# Reading fragments from Arrow Files
#' Get the fragments from an ArchRProject
#' This function retrieves the fragments from a given ArchRProject as a GRangesList object.
#' @param ArchRProject An `ArchRProject` object to get fragments from.
#' @param subsetBy A Genomic Ranges object to subset fragments by.
#' @param cellNames A character vector indicating the cell names of a subset of cells from which fragments whould be extracted.
#' This allows for extraction of fragments from only a subset of selected cells. By default, this function will extract all cells
#' from the provided ArrowFile using `getCellNames()`.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating whether to use verbose output during execution of this function. Can be set to `FALSE` for a cleaner output.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @export
getFragmentsFromProject <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
subsetBy = NULL,
cellNames = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
logFile = createLogFile("getFragmentsFromProject")
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = subsetBy, name = "subsetBy", valid = c("GRanges", "null"))
.validInput(input = cellNames, name = "cellNames", valid = c("character","null"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
ArrowFiles <- getArrowFiles(ArchRProj)
chr <- paste0(unique(seqnames(subsetBy)))
chr <- NULL
ArchR:::.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
FragmentsList <- lapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(x){
message(sprintf("Reading ArrowFile %s of %s", x, length(ArrowFiles)))
fragx <- getFragmentsFromArrow(
ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[x],
chr = chr,
cellNames = cellNames,
verbose = verbose,
logFile = logFile
fragx <- subsetByOverlaps(fragx, subsetBy, ignore.strand = TRUE)
}) %>% SimpleList
names(FragmentsList) <- names(ArrowFiles)
#' Get the fragments from an ArrowFile
#' This function retrieves the fragments from a given ArrowFile as a GRanges object.
#' @param ArrowFile The path to the ArrowFile from which fragments should be obtained.
#' @param chr A name of a chromosome to be used to subset the fragments `GRanges` object to a specific chromsome if desired.
#' @param cellNames A character vector indicating the cell names of a subset of cells from which fragments whould be extracted.
#' This allows for extraction of fragments from only a subset of selected cells. By default, this function will extract all cells
#' from the provided ArrowFile using `getCellNames()`.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating whether to use verbose output during execution of this function. Can be set to `FALSE` for a cleaner output.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @export
getFragmentsFromArrow <- function(
ArrowFile = NULL,
chr = NULL,
cellNames = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
logFile = createLogFile("getFragmentsFromArrow")
.validInput(input = ArrowFile, name = "ArrowFile", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = chr, name = "chr", valid = c("character","null"))
.validInput(input = cellNames, name = "cellNames", valid = c("character","null"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
tstart <- Sys.time()
.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
.logThis(mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe())), "getFragmentsFromArrow Input-Parameters", logFile = logFile)
ArrowFile <- .validArrow(ArrowFile)
chr <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFile, subGroup = "Fragments")
if(any(chr %ni% .availableSeqnames(ArrowFile, subGroup = "Fragments"))){
stop("Error Chromosome not in ArrowFile!")
out <- lapply(seq_along(chr), function(x){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Reading Chr %s of %s", x, length(chr)), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
ArrowFile = ArrowFile,
chr = chr[x],
out = "GRanges",
cellNames = cellNames,
method = "fast"
.logDiffTime("Merging", tstart, t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
out <- tryCatch({
o <- .suppressAll(unlist(GRangesList(out, compress = FALSE)))
stop("Still a GRangesList")
}, error = function(x){
o <- c()
for(i in seq_along(out)){
if(i == 1){
o <- out[[i]]
o <- c(o, out[[i]])
.getFragsFromArrow <- function(
ArrowFile = NULL,
chr = NULL,
out = "GRanges",
cellNames = NULL,
method = "fast"
stop("Need to provide chromosome to read!")
o <- h5closeAll()
ArrowFile <- .validArrow(ArrowFile)
avSeq <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFile)
if(chr %ni% avSeq){
stop(paste0("Chromosome ", chr ," not in ArrowFile! Available Chromosomes are : ", paste0(avSeq, collapse=",")))
#Get Sample Name
sampleName <- .h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Metadata/Sample"), method = method)
o <- h5closeAll()
nFrags <- sum(.h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/RGLengths"), method = method))
output <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, IRanges(start = 1, end = 1), RG = "tmp")
output <- output[-1,]
output <- IRanges(start = 1, end = 1)
mcols(output)$RG <- c("tmp")
output <- output[-1,]
if(is.null(cellNames) || tolower(method) == "fast"){
output <- .h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/Ranges"), method = method) %>%
{IRanges(start = .[,1], width = .[,2])}
mcols(output)$RG <- Rle(
values = paste0(sampleName, "#", .h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/RGValues"), method = method)),
lengths = .h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/RGLengths"), method = method)
output <- output[BiocGenerics::which(mcols(output)$RG %bcin% cellNames)]
if(!any(cellNames %in% .availableCells(ArrowFile))){
stop("None of input cellNames are in ArrowFile availableCells!")
barRle <- Rle(h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/RGValues")), h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/RGLengths")))
barRle@values <- paste0(sampleName, "#", barRle@values)
idx <- BiocGenerics::which(barRle %bcin% cellNames)
if(length(idx) > 0){
output <- h5read(ArrowFile, paste0("Fragments/",chr,"/Ranges"), index = list(idx, 1:2)) %>%
{IRanges(start = .[,1], width = .[,2])}
mcols(output)$RG <- barRle[idx]
output <- IRanges(start = 1, end = 1)
mcols(output)$RG <- c("tmp")
output <- output[-1,]
o <- h5closeAll()
if(length(output) > 0){
output <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges(output), RG = mcols(output)$RG)
output <- IRanges(start = 1, end = 1)
mcols(output)$RG <- c("tmp")
output <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges(output), RG = mcols(output)$RG)
output <- output[-1,]
# Reading Matrices/Arrays from Arrow Files
#' Get a data matrix stored in an ArchRProject
#' This function gets a given data matrix from an `ArchRProject`.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object to get data matrix from.
#' @param useMatrix The name of the data matrix to retrieve from the given ArrowFile. Options include "TileMatrix", "GeneScoreMatrix", etc.
#' @param useSeqnames A character vector of chromosome names to be used to subset the data matrix being obtained.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating whether to use verbose output during execution of this function. Can be set to FALSE for a cleaner output.
#' @param binarize A boolean value indicating whether the matrix should be binarized before return. This is often desired when working with insertion counts.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @export
getMatrixFromProject <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
useMatrix = "GeneScoreMatrix",
useSeqnames = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
binarize = FALSE,
threads = getArchRThreads(),
logFile = createLogFile("getMatrixFromProject")
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = useMatrix, name = "useMatrix", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = useSeqnames, name = "useSeqnames", valid = c("character","null"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = binarize, name = "binarize", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = threads, name = "threads", valid = c("integer"))
tstart <- Sys.time()
.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
.logThis(mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe())), "getMatrixFromProject Input-Parameters", logFile = logFile)
ArrowFiles <- getArrowFiles(ArchRProj)
cellNames <- ArchRProj$cellNames
avMat <- getAvailableMatrices(ArchRProj)
if(useMatrix %ni% avMat){
stop("useMatrix is not in Available Matrices see getAvailableMatrices")
seL <- .safelapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(x){
.logDiffTime(paste0("Reading ", useMatrix," : ", names(ArrowFiles)[x], "(",x," of ",length(ArrowFiles),")"),
t1 = tstart, verbose = FALSE, logFile = logFile)
allCells <- .availableCells(ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[x], subGroup = useMatrix)
allCells <- allCells[allCells %in% cellNames]
if(length(allCells) != 0){
o <- getMatrixFromArrow(
ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[x],
useMatrix = useMatrix,
useSeqnames = useSeqnames,
cellNames = allCells,
ArchRProj = ArchRProj,
verbose = FALSE,
binarize = binarize,
logFile = logFile
.logDiffTime(paste0("Completed ", useMatrix," : ", names(ArrowFiles)[x], "(",x," of ",length(ArrowFiles),")"),
t1 = tstart, verbose = FALSE, logFile = logFile)
}, threads = threads)
.logDiffTime("Organizing colData", t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
cD <- lapply(seq_along(seL), function(x){
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
.logDiffTime("Organizing rowData", t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
rD1 <- rowData(seL[[1]])
rD <- lapply(seq_along(seL), function(x){
identical(rowData(seL[[x]]), rD1)
}) %>% unlist %>% all
stop("Error with rowData being equal for every sample!")
.logDiffTime("Organizing rowRanges", t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
rR1 <- rowRanges(seL[[1]])
rR <- lapply(seq_along(seL), function(x){
identical(rowRanges(seL[[x]]), rR1)
}) %>% unlist %>% all
stop("Error with rowRanges being equal for every sample!")
nAssays <- names(assays(seL[[1]]))
asy <- lapply(seq_along(nAssays), function(i){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Organizing Assays (%s of %s)", i, length(nAssays)), t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
m <- lapply(seq_along(seL), function(j){
}) %>% Reduce("cbind", .)
}) %>% SimpleList()
names(asy) <- nAssays
.logDiffTime("Constructing SummarizedExperiment", t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = asy, colData = cD, rowRanges = rR1)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = asy, colData = cD, rowData = rD1)
.logDiffTime("Finished Matrix Creation", t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
#' Get a data matrix stored in an ArrowFile
#' This function gets a given data matrix from an individual ArrowFile.
#' @param ArrowFile The path to an ArrowFile from which the selected data matrix should be obtained.
#' @param useMatrix The name of the data matrix to retrieve from the given ArrowFile. Options include "TileMatrix", "GeneScoreMatrix", etc.
#' @param useSeqnames A character vector of chromosome names to be used to subset the data matrix being obtained.
#' @param cellNames A character vector indicating the cell names of a subset of cells from which fragments whould be extracted.
#' This allows for extraction of fragments from only a subset of selected cells. By default, this function will extract all cells from
#' the provided ArrowFile using `getCellNames()`.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object to be used for getting additional information for cells in `cellColData`.
#' In some cases, data exists within the `ArchRProject` object that does not exist within the ArrowFiles. To access this data, you can
#' provide the `ArchRProject` object here.
#' @param verbose A boolean value indicating whether to use verbose output during execution of this function. Can be set to FALSE for a cleaner output.
#' @param binarize A boolean value indicating whether the matrix should be binarized before return. This is often desired when working with insertion counts.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @export
getMatrixFromArrow <- function(
ArrowFile = NULL,
useMatrix = "GeneScoreMatrix",
useSeqnames = NULL,
cellNames = NULL,
ArchRProj = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
binarize = FALSE,
logFile = createLogFile("getMatrixFromArrow")
.validInput(input = ArrowFile, name = "ArrowFile", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = useMatrix, name = "useMatrix", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = useSeqnames, name = "useSeqnames", valid = c("character","null"))
.validInput(input = cellNames, name = "cellNames", valid = c("character","null"))
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj","null"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = binarize, name = "binarize", valid = c("boolean"))
tstart <- Sys.time()
.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
.logThis(mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe())), "getMatrixFromArrow Input-Parameters", logFile = logFile)
ArrowFile <- .validArrow(ArrowFile)
sampleName <- .sampleName(ArrowFile)
seqnames <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFile, subGroup = useMatrix)
featureDF <- .getFeatureDF(ArrowFile, subGroup = useMatrix)
.logThis(featureDF, paste0("featureDF ", sampleName), logFile = logFile)
seqnames <- seqnames[seqnames %in% useSeqnames]
if(length(seqnames) == 0){
stop("No seqnames available!")
featureDF <- featureDF[BiocGenerics::which(featureDF$seqnames %bcin% seqnames), ]
.logDiffTime(paste0("Getting ",useMatrix," from ArrowFile : ", basename(ArrowFile)),
t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
allCells <- .availableCells(ArrowFile = ArrowFile, subGroup = useMatrix)
if(!all(cellNames %in% allCells)){
stop("cellNames must all be within the ArrowFile!!!!")
mat <- .getMatFromArrow(
ArrowFile = ArrowFile,
featureDF = featureDF,
cellNames = cellNames,
useMatrix = useMatrix,
binarize = binarize,
useIndex = FALSE
.logThis(mat, paste0("mat ", sampleName), logFile = logFile)
.logDiffTime(paste0("Organizing SE ",useMatrix," from ArrowFile : ", basename(ArrowFile)),
t1 = tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
matrixClass <- h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix, "/Info/Class"))
if(matrixClass == "Sparse.Assays.Matrix"){
rownames(mat) <- paste0(featureDF$name)
splitIdx <- split(seq_len(nrow(mat)), featureDF$seqnames)
mat <- lapply(seq_along(splitIdx), function(x){
mat[splitIdx[[x]], , drop = FALSE]
}) %>% SimpleList
names(mat) <- names(splitIdx)
featureDF <- featureDF[!duplicated(paste0(featureDF$name)), ,drop = FALSE]
featureDF <- featureDF[,which(colnames(featureDF) %ni% "seqnames"), drop=FALSE]
rownames(featureDF) <- paste0(featureDF$name)
mat <- SimpleList(mat)
names(mat) <- useMatrix
colData <- .getMetadata(ArrowFile)
colData <- colData[colnames(mat[[1]]),,drop=FALSE]
projColData <- getCellColData(ArchRProj)[rownames(colData), ]
colData <- cbind(colData, projColData[ ,colnames(projColData) %ni% colnames(colData)])
rowData <- tryCatch({
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(featureDF, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
}, error = function(x){
se <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = mat,
rowData = rowData,
colData = colData
.logThis(se, paste0("se ", sampleName), logFile = logFile)
.getMatFromArrow <- function(
ArrowFile = NULL,
featureDF = NULL,
binarize = NULL,
cellNames = NULL,
useMatrix = "TileMatrix",
useIndex = FALSE,
threads = 1
featureDF <- .getFeatureDF(ArrowFile, useMatrix)
if(any(c("seqnames","idx") %ni% colnames(featureDF))){
stop("Need to provide featureDF with columns seqnames and idx!")
#Add RowNames for Check at the end
rownames(featureDF) <- paste0("f", seq_len(nrow(featureDF)))
o <- h5closeAll()
matClass <- h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/Info/Class"))
if(matClass %ni% c("Sparse.Binary.Matrix", "Sparse.Integer.Matrix", "Sparse.Double.Matrix", "Sparse.Assays.Matrix")){
stop("Arrow Mat is not a valid Sparse Matrix!")
if(matClass == "Sparse.Binary.Matrix"){
binarize <- TRUE
binarize <- FALSE
if(matClass == "Sparse.Binary.Matrix"){
stop("Sparse Matrix in Arrow is Binarized! Set binarize = TRUE to use matrix!")
matColNames <- paste0(.sampleName(ArrowFile), "#", h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/Info/CellNames")))
idxCols <- which(matColNames %in% cellNames)
idxCols <- seq_along(matColNames)
seqnames <- unique(featureDF$seqnames)
mat <- .safelapply(seq_along(seqnames), function(x){
seqnamex <- seqnames[x]
featureDFx <- featureDF[BiocGenerics::which(featureDF$seqnames %bcin% seqnamex),]
idxRows <- featureDFx$idx
j <- Rle(
values = h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/",seqnamex,"/jValues")),
lengths = h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/",seqnamex,"/jLengths"))
#Match J
matchJ <- S4Vectors::match(j, idxCols, nomatch = 0)
idxJ <- BiocGenerics::which(matchJ > 0)
i <- h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/",seqnamex,"/i"), index = list(idxJ, 1))
i <- h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/",seqnamex,"/i"))[idxJ]
j <- matchJ[idxJ]
#Match I
matchI <- match(i, idxRows, nomatch = 0)
idxI <- which(matchI > 0)
i <- i[idxI]
j <- j[idxI]
i <- matchI[idxI]
x <- h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(useMatrix,"/",seqnamex,"/x"))[idxJ][idxI]
x <- rep(1, length(j))
mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
dims = c(length(idxRows), length(idxCols))
rownames(mat) <- rownames(featureDFx)
rm(matchI, idxI, matchJ, idxJ, featureDFx, idxRows)
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
o <- h5closeAll()
colnames(mat) <- matColNames[idxCols]
#Double Check Order!
mat <- mat[rownames(featureDF), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(mat) <- NULL
mat <- mat[,cellNames,drop=FALSE]
# Helper read functioning
.getGroupMatrix <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
featureDF = NULL,
groupList = NULL,
threads = 1,
useIndex = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
useMatrix = "TileMatrix",
asSparse = FALSE,
tstart = NULL
# Time Info
tstart <- Sys.time()
# Construct Matrix
seqnames <- unique(featureDF$seqnames)
rownames(featureDF) <- paste0("f", seq_len(nrow(featureDF)))
cellNames <- unlist(groupList, use.names = FALSE) ### UNIQUE here? doublet check QQQ
allCellsList <- lapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(x){
allCells <- .availableCells(ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[x], subGroup = useMatrix)
allCells <- allCells[allCells %in% cellNames]
if(length(allCells) != 0){
mat <- .safelapply(seq_along(seqnames), function(x){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Constructing Group Matrix %s of %s", x, length(seqnames)), tstart, verbose = verbose)
#Construct Matrix
seqnamex <- seqnames[x]
featureDFx <- featureDF[BiocGenerics::which(featureDF$seqnames %bcin% seqnamex), ]
matChr <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(featureDFx), ncol = length(groupList))
colnames(matChr) <- names(groupList)
rownames(matChr) <- rownames(featureDFx)
for(y in seq_along(ArrowFiles)){
allCells <- allCellsList[[y]]
maty <- .getMatFromArrow(
ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[y],
useMatrix = useMatrix,
featureDF = featureDFx,
cellNames = allCells,
useIndex = useIndex
for(z in seq_along(groupList)){
#Check Cells In Group
cellsGroupz <- groupList[[z]]
idx <- BiocGenerics::which(colnames(maty) %in% cellsGroupz)
#If In Group RowSums
if(length(idx) > 0){
matChr[,z] <- matChr[,z] + Matrix::rowSums(maty[,idx,drop=FALSE])
if(y %% 20 == 0 || y %% length(ArrowFiles) == 0){
matChr <- as(matChr, "dgCMatrix")
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Finished Group Matrix %s of %s", x, length(seqnames)), tstart, verbose = verbose)
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
mat <- mat[rownames(featureDF), , drop = FALSE]
.logDiffTime("Successfully Created Group Matrix", tstart, verbose = verbose)
.getPartialMatrix <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
featureDF = NULL,
cellNames = NULL,
progress = TRUE,
threads = 1,
useMatrix = "TileMatrix",
doSampleCells = FALSE,
sampledCellNames = NULL,
tmpPath = .tempfile(pattern = paste0("tmp-partial-mat")),
useIndex = FALSE,
tstart = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
# Time Info
tstart <- Sys.time()
# Construct Matrix
mat <- .safelapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(x){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("Getting Partial Matrix %s of %s", x, length(ArrowFiles)), tstart, verbose = verbose)
allCells <- .availableCells(ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[x], subGroup = useMatrix)
allCells <- allCells[allCells %in% cellNames]
if(length(allCells) == 0){
return(list(mat = NULL, out = NULL))
o <- h5closeAll()
matx <- .getMatFromArrow(
ArrowFile = ArrowFiles[x],
featureDF = featureDF,
cellNames = allCells,
useMatrix = useMatrix,
useIndex = useIndex
#Save Temporary Matrix
outx <- paste0(tmpPath, "-", .sampleName(ArrowFiles[x]), ".rds")
.safeSaveRDS(matx, outx, compress = FALSE)
#Sample Matrix
matx <- matx[, which(colnames(matx) %in% sampledCellNames),drop = FALSE]
return(list(mat = matx, out = outx))
}, threads = threads)
matFiles <- lapply(mat, function(x) x[[2]]) %>% Reduce("c", .)
mat <- lapply(mat, function(x) x[[1]]) %>% Reduce("cbind", .)
if(!all(colnames(mat) %in% cellNames)){ ## reverse the logic
.logThis(sampledCellNames, "cellNames supplied", logFile = logFile)
.logThis(colnames(mat), "cellNames from matrix", logFile = logFile)
stop("Error not all cellNames found in partialMatrix")
mat <- mat[,sampledCellNames, drop = FALSE]
mat <- .checkSparseMatrix(mat, length(sampledCellNames))
.logDiffTime("Successfully Created Partial Matrix", tstart, verbose = verbose)
return(list(mat = mat, matFiles = matFiles))
mat <- Reduce("cbind", mat)
if(!all(cellNames %in% colnames(mat))){
.logThis(cellNames, "cellNames supplied", logFile = logFile)
.logThis(colnames(mat), "cellNames from matrix", logFile = logFile)
stop("Error not all cellNames found in partialMatrix")
mat <- mat[,cellNames, drop = FALSE]
mat <- .checkSparseMatrix(mat, length(cellNames))
.logDiffTime("Successfully Created Partial Matrix", tstart, verbose = verbose)
.checkSparseMatrix <- function(x, ncol = NULL){
isSM <- is(x, 'sparseMatrix')
stop("ncol must not be NULL if x is not a matrix!")
cnames <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e){
if(length(cnames) != ncol){
stop("cnames != ncol!")
x <- Matrix::Matrix(matrix(x, ncol = ncol), sparse=TRUE)
colnames(x) <- cnames
# Compute Summary Statistics!
.getRowSums <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
useMatrix = NULL,
seqnames = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
tstart = NULL,
filter0 = FALSE,
threads = 1,
addInfo = FALSE
tstart <- Sys.time()
seqnames <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFiles, useMatrix)
#Compute RowSums
summaryDF <- .safelapply(seq_along(seqnames), function(x){
o <- h5closeAll()
for(y in seq_along(ArrowFiles)){
if(y == 1){
sumy <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqnames[x], "/rowSums"))
sumy1 <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqnames[x], "/rowSums"))
if(length(sumy1) != length(sumy)){
stop("rowSums lengths do not match in ArrowFiles for a seqname!")
sumy <- sumy + sumy1
#Return Setup In Feature DF Format (seqnames, idx columns)
DataFrame(seqnames = Rle(seqnames[x], lengths = length(sumy)), idx = seq_along(sumy), rowSums = as.vector(sumy))
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
featureDF <- .getFeatureDF(ArrowFiles, useMatrix)
rownames(featureDF) <- paste0(featureDF$seqnames, "_", featureDF$idx)
rownames(summaryDF) <- paste0(summaryDF$seqnames, "_", summaryDF$idx)
featureDF <- featureDF[rownames(summaryDF), , drop = FALSE]
featureDF$rowSums <- summaryDF[rownames(featureDF), "rowSums"]
summaryDF <- featureDF
rownames(summaryDF) <- NULL
summaryDF <- summaryDF[which(summaryDF$rowSums > 0), ,drop = FALSE]
.getRowVars <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
seqnames = NULL,
useMatrix = NULL,
useLog2 = FALSE,
threads = 1
.combineVariances <- function(dfMeans = NULL, dfVars = NULL, ns = NULL){
if(ncol(dfMeans) != ncol(dfVars) || ncol(dfMeans) != length(ns)){
stop("Means Variances and Ns lengths not identical")
#Check if samples have NAs due to N = 1 sample or some other weird thing.
#Set it to min non NA variance
dfVars <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(dfVars)), function(x){
vx <- dfVars[x, ]
vx[is.na(vx)] <- min(vx[!is.na(vx)])
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
combinedMeans <- rowSums(t(t(dfMeans) * ns)) / sum(ns)
summedVars <- rowSums(t(t(dfVars) * (ns - 1)) + t(t(dfMeans^2) * ns))
combinedVars <- (summedVars - sum(ns)*combinedMeans^2)/(sum(ns)-1)
data.frame(combinedVars = combinedVars, combinedMeans = combinedMeans)
featureDF <- .getFeatureDF(ArrowFiles, useMatrix)
featureDF <- featureDF[BiocGenerics::which(featureDF$seqnames %bcin% seqnames),]
rownames(featureDF) <- paste0("f", seq_len(nrow(featureDF)))
fnames <- rownames(featureDF)
featureDF <- S4Vectors::split(featureDF, as.character(featureDF$seqnames))
ns <- lapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(y){
length(.availableCells(ArrowFiles[y], useMatrix))
}) %>% unlist
#Compute RowVars
summaryDF <- .safelapply(seq_along(featureDF), function(x){
o <- h5closeAll()
seqx <- names(featureDF)[x]
meanx <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(ArrowFiles), nrow = nrow(featureDF[[x]]))
varx <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(ArrowFiles), nrow = nrow(featureDF[[x]]))
for(y in seq_along(ArrowFiles)){
meanx[, y] <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqx, "/rowMeansLog2"))
varx[, y] <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqx, "/rowVarsLog2"))
meanx[, y] <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqx, "/rowMeans"))
varx[, y] <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqx, "/rowVars"))
cbind(featureDF[[x]], DataFrame(.combineVariances(meanx, varx, ns)))
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
summaryDF <- summaryDF[fnames, , drop = FALSE]
.getColSums <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
seqnames = NULL,
useMatrix = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
tstart = NULL,
threads = 1
tstart <- Sys.time()
#Compute ColSums
cS <- .safelapply(seq_along(seqnames), function(x){
lapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(y){
o <- h5closeAll()
cSy <- h5read(ArrowFiles[y], paste0(useMatrix, "/", seqnames[x], "/colSums"))
rownames(cSy) <- .availableCells(ArrowFiles[y], useMatrix)
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .)
}, threads = threads) %>% Reduce("cbind", .) %>% rowSums
.logDiffTime("Successfully Computed colSums", tstart, verbose = verbose)
# h5read implementation for optimal reading
.h5read <- function(
file = NULL,
name = NULL,
method = "fast",
index = NULL,
start = NULL,
block = NULL,
count = NULL
if(tolower(method) == "fast" & is.null(index) & is.null(start) & is.null(block) & is.null(count)){
fid <- H5Fopen(file)
dapl <- H5Pcreate("H5P_DATASET_ACCESS")
did <- .Call("_H5Dopen", fid@ID, name, dapl@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
res <- .Call("_H5Dread", did, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0L, FALSE, fid@native, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
invisible(.Call("_H5Dclose", did, PACKAGE='rhdf5'))
res <- h5read(file = file, name = name, index = index, start = start, block = block, count = count)
o <- h5closeAll()
.getMatrixClass <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
useMatrix = NULL,
threads = getArchRThreads()
threads <- min(length(ArrowFiles), threads)
matrixClass <- .safelapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(i){
h5read(ArrowFiles[i], paste0(useMatrix, "/Info/Class"))
}, threads = threads) %>% unlist %>% unique
if(length(matrixClass) != 1){
stop("Not all matrix classes are the same!")
.getMatrixUnits <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
useMatrix = NULL,
threads = getArchRThreads()
threads <- min(length(ArrowFiles), threads)
matrixUnits <- .safelapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(i){
tryCatch({ #This handles backwards compatibility!
h5read(ArrowFiles[i], paste0(useMatrix, "/Info/Units"))
}, error = function(x){
}, threads = threads) %>% unlist %>% unique
if(length(matrixUnits) != 1){
stop("Not all matrix units are the same!")
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