
Defines functions buildBackgroundModel buildZTestBackgroundModel initiateBackgroundModel

Documented in buildBackgroundModel buildZTestBackgroundModel initiateBackgroundModel

#' Create a new \code{\link{dagBackground-class}} object for \code{\link{testDAU}}.
#' @param background A list, each element of which is a vector of aligned peptide
#' sequences of the same length.
#' @param numSubsamples An integer, the number of random samplings to get 
#' background sequence set.
#' @param testType An character, the type of statistic testing : "ztest" or "fisher".
#' @return An object of \code{\link{dagBackground-class}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Haibo Liu

initiateBackgroundModel <- function(background, numSubsamples = 1L, testType)
      background = background,
      numSubsamples = numSubsamples,
      testType = testType)

#' Build a background model for Z-test.
#' @param dagPeptides An object of \code{\link{dagPeptides-class}} containing 
#' peptide sequences as the input set.
#' @param matches A character vector with the matched subsequences.
#' @param numSubsamples An integer, the number of random sampling.
#' @param rand.seed An integer, the seed used to perform random sampling.
#' @param replacement A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether replacement 
#' is allowed for random sampling.
#' @return An object of \code{\link{dagBackground-class}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu

buildZTestBackgroundModel <- function(dagPeptides,
                                      numSubsamples = 30L,
                                      rand.seed = 1,
                                      testType = "ztest",
                                      replacement = FALSE)
  numSubsamples <- as.integer(numSubsamples)
  if (numSubsamples < 2){
    stop("numSubsamples should be greater than 1", call. = FALSE)
  #### sampling the same number of subsequences from background as the experiment set
  n <- nrow(dagPeptides@data)
  if (length(matches) < n){
    stop("Too few matches in the background. Please try different parameters.",
         call. = FALSE)
  ## subsampleing: samplesize = n; number of subsamples = numSubsamples
  background <- lapply(seq_len(numSubsamples), function(p) {
    s <- sample(matches, n, replace = replacement, prob = NULL)
    do.call(rbind, strsplit(s, "", fixed = TRUE))
  initiateBackgroundModel(background = background, 
                          numSubsamples = numSubsamples, 
                          testType = testType)

#' Build background models for DAU tests
#' A method used to build background models for testing differential amino acid usage
#' @param dagPeptides An object of \code{\link{dagPeptides-class}} containing 
#' peptide sequences as the input set.
#' @param background A character vector with options: "wholeProteome", "inputSet", 
#' and "nonInputSet", indicating what set of peptide sequences should be considered to 
#' generate a background model.
#' @param model A character vector with options: "any" and "anchored", indicating 
#' whether an anchoring position should be applied to generate a background model.
#' @param targetPosition A character vector with options: "any", "Nterminus" and
#' "Cterminus", indicating which part of protein sequences of choice should
#' be used to generate a background model.
#' @param uniqueSeq A logical vector indicating whether only unique peptide sequences
#' are included in a background model for sampling.
#' @param numSubsamples An integer, the number of random sampling.
#' @param rand.seed An integer, the seed used to perform random sampling
#' @param replacement A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether replacement 
#' is allowed for random sampling.
#' @param testType A character vector of length 1. Available options are "ztest" 
#' and "fisher".
#' @param proteome An object of Proteome, output of \code{\link{prepareProteome}}
#' @import methods
#' @details The background could be generated from wholeProteome, inputSet or nonInputSet.
#' Case 1: If background ="wholeProteome" and model = "any": The background set 
#' is composed of randomly selected subsequences from the wholeProteome with
#' each subsequence of the same length as input sequences.
#' Case 2: If background ="wholeProteome and model = "anchored": The background
#' set is composed of randomly selected subsequences from the wholeProteome
#' with each subsequence of same length as input sequences.Additionally, the
#' amino acids at the anchoring positions must be the same amino acid as that
#' defined in the dagPeptides object,such as "K" for lysine.
#' Case 3: If background ="inputSet" and model = "any": similar to Case 1, but
#' the full length protein sequences matching the protein sequence IDs in the inputSet
#' are used for build background model after excluding the subsequences specified
#' in the inputSet from the full length sequences.
#' Case 4: If background ="inputSet" and model = "anchored": similar to Case 2, but
#' the full-length protein sequences matching the protein sequence IDs in the inputSet
#' are used for build background model after excluding the subsequences specified
#' in the inputSet from the full length sequences.
#' Case 5: If background ="nonInputSet" and model = "any": The background set
#' is composed of randomly selected subsequences from the wholeProteome, not
#' including the sequences corresponding to the inpuSet sequencesm with each
#' subsequence of same length as input sequences.
#' Case 6: If background ="nonInputSet" and model = "anchored": similar to Case 5, but
#' the amino acids at the anchoring positions must be the same amino acid as that 
#' defined in the dagPeptides object, such as "K" for lysine.

#' @return An object of \code{\link{dagBackground-class}}.
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file(
#'                                    "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"),
#'                          header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE))
#' ##prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file
#' proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata",
#'                                                 "HUMAN.fasta",
#'                                                 package = "dagLogo"), 
#'                             species = "Homo sapiens")
#' ##prepare an object of dagPeptides Class
#' seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14,
#'                      downstreamOffset = 15)
#' bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", 
#'                                   proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher")
#' bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome",
#'                                    proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest")

buildBackgroundModel <- function(dagPeptides,
                                 background = c("wholeProteome", "inputSet", "nonInputSet"),
                                 model = c("any", "anchored"),
                                 targetPosition = c("any", "Nterminus", "Cterminus"),
                                 uniqueSeq = FALSE,
                                 numSubsamples = 300L,
                                 rand.seed = 1,
                                 replacement = FALSE,
                                 testType = c("ztest", "fisher"),
  if (missing(dagPeptides) || class(dagPeptides) != "dagPeptides") {
    stop("dagPeptides should be an object of dagPeptides Class.", call. = FALSE)
  background <- match.arg(background)
  targetPosition <- match.arg(targetPosition)
  model <- match.arg(model)
  testType <- match.arg(testType)
  numSubsamples <- as.integer(numSubsamples)
  if (numSubsamples < 2) {
    stop("numSubsamples should be greater than 1")
  length <- dagPeptides@upstreamOffset + dagPeptides@downstreamOffset + 1
  ## Decide what set of peptide sequences should be used to build the background model
  if (background != "inputSet") {
    if (missing(proteome) || class(proteome) != "Proteome") {
      stop("proteome should be an object of the Proteome Class.\n
           Try ?prepareProteome to get help", call. = FALSE)
    ## Whole proteome as background
    if (background == "wholeProteome") {
      SequenceStr <- proteome@proteome$SEQUENCE
    } else {
      proteome.s <- proteome@proteome[!proteome@proteome$SEQUENCE %in% 
                                        dagPeptides@data$peptide, ]
      SequenceStr <- proteome.s$SEQUENCE
    } else {
      SequenceStr <- dagPeptides@data$peptide
  ## Apply the anchoring position restriction or not for extract subsequences for
  ## building background model. Different patterns are used indifferent scenario.
  if (model == "anchored") {
    anchorAA <- table(dagPeptides@data$anchorAA)
    anchorAA <- anchorAA[order(anchorAA, decreasing = TRUE)]
    if (length(anchorAA) > 1) {
      model <- "any"
      warning("Anchor amino acid is not unique. Model is set to 'any'.")
      anchorAA <- paste("[", paste(names(anchorAA), collapse = ""), "]",
                        sep = "")
    } else {
      anchorAA <- names(anchorAA)[1]
      pattern <-paste("([A-Z]{",dagPeptides@upstreamOffset,"}",
                      sep = "")
  if (model == "any") {
    length <- dagPeptides@upstreamOffset + dagPeptides@downstreamOffset + 1
    pattern <- paste("([A-Z]{", length , "})", sep = "")
  ## Decide how to extract subsequences based on defined pattern: C-terminus only,
  ## N-terminus only or anywhere of peptide sequences. If C-terminus only or 
  ## N-terminus only is set, very restrictive extracting will be applied. Isn't 
  ## these two method too restrictive? 
  if (targetPosition == "Cterminus"){
    pattern <- paste(pattern, "$", sep = "")
  } else if (targetPosition == "Nterminus") {
    pattern <- paste("^", pattern, sep = "")
  matches <- gregexpr(pattern, SequenceStr)
  matches <- unlist(regmatches(SequenceStr, matches))
  if(uniqueSeq) {
    matches <- unique(matches)
  ## build background model based on the type of hypothesis testing
  if (testType == "fisher")
    numSubsamples <- 1L
    background <- list(do.call(rbind, strsplit(matches, "", fixed = TRUE)))
    backgroundModel <-
      initiateBackgroundModel(background = background,
                              numSubsamples = numSubsamples,
                              testType = testType)
  } else {
    backgroundModel <-
        dagPeptides = dagPeptides,
        matches = matches,
        testType = testType,
        numSubsamples = as.integer(numSubsamples),
        rand.seed = rand.seed,
        replacement = replacement)
haibol2016/dagLogo documentation built on June 28, 2020, 1:31 a.m.