
Defines functions traceFromImage traceFromCannyEdges gausskld knn shrinkDomDim constrainSizeFinImage pClip locThresh msum

Documented in constrainSizeFinImage msum traceFromCannyEdges traceFromImage

#' @title msum 
#' @description helper function for smoothing a sequence
#' @param n width of kernel
#' @param sides should the moving average be calculated in middle, or starting from one side
#' @return smoothed sequence
msum <- function(x,n=5,sides=1){filter(x,rep(1,min(n,length(x))), sides=sides)}

#' @title locThresh
#' @description default function used in get.locations
#' @param image
#' @return binary img coordinates
locThresh <- function(x,a=.35){return(x>a)}

#' @title pClip
#' @description slopy version of clamp
#' @param x is value to clip
#' @param a is min
#' @param b is max
#' @return clipped x
pClip <- function(x, a, b){pmax(a, pmin(x, b) )}

#' @title constrainSizeFinImage 
#' @details Processes an image(cimg) containing a fin. 
#' constrains image to a size range that balances preserving detail and efficiency
#' @param fin Value of type cimg. Load the image via load.image("directory/finImage.JPG")
#' @return Value of type list containing a scalar resize factor and a resized cimg
#' @export
constrainSizeFinImage <- function(fin, maxDim, minDim)
  shrinkFactors <- c(w2h=height(fin)/width(fin),h2w=width(fin)/height(fin) )

  domDim <- which.max(dim(fin))

  newDim <- dim(fin)[1:2]
  if(dim(fin)[domDim] > maxDim)
    print("Image too large... Resizing...")
    if(domDim == 1){
      newDim[1] <- maxDim
      newDim[2] <- round(maxDim * shrinkFactors[1])
      newDim[2] <- maxDim
      newDim[1] <- round(maxDim * shrinkFactors[2])
  else if(dim(fin)[domDim] < minDim)
    print("Image too small... Resizing...")
    if(domDim == 1){
      newDim[1] <- minDim
      newDim[2] <- round(minDim * shrinkFactors[1])
      newDim[2] <- minDim
      newDim[1] <- round(minDim * shrinkFactors[2])
  return( resize(im=fin,interpolation_type=3,size_x=newDim[1],size_y=newDim[2]) )

#' @title shrinkDomDim 
#' @details shrink largest dim to maxDim in ratio preserving way
#' @param image image to resize
#' @param maxDim maximum dim
#' @return resizeed image
shrinkDomDim <- function(image, maxDim){
  shrinkFactors <- c(w2h=height(image)/width(image),h2w=width(image)/height(image) )

  domDim <- which.max(dim(image))
  newDim <- c(0,0)
  if(domDim == 1){
    newDim[1] <- maxDim#dim(fin)[0] * shrinkFactors[1]
    newDim[2] <- round(maxDim * shrinkFactors[1])
    newDim[2] <- maxDim#dim(fin)[0] * shrinkFactors[1]
    newDim[1] <- round(maxDim * shrinkFactors[2])

  netIn <- resize(im=image,interpolation_type=5,size_x=newDim[1],size_y=newDim[2])

#' @title knn 
#' @description rough fit of gaussians via knn
#' @param X vector to fit
#' @param k number of distributions
#' @return list of distribution paramiters, assignments and density
knn <- function(X, k){
  Delta <- 1
  iter <- 0
  n = length(X)
  while(Delta > 1e-4 && iter <= 20){
    # initiation
    if(iter == 0){
      mu = mean(X)
      dev = sd(X)+1e-4
      centroid <- seq(from=mu-dev,to=mu+dev,length.out=k)
      deviation <- rep(dev,k)
      centroid_mem <- centroid
      deviation_mem <- deviation
    # equivalent to E-step
    d <- sapply(1:k, function(c) sapply(1:n, 
      function(i) sum(dnorm(X[i], centroid[c], deviation[c])) ))
    cluster <- apply(d, 1, which.max)
    # equivalent to M-step
    centroid <- t(sapply(1:k, function(c) {mean(X[cluster == c])}))
    deviation <- t(sapply(1:k, function(c) {sd(X[cluster == c])}))

    Delta <- sum((centroid - centroid_mem)^2 + (deviation-deviation_mem)^2)
    iter <- iter + 1
    centroid_mem <- centroid
    deviation_mem <- deviation

  density <- as.numeric(apply(d, 1, max))
  return(list(params = data.frame(mu=t(centroid),sd=t(deviation)), cluster = cluster, density=density))

#' @title gausskld 
#' @description kl divergence between 2 gaussians
#' @param P dataframe (2 rows only) containing gaussian params. Colnames should be mu and sd
#' @return kl divergence
gausskld <- function(P){
  log(P$sd[2]/P$sd[1]) + ( P$sd[1]^2 + (P$mu[1] - P$mu[2])^2 )/(2*(P$sd[2]^2)) - 1/2

# find the best edge trace

#' @title traceFromCannyEdges 
#' @details Isolates trailing edge of a fin given a canny edge image(cimg) and trace constraints.
#' Starting with a weighted canny edge matrix and start/stop points, an optimal path traversal is found via
#' \code{findPath}
#' After some basic cleanup, the resulting pixel coordinates for the optimal edge trace are returned.
#' @param pathMap matrix of type numeric. Used for weighted astar path finding
#' @param startPoint vector of type numeric indicating the x and y position for initializing trace
#' @param endPoint value of type numeric indicating the x and y position for terminating trace
#' @param prox value of type numeric for setting degree of wiggle room for trace termination
#' @return Value of type dataframe containing plotpath coordinates
traceFromCannyEdges <- function(pathMap,
    radiusLimit <- sqrt(sum((startPoint-endPoint)^2))
    xrange <- range(c(startPoint[1],endPoint[1],which(rowSums(pathMap)>.25)))
    yrange <- range(c(startPoint[2],endPoint[2],which(colSums(pathMap)>.25)))
    path <- findPath(pathMap,
                     radiusLimit/prox)#proximity for completion
    if(length(path)<100){print("Path length FAILURE");return(list(NULL,NULL))}
    # this section transforms the path vector found by the findPath function into coordinates for r to plot
    stepX=c( 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1)
    stepY=c(-1,-1, 0, 1, 1,  1,  0, -1)
    pathLength <- length(path)
    plotpath <- matrix(0,nrow=pathLength,ncol=2)
    Xposition <- startPoint[1]
    Yposition <- startPoint[2]
    for(i in pathLength:1)
      plotpath[i,1] <- Xposition
      plotpath[i,2] <- Yposition
      Xposition <- Xposition+stepX[path[i]+1]
      Yposition <- Yposition+stepY[path[i]+1]
    plotpath <- plotpath[pathLength:1,]
    ##remove top sprew
    startCut <- 5
    ##remove bottom sprew
    sprew <- abs(diff(plotpath[seq_len(nrow(plotpath)-10),1]))
    sprew[is.na(sprew)] <- 0
    endCut <- max(which(msum(n=20,sprew)/20 > 0),na.rm = T)
    plotpath <- plotpath[startCut:endCut,]

# Isolate and extract features for recognition

#' @title traceFromImage 
#' @details Processes an image(cimg) containing a fin. 
#' First the image undergoes cleanup through a variety of filters and glare removal via
#' \code{constrainSizeFinImage} and \code{fillGlare}
#' These processes help enhance edge clarity.
#' The trailing edge is highlighted via neural network. 
#' The image is then cropped down to the trailing edge for efficiency purposes.
#' The canny edges are then extracted from the crop and passed to 
#' \code{traceFromCannyEdges}
#' which isolates coordinates for the trailing edge. These coordinates are then passed to
#' \code{extractAnnulus}
#' which collects image data used for identification.
#' Both the coordinates and the image annulus are then returned.
#' @param fin Value of type cimg. Load the image via load.image("directory/finImage.JPG")
#' @param startStopCoords list of 3 coordinates: leadingEnd, startPoint, trailingEnd. If NULL, these points are estimated
#' @param pathNet mxnet model for isolating trailing edge
#' @param trailing bool indicating if target is trailing edge or other
#' @return Value of type list containing:
#' "coordinates" a dataframe of coordinates
#' "annulus" a 3 channel cimg of isolated features
#' "dim" a vector denoting the x and y dims the coordinates are for
#' @export
traceFromImage <- function(fin,
                           startStopCoords = NULL,
                           pathNet = NULL,
                           trailing = T)
  if(is.null(pathNet))(pathNet <- mxnet::mx.model.load(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="finFindR"),'SWA_finTrace_fin'), 1000))
  if(!is.cimg(fin)){stop("fin must be Jpeg of type cimg")}
  if(!("MXFeedForwardModel" %in% class(pathNet))){stop("network must be of class MXFeedForwardModel")}
  if(max(fin)>10){fin <- fin/255}
  if(dim(fin)[4] == 1){
    finVal <- rep(fin,3)
    dim(finVal) <- c(dim(fin)[1:2],1,3)
    fin <- finVal 
  finOri <- fin

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  # --- generate the input for NN
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  netIn <- shrinkDomDim(fin,200)
  newDim <- dim(netIn)
  oriToNetResizeFactors <- c(dim(fin)[1]/newDim[1],dim(fin)[2]/newDim[2])
  netIn <- as.array(netIn)

  dim(netIn) <- c(newDim[1],newDim[2],3,1)
  finImIter <- mx.io.arrayiter(netIn,
  netOutRaw <- mxnet:::predict.MXFeedForwardModel(X=finImIter,model=pathNet,ctx=mxnet::mx.cpu(),array.layout = "colmajor")

  # sometimes the images are poorly cropped and so we check if we want to process a sub image
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  finRange <- apply(get.locations(dilate_square(as.cimg(netOutRaw[,,1,]) < .75,5), as.logical)[,1:2],2,range)
  finSpan <- finRange[2,]-finRange[1,]
  # if we dont cover at least 60% of the image..
  if(any((dim(netOutRaw)[1:2] - finSpan) > (dim(netOutRaw)[1:2]*.4))){
    #netOutRawOri <- netOutRaw
    finInEnlargeRatio<- 200/max(finSpan)
    netIn <- shrinkDomDim(fin, round(200*finInEnlargeRatio) )#200
    newDim <- dim(netIn)
    oriToNetResizeFactors <- c(dim(fin)[1]/newDim[1],dim(fin)[2]/newDim[2])
    netIn <- as.array(netIn)
    dim(netIn) <- c(newDim[1],newDim[2],3,1)
    finRangeEnlarged <- round(finInEnlargeRatio*finRange)
    finRangeEnlarged[,"x"] <- pClip(finRangeEnlarged[,"x"],1,dim(netIn)[1])
    finRangeEnlarged[,"y"] <- pClip(finRangeEnlarged[,"y"],1,dim(netIn)[2])

    netInReduced <- netIn[finRangeEnlarged[1,"x"]:finRangeEnlarged[2,"x"], 

    # we want to increase the size of the netIn so that the sub image is the target of shrinkDomDim
    # then crop it and run it, and then buffer the netOut to be like the netIn
    finImIter <- mx.io.arrayiter(netInReduced,
    netOutRawReduced <- mxnet:::predict.MXFeedForwardModel(X=finImIter,model=pathNet,ctx=mxnet::mx.cpu(),array.layout = "colmajor")
    netOutRaw <- as.array(resize(netOutRaw, interpolation_type=3, size_x=newDim[1], size_y=newDim[2]))
    #netOutRaw <- array(c(rep(1,prod(dim(netIn)[1:2])), rep(0,prod(dim(netIn)[1:2])*(dim(netOutRawReduced)[3]-1) )),
    #                   c(dim(netIn)[1:2],dim(netOutRawReduced)[3],1))
              finRangeEnlarged[1,"y"]:finRangeEnlarged[2,"y"],,] <- netOutRawReduced

  estHighlight <- threshold(netIn,.97)
  cropRot <- dilate_square((netIn==0.0),5) | dilate_square((netIn==1.0),3)
    netIn <- fillGlare(netIn, get.locations(cropRot,as.logical)-1)
  netIn <- as.array(netIn)

      # channel 1 : all
      # channel 2 : trailingEdge
      # channel 3 : leadingEdge
        edgeChan <- 2
        notEdgeChan <- 3
        edgeChan <- 3
        notEdgeChan <- 2
      edgeDilateFactor <- ceiling(sum(netOutRaw[,,edgeChan,])/20)
      # get fin edge directions
      netFiltered <- netOutRaw
      netFiltered[,,1,] <- 1-netFiltered[,,1,]
      netFilteredThreshPre <- netFiltered > .35
      netFilteredThreshPre[,,edgeChan,] <- netFilteredThreshPre[,,edgeChan,] | netFilteredThreshPre[,,4,]
      diffNotChan <- apply(get.locations(dilate_square(as.cimg(netFilteredThreshPre[,,notEdgeChan,]),edgeDilateFactor),as.logical)[,1:2],2,mean)
      diffChan <- apply(get.locations(dilate_square(as.cimg(netFilteredThreshPre[,,edgeChan,]),edgeDilateFactor),as.logical)[,1:2],2,mean)
      dilationFactor <- ceiling(sqrt(sum((diffChan-diffNotChan)^2)))
      netFocus <- dilate_square(netFilteredThreshPre[,,edgeChan,,drop=F], round(dilationFactor))
      netFocus[1,,,] <- 0
      netFocus[,1,,] <- 0
      netFocus[width(netFocus),,,] <- 0
      netFocus[,height(netFocus),,] <- 0
      if(!any(netFocus>0)){print("NO FIN EDGE FOUND");return(list(NULL,NULL))}
      netFocus <- label( netFocus ,high_connectivity = F)
      labelCounts <- table(netFocus)[-1]
      netFocus[netFocus != which.max(labelCounts)] <- 0
      netFocus <- dilate_square(netFilteredThreshPre[,,edgeChan,,drop=F], edgeDilateFactor) * dilate_square(netFocus,3)

      if(!any(netFocus>0)){print("NO FIN EDGE FOUND");return(list(NULL,NULL))}
      # crop fin to edge
      xSpan <- as.numeric(rowSums( round(netFocus) ))
      if(length(xSpan)==0 | all(xSpan==0) | all(xSpan>100) | any(is.infinite(xSpan)) | any(is.na(xSpan)) | any(is.nan(xSpan)))browser()
      xSpan[is.na(xSpan)] <- 0
      xSpan <- range(which(xSpan>1))
      ySpan <- as.numeric(colSums( netFocus))
      ySpan[is.na(ySpan)] <- 0
      ySpan <- range(which(ySpan>1))
      netFiltered <- netFiltered[c(xSpan[1]:xSpan[2]), c(ySpan[1]:ySpan[2]),,]
      netInFiltered <- netIn[c(xSpan[1]:xSpan[2]), c(ySpan[1]:ySpan[2]),,]


      seBu <- sqrt(sum(startStopCoords[,1]-startStopCoords[,2])^2)/2
      xSpan <- range(startStopCoords[1,]) + c(-seBu,seBu)
      ySpan <- range(startStopCoords[2,]) + c(-seBu,seBu)

      xSpan <- pClip(xSpan,1,dim(fin)[1]) / oriToNetResizeFactors
      ySpan <- pClip(ySpan,1,dim(fin)[2]) / oriToNetResizeFactors

      netFiltered <- netOutRaw
      netFiltered[,,1,] <- 1-netFiltered[,,1,]
      netFiltered <- netFiltered[c(xSpan[1]:xSpan[2]), c(ySpan[1]:ySpan[2]),,]
      netInFiltered <- netIn[c(xSpan[1]:xSpan[2]), c(ySpan[1]:ySpan[2]),,]

  # resize trim color

  resizeSpanX <- oriToNetResizeFactors[1]*xSpan
  resizeSpanY <- oriToNetResizeFactors[2]*ySpan
  resizeSpanX <- pClip(resizeSpanX,1,dim(fin)[1])
  resizeSpanY <- pClip(resizeSpanY,1,dim(fin)[2])
  finCropped <- suppressWarnings(as.cimg(fin[ ceiling(resizeSpanX[1]):floor(resizeSpanX[2]),
  fin <- constrainSizeFinImage(finCropped,2000,750)
  resizeFactor <- mean((dim(finCropped)/dim(fin))[1:2])

  edgeFilter <- resize( as.cimg(netFiltered[,,1]) ,size_x = width(fin) , size_y = height(fin),interpolation_type = 3)/max(netFiltered)
  #NOTE: This is a repeat
  lengthEdgeEst <- sum(netFiltered[,,1])/2.5

  cannyFilterSmall <- netFiltered[,,c(1,4)]
  #cannyFilterSmall[,,2] <- netFiltered[,,1] - netFiltered[,,4]
  cannyFilterAll <- resize( as.cimg(cannyFilterSmall) ,size_x = width(fin) , size_y = height(fin),interpolation_type = 3)
  #cannyFilterAll <- isoblur(resize( as.cimg(cannyFilterSmall) ,size_x = width(fin) , size_y = height(fin),interpolation_type = 3),lengthEdgeEst/100)
  cannyFilter <- as.cimg(cannyFilterAll[,,2,])
  cannyFilterTip <- as.cimg(cannyFilterAll[,,1,])
  cannyFilterMax <- max(cannyFilter)
  if(max(cannyFilter)<.8){cannyFilter <- cannyFilter/cannyFilterMax}

  dilateFactor <- ceiling(lengthEdgeEst/200)
  dilateFactor <- dilateFactor+ifelse(as.logical(dilateFactor%%2),0,1)
  glareBound <- (sum(!estHighlight)/prod(dim(estHighlight)))
  if(glareBound > .95)# && glareBound < 1)
    print("removing glare")
    highlightBlob <- threshold(fin,.97)#90
    glare <- threshold(fin,.99)
    highlightBlob <- label(highlightBlob)
    keepers <- unique(highlightBlob*glare)
    highlightBlob[!(highlightBlob %in% keepers)] <- 0
    highlightBlob <- (highlightBlob==0)
    highlightBlob <- erode_square(highlightBlob,3)
    fin <- fin*highlightBlob
    #fin <- fillGlare(fin, get.locations(highlightBlob,function(x){x==FALSE})-1)
    fin <- fillGlare(fin, get.locations(highlightBlob,function(x){!as.logical(x)})-1)
    print("glare clear")
  print("forground-background complete")

  # Determine if image has a strong silhouette(bimodal brightness)
  edgeIndex <- as.logical(dilate_square(as.cimg(netFiltered[,,1]),lengthEdgeEst)>.35)

  #dim(netInFiltered) <- dim(netInFiltered)[c(1,2,3)]
  netInFiltered <-suppressWarnings(as.cimg(netInFiltered))
  Gfin <- G(netInFiltered)[edgeIndex]
  Bfin <- B(netInFiltered)[edgeIndex]
  Rfin <- R(netInFiltered)[edgeIndex]

  diff1 <- Gfin-Rfin
  diff2 <- Bfin-Rfin
  diff3 <- Bfin-Gfin

  estimatedSilhouette <- as.numeric(apply(cbind(diff1,diff2,diff3), 1, max)) 
      colTest = knn(as.numeric(estimatedSilhouette),2)
      lumTest = knn(as.numeric(netInFiltered[rep(edgeIndex,3) ]),2)
      #silhouette = sum(colTest$density) < sum(lumTest$density)
      silhouette = (gausskld(colTest$params)+gausskld(colTest$params[c(2,1),])) < (gausskld(lumTest$params)+gausskld(lumTest$params[c(2,1),]))

  # generate the canny edge image
  flatten <- function(imgLst){return( parmax.abs(imgLst) )}
  blurFactor <- max(lengthEdgeEst/800,.5)

  #print("%%%%%%%% artifactRemover %%%%%%%%%%%")
  finSoft <- fin+(10*(isoblur(fin,.5)-fin))
  finSoft <- isoblur(finSoft,blurFactor)
  gradis <- get_gradient(finSoft,"xy",2)
  #gradis <- get_gradient(fin,"xy",2)

  dx <- gradis[[1]]
  dy <- gradis[[2]]

  dx <- flatten(list(R(dx),G(dx),B(dx)))
  dx <- dx+2*(isoblur(dx,.6)-dx)
  dx <- isoblur(dx,blurFactor)

  dy <- flatten(list(R(dy),G(dy),B(dy)))
  dy <- dy+2*(isoblur(dy,.6)-dy)
  dy <- isoblur(dy,blurFactor)
  angleGrad <- atan(dy/dx)
  sorbel <- abs(dx)+abs(dy)
  sorbelOri <- sorbel
  qSorbel <- quantile(sorbel,.97)
  sorbel <- sorbel/qSorbel
    extractedSilhouette <- cimg(array(0,dim(finSoft)))
    R(extractedSilhouette) <- G(finSoft)-R(finSoft)
    G(extractedSilhouette) <- B(finSoft)-R(finSoft)
    B(extractedSilhouette) <- B(finSoft)-G(finSoft)
    extractedSilhouette <- extractedSilhouette*4
    #extractedSilhouetteSoft <- extractedSilhouette+(5*(isoblur(extractedSilhouette,.6)-extractedSilhouette))
    #extractedSilhouetteSoft <- isoblur(extractedSilhouetteSoft,blurFactor)

    extrGradis <- get_gradient(extractedSilhouette,"xy",2)
    extractedSilhouetteDX <- extrGradis[[1]]
    extractedSilhouetteDX <- extractedSilhouetteDX+2*(isoblur(extractedSilhouetteDX,.65)-extractedSilhouetteDX)
    extractedSilhouetteDY <- extrGradis[[2]]
    extractedSilhouetteDY <- extractedSilhouetteDY+2*(isoblur(extractedSilhouetteDY,.65)-extractedSilhouetteDY)
    extractedSilhouetteDX <- isoblur(extractedSilhouetteDX,blurFactor+.1)#400
    extractedSilhouetteDX <- flatten(list(R(extractedSilhouetteDX),G(extractedSilhouetteDX),B(extractedSilhouetteDX)))
    extractedSilhouetteDY <- isoblur(extractedSilhouetteDY,blurFactor+.1)
    extractedSilhouetteDY <- flatten(list(R(extractedSilhouetteDY),G(extractedSilhouetteDY),B(extractedSilhouetteDY)))
    angleColor <- atan(extractedSilhouetteDY/extractedSilhouetteDX)

    extractedSorbel <- abs(extractedSilhouetteDX)+abs(extractedSilhouetteDY)
    qExtractedSorbel <- quantile(extractedSorbel,.97)
    #qExtractedSorbel <- max(extractedSorbel)*.97
    #qSorbel <- max(sorbel)*.97
    dx <- average(list(extractedSilhouetteDX/qExtractedSorbel, dx/qSorbel))
    dy <- average(list(extractedSilhouetteDY/qExtractedSorbel, dy/qSorbel))
    sorbel <- average(list(sorbel, extractedSorbel/qExtractedSorbel))

  sorbel <- (cannyFilterTip+sorbel)/2
  angle <- atan(dy/dx)

  rawEdges <- extractEdgeMap(sorbel,angle)
  rawEdges[1,,,] <- 0
  rawEdges[,1,,] <- 0
  rawEdges[width(rawEdges),,,] <- 0
  rawEdges[,height(rawEdges),,] <- 0
  #strong <- (rawEdges/max(rawEdges*(edgeFilter>.65))*(edgeFilter)) > .1# mean(netFilter)/20#+sd(netFilter)
  strong <- (rawEdges/(max(rawEdges)*.99)*(edgeFilter)) > .65# mean(netFilter)/20#+sd(netFilter)
  strong <- strong | (rawEdges > quantile(rawEdges,.99))
  edgeBlobs <- label( (rawEdges>0) ,high_connectivity = T)
  keepers <- unique(edgeBlobs * strong)
  edgeBlobs[!(edgeBlobs %in% keepers)] <- 0
  minimalEdge <- (edgeBlobs>0)

    edgeLoc <- as.matrix(get.locations(as.cimg(netFiltered[,,edgeChan]>.35), as.logical)[c(1,2)])
    edgeVal <- (netFiltered[,,edgeChan])[edgeLoc]
    edgeLimitSmall <- colSums(t(t(edgeLoc)*edgeVal))/sum(edgeVal)

    otherEdgeLoc = as.matrix(get.locations(as.cimg(netOutRaw[,,notEdgeChan,]>.35),as.logical)[c(1,2)])
    otherEdgeVal <- (netOutRaw[,,notEdgeChan,])[otherEdgeLoc]
    otherEdgeLimitSmall <- colSums(t(t(otherEdgeLoc)*otherEdgeVal))/sum(otherEdgeVal) - (c(xSpan[1],ySpan[1])-1)

    startRegionWithoutDilation <- as.cimg(netFiltered[,,4] > .35)
    startRegion <- dilate_square(startRegionWithoutDilation, 5)
    candidateStarts <- get.locations(startRegion,as.logical)[c(1,2)]

    print("finding start stop")

    ## START #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    # --- find start point
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

      startRegion[1,,,] <- 0
      startRegion[,1,,] <- 0
      startRegion[width(netFiltered),,,] <- 0
      startRegion[,height(netFiltered),,] <- 0
      startBlobs <- label(startRegion)

      blobScore <- list()
      for(i in unique(as.integer(startBlobs))[-1]){
      	blobScore[i] <- sum((netFiltered[,,4])[startBlobs == i])

      startBlobs[startBlobs!=which.max(as.numeric(blobScore))] <- 0

      startVals <- (netFiltered[,,edgeChan]+netFiltered[,,1])[data.matrix(candidateStarts)]
      startPointByVal <- as.integer(round(colSums(t(t(candidateStarts)*startVals))/sum(startVals)))

      #TODO: start Region farthest from edge limits 
      startPointByDist <- as.integer(candidateStarts[which.max(
						   sqrt(rowSums(t(t(candidateStarts)-otherEdgeLimitSmall)^2)) + 
      startPointSmall <- (startPointByVal+startPointByDist)/2

      print("Nerual Net failed to find start, assuming at the top of edges")
      trail <- get.locations(as.cimg(netFiltered[,,2]>.35),as.logical)
      lead <- get.locations(as.cimg(netFiltered[,,3]>.35),as.logical)
      trailTarget <- trail[which(trail$y < (min(trail$y)+2)),]
      leadTarget <- lead[which(trail$y < (min(trail$y)+2)),]
      	candidateStarts <- rbind(trailTarget, leadTarget,leadTarget,leadTarget)
      	candidateStarts <- rbind(trailTarget,trailTarget,trailTarget,leadTarget)
      startPointSmall <- as.integer(round(colMeans(candidateStarts,na.rm=T))[1:2])

    startPointSmall <- pClip(startPointSmall, c(2,2), dim(netFiltered)[1:2])
    startPoint <- as.integer(round(((startPointSmall * ((dim(fin)[1:2]/dim(netFiltered)[1:2])) )))) #(dim(fin)/dim(finCropped))[1:2]))#* cumuResize))

    ## END #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    # --- find end point
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    # TODO: get the points alligned right ugh
    candidateEndsSmall <- get.locations(as.cimg(netFiltered[,,edgeChan]>.35),as.logical)[c(1,2)]# * oriToNetResizeFactors 
    endPointSmall <- as.integer(candidateEndsSmall[which.max(
						   sqrt(rowSums(t(t(candidateEndsSmall)-otherEdgeLimitSmall)^2)) + 
						   sqrt(rowSums(t(t(candidateEndsSmall)-startPointSmall)^2))  - 
    endPoint <- as.integer(round(((endPointSmall  * (dim(fin)[1:2]/dim(netFiltered)[1:2]) )))) #(dim(fin)/dim(finCropped))[1:2]))#* cumuResize))
    if(anyNA(startPoint) || anyNA(endPoint) || any(c(startPoint,endPoint)==0))
      print(paste0("startPoint FAILURE; from: ",startPoint[1],",",startPoint[2],"   to: ",endPoint[1],",",endPoint[2] ))

    print("using user provided start stops")
    startPoint <- ((startStopCoords[[1]])-c(resizeSpanX[1],resizeSpanY[1]))/resizeFactor
    endPoint <- ((startStopCoords[[2]])-c(resizeSpanX[1],resizeSpanY[1]))/resizeFactor
  ## DONE #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  # --- cleanup and such
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  startPoint <- pClip(startPoint, c(2,2), dim(sorbel)[1:2]-2)
  endPoint <- pClip(endPoint, c(2,2), dim(sorbel)[1:2]-2)
  endProxRatio <- 10

  # execute trace
  print("Creating Trailing Edge Path...")
  pathMap <- minimalEdge*sorbel

  #NOTE: the resized junk path applies only to fin, first move then cumu resize?
  pathDF <- traceFromCannyEdges(as.matrix(pathMap), 
  #meh = try(pathDF[,1])
  annulus <- extractAnnulus(fin,pathDF[,1],pathDF[,2])
  #annulus <- NULL
  plotpath <- cbind(round(pathDF[,1]*resizeFactor+resizeSpanX[1] ),
   #points(pathDF[,1],pathDF[,2],pch=".",col='red', ann=FALSE, asp = 0)
  traceData <- list(annulus,plotpath,dim(pathMap)[1:2])
  names(traceData) <- c("annulus","coordinates","dim")
haimeh/finFindR documentation built on July 17, 2021, 12:56 a.m.