Man pages for hclimente/martini
GWAS Incorporating Networks

arrange_covarsPrepare covariates for 'scones'
calculateECalculate the environmental component of the phenotype
calculateGCalculate the genetic component of the phenotype
check_installedCheck package is installed
connect_biomartOpen a biomaRt connection
get_adjacencyCompute Laplacian matrix
get_GI_networkGet gene-interaction network.
get_GM_networkGet gene membership network.
get_gridParse '' settings
get_GS_networkGet genomic sequence network
get_gxgGet gene interactions
get_gxg_biogridGet BioGRID protein-protein interactions.
get_gxg_stringGet STRING protein-protein interactions.
get_snp_modulesReturn groups of interconnected SNPs.
group_snpsGroups nearby SNPs
gwas2bedConverts a MAP data.frame to a BED data.frame
is_coherentCheck inner coherence of GWAS dataset
ldweight_edgesInclude linkage disequilibrium information in the network.
maxflowMaxflow algorithm
mget_gxg_biogridMemoised version of get_gxg_biogrid
mget_gxg_stringMemoised version of get_gxg_stringdb
mincutRun min-cut algorithm
mincut_cMin-cut algorithm
mincut.cvRun the cross-validated min-cut algorithm
minigwasDescription of the minigwas dataset.
minippiPPIs for the minigwas dataset.
minisnpMappingGenes for the minigwas dataset.
organism_id2nameTax id to ensembl species name
permute_snpMatrixPermute samples
plot_ideogramIdeogram of SConES results.
sanitize_mapCheck map
sanitize_snpMappingCheck snpMapping
sconesFind connected explanatory SNPs
scones_Find connected explanatory features
scones.cvFind connected explanatory SNPs.
scones.cv_Find connected explanatory features
score_foldScore the solutions of a k-fold
search_conesFind connected explanatory SNPs.
sigmodFind connected explanatory SNPs
sigmod_Find connected explanatory features
sigmod.cvFind connected explanatory SNPs.
sigmod.cv_Find connected explanatory features
simulate_causal_snpsSimulate causal SNPs
simulate_phenotypeSimulate phenotype
snp2ensemblMap SNPs to Ensembl genes.
snp_testCalculate genotype-phhenotype associations
subnetSubgraph of vertices with an attribute
subset_snpMatrixSubsample snpMatrix
subvertVertices with an attribute
wrap_XyMake pseudo SnpMatrix object
hclimente/martini documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 6:23 p.m.