
Defines functions Distribution plot.Distribution Bernoulli draw.Bernoulli Binomial draw.Binomial Hypergeometric draw.Hypergeometric Geometric draw.Geometric NegativeBinomial draw.NegativeBinomial Pascal draw.Pascal Poisson draw.Poisson DiscreteUniform draw.DiscreteUniform Uniform draw.Uniform Normal draw.Normal Exponential draw.Exponential Gamma draw.Gamma Beta draw.Beta StudentT draw.StudentT ChiSquare draw.ChiSquare Fdist draw.F Cauchy draw.Cauchy LogNormal draw.LogNormal

Documented in Bernoulli Beta Binomial Cauchy ChiSquare DiscreteUniform draw.Bernoulli draw.Beta draw.Binomial draw.Cauchy draw.ChiSquare draw.DiscreteUniform draw.Exponential draw.F draw.Gamma draw.Geometric draw.Hypergeometric draw.NegativeBinomial draw.Normal draw.Pascal draw.Poisson draw.StudentT draw.Uniform Exponential Fdist Gamma Geometric Hypergeometric LogNormal NegativeBinomial Normal Pascal Poisson StudentT Uniform

#' @import ggplot2
#' @import extraDistr

Distribution <- function(params, dist, discrete = TRUE){
  # f store the density functions: dnorm, dunif,...
  f <- paste0("d", dist)
  pdf <- function(x){
    x <- list(x)
    do.call(f, c(x, params))

  # ppf store the quantile functions: qnorm, qunif,...
  ppf <- paste0("q", dist)
  xlim = c(do.call(ppf, c(0.001, params)), do.call(ppf, c(0.999, params)))

  attribute <- list(params = params,
                    pdf = pdf,
                    xlim = xlim,
                    discrete = discrete)

  class(attribute) <- c(class(attribute), "Distribution", "ProbabilitySpace")

# This has 'new' argument for if user wants to overlay this plot on
# a RV plot().
# Usage for that case: store a RV plot in a variable and pass that variable
# in the 'new' argument.
#' @export
plot.Distribution <- function(self, type = NULL, alpha = 0.4,
                              xlim = NULL, new = NULL, ...){
  xlower = self$xlim[1]
  xupper = self$xlim[2]

  if (self$discrete){
    xlower <- as.integer(xlower)
    xupper <- as.integer(xupper)
    xvals <- xlower:xupper
  } else
    xvals <- seq(xlower, xupper, length.out = 100)

  yvals <- self$pdf(xvals)

  # Since R does not have 'loc' parameter for nbinom like numpy to shift the
  # distribution. This is implemented for shifting.
  if (inherits(self, "NegativeBinomial"))
    yvals <- self$pdf(xvals - self$params[[1]])

  color <- get_next_color()
  col <- color()
  y <- ""
  if (identical(new, NULL)){
    g <- ggplot()
  } else{
    g <- new
    col <- "seagreen"
    alpha = 1
    y <- new$labels$y

  if (self$discrete){
    g <- g +
      geom_point(aes(x=xvals, y=yvals, alpha = alpha, ...), size = 2.5, color = col, na.rm = T) +
      geom_line(aes(x=xvals, y=yvals, alpha = alpha, ...), color = col, na.rm = T)
  } else{
    g <- g +
      geom_line(aes(x=xvals, y=yvals, alpha = alpha, ...), color = col, size = 1.2, na.rm = T)


  g <- g + xlim(self$xlim) + theme(legend.position="none") +
    labs(y = y, x = "")


## Discrete Distributions

#' Defines a probability space for a Bernoulli
#' distribution.
#' @param p (double) probability (number between 0 and 1)
#' of a "success" (i.e., 1)
#' @export
Bernoulli <- function(p){
  if (!(p >= 0 && p <= 1))
    stop("p must be between 0 and 1")

  params <- list(1, p)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "binom", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, 1)  # Bernoulli distributions are not defined for x < 0 and x > 1
  attribute[["p"]] = p

  class(attribute) <- append("Bernoulli", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Bernoulli distribution.
#' @export
draw.Bernoulli <- function(self)
  return(rbinom(1, 1, self$p))

#' Defines a probability space for a binomial distribution.
#' @param n (int): number of trials
#' @param p (float): probability (number between 0 and 1)
#' that each trial results in a "success" (i.e., 1)
#' @export
Binomial <- function(n, p){
  # is.integer(n) doesn't work here since R requires user to input 10L as integer
  if (n >= 0 && is.numeric(n) && round(n) == n){
    n = n
  } else
    stop("n must be a non-negative integer")

  if (p >= 0 && p <= 1){
    p = p
  } else
    stop("p must be between 0 and 1")

  params <- list(n, p)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "binom", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, n)  # Binomial distributions are not defined for x < 0 and x > n
  attribute[["n"]]= n
  attribute[["p"]] = p

  class(attribute) <- append("Binomial", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Binomial distribution.
#' @export
draw.Binomial <- function(self)
  return(rbinom(1, self$n, self$p))

#' Defines a probability space for a hypergeometric
#' distribution (which represents the number of
#' ones in n draws without replacement from a box
#' containing zeros and ones)
#' @param n (int): number of draws (without replacement)
#' from the box
#' @param N0 (int): number of 0s in the box
#' @param N1 (int): number of 1s in the box
#' @export
Hypergeometric <- function(n, N0, N1){
  # is.integer won't work here since R requires "L" specificly for integer
  if (!(n > 0 && is.numeric(n) && round(n) == n))
    stop("n must be a positive integer")

  if (!(N0 > 0 && is.numeric(N0) && round(N0) == N0))
    stop("N0 must be a positive integer")

  if (!(N1 > 0 && is.numeric(N1) && round(N1) == N1))
    stop("N1 must be a positive integer")

  params = list(N1, N0, n)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "hyper", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, n)  # Hypergeometric distributions are not defined for x < 0 and x > n
  attribute[["n"]]= n
  attribute[["N0"]]= N0
  attribute[["N1"]]= N1

  class(attribute) <- append("Hypergeometric", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Hypergeometric distribution.
#' @export
draw.Hypergeometric <- function(self)
  return(rhyper(1, self$N1, self$N0, self$n))

#' Defines a probability space for a geometric
#' distribution (which represents the number
#' of trials until the first success), including
#' the success.
#' @param p (double): probability (number between 0 and 1)
#' that each trial results in a "success" (i.e., 1)
#' @export
Geometric <- function(p){
  if (!(p > 0 && p < 1))
    stop("p must be between 0 and 1")

  params = list(p)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "geom", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(1, attribute$xlim[2])  # Geometric distributions are not defined for x < 1
  attribute[["p"]]= p

  class(attribute) <- append("Geometric", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Geometric distribution.
#' @export
draw.Geometric <- function(self)
  # rgeom exclude the success, so we need to add 1
  return(1 + rgeom(1, self$p))

#' Defines a probability space for a negative
#' binomial distribution (which represents the
#' number of trials until r successes), including
#' the r successes.
#' @param r (int): desired number of successes
#' @param p (double): probability (number between 0 and 1)
#' that each trial results in a "success" (i.e., 1)
#' @export
NegativeBinomial <- function(r, p){
  if (!(r > 0 && is.numeric(r) && round(r) == r))
    stop("r must be a positive integer")

  if (!(p > 0 && p <= 1))
    stop("p must be between 0 and 1")

  params = list(r, p)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "nbinom", TRUE)
  attribute[["p"]]= p
  attribute[["r"]]= r
  attribute$xlim = c(r, attribute$xlim[2])  # Negative Binomial distributions are not defined for x < 0

  class(attribute) <- append("NegativeBinomial", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Negative Binomial distribution.
#' @export
draw.NegativeBinomial <- function(self)
  return(self$r + rnbinom(1, self$r, self$p))

#' Defines a probability space for a Pascal
#' distribution (which represents the number
#' of trials until r successes), not including
#' the r successes.
#' @param r (int): desired number of successes
#' @param p (double): probability (number between 0 and 1)
#' that each trial results in a "success" (i.e., 1)
#' @export
Pascal <- function(r, p){
  if (!(r > 0 && is.numeric(r) && round(r) == r))
    stop("r must be a positive integer")

  if (!(p > 0 && p <= 1))
    stop("p must be between 0 and 1")

  params = list(r, p)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "nbinom", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, attribute$xlim[2])  # Pascal distributions are not defined for x < r
  attribute[["p"]]= p
  attribute[["r"]]= r

  class(attribute) <- append("Pascal", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Negative Binomial distribution.
#' @export
draw.Pascal <- function(self)
  return(rnbinom(1, self$r, self$p))

#' Defines a probability space for a Poisson distribution.
#' @param lam (float): rate parameter for the Poisson distribution
#' @export
Poisson <- function(lam){
  if (lam < 0)
    stop("Lambda (lam) must be greater than 0")

  params <- list(lam)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "pois", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, attribute$xlim[2])
  attribute[["lam"]]= lam

  class(attribute) <- append("Poisson", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Poisson distribution.
#' @export
draw.Poisson <- function(self)
  return(rpois(1, self$lam))

#' Defines a probability space for a discrete uniform distribution.
#' @param a (int): lower bound for possible values
#' @param b (int): upper bound for possible values
#' @export
DiscreteUniform <- function(a = 0, b = 1){
  if (a >= b)
    stop("b cannot be less than or equal to a")

  attribute <- list(a = a,
             b = b)

  params <- list(a, b)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "dunif", TRUE)
  attribute$xlim = c(a, b)
  attribute[["a"]]= a
  attribute[["b"]]= b

  class(attribute) <- append("DiscreteUniform", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Discrete Uniform distribution.
#' @export
draw.DiscreteUniform <- function(self)
  return(sample(self$a : self$b, 1))

## Continuous Distributions
#' Defines a probability space for an uniform distribution.
#' @param a (double): lower bound for possible values
#' @param b (double): upper bound for possible values
#' @export
Uniform <- function(a=0.0, b=1.0){
  if (a > b)
    stop("b cannot be less than a")

  params <- list(a, b)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "unif", FALSE)

  class(attribute) <- append("Uniform", class(attribute), after = 1)
  attribute$xlim = c(a, b)
  attribute[["a"]]= a
  attribute[["b"]]= b


#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Uniform distribution.
#' @export
draw.Uniform <- function(self)
  return(runif(1, self$a, self$b))

#' Defines a probability space for a normal distribution.
#' @param mean (double): mean parameter of the normal distribution
#' @param sd (double): standard deviation parameter of the normal
#' distribution (if specified, var parameter will be ignored)
#' @param var (double): variance parameter of the normal distribution
#' @export
Normal <- function(mean=0.0, sd=1.0, var=NULL){
  if (identical(var, NULL)){
    if (sd > 0){
      scale = sd
    } else if (sd == 0){
    } else
      stop("sd cannot be less than 0")
  } else {
    if (var > 0){
      scale = sqrt(var)
    } else if (var == 0){
    } else
      stop("var cannot be less than 0")

  params <- list(mean, scale)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "norm", FALSE)
  attribute[["mean"]]= mean
  attribute[["scale"]]= scale

  class(attribute) <- append("Normal", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Normal distribution.
#' @export
draw.Normal <- function(self)
  return(rnorm(1, self$mean, self$scale))

#' Defines a probability space for an exponential distribution.
#' Only one of scale or rate should be set. (The scale is the
#' inverse of the rate.)
#' @param scale double; scale parameter for gamma distribution
#' (often symbolized beta = 1 / lambda)
#' @param rate double; rate parameter for gamma distribution
#' (often symbolized lambda)
#' @export
Exponential <- function(rate = 1.0, scale = NULL){
  if (identical(scale, NULL)){
    if (rate < 0)
      stop("rate must be positive")
  } else {
    if (scale < 0)
      stop("scale must be positive")

  if (identical(scale, NULL)){
    scale = rate
  } else
    scale = 1 / scale
  params <- list(scale)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "exp", FALSE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, attribute$xlim[2])
  attribute[["rate"]]= rate
  attribute[["scale"]]= scale

  class(attribute) <- append("Exponential", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Exponential distribution.
#' @export
draw.Exponential <- function(self){
  if (identical(self$scale, NULL)){
    return(rexp(1, self$rate))
  } else
    return(rexp(1, 1 / self$scale))

#' Defines a probability space for a gamma distribution.
#' Only one of scale or rate should be set. (The scale is the
#'                                           inverse of the rate.)
#' @param shape (double): shape parameter for gamma distribution
#' (often symbolized alpha)
#' @param rate (double): rate parameter for gamma distribution
#' (often symbolized lambda)
#' @param scale (double): scale parameter for gamma distribution
#' (often symbolized beta = 1 / lambda)
#' @export
Gamma <- function(shape, rate = 1.0, scale = NULL){
  if (shape < 0)
    stop("shape parameter must be positive")
  if (identical(scale, NULL)){
    if (rate < 0)
      stop("rate must be positive")
  } else
    if (scale < 0)
      stop("scale must be positive")

  rate <- ifelse(identical(scale, NULL), rate, 1 / scale)
  params <- list(shape, rate)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "gamma", FALSE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, attribute$xlim[2]) # Gamma distributions are not defined for x < 0
  attribute[["rate"]]= rate
  attribute[["scale"]]= scale
  attribute[["shape"]]= shape

  class(attribute) <- append("Gamma", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Gamma distribution.
#' @export
draw.Gamma <- function(self)
  if (identical(self$scale, NULL)){
    return(rgamma(1, self$shape, self$rate))
  } else
    return(rgamma(1, self$shape, scale = self$scale))

#' Defines a probability space for a beta distribution.
#' @param a (double): alpha parameter for beta distribution
#' @param b (double): beta parameter for beta distribution
#' @export
Beta <- function(a=1, b=1, xmin=0, xmax=1, scale=NULL){
  if (a < 0)
    stop("a must be positive")
  if (b < 0)
    stop("b must be positive")
  if (xmin > xmax)
    stop("xmax cannot be less than xmin")

  params = list(a, b)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "beta", FALSE)
  attribute$xlim = c(0, 1) # Beta distributions are not defined for x < 0 and x > 1
  attribute[["a"]]= a
  attribute[["b"]]= b
  attribute[["xmin"]]= xmin
  attribute[["xmax"]]= xmax

  class(attribute) <- append("Beta", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Beta distribution.
#' @export
draw.Beta <- function(self)
  return(self$xmin + (self$xmax - self$xmin) * rbeta(1, self$a, self$b))

#' Defines a probability space for Student's t distribution.
#' @param df (int): degrees of freedom
#' @export
StudentT <- function(df){
  if (df < 0)
    stop("df must be greater than 0")

  params <- list(df)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "t", FALSE)
  if (df == 1){
    attribute$mean <- function() NaN
    attribute$sd <- function() NaN
    attribute$var <- function() NaN
  attribute[["df"]]= df

  class(attribute) <- append("StudentT", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the T distribution.
#' @export
draw.StudentT <- function(self)
  return(rt(1, self$df))

#' Defines a probability space for chi-square distribution.
#' @param df (int): degrees of freedom
#' @export
ChiSquare <- function(df){
  if (!(df > 0 && is.numeric(df) && round(df) == df))
    stop("df must be a positive integer")

  params <- list(df)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "chisq", FALSE)
  attribute$xlim <- c(0, attribute$xlim[2]) # Chi-Square distributions are not defined for x < 0
  attribute[["df"]]= df

  class(attribute) <- append("ChiSquare", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the ChiSquare distribution.
#' @export
draw.ChiSquare <- function(self)
  return(rchisq(1, self$df))

#' Defines a probability space for F distribution.
#' @param dfN (int): degrees of freedom in the numerator
#' @param dfD (int): degrees of freedom in the denominator
#' @export
Fdist <- function(dfN, dfD){
  if (dfN < 0)
    stop("dfN must be greater than 0")

  if (dfD < 0)
    stop("dfD must be greater than 0")

  params <- list(dfN, dfD)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "f", FALSE)
  attribute$xlim <- c(0, attribute$xlim[2]) # F distributions are not defined for x < 0
  attribute[["dfN"]]= dfN
  attribute[["dfD"]]= dfD

  class(attribute) <- append("Fdist", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the F distribution.
#' @export
draw.F <- function(self)
  return(rf(1, self$dfN, self$dfD))

#' Defines a probability space for Cauchy distribution.
#' The Cauchy distribution has no parameters
#' @export
Cauchy <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1){
  params <- list(loc, scale)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "cauchy", FALSE)
  attribute[["loc"]]= loc
  attribute[["scale"]]= scale

  class(attribute) <- append("Cauchy", class(attribute))

#' A function that takes no arguments and
#' returns a single draw from the Cauchy distribution.
#' @export
draw.Cauchy <- function(self)
  return(self$loc + (self$scale * rcauchy(1, self$loc, self$scale)))

#' Defines a probability space for a Log-Normal distribution
#' If Y has a LogNormal distribution with parameters mu and sigma, then
#' log(Y) has a normal distribution with mean mu and sd sigma.
#' @param mu (double): mean of the underlying normal distribution
#' @param sigma (double): standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution
#' @export
LogNormal <- function(mu = 0.0, sigma = 1.0){
  if (sigma < 0)
    stop("sigma must be greater than 0")

  params <- list(mu, sigma)

  attribute <- Distribution(params, "lnorm", FALSE)
  attribute[["meanlog"]]= mu
  attribute[["sdlog"]]= sigma

  class(attribute) <- append("LogNormal", class(attribute))

#' @export
draw.LogNormal <- function(self)
  return(rlnorm(1, self$meanlog, self$sdlog))
hayate0304/Rsymbulate documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:20 a.m.