
Defines functions theta_tickmarks guide_axis_theta

Documented in guide_axis_theta

#' @include guide-axis.R

#' Angle axis guide
#' This is a specialised guide used in `coord_radial()` to represent the theta
#' position scale.
#' @inheritParams guide_axis
#' @note
#' The axis labels in this guide are insensitive to `hjust` and `vjust`
#' settings. The distance from the tick marks to the labels is determined by
#' the largest `margin` size set in the theme.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # A plot using coord_radial
#' p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   coord_radial()
#' # The `angle` argument can be used to set relative angles
#' p + guides(theta = guide_axis_theta(angle = 0))
guide_axis_theta <- function(title = waiver(), theme = NULL, angle = waiver(),
                             minor.ticks = FALSE, cap = "none", order = 0,
                             position = waiver()) {

  if (is.logical(cap)) {
    cap <- if (cap) "both" else "none"
  cap <- arg_match0(cap, c("none", "both", "upper", "lower"))

    title = title,

    # customisations
    angle = angle,
    cap = cap,
    minor.ticks  = minor.ticks,
    theme = theme,

    # parameter
    available_aes = c("x", "y", "theta"),

    # general
    order = order,
    position = position,
    name = "axis",
    super = GuideAxisTheta

#' @rdname ggplot2-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
GuideAxisTheta <- ggproto(
  "GuideAxisTheta", GuideAxis,

  extract_decor = function(scale, aesthetic, key, cap = "none", position, ...) {
    # For theta position, we pretend we're left/right because that will put
    # the correct opposite aesthetic as the line coordinates.
    position <- switch(position, theta = "left", theta.sec = "right", position)

      scale = scale, aesthetic = aesthetic,
      position = position, key = key, cap = cap

  transform = function(params, coord, panel_params) {

    if (nrow(params$key) > 0) {
      opposite <- setdiff(c("x", "y"), params$aesthetic)
      params$key[[opposite]] <- switch(params$position,
                                       theta.sec = -Inf,
                                       top = -Inf,
                                       right = -Inf,

    params <- GuideAxis$transform(params, coord, panel_params)

    key <- params$key
    n <- nrow(key)
    if (n < 1) {

    if (!("theta" %in% names(key))) {
      # We likely have a linear coord, so we match the text angles to
      # standard axes to be visually similar.
      key$theta <- switch(
        top    = 0,
        bottom = 1   * pi,
        left   = 1.5 * pi,
        right  = 0.5 * pi
    } else {
      if (params$position == 'theta.sec') {
        key$theta <- key$theta + pi

      # If the first and last positions are close together, we merge the
      # labels of these positions
      ends_apart <- (key$theta[n] - key$theta[1]) %% (2 * pi)
      if (n > 0 && ends_apart < 0.05 && !is.null(key$.label)) {
        if (is.expression(key$.label)) {
          combined <- substitute(
            paste(a, "/", b),
            list(a = key$.label[[1]], b = key$.label[[n]])
        } else {
          combined <- paste(key$.label[1], key$.label[n], sep = "/")
        key$.label[[n]] <- combined
        key <- vec_slice(key, -1)

    params$key <- key

  setup_params = function(params) {
    # Theta axis doesn't need to setup any position specific parameters.

  setup_elements = function(params, elements, theme) {
    theme <- add_theme(theme, params$theme)

    axis_elem <- c("line", "text", "ticks", "minor", "major_length", "minor_length")
    is_char <- vapply(elements[axis_elem], is.character, logical(1))
    axis_elem <- axis_elem[is_char]

    aes <- params$theme_suffix %||% switch(
      theta     = "x.bottom",
      theta.sec = "x.top",
      paste0(params$aesthetic, ".", params$position)

    elements[axis_elem] <- lapply(
      paste(unlist(elements[axis_elem]), aes, sep = "."),
      calc_element, theme = theme

    # Offset distance from axis arc to text positions
    if (!params$minor.ticks) {
      elements$minor_length <- unit(0, "pt")

    offset <- max(unit(0, "pt"), elements$major_length, elements$minor_length)
    elements$offset <- offset + max(elements$text$margin %||% unit(0, "pt"))

  override_elements = function(params, elements, theme) {
    # We don't override any label angles/hjust/vjust because these depend on
    # theta of label.

  build_decor = function(decor, grobs, elements, params) {
    if (is.null(params$stack_offset) || !("theta" %in% names(decor))) {
      # Just use regular method if we do not need to offset the guide
      decor <- GuideAxis$build_decor(decor, grobs, elements, params)
    if (empty(decor)) {
    if (params$position == "theta.sec") {
      decor$theta <- decor$theta + pi
    # Add the stacking offset to positions
    x <- unit(decor$x, "npc") + sin(decor$theta) * params$stack_offset
    y <- unit(decor$y, "npc") + cos(decor$theta) * params$stack_offset
    element_grob(elements$line, x = x, y = y)

  build_labels = function(key, elements, params) {

    if (inherits(elements$text, "element_blank")) {

    key <- vec_slice(key, !vec_detect_missing(key$.label %||% NA))

    # Early exit if drawing no labels
    labels <- validate_labels(key$.label)
    if (length(labels) < 1) {

    # Resolve text angle
    if (is.waive(params$angle) || is.null(params$angle)) {
      angle <- elements$text$angle
    } else {
      angle <- flip_text_angle(params$angle - rad2deg(key$theta))
    # Text angle in radians
    rad <- deg2rad(angle)
    # Position angle in radians
    theta <- key$theta

    # Add the stacking offset if necessary
    offset <- elements$offset
    if (!is.null(params$stack_offset)) {
      offset <- offset + params$stack_offset

    # Offset distance to displace text away from outer circle line
    xoffset <- offset * sin(theta)
    yoffset <- offset * cos(theta)

    # Note that element_grob expects 1 angle for *all* labels, so we're
    # rendering one grob per label to propagate angle properly
      label = labels,
      x     = unit(key$x, "npc") + xoffset,
      y     = unit(key$y, "npc") + yoffset,
      hjust = 0.5 - sin(theta + rad) / 2,
      vjust = 0.5 - cos(theta + rad) / 2,
      angle = angle

  build_ticks = function(key, elements, params, position = params$position) {
    offset <- params$stack_offset
    major <- theta_tickmarks(
      vec_slice(key, (key$.type %||% "major") == "major"),
      elements$ticks, elements$major_length, offset = offset
    minor <- theta_tickmarks(
      vec_slice(key, (key$.type %||% "major") == "minor"),
      elements$minor, elements$minor_length, offset = offset

    grobTree(major, minor, name = "ticks")

  draw_early_exit = function(self, params, elements) {
    line <- self$build_decor(decor = params$decor, elements = elements,
                             params = params)
    gTree(children = gList(line), offset = unit(0, "cm"))

  measure_grobs = function(grobs, params, elements) {
    # As this guide is expected to be placed in the interior of coord_radial,
    # we don't need to measure grob sizes nor arrange the layout.
    # There is a fallback in `$assemble_drawing()` that takes care of this
    # for non-polar coordinates.
    if (is.null(params$stack_offset)) {

    # However, when this guide is part of a stacked axis guide, we need to
    # know the width of the 'ring' that this guide occupies to correctly
    # position the next guide

    offset <- convertUnit(elements$offset, "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)

    key <- params$key
    key <- vec_slice(key, !is.na(key$.label) & nzchar(key$.label))
    labels <- validate_labels(key$.label)
    if (length(labels) == 0 || inherits(elements$text, "element_blank")) {
      return(list(offset = offset))

    # Resolve text angle
    if (is.waive(params$angle %||% waiver())) {
      angle <- elements$text$angle
    } else {
      angle <- flip_text_angle(params$angle - rad2deg(key$theta))
    angle <- key$theta + deg2rad(angle)

    # Set margin
    margin <- rep(max(elements$text$margin), length.out = 4)

    # Measure size of each individual label
    single_labels <- lapply(labels, function(lab) {
        elements$text, label = lab,
        margin = margin, margin_x = TRUE, margin_y = TRUE
    widths  <- width_cm(single_labels)
    heights <- height_cm(single_labels)

    # Set text justification
    hjust <- 0.5 - sin(angle) / 2
    vjust <- 0.5 - cos(angle) / 2

    # Calculate text bounding box
    xmin <- widths * -hjust
    xmax <- widths * (1 - hjust)

    ymin <- heights * -vjust
    ymax <- heights * (1 - vjust)

    # Convert to corner coordinates
    x <- vec_interleave(xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax)
    y <- vec_interleave(ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin)

    # Rotate y coordinate to get maximum height
    rotate <- rep(angle, each = 4)
    height <- x * sin(rotate) + y * cos(rotate)
    list(offset = max(height))

  arrange_layout = function(key, sizes, params, elements) {

  assemble_drawing = function(grobs, layout, sizes, params, elements) {

    # Fix order of grobs
    grobs <- grobs[c("title", "labels", "ticks", "decor")]

    if (params$position %in% c("theta", "theta.sec")) {
      # We append an 'offset' slot in case this guide is part
      # of a stacked guide
      grobs <- inject(gList(!!!grobs))
      offset <- unit(sizes$offset %||% 0, "cm")
      return(gTree(offset = offset, children = grobs))

    # As a fallback, we adjust the viewport to act like regular axes.
    if (params$position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
      height <- sum(
        unit(max(height_cm(grobs$labels)), "cm")
      vp <- viewport(
        y = unit(as.numeric(params$position == "bottom"), "npc"),
        height = height, width = unit(1, "npc"),
        just = opposite_position(params$position)
    } else {
      width <- sum(
        unit(max(width_cm(grobs$labels)), "cm")
      vp <- viewport(
        x = unit(as.numeric(params$position == "left"), "npc"),
        height = unit(1, "npc"), width = width,
        just = opposite_position(params$position)

      width  = vp$width,
      height = vp$height,
      vp = vp

theta_tickmarks <- function(key, element, length, offset = NULL) {
  n_breaks <- nrow(key)
  if (n_breaks < 1 || inherits(element, "element_blank")) {

  length <- rep(length, length.out = n_breaks * 2)
  angle  <- rep(key$theta, each = 2)
  x      <- rep(key$x,     each = 2)
  y      <- rep(key$y,     each = 2)
  length <- rep(c(0, 1),  times = n_breaks) * length
  if (!is.null(offset)) {
    length <- length + offset

  minor <- element_grob(
    x = unit(x, "npc") + sin(angle) * length,
    y = unit(y, "npc") + cos(angle) * length,
    id.lengths = rep(2, n_breaks)
hadley/ggplot2 documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 8:21 a.m.