
Defines functions pkg_url_bug str_nzchar vec_remove style_rlang_run cli_with_whiteline_escapes testing capitalise detect_run_starts glue_escape is_testing df_print browser path_trim_prefix is_exhausted exhausted new_stack chr_has_curly with_srcref stop_internal_c_lib stop_internal vec_unstructure unstructure strip_trailing_newline style_dim_soft pad_spaces pluralise dec inc child_r6lite r6lite `$.r6lite` strip_style close_style open_style close_blurred_italic open_blurred_italic open_yellow_italic close_bold close_italic close_colour open_bold open_cyan open_magenta open_yellow open_green open_blue open_red paste_line cat_line set_names2 abort_coercion deprecated

deprecated <- function() missing_arg()

abort_coercion <- function(x,
                           x_type = NULL,
                           arg = NULL,
                           call = caller_env()) {
  if (is_null(x_type)) {
    if (is_vector(x)) {
      x_type <- vec_type_friendly(x)
    } else {
      x_type <- obj_type_friendly(x)

  if (is_null(arg)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Can't convert %s to %s.", x_type, to_type)
  } else {
    arg <- format_arg(arg)
    msg <- sprintf("Can't convert %s, %s, to %s.", arg, x_type, to_type)

  abort(msg, call = call)

set_names2 <- function(x, nms = names2(x)) {
  empty <- nms == ""
  nms[empty] <- x[empty]
  names(x) <- nms

cat_line <- function(..., .trailing = TRUE, file = "") {
  cat(paste_line(..., .trailing = .trailing), file = file)
paste_line <- function(..., .trailing = FALSE) {
  text <- chr(...)

  if (.trailing) {
    paste0(text, "\n", collapse = "")
  } else {
    paste(text, collapse = "\n")

open_red     <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("red")
open_blue    <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("blue")
open_green   <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("green")
open_yellow  <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("yellow")
open_magenta <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("magenta")
open_cyan    <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("cyan")
open_bold    <- function() if (has_ansi()) open_style("bold")
close_colour <- function() if (has_ansi()) "\u001b[39m"
close_italic <- function() if (has_ansi()) "\u001b[23m"
close_bold   <- function() if (has_ansi()) close_style("bold")

open_yellow_italic   <- function() if (has_ansi()) "\u001b[33m\u001b[3m"
open_blurred_italic  <- function() if (has_ansi()) "\u001b[2m\u001b[3m"
close_blurred_italic <- function() if (has_ansi()) "\u001b[23m\u001b[22m"

open_style <- function(style) {
  paste0("\u001b[", codes[[style]][[1]], "m")
close_style <- function(style) {
  paste0("\u001b[", codes[[style]][[2]], "m")

ansi_regex <- paste0(
strip_style <- function(x) {
  gsub(ansi_regex, "", x, perl = TRUE)

codes <- list(
  reset =           c(0L, 0L),
  bold =            c(1L, 22L),
  blurred =         c(2L, 22L),
  italic =          c(3L, 23L),
  underline =       c(4L, 24L),
  inverse =         c(7L, 27L),
  hidden =          c(8L, 28L),
  strikethrough =   c(9L, 29L),

  black =           c(30L, 39L),
  red =             c(31L, 39L),
  green =           c(32L, 39L),
  yellow =          c(33L, 39L),
  blue =            c(34L, 39L),
  magenta =         c(35L, 39L),
  cyan =            c(36L, 39L),
  white =           c(37L, 39L),
  silver =          c(90L, 39L),

  bgBlack =         c(40L, 49L),
  bgRed =           c(41L, 49L),
  bgGreen =         c(42L, 49L),
  bgYellow =        c(43L, 49L),
  bgBlue =          c(44L, 49L),
  bgMagenta =       c(45L, 49L),
  bgCyan =          c(46L, 49L),
  bgWhite =         c(47L, 49L)

`$.r6lite` <- function(self, arg) {
  field <- env_get(self, as_string(substitute(arg)), inherit = TRUE)

  if (is_function(field)) {
    expr_interp(function(...) {
      # Unquote the method so it is printable
      method <- !!field
      method(self, ...)
  } else {
r6lite <- function(...) {
  structure(new_environment(list2(...)), class = "r6lite")
child_r6lite <- function(.parent, ...) {
  structure(child_env(.parent, ...), class = "r6lite")

inc <- function(x) {
  x + 1L
dec <- function(x) {
  x - 1L

pluralise <- function(n, singular, plural) {
  if (n == 1) {
  } else {

pad_spaces <- function(x, left = TRUE) {
  widths <- nchar(x)
  pads <- max(widths) - widths

  if (left) {
    paste0(spaces(pads), x)
  } else {
    paste0(x, spaces(pads))

# Import symbols from cli if available
  has_cli <- is_installed("cli")
  has_cli_format <- is_installed("cli", version = "3.0.0")
  has_cli_start_app <- is_installed("cli", version = "2.0.0")

style_dim_soft <- function(x) {
  if (cli::num_ansi_colors() >= 256) {
    crayon::make_style(grDevices::grey(0.6), colors =  256)(x)
  } else {

strip_trailing_newline <- function(x) {
  n <- nchar(x)
  if (substr(x, n, n) == "\n") {
    substr(x, 0, n - 1L)
  } else {

unstructure <- function(x) {
  attributes(x) <- NULL

vec_unstructure <- function(x) {
  out <- x
  attributes(out) <- NULL

  dim(out) <- dim(x)
  names(out) <- names(x)


stop_internal <- function(message, ..., call = caller_env(2)) {
  abort(message, ..., call = call, .internal = TRUE)

stop_internal_c_lib <- function(file, line, call, message, frame) {
  if (nzchar(file)) {
    message <- c(
      "i" = sprintf(
        "In file %s at line %d.",
  if (!is_installed("winch") && is_interactive()) {
    message <- c(
      "i" = sprintf(
        "Install the %s package to get additional debugging info the next time you get this error.",

  abort(message, call = call, .internal = TRUE, .frame = frame)

with_srcref <- function(src, env = caller_env(), file = NULL) {
  file <- file %||% tempfile("sourced", fileext = ".R")

  writeLines(src, file)
  source(file, local = env, keep.source = TRUE)

chr_has_curly <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_chr_has_curly, x)

new_stack <- function() {
  stack <- new_dyn_vector("list", 100)

  push <- function(...) {
    for (obj in list2(...)) {
      dyn_push_back(stack, maybe_missing(obj))

  # Can be used as a coro generator
  pop <- function() {
    if (dyn_count(stack)) {
    } else {

    push = push,
    pop = pop

exhausted <- function() as.symbol(".__exhausted__.")
is_exhausted <- function(x) identical(x, exhausted())

path_trim_prefix <- function(path, n) {
  split <- strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]
  n_split <- length(split)

  if (n_split <= n) {
  } else {
    paste(split[seq2(n_split - n + 1, n_split)], collapse = "/")

browser <- function(...,
                    skipCalls = 0,
                    frame = parent.frame()) {
  if (!identical(stdout(), getConnection(1))) {
    withr::defer(sink(), envir = frame)

  # Calling `browser()` on exit avoids RStudio displaying the
  # `browser2()` location. We still need one `n` to get to the
  # expected place. Ideally `skipCalls` would not skip but exit the
  # contexts.
  on.exit(base::browser(..., skipCalls = skipCalls + 1))

df_print <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- c("tbl", "data.frame")
  print(x, ...)

is_testing <- function() {
  identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true")

glue_escape <- function(x) {
  gsub("\\}", "}}", gsub("\\{", "{{", x))

detect_run_starts <- function(x) {
  if (!length(x)) {

  lagged <- c(NA, x[-length(x)])
  x != lagged | (is.na(lagged) & !is.na(x))

# No ANSI support
capitalise <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  n <- nchar(x)
  if (n == 0) {
  } else if (n == 1) {
  } else {
    paste0(toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)), substring(x, 2))

testing <- function() {

cli_with_whiteline_escapes <- function(x, fn) {
  x <- gsub("\n", "__NEW_LINE__", x, fixed = TRUE)
  x <- gsub(" ", "__SPACE__", x, fixed = TRUE)
  x <- fn(x)
  x <- gsub("__SPACE__", " ", x, fixed = TRUE)
  x <- gsub("__NEW_LINE__", "\n", x, fixed = TRUE)

style_rlang_run <- function(code) {
    paste0("rlang::", code),
    paste0("x-r-run:rlang::", code)

vec_remove <- function(x, values) {
  loc <- match(values, x, nomatch = 0)
  if (sum(loc) == 0) {
  } else {

str_nzchar <- function(x) {
  is_string(x) && nzchar(x)

pkg_url_bug <- function(pkg) {
  # First check that package is installed, e.g. in case of
  # runtime-only namespace created by pkgload
  if (nzchar(system.file(package = pkg))) {
    url <- utils::packageDescription(pkg)$BugReports

    # `url` can be NULL if not part of the description
    if (is_string(url) && grepl("^https://", url)) {

hadley/rlang documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 1:19 a.m.