Man pages for hbc/CHBUtils
"Useful utility functions used at the core"

annotate_dfAnnotate Dataframe containing Ensembl IDs with Gene Symbols...
boxplotoutliersCel file IDs of intensity boxplot outlier arrays (in...
col2rownamesadd a column to a dataframe consisting of the current...
convertIDsGet other Ids for genes in the same order
create_reportCreate report of QC
get_biomartGet biomart annotation from id
getTFpairsGet mouse TF-target pairs from opossum database
ggheatmapgenerate a heatmap + dendrograms, ggplot2 style
ggheatmap.showDisplay a ggheatmap
ggplotDispEstsPlot Dispersion Estimates - nicer ggplot version of DESeq...
mdsPlot MDS
mdsplot.RGsetMDS (MultiDimensional Scaling) Plots
nuseoutliersCel file IDs of intensity NUSE outlier arrays (in...
PCAplot.cdsPairwise Principal Component Analysis Plots of CountDataSet...
PCAplot.esetPairwise Principal Component Analysis Plots
plotDEPlots the differntially expressed genes on an MA plot, ggplot...
plot_dendroggplot based dendrogram plot
print_enrichGOClean and print results from enrichGO
qqplot_JHPlots the pvalue quantiles against the uniform distribution....
rleoutliersCel file IDs of intensity RLE outlier arrays (in characters).
row2colnamesadd a column to a dataframe consisting of the current...
runGORun GO using clusterprofiler
variance_by_componentPlot PC importance
volcano_density_plotCreate volcano plot from log2FC and adjusted pvalues data...
write_reportWrite report of QC
hbc/CHBUtils documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:07 p.m.