
Defines functions multLines

Documented in multLines

multLines <- function(x, y, pos=c('left', 'right'),
                      col='gray', lwd=1, lty=1,
                      lwd.vert=.85, lty.vert=1, alpha=0.4,
                      pobj=plotly::plot_ly(), xlim,
                      name=colnames(y)[1], legendgroup=name, showlegend=TRUE, ...) {
  if(grid) sRequire('lattice')
  pos <- match.arg(pos)
  p <- ncol(y)
  n <- nrow(y)
  if(! is.matrix(y) || p == 1 || p %% 2 != 1)
    stop('y must have 3, 5, 7, ... columns')
  if(length(x) != n)
    stop('length of x must match rows of y')

  vcol  <- adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=alpha)

  pl <- grType() == 'plotly' && requireNamespace("plotly")
  if(pl) {
    pobj <- plotly::add_lines(pobj, data=data.frame(x=x, y=y[,1]),
                      x=~x, y=~y, color=I(col),
                      name=name, legendgroup=legendgroup,
                      showlegend=showlegend, ...)
    xdel <- 0.005 * diff(xlim)
  else if(grid) {
    lattice::llines(x, y[, 1], col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
    xdel <- unit(0.75, 'mm')
    x    <- unit(x, 'native')
    gp   <- gpar(col=vcol, lwd=lwd.vert, lty=lty.vert)
  else {
    lines(x, y[, 1], col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
    xdel <- 0.005 * diff(par('usr')[1 : 2])
  half <- (p - 1) / 2
  x0   <- if(grid) unit(x, 'native') else x
  for(i in 1 : half) {
    i1 <- i + 1
    i2 <- p - i + 1
    x0 <- switch(pos, left =  x0 - xdel, right = x0 + xdel)
    tn <- paste0(colnames(y)[i1], ' - ', colnames(y)[i2])
    if(pl) pobj <- plotly::add_segments(pobj,
                                data=data.frame(x0=x0, y0=y[, i1],
                                                y1=y[, i2]),
                                x=~x0, y=~y0, xend=~x0, yend=~y1,
                                name=tn, legendgroup=tn, showlegend=showlegend,
                                col=I(vcol), ...)
    else if(grid) grid.segments(x0, y[, i1], x0, y[, i2],
                                gp=gp, default.units='native')
    else segments(x0, y[, i1], x0, y[, i2], col=vcol,
                  lty=lty.vert, lwd=lwd.vert)
  if(pl) pobj else invisible(NULL)
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.