
Defines functions make_output_yaml make_parent_html make_hierarchy_html get_content_files get_hierarchy make_master_rmd quilt

Documented in get_content_files get_hierarchy make_hierarchy_html make_master_rmd make_output_yaml make_parent_html quilt

#' Generate _output.yaml for website
#' Make the content of the file that contols knitting of the website page Rmds
#' @param theme (\code{character} of length 1) The bootstrap theme used in the website. For current
#' options, see \url{http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#appearance-and-style}
#  At the time of writing, valid options are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "default"
#'   \item "cerulean"
#'   \item "journal"
#'   \item "flatly"
#'   \item "readable"
#'   \item "spacelab"
#'   \item "united"
#'   \item "cosmo"
#' }
#' @return (\code{character} of length 1)
make_output_yaml <- function(theme = "journal") {
  yaml::as.yaml(list(html_document = list(self_contained = FALSE,
                                          theme = theme,
                                          highlight = "textmate",
                                          toc = FALSE,
                                          lib_dir = "libs",
                                          includes = list(in_header = "in_header.html",
                                                          before_body = "before_body.html",
                                                          after_body = "after_body.html"))))

#' Make Rmd code to display HTML pages
#' Uses iframes to display content from other html files.
#' @param files (\code{character}) One or more files to display
#' @param titles (\code{character} same length as \code{files}) Titles to display above embedded
#'   content
#' @param rmd_header (\code{list}) YAML header data from Rmarkdown.
#' @param q_opt (\code{function}) The function used to get context-specific option values
#' @return (\code{character} of length 1) The Rmd code to display the content provided. 
make_parent_html <- function(files, titles = NA, rmd_header = NULL, q_opt) {
  # Validate arguments -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.na(titles) && length(files) != length(titles)) {
    stop("Arguments `files` and `title` must the same length")
  if (any(!tools::file_ext(files) %in% c("Rmd", "rmd", "md", "html"))) {
    stop("Only files with `Rmd` or `html` extensions can be used.")
  # Define functions to make components ------------------------------------------------------------
  make_rmd_header <- function(rmd_header) {
    if (length(rmd_header > 0))
      paste0('---\n', yaml::as.yaml(rmd_header), "---\n\n")
  make_iframe_code <- function(file, original, count) {
    on_load <- paste0('autoResize(\'iframe', count, '\'); export_links(\'iframe', count, '\');')
    if (q_opt(original, "apply_theme")) {
      on_load <- paste0('apply_theme(\'iframe', count, '\'); ', on_load)
    iframe_att <- paste0('width="100%" height="0px" id="iframe', count,
                         '" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" onLoad="', on_load, '"')
    paste0('<iframe src="', file, '" ', iframe_att, '></iframe>\n\n')
  make_child_rmd_code <- function(file) {
    paste0("```{r child = '", file, "'}\n```\n\n")
  make_code <- function(file, original, title, count) {
    if (!is.na(title)) title_code <- paste0("## ", title, "\n\n") else title_code <- ""
    if (tools::file_ext(file) %in% c("Rmd", "rmd", "md")) {
      return(paste0(title_code, make_child_rmd_code(file)))
    } else if (tools::file_ext(file) %in% c("html")) {
      return(paste0(title_code, make_iframe_code(file, original, count)))
  # Generate Rmd document ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (length(files) > 0)
    iframe_code <- paste0(mapply(make_code, file = files, original = names(files), title = titles, count = 1:length(files)),
                          collapse = "")
    iframe_code <-""
  paste0(make_rmd_header(rmd_header), iframe_code)

#' Creates hierarchical menu html from file names
#' Parses file paths to create html for a hierarchical menu. 
#' @param hierarchy (\code{list} of \code{character}) Locations in the menu hierarchy.
#' @param page_paths (\code{character}) The path to website site pages (.html files) corresponding 
#' argument \code{hierarchy}.
#' @param site_name (\code{character} of length 1) The name of the website. This is displayed 
#' as the link to the home page.
#' @return (\code{character} of length 1) The html code to make hierarchical menu
make_hierarchy_html <- function(hierarchy, page_paths, site_name = "Home") {
  # Parse directory names ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  expand <- function(char) lapply(seq_along(char), function(i) char[1:i])
  full_hierarchy <- unique(unlist(lapply(hierarchy, expand), recursive = FALSE))
  depth <- vapply(full_hierarchy, length, numeric(1))
  # Recursive function to make menu html -----------------------------------------------------------
  make_nav <- function(index) {
    current <- full_hierarchy[[index]]
    children <- which(vapply(full_hierarchy, function(y) all(y[seq_along(current)] == current) & length(current) + 1 == length(y), logical(1)))
    page_path_index <- which(vapply(hierarchy, identical, y = current, logical(1)))
    if (length(page_path_index) == 0)
      path <- "#"
      path <-  page_paths[page_path_index]
    name <- gsub("_", " ", current[length(current)], fixed = TRUE)
    out <- ""
    if (length(current) == 1) {
      if  (length(children) == 0) {
        out <- paste0(out, '<li><a href="', path,'">', name, '</a></li>')
      } else {
        out <- paste(sep = "\n",
                     paste0('<a href="', path,
                            '" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">', name,
                            '<b class="caret"></b></a>'),
                     '<ul class="dropdown-menu multi-level">')
        child_html <- paste0(vapply(children, make_nav, character(1)), collapse = "")
        out <- paste0(out, child_html)
        out <- paste0(out, "</ul></li>")
    } else if (length(children) == 0) {
      out <- paste0(out, '<li><a href="', path, '">', name, '</a></li>')
    } else {
      out <- paste(sep = "\n",
                   '<li class="dropdown dropdown-submenu">',
                   paste0('<a href="', path,
                          '" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">', name,
                   '<ul class="dropdown-menu">')
      child_html <- paste0(vapply(children, make_nav, character(1)), collapse = "")
      out <- paste0(out, child_html)
      out <- paste0(out, "</ul></li>")
  # Make menu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  home <- page_paths[vapply(hierarchy, length, numeric(1)) == 0]
  site_name_html <- paste(sep = "\n",
                          '<div class="navbar-header">',
                          '<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">',
                          '<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>',
                          '<span class="icon-bar"></span>',
                          '<span class="icon-bar"></span>',
                          '<span class="icon-bar"></span>',
                          paste0('<a class="navbar-brand" href="', home, '">', site_name, '</a>'),
  menu_html <- paste(sep = "\n",
                     '<div class="collapse navbar-collapse">',
                     '<ul class="nav navbar-nav">',
                     paste0(lapply(which(depth == 1), make_nav), collapse = ""),
  nav_bar_html <- paste( sep = "\n",
                         '<div class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">',
                         '<div class="container">',

#' Get paths to content
#' Return the absolute paths to content files in a given directory.
#' @param path (\code{character}) One or more directories in which to look for content files.
#' @param q_opt (\code{function}) The function used to get context-specific option values
#' @param full_names (\code{logical} of length 1) See \code{\link{list.files}} help for option
#'   \code{full.names}.
#' @param simplify (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{FALSE}, a \code{list} of paths are returned
#' with elements corresponding to input directories in the \code{path} argument. If \code{TRUE}, a
#' single \code{character} vector is returned. 
#' @return Depends on the \code{simplify} option.
get_content_files <- function(path, q_opt, full_names = TRUE, simplify = TRUE) {
  # If nothing is given, return the same ----------------------------------------------------------
  if (length(path) == 0) return(path)
  process_one <- function(path) {
    # Make paths absolute ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    path <- normalizePath(path)
    # Search for files with matching extension -------------------------------------------------------
    content_paths <- list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, full.names = full_names)
    is_included <- function(a_path) {
      file_regex <- paste0(paste("\\.", q_opt(a_path, "type"), "$", collapse = "|", sep = ""))
      grepl(pattern = file_regex, a_path, ignore.case = TRUE)
    content_paths <- content_paths[vapply(content_paths, is_included, logical(1))]
    # Remove files with same name but different extensions -------------------------------------------
    another_has_precedence <- function(a_path) {
      get_precedence <- function(another_path) {
        precedence <- which(tolower(tools::file_ext(another_path)) == tolower(q_opt(a_path, "type")))
        if (length(precedence) == 0) { precedence <- 1000000 }
      this_precedence <- get_precedence(a_path)
      other_precedence <- vapply(content_paths, get_precedence, numeric(1))
      any(this_precedence > other_precedence &
            tools::file_path_sans_ext(a_path) == tools::file_path_sans_ext(content_paths))
    content_paths <- content_paths[!vapply(content_paths, another_has_precedence, logical(1))]
  content_paths <- lapply(path, process_one)
  # Simplify if specified --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (simplify) { content_paths <- unlist(content_paths) }

#' Get content hierarchy
#' Return a list of all the locations in the classification hierarchy.
#' @param path (\code{character}) The paths to notes to assign hirearchical classifications to.
#' @param root (\code{character} of length 1) The path to the root directory of the notebook.   
#' @param q_opt (\code{function}) The function used to get context-specific option values
#' @return (\code{list} of \code{character}) A list of locations in the notebook hierarchy 
#' corresponding to the input argument \code{path}.
get_hierarchy <- function(path, root, q_opt) {
  # Make input file paths absolute -----------------------------------------------------------------
  path <- normalizePath(path)
  root <- normalizePath(root)
  process_one <- function(path) {
    # Get directory path from root -----------------------------------------------------------------
    rel_path <- gsub(paste0("^", root, .Platform$file.sep), "", path)
    path_hierarchy <- strsplit(rel_path, .Platform$file.sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    # For each level in the directory, record effects on hierarchy --------------------------------- 
    hierarchy <- list(character(0))
    for (index in 1:length(path_hierarchy)) {
      addition <- NULL
      # Get path to current directory level  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      current_path <- do.call(file.path, as.list(c(root, path_hierarchy[0:index])))
      if (length(hierarchy) != 0) { #If it has not been removed from the hierarchy via config file
        name_sep <- q_opt(current_path, "name_sep")
        # Apply directory name effects - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        if (index != length(path_hierarchy) && q_opt(current_path, "use_dir_names")) {
          addition <- basename(current_path)
          if (!is.null(name_sep) && !is.na(name_sep) && length(addition) > 0) 
            addition <- unlist(strsplit(addition, name_sep, fixed = TRUE))
          if (!q_opt(current_path, "use_dir_suffix"))
            addition <- addition[seq(1, length.out = length(addition) - 1)]
        # Apply file name effects  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        if (index == length(path_hierarchy) && q_opt(current_path, "use_file_names")) {
          addition <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(current_path))
          if (!is.null(name_sep) && !is.na(name_sep) && length(addition) > 0) 
            addition <- unlist(strsplit(addition, name_sep, fixed = TRUE))
          if (!q_opt(current_path, "use_file_suffix"))
            addition <- addition[seq(1, length.out = length(addition) - 1)]
      # Apply configuration file effects - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      replace_vector_part <- function(input, replacement, index) {
        c(input[seq(1, index - 1, length.out = index - 1)],
          input[seq(index + 1, length(input), length.out = length(input) - index)])
      config <- q_opt(current_path, "placement")
      if (is.null(config)) {
        hierarchy <- list()
        addition <- NULL
      } else if (length(config) > 0) {
        if ("." %in% config) {
            addition <- replace_vector_part(input = config,
                                            replacement = addition,
                                            index = which("." == config))
        } else if (config[1] == "..") {
          if (length(config) > 1) {
            addition <- config[2:length(config)]
          } else {
            addition <- NULL
        } else {
          hierarchy <-  list(character(0))
          addition <- config
          addition <- addition[addition != ""]
      # Save resulting addition  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      if (q_opt(NULL, "cumulative"))
        hierarchy <-  c(hierarchy,
                               function(i) c(hierarchy[[length(hierarchy)]], addition[1:i])))
      } else {
        if (length(hierarchy) > 0) 
          hierarchy[[length(hierarchy)]] <- c(hierarchy[[length(hierarchy)]], addition)
          hierarch <- list(addition)
  lapply(path, process_one)

#' Make composite webpage
#' Make webpage out of iframes.
#' @param name (\code{character}) Name of Rmd files to use
#' @param files (\code{list} of \code{character}) The file in each page, corresponding to argument
#' \code{name}
#' @param location (\code{character} of length 1) Where to make the webpages
#' @param q_opt (\code{function}) The function used to get context-specific option values
#' @return (Named \code{character}) The file paths to created .html files named by their source Rmd
#' files.
make_master_rmd <- function(name, files, location, q_opt) {
  master_rmd_path <- file.path(location, name)
  if (q_opt(NULL, "clean")) files_to_remove <- master_rmd_path
  if (file.exists(master_rmd_path)) file.remove(master_rmd_path)
  parent_html <- make_parent_html(files = files, titles = NA, rmd_header = list(), q_opt)
  cat(parent_html, file = master_rmd_path, append = FALSE)
  rmarkdown::render(master_rmd_path, quiet = TRUE)

#' Make a website from a directory
#' Makes a website from the contents of a directory.
#' To see the list of file types that can be displayed on the website,
#' execute \code{formats_quilt_can_render()}.
#' All files types specified by \code{type} in \code{path} will be included.
#' This function's options are best specified with configuration files rather than passing values
#' to the function itself. See \code{config_name} option documentation. 
#' @param path (\code{character} of length 1) The directory in which to look for files to
#' display on the website. This might change in the future; see issue
#' \href{https://github.com/grunwaldlab/quiltr/issues/55}{#55}
#' @param output (\code{character} of length 1) Location to write the output directory. The website
#' will be made in a directory called "website" in this location. If \code{NULL} or \code{NA}, the
#' the website will be made in a temporary directory.
#' @param name (\code{character} of length 1) The name on the link to the homepage of the website. 
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param overwrite (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, an existing directory with the 
#' same name as the output directory will be overwritten. 
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param clean (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, intermediate files are deleted after
#' use.
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param output_dir_name (\code{character} of length 1) The name of the output directory.
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param partial_copy (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{FALSE}, The entire target directory 
#' of the notes will be copied instead of just the notes and their dependencies. It is possible that more than
#' just the target directory will be copied if there are files in the target directory with dependencies outside
#' it. Enough of the file structure will be copied to included all dependencies. 
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param open (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, open the newly created website in an 
#' internet browser or the RStudio viewer window.
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param theme (\code{character} of length 1) The bootstrap theme used in the website. For current
#' options, see \url{http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/html_document_format.html#appearance-and-style}
#  At the time of writing, valid options are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item "default"
#'   \item "cerulean"
#'   \item "journal"
#'   \item "flatly"
#'   \item "readable"
#'   \item "spacelab"
#'   \item "united"
#'   \item "cosmo"
#' }
#' The value of this option can be set by a configuration file at the location specified by 
#' \code{path}, with name specified by \code{config_name}.
#' @param type (\code{character}) One or more file types to include in the output, specified using 
#' file extensions without the leading dot (e.g. \code{type = c("rmd", "html")}). The order file
#' types are given in indicates which file is used in the case that files have the same name
#' but different extensions. For example, if \code{type = c("html", "rmd")} and there is a note.html
#' and a note.Rmd in the same directory, the note.html will be used and the note.Rmd will be
#' ignored. NOTE: The file type precedence might be specified by a different option in the future.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' This might change in the future; see issue
#' \href{https://github.com/grunwaldlab/quiltr/issues/58}{#58}
#' @param apply_theme (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, apply notebook CSS to 
#' input file content. This might not always work well depending on content and browser.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param use_file_names (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, The names of files will be
#' be used to determine the hierarchy.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param use_dir_names (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, The names of directories will
#' be used to determine the hierarchy.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param name_sep (\code{character} of length 1) A character to split file/directory names by when
#' using them for parts of the hierarchy.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param use_file_suffix (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, use the last part of a file
#' name when split by the \code{name_sep} option.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param use_dir_suffix (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, use the last part of directory
#' names when split by the \code{name_sep} option.
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param menu_name_parser (\code{function}) Defines a function to apply to each name in the menu hierarchy
#' to chenge it somehow. The function must take a single \code{character} input and output a single
#' \code{character}. 
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param placement (named \code{list} of \code{character}) Custom content placement rules. Custom
#' website menu heirarchy names can be specified.
#' These (usually; see \code{.} documentation below) override hierarchy inferred from file/directory
#' names.
#' The first element in the hierarchy can use the folling special values: 
#' \describe{
#'   \item{.}{Add to the hierarchy inferred from file/directory names instead of overriding it.}
#'   \item{..}{Add to the hierarchy inferred from file/directory names instead of overriding it, 
#'     but replace the last file/directory name value.}
#'   \item{""}{Do not include in website.} 
#' }
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param cumulative (\code{logical} of length 1) If \code{TRUE}, all of the intermendiate hierarchy
#' levels will be returned. 
#' The value of this option can be file-path-specific; see \code{config_name} documentation.
#' @param config_name (\code{character} of length 1) The name of configuration files to use.
#' They can be anywhere in directories under \code{path}.
#' Configuration files are in YAML format and specify the values of options for this function.
#' Options that are file-path-specific (e.g. \code{type}) can take the form of named lists,
#' where names are file paths relative to the location of the configuration file 
#' (possibly with \code{*} or \code{**} wildcards) and values are the option values relevant
#' to the paths specified in the names.
#' File-path-specific options can be specified by configuraion files anywhere in the target 
#' directory, not just the root specified by \code{path}.
#' Only some of this function's options are file-path-specific; those that are not
#' (e.g. \code{output}) can be specified by values in a configuration file in \code{path}.
#' This is the only option that cannot be specified by a configuration file.
#' To ignore website configuartion files, set this option to \code{NA} or \code{NULL}.

#' @return (\code{character} of length 1) The file path to the created website's home page 
#' (\code{index.html})
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Make website out of the current working directory
#' quilt()
#' # Create a template directory in the current
#' # working directory and make a website from it
#' make_quiltr_template(getwd(), "default")
#' quilt("default")
#' }
#' @export
quilt <- function(path = getwd(), output = NULL, name = "Home", 
                  overwrite = FALSE, clean = TRUE, output_dir_name = "website",
                  partial_copy = TRUE, open = TRUE, theme = "journal",
                  type = formats_quilt_can_render(), apply_theme = FALSE,
                  use_file_names = FALSE, use_dir_names = TRUE,
                  name_sep = NULL, use_file_suffix = TRUE, use_dir_suffix = TRUE,
                  menu_name_parser = function(x) {x}, placement = character(0), cumulative = FALSE,
                  config_name = "quilt_config.yml") {
  # Set up function to get option values from config files -----------------------------------------
  argument_names <- names(as.list(args(quilt)))
  argument_names <- argument_names[-length(argument_names)]
  arg_missing <- eval(c(missing(path), missing(output), missing(name), missing(overwrite),
                        missing(clean), missing(output_dir_name), missing(partial_copy), 
                        missing(open), missing(theme), missing(type), missing(apply_theme),
                        missing(use_file_names), missing(use_dir_names),
                        missing(name_sep), missing(use_file_suffix), missing(use_dir_suffix),
                        missing(menu_name_parser), missing(placement), missing(cumulative),
  names(arg_missing) <- argument_names
  q_opt_raw <- function(context, option) {
    eval(get_option(path = context, option = option, func_arg_value = get(option), root = path,
                    config_name = config_name, is_missing = arg_missing[[option]]))
  q_opt <- memoise::memoise(q_opt_raw)
  # Parse arguments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  path <- normalizePath(q_opt(NULL, "path"))
  output <- q_opt(NULL, "output")
  if (is.null(output) || is.na(output)) {
    output <- tempfile()
  output <- normalizePath(output)
  # Detect/delete old website ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  output_path <- file.path(output, output_dir_name)
  content_path <- file.path(output_path, "content")
  if (file.exists(output_path)) {
    if (overwrite)
      unlink(output_path, recursive = TRUE)
      stop("Website exsits at ", output_path, ". Use `overwrite = TRUE` to replace.")
  # Find content files -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  target_paths <- get_content_files(path, q_opt)
  if (length(target_paths) == 0) stop(paste0("No content files found in '", path, "'"))
  # Filter for notes in hirearchy ------------------------------------------------------------------
  classification <- get_hierarchy(target_paths, root = path, q_opt)
  name_parsers <- lapply(target_paths, q_opt, option = "menu_name_parser")
  for (index in seq_along(target_paths)) {
    classification[index] <- rapply(classification[index],
                                    q_opt(target_paths[index], "menu_name_parser"),
                                    how = "list")
  classification_paths <- rep(target_paths, vapply(classification, length, integer(1)))
  ul_classification <- unlist(classification, recursive = FALSE)
  hierarchy_class <- unique(ul_classification)
  if (!0 %in% sapply(hierarchy_class, length))
    hierarchy_class <- c(list(character(0)), hierarchy_class)
  hierarchy <- lapply(hierarchy_class,
                      function(x) classification_paths[vapply(ul_classification, 
                                                              identical, y = x, logical(1))])
  target_paths <- unique(unlist(hierarchy))
  classification <- get_hierarchy(target_paths, root = path, q_opt)
  for (index in seq_along(target_paths)) {
    classification[index] <- rapply(classification[index],
                                    q_opt(target_paths[index], "menu_name_parser"),
                                    how = "list")
  # Make output directory --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Copy content directory -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  content_copy_path <- render_files_to_html(target_paths, content_path,
                                            partial_copy = q_opt(NULL, "partial_copy"))
  # Make website menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  page_names <- vapply(hierarchy_class, paste, character(1), collapse = "-")
  page_names[page_names == ""] <- "index"
  page_names <- gsub(" ", "_", page_names)
  page_rmd_names <- paste0(page_names, ".Rmd")
  page_html_names <- paste0(page_names, ".html")
  page_html_paths <- file.path(output_path, page_html_names)
  pre_body_html_path <- file.path(output_path, "before_body.html")
  cat(make_hierarchy_html(hierarchy_class, page_html_names, site_name = q_opt(NULL, "name")),
      file = pre_body_html_path)
  # Make other dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  dependencies <- vapply(c("in_header.html", "after_body.html"),
                         function(x) system.file("website_parts", x, package = "quiltr"), 
  file.copy(from = dependencies, to = output_path)
  output_yaml_path <- file.path(output_path, "_output.yaml")
  cat(make_output_yaml(theme = q_opt(NULL, "theme")), file = output_yaml_path)
  # Step up clean up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (clean) {
    files_to_remove <- file.path(output_path, c("in_header.html", "after_body.html",
    on.exit(lapply(files_to_remove[file.exists(files_to_remove)], file.remove))
  # Make website pages -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  relative_copy_path <- gsub(pattern = paste0("^", output_path, .Platform$file.sep), "",
  relative_copy_class_path <- rep(relative_copy_path, vapply(classification, length, integer(1)))
  copy_hierarchy <- lapply(hierarchy_class,
                      function(x) relative_copy_class_path[vapply(ul_classification, 
                                                                  identical, y = x, logical(1))])
  for (index in seq_along(copy_hierarchy)) {
    names(copy_hierarchy[[index]]) <- hierarchy[[index]]
  home_path <- mapply(make_master_rmd, page_rmd_names, copy_hierarchy,
                      MoreArgs = list(location = output_path, q_opt = q_opt))[["index.Rmd"]]
  # Open new website -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (rstudioapi::isAvailable() && q_opt(NULL, "open")) { rstudioapi::viewer(home_path) }
grunwaldlab/quiltr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:40 a.m.