uniform_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
min = NA,
max = NA,
initialize = function(min, max, dim) {
check_x_gte_y(min, max)
# store min and max as numeric scalars (needed in create_target, done in
# initialisation)
self$min <- min
self$max <- max
self$bounds <- c(min, max)
# initialize the rest
super$initialize("uniform", dim)
# add them as parents and greta arrays
min <- as.greta_array(min)
max <- as.greta_array(max)
self$add_parameter(min, "min")
self$add_parameter(max, "max")
# default value (ignore any truncation arguments)
create_target = function(...) {
truncation = c(self$min, self$max),
dim = self$dim
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
low = parameters$min,
high = parameters$max
normal_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(mean, sd, dim, truncation) {
mean <- as.greta_array(mean)
sd <- as.greta_array(sd)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(mean, sd, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("normal", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(mean, "mean")
self$add_parameter(sd, "sd")
# why is "dag" an argument here?
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
loc = parameters$mean,
scale = parameters$sd
lognormal_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(meanlog, sdlog, dim, truncation) {
meanlog <- as.greta_array(meanlog)
sdlog <- as.greta_array(sdlog)
dim <- check_dims(meanlog, sdlog, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("lognormal", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(meanlog, "meanlog")
self$add_parameter(sdlog, "sdlog")
# nolint start
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
loc = parameters$meanlog,
scale = parameters$sdlog
# nolint end
bernoulli_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
prob_is_logit = FALSE,
prob_is_probit = FALSE,
initialize = function(prob, dim) {
prob <- as.greta_array(prob)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(prob, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("bernoulli", dim, discrete = TRUE)
if (has_representation(prob, "logit")) {
prob <- representation(prob, "logit")
self$prob_is_logit <- TRUE
} else if (has_representation(prob, "probit")) {
prob <- representation(prob, "probit")
self$prob_is_probit <- TRUE
self$add_parameter(prob, "prob")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
if (self$prob_is_logit) {
tfp$distributions$Bernoulli(logits = parameters$prob)
} else if (self$prob_is_probit) {
# in the probit case, get the log probability of success and compute the
# log prob directly
probit <- parameters$prob
d <- tfp$distributions$Normal(fl(0), fl(1))
lprob <- d$log_cdf(probit)
lprobnot <- d$log_cdf(-probit)
log_prob <- function(x) {
x * lprob + (fl(1) - x) * lprobnot
list(log_prob = log_prob)
} else {
tfp$distributions$Bernoulli(probs = parameters$prob)
binomial_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
prob_is_logit = FALSE,
prob_is_probit = FALSE,
initialize = function(size, prob, dim) {
size <- as.greta_array(size)
prob <- as.greta_array(prob)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(size, prob, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("binomial", dim, discrete = TRUE)
if (has_representation(prob, "logit")) {
prob <- representation(prob, "logit")
self$prob_is_logit <- TRUE
} else if (has_representation(prob, "probit")) {
prob <- representation(prob, "probit")
self$prob_is_probit <- TRUE
self$add_parameter(prob, "prob")
self$add_parameter(size, "size")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
if (self$prob_is_logit) {
total_count = parameters$size,
logits = parameters$prob
} else if (self$prob_is_probit) {
# in the probit case, get the log probability of success and compute the
# log prob directly
size <- parameters$size
probit <- parameters$prob
d <- tfp$distributions$Normal(fl(0), fl(1))
lprob <- d$log_cdf(probit)
lprobnot <- d$log_cdf(-probit)
log_prob <- function(x) {
log_choose <- tf$math$lgamma(size + fl(1)) -
tf$math$lgamma(x + fl(1)) -
tf$math$lgamma(size - x + fl(1))
log_choose + x * lprob + (size - x) * lprobnot
list(log_prob = log_prob)
} else {
total_count = parameters$size,
probs = parameters$prob
beta_binomial_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(size, alpha, beta, dim) {
size <- as.greta_array(size)
alpha <- as.greta_array(alpha)
beta <- as.greta_array(beta)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(size, alpha, beta, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("beta_binomial", dim, discrete = TRUE)
self$add_parameter(size, "size")
self$add_parameter(alpha, "alpha")
self$add_parameter(beta, "beta")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
size <- parameters$size
alpha <- parameters$alpha
beta <- parameters$beta
log_prob <- function(x) {
tf_lchoose(size, x) +
tf_lbeta(x + alpha, size - x + beta) -
tf_lbeta(alpha, beta)
# generate a beta, then a binomial
sample <- function(seed) {
beta <- tfp$distributions$Beta(
concentration1 = alpha,
concentration0 = beta
probs <- beta$sample(seed = seed)
binomial <- tfp$distributions$Binomial(
total_count = size,
probs = probs
binomial$sample(seed = seed)
list(log_prob = log_prob, sample = sample)
poisson_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
lambda_is_log = FALSE,
initialize = function(lambda, dim) {
lambda <- as.greta_array(lambda)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(lambda, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("poisson", dim, discrete = TRUE)
if (has_representation(lambda, "log")) {
lambda <- representation(lambda, "log")
self$lambda_is_log <- TRUE
self$add_parameter(lambda, "lambda")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
if (self$lambda_is_log) {
log_lambda <- parameters$lambda
} else {
log_lambda <- tf$math$log(parameters$lambda)
tfp$distributions$Poisson(log_rate = log_lambda)
negative_binomial_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(size, prob, dim) {
size <- as.greta_array(size)
prob <- as.greta_array(prob)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(size, prob, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("negative_binomial", dim, discrete = TRUE)
self$add_parameter(size, "size")
self$add_parameter(prob, "prob")
# nolint start
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
total_count = parameters$size,
probs = fl(1) - parameters$prob
# nolint end
hypergeometric_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(m, n, k, dim) {
m <- as.greta_array(m)
n <- as.greta_array(n)
k <- as.greta_array(k)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(m, n, k, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("hypergeometric", dim, discrete = TRUE)
self$add_parameter(m, "m")
self$add_parameter(n, "n")
self$add_parameter(k, "k")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
m <- parameters$m
n <- parameters$n
k <- parameters$k
log_prob <- function(x) {
tf_lchoose(m, x) +
tf_lchoose(n, k - x) -
tf_lchoose(m + n, k)
list(log_prob = log_prob)
gamma_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(shape, rate, dim, truncation) {
shape <- as.greta_array(shape)
rate <- as.greta_array(rate)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(shape, rate, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("gamma", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(shape, "shape")
self$add_parameter(rate, "rate")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
concentration = parameters$shape,
rate = parameters$rate
inverse_gamma_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(alpha, beta, dim, truncation) {
alpha <- as.greta_array(alpha)
beta <- as.greta_array(beta)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(alpha, beta, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("inverse_gamma", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(alpha, "alpha")
self$add_parameter(beta, "beta")
# nolint start
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
concentration = parameters$alpha,
scale = parameters$beta
# nolint end
weibull_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(shape, scale, dim, truncation) {
shape <- as.greta_array(shape)
scale <- as.greta_array(scale)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(shape, scale, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("weibull", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(shape, "shape")
self$add_parameter(scale, "scale")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
a <- parameters$shape
b <- parameters$scale
# use the TFP Weibull CDF bijector
bijector <- tfp$bijectors$WeibullCDF(scale = b, concentration = a)
log_prob <- function(x) {
log(a) - log(b) + (a - fl(1)) * (log(x) - log(b)) - (x / b)^a
cdf <- function(x) {
log_cdf <- function(x) {
quantile <- function(x) {
sample <- function(seed) {
# sample by pushing standard uniforms through the inverse cdf
u <- tf_randu(self$dim, dag)
log_prob = log_prob,
cdf = cdf,
log_cdf = log_cdf,
quantile = quantile,
sample = sample
exponential_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(rate, dim, truncation) {
rate <- as.greta_array(rate)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(rate, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("exponential", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(rate, "rate")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
tfp$distributions$Exponential(rate = parameters$rate)
pareto_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(a, b, dim, truncation) {
a <- as.greta_array(a)
b <- as.greta_array(b)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(a, b, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("pareto", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(a, "a")
self$add_parameter(b, "b")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
# a is shape, b is scale
concentration = parameters$a,
scale = parameters$b
student_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(df, mu, sigma, dim, truncation) {
df <- as.greta_array(df)
mu <- as.greta_array(mu)
sigma <- as.greta_array(sigma)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(df, mu, sigma, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("student", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(df, "df")
self$add_parameter(mu, "mu")
self$add_parameter(sigma, "sigma")
# nolint start
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
df = parameters$df,
loc = parameters$mu,
scale = parameters$sigma
# nolint end
laplace_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(mu, sigma, dim, truncation) {
mu <- as.greta_array(mu)
sigma <- as.greta_array(sigma)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(mu, sigma, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("laplace", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(mu, "mu")
self$add_parameter(sigma, "sigma")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
loc = parameters$mu,
scale = parameters$sigma
beta_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(shape1, shape2, dim, truncation) {
shape1 <- as.greta_array(shape1)
shape2 <- as.greta_array(shape2)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(shape1, shape2, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, 1)
super$initialize("beta", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(shape1, "shape1")
self$add_parameter(shape2, "shape2")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
concentration1 = parameters$shape1,
concentration0 = parameters$shape2
cauchy_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(location, scale, dim, truncation) {
location <- as.greta_array(location)
scale <- as.greta_array(scale)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(location, scale, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("cauchy", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(location, "location")
self$add_parameter(scale, "scale")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
loc = parameters$location,
scale = parameters$scale
chi_squared_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(df, dim, truncation) {
df <- as.greta_array(df)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(df, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("chi_squared", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(df, "df")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
tfp$distributions$Chi2(df = parameters$df)
logistic_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(location, scale, dim, truncation) {
location <- as.greta_array(location)
scale <- as.greta_array(scale)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(location, scale, target_dim = dim)
super$initialize("logistic", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(location, "location")
self$add_parameter(scale, "scale")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
loc = parameters$location,
scale = parameters$scale
f_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(df1, df2, dim, truncation) {
df1 <- as.greta_array(df1)
df2 <- as.greta_array(df2)
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
dim <- check_dims(df1, df2, target_dim = dim)
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("f", dim, truncation)
self$add_parameter(df1, "df1")
self$add_parameter(df2, "df2")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
df1 <- parameters$df1
df2 <- parameters$df2
tf_lbeta <- function(a, b) {
tf$math$lgamma(a) + tf$math$lgamma(b) - tf$math$lgamma(a + b)
log_prob <- function(x) {
df1_x <- df1 * x
la <- df1 * log(df1_x) + df2 * log(df2)
lb <- (df1 + df2) * log(df1_x + df2)
lnumerator <- fl(0.5) * (la - lb)
lnumerator - log(x) - tf_lbeta(df1 / fl(2), df2 / fl(2))
cdf <- function(x) {
df1_x <- df1 * x
ratio <- df1_x / (df1_x + df2)
tf$math$betainc(df1 / fl(2), df2 / fl(2), ratio)
log_cdf <- function(x) {
sample <- function(seed) {
# sample as the ratio of two scaled chi squared distributions
d1 <- tfp$distributions$Chi2(df = df1)
d2 <- tfp$distributions$Chi2(df = df2)
u1 <- d1$sample(seed = seed)
u2 <- d2$sample(seed = seed)
(u1 / df1) / (u2 / df2)
log_prob = log_prob,
cdf = cdf,
log_cdf = log_cdf,
sample = sample
dirichlet_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(alpha, n_realisations, dimension) {
# coerce to greta arrays
alpha <- as.greta_array(alpha)
dim <- check_multivariate_dims(
vectors = list(alpha),
n_realisations = n_realisations,
dimension = dimension
# coerce the parameter arguments to nodes and add as parents and
# parameters
self$bounds <- c(0, Inf)
super$initialize("dirichlet", dim,
truncation = c(0, Inf),
multivariate = TRUE
self$add_parameter(alpha, "alpha")
create_target = function(truncation) {
simplex_greta_array <- simplex_variable(self$dim)
# return the node for the simplex
target_node <- get_node(simplex_greta_array)
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
alpha <- parameters$alpha
tfp$distributions$Dirichlet(concentration = alpha)
dirichlet_multinomial_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(size, alpha, n_realisations, dimension) {
# coerce to greta arrays
size <- as.greta_array(size)
alpha <- as.greta_array(alpha)
dim <- check_multivariate_dims(
scalars = list(size),
vectors = list(alpha),
n_realisations = n_realisations,
dimension = dimension
# need to handle size as a vector!
# coerce the parameter arguments to nodes and add as parents and
# parameters
dim = dim,
discrete = TRUE,
multivariate = TRUE
self$add_parameter(size, "size", shape_matches_output = FALSE)
self$add_parameter(alpha, "alpha")
# nolint start
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
parameters$size <- tf_flatten(parameters$size)
distrib <- tfp$distributions$DirichletMultinomial
total_count = parameters$size,
concentration = parameters$alpha
# nolint end
multinomial_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(size, prob, n_realisations, dimension) {
# coerce to greta arrays
size <- as.greta_array(size)
prob <- as.greta_array(prob)
dim <- check_multivariate_dims(
scalars = list(size),
vectors = list(prob),
n_realisations = n_realisations,
dimension = dimension
# need to make sure size is a column vector!
# coerce the parameter arguments to nodes and add as parents and
# parameters
dim = dim,
discrete = TRUE,
multivariate = TRUE
self$add_parameter(size, "size", shape_matches_output = FALSE)
self$add_parameter(prob, "prob")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
parameters$size <- tf_flatten(parameters$size)
# scale probs to get absolute density correct
# parameters$prob <- parameters$prob / tf_sum(parameters$prob)
parameters$prob <- parameters$prob / tf_rowsums(parameters$prob,
dims = 1L)
total_count = parameters$size,
probs = parameters$prob
categorical_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
initialize = function(prob, n_realisations, dimension) {
# coerce to greta arrays
prob <- as.greta_array(prob)
dim <- check_multivariate_dims(
vectors = list(prob),
n_realisations = n_realisations,
dimension = dimension
# coerce the parameter arguments to nodes and add as parents and
# parameters
dim = dim,
discrete = TRUE,
multivariate = TRUE
self$add_parameter(prob, "prob")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
# scale probs to get absolute density correct
probs <- parameters$prob
# probs <- probs / tf_sum(probs)
probs <- probs / tf_rowsums(probs, dims = 1L)
total_count = fl(1),
probs = probs
multivariate_normal_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
sigma_is_cholesky = FALSE,
# nolint start
initialize = function(mean, Sigma, n_realisations, dimension) {
# nolint end
# coerce to greta arrays
mean <- as.greta_array(mean)
sigma <- as.greta_array(Sigma)
# check dim is a positive scalar integer
dim <- check_multivariate_dims(
vectors = list(mean),
squares = list(sigma),
n_realisations = n_realisations,
dimension = dimension
check_mean_sigma_have_same_dimensions(mean, sigma)
# coerce parameter arguments to nodes and add as parents and parameters
super$initialize("multivariate_normal", dim, multivariate = TRUE)
if (has_representation(sigma, "cholesky")) {
sigma <- representation(sigma, "cholesky")
self$sigma_is_cholesky <- TRUE
self$add_parameter(mean, "mean")
self$add_parameter(sigma, "sigma")
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
# if Sigma is a cholesky factor transpose it to tensorflow expoectation,
# otherwise decompose it
if (self$sigma_is_cholesky) {
l <- tf_transpose(parameters$sigma)
} else {
l <- tf$linalg$cholesky(parameters$sigma)
# add an extra dimension for the observation batch size (otherwise tfp
# will try to use the n_chains batch dimension)
l <- tf$expand_dims(l, 1L)
mu <- parameters$mean
# nolint start
loc = mu,
scale_tril = l
# nolint end
wishart_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
# TF1/2 - consider setting this as NULL for debugging purposes
# set when defining the distribution
sigma_is_cholesky = FALSE,
# TF1/2 - consider setting this as NULL for debugging purposes
# set when defining the graph
target_is_cholesky = FALSE,
initialize = function(df, Sigma) { # nolint
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
df <- as.greta_array(df)
sigma <- as.greta_array(Sigma)
# check dimensions of Sigma
dim <- nrow(sigma)
# initialize with a cholesky factor
super$initialize("wishart", dim(sigma), multivariate = TRUE)
# set parameters
if (has_representation(sigma, "cholesky")) {
sigma <- representation(sigma, "cholesky")
self$sigma_is_cholesky <- TRUE
self$add_parameter(df, "df", shape_matches_output = FALSE)
self$add_parameter(sigma, "sigma")
# make the initial value PD (no idea whether this does anything)
self$value(unknowns(dims = c(dim, dim), data = diag(dim)))
# create a variable, and transform to a symmetric matrix (with cholesky
# factor representation)
create_target = function(truncation) {
# create cholesky factor variable greta array
chol_greta_array <- cholesky_variable(self$dim[1])
# reshape to a symmetric matrix (retaining cholesky representation)
matrix_greta_array <- chol2symm(chol_greta_array)
# return the node for the symmetric matrix
target_node <- get_node(matrix_greta_array)
# get a cholesky factor for the target if possible
get_tf_target_node = function() {
target <- self$target
if (has_representation(target, "cholesky")) {
chol <- representation(target, "cholesky")
target <- get_node(chol)
self$target_is_cholesky <- TRUE
# if the target is changed, make sure target_is_cholesky is reset to FALSE
# (can be resent on graph definition)
reset_target_flags = function() {
self$target_is_cholesky <- FALSE
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
# this is messy, we want to use the tfp wishart, but can't define the
# density without expanding the dimension of x
log_prob <- function(x) {
# reshape the dimensions
df <- tf_flatten(parameters$df)
sigma <- tf$expand_dims(parameters$sigma, 1L)
x <- tf$expand_dims(x, 1L)
# get the cholesky factor of Sigma in tf orientation
if (self$sigma_is_cholesky) {
sigma_chol <- tf$linalg$matrix_transpose(sigma)
} else {
sigma_chol <- tf$linalg$cholesky(sigma)
# get the cholesky factor of the target in tf_orientation
if (self$target_is_cholesky) {
x_chol <- tf$linalg$matrix_transpose(x)
} else {
x_chol <- tf$linalg$cholesky(x)
# use the density for choleskied x, with choleskied Sigma
distrib <- tfp$distributions$WishartTriL(
df = df,
scale_tril = sigma_chol,
input_output_cholesky = TRUE
log_prob_raw <- distrib$log_prob(x_chol)
# add an adjustment for the implicit chol2symm bijection in using the
# choleskied distribution, rather than the symmetric matrix version
chol2symm_bijector <- tfp$bijectors$CholeskyOuterProduct()
adjustment <- chol2symm_bijector$forward_log_det_jacobian(x_chol)
log_prob <- log_prob_raw + adjustment
sample <- function(seed) {
df <- tf$squeeze(parameters$df, 1:2)
sigma <- parameters$sigma
# get the cholesky factor of Sigma in tf orientation
if (self$sigma_is_cholesky) {
sigma_chol <- tf$linalg$matrix_transpose(sigma)
} else {
sigma_chol <- tf$linalg$cholesky(sigma)
# use the density for choleskied x, with choleskied Sigma
chol_distrib <- tfp$distributions$WishartTriL(
df = df,
scale_tril = sigma_chol,
input_output_cholesky = TRUE
chol_draws <- chol_distrib$sample(seed = seed)
# equivalent to (but faster than) tf_chol2symm(tf_transpose(chol_draws))
# the transpose is needed because TF uses lower triangular
# (non-zeros are in bottom left)
# and R uses upper triangular (non zeroes are in top right)
draws <- tf$matmul(chol_draws, chol_draws, adjoint_b = TRUE)
list(log_prob = log_prob, sample = sample)
lkj_correlation_distribution <- R6Class(
inherit = distribution_node,
public = list(
# set when defining the graph
target_is_cholesky = FALSE,
eta_is_cholesky = FALSE,
initialize = function(eta, dimension = 2) {
dimension <- check_dimension(target = dimension)
if (!is.greta_array(eta)) {
# add the nodes as parents and parameters
eta <- as.greta_array(eta)
dim <- c(dimension, dimension)
super$initialize("lkj_correlation", dim, multivariate = TRUE)
# don't try to expand scalar eta out to match the target size
self$add_parameter(eta, "eta", shape_matches_output = FALSE)
# make the initial value PD
self$value(unknowns(dims = dim, data = diag(dimension)))
# default (cholesky factor, ignores truncation)
create_target = function(truncation) {
# create (correlation matrix) cholesky factor variable greta array
chol_greta_array <- cholesky_variable(self$dim[1], correlation = TRUE)
# reshape to a symmetric matrix (retaining cholesky representation)
matrix_greta_array <- chol2symm(chol_greta_array)
# return the node for the symmetric matrix
target_node <- get_node(matrix_greta_array)
# NOTE: this code is repeated above on line 1032, is that intended?
# get a cholesky factor for the target if possible
get_tf_target_node = function() {
target <- self$target
if (has_representation(target, "cholesky")) {
chol <- representation(target, "cholesky")
target <- get_node(chol)
self$target_is_cholesky <- TRUE
# if the target is changed, make sure target_is_cholesky is reset to FALSE
# (can be resent on graph definition)
reset_target_flags = function() {
self$target_is_cholesky <- FALSE
tf_distrib = function(parameters, dag) {
eta <- tf$squeeze(parameters$eta, 1:2)
dim <- self$dim[1]
log_prob <- function(x){
if (self$target_is_cholesky) {
x_chol <- tf$linalg$matrix_transpose(x)
} else {
x_chol <- tf$linalg$cholesky(x)
chol_distrib <- tfp$distributions$CholeskyLKJ(
dimension = dim,
concentration = eta
# NOTE there seems to be a difference with our implementation of
# normalising constant of the log prob. So we need to find a different
# reference implementation of the normalising constant. This does not
# impact MCMC or sampling, but may affect future uses of this.
# e.g., the integration and marginalisation interface
# chol_distrib$log_prob(x_chol)
log_prob_raw <- chol_distrib$log_prob(x_chol)
# add an adjustment for the implicit chol2symm bijection in using the
# choleskied distribution, rather than the symmetric matrix version
chol2symm_bijector <- tfp$bijectors$CholeskyOuterProduct()
adjustment <- chol2symm_bijector$forward_log_det_jacobian(x_chol)
log_prob <- log_prob_raw + adjustment
# tfp's lkj sampling can't detect the size of the output from eta, for
# some reason. But we can use map_fn to apply their simulation to each
# element of eta.
sample <- function(seed) {
sample_once <- function(eta) {
d <- tfp$distributions$CholeskyLKJ(
dimension = dim,
concentration = eta
chol_draws <- d$sample(seed = seed)
# equivalent to (but faster than) tf_chol2symm(tf_transpose(chol_draws))
# the transpose is needed because TF uses lower triangular
# (non-zeros are in bottom left)
# and R uses upper triangular (non zeroes are in top right)
draws <- tf$matmul(chol_draws, chol_draws, adjoint_b = TRUE)
tf$map_fn(sample_once, eta)
log_prob = log_prob,
sample = sample
# module for export via .internals
distribution_classes_module <- module(
# export constructors
# nolint start
#' @name distributions
#' @title probability distributions
#' @description These functions can be used to define random variables in a
#' greta model. They return a variable greta array that follows the specified
#' distribution. This variable greta array can be used to represent a
#' parameter with prior distribution, combined into a mixture distribution
#' using [mixture()], or used with [distribution()] to
#' define a distribution over a data greta array.
#' @param truncation a length-two vector giving values between which to truncate
#' the distribution, similarly to the `lower` and `upper` arguments
#' to [variable()]
#' @param min,max scalar values giving optional limits to `uniform`
#' variables. Like `lower` and `upper`, these must be specified as
#' numerics, they cannot be greta arrays (though see details for a
#' workaround). Unlike `lower` and `upper`, they must be finite.
#' `min` must always be less than `max`.
#' @param mean,meanlog,location,mu unconstrained parameters
#' @param
#' sd,sdlog,sigma,lambda,shape,rate,df,scale,shape1,shape2,alpha,beta,df1,df2,a,b,eta
#' positive parameters, `alpha` must be a vector for `dirichlet`
#' and `dirichlet_multinomial`.
#' @param size,m,n,k positive integer parameter
#' @param prob probability parameter (`0 < prob < 1`), must be a vector for
#' `multinomial` and `categorical`
#' @param Sigma positive definite variance-covariance matrix parameter
#' @param dim the dimensions of the greta array to be returned, either a scalar
#' or a vector of positive integers. See details.
#' @param dimension the dimension of a multivariate distribution
#' @param n_realisations the number of independent realisation of a multivariate
#' distribution
#' @details The discrete probability distributions (`bernoulli`,
#' `binomial`, `negative_binomial`, `poisson`,
#' `multinomial`, `categorical`, `dirichlet_multinomial`) can
#' be used when they have fixed values (e.g. defined as a likelihood using
#' [distribution()], but not as unknown variables.
#' For univariate distributions `dim` gives the dimensions of the greta
#' array to create. Each element of the greta array will be (independently)
#' distributed according to the distribution. `dim` can also be left at
#' its default of `NULL`, in which case the dimension will be detected
#' from the dimensions of the parameters (provided they are compatible with
#' one another).
#' For multivariate distributions (`multivariate_normal()`,
#' `multinomial()`, `categorical()`, `dirichlet()`, and
#' `dirichlet_multinomial()`) each row of the output and parameters
#' corresponds to an independent realisation. If a single realisation or
#' parameter value is specified, it must therefore be a row vector (see
#' example). `n_realisations` gives the number of rows/realisations, and
#' `dimension` gives the dimension of the distribution. I.e. a bivariate
#' normal distribution would be produced with `multivariate_normal(...,
#' dimension = 2)`. The dimension can usually be detected from the parameters.
#' `multinomial()` does not check that observed values sum to
#' `size`, and `categorical()` does not check that only one of the
#' observed entries is 1. It's the user's responsibility to check their data
#' matches the distribution!
#' The parameters of `uniform` must be fixed, not greta arrays. This
#' ensures these values can always be transformed to a continuous scale to run
#' the samplers efficiently. However, a hierarchical `uniform` parameter
#' can always be created by defining a `uniform` variable constrained
#' between 0 and 1, and then transforming it to the required scale. See below
#' for an example.
#' Wherever possible, the parameterisations and argument names of greta
#' distributions match commonly used R functions for distributions, such as
#' those in the `stats` or `extraDistr` packages. The following
#' table states the distribution function to which greta's implementation
#' corresponds:
#' \tabular{ll}{ greta \tab reference\cr `uniform` \tab
#' [stats::dunif]\cr `normal` \tab
#' [stats::dnorm]\cr `lognormal` \tab
#' [stats::dlnorm]\cr `bernoulli` \tab
#' [extraDistr::dbern]\cr `binomial` \tab
#' [stats::dbinom]\cr `beta_binomial` \tab
#' [extraDistr::dbbinom]\cr `negative_binomial`
#' \tab [stats::dnbinom]\cr `hypergeometric` \tab
#' [stats::dhyper]\cr `poisson` \tab
#' [stats::dpois]\cr `gamma` \tab
#' [stats::dgamma]\cr `inverse_gamma` \tab
#' [extraDistr::dinvgamma]\cr `weibull` \tab
#' [stats::dweibull]\cr `exponential` \tab
#' [stats::dexp]\cr `pareto` \tab
#' [extraDistr::dpareto]\cr `student` \tab
#' [extraDistr::dlst]\cr `laplace` \tab
#' [extraDistr::dlaplace]\cr `beta` \tab
#' [stats::dbeta]\cr `cauchy` \tab
#' [stats::dcauchy]\cr `chi_squared` \tab
#' [stats::dchisq]\cr `logistic` \tab
#' [stats::dlogis]\cr `f` \tab
#' [stats::df]\cr `multivariate_normal` \tab
#' [mvtnorm::dmvnorm]\cr `multinomial` \tab
#' [stats::dmultinom]\cr `categorical` \tab
#' {[stats::dmultinom] (size = 1)}\cr `dirichlet`
#' \tab [extraDistr::ddirichlet]\cr
#' `dirichlet_multinomial` \tab
#' [extraDistr::ddirmnom]\cr `wishart` \tab
#' [stats::rWishart]\cr `lkj_correlation` \tab
#' [rethinking::dlkjcorr](https://rdrr.io/github/rmcelreath/rethinking/man/dlkjcorr.html)
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # a uniform parameter constrained to be between 0 and 1
#' phi <- uniform(min = 0, max = 1)
#' # a length-three variable, with each element following a standard normal
#' # distribution
#' alpha <- normal(0, 1, dim = 3)
#' # a length-three variable of lognormals
#' sigma <- lognormal(0, 3, dim = 3)
#' # a hierarchical uniform, constrained between alpha and alpha + sigma,
#' eta <- alpha + uniform(0, 1, dim = 3) * sigma
#' # a hierarchical distribution
#' mu <- normal(0, 1)
#' sigma <- lognormal(0, 1)
#' theta <- normal(mu, sigma)
#' # a vector of 3 variables drawn from the same hierarchical distribution
#' thetas <- normal(mu, sigma, dim = 3)
#' # a matrix of 12 variables drawn from the same hierarchical distribution
#' thetas <- normal(mu, sigma, dim = c(3, 4))
#' # a multivariate normal variable, with correlation between two elements
#' # note that the parameter must be a row vector
#' Sig <- diag(4)
#' Sig[3, 4] <- Sig[4, 3] <- 0.6
#' theta <- multivariate_normal(t(rep(mu, 4)), Sig)
#' # 10 independent replicates of that
#' theta <- multivariate_normal(t(rep(mu, 4)), Sig, n_realisations = 10)
#' # 10 multivariate normal replicates, each with a different mean vector,
#' # but the same covariance matrix
#' means <- matrix(rnorm(40), 10, 4)
#' theta <- multivariate_normal(means, Sig, n_realisations = 10)
#' dim(theta)
#' # a Wishart variable with the same covariance parameter
#' theta <- wishart(df = 5, Sigma = Sig)
#' }
# nolint end
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
uniform <- function(min, max, dim = NULL) {
distrib("uniform", min, max, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
normal <- function(mean, sd, dim = NULL, truncation = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
distrib("normal", mean, sd, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
lognormal <- function(meanlog, sdlog, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("lognormal", meanlog, sdlog, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
bernoulli <- function(prob, dim = NULL) {
distrib("bernoulli", prob, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
binomial <- function(size, prob, dim = NULL) {
check_in_family("binomial", size)
distrib("binomial", size, prob, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
beta_binomial <- function(size, alpha, beta, dim = NULL) {
distrib("beta_binomial", size, alpha, beta, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
negative_binomial <- function(size, prob, dim = NULL) {
distrib("negative_binomial", size, prob, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
hypergeometric <- function(m, n, k, dim = NULL) {
distrib("hypergeometric", m, n, k, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
poisson <- function(lambda, dim = NULL) {
check_in_family("poisson", lambda)
distrib("poisson", lambda, dim)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
gamma <- function(shape, rate, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("gamma", shape, rate, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
inverse_gamma <- function(alpha, beta, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("inverse_gamma", alpha, beta, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
weibull <- function(shape, scale, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("weibull", shape, scale, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
exponential <- function(rate, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("exponential", rate, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
pareto <- function(a, b, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("pareto", a, b, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
student <- function(df, mu, sigma, dim = NULL, truncation = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
distrib("student", df, mu, sigma, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
laplace <- function(mu, sigma, dim = NULL, truncation = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
distrib("laplace", mu, sigma, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
beta <- function(shape1, shape2, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, 1)) {
distrib("beta", shape1, shape2, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
cauchy <- function(location, scale, dim = NULL, truncation = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
distrib("cauchy", location, scale, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
chi_squared <- function(df, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("chi_squared", df, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
logistic <- function(location, scale, dim = NULL, truncation = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
distrib("logistic", location, scale, dim, truncation)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
f <- function(df1, df2, dim = NULL, truncation = c(0, Inf)) {
distrib("f", df1, df2, dim, truncation)
# nolint start
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
multivariate_normal <- function(mean, Sigma,
n_realisations = NULL, dimension = NULL) {
# nolint end
"multivariate_normal", mean, Sigma,
n_realisations, dimension
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
wishart <- function(df, Sigma) { # nolint
distrib("wishart", df, Sigma)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
lkj_correlation <- function(eta, dimension = 2) {
distrib("lkj_correlation", eta, dimension)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
multinomial <- function(size, prob, n_realisations = NULL, dimension = NULL) {
distrib("multinomial", size, prob, n_realisations, dimension)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
categorical <- function(prob, n_realisations = NULL, dimension = NULL) {
distrib("categorical", prob, n_realisations, dimension)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
dirichlet <- function(alpha, n_realisations = NULL, dimension = NULL) {
distrib("dirichlet", alpha, n_realisations, dimension)
#' @rdname distributions
#' @export
dirichlet_multinomial <- function(size, alpha,
n_realisations = NULL, dimension = NULL) {
size, alpha, n_realisations, dimension
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