
Defines functions gridplot

Documented in gridplot

#' Plot Multidimensional Sequence Plots in a Grid
#' Function \code{gridplot} plots multiple \code{ssp} objects to a
#' grid.
#' @export

#' @param x A list of \code{\link{ssp}} objects.
#' @param nrow,ncol Optional arguments to arrange plots.
#' @param byrow Controls the order of plotting. Defaults to \code{FALSE}, i.e. plots
#'   are arranged column-wise.
#' @param with.legend Defines if and how the legends for the states are plotted.
#'   The default value \code{"auto"} (equivalent to \code{TRUE} and
#'   \code{"many"}) creates separate legends for each requested plot. Other
#'   possibilities are \code{"combined"} (all legends combined) and \code{FALSE}
#'   (no legend).
#' @param legend.pos Defines the positions of the legend boxes relative to the
#'   whole plot. Either one of \code{"bottom"} (equivalent to \code{"auto"}) or
#'   \code{"right"}, or a numerical vector of grid cells (by order) to print the
#'   legends to (the cells must be in one row/column).
#' @param legend.pos2 Defines the positions of the legend boxes relative to the
#'   cell(s). One of \code{"bottomright"}, \code{"bottom"}, \code{"bottomleft"},
#'   \code{"left"}, \code{"topleft"}, \code{"top"} (the default), \code{"topright"},
#'   \code{"right"} and \code{"center"}.
#' @param title.legend The titles for the legend boxes. The default \code{"auto"} takes
#'   the titles from the channel labels provided by the first object in \code{x}.
#'   \code{NA} prints no title.
#' @param ncol.legend (A vector of) the number of columns for the legend(s). The
#'   default \code{"auto"} creates one column for each legend.
#' @param with.missing.legend If set to \code{"auto"} (the default), a legend
#'   for the missing state is added automatically if one or more of the
#'   sequences in data contain missing states. With the value \code{TRUE} a
#'   legend for the missing state is added in any case; equivalently
#'   \code{FALSE} omits the legend for the missing state.
#' @param cex.legend Expansion factor for setting the size of the font for the
#'   labels in the legend. The default value is 1. Values lesser than 1 will
#'   reduce the size of the font, values greater than 1 will increase the size.
#' @param row.prop Sets the proportions of the row heights of the grid. The default
#'   value is \code{"auto"} for even row heights. Takes a vector of values from
#'   0 to 1, with values summing to 1.
#' @param col.prop Sets the proportion of the column heights of the grid. The default
#'   value is \code{"auto"} for even column widths. Takes a vector of values
#'   from 0 to 1, with values summing to 1.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("biofam3c")
#' # Creating sequence objects
#' child_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$children, start = 15)
#' marr_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$married, start = 15)
#' left_seq <- seqdef(biofam3c$left, start = 15)
#' ## Choosing colors
#' attr(child_seq, "cpal") <- c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62")
#' attr(marr_seq, "cpal") <- c("#AB82FF", "#E6AB02", "#E7298A")
#' attr(left_seq, "cpal") <- c("#A6CEE3", "#E31A1C")
#' # Preparing plot for state distribution plots of observations for women
#' ssp_f <- ssp(
#'   list(
#'     child_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "woman", ],
#'     marr_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "woman", ],
#'     left_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "woman", ]
#'   ),
#'   type = "d", plots = "obs", title = "Women",
#'   ylab = c("Children", "Married", "Left home")
#' )
#' # Preparing plot for state distribution plots of observations for men
#' # (Updating the previous plot, only arguments that change values)
#' ssp_m <- update(ssp_f,
#'   title = "Men",
#'   x = list(
#'     child_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "man", ],
#'     marr_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "man", ],
#'     left_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "man", ]
#'   )
#' )
#' # Plotting state distribution plots of observations for women and men in two columns
#' gridplot(list(ssp_f, ssp_m), ncol = 2, with.legend = FALSE)
#' # Preparing plots for women's state distributions
#' ssp_f2 <- ssp(
#'   list(
#'     marr_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "woman", ],
#'     child_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "woman", ],
#'     left_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "woman", ]
#'   ),
#'   type = "d", border = NA, with.legend = FALSE,
#'   title = "State distributions for women", title.n = FALSE, xtlab = 15:30,
#'   ylab.pos = c(1, 2, 1), ylab = c("Married", "Children", "Left home")
#' )
#' # The same plot with sequences instead of state distributions
#' ssp_f3 <- update(
#'   ssp_f2,
#'   type = "I", sortv = "mds.obs", title = "Sequences for women"
#' )
#' # State distributions with men's data
#' ssp_m2 <- update(
#'   ssp_f2,
#'   title = "State distributions for men",
#'   x = list(
#'     marr_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "man", ],
#'     child_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "man", ],
#'     left_seq[biofam3c$covariates$sex == "man", ]
#'   )
#' )
#' # Men's sequences
#' ssp_m3 <- update(
#'   ssp_m2,
#'   type = "I", sortv = "mds.obs", title = "Sequences for men"
#' )
#' # Plotting state distributions and index plots of observations
#' # for women and men in two columns (+ one column for legends)
#' gridplot(
#'   list(ssp_f2, ssp_f3, ssp_m2, ssp_m3),
#'   ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE,
#'   with.legend = "combined", legend.pos = "right", col.prop = c(0.35, 0.35, 0.3)
#' )
#' # The same with different positioning and fixed cells for legends
#' gridplot(
#'   list(ssp_f2, ssp_f3, ssp_m2, ssp_m3),
#'   ncol = 2, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE,
#'   # defining the legend positions by the cell numbers
#'   legend.pos = 3:4
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ssp}} for defining the plot before using
#'   \code{gridplot}, and \code{\link{plot.ssp}} for plotting only one ssp object.

gridplot <- function(x, nrow = NA, ncol = NA, byrow = FALSE,
                     with.legend = "auto", legend.pos = "auto",
                     legend.pos2 = "center", title.legend = "auto",
                     ncol.legend = "auto",
                     with.missing.legend = "auto",
                     row.prop = "auto", col.prop = "auto", cex.legend = 1) {

  opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  if (!is.na(nrow) && (nrow < 0 || nrow %% 1 != 0)) {
    stop("Argument nrow only accepts positive numeric values.")
  if (!is.na(ncol) && (ncol < 0 || ncol %% 1 != 0)) {
    stop("Argument ncol only accepts positive numeric values.")

  if (!is.logical(byrow)) {
    stop("Argument byrow only accepts values TRUE and FALSE.")

  # Checking with.legend
  choices <- c(TRUE, FALSE, "auto", "combined", "many")
  ind <- pmatch(with.legend, choices)
  if (is.na(ind)) {
    stop("Argument with.legend must be one of TRUE, FALSE, \"auto\", \"many\", \"combined\"")
  with.legend <- choices[ind]
  if (with.legend %in% c(TRUE, "auto")) {
    with.legend <- "many"

  if (!is.numeric(legend.pos)) {
    choices <- c("bottom", "auto", "right")
    ind <- pmatch(legend.pos, choices)
    if (is.na(ind)) {
      stop("Argument legend.pos only accepts values \"bottom\", \"auto\", \"right\", or a numerical vector (one value for each legend).")
    legend.pos <- choices[ind]
    if (legend.pos == "auto") {
      legend.pos <- "bottom"

  legend.pos2 <- match.arg(legend.pos2, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center"))

  if (!is.numeric(ncol.legend) && ncol.legend != "auto") {
    stop("Argument ncol.legend only accepts values \"auto\" or a numerical vector.")

  if (!is.numeric(row.prop) && row.prop != "auto") {
    stop("Argument row.prop only accepts values \"auto\" or a numerical vector.")
  } else if (is.numeric(row.prop) && all.equal(sum(row.prop), 1) != TRUE) {
    stop("The elements of the vector provided for row.prop do not sum to 1.")

  if (!is.numeric(col.prop) && col.prop != "auto") {
    stop("Argument col.prop only accepts values \"auto\" or a numerical vector.")
  } else if (is.numeric(col.prop) && all.equal(sum(col.prop), 1) != TRUE) {
    stop("The elements of the vector provided for col.prop do not sum to 1.")

  # Number of plots
  ngridplots <- length(x)

  # Checking for classes of x
  for (j in 1:ngridplots) {
    if (!inherits(x[[j]], "ssp")) {
      stop("At least one of your objects in x is not a ssp object. Use ssp to create one.")

  # Checks for automatic legends
  if (!is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE && ngridplots > 1) {
    nlegend <- x[[1]]$nplots
    for (i in 2:ngridplots) {
      if (nlegend != x[[i]]$nplots) {
        warning("The number of legends is not the same in all requested plots. Legends could not be printed.")
        with.legend <- FALSE
      nlegend <- x[[i]]$nplots

  if (x[[1]]$nchannels == 1 && with.legend == "many") {
    with.legend <- "combined"

  # Set numbers of rows and columns if missing
  if (is.na(nrow) && is.na(ncol)) {
    nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(ngridplots))
    ncol <- ceiling(ngridplots / nrow)
    rcfixed <- "none"
  } else if (is.na(nrow)) {
    nrow <- ceiling(ngridplots / ncol)
    rcfixed <- "ncol"
  } else if (is.na(ncol)) {
    ncol <- ceiling(ngridplots / nrow)
    rcfixed <- "nrow"
  } else {
    rcfixed <- "both"

  # New rows and cols for grid, possibly to modify later
  gridnrow <- nrow
  gridncol <- ncol
  emptycells <- gridnrow * gridncol - ngridplots

  # Enough cells without plots?
  if ((is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE) && length(legend.pos) > 1 && emptycells < ngridplots) {
    warning("There were not enough empty cells for the legends. Legends were positioned automatically.")
    legend.pos <- "bottom"

  # Legend titles
  if (length(title.legend) > 1 || (length(title.legend) == 1 &&
    !is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE && !is.null(title.legend))) {
    # Wrong length for title.legend
    if (length(title.legend) > 1 || (length(title.legend) == 1 && title.legend != "auto")) {
      if (length(title.legend) != x[[1]]$nplots) {
        warning("The length of the vector provided for title.legend does not match the number of legends. Argument title.legend was set to \"auto\".")
        title.legend <- "auto"
    # Automatic titles for legends (from the first ssp object)
    if (length(title.legend) == 1 && title.legend == "auto") {
      title.legend <- x[[1]]$ylab

  # Legend positions
  if (!is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE) {
    # Convert legend positions to "right"/"bottom" for layout
    if (length(legend.pos) > 1) {
      if (byrow == TRUE) {
        if (max(legend.pos) - min(legend.pos) + 1 > length(legend.pos)) {
          legendp <- "right"
        } else {
          legendp <- "bottom"
        # byrow = FALSE
      } else {
        if (max(legend.pos) - min(legend.pos) + 1 > length(legend.pos)) {
          legendp <- "bottom"
        } else {
          legendp <- "right"

    # Legends at bottom
    if (length(legend.pos) == 1 && legend.pos == "bottom") {
      legendp <- "bottom"
      if (!byrow) {
        if (emptycells == 0) {
          # Make room for legends
          if (rcfixed == "both") {
            warning(paste0("Legends do not fit into the requested grid with ", nrow, " nrows and ", ncol, " columns. A row was added."))
            gridnrow <- nrow + 1
          } else if (rcfixed == "ncol" || rcfixed == "none") {
            gridnrow <- nrow + 1
          } else {
            gridncol <- ncol + 1
          emptycells <- gridnrow * gridncol - ngridplots
        if (emptycells <= gridncol) {
          legend.pos <- c(c(gridncol:1) * gridnrow)[emptycells:1]
        } else {
          legend.pos <- c(gridncol:1) * gridnrow
        # byrow = TRUE
      } else {
        if (emptycells == 0) {
          if (rcfixed == "both") {
            warning(paste0("Legends do not fit into the requested grid with ", nrow, " nrows and ", ncol, " columns. A row was added."))
            gridnrow <- nrow + 1
          } else if (rcfixed == "ncol" || rcfixed == "none") {
            gridnrow <- nrow + 1
          } else {
            gridncol <- ncol + 1
          emptycells <- gridnrow * gridncol - ngridplots
        if (emptycells <= gridncol) {
          legend.pos <- c((gridnrow * gridncol - emptycells + 1):(gridnrow * gridncol))
        } else {
          legend.pos <- c((gridnrow * gridncol - floor(emptycells / gridncol) * gridncol + 1):(gridnrow * gridncol))
      if (length(ncol.legend) == 1 && ncol.legend == "auto" && with.legend != TRUE &&
        with.legend == "combined") {
        ncol.legend <- x[[1]]$nplots
      # Legend at right
    } else if (length(legend.pos) == 1 && legend.pos == "right") {
      legendp <- "right"
      if (!byrow) {
        if (emptycells == 0) {
          if (rcfixed == "both") {
            warning(paste0("Legends do not fit into the requested grid with ", nrow, " nrows and ", ncol, " columns. A column was added."))
            gridncol <- ncol + 1
          } else if (rcfixed == "nrow" || rcfixed == "none") {
            gridncol <- ncol + 1
          } else {
            gridnrow <- nrow + 1
          emptycells <- gridnrow * gridncol - ngridplots
        if (emptycells <= gridnrow) {
          legend.pos <- c((gridnrow * gridncol - emptycells + 1):(gridnrow * gridncol))
        } else {
          legend.pos <- c((gridnrow * gridncol - floor(emptycells / gridnrow) * gridnrow + 1):(gridnrow * gridncol))
        # byrow = TRUE
      } else {
        if (emptycells == 0) {
          if (rcfixed == "both") {
            warning(paste0("Legends do not fit into the requested grid with ", nrow, " nrows and ", ncol, " columns. A column was added."))
            gridncol <- ncol + 1
          } else if (rcfixed == "nrow" || rcfixed == "none") {
            gridncol <- ncol + 1
          } else {
            gridnrow <- nrow + 1
          emptycells <- gridnrow * gridncol - ngridplots
        if (emptycells <= gridnrow) {
          legend.pos <- c(c(gridnrow:1) * gridncol)[emptycells:1]
        } else {
          legend.pos <- c(gridnrow:1) * gridncol
      if (length(ncol.legend) == 1 && ncol.legend == "auto" && with.legend != TRUE &&
        with.legend == "combined") {
        ncol.legend <- 1

    # Legend rows and columns
    if (with.legend == "many") {
      if (length(ncol.legend) == 1 && ncol.legend == "auto") {
        ncol.legend <- rep(1, length.out = x[[1]]$nplots)
        legend.nrow <- sapply(lapply(x[[1]]$obs, "alphabet"), "length")
      } else if (length(ncol.legend) == 1 && x[[1]]$nplots > 1) {
        legend.nrow <- ceiling(sapply(lapply(x[[1]]$obs, "alphabet"), "length") / ncol.legend)
        ncol.legend <- rep(ncol.legend, length.out = x[[1]]$nplots)
      } else if (length(ncol.legend) < x[[1]]$nplots) {
        ncol.legend <- rep(ncol.legend, length.out = x[[1]]$nplots)
        legend.nrow <- ceiling(sapply(lapply(x[[1]]$obs, "alphabet"), "length") / ncol.legend)
      } else if (length(ncol.legend) > x[[1]]$nplots) {
        legend.nrow <- ceiling(sapply(lapply(x[[1]]$obs, "alphabet"), "length") / ncol.legend[1:x[[1]]$nplots])
      } else {
        legend.nrow <- ceiling(x$n_states / ncol.legend)

      if (length(title.legend) > 1 ||
        (length(title.legend) == 1 &&
          !is.na(title.legend) && title.legend != FALSE && !is.null(title.legend))) {
        legend.nrow <- legend.nrow + 1

  # Cells' proportions
  if (!is.numeric(row.prop) && row.prop == "auto") {
    row.prop <- rep(1 / gridnrow, gridnrow)
  if (!is.numeric(col.prop) && col.prop == "auto") {
    col.prop <- rep(1 / gridncol, gridncol)
  if (length(row.prop) != gridnrow) {
    warning("The length of the vector provided for row.prop does not match the number of nrow in the plot. Argument row.prop was changed to \"auto\".")
    row.prop <- rep(1 / gridnrow, gridnrow)
  if (length(col.prop) != gridncol) {
    warning("The length of the vector provided for col.prop does not match the number of columns in the plot. Argument col.prop was changed to \"auto\".")
    col.prop <- rep(1 / gridncol, gridncol)

  if (!byrow) {
    plotnrow <- rep(c(1:gridnrow), times = gridncol)
    plotncol <- rep(c(1:gridncol), each = gridnrow)
    plotgrid <- cbind(plotnrow, plotncol)
    if (!is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE) {
      lpos <- matrix(c(1:nrow(plotgrid)), byrow = FALSE, nrow = gridnrow)
      legendplace <- matrix(c(lpos[, ] %in% legend.pos), byrow = FALSE, nrow = gridnrow)
      plotplace <- matrix(c(!(lpos[, ] %in% legend.pos)), byrow = FALSE, nrow = gridnrow)
      plotcells <- plotgrid[c(plotplace), , drop = FALSE][1:ngridplots, ]
      plotlegend <- plotgrid[c(legendplace), , drop = FALSE]
      if (legendp == "bottom") {
        plotlegend <- plotlegend[order(plotlegend[, 2]), , drop = FALSE]
      if (length(ncol.legend) == 1 && ncol.legend == "auto") {
        if (with.legend == "combined") {
          if (length(unique(plotlegend[, 1])) >= length(unique(plotlegend[, 2]))) {
            ncol.legend <- 1
          } else {
            ncol.legend <- x[[1]]$nplots
        } else {
          rep(1, x[[1]]$nplots)
    } else {
      plotcells <- plotgrid[1:ngridplots, , drop = FALSE]
    # byrow = TRUE
  } else {
    plotnrow <- rep(c(1:gridnrow), each = gridncol)
    plotncol <- rep(c(1:gridncol), times = gridnrow)
    plotgrid <- cbind(plotnrow, plotncol)
    if (!is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE) {
      lpos <- matrix(c(1:nrow(plotgrid)), byrow = TRUE, nrow = gridnrow)
      legendplace <- matrix(c(lpos[, ] %in% legend.pos), byrow = FALSE, nrow = gridnrow)
      plotplace <- matrix(c(!(lpos[, ] %in% legend.pos)), byrow = FALSE, nrow = gridnrow)
      plotcells <- plotgrid[c(t(plotplace)), , drop = FALSE][1:ngridplots, ]
      plotlegend <- plotgrid[c(t(legendplace)), , drop = FALSE]
      if (legendp == "right") {
        plotlegend <- plotlegend[order(plotlegend[, 2]), , drop = FALSE]
      if (length(ncol.legend) == 1 && ncol.legend == "auto") {
        if (with.legend == "combined") {
          if (length(unique(plotlegend[, 1])) >= length(unique(plotlegend[, 2]))) {
            ncol.legend <- 1
          } else {
            ncol.legend <- x[[1]]$nplots
        } else {
          rep(1, x[[1]]$nplots)
    } else {
      plotcells <- plotgrid[1:ngridplots, , drop = FALSE]

  multitop.vp <- viewport(
    layout =
      grid.layout(gridnrow, gridncol,
        widths = do.call(unit,
          args = list(
        heights = do.call(unit,
          args = list(
    width = unit(1, "npc")
  for (i in 1:ngridplots) {
    assign(paste0("vpplot", i), viewport(
      layout.pos.row = plotcells[i, 1],
      layout.pos.col = plotcells[i, 2],
      name = paste0("vpplot", i)
  if (!is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE) {
    assign("vplegend", viewport(
      layout.pos.row = unique(plotlegend[, 1]),
      layout.pos.col = unique(plotlegend[, 2]),
      name = "vplegend"
    vpall <- vpTree(multitop.vp, do.call(vpList,
      args = mget(c(
        paste0("vpplot", 1:ngridplots),
  } else {
    vpall <- vpTree(multitop.vp, do.call(vpList, args = mget(paste0("vpplot", 1:ngridplots))))



  # Plots
  for (p in 1:ngridplots) {
    downViewport(paste0("vpplot", p))
    do.call(SSPlotter, args = x[[p]])

  for (i in 1:ngridplots) {
    if (x[[i]]$nchannels == 1) {
      x[[i]]$obs <- list(x[[i]]$obs)

  # Legends
  if (!is.na(with.legend) && with.legend != FALSE) {
    # Hidden states (all in one legend)
    if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "hidden.paths") {
      hstext <- NULL
      hscpal <- NULL
      if (x[[1]]$nchannels > 1) {
        for (i in 1:x[[1]]$nchannels) {
          hstext <- c(hstext, attr(x[[1]]$hidden.paths, "labels"))
          hscpal <- c(hscpal, attr(x[[1]]$hidden.paths, "cpal"))
      } else {
        hstext <- c(hstext, attr(x[[1]]$hidden.paths, "labels"))
        hscpal <- c(hscpal, attr(x[[1]]$hidden.paths, "cpal"))

    ltext <- NULL
    cpal <- NULL
    if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "obs") {
      ltexts <- rep(list(NULL), x[[1]]$nchannels)
      cpals <- rep(list(NULL), x[[1]]$nchannels)
      anymissing <- FALSE
      for (i in 1:ngridplots) {
        for (j in 1:x[[1]]$nchannels) {
          ltexts[[j]] <- unique(c(c(ltexts[[j]], attr(x[[i]]$obs[[j]], "labels"))))
          cpals[[j]] <- unique(c(cpals[[j]], attr(x[[i]]$obs[[j]], "cpal")))
          if (with.missing.legend == "auto") {
            if (any(x[[i]]$obs[[j]] == "*")) {
              anymissing <- TRUE
          } else {
            anymissing <- with.missing.legend
      for (j in 1:x[[1]]$nchannels) {
        ltext <- c(ltext, unlist(ltexts[[j]]))
        cpal <- c(cpal, unlist(cpals[[j]]))
    #     if(x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "hidden.paths"){
    #       ltext <- c(ltext, attr(x[[maxhsplot]]$hidden.paths, "labels"))
    #       cpal <- c(cpal, attr(x[[maxhsplot]]$hidden.paths, "cpal"))
    #     }

    # Separate legends
    if (with.legend == "many") {
      # Vertical legends
      if (legendp == "right") {
          layout =
              nrow = x[[1]]$nplots, ncol = 1,
              heights = unit(
                (legend.nrow / sum(legend.nrow)),
          width = unit(0.95, "npc")
        # Legends for channels
        if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "obs") {
          for (i in 1:x[[1]]$nchannels) {
            pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = i))
            par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)
              cex = cex.legend, position = legend.pos2,
              cpal = cpals[[i]], ltext = ltexts[[i]],
              ncol = ncol.legend[i], with.missing = with.missing.legend,
              title = title.legend[i]
        # Legends for hidden paths
        if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "hidden.paths") {
          pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = x[[1]]$nplots))
          par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)
            cex = cex.legend,
            position = legend.pos2, ncol = ncol.legend[length(ncol.legend)],
            cpal = hscpal, ltext = hstext,
            with.missing = with.missing.legend,
            title = title.legend[length(title.legend)]
        # Horizontal legends
      } else {
          layout =
              ncol = x[[1]]$nplots, nrow = 1,
              widths = unit(
                (legend.nrow / sum(legend.nrow)),
          width = unit(0.95, "npc")
        # Legends for channels
        if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "obs") {
          for (i in 1:x[[1]]$nchannels) {
            pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = i, layout.pos.row = 1))
            par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)
              cex = cex.legend, position = legend.pos2,
              cpal = cpals[[i]], ltext = ltexts[[i]],
              ncol = ncol.legend[i], with.missing = with.missing.legend,
              title = title.legend[i]
        # Legends for most probable paths
        if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "hidden.paths") {
          pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = x[[1]]$nplots, layout.pos.row = 1))
          par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)
            cex = cex.legend,
            position = legend.pos2, ncol = ncol.legend[length(ncol.legend)],
            cpal = hscpal, ltext = hstext,
            with.missing = with.missing.legend,
            title = title.legend[length(title.legend)]
      # Combined legends
    } else if (with.legend == "combined") {
      if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "obs") {
        par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)
        pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(0.9, "npc")))

          cex = cex.legend, position = legend.pos2,
          ncol = ncol.legend, cpal = cpal, ltext = ltext,
          with.missing = anymissing,
          missing.color = attr(x[[1]]$obs[[1]], "missing.color")

      # Legends for most probable paths
      if (x[[1]]$plots == "both" || x[[1]]$plots == "hidden.paths") {
        ltext <- c(ltext, hstext)
        cpal <- c(cpal, hscpal)

        par(plt = gridPLT(), new = TRUE)
        pushViewport(viewport(width = unit(0.9, "npc")))

          cex = cex.legend, position = legend.pos2,
          ncol = ncol.legend, cpal = cpal, ltext = ltext,
          with.missing = anymissing,
          missing.color = attr(x[[1]]$obs[[1]], "missing.color")


helske/seqHMM documentation built on July 6, 2023, 6:45 a.m.