# Transcription Factor Deviation Methods
#' Add a matrix of deviations for a given peakAnnotation to Arrow Files in ArchRProject
#' This function will compute peakAnnotation deviations for each ArrowFiles independently while controlling for global biases (low-memory requirement).
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param peakAnnotation The name of the `peakAnnotation` stored in the `ArchRProject`.
#' @param matches A custom `peakAnnotation` matches object used as input for the hypergeometric test. See
#' `motifmatchr::matchmotifs()` for additional information.
#' @param bgdPeaks A `SummarizedExperiment` that contains for each peak a set of background peaks matched by biases such as total accessibility
#' and GC nucleotide content. This can be computed using `addBgdPeaks` and accessed by `getBgdPeaks`.
#' @param matrixName The name to be used for storage of the deviations matrix in the provided `ArchRProject`.
#' @param out A string or character vector that indicates whether to save the ouptut matrices as deviations ("deviations")
#' z-scores ("z"), or both (c("deviations","z")).
#' @param binarize A boolean value indicating whether the input matrix should be binarized before calculating deviations.
#' This is often desired when working with insertion counts.
#' @param threads The number of threads to be used for parallel computing.
#' @param verbose A boolean value that determines whether standard output includes verbose sections.
#' @param parallelParam A list of parameters to be passed for biocparallel/batchtools parallel computing.
#' @param force A boolean value indicating whether to force the matrix indicated by `matrixName` to be overwritten if it
#' already exists in the ArrowFiles associated with the given `ArchRProject`.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @export
addDeviationsMatrix <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
peakAnnotation = NULL,
matches = NULL,
bgdPeaks = getBgdPeaks(ArchRProj, method = "chromVAR"),
matrixName = NULL,
out = c("z", "deviations"),
binarize = FALSE,
threads = getArchRThreads(),
verbose = TRUE,
parallelParam = NULL,
force = FALSE,
logFile = createLogFile("addDeviationsMatrix")
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = peakAnnotation, name = "peakAnnotation", valid = c("character", "null"))
.validInput(input = matches, name = "matches", valid = c("SummarizedExperiment", "null"))
.validInput(input = bgdPeaks, name = "bgdPeaks", valid = c("SummarizedExperiment"))
.validInput(input = matrixName, name = "matrixName", valid = c("character", "null"))
.validInput(input = out, name = "out", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = binarize, name = "binarize", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = threads, name = "threads", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = verbose, name = "verbose", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = parallelParam, name = "parallelParam", valid = c("parallelparam", "null"))
.validInput(input = force, name = "force", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = logFile, name = "logFile", valid = c("character"))
tstart <- Sys.time()
.startLogging(logFile = logFile)
if(!inherits(ArchRProj, "ArchRProject")){
stop("Error Needs to be ArchR Project for Input!")
ArrowFiles <- getSampleColData(ArchRProj)$ArrowFiles
threads <- min(length(ArrowFiles), threads)
allCells <- rownames(getCellColData(ArchRProj))
outDir <- getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj)
stop("Error Input Arrow Files do not all exist!")
#Annotations Matrix!
anno <- getPeakAnnotation(ArchRProj, peakAnnotation)
matches <- readRDS(anno$Matches)
matrixName <- paste0(anno$Name, "Matrix")
matrixName <- paste0("MotifMatrix")
annotationsMatrix <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(matches)
rownames(annotationsMatrix) <- paste0(seqnames(matches), "_", start(matches), "_", end(matches))
annotationsMatrix <- as(annotationsMatrix, "dgCMatrix")
#Get Expectations!
ArrowFiles <- getArrowFiles(ArchRProj)
useMatrix <- "PeakMatrix"
availableChr <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFiles, useMatrix)
rS <- suppressMessages(.getRowSums(
ArrowFiles = ArrowFiles,
seqnames = availableChr,
useMatrix = useMatrix,
filter0 = FALSE
rownames(rS) <- paste0(rS$seqnames,"_",rS$idx)
rS <- rS[paste0(seqnames(ArchRProj@peakSet), "_", mcols(ArchRProj@peakSet)$idx),]
rS$start <- start(ArchRProj@peakSet)
rS$end <- end(ArchRProj@peakSet)
rS$GC <- ArchRProj@peakSet$GC
rownames(rS) <- paste0(rS$seqnames, "_", rS$start, "_", rS$end)
annotationsMatrix <- annotationsMatrix[rownames(rS), ]
#Create args list
args <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
#Add args to list
args$peakAnnotation <- NULL
args$annotationsMatrix <- annotationsMatrix
args$featureDF <- rS
args$useMatrix <- useMatrix
args$ArrowFiles <- ArrowFiles
args$allCells <- allCells
args$matrixName <- matrixName
args$X <- seq_along(ArrowFiles)
args$FUN <- .addDeviationsMatrix
args$logFile <- logFile
args$registryDir <- file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), paste0(matrixName,"DeviationsRegistry"))
#Remove Project from Args
args$ArchRProj <- NULL
args$matches <- NULL
.logThis(args, "Deviations-Args", logFile = logFile)
#Run With Parallel or lapply
outList <- .batchlapply(args)
.logDiffTime("Completed Computing Deviations!", tstart, addHeader = TRUE, logFile = logFile)
.endLogging(logFile = logFile)
.addDeviationsMatrix <- function(
i = NULL,
ArrowFiles = NULL,
annotationsMatrix = NULL,
out = c("z", "deviations"),
cellNames = NULL,
allCells = NULL,
featureDF = NULL,
bgdPeaks = NULL,
binarize = FALSE,
useMatrix = "PeakMatrix",
matrixName = "Motif",
force = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
tstart = NULL,
subThreads = 1,
logFile = NULL
tstart <- Sys.time()
ArrowFile <- ArrowFiles[i]
sampleName <- .sampleName(ArrowFile)
prefix <- sprintf("%s (%s of %s)", sampleName, i, length(ArrowFiles))
cellNames <- .availableCells(ArrowFile, subGroup=useMatrix)
cellNames <- cellNames[cellNames %in% allCells]
# completed <- tryCatch({
# h5read(ArrowFile, paste0(matrixName,"/Info/Completed")) #Check if completed
# return(TRUE)
# },error = function(y){
# return(FALSE)
# })
# if(completed){
# if(!force){
# .logMessage(paste0("Previous Run Completed Successfully, to overwrite set force = TRUE! Skipping ", sampleName, " Deviations."), logFile = logFile)
# message("Previous Run Completed Successfully, to overwrite set force = TRUE! Skipping ", sampleName, " Deviations.")
# return(0)
# }else{
# .logMessage("Previous Run Completed Successfully, continuing since force = TRUE!", logFile = logFile)
# message("Previous Run Completed Successfully, continuing since force = TRUE!")
# }
# }
o <- h5closeAll()
o <- .createArrowGroup(ArrowFile = ArrowFile, group = matrixName, force = force, logFile = logFile)
#Get Matrix and Run ChromVAR!
.logDiffTime(sprintf("chromVAR deviations %s Schep (2017)", prefix), tstart, addHeader = FALSE, logFile = logFile)
dev <- tryCatch({
featureDF = featureDF,
binarize = binarize,
useMatrix = useMatrix,
cellNames = cellNames
) %>% {.customDeviations(
countsMatrix = .,
annotationsMatrix = annotationsMatrix,
prefix = prefix,
backgroudPeaks = SummarizedExperiment::assay(bgdPeaks),
expectation = featureDF$rowSums/sum(featureDF$rowSums),
out = out,
verbose = verbose,
threads = subThreads,
logFile = logFile
}, error = function(e){
errorList <- list(
annotationsMatrix = annotationsMatrix,
prefix = prefix,
backgroudPeaks = SummarizedExperiment::assay(bgdPeaks),
expectation = featureDF$rowSums/sum(featureDF$rowSums),
out = out,
verbose = verbose,
threads = subThreads,
logFile = logFile
.logError(e, fn = ".computeDeviations", info = prefix, errorList = errorList, logFile = logFile)
.logThis(dev, "dev", logFile = logFile)
# Initialize Matrix Group
featureDF <- data.frame(seqnames = out, idx = seq_len(nrow(dev)), name = rownames(dev), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}else if(length(out)==2){
featureDF <- rbind(
data.frame(seqnames = out[1], idx = seq_len(nrow(dev)), name = rownames(dev), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
data.frame(seqnames = out[2], idx = seq_len(nrow(dev)), name = rownames(dev), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stop("out can only be up to 2 items deviations,z")
featureDF <- featureDF[order(featureDF[,1]),]
.logThis(featureDF, "featureDF", logFile = logFile)
Units <- c()
if("z" %in% tolower(out)){
Units <- c(Units, "DeviationScores")
if("deviations" %in% tolower(out)){
Units <- c(Units, "Deviations")
o <- .initializeMat(
ArrowFile = ArrowFile,
Group = matrixName,
Class = "Assays",
Units = Units,
cellNames = colnames(dev),
params = "chromVAR",
featureDF = featureDF,
force = TRUE
# Write Matrices To Arrow
if("z" %in% tolower(out)){
o <- .addMatToArrow(
mat = as(SummarizedExperiment::assays(dev)[["z"]], "dgCMatrix"),
ArrowFile = ArrowFile,
Group = paste0(matrixName,"/z"),
binarize = FALSE,
addRowSums = FALSE,
addColSums = FALSE,
addRowVars = TRUE,
addRowMeans = TRUE
if("deviations" %in% tolower(out)){
o <- .addMatToArrow(
mat = as(SummarizedExperiment::assays(dev)[["deviations"]], "dgCMatrix"),
ArrowFile = ArrowFile,
Group = paste0(matrixName,"/deviations"),
binarize = FALSE,
addRowSums = FALSE,
addColSums = FALSE,
addRowVars = TRUE,
addRowMeans = TRUE
#Add Completion Mark
o <- h5write(obj = "Finished", file = ArrowFile, name = paste0(matrixName,"/Info/Completed"))
.logDiffTime("Finished Computing Deviations!", tstart)
# Adapted from chromVAR, Approved by Alicia Schep for Modification.
.customDeviations <- function(
countsMatrix = NULL,
annotationsMatrix = NULL,
backgroudPeaks = NULL,
expectation = NULL,
prefix = "",
out = c("deviations", "z"),
threads = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
logFile = NULL
tstart <- Sys.time()
#lets not do this check because we are running on partial matrix
#if (min(getFragmentsPerPeak(countsMatrix)) <= 0)
# stop("All peaks must have at least one fragment in one sample")
stopifnot(nrow(countsMatrix) == nrow(backgroudPeaks))
stopifnot(length(expectation) == nrow(countsMatrix))
colData <- DataFrame(seq_len(ncol(countsMatrix)), row.names = colnames(countsMatrix))[,FALSE]
norm_expectation <- expectation / sum(expectation) #Double check this sums to 1!
countsPerSample <- Matrix::colSums(countsMatrix)
.logThis(countsMatrix, paste0(prefix, " : CountsMatrix"))
.logThis(annotationsMatrix, paste0(prefix, " : annotationsMatrix"))
.logThis(backgroudPeaks, paste0(prefix, " : backgroudPeaks"))
.logThis(expectation, paste0(prefix, " : expectation"))
d <- max(floor(ncol(annotationsMatrix)/20), 1)
m <- 0
results <- .safelapply(seq_len(ncol(annotationsMatrix)), function(x){
if(x %% d == 0){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("%s : Deviations for Annotation %s of %s", prefix, x, ncol(annotationsMatrix)), tstart, verbose = verbose, logFile = logFile)
m <- 1 #Print to console
if(x %% max(floor(d/5), 2) == 0){
if(m != 1){
.logDiffTime(sprintf("%s : Deviations for Annotation %s of %s", prefix, x, ncol(annotationsMatrix)), tstart, verbose = FALSE, logFile = logFile)
m <- 0 #Reset
if(x %% max(c(d, 10)) == 0){
annotationsVector = annotationsMatrix[, x, drop=FALSE],
countsMatrix = countsMatrix,
backgroudPeaks = backgroudPeaks,
countsPerSample = countsPerSample,
expectation = norm_expectation,
out = out,
logFile = logFile,
prefix = prefix
}, threads = threads)
cn <- colnames(countsMatrix)
if("z" %in% tolower(out)){
z <- t(vapply(results, function(x) x[["z"]], rep(0, length(cn))))
z <- matrix(z, ncol=length(cn))
z <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(annotationsMatrix), ncol = length(cn))
if("deviations" %in% tolower(out)){
dev <- t(vapply(results, function(x) x[["dev"]], rep(0, length(cn))))
dev <- matrix(dev, ncol=length(cn))
dev <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(annotationsMatrix), ncol = length(cn))
colnames(z) <- cn
colnames(dev) <- cn
#Check First
nullOverlap <- is.null(results[[1]]$overlap)
rowData <- lapply(seq_along(results), function(x){
resx <- results[[x]]
data.frame(fractionMatches = resx$matches)
data.frame(fractionMatches = resx$matches, fractionBackgroundOverlap = resx$overlap)
}) %>% Reduce("rbind",.)
rownames(rowData) <- colnames(annotationsMatrix)
se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = list(
deviations = dev,
z = z
colData = colData,
rowData = rowData
SummarizedExperiment::assays(se) <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(se)[tolower(out)]
.customDeviationsSingle <- function(
annotationsVector = NULL,
countsMatrix = NULL,
countsPerSample = NULL,
backgroudPeaks = NULL,
out = c("deviations", "z"),
expectation = NULL,
threshold = 1,
logFile = NULL,
prefix = ""
.binarizeMat <- function(mat = NULL){
mat@x[mat@x > 0] <- 1
if (length(annotationsVector@x) == 0) {
out <- list(
z = rep(NA, ncol(countsMatrix)),
dev = rep(NA, ncol(countsMatrix)),
expFG = NA,
expBG = NA,
matches = 0,
overlap = NA
outList <- tryCatch({
# Fore Ground Deviations
observed <- as.vector(Matrix::t(annotationsVector) %*% countsMatrix)
expected <- as.vector(Matrix::t(annotationsVector) %*% expectation %*% countsPerSample)
observed_deviation <- (observed - expected)/expected
#Filter those with no matches at all
fail_filter <- which(expected == 0)
# Back Ground Deviations
if("z" %in% tolower(out)){
#Compute Background Null Per Iteration
niterations <- ncol(backgroudPeaks)
sampleMat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
j = as.vector(backgroudPeaks[annotationsVector@i + 1, seq_len(niterations)]),
i = rep(seq_len(niterations), each = length(annotationsVector@x)),
x = rep(annotationsVector@x, niterations),
dims = c(niterations, nrow(countsMatrix))
sampled <- as.matrix(sampleMat %*% countsMatrix)
sampledExpected <- sampleMat %*% expectation %*% countsPerSample
sampledDeviation <- (sampled - sampledExpected)/sampledExpected
bgOverlap <- Matrix::mean(.binarizeMat(sampleMat) %*% .binarizeMat(annotationsVector)) / length(annotationsVector@x)
meanSampledDeviation <- Matrix::colMeans(sampledDeviation)
sdSampledDeviation <- apply(as.matrix(sampledDeviation), 2, sd)
#Norm Deviation
normdev <- (observed_deviation - meanSampledDeviation)
z <- normdev/sdSampledDeviation
if (length(fail_filter) > 0) {
z[fail_filter] <- NA
normdev[fail_filter] <- NA
#Compute Background Null Per Iteration
niterations <- ncol(backgroudPeaks)
sampleMat2 <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(
j = as.vector(backgroudPeaks[annotationsVector@i + 1, seq_len(niterations)]),
i = rep(1, niterations * length(annotationsVector@x)),
x = rep(annotationsVector@x, niterations),
dims = c(1, nrow(countsMatrix))
sampled2 <- (sampleMat2 %*% countsMatrix)[1,]
sampledExpected2 <- (sampleMat2 %*% expectation %*% countsPerSample)[1,]
# Equivalent to above
# colMeans(sampled) - colMeans(sampledExpected))/colMeans(sampledExpected)
sampledDeviation2 <- (sampled2 - sampledExpected2)/sampledExpected2
bgOverlap <- NA
#Norm Deviation
normdev <- (observed_deviation - sampledDeviation2)
z <- NULL
if (length(fail_filter) > 0) {
normdev[fail_filter] <- NA
outList <- list(
z = z,
dev = normdev,
matches = length(annotationsVector@x) / nrow(countsMatrix),
overlap = bgOverlap
}, error = function(e){
errorList <- list(
annotationsVector = annotationsVector,
observed = if(exists("observed", inherits = FALSE)) observed else "observed",
expected = if(exists("expected", inherits = FALSE)) expected else "expected",
sampleMat = if(exists("sampleMat", inherits = FALSE)) sampleMat else "sampleMat",
sampleMat2 = if(exists("sampleMat", inherits = FALSE)) sampleMat2 else "sampleMat2",
sampledDeviation = if(exists("sampledDeviation", inherits = FALSE)) sampledDeviation else "sampledDeviation",
sampledDeviation2 = if(exists("sampledDeviation2", inherits = FALSE)) sampledDeviation2 else "sampledDeviation2",
normdev = if(exists("normdev", inherits = FALSE)) normdev else "normdev",
z = if(exists("z", inherits = FALSE)) z else "z"
.logError(e, fn = ".customDeviationsSingle", info = prefix, errorList = errorList, logFile = logFile)
#' Get Variable Deviations across cells in ArchRProject.
#' This function will rank the variability of the deviations computed by ArchR and label the top variable annotations.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param name The name of the `DeviationsMatrix` object stored in the `ArchRProject`. See `addDeviationsMatrix()`.
#' @param plot A boolean value indicating whether the ranked variability should be plotted for each peakAnnotation in `DeviationsMatrix`.
#' @param n The number of annotations to label with `ggrepel`.
#' @export
getVarDeviations <- function(ArchRProj = NULL, name = "MotifMatrix", plot = TRUE, n = 25){
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = name, name = "name", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = plot, name = "plot", valid = c("boolean"))
.validInput(input = n, name = "n", valid = c("integer"))
rowV <- .getRowVars(getArrowFiles(ArchRProj), useMatrix = name, seqnames = "z")
rowV <- rowV[order(rowV$combinedVars, decreasing=TRUE), ]
rowV$rank <- seq_len(nrow(rowV))
rowV <- data.frame(rowV)
ggplot(rowV, aes(x = rank, y = combinedVars, color = combinedVars)) +
geom_point(size = 1) +
scale_color_gradientn(colors = paletteContinuous(set = "comet")) +
data = rowV[rev(seq_len(n)), ], aes(x = rank, y = combinedVars, label = name),
size = 1.5,
color = "black",
nudge_x = 2
) + theme_ArchR() + ylab("Variability") + xlab("Rank Sorted Annotations")
#' Add Background Peaks to an ArchRProject
#' This function will compute background peaks controlling for total accessibility and GC-content and add this information to an ArchRProject.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param nIterations The number of background peaks to sample. See `chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks()`.
#' @param w The parameter controlling similarity of background peaks. See `chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks()`.
#' @param binSize The precision with which the similarity is computed. See `chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks()`.
#' @param seed A number to be used as the seed for random number generation. It is recommended to keep track of the seed used so that
#' you can reproduce results downstream.
#' @param outFile The path to save the `backgroundPeaks` object as a `.RDS` file for the given `ArchRProject`. The default action
#' is to save this file in the `outputDirectory` of the `ArchRProject`.
#' @param method A string indicating whether to use chromVAR or ArchR for background peak identification.
#' @param force A boolean value indicating whether to force the file indicated by `outFile` to be overwritten if it already exists.
#' @export
addBgdPeaks <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
nIterations = 50,
w = 0.1,
binSize = 50,
seed = 1,
method = "chromVAR",
outFile = file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), "Background-Peaks.rds"),
force = FALSE
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = nIterations, name = "nIterations", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = w, name = "w", valid = c("numeric"))
.validInput(input = binSize, name = "binSize", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = seed, name = "seed", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = outFile, name = "outFile", valid = c("character"))
.validInput(input = force, name = "force", valid = c("boolean"))
if(!is.null(metadata(getPeakSet(ArchRProj))$bgdPeaks) & !force){
stop("Background Peaks Already Exist! set force = TRUE to addBgdPeaks!")
message("Previous Background Peaks file does not exist! Identifying Background Peaks!")
bgdPeaks <- .computeBgdPeaks(ArchRProj=ArchRProj, nIterations=nIterations, w=w, binSize=binSize, seed = seed, outFile = outFile, method = method)
stop("Previous Background Peaks file does not exist! set force = TRUE to addBgdPeaks!")
message("Identifying Background Peaks!")
bgdPeaks <- .computeBgdPeaks(ArchRProj=ArchRProj, nIterations=nIterations, w=w, binSize=binSize, seed = seed, outFile = outFile, method = method)
if(length(getPeakSet(ArchRProj)) != nrow(bgdPeaks)){
stop("Number of rows in Background Peaks does not match peakSet!")
metadata(ArchRProj@peakSet)$bgdPeaks <- outFile
#' Get Background Peaks from an ArchRProject
#' This function will get/compute background peaks controlling for total accessibility and GC-content from an ArchRProject.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param nIterations The number of background peaks to sample. See `chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks()`.
#' @param w The parameter controlling similarity measure of background peaks. See `chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks()`.
#' @param binSize The precision with which the similarity is computed. See `chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks()`.
#' @param seed A number to be used as the seed for random number generation. It is recommended to keep track of the seed used
#' so that you can reproduce results downstream.
#' @param method A string indicating whether to use chromVAR or ArchR for background peak identification.
#' @param force A boolean value indicating whether to force the file indicated by `outFile` to be overwritten if it already exists.
#' @export
getBgdPeaks <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
nIterations = 50,
w = 0.1,
binSize = 50,
seed = 1,
method = "chromVAR",
force = FALSE
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = c("ArchRProj"))
.validInput(input = nIterations, name = "nIterations", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = w, name = "w", valid = c("numeric"))
.validInput(input = binSize, name = "binSize", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = seed, name = "seed", valid = c("integer"))
.validInput(input = force, name = "force", valid = c("boolean"))
if(!is.null(metadata(getPeakSet(ArchRProj))$bgdPeaks) & !force){
message("Using Previous Background Peaks!")
bgdPeaks <- readRDS(metadata(getPeakSet(ArchRProj))$bgdPeaks)
message("Previous Background Peaks file does not exist! Identifying Background Peaks!")
bgdPeaks <- .computeBgdPeaks(ArchRProj=ArchRProj, nIterations=nIterations, w=w, binSize=binSize, seed = seed, outFile = NULL, method = method)
stop("Previous Background Peaks file does not exist! set add = TRUE to addBgdPeaks!")
message("Identifying Background Peaks!")
bgdPeaks <- .computeBgdPeaks(ArchRProj=ArchRProj, nIterations=nIterations, w=w, binSize=binSize, seed = seed, outFile = NULL, method = method)
if(length(getPeakSet(ArchRProj)) != nrow(bgdPeaks)){
stop("Number of rows in Background Peaks does not match peakSet!")
.computeBgdPeaks <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
nIterations = 50,
w = 0.1,
binSize = 50,
seed = 1,
method = "chromVAR",
outFile = file.path(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj), "Background-Peaks.rds")
#Get Expectations
ArrowFiles <- getArrowFiles(ArchRProj)
useMatrix <- "PeakMatrix"
availableChr <- .availableSeqnames(ArrowFiles, useMatrix)
rS <- suppressMessages(.getRowSums(
ArrowFiles = ArrowFiles,
seqnames = availableChr,
useMatrix = useMatrix,
filter0 = FALSE
rS$start <- start(ArchRProj@peakSet)
rS$end <- end(ArchRProj@peakSet)
rS$GC <- ArchRProj@peakSet$GC
uniqueDist <- unique(rS$end - rS$start)
if(length(uniqueDist) > 1){
if(tolower(method) != "archr"){
stop("When using non-fixed width peaks, you need to use method = ArchR!")
#minimal chromVAR change
#chromVAR reuiqres a matrix/se of ncol > 1 and with a log10(values) transform removing peaks with 0 reads
#to disable this we create a column of 1's forcing chromVAR to perform log10(values + 1)
se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = SimpleList(counts = as.matrix(data.frame(rS$rowSums, 1))),
rowData = DataFrame(bias = rS$GC, start = rS$start, end = rS$end)
if(tolower(method) == "chromvar"){
bgdPeaks <- tryCatch({
object = se,
bias = rowData(se)$bias,
niterations = nIterations,
w = w,
bs = binSize
}, error = function(e){
message("Error with chromVAR::getBackgroundPeaks! Handling this with a safer method for getting background peaks with ArchR!")
object = se,
bias = rowData(se)$bias,
nIterations = nIterations
bgdPeaks <- .ArchRBdgPeaks(
object = se,
bias = rowData(se)$bias,
nIterations = nIterations
bgdPeaks <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(bgdPeaks = bgdPeaks),
rowRanges = GRanges(rS$seqnames,IRanges(rS$start,rS$end),value=rS$rowSums,GC=rS$GC))
biasDF <- data.frame(
rowSums = Matrix::rowSums(assay(se)),
bias = rowData(se)$bias,
length = rowData(se)$end - rowData(se)$start
rowData(bgdPeaks)$bgdSumMean <- round(rowMeans(matrix(biasDF[assay(bgdPeaks),1], nrow = nrow(bgdPeaks))),3)
rowData(bgdPeaks)$bgdSumSd <- round(matrixStats::rowSds(matrix(biasDF[assay(bgdPeaks),1], nrow = nrow(bgdPeaks))),3)
rowData(bgdPeaks)$bgdGCMean <- round(rowMeans(matrix(biasDF[assay(bgdPeaks),2], nrow = nrow(bgdPeaks))),3)
rowData(bgdPeaks)$bgdGCSd <- round(matrixStats::rowSds(matrix(biasDF[assay(bgdPeaks),2], nrow = nrow(bgdPeaks))),3)
rowData(bgdPeaks)$bgdLengthMean <- round(rowMeans(matrix(biasDF[assay(bgdPeaks),3], nrow = nrow(bgdPeaks))),3)
rowData(bgdPeaks)$bgdLengthSd <- round(matrixStats::rowSds(matrix(biasDF[assay(bgdPeaks),3], nrow = nrow(bgdPeaks))),3)
#Save Background Peaks
saveRDS(bgdPeaks, outFile, compress = FALSE)
.ArchRBdgPeaks <- function(object = NULL, bias = NULL, nIterations = 50){
.cleanSelf <- function(x){
xn <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))){
xi <- x[i, ]
idx <- which(xi != i)
xn[i, seq_along(idx)] <- xi[idx]
idx <- which(colSums(xn == 0) > 0)
if(length(idx) > 0){
xn <- xn[,-idx]
#Bias Dataframe
biasDF <- data.frame(
rowSums = Matrix::rowSums(assay(object)),
bias = bias,
length = rowData(object)$end - rowData(object)$start
#Quantile Normalize
biasDFN <- apply(biasDF, 2, .getQuantiles)
#Get KNN
knnObj <- nabor::knn(
data = biasDFN,
k = nIterations + 1
#Filter Self
knnObj <- .cleanSelf(knnObj)
idx <- seq_len(ncol(knnObj))
knnObj2 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(knnObj), ncol = ncol(knnObj))
for(x in seq_len(nrow(knnObj2))){
knnObj2[x,] <- knnObj[x, sample(idx, length(idx))]
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