Man pages for hemoshear/assayr2
Tools for analyzing assay data

activity_areaCalculate the activity area of a dose response curve
add_targetsAdd targets to data.frame given a color legend
add_treatmentsAdd treatment labels to a data.frame with metadata
adj_activity_areaCalculate the error-ajusted activity area of a dose response...
analytesGet character vector of analytes measured in MagPix assay
anyBaseToDecimalConvert from anybase to decimal
apply_curve_matchesPureHoney helper function
assayr2-packageassayr2: a set of assay analysis tools
box_archiveCompress files needed to reproduce an analysis and upload to...
box_browseOpen a browser window via 'browseURL()' to look at a Box...
box_dl_pure_honeyDownload raw data and layout files for a RNO experiment
box_fetch2A kind wrapper on 'boxr::box_fetch()'.'
box_push2A kind wrapper around 'boxr::box_push()"
check_and_matchA combination of 'check_values()' and 'closest_match()'.
check_namesCheck a data frame against a white list for required names.
check_valuesCheck a data frame against a white list for required names.
chr_to_intConvert characters to integers
closest_matchesFinds the value most similar to 'value' in 'values'.
coaCoA data from PureHoney.
compileReportConcatenate a set of PDFs
curve_matcherPureHoney helper function
curvesData related to DRC QC functions
curve_spanCurve span
derWrapper around 'dir()'
detect_outliersCheck for outliers using weights from Tukey's Biweight mean
detect_outliers_negative_casesData related to DRC QC functions
detect_outliers_positive_casesData related to DRC QC functions
drc_qcRun QC check for a set of dose-response curves
drcsFitted dose response models
explorer_wlWhite list for HST-Explorer
export_pdfExport a plot list as a PDF
export_pngsExport a plot list as PNGs
fct_syncMake factor levels sync with those of a reference data.frame.
find_layoutFind common files on Box from R with a run ID.
find_platesFind 96-well plate layouts in a data frame
flag_samplesA QC function for flagging technical replicate issues.
geom_meanGeometric mean
geom_mean_seGeometric standard error of the mean
geom_stat_crossbarggplot geoms to make it easy to plot the results of...
get_curvesGenerate a data frame with y values in increments of a given...
get_curves_needing_qcGet a table of dose-response curve data that should be...
getEC50Get the EC50 value of a 4-parmeter log-logistic function
getHillSlopeGet the Hill coefficient of a 4-parmeter log-logistic...
getLowerAsymGet the y value of the lower asymptote in a 4-parmeter...
get_ph_metadataImport meta data from various PureHoney files.
get_qc_warningsGet QC warnings associated with a particular curve
get_tissue_concEstimate concentration in tissue
getUpperAsymGet the y value of the upper asymptote in a 4-parmeter...
get_warning_messageGet warning message for a set of warning codes
get_warning_message_tableGet a table of mappings from warning codes to human-readable...
getYBoundsGet the bottom and top of a log-logistic curve in a given x...
ggheatA heatmap summary for showing log2 fold changes. Built with...
insert_header_addinInsert header for analysis script
inverse_predictGeneric function to do inverse prediction.
inverse_predict.drcInverse predict based on 'drc' model object.
inverse_predict.lmInverse predict based on a linear model object.
isobutyryl_curvesData related to DRC QC functions
ll4_qc_warningsEncode results of QC check in an integer warning code and...
ll4_robust_parameter_overlapOverlapping confidence intervals for LL4 parameters (normal...
magpix_express_correct_dataData related to magpix_express
make_c3c2Compute the C3/C2 ratio on Carntine data from PureHoney
make_cisGeneric function to do build confidence intervals.
make_fcsGeneric function to construct confidence intervals.
make_statsA super-high level wrapper for building plot ready model...
melt_plateMelt a data frame from plate format to long format
melt_plate_xlsxRead xlsx data in plate format and convert to long format
mp_add_metadataAdd metadata to a MagPix object
mp_dotplotGenerate one or multiple dotplots for a single analyte in a...
mp_expressHigh level wrapper to process raw MagPix files.
mp_fit_standardsFit a 4-parameter log-logistic model for each analyte in a...
mp_plotGenerate a list of standard curve plots, where each element...
mp_predict_concentrationsPredict analyte concentrations from observed intensities
mp_printPrint method for MagPix objects
new_zerosConvert concentrations of zero to non-zero values in a dose...
nrmsd_qcCalculate Normalized-Root-Mean-Square-Deviation (NRMSD) for...
nrmsd_qc_negative_casesData related to DRC QC functions
nrmsd_qc_positive_casesData related to DRC QC functions
nuc_joinPureHoney helper function
pal_magpix_flagA color pallete for flagging MagPix samples
pal_pcr_flagGet a named palette for coloring samples by flag in a PCR...
par_statsFunction to run makeStats in parallel.
pdAn abbreviation for position_dodge()
ph_color_palThe color palette for isotopes in PureHoney experiments...
ph_fill_palThe fill palette for isotopes in PureHoney experiments Colors...
poor_ic50_estimateCheck if an asymptote estimate for a 4-parameter log-logistic...
poor_ic50_estimate_negative_casesData related to DRC QC functions
poor_ic50_estimate_positive_casesData related to DRC QC functions
read_cfxGeneric parser for Biorad CFX thermocycler
read_color_layoutsRead color PCR layouts
read_device_layoutRead in a device layout from Box
read_discardsExtract sample identifiers from a file with discards from...
read_fluostarGeneric parser for data from the Omega FLUOStar plate...
read_genericUniversal assayr2 function template to read in tables.
read_layoutsA parser for plate maps
read_magpixParser for MagPix csv outputs
read_moldevParser for Molecular Devices scope output
read_ph_assayGeneric parser for PureHoney Assay layouts
read_ph_rawPureHoney Assay Result Reader
read_smadRead in SMAD quantification data post ImageJ analysis
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
register_labellerRegister a new function for creating treatment labels given a...
RMAXCalculate the maximum response of a DRC
robustify_drcMake a robust DRC estimate using a method based on Nguyen et...
run_qc_checkWrapper to run entire QC check for a given machine
save_explorer_rdsA wrapper for saving PureHoney data for used in the Shiny...
serial_dilutionMake a vector of serially halved values.
tablaAlternate version of 'table', with 'useNA = "ifany"'
theme_assayrComplete theme for assayr2.
tx_run2warning_codeGet warning codes for a vector of run identifiers
unbounded_parameter_ciCheck if a parameter estimate is unbounded
unbounded_parameter_ci_test_caseData related to DRC QC functions
unsaturated_curveCheck if curve is saturated
unsaturated_curve_negative_casesData related to DRC QC functions
unsaturated_curve_positive_casesData related to DRC QC functions
WESCalculate the weighted Shannon entropy score (WES)
hemoshear/assayr2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 6:13 p.m.