
Defines functions Results apply.Results print.Results get get.default get.Results length.Results tabulate tabulate.Results filter filter.Results filter_eq filter_eq.default filter_eq.Results filter_neq filter_neq.default filter_neq.Results filter_lt filter_lt.default filter_lt.Results filter_leq filter_leq.default filter_leq.Results filter_gt filter_gt.default filter_gt.Results filter_geq filter_geq.default filter_geq.Results count count.default count.Results count_eq count_eq.default count_eq.Results count_neq count_neq.default count_neq.Results count_lt count_lt.default count_lt.Results count_leq count_leq.default count_leq.Results count_gt count_gt.default count_gt.Results count_geq count_geq.default count_geq.Results plot plot.Results `-.Results` `+.Results` `/.Results` `*.Results` mean.Results var var.Results sd sd.Results cov cov.Results cor cor.Results RVResults plot.RVResults mean.RVResults var.RVResults sd.RVResults cov.RVResults cor.RVResults

Documented in apply.Results count.Results filter.Results tabulate.Results

# Data structures for storing the results of a simulation.
# This module provides data structures for storing the
# results of a simulation, either outcomes from a
# probability space or realizations of a random variable /
# random process.
#' @import ggplot2
#             Results Class
#' @export
Results <- function(results){
  attribute <- list(results = results)
  class(attribute) <- c(class(attribute), "Results")


#' Apply a function to each outcome of a simulation.
#' @param fun: A function to apply to each outcome.
#' @return Results: A Results object of the same length,
#' where each outcome is the result of applying
#' the function to each outcome from the original
#' Results object.
#' @export
apply.Results <- function(self, fun, ...){
  if (get_dimesion(self) == 0){
    results <- sapply(self$results, fun, ...)
  } else
    results <- apply(self$results, 2, fun, ...)

  # Python code uses type(self) for typecasting, not sure how to do that in R so if-else is used
  if (inherits(self, "RVResults")){
  } else

#' @export
print.Results <- function(self)

#' @export
get <- function(self, i) UseMethod("get")
#' @export
get.default <- function(self, i) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
get.Results <- function(self, i){
  if (is.matrix(self$results)){
    return(self$results[, i])
  } else

#' @export
length.Results <- function(self){
  if (is.matrix(self$results)){
  } else

#' @export
tabulate <- function(self, normalize = FALSE) UseMethod("tabulate")
#' @export
tabulate.default <- base::tabulate

# Add a ... argument to tabulate.default to allow passing of package checks:
formals(tabulate.default) <- c(formals(tabulate.default), alist(... = ))

#' Counts up how much of each outcome there were.
#' @param normalize (bool): If True, return the relative
#' frequency. Otherwise, return the counts.
#' Defaults to False.
#' @return Data frame: A data frame with each of the observed
#' outcomes and their frequencies.
#' @export
tabulate.Results <- function(self, normalize = FALSE){
  df <- plyr::count(as.data.frame(self$results))

  if (ncol(df) == 2)
    names(df) <- c("Outcome", "Value")
  if (normalize) {
    if (ncol(df) == 2){
      df$Value <- round(df$Value / sum(df$Value), 4)
    } else {
      df$Value <- round(df$freq / sum(df$freq), 4)
      df$freq <- NULL


# filter family
#' @export
filter <- function(self, fun) UseMethod("filter")
#' @export
filter.default <- stats::filter

# Add a ... argument to filter.default to allow passing of package checks:
formals(filter.default) <- c(formals(filter.default), alist(... = ))

#' filters the results of a simulation and
#' returns only those outcomes that satisfy
#' a given criterion.
#' @param fun (outcome -> bool): A function that
#' takes in an outcome and returns a
#' True / False. Only the outcomes that
#' return True will be kept; the others
#' will be filtered out.
#' @return Results: Another Results object containing
#' only those outcomes for which the function
#' returned True.
#' @export
filter.Results <- function(self, fun){
  # Python code uses type(self) for typecasting, not sure how to do that in R so if-else is used
  if (inherits(self, "RVResults")){
  } else

#' @export
filter_eq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("filter_eq")
#' @export
filter_eq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
filter_eq.Results <- function(self, value)
  return(filter(self, function(x) x == value))

#' @export
filter_neq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("filter_neq")
#' @export
filter_neq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
filter_neq.Results <- function(self, value)
  return(filter(self, function(x) x != value))

#' @export
filter_lt <- function(self, value) UseMethod("filter_lt")
#' @export
filter_lt.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
filter_lt.Results <- function(self, value)
  return(filter(self, function(x) x < value))

#' @export
filter_leq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("filter_leq")
#' @export
filter_leq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
filter_leq.Results <- function(self, value)
  return(filter(self, function(x) x <= value))

#' @export
filter_gt <- function(self, value) UseMethod("filter_gt")
#' @export
filter_gt.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
filter_gt.Results <- function(self, value)
  return(filter(self, function(x) x > value))

#' @export
filter_geq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("filter_geq")
#' @export
filter_geq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
filter_geq.Results <- function(self, value)
  return(filter(self, function(x) x >= value))

# count family
# The following functions return an integer indicating
# how many outcomes passed a given criterion.
#' @export
count <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count")
#' @export
count.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")

#' counts the number of outcomes that satisfied a given criterion.
#' @param fun (outcome -> bool): A function that
#' takes in an outcome and returns a
#' True / False. Only the outcomes that
#' return True will be counted.
#' @return int: The number of outcomes for which
#' the function returned True.
#' @export
count.Results <- function(self, fun = function(x) TRUE){
  return(length(filter(self, fun)$result))

#' @export
count_eq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count_eq")
#' @export
count_eq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
count_eq.Results <- function(self, value){
  return(length(filter_eq(self, value)$result))

#' @export
count_neq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count_neq")
#' @export
count_neq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
count_neq.Results <- function(self, value){
  return(length(filter_neq(self, value)$result))

#' @export
count_lt <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count_lt")
#' @export
count_lt.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
count_lt.Results <- function(self, value){
  return(length(filter_lt(self, value)$result))

#' @export
count_leq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count_leq")
#' @export
count_leq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
count_leq.Results <- function(self, value){
  return(length(filter_leq(self, value)$result))

#' @export
count_gt <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count_gt")
#' @export
count_gt.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
count_gt.Results <- function(self, value){
  return(length(filter_gt(self, value)$result))

#' @export
count_geq <- function(self, value) UseMethod("count_geq")
#' @export
count_geq.default <- function(self, value) stop("Could not perform the function")
#' @export
count_geq.Results <- function(self, value){
  return(length(filter_geq(self, value)$result))

#' @export
plot <- function(self, type=NULL, alpha=NULL, normalize=TRUE,
                 jitter=FALSE, bins=NULL, ...) UseMethod("plot")

#' @export
plot.Results <- function(self)
  stop(paste("Only simulations of random variables (RV) ",
             "can be plotted, but you simulated from a ",
             "probability space. You must first define a RV ",
             "on your probability space and simulate it. ",
             "Then call plot() on those simulations."))

# Operators
#' @export
`-.Results` <- function(self, scalar){
  return(self$results - scalar)

#' @export
`+.Results` <- function(self, scalar){
  return(self$results + scalar)

#' @export
`/.Results` <- function(self, scalar){
  return(self$results / scalar)

#' @export
`*.Results` <- function(self, scalar){
  return(self$results * scalar)

# Stats functions
# mean is generic in R. Thus, no need UseMethod()
#' @export
mean.Results <- function(self)
  stop(paste("You can only call mean() on simulations of ",
             "random variables (RV), but you simulated from ",
             "a probability space. You must first define ",
             "a RV on your probability space and simulate it ",
             "Then call mean() on those simulations."))

#' @export
var <- function(self) UseMethod("var")
#' @export
var.default <- stats::var

# Add a ... argument to var.default to allow passing of package checks:
formals(var.default) <- c(formals(var.default), alist(... = ))

#' @export
var.Results <- function(self)
  stop(paste("You can only call var() on simulations of ",
             "random variables (RV), but you simulated from ",
             "a probability space. You must first define ",
             "a RV on your probability space and simulate it ",
             "Then call var() on those simulations."))

#' @export
sd <- function(self) UseMethod("sd")
#' @export
sd.default <- stats::sd

# Add a ... argument to sd.default to allow passing of package checks:
formals(sd.default) <- c(formals(sd.default), alist(... = ))

#' @export
sd.Results <- function(self)
  stop(paste("You can only call sd() on simulations of ",
             "random variables (RV), but you simulated from ",
             "a probability space. You must first define ",
             "a RV on your probability space and simulate it ",
             "Then call sd() on those simulations."))

#' @export
cov <- function(self) UseMethod("cov")
#' @export
cov.default <- stats::cov

# Add a ... argument to sd.default to allow passing of package checks:
formals(cov.default) <- c(formals(cov.default), alist(... = ))

#' @export
cov.Results <- function(self)
  stop(paste("You can only call cov() on simulations of ",
             "random variables (RV), but you simulated from ",
             "a probability space. You must first define ",
             "a RV on your probability space and simulate it ",
             "Then call cov() on those simulations."))

#' @export
cor <- function(self) UseMethod("cor")
#' @export
cor.default <- stats::cor

# Add a ... argument to sd.default to allow passing of package checks:
formals(cor.default) <- c(formals(cor.default), alist(... = ))

#' @export
cor.Results <- function(self)
  stop(paste("You can only call cor() on simulations of ",
             "random variables (RV), but you simulated from ",
             "a probability space. You must first define ",
             "a RV on your probability space and simulate it ",
             "Then call cor() on those simulations."))

#             RVResults Class
#' @export
RVResults <- function(results){
  attribute <- list(results = results)

  class(attribute) <- c(class(attribute), "RVResults", "Results")

# plot function use ggplot so that it is easier to add plot later.
# aes() is specified inside components of ggplot, but not in ggplot()
# because different data could be inserted later for overlaying.
# If aes() is specified in the main ggplot(), it would mess up with the
# data later added.
#' @export
plot.RVResults <- function(self, type=NULL, alpha=NULL, normalize=TRUE,
                            jitter=FALSE, bins=NULL){
  dim <- get_dimesion(self)

  # If RVResults is vector
  if (dim == 0){
    tb <- tabulate(self)

    heights <- tb$Value
    discrete <- is_discrete(heights)
    #print(paste("Dis: ", discrete))

    if (identical(type, NULL)){
      if (discrete){
        type <- append(type, "impulse")
      } else
        type <- append(type, "hist")
    if (identical(alpha, NULL))
      alpha <- 0.45
    if (identical(bins, NULL))
      bins <- 30

    color <- get_next_color()
    ylab <- "Count"
    tb <- tabulate(self, normalize = normalize)

    if (is.element("hist", type) || is.element("bar", type)){
      x <- as.double(tb$Outcome)
      if (normalize)
        ylab = "Density"

      if (normalize){
        hist <- ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                                        fill = color(), aes(x=self$results, y=..density..),
                                        alpha = alpha,
                                        breaks=seq(min(x), max(x), (max(x)-min(x))/30),
                                        na.rm = T)
      } else{
        hist <- ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins = bins,
                                        fill = color(), alpha = alpha, aes(x = self$results),
                                        breaks=seq(min(x), max(x), (max(x)-min(x))/30),
                                        na.rm = T)

      g <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
        hist +
        labs(y=ylab, x="")

    } else if (is.element("impulse", type)){
      x <- as.double(tb$Outcome)
      y <- round(tb$Value, 4)

      if (identical(alpha, NULL))
        alpha <- 0.7
      if (normalize)
        y <- y / sum(y)
      if (jitter){
        a <- 0.05 * (max(x) - min(x))
        noise <- runif(1, -a, a)
        x <- x + noise

      if (normalize)
        ylab = "Relative Frequency"

      g <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
        geom_segment(data = tb, aes(x=Outcome, xend=Outcome, y=0, yend=Value),
                     color = color(), alpha = alpha, na.rm = T) +
        labs(y=ylab, x="")
  } else if (dim == 2){
    x <- self$results[,1]
    y <- self$results[,2]

    x_height <- as.vector(table(self$results[,1]))
    y_height <- as.vector(table(self$results[,2]))
    discrete_x <- is_discrete(x_height)
    discrete_y <- is_discrete(y_height)

    if (identical(type, NULL))
      type <- c(type, "scatter")
    if (identical(alpha, NULL))
      alpha = 0.4
    if (identical(bins, NULL))
      if (is.element("tile", type)){
        bins = 10
      } else
        bins = 30

    if (is.element("marginal", type)){
      warning("To be implemeted")
    } else
      color <- get_next_color()

    if (is.element("scatter", type)){
      if (jitter){
        x <- x + rnorm(length(x), 0, .01 * (max(x) - min(x)))
        y <- y + rnorm(length(y), 0, .01 * (max(y) - min(y)))

      g <- ggplot2::ggplot(, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
        ggplot2::geom_point(size=2, color = color(), alpha = alpha) +
        labs(y="", x="")

# Stats functions
#' @export
mean.RVResults <- function(self){
 if (get_dimesion(self) == 0){
 } else if (get_dimesion(self) > 0){
   return(apply(self$results, 2, mean))
 } else
   stop("I don't know how to take the mean of these values.")

#' @export
var.RVResults <- function(self){
  if (get_dimesion(self) == 0){
  } else if (get_dimesion(self) > 0){
    return(apply(self$results, 2, var))
  } else
    stop("I don't know how to take the variance of these values.")

#' @export
sd.RVResults <- function(self){
  if (get_dimesion(self) == 0){
  } else if (get_dimesion(self) > 0){
    return(apply(self$results, 2, sd))
  } else
    stop("I don't know how to take the standard deviation of these values.")

#' @export
cov.RVResults <- function(self){
  if (get_dimesion(self) > 0 && dim(self$results)[2] == 2){
    return(cov(self$results)[1, 2])
  else if (get_dimesion(self) > 0 && dim(self$results)[2] != 2){
  } else
    stop("Covariance requires that the simulation results have consistent dimension.")

#' @export
cor.RVResults <- function(self){
  if (get_dimesion(self) > 0 && dim(self$results)[2] == 2){
    return(cor(self$results)[1, 2])
  else if (get_dimesion(self) > 0){
  } else
    stop("Correlation requires that the simulation results have consistent dimension.")
hayate0304/Rsymbulate documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:20 a.m.