
Defines functions task_add task_change task_list_schedules task_list_reset task_handler task_run_internal task_fork task_test make_fun_kill_zombies my_fork my_fork2

Documented in make_fun_kill_zombies task_add task_change task_handler task_list_reset task_list_schedules

# Helpers for defining tasks and tasklists
# Companion to my cronr package

#' Add a task to TaskList
#' Add a task to our Tasks structure
#' @param TaskList  An existing list to add tasks to
#' @param schedule  A shorthand period to recurrently run this task
#' @param FUN       The function to run
#' @param args      Optional arguments to FUN
#' @param method    Whether to run in the parent process or in a parallel R process
#' @return          The updated TaskList list 
#' @export
task_add <- function(TaskList, schedule, FUN, args, method = "fork") {
    task <- list(schedule = schedule, job = FUN)
    if(! missing(args))
        task$args <- args
    task$method <- method
    TaskList[[length(TaskList) + 1]] <- task

#' Change a task in a TaskList
#' Change the definition of a Task and return the updated TaskList
#' @param task_id   The id of the task you want to change
#' @param TaskList  An existing TaskList list
#' @param schedule  A shorthand period to recurrently run this task
#' @param FUN       The function to run
#' @param args      Optional arguments to FUN
#' @param method    Whether to run in the parent process or in a parallel R process
#' @return          The updated TaskList list 
#' @export
task_change <- function(task_id, TaskList, schedule, FUN, args, method) {
    if(missing(task_id)) {
        warning("you have to supply a task_id to this function")
    task <- TaskList[[task_id]]
    if(! missing(schedule)) task$schedule <- schedule
    if(! missing(FUN))      task$job      <- FUN
    if(! missing(args))     task$args     <- args
    if(! missing(method))   task$method   <- method

#' Extract the schedules vector
#' Get the schedules defined in a TaskList
#' @param TaskList   An existing list which has some defined schedules
#' @param fieldName  The fieldName which holds the schedules
#' @return           The vector of schedules
#' @export
task_list_schedules <- function(TaskList, fieldName = "schedule") {
    sapply(TaskList, "[[", fieldName)

#' Reset a task list
#' Reset a task list - just return an empty list
#' @param TaskList   The TaskList list to reset
#' @return           The empty list
#' @export
task_list_reset <- function(TaskList) {

#' A TaskList handler
#' A task handler which supports TaskList lists
#' @param task_id    The id of the task to "handle"
#' @param timestamp  The timestamp this task was scheduled to run
#' @param TasksInfo  The list (TaskList) with the task metadata
#' @return           Depends on the function run by the task and the method used (internal/fork)
#' @export
task_handler <- function(task_id, timestamp, TasksInfo, ...) {
    #message("Running task: ", task_id, " at:", as.numeric(Sys.time()), " - scheduled:", timestamp)
    task <- TasksInfo[[task_id]]
    job  <- task$job
    if(! is.function(job) && ! is.function(get0(job)) && ! exists(as.character(quote(job)), mode = "function", where = sys.frame(-1L))) {
        warning("task_handler: Function ", as.character(quote(job)), " for task ", task_id, " does not exist.")

    args <- list()
    if(!is.null(task$args)) {
        args <- task$args
    args <- lapply(args, function(x) x <- if(x %in% c("%timestamp", "%task_id")) get(sub("%", "", x)) else x)

    if(!is.null(task$method) && task$method %in% c("fork", "mcparallel", "systemR", "tcl")) {
        task_fork(job, args, task$method)
    } else {
        task_run_internal(job, args)

# Run a task in the same process - but with error traceback and recovery
task_run_internal <- function(job, args, method = "internal") {
        do.call(job, args)
    }, stopIsFatal = FALSE))

# Fork a task in a parallel R process
task_fork <- function(job, args, method = "mcparallel") {
    if(method == "tcl" && requireNamespace("tcltk2")) {
        env <- parent.frame()
        f <- function() { x <- do.call(job, args, envir = env); x }
        p <- tcltk2::tclAfter(1, f)
        # p <- tcltk2::tclTaskSchedule(1000, function() eval(do.call(job, args), envir = env), id = as.character(quote(job)), redo = FALSE)  # scoping..
    } else if(method == "systemR") {
        Rbin <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
        argstr  <- paste(names(args), args, sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")
        cmd <- paste0(Rbin, " --slave --vanilla -e ", '"', job, "(", argstr, ")" )
        system(cmd, intern = FALSE, wait = FALSE)
    } else {
        f <- function() { x <- do.call(job, args); x }
        # mc.interactive = NA : inherit the interactive flag from the parent process
        p <- parallel::mcparallel(expr = f(),
                                  name = as.character(quote(job)),
                                  silent = FALSE, mc.interactive = FALSE, detached = TRUE)
        parallel::mccollect(wait = FALSE, timeout = 0, intermediate = FALSE)

# Just a dummy function for testing task_fork
task_test <- function(x, y, ...) {
    message(sum(x, y, ...))
    sum(x, y, ...)

### Forking helpers ------------------------------------------

#' Zombie processes killer-function generator
#' Return a C function compiled with the inline package to kill zombie processes
#' ref: http://stackoverflow.com/a/25393438/1305020
#' @export
make_fun_kill_zombies <- function() {
    includes <- '#include <sys/wait.h>'
    code     <- 'int wstat; while (waitpid(-1, &wstat, WNOHANG) > 0) {};'
    fun      <- inline::cfunction(body = code, includes = includes, convention = '.C')

# Experimental forking function modelled after mcparallel
my_fork <- function(job, args, silent = FALSE, detached = FALSE) {
    f <- parallel:::mcfork(estranged = detached)
    env <- parent.frame()
    if (inherits(f, "masterProcess")) {
        on.exit(parallel:::mcexit(1L, structure("fatal error in wrapper code", class = "try-error")))
        if (isTRUE(silent))
        if (detached) {
            do.call(job, args, envir = env)
        parallel:::sendMaster(try(do.call(job, args, envir = env), silent = FALSE))
    f$name <- as.character(quote(job))[1L]
    class(f) <- c("parallelJob", class(f))

# Experimental forking function
my_fork2 <- function(job, args, silent = FALSE, detached = FALSE) {
    if(! exists(".ForkCL")) {
        .ForkCL <<- parallel::makeForkCluster(nnodes = 1, timeout = 10800, outfile = "")
    env <- parent.frame()
    f <- function() { x <- do.call(job, args, envir = env); print(x) }
    parallel::clusterCall(fun = f)
henfiber/later documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:46 p.m.