if(B < 10){
        warning("Small values of B may lead to poor results.")
    } else if (B > 2000){
        warning("Large values of B may require long computation times.")


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument clusters to several functions is
#' as expected
#' @param clusters A named list where each entry is an integer vector of indices
#' of features that are in a common cluster, as in the output of css or
#' formatClusters. (The length of list clusters is equal to the number of
#' clusters.) All identified clusters must be non-overlapping, and all features
#' must appear in exactly one cluster (any unclustered features should be in
#' their own "cluster" of size 1).
#' @param p The number of features; must be at least as large as the number of
#' clusters.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkClusters <- function(clusters, p){
    stopifnot(all(lengths(clusters) >= 1))

    n_clusters <- length(clusters)

    stopifnot(n_clusters == length(unique(clusters)))
    stopifnot(n_clusters <= p)
    stopifnot(all(!is.na(names(clusters)) & names(clusters) != ""))
    stopifnot(length(unique(names(clusters))) == n_clusters)

    all_clustered_feats <- integer()
    for(i in 1:n_clusters){
        all_clustered_feats <- c(all_clustered_feats, clusters[[i]])

    stopifnot(length(all_clustered_feats) == p)
    stopifnot(length(unique(all_clustered_feats)) == p)
    stopifnot(all(all_clustered_feats <= p))
    stopifnot(all(all_clustered_feats >= 1))


#' Helper function to confirm that the argument y to several functions is
#' as expected
#' @param y Numeric response vector.
#' @param n Number of observations of covariates; should match length of y.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkY <- function(y, n){
    stopifnot(is.numeric(y) | is.integer(y))
    stopifnot(length(unique(y)) > 1)
    stopifnot(length(n) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(n) | is.integer(n))
    stopifnot(n == round(n))
    stopifnot(n > 0)
    stopifnot(n == length(y))


#' Helper function to confirm that the inputs to cssLasso are as expected. 
#' @param X A design matrix containing the predictors. (Note that we don't need
#' to check X very much, because X will have already been checked by the
#' function checkCssInputs when it was provided to css.)
#' @param y A numeric vector containing the response.
#' @param lambda Numeric; a nonnegative number for the lasso penalty to use
#' on each subsample. (For now, only one lambda value can be provided to
#' cssLasso; in the future, we plan to allow for multiple lambda values to be
#' provided to cssLasso, as described in Faletto and Bien 2022.)
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkCssLassoInputs <- function(X, y, lambda){

    n <- nrow(X)
    p <- ncol(X)

        stop("For method cssLasso, y must be a numeric vector.")
        stop("For method cssLasso, y must be a numeric vector (inputted y was a matrix).")
    if(n != length(y)){
        stop("For method cssLasso, y must be a vector of length equal to nrow(X).")
    if(length(unique(y)) <= 1){
        stop("Subsample with only one unique value of y detected--for method cssLasso, all subsamples of y of size floor(n/2) must have more than one unique value.")
    if(!is.numeric(lambda) & !is.integer(lambda)){
        stop("For method cssLasso, lambda must be a numeric.")
        stop("NA detected in provided lambda input to cssLasso")
    if(length(lambda) != 1){
        stop("For method cssLasso, lambda must be a numeric of length 1.")
    if(lambda < 0){
        stop("For method cssLasso, lambda must be nonnegative.")


#' Helper function to confirm that the outputs of the provided feature selection
#' method are as required. 
#' @param selected An integer vector; the indices of the features selected by
#' the lasso.
#' @param p The total number of observed features; all selected features must be
#' in 1:p.
#' @param feats_on_subsamp Integer; the indices of the features considered by
#' the feature selection method. All selected features must be among these
#' features.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkCssLoopOutput <- function(selected, p, feats_on_subsamp){
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun failed to return anything on (at least) one subsample")
    if(!is.integer(selected) & !is.numeric(selected)){
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun failed to return an integer or numeric vector on (at least) one subsample")
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun returned a vector containing NA values on (at least) one subsample")
    if(!all(selected == round(selected))){
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun failed to return a vector of valid (integer) indices on (at least) one subsample")
    if(length(selected) != length(unique(selected))){
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun returned a vector of selected features containing repeated indices on (at least) one subsample")
    if(length(selected) > p){
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun returned a vector of selected features longer than p on (at least) one subsample")
    if(length(selected) > 0){
        if(max(selected) > p){
            stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun returned a vector of selected features containing an index greater than ncol(X) on (at least) one subsample")
        if(min(selected) <= 0){
            stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun returned a vector of selected features containing a non-positive index on (at least) one subsample")
    if("try-error" %in% class(selected) |
        "error" %in% class(selected) | "simpleError" %in% class(selected) |
        "condition" %in% class(selected)){
        stop("The provided feature selection method fitfun returned an error on (at least) one subsample")
    if(!all(selected %in% feats_on_subsamp)){
        stop("The provided feature selection method somehow selected features that were not provided for it to consider.")


#' Helper function to confirm that the new X matrix provided to getCssDesign or
#' getCssPreds matches the characteristics of the X that was provided to css.
#' @param trainX A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix). Must contain
#' the same features (in the same number of columns) as the X matrix provided to
#' css, and if the columns of trainX are labeled, the names must match the
#' variable names provided to css. trainX may be omitted if train_inds were
#' provided to css to set aside observations.
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{newX}{If trainX was
#' provided, this is the provided trainX matrix, coerced from a data.frame to a
#' matrix if the provided trainX was a data.frame. If trainX was not provided,
#' this is a matrix made up of the training indices provided to css in the
#' train_inds argument.} \item{newXProvided}{Logical; indicates whether a valid
#' trainX input was provided.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkNewXProvided <- function(trainX, css_results){
    newXProvided <- FALSE

    if(all(!is.na(trainX)) & length(trainX) > 1){
        newXProvided <- TRUE
        trainX <- checkXInputResults(trainX, css_results$X)$newx
        n_train <- nrow(trainX)
        stopifnot(n_train > 1)
    } else{
        if(length(css_results$train_inds) == 0){
            stop("css was not provided with indices to set aside for model training (train_inds), so must provide new X in order to generate a design matrix")
        trainX <- css_results$X[css_results$train_inds, ]
    stopifnot(is.numeric(trainX) | is.integer(trainX))
    stopifnot(ncol(trainX) >= 2)

    return(list(newX=trainX, newXProvided=newXProvided))


#' Helper function to check operations within getSelectedClusters function
#' @param n_sel_clusts The number of selected clusters; should be constrained
#' by min_num_clusts and max_num_clusts (though it may not be possible to
#' satisfy both constraints simulteneously, in which case a warning will be
#' thrown).
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.)
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.) If NA, max_num_clusts is ignored.
#' @param max_sel_prop Numeric; the maximum selection proportion observed for 
#' any cluster.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkSelectedClusters <- function(n_sel_clusts, min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts,
    if(n_sel_clusts == 0){
        err <- paste("No clusters selected with this cutoff (try a cutoff below the maximum cluster selection proportion, ",
            max_sel_prop, ")", sep="")

    stopifnot(n_sel_clusts >= 1)

    # It may be impossible to get at least min_num_clusts or at most
    # max_num_clusts; if so, give a warning
    if(n_sel_clusts < min_num_clusts){
        warn <- paste("Returning fewer than min_num_clusts = ", min_num_clusts,
            " clusters because decreasing the cutoff any further would require returning more than max_num_clusts = ",
            max_num_clusts, " clusters", sep="")
        if(n_sel_clusts > max_num_clusts){
            warn <- paste("Returning more than max_num_clusts = ",
                " clusters because increasing the cutoff any further would require returning 0 clusters",


#' Helper function to ensure that the inputs to formatClusters are as expected
#' @param clusters Either an integer vector of a list of integer vectors; each
#' vector should contain the indices of a cluster of features. (If there is only
#' one cluster, clusters can either be a list of length 1 or simply an integer
#' vector.) If clusters is specified then R is ignored.
#' @param p integer or numeric; the numbe of features in x (should match 
#' ncol(x), if x is provided)
#' @param clust_names A character vector of the names of the clusters in clusters.
#' @param get_prototypes Logical: if TRUE, will identify prototype from each
#' cluster (the feature from each cluster that is most correlated with the
#' response) for the protolasso. In this case, x and y must be provided.
#' @param x n x p numeric matrix; design matrix. Only needs to be provided if
#' get_prototypes is TRUE.
#' @param y Numeric response vector; only needs to be provided if get_prototypes
#' is TRUE. Note: in general, the css function does not require y to be a
#' numeric vector, because the provided fitfun could use a different form of y
#' (for example, a categorical response variable). However, y must be numeric in
#' order to provide prototypes because the prototypes are determined using the
#' correlation between cluster members (columns of x) and y.
#' @param R Numeric p x p matrix; not currently used. Entry ij contains the 
#' "substitutive value" of feature i for feature j (diagonal must consist of
#' ones, all entries must be between 0 and 1, and matrix must be symmetric)
#' @return A list of integer vectors; each vector will contain the indices of a
#' cluster of features. Any duplicated clusters provided in the input will be
#' removed.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkFormatClustersInput <- function(clusters, p, clust_names, 
    get_prototypes, x, y, R){

    if(any(is.na(clusters)) & any(is.na(R))){
        stop("Must specify one of clusters or R (or does one of these provided inputs contain NA?)")

    stopifnot(is.integer(p) | is.numeric(p))
    stopifnot(length(p) == 1)
    stopifnot(p == round(p))
    if(p > 0){
        stopifnot(p >= 2)

    use_R <- FALSE
    if(any(is.na(clusters)) | length(clusters) == 0){
            stopifnot(all(dim(R) == p))
            stopifnot(all(diag(R) == 1))
            stopifnot(identical(R, t(R)))
            stopifnot(all(R %in% c(0, 1)))
            use_R <- TRUE
    } else{
        stopifnot(!is.list(clusters) | all(lengths(clusters) >= 1))
        stopifnot(is.list(clusters) | length(clusters) >= 1)

        if(is.list(clusters) & length(clusters) > 0){
            for(i in 1:length(clusters)){
                stopifnot(length(clusters[[i]]) == length(unique(clusters[[i]])))
                stopifnot(all(clusters[[i]] >= 1))

            stopifnot(length(clusters) == length(unique(clusters)))

            clusters <- clusters[!duplicated(clusters)]

            if(length(clusters) >= 2){
                # Check that clusters are non-overlapping
                for(i in 1:(length(clusters) - 1)){
                    for(j in (i+1):length(clusters)){
                            clusters[[j]])) == 0)

                stopifnot(length(clust_names) == length(clusters))
        } else if(!is.list(clusters)){
            clusters_temp <- clusters
            clusters <- list()
            clusters[[1]] <- clusters_temp

    stopifnot(length(get_prototypes) == 1)



        n <- nrow(x)

        checkY(y, n)

        # Determine clusters from R
        clusters <- list()

        for(i in 1:nrow(R)){
            clusters[[i]] <- as.integer(which(R[i, ] > 0))
            stopifnot(length(clusters[[i]]) == length(unique(clusters[[i]])))

        clusters <- unique(clusters)

        if(length(clusters) >= 2){
            # Check that clusters are non-overlapping
            for(i in 1:(length(clusters) - 1)){
                for(j in (i+1):length(clusters)){
                    if(length(intersect(clusters[[i]], clusters[[j]])) != 0){
                        stop("Invalid R matrix with overlapping clusters (clusters must not be overlapping)")




#' Helper function to check inputs to getClusterSelMatrix function
#' @param clusters A named list where each entry is an integer vector of indices
#' of features that are in a common cluster, as in the output of formatClusters.
#' (The length of list clusters is equal to the number of clusters.) All
#' identified clusters must be non-overlapping, and all features must appear in
#' exactly one cluster (any unclustered features should be in their own
#' "cluster" of size 1).
#' @param res A binary integer matrix. res[i, j] = 1 if feature j was selected
#' on subsample i and equals 0 otherwise, as in the output of getSelMatrix.
#' (That is, each row is a selected set.)
#' @return The parameter B, corresponding to half of the subsamples for 
#' sampling_type "SS".
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkGetClusterSelMatrixInput <- function(clusters, res){
    stopifnot(all(res %in% c(0, 1)))
    p <- ncol(res)
    stopifnot(nrow(res) > 0)
    checkClusters(clusters, p)


#' Helper function to check that the inputs to formCssDesign are as expected
#' @param css_results An object of class "cssr" (the output of the function
#' css).
#' @param weighting Character; determines how to calculate the weights to
#' combine features from the selected clusters into weighted averages, called
#' cluster representatives. Must be one of "sparse", "weighted_avg", or
#' "simple_avg'.
#' @param cutoff Numeric; css will return only those clusters with selection
#' proportions equal to at least cutoff. Must be between 0 and 1.
#' @param min_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the minimum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns fewer than
#' min_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be increased until at least
#' min_num_clusts clusters are selected.)
#' @param max_num_clusts Integer or numeric; the maximum number of clusters to
#' use regardless of cutoff. (That is, if the chosen cutoff returns more than
#' max_num_clusts clusters, the cutoff will be decreased until at most
#' max_num_clusts clusters are selected.)
#' @param newx A numeric matrix (preferably) or a data.frame (which will
#' be coerced internally to a matrix by the function model.matrix) containing
#' the data that will be used to generate the design matrix of cluster
#' representatives. Must contain the same features (in the same
#' number of columns) as the X matrix provided to css, and if the columns of
#' newx are labeled, the names must match the variable names provided to css.
#' newx may be omitted if train_inds were provided to css to set aside
#' observations for model estimation. If this is the case, then when newx is
#' omitted formCssDesign will return a design matrix of cluster representatives
#' formed from the train_inds observations from the matrix X provided to css.
#' (If no train_inds were provided to css, newX must be provided to
#' formCssDesign.)
#' @return A named list with the following elements: \item{newx}{If newx was
#' provided, the provided newx matrix, coerced from a data.frame to a matrix if
#' needed. If newx was not provided, a matrix formed by the train_inds set
#' aside in the original function call to css.} \item{max_num_clusts}{The
#' provided max_num_clusts, coerced to an integer if needed, and coerced to be
#' less than or equal to the total number of clusters.}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkFormCssDesignInputs <- function(css_results, weighting, cutoff,
    min_num_clusts, max_num_clusts, newx){    
    stopifnot(class(css_results) == "cssr")

    if(length(newx) == 1){
            if(length(css_results$train_inds) == 0){
                stop("If css was not provided with indices to set aside for model training, then newx must be provided to formCssDesign")
            newx <- css_results$X[css_results$train_inds, ]
            # feat_names <- colnames(newx)
        } else{
            results <- checkXInputResults(newx, css_results$X)

            newx <- results$newx
            # feat_names <- results$feat_names

    } else{
        results <- checkXInputResults(newx, css_results$X)

        newx <- results$newx
        # feat_names <- results$feat_names


    p <- ncol(newx)

    checkMinNumClusts(min_num_clusts, p, length(css_results$clusters))
    max_num_clusts <- checkMaxNumClusts(max_num_clusts, min_num_clusts, p,

    return(list(newx=newx, max_num_clusts=max_num_clusts))

#' Helper function to check that output of getSelectedClusters is as expected
#' @param selected_clusts A named numeric vector containing the selection
#' proportions for the selected clusters. The name of each entry is the name of
#' the corresponding cluster.
#' @param selected_feats A named integer vector; the indices of the features
#' with nonzero weights from all of the selected clusters.
#' @param weights A named list of the same length as the number of selected
#' clusters. Each list element weights[[j]] is a numeric vector of the weights
#' to use for the jth selected cluster, and it has the same name as the cluster
#' it corresponds to.
#' @param n_clusters Integer; the number of clusters in the data (upper bound
#' for the length of selected_clusts)
#' @param p Integer; number of features in the data (all selected_feats should
#' be in 1:p)
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkGetSelectedClustersOutput <- function(selected_clusts, selected_feats,
    weights, n_clusters, p){
    stopifnot(all(selected_clusts >= 0))
    stopifnot(all(selected_clusts <= 1))
    stopifnot(length(selected_clusts) >= 1)
    stopifnot(length(selected_clusts) <= n_clusters)
    stopifnot(length(names(selected_clusts)) ==
    stopifnot(all(!is.na(names(selected_clusts)) &
        names(selected_clusts) != ""))
    stopifnot(length(names(selected_clusts)) == length(selected_clusts))
    stopifnot(length(selected_feats) == length(unique(selected_feats)))
    stopifnot(all(selected_feats %in% 1:p))
    stopifnot(length(selected_clusts) <= length(selected_feats))
    stopifnot(identical(names(weights), names(selected_clusts)))
    stopifnot(length(weights) == length(selected_clusts))


#' Helper function to confirm that clusters input to css is as expected
#' @param clusters A list of integer vectors; each vector should contain the 
#' indices of a cluster of features (a subset of 1:p). (If there is only one
#' cluster, clusters can either be a list of length 1 or an integer vector.)
#' All of the provided clusters must be non-overlapping. Every feature not
#' appearing in any cluster will be assumed to be unclustered (that is, they
#' will be treated as if they are in a "cluster" containing only themselves). If
#' clusters is a list of length 0 (or a list only containing clusters of length
#' 1), then css() returns the same results as stability selection (so the
#' returned feat_sel_mat will be identical to clus_sel_mat). Names for the
#' clusters will be needed later; any clusters that are not given names in the
#' provided list will be given names automatically by css. Default is list() (so
#' no clusters are specified).
#' @return Same as the input, but all of the clusters will be coerced to
#' integers.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkCssClustersInput <- function(clusters){
        stopifnot(length(clusters) == length(unique(clusters)))

        if(length(clusters) > 0){
            for(i in 1:length(clusters)){
                stopifnot(length(clusters[[i]]) == length(unique(clusters[[i]])))
                stopifnot(is.integer(clusters[[i]]) | is.numeric(clusters[[i]]))
                stopifnot(all(clusters[[i]] == round(clusters[[i]])))
                stopifnot(all(clusters[[i]] >= 1))
                clusters[[i]] <- as.integer(clusters[[i]])

            if(length(clusters) >= 2){
                # Check that clusters are non-overlapping
                for(i in 1:(length(clusters) - 1)){
                    for(j in (i+1):length(clusters)){
                        if(length(intersect(clusters[[i]], clusters[[j]])) != 0){
                            error_mes <- paste("Overlapping clusters detected; clusters must be non-overlapping. Overlapping clusters: ",
                                i, ", ", j, ".", sep="")
    } else{
        # If clusters is not a list, it should be a vector of indices of
        # features that are in the (one) cluster
        stopifnot(is.numeric(clusters) | is.integer(clusters))
        stopifnot(length(clusters) == length(unique(clusters)))
        stopifnot(is.integer(clusters) | is.numeric(clusters))
        stopifnot(all(clusters == round(clusters)))
        stopifnot(all(clusters >= 1))
        clusters <- as.integer(clusters)

#' Generate randomly sampled data including noisy observations of latent
#' variables, where proxies differ in their relevance (noise level)
#' Generate a data set including latent features Z, observed features X (which
#' may include noisy or noiseless observations of the latent features in Z),
#' an observed response y which is a linear model of features from Z and X as
#' well as independent mean zero noise, and mu (the responses from y without
#' the added noise). Data is generated in the same way as in the simulations
#' from Section 5.3 of Faletto and Bien (2022).
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable.
#' @param n_strong_cluster_vars Integer or numeric; among the cluster_size
#' proxies in each cluster, the first n_strong_cluster_vars will have a high
#' covariance (rho_high) with the latent variable and the next cluster_size -
#' n_strong_cluster_vars will have a low covariance (rho_low) with the latent
#' variable.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param rho_high Integer or numeric; the covariance of the "strong proxies" in
#' each cluster with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the
#' correlation between the "strong proxy" features in the cluster will be
#' rho_high/var. rho_high cannot equal 0 and must be at least as large as
#' rho_low. Default is 0.9.
#' @param rho_low Integer or numeric; the covariance of the "weak proxies" in
#' each cluster with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the
#' correlation between the "weak proxy" features in the cluster will be
#' rho_low/var. rho_low cannot equal 0 and must be no larger than rho_high.
#' Default is 0.5.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{X}{An n x p numeric matrix of
#' n observations from a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
#' generated using the specified parameters. The first n_clusters times
#' cluster_size features will be the clusters of features correlated with the
#' n_clusters latent variables. The next k_unclustered features will be the
#' "weak signal" features, and the remaining p - n_clusters*cluster_size -
#' k_unclustered features will be the unclustered noise features.} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' \item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references
#' @export
genClusteredDataWeighted <- function(n, p, k_unclustered, cluster_size,
    n_strong_cluster_vars, n_clusters=1, sig_clusters=1, rho_high=0.9,
    rho_low=0.5, beta_latent=1.5, beta_unclustered=1, snr=as.numeric(NA),

    # Check inputs
    checkGenClusteredDataWeightedInputs(p, k_unclustered, cluster_size,
        n_strong_cluster_vars, n_clusters,  sig_clusters, rho_high, rho_low,
        beta_latent, beta_unclustered, snr, sigma_eps_sq)

    ret <- genZmuY(n=n, p=p, k_unclustered=k_unclustered,
        cluster_size=cluster_size, n_clusters=n_clusters,
        sig_clusters=sig_clusters, beta_latent=beta_latent,
        beta_unclustered=beta_unclustered, snr=snr, sigma_eps_sq=sigma_eps_sq)

    Z <- ret$Z
    y <- ret$y
    mu <- ret$mu
    other_X <- ret$other_X

    # Finally, generate clusters of proxies to complete X.
    noise_var_high <- getNoiseVar(rho_high)
    noise_var_low <- getNoiseVar(rho_low)

    # Create matrix of proxies
    Z <- as.matrix(Z)
    proxy_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, n_clusters*cluster_size)
    for(i in 1:n_clusters){
        for(j in 1:n_strong_cluster_vars){
            proxy_mat[, (i - 1)*cluster_size + j] <- Z[, i] + rnorm(n,
                mean=0, sd=sqrt(noise_var_high))
        for(j in (n_strong_cluster_vars + 1):cluster_size){
            proxy_mat[, (i - 1)*cluster_size + j] <- Z[, i] + rnorm(n,
                mean=0, sd=sqrt(noise_var_low))

    X <- cbind(proxy_mat, other_X)
    # Check output
    stopifnot(length(mu) == n)

    stopifnot(nrow(X) == n)
    stopifnot(ncol(X) == p)

        stopifnot(nrow(Z) == n)
        stopifnot(ncol(Z) == n_clusters)

    return(list(X=X, y=y, Z=Z, mu=mu))

#' Generate randomly sampled data including noisy observations of latent
#' variables, where proxies differ in their relevance (noise level)
#' Generate a data set including latent features Z, observed features X (which
#' may include noisy or noiseless observations of the latent features in Z),
#' an observed response y which is a linear model of features from Z and X as
#' well as independent mean zero noise, and mu (the responses from y without
#' the added noise).
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param rho_high Integer or numeric; the maximum correlation of the proxies
#' each cluster with each other. Default is 1.
#' @param rho_low Integer or numeric; the minimum correlation of the proxies in
#' each cluster with each other. rho_low cannot equal 0 and must be no larger
#' than rho_high. Default is 0.5.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{X}{An n x p numeric matrix of
#' n observations from a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
#' generated using the specified parameters. The first n_clusters times
#' cluster_size features will be the clusters of features correlated with the
#' n_clusters latent variables. The next k_unclustered features will be the
#' "weak signal" features, and the remaining p - n_clusters*cluster_size -
#' k_unclustered features will be the unclustered noise features.} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' \item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references
#' @export
genClusteredDataWeightedRandom <- function(n, p, k_unclustered, cluster_size,
    n_clusters=1, sig_clusters=1, rho_high=1, rho_low=0.5, beta_latent=1.5,
    beta_unclustered=1, snr=as.numeric(NA), sigma_eps_sq=as.numeric(NA)){

    # Check inputs
    checkGenClusteredDataWeightedRandomInputs(p, k_unclustered, cluster_size,
        n_clusters, sig_clusters, rho_high, rho_low,
        beta_latent, beta_unclustered, snr, sigma_eps_sq)

    ret <- genZmuY(n=n, p=p, k_unclustered=k_unclustered,
        cluster_size=cluster_size, n_clusters=n_clusters,
        sig_clusters=sig_clusters, beta_latent=beta_latent,
        beta_unclustered=beta_unclustered, snr=snr, sigma_eps_sq=sigma_eps_sq)

    Z <- ret$Z
    y <- ret$y
    mu <- ret$mu
    other_X <- ret$other_X

    # Finally, generate clusters of proxies to complete X.
    # Create matrix of proxies
    Z <- as.matrix(Z)
    proxy_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, n_clusters*cluster_size)
    for(i in 1:n_clusters){
        for(j in 1:cluster_size){
            # Choose correlation at random
            rho_ij <- runif(n=1, min=rho_low, max=rho_high)
            # Get noise variance
            noise_var_ij <- getNoiseVar(rho_ij)
            proxy_mat[, (i - 1)*cluster_size + j] <- Z[, i] + rnorm(n,
                mean=0, sd=sqrt(noise_var_ij))

    X <- cbind(proxy_mat, other_X)
    # Check output
    stopifnot(length(mu) == n)

    stopifnot(nrow(X) == n)
    stopifnot(ncol(X) == p)

        stopifnot(nrow(Z) == n)
        stopifnot(ncol(Z) == n_clusters)

    return(list(X=X, y=y, Z=Z, mu=mu))

#' Generates Z, weak signal features in X, noise features in X, mu, and y
#' from provided parameters
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered. Must be at least 1.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable. Must be at least 2.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} 
#' \item{other_X}{A numeric matrix of n observations from a multivariate normal
#' distribution generated using the specified parameters, containing the weak
#' signal features and the noise features that will eventually be in X. (The
#' only missing features are the proxies for the latent features Z.)
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
#' @references
genZmuY <- function(n, p, k_unclustered, cluster_size, n_clusters, sig_clusters,
    beta_latent, beta_unclustered, snr, sigma_eps_sq){
    # Generate Z, weak signal features, and noise features (total of
    # p - n_clusters*(cluster_size - 1)) features)
    p_orig_feat_mat <- p - n_clusters*(cluster_size - 1)
    stopifnot(p_orig_feat_mat >= k_unclustered + n_clusters)
    orig_feat_mat <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n*p_orig_feat_mat), n, p_orig_feat_mat)
    # First n_clusters features are Z. Next k_unclustered features are weak
    # signal features. Any remaining features are noise features.
    Z <- orig_feat_mat[, 1:n_clusters]

    other_X <- orig_feat_mat[, (n_clusters + 1):p_orig_feat_mat]

    # Ready to create mu and y
    if(n_clusters > 1){
        if(sig_clusters > 1){
            mu <- Z[, 1:sig_clusters] %*% rep(beta_latent, sig_clusters)
        } else{
            mu <- Z[, 1:sig_clusters] * beta_latent
    } else{
        mu <- Z*beta_latent
    for(j in 1:k_unclustered){
        mu <- mu + beta_unclustered/sqrt(j)*other_X[, j]
    mu <- as.numeric(mu)

    # If SNR is null, use sigma_eps_sq
        sd <- sqrt(sigma_eps_sq)
        sd <- sqrt(sum(mu^2) / (n * snr)) # taking snr = ||mu||^2 /(n * sigma^2)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(sd) | is.integer(sd))
    stopifnot(length(sd) == 1)
    stopifnot(sd >= 0)

    y <- as.numeric(mu + rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sd))

    return(list(Z=Z, mu=mu, y=y, other_X=other_X))

#' Check inputs to genClusteredDataWeighted
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable.
#' @param n_strong_cluster_vars Integer or numeric; among the cluster_size
#' proxies in each cluster, n_strong_cluster_vars will have a high covariance
#' (rho_high) with the latent variable and cluster_size - n_strong_cluster_vars
#' will have a low covariance (rho_low) with the latent variable.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param rho_high Integer or numeric; the covariance of the "strong proxies" in
#' each cluster with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the
#' correlation between the "strong proxy" features in the cluster will be
#' rho_high/var. rho_high cannot equal 0 and must be at least as large as
#' rho_low. Default is 0.9.
#' @param rho_low Integer or numeric; the covariance of the "weak proxies" in
#' each cluster with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the
#' correlation between the "weak proxy" features in the cluster will be
#' rho_low/var. rho_low cannot equal 0 and must be no larger than rho_high.
#' Default is 0.5.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{X}{An n x p numeric matrix of
#' n observations from a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
#' generated using the specified parameters. The first n_clusters times
#' cluster_size features will be the clusters of features correlated with the
#' n_clusters latent variables. The next k_unclustered features will be the
#' "weak signal" features, and the remaining p - n_clusters*cluster_size -
#' k_unclustered features will be the unclustered noise features.} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' \item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkGenClusteredDataWeightedInputs <- function(p, k_unclustered, cluster_size,
        n_strong_cluster_vars, n_clusters, sig_clusters, rho_high, rho_low,
        beta_latent, beta_unclustered, snr, sigma_eps_sq){

    stopifnot(is.numeric(sig_clusters) | is.integer(sig_clusters))
    stopifnot(sig_clusters <= n_clusters)
    stopifnot(sig_clusters >= 0)
    stopifnot(sig_clusters == round(sig_clusters))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(n_clusters) | is.integer(n_clusters))
    stopifnot(n_clusters == round(n_clusters))
    # TODO(gregfaletto): is it easy to remove the requirement that n_clusters is
    # at least 1 (so that it's possible to generate data with no latent 
    # features)? If so, should only check that cluster_size >= 1 if n_clusters
    # >= 1, and in makeCovarianceMatrix function only need block_size >= 1
    # rather than 2.
    stopifnot(n_clusters >= 1)

    stopifnot(cluster_size >= 2)

    stopifnot(is.integer(n_strong_cluster_vars) |
    stopifnot(length(n_strong_cluster_vars) == 1)
    stopifnot(n_strong_cluster_vars == round(n_strong_cluster_vars))
    stopifnot(n_strong_cluster_vars >= 1)
    stopifnot(n_strong_cluster_vars < cluster_size)

    stopifnot(rho_high <= 1)
    stopifnot(rho_high > 0)
    stopifnot(rho_low > 0)
    stopifnot(rho_high >= rho_low)

    stopifnot(beta_latent != 0)
    stopifnot(beta_unclustered != 0)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(k_unclustered) | is.integer(k_unclustered))
    stopifnot(k_unclustered >= 2)
    stopifnot(k_unclustered == round(k_unclustered))
    stopifnot(p >= n_clusters*cluster_size + k_unclustered)

    # Same as make_sparse_blocked_linear_model_random, but ith coefficient
    # of weak signal features is beta_unclustered/sqrt(i) in order to have
    # a definitive ranking of weak signal features.
    if(is.na(snr) & is.na(sigma_eps_sq)){
        stop("Must specify one of snr or sigma_eps_sq")
        stopifnot(snr > 0)
        stopifnot(sigma_eps_sq > 0)

#' Check inputs to genClusteredDataWeightedRandom
#' @param n Integer or numeric; the number of observations to generate. (The
#' generated X and Z will have n rows, and the generated y and mu will have
#' length n.)
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the number of features to generate. The
#' generated X will have p columns.
#' @param k_unclustered Integer or numeric; the number of features in X that
#' will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y among those features 
#' not generated from the n_clusters latent variables (called "weak signal" 
#' features in the simulations from Faletto and Bien 2022). The coefficients on
#' these features will be determined by beta_unclustered.
#' @param cluster_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_clusters latent
#' variables, X will contain cluster_size noisy proxies that are correlated with
#' the latent variable.
#' @param n_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables to
#' generate, each of which will be associated with an observed cluster in X.
#' Must be at least 1. Default is 1.
#' @param sig_clusters Integer or numeric; the number of generated latent
#' features that will have nonzero coefficients in the true model for y (all of
#' them will have coefficient beta_latent). Must be less than or equal to
#' n_clusters. Default is 1.
#' @param rho_high Integer or numeric; the maximum correlation of the proxies
#' each cluster with each other. Default is 1.
#' @param rho_low Integer or numeric; the minimum correlation of the proxies in
#' each cluster with each other. rho_low cannot equal 0 and must be no larger
#' than rho_high. Default is 0.5.
#' @param beta_latent Integer or numeric; the coefficient used for all
#' sig_clusters latent variables that have nonzero coefficients in the true
#' model for y. Can't equal 0. Default is 1.5.
#' @param beta_unclustered Integer or numeric; the maximum coefficient in the
#' model for y among the k_unclustered features in X not generated from the
#' latent variables. The coefficients of the features will be
#' beta_unclustered/sqrt(1:k_unclustered). Can't equal 0. Default is 1.
#' @param snr Integer or numeric; the signal-to-noise ratio of the response
#' y. If sigma_eps_sq is not specified, the variance of the noise in y will be
#' calculated using the formula sigma_eps_sq = sum(mu^2)/(n * snr). Only one of
#' snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @param sigma_eps_sq Integer or numeric; the variance on the noise added
#' to y. Only one of snr and sigma_eps_sq must be specified. Default is NA.
#' @return A list of the following elements. \item{X}{An n x p numeric matrix of
#' n observations from a p-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
#' generated using the specified parameters. The first n_clusters times
#' cluster_size features will be the clusters of features correlated with the
#' n_clusters latent variables. The next k_unclustered features will be the
#' "weak signal" features, and the remaining p - n_clusters*cluster_size -
#' k_unclustered features will be the unclustered noise features.} \item{y}{A
#' length n numeric vector; the response generated from X, the latent features
#' from Z, and the coefficient vector, along with additive noise.} \item{Z}{The
#' latent features; either a numeric vector (if n_clusters > 1) or a numeric
#' matrix (if n_clusters > 1). Note that (X, Z) is multivariate Gaussian.}
#' \item{mu}{A length `n` numeric vector; the expected response given X, Z, and
#' the true coefficient vector (equal to y minus the added noise).}
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
checkGenClusteredDataWeightedRandomInputs <- function(p, k_unclustered,
    cluster_size, n_clusters, sig_clusters, rho_high, rho_low, beta_latent,
    beta_unclustered, snr, sigma_eps_sq){

    stopifnot(is.numeric(sig_clusters) | is.integer(sig_clusters))
    stopifnot(sig_clusters <= n_clusters)
    stopifnot(sig_clusters >= 0)
    stopifnot(sig_clusters == round(sig_clusters))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(n_clusters) | is.integer(n_clusters))
    stopifnot(n_clusters == round(n_clusters))
    # TODO(gregfaletto): is it easy to remove the requirement that n_clusters is
    # at least 1 (so that it's possible to generate data with no latent 
    # features)? If so, should only check that cluster_size >= 1 if n_clusters
    # >= 1, and in makeCovarianceMatrix function only need block_size >= 1
    # rather than 2.
    stopifnot(n_clusters >= 1)

    stopifnot(cluster_size >= 2)

    stopifnot(rho_high <= 1)
    stopifnot(rho_high > 0)
    stopifnot(rho_low > 0)
    stopifnot(rho_high >= rho_low)

    stopifnot(beta_latent != 0)
    stopifnot(beta_unclustered != 0)

    stopifnot(is.numeric(k_unclustered) | is.integer(k_unclustered))
    stopifnot(k_unclustered >= 2)
    stopifnot(k_unclustered == round(k_unclustered))
    stopifnot(p >= n_clusters*cluster_size + k_unclustered)

    # Same as make_sparse_blocked_linear_model_random, but ith coefficient
    # of weak signal features is beta_unclustered/sqrt(i) in order to have
    # a definitive ranking of weak signal features.
    if(is.na(snr) & is.na(sigma_eps_sq)){
        stop("Must specify one of snr or sigma_eps_sq")
        stopifnot(snr > 0)
        stopifnot(sigma_eps_sq > 0)

#' Generate covariance matrix for simulated clustered data
#' @param p Integer or numeric; the total number of features in the covariance
#' matrix to be created, including latent features, the associated noisy proxies
#' with each latent feature, and other (weak signal and noise) features.
#' @param n_blocks Integer or numeric; the number of latent variables in the
#' data, each of which is associated with an observed cluster in X. Must be at
#' least 1.
#' @param block_size Integer or numeric; for each of the n_blocks latent
#' variables, the covariance matrix will include the original latent feature
#' plus block_size - 1 noisy proxies that are correlated with the latent
#' variable.
#' @param n_strong_block_vars Integer or numeric; the number of proxies that
#' will have a high covariance (rho_high) with the corresponding latent 
#' features. (The remaining block_size - n_strong_block_vars cluster members
#' will have covariance rho_low with the latent feature.)
#' @param rho_high Integer or numeric; the covariance of the "strong proxies" in
#' each cluster with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the
#' correlation between the "strong proxy" features in the cluster will be
#' rho_high/var. rho_high cannot equal 0 and must be at least as large as
#' rho_low.
#' @param rho_low Integer or numeric; the covariance of the "weak proxies" in
#' each cluster with the latent variable (and each other). Note that the
#' correlation between the "weak proxy" features in the cluster will be
#' rho_low/var. rho_low cannot equal 0 and must be no larger than rho_high.
#' @param var Integer or numeric; the variance of all of the observed features
#' in X (both the proxies for the latent variables and the k_unclustered other
#' features). var cannot equal 0.
#' @return A `p` x `p` numeric matrix representing the covariance matrix for
#' the latent features, the associated proxies, and the remaining features. All
#' features not in a block will be independent from each other and the blocks
#' and have variance var.
#' @author Gregory Faletto, Jacob Bien
makeCovarianceMatrixWeighted <- function(p, nblocks, block_size,
    n_strong_block_vars, rho_high, rho_low, var) {
    # Check inputs

    stopifnot(nblocks >= 1)
    stopifnot(rho_high != 0)
    stopifnot(rho_low != 0)
    stopifnot(abs(rho_high) >= abs(rho_low))
    stopifnot(var != 0)
    stopifnot(abs(rho_high) <= abs(var))
    stopifnot(block_size >= 2)
    stopifnot(p >= nblocks*block_size)
    stopifnot(n_strong_block_vars <= block_size)

    # start with p x p identity matrix
    Sigma <- var*diag(p)

    # create matrix with nblocks rows, each containing a vector of
    # indices of highly correlated features
    block_feats <- matrix(seq(nblocks*block_size), nrow=nblocks, byrow=TRUE)

    stopifnot(length(unique(block_feats)) == length(block_feats))

    # add covariances of highly correlated features to sigma
    for(i in 1:nblocks){
        for(j in 1:(block_size - 1)){
            for(k in (j+1):block_size){
                feat_1 <- block_feats[i, j]
                feat_2 <- block_feats[i, k]
                Sigma[feat_1, feat_2] <- rho_low
                Sigma[feat_2, feat_1] <- rho_low

        for(j in 1:(n_strong_block_vars - 1)){
            for(k in (j+1):n_strong_block_vars){
                feat_1 <- block_feats[i, j]
                feat_2 <- block_feats[i, k]
                Sigma[feat_1, feat_2] <- rho_high
                Sigma[feat_2, feat_1] <- rho_high

    stopifnot(nrow(Sigma) == p & ncol(Sigma) == p)
    stopifnot(all(Sigma == t(Sigma)))

gregfaletto/cssr documentation built on March 3, 2023, 1 p.m.