
Defines functions getCWB

Documented in getCWB

#' @export getCWB
#' @import data.table
#' @title Read in concordances created with the CWB Corpus Query Processor (CQP).
#' @description This function reads in export files created with
#' the Corpus Query Processor (CQP) of the Corpus Workbench (CWB)
#' as data.tables (from the data.table package) or normal R dataframes.
#' @param filename The name of the file you read in.
#' @param dt If TRUE (the default), the results will be returned as a
#' data.table (see ?'data.table-package' for further information).
#' If FALSE, they will be returned as a standard data frame.
#' @param keep.context.anno If TRUE, the resulting dataframe will contain
#' the columns "Left_with_anno" and "Right_with_anno", which contain the
#' left and right context with annotation (if present). If FALSE (the default),
#' all annotations in the left and right context will be dropped and only
#' the raw text will be preserved.
#' @examples
#' ~~ getCWB(myfile) # do not run

getCWB <- function(filename, dt = TRUE, keep.context.anno = FALSE) {

  # set some variables to NULL in order to avoid
  # problems with CMD check
  V1 <- No <- Text <- Left <- Key <- Right <- Left_with_anno <- Right_with_anno <- NULL

  # read file
  tx <- fread(filename, fill = T, sep="\n", encoding = "UTF-8", header = F, stringsAsFactors = F, quote = "")

  # replace non-valid UTF-8
  tx[, V1 := sapply(tx[,1], function(m) iconv(m, "UTF-8", "UTF-8", sub=''))]

  # check if there are any metadata (using sample of firt 20 lines)
  n <- ifelse(nrow(tx)>=20, 20, nrow(tx))
  if(length(grep(">:", tx[1:n,V1]))>=n) {
    # find lines with multiple ": <" (i.e. a : before the keyword) to avoid errors
    rpl <- grep("\\: \\<(?=.*\\: \\<)", tx[,V1], perl = T)

    if(length(rpl>0)) {
      for(r in rpl) {
        tx[r, V1 := paste(paste(.splitter(tx[r,V1], ": <")[1:2], collapse=": <", sep=""),
                          .splitter(tx[r,V1], ": <")[3], sep = "INSERTCOLONHERE <", collapse = "")]

    # replace < and >
    tx[,V1 := gsub(": <|><|>:", "SPLITHERE", as.character(V1))]
    x <- data.table::setDT(data.table::tstrsplit(as.character(tx[,V1]), "SPLITHERE", fixed = T))

    # get metadata names
    mn <- as.character(x[1,])
    mn <- sapply(2:(length(mn)-1), function(i) .splitter(mn[i], " ")[1])

    # add metadata names
    colnames(x) <- c("No", mn, "Text")

    # omit metadata names from metadata values
    for(k in 1:length(mn)) {
      x[, mn[k] := trimws(gsub(mn[k], "", as.character(as.matrix(x[,mn[k], with = FALSE]))))]

  } else {

    x <- tx

    # numbers
    x[, No := gsub(":.*", "", V1)]
    x[, V1 := trimws(gsub("^[0-9]*:", "", V1))]
    data.table::setcolorder(x, c("No", "V1"))
    data.table::setnames(x, "V1", "Text")

  # check if left and right context are present
  if(length(grep("^<|>$", x[,Text]))<nrow(x)) {

    cat("splitting concordance up into columns...")

    # split up into Left, Right, Key
    x[, Left := trimws(gsub("<.*", "", Text))]
    x[, Key := trimws(gsub(".*<|>.*", "", Text))]
    x[, Right := trimws(gsub(".*>", "", Text))]
    x[, Text := NULL]
  } else {
    x[, Text := trimws(gsub("<|>", "", Text))]
    setnames(x, "Text", "Key")

  # get tags from Key column

  # find out number of tags
  for(i in 1:n) {
    if(i==1) some_tokens <- list(n)
    some_tokens[[i]] <- .splitter(x[i,Key], " ")

  # get length of / that are not at the beginning
  l <- unlist(sapply(1:n,
                     function(j) sapply(1:length(some_tokens[[j]]),
                                        function(i) length(unlist(strsplit(some_tokens[[j]][i],
                                                                           "(?<!^)/", perl = T))))))

  # print warning if tokens differ in the number of tags
  if(length(unique(as.vector(l)))>1) {
    warning("Number of tags may be inaccurate. Please check if slashes (/) occur in annotations, e.g. by searching for pos=\"/\" in CQP")

  # maximum of l becomes number of columns
  l <- max(l)

  if(l > 1) {
    # add new columns to data table
    for(i in 1:l) {
      x[, paste("tag", formatC(i, digits = 3, flag = "0"), sep="") := character(.N)]

    # warning message
    if(nrow(x)>10000) {
      cat("Collecting tags. This can take a while, please be patient.")

    # create progress bar
    if(nrow(x) > 1) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nrow(x), style = 3)

    # fill the new columns
    for(j in 1:nrow(x)) {
      if(nrow(x) > 1) { utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, j) }
      for(t in 1:length(grep("tag", colnames(x)))) {
        helper <- lapply(1:l, function(z) paste(lapply(.splitter(x[j,Key], " "),
                                                       function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, "(?<!^)/", perl=T))[z]), collapse=" "))[t]

        x[j, paste("tag", formatC(t, digits = 3, flag = "0"), sep="") := helper]


    # close progress bar
    if(nrow(x) > 1) { close(pb) }

    # print better-grab-a-coffee message for large files
    if(nrow(x)>10000) {
      cat("Stripping tags. This can take a while, please be patient.")

    # strip tags from left and right context, if present
    if(is.element("Left", colnames(x))) {
      if(keep.context.anno) {
        x[, Left_with_anno := Left]
      x[, Left := sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) gsub("SSSLASSSH", "/", gsub("(/)(.*?)(?= )|/.*$", "", gsub(" //", " SSSLASSSH/", x[i,Left]), perl=T)))]

    if(is.element("Right", colnames(x))) {
      if(keep.context.anno) {
        x[, Right_with_anno := Right]
      x[, Right := sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) gsub("SSSLASSSH", "/", gsub("(/)(.*?)(?= )|/.*$", "", gsub(" //", " SSSLASSSH/", x[i,Right]), perl=T)))]

    # update column names
    colnames(x)[which(colnames(x)=="Key")] <- "Key_with_anno"
    colnames(x)[which(colnames(x)=="tag0001")] <- "Key"

    # update column order
    new_order <- gsub("Keyword", "Key", gsub("Key$", "Key_with_anno", gsub("Key_with_anno", "Keyword", colnames(x))))
    data.table::setcolorder(x, new_order)

    if(length(which(colnames(x)=="Left"))>0) {
      x[, Left := gsub("INSERTCOLONHERE", ":", Left)]


  if(!dt) {
  } else {

hartmast/concordances documentation built on April 19, 2023, 9:39 p.m.