#' getDescs
#' A function to get all descendant nodes from a given node, or vector of tip
#' labels.
#' @param tree A tree of class phylo
#' @param node Either a single node, or a vector of tip labels
#' @name getDescs
#' @export
# something is wrong with this function - a) it seems to call itself (weird?!)
# and b) it's returning some nodes with no tip-descendants, which should never
# happen.
getDescs <- function(tree, node, nds = NULL) {
# If more than one node is specified, find the MRCA of those nodes to get
# descendents from.
if (length(node) > 1) {
node <- getMRCA(tree, node)
# make a nodes vector.
if (is.null(nds)) {
nds <- vector()
# get the descendent
dtrs <- tree$edge[which(tree$edge[ , 1] == node), 2]
nds <- c(nds, dtrs)
now <- which(dtrs >= length(tree$tip))
if (length(now) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(now)) {
nds <- getDescs(tree, dtrs[now[i]], nds)
#' getPL
#' Gets the path length from the root to the position of a particular node.
#' @export
#' @name getPL
#' @keywords internal
getPL <- function(tree, startnode = NA, node) {
# Get all paths for this tree
allpaths <- ape::nodepath(tree)
# get all paths containing this node
if(node > ape::Ntip(tree)) {
paths <- allpaths[grepl(node, allpaths)]
} else {
paths <- allpaths[[node]]
# If the terminal node we care about is not a terminal, we want to remove the
# branches after our node
if(node > ape::Ntip(tree)) {
paths <- lapply(paths, function(x) x <- x[x > ape::Ntip(tree)])
path <- unlist(unique(lapply(paths, function(x) x <- x[x <= node])))
} else {
path <- unlist(unique(paths))
# If the startnode is not NA, then we want to trim the paths.
if(!is.na(startnode)) {
while(path[1] != startnode) {
path <- path[-1]
path <- path[-1]
# Remove the start node [ otherwise it puts the leading branch in there too ]
# get the path length
branches <- which(tree$edge[,2] %in% path)
distance <- sum(tree$edge.length[branches])
#' getTipNames
#' A function to get the names of the descendant tips from a given node of a
#' tree.
#' @param tree A tree of class phylo.
#' @param node The node number of interest.
#' @export
getTipNames <- function(tree, node) {
descs <- getDescs(tree, node)
descs <- descs[descs <= length(tree$tip.label)]
#' getTaxa
#' This gets the taxa names of a particular subtree from a list of all subtrees
#' comprising a full tree.
#' @param subtrees A list of subtrees, as written by BayesTraits, and read in
#' during post-processing
#' @param node The node number of interest.
#' @name getTaxa
#' @keywords internal
getTaxa <- function(x, subtrees) {
taxa <- subtrees[subtrees$node == x, ]
taxa <- taxa[ , !is.na(taxa)]
taxa <- taxa[c(4:length(taxa))]
#' getMRCAbtr
#' This an extension of apes's getMRCA that enables the return of a tip, or an
#' MRCA. Translates taxa codes (BayesTraits) to proper tip labels. Useful only
#' in post-processing.
#' @param x A vector of taxa names
#' @param tree A phylogeny of class "phylo" (generally the time tree used as
#' input to BayesTraits)
#' @param rjtaxa The taxa translations as output from BayesTraits
#' @name getMRCAbtr
#' @keywords internal
getMRCAbtr <- function(x, tree, rjtaxa) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
mrca <- which(tree$tip.label == rjtaxa[rjtaxa[ , 1] %in% x, 2])
} else {
mrca <- ape::getMRCA(tree, rjtaxa[rjtaxa[ , 1] %in% x, 2])
#' sharedBranches
#' Make species key from a tree.
#' @param tree An object of class "phylo"
#' @name makeKey
#' @keywords internal
makeKey <- function(tree) {
tb <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = (nrow(tree$edge) + 1))
colnames(tb) <- c("ancNode", "descNode")
key <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(tb))
names(key) <- paste0("node_", c(0:nrow(tree$edge)))
tb[ , "ancNode"] <- c(0, tree$edge[ , 1])
tb[ , "descNode"] <- c((length(tree$tip.label) + 1),
tree$edge[ , 2])
for (i in 2:nrow(tb)) {
descs <- phytools::getDescendants(tree,
node = as.numeric(tb[i, "descNode"])
if (as.numeric(tb[i, "descNode"]) <= length(tree$tip.label)) {
sp <- tree$tip.label[descs]
} else {
tips <- descs[descs <= length(tree$tip.label)]
tips <- tree$tip.label[tips]
sp <- paste0(sort(tips), collapse = ",")
key[[i]]$nodes <- tb[i, 1:2]
key[[i]]$species <- strsplit(sp, ",")[[1]]
key[[1]] <- list(nodes = "root", species = tree$tip.label)
#' sharedBranches
#' Finds shared branches between two trees where the smaller tree is a subset of
#' the larger tree.
#' @param tree1 An object of class "phylo"
#' @param tree2 An object of class "phylo"
#' @name sharedBranches
#' @export
sharedBranches <- function(tree1, tree2) {
# find the biggest tree.
if (tree1$Nnode > tree2$Nnode) {
big <- tree1
small <- tree2
} else if (tree1$Nnode < tree2$Nnode) {
big <- tree2
small <- tree1
} else if (tree1$Nnode == tree2$Nnode) {
stop("Both trees have the same number of nodes.")
# make sure that the smaller tree is a subset of the larger.
if (any(!small$tip.label %in% big$tip.label)) {
stop("Smaller tree is not a subset of larger tree.")
bns <- big$tip.label[!big$tip.label %in% small$tip.label]
big_key <- makeKey(big)
small_key <- makeKey(small)
shared_table <- matrix(nrow = length(shared), ncol = 7)
colnames(shared_table) <- c("lg_nodeid", "lg_ancNode", "lg_descNode",
"sml_nodeid", "sml_ancNode", "sml_descNode")
for (i in seq_along(big_key)) {
shared[[i]]$nodes <- big_key[[i]]$nodes
sp <- big_key[[i]]$species
sp <- sp[!sp %in% bns]
big_key[[i]]$small_sp <- sp
if (i == 1) {
shared_table[i, "lg_nodeid"] <- "root"
shared_table[i, "lg_ancNode"] <- big_key[[i]]$nodes[1]
shared_table[i, "lg_descNode"] <- big_key[[i]]$nodes[1]
} else {
shared_table[i, "lg_nodeid"] <- names(big_key)[i]
shared_table[i, "lg_ancNode"] <- big_key[[i]]$nodes["ancNode"]
shared_table[i, "lg_descNode"] <- big_key[[i]]$nodes["descNode"]
if (length(sp) != 0) {
shared_table[i, "shared"] <- TRUE
b_sp <- paste(sort(big_key[[i]]$small_sp), collapse = " ")
# now put in the anc/dec nodes of the smaller tree for the shared branch.
# find the branch from small_key that has matching species.
sh <- sapply(small_key, function(x) {
paste(sort(x$species), collapse = " ") == b_sp
sml_match <- small_key[[which(sh)]]
shared_table[i, "sml_nodeid"] <- names(which(sh))
if (i == 1) {
shared_table[i, "sml_ancNode"] <- "root"
shared_table[i, "sml_descNode"] <- "root"
} else {
shared_table[i, "sml_ancNode"] <- sml_match$nodes["ancNode"]
shared_table[i, "sml_descNode"] <- sml_match$nodes["descNode"]
} else {
shared_table[i, "shared"] <- FALSE
shared_table[i, "sml_ancNode"] <- NA
shared_table[i, "sml_descNode"] <- NA
shared_table <- as.data.frame(shared_table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
shared$shared <- as.logical(shared)
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