
#' Lab Report
#' summary
#' By default the function plots CDFs if the number of treatment
#' groups is less or equal than two. 
#' If the number of treatment groups is three or more
#' boxplots are created.
#' @param data data.frame. Data used for report.
#' @param vars character vector. Variables to include in analysis.
#' @param panel character. Name for panel.
#' @param treat character. Name of treatment variable within dataset.
#' @param id character. Name of id variable within dataset.
#' @param time character. Name of time variable within dataset.
#' @param times numeric vector. Subset of times to use.
#' @param longPanel character. Long name for panel.
#' @param h numeric. Height of plot, see \code{\link[Hmisc]{setps}}. THIS PARAMETER IS NOT USED.
#' @param w numeric. Width of plot, see \code{\link[Hmisc]{setps}}. THIS PARAMETER IS NOT USED.
#' @param diffs logical. THIS PARAMETER IS NOT USED.
#' @param cdfPlot logical or character vector. If \sQuote{TRUE} generate CDF plots for variables
#' in \code{vars}. If this is a vector of variables names, generate CDF plots for this variables.
#' @param tables logical. If \sQuote{TRUE} generate latex to output summary tables.
#' @param boxPlot logical. If \sQuote{TRUE} generate boxplots for variables in \code{vars}.
#' @param digits numeric. Significant digits, passed to the function \code{\link[Hmisc]{latex}}.
#' @param append logical. If \sQuote{TRUE} output will be appended instead of overwritten.
#' @param clearPlots logical. Set to \sQuote{TRUE} to clear the page after each plot.
#' @param open logical. Set to \sQuote{TRUE} to additionally create the \sQuote{open} report.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments, unused at this time.
#' @export

labReport <- function(data, vars, panel, treat, id, time, times,
                      longPanel=panel, h=6.5, w=6.5,
                      diffs=FALSE, cdfPlot=length(levels(data[[treat]]))<=2,
                      boxPlot=is.logical(cdfPlot) && !cdfPlot,
                      digits=3, append=FALSE, clearPlots=FALSE, open=TRUE, ...)
  ## It is a good idea to implement the same argument as in mixedVarReport()
  ## contDataPlotType=c('bp','dot', 'raw')
  ## contDataPlotType <- match.arg(contDataPlotType)
  ## some lines of the code are already preparing for that.

  continuous <- 10
  pdesc <- switch(contDataPlotType,
                  bp='Box-percentile plots',
                  raw='Raw data')
  vars  <- unlist(vars)
  Treat <- data[[treat]]
  Time  <- data[[time]]
  subject  <- data[[id]]

  makerep <- function(Treat, panel) {
    g <- function(y) {
          y <- sort(y[!is.na(y)])
          n <- length(y)
          if(n < 4) return(c(median=median(y),q1=NA,q3=NA,variance=NA))
          qu <- quantile(y, c(.5,.25,.75))
          names(qu) <- NULL
          r <- pmin(qbinom(c(.025,.975), n, .5) + 1, n)  ## Exact 0.95 C.L.
          w <- y[r[2]] - y[r[1]]                         ## Width of C.L.
          var.med <- ((w/1.96)^2)/4      ## Approximate variance of median
          c(median=qu[1], q1=qu[2], q3=qu[3], variance=var.med)
    Treat <- as.factor(Treat)
    trlev <- levels(Treat)
    if(!length(trlev)) stop(paste(treat,'is not a factor variable'))
    if(length(trlev) > 2) stop('only handles one or two treatments')
    i <- 0
    nv <- length(vars)
    h <- w <- 4.5*(nv < 7) + 5.5*(nv >= 7 & nv <=9) + 6.5*(nv > 9)
    startPlot(paste(panel,'%d',sep=''), h=h, w=w)
    omf <- mfrowSet(nv)
    mf <- par('mfrow')
    for(y in data[vars]) {
      i <- i + 1
      z <- summarize(y, llist(Treat,Time), g)
      curves <- vector('list', length(trlev)*3)
      names(curves) <- if(length(trlev)==1) c('','q1','q3') else

      j <- 0
      for(tr in trlev) {
        s <- z$Treat == tr
        curves[[j+1]] <- list(z$Time[s],z$y [s])
        curves[[j+2]] <- list(z$Time[s],z$q1[s])
        curves[[j+3]] <- list(z$Time[s],z$q3[s])
        j <- j+3
      labcurve(curves, ylim=quantile(y,c(.05,.95),na.rm=TRUE),
                xlab=label(Time), ylab=label(y, units=TRUE, plot=TRUE),
                lty=1, lwd=rep(c(3,1,1),2),
                method='none', pl=TRUE)
      ## keys='lines', whichLabel=c(1,4)

      ## For each time get an approximate half-width of 0.95 CL for
      ## difference in median y between treatments.  Also save
      ## midpoint of two medians for plotting vertical half-interval.

        tt <- sort(times)
        j <- 0
        for(tim in tt)
          j <- j + 1
          s <- z$Time==tim
          midpt  <- mean(z$y[s])
          clhalf <- 1.96*sqrt(sum(z$variance[s]))
          lines(c(tim,tim), c(midpt-clhalf/2, midpt+clhalf/2),

    for(npage in 1:ceiling(nv/prod(mf))) {
      cap <- paste('Quartiles of ',longPanel,' variables over time',
                   if(npage > 1)' (continued)' else '', sep='')
      confcap <- if(length(trlev) == 1) NULL else
      paste(' Vertical bars indicate half-widths of',
            ' approximate 0.95 confidence intervals for',
            ' differences in medians.',
            ' When the distance between two medians',
            ' exceeds the length of the bar, differences are',
            ' significant at approximately the 0.05 level.',
            ' \\protect\\treatkey', sep='')
             if(npage == 1)
                   '. Outer lines are $25^{th}$ (lower line)',
                   ' and $75^{th}$ (upper line) percentiles.',
                   ' Thicker middle lines depict medians.',
                   ' $y$-axis is scaled to the pooled $5^{th}$',
                   ' and $95^{th}$ quantiles.',
                   sep='') else NULL,
             append=npage > 1)

    ## plot CDF function and include the corresponding *.pdf files
    ## into the relevant *.tex file

    tf <- factor(paste(label(Time), Time),
                  paste(label(Time), sort(unique(Time))))

    if(length(cdfPlot) &&
       ((is.logical(cdfPlot) && cdfPlot) || !is.logical(cdfPlot)))
      i <- 0
      nt <- length(times)
      h <- w <- 4.5*(nt < 7) + 5.5*(nt >= 7 & nt <=9) + 6.5*(nt > 9)
      for(v in data[if(is.logical(cdfPlot)) vars else cdfPlot]) {
        i <- i + 1
        fn <- paste(panel,'-ecdf-',vars[i],sep='')
        startPlot(fn, trellis=TRUE, h=h, w=w)
        d <- data.frame(v,tf,Treat,Time)[Time %in% times,]
          print(Ecdf( ~ v | tf, data=d, q=.5,
                      as.table=TRUE)) else
        print(Ecdf( ~ v | tf, groups=Treat, data=d,
                    lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(1,2), col=gray(c(0,.7)), q=.5,
        putFig(panel, fn,
                paste('Cumulative distribution of',
                      if(length(trlev) > 1) 'by treatment over time'),
                paste('Empirical cumulative distribution function of',
                      if(length(trlev) > 1) 'by treatment over time. \\protect\\treatkey'))

    ## plot boxplots and include the corresponding *.pdf files
    ## into the relevant *.tex file
    if (boxPlot) {
      for (varName in vars) {
        v <- data[varName]
        nmin = 1
        d <- data.frame(subject,v,Time)[Time %in% times,]
        d <- reshape(d, direction="wide", idvar=id, timevar="Time")
        d <- merge(d, data.frame(subject, Treat), by=id, all.x=TRUE)
        timeLabels <- c(id, paste(label(data[[varName]]),
                                  times[order(times)], sep=", visit "),
        for (i in 1:length(d)) label(d[,i]) <- timeLabels[i]
        form <- as.formula(paste("Treat",
                                        collapse='+'), sep='~'))
        d <- summary(form, data=d, method='reverse',
                      test=test, continuous=continuous, nmin=nmin)

        panelName <- paste(panel,"cont", varName, sep='-')
        startPlot(paste(panelName,'%d',sep=''), trellis=TRUE, h=6, w=6)
        plotNumber <- plot(d, which='con', conType=contDataPlotType)
        if(plotNumber > 0) for(i in 1:plotNumber) {
          putFig(panel, paste(panelName, i, sep=''),
                  paste('Frequencies of', longPanel, 'variables',
                        if(i>1) "(continued)" else ""))
    if(!tables) return(invisible())

    ## create tables and put them into
    ## the relevant *.tex file

    form <- as.formula(paste(if(length(trlev)==1)'' else treat,
    labfile <- file.path(TexDirName(), sprintf("%s.tex", panel))
      cat('\\clearpage\n', file=labfile, append=TRUE)
    for(x in times) {
      s <- summary(form, data=data[Time==x,], method='reverse',
                   test=length(trlev) > 1)
      w <- latex(s, file=labfile, append=TRUE, middle.bold=TRUE, title='',
                 caption=paste(longPanel,'Data at',label(Time),x),
                 prtest='P', digits=digits, where='hbp!', ctable=TRUE)
  makerep(Treat, panel)
  if(open) makerep(rep('', length(Treat)), paste('O',panel,sep=''))
harrelfe/rreport documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:48 p.m.