#' Unique Variable Analysis
#' @description Identifies redundant variables in a multivariate dataset
#' using a number of different association methods and types of significance values
#' (see Christensen, Garrido, & Golino, 2020 for more details)
#' @param data Matrix or data frame.
#' Input can either be data or a correlation matrix
#' @param n Numeric.
#' If input in \code{data} is a correlation matrix,
#' then sample size is required.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param model Character.
#' A string indicating the method to use.
#' Current options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\code{glasso}}}
#' {Estimates the Gaussian graphical model using graphical LASSO with
#' extended Bayesian information criterion to select optimal regularization parameter.
#' This is the default method}
#' \item{\strong{\code{TMFG}}}
#' {Estimates a Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph}
#' }
#' @param corr Type of correlation matrix to compute. The default uses \code{\link[qgraph]{cor_auto}}.
#' Current options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\strong{\code{cor_auto}}}
#' {Computes the correlation matrix using the \code{\link[qgraph]{cor_auto}} function from
#' \code{\link[qgraph]{qgraph}}}.
#' \item{\strong{\code{pearson}}}
#' {Computes Pearson's correlation coefficient using the pairwise complete observations via
#' the \code{\link[stats]{cor}}} function.
#' \item{\strong{\code{spearman}}}
#' {Computes Spearman's correlation coefficient using the pairwise complete observations via
#' the \code{\link[stats]{cor}}} function.
#' }
#' @param method Character.
#' Computes weighted topological overlap (\code{"wTO"} using \code{\link[qgraph]{EBICglasso}}),
#' partial correlations (\code{"pcor"}), or correlations (\code{"cor"})
#' Defaults to \code{"wTO"}
#' @param type Character. Type of significance.
#' Computes significance using the standard \emph{p}-value (\code{"alpha"}),
#' adaptive alpha \emph{p}-value (\code{adapt.a}),
#' or some threshold \code{"threshold"}.
#' Defaults to \code{"threshold"}
#' @param sig Numeric.
#' \emph{p}-value for significance of overlap (defaults to \code{.05}).
#' Defaults for \code{"threshold"} for each \code{method}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"wTO"}}
#' {.25}
#' \item{\code{"pcor"}}
#' {.35}
#' \item{\code{"cor"}}
#' {.50}
#' }
#' @param key Character vector.
#' A vector with variable descriptions that correspond
#' to the order of variables input into \code{data}.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL} or the column names of \code{data}
#' @param reduce Boolean.
#' Should redundancy reduction be performed?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} for redundancy analysis only
#' @param auto Boolean.
#' Should redundancy reduction be automated?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} for manual selection
#' @param label.latent Boolean.
#' Should latent variables be labelled?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} for arbitrary labelling (i.e., "LV_")
#' @param reduce.method Character.
#' How should data be reduced?
#' Defaults to \code{"latent"}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"latent"}}
#' {Redundant variables will be combined into a latent variable}
#' \item{\code{"remove"}}
#' {All but one redundant variable will be removed}
#' \item{\code{"sum"}}
#' {Redundant variables are combined by summing across cases (rows)}
#' }
#' @param lavaan.args List.
#' If \code{reduce.method = "latent"}, then \code{\link{lavaan}}'s \code{\link[lavaan]{cfa}}
#' function will be used to create latent variables to reduce variables.
#' Arguments should be input as a list. Some example arguments
#' (see \code{\link[lavaan]{lavOptions} for full details}):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{estimator}}
#' {Estimator to use for latent variables (see \href{https://lavaan.ugent.be/tutorial/est.html}{Estimators})
#' for more details. Defaults to \code{"MLR"} for continuous data and \code{"WLSMV"} for mixed and categorical data.
#' Data are considered continuous data if they have 6 or more categories (see Rhemtulla, Brosseau-Liard, & Savalei, 2012)}
#' \item{\code{missing}}
#' {How missing data should be handled. Defaults to \code{"fiml"}}
#' \item{\code{std.lv}}
#' {If \code{TRUE}, the metric of each latent variable is determined by fixing their (residual) variances to 1.0.
#' If \code{FALSE}, the metric of each latent variable is determined by fixing the factor loading of the first
#' indicator to 1.0. If there are multiple groups, \code{std.lv = TRUE} and \code{"loadings"} is included in the
#' \code{group.label} argument, then only the latent variances i of the first group will be fixed to 1.0, while
#' the latent variances of other groups are set free.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}}
#' }
#' @param adhoc Boolean.
#' Should adhoc check of redundancies be performed?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, adhoc check will run the redundancy analysis
#' on the reduced variable set to determine if there are any remaining
#' redundancies. This check is performed with the arguments:
#' \code{method = "wTO"}, \code{type = "threshold"}, and \code{sig = .20}.
#' This check is based on Christensen, Garrido, and Golino's (2020)
#' simulation where these parameters were found to be the most conservative,
#' demonstrating few false positives and false negatives
#' @param plot.redundancy Boolean.
#' Should redundancies be plotted in a network plot?
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param plot.args List.
#' Arguments to be passed onto \code{\link[GGally]{ggnet2}}.
#' Defaults:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{vsize = 6}}{Changes node size}
#' \item{\code{alpha = 0.4}}{Changes transparency}
#' \item{\code{label.size = 5}}{Changes label size}
#' \item{\code{edge.alpha = 0.7}}{Changes edge transparency}
#' }
#' @return Returns a list:
#' \item{redundancy}{A list containing several objects:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{redudant}}
#' {Vectors nested within the list corresponding
#' to redundant nodes with the name of object in the list}
#' \item{\code{data}}
#' {Original data}
#' \item{\code{correlation}}
#' {Correlation matrix of original data}
#' \item{\code{weights}}
#' {Weights determine by weighted topological overlap,
#' partial correlation, or zero-order correlation}
#' \item{\code{network}}
#' {If \code{method = "wTO"}, then
#' the network computed following \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} with
#' \code{\link[qgraph]{EBICglasso}} network estimation}
#' \item{\code{plot}}
#' {If \code{redundancy.plot = TRUE}, then
#' a plot of all redundancies found}
#' \item{\code{descriptives}}{
#' \itemize{
#' \item{basic}
#' {A vector containing the mean, standard deviation,
#' median, median absolute deviation (MAD), 3 times the MAD, 6 times the MAD,
#' minimum, maximum, and critical value for the overlap measure
#' (i.e., weighted topological overlap, partial correlation, or threshold)}
#' \item{centralTendency}
#' {A matrix for all (absolute) non-zero values and their
#' respective standard deviation from the mean and median absolute deviation
#' from the median}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{\code{method}}
#' {Returns \code{method} argument}
#' \item{\code{type}}
#' {Returns \code{type} argument}
#' \item{\code{distribution}}
#' {If \code{type != "threshold"}, then
#' distribution that was used to determine significance}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{reduced}{If \code{reduce = TRUE}, then a list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{data}}
#' {New data with redundant variables merged or removed}
#' \item{\code{merged}}{A matrix containing the variables that were
#' decided to be redundant with one another}
#' \item{\code{method}}{Method used to perform redundancy reduction}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{adhoc}{If \code{adhoc = TRUE}, then
#' the adhoc check containing the same objects as in
#' the \code{redundancy} list object in the output
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Select Five Factor Model personality items only
#' idx <- na.omit(match(gsub("-", "", unlist(psychTools::spi.keys[1:5])), colnames(psychTools::spi)))
#' items <- psychTools::spi[,idx]
#' # Change names in redundancy output to each item's description
#' key.ind <- match(colnames(items), as.character(psychTools::spi.dictionary$item_id))
#' key <- as.character(psychTools::spi.dictionary$item[key.ind])
#' \dontrun{
#' # Automated selection of local dependence (default)
#' uva.results <- UVA(data = items, key = key)
#' # Produce Methods section
#' methods.section(uva.results)}
#' # Manual selection of local dependence
#' if(interactive()){
#' uva.results <- UVA(data = items, key = key, auto = FALSE)}
#' @references
#' # Simulation using \code{UVA} \cr
#' Christensen, A. P., Garrido, L. E., & Golino, H. (under review).
#' Unique Variable Analysis: A novel approach for detecting redundant variables in multivariate data.
#' \emph{PsyArXiv}.
#' # Implementation of \code{UVA} (formally \code{node.redundant}) \cr
#' Christensen, A. P., Golino, H., & Silvia, P. J. (2020).
#' A psychometric network perspective on the validity and validation of personality trait questionnaires.
#' \emph{European Journal of Personality}, \emph{34}, 1095-1108.
#' # wTO measure \cr
#' Nowick, K., Gernat, T., Almaas, E., & Stubbs, L. (2009).
#' Differences in human and chimpanzee gene expression patterns define an evolving network of transcription factors in brain.
#' \emph{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, \emph{106}, 22358-22363.
#' # Selection of CFA Estimator \cr
#' Rhemtulla, M., Brosseau-Liard, P. E., & Savalei, V. (2012).
#' When can categorical variables be treated as continuous? A comparison of robust continuous and categorical SEM estimation methods under suboptimal conditions.
#' \emph{Psychological Methods}, \emph{17}, 354-373.
#' @author Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @noRd
# Unique Variable Analysis
# Superceded on 02.02.2023
# Updated 13.09.2022
oldUVA <- function(
data, n = NULL,
model = c("glasso", "TMFG"),
corr = c("cor_auto", "pearson", "spearman"),
method = c("cor", "pcor", "wTO"),
type = c("adapt", "alpha", "threshold"), sig,
key = NULL, reduce = TRUE, auto = TRUE, label.latent = FALSE,
reduce.method = c("latent", "remove", "sum"),
lavaan.args = list(), adhoc = TRUE,
plot.redundancy = FALSE, plot.args = list()
# Make sure data is a matrix
data <- as.matrix(data)
# Missing and NULL arguments
## corr
corr <- "cor_auto"
}else{corr <- match.arg(corr)}
## model
model <- tolower("glasso")
}else{model <- tolower(match.arg(model))}
## method
method <- tolower("wTO")
}else{method <- tolower(match.arg(method))}
## type
type <- "threshold"
}else{type <- tolower(match.arg(type))}
## sig
if(type == "threshold"){
sig <- switch(method,
"cor" = .50,
"pcor" = .35,
"wto" = .25
}else{sig <- .05}
## reduce
reduce.method <- "latent"
}else{reduce.method <- match.arg(reduce.method)}
## n
if(nrow(data) == ncol(data)){
cormat <- data
stop("Argument 'n' must be set for square matrices")
### Let user know that variables can't be combined
if(reduce.method != "remove"){
reduce.method <- "remove"
message("Input is a square matrix. Changing 'reduce.method' to \"remove\"")
}else{### Get n
n <- nrow(data)
## Compute correlation matrix
cormat <- switch(corr,
"cor_auto" = auto.correlate(data),
"pearson" = cor(data, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
"spearman" = cor(data, method = "spearman", use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
### Make sure it's positive definite
if(any(eigen(cormat)$values < 0)){
cormat <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(cormat, keepDiag = TRUE)$mat)
## prepare arguments for lavaan
if(reduce.method == "latent"){
## lavaan.args
if(length(lavaan.args) == 0){
lavaan.args <- formals(lavaan::cfa)
lavaan.args[length(lavaan.args)] <- NULL
lavaan.args$std.lv <- TRUE
lavaan.default <- formals(lavaan::cfa)
lavaan.default[length(lavaan.default)] <- NULL
lavaan.default$std.lv <- TRUE
if(any(names(lavaan.args) %in% names(lavaan.default))){
lavaan.default[names(lavaan.args)] <- lavaan.args
lavaan.args <- lavaan.default
## change key if NULL
data <- lavaan.formula.names(data)
## check for automated procedure
### check for type first
if(isTRUE(auto) & type != "threshold"){
message("\nWarning: Automated UVA is not recommended for types other than 'reduce.method = \"threshold\"'\n'auto' set to 'FALSE'")
auto <- FALSE
### check for reduce method second
if(isTRUE(auto) & isTRUE(reduce) & reduce.method == "remove"){
message("\nWarning: Automated UVA is not available for 'reduce.method = \"remove\"'\n'auto' set to 'FALSE'")
auto <- FALSE
## plot.args
plot.args <- suppressPackageStartupMessages(
# Perform redundancy analysis
process <- suppressWarnings(
redundancy.process(data = data, cormat = cormat,
n = n, model = model, method = method,
type = type, sig = sig,
plot.redundancy = plot.redundancy, plot.args = plot.args)
## key
colnames(data) <- paste("V", 1:ncol(data), sep = "")
key <- colnames(data)
# Get names
process <- redund.names(node.redundant.obj = process, key = key)
# Run through redundancy reduction
reduced <- process
message("No redundant variables were identified.")
adhoc.check <- NULL
## Manual
if(isTRUE(reduce) & !isTRUE(auto)){
reduced <- redund.reduce(node.redundant.obj = process,
reduce.method = reduce.method,
plot.args = plot.args,
lavaan.args = lavaan.args,
corr = corr)
# Check for any remaining redundancies
## Message user
message("Running adhoc check for any potential redundancies remaining...\n")
## Run check
## Compute correlation matrix
cor.data <- reduced$data
cor.data <- switch(corr,
"cor_auto" = auto.correlate(reduced$data),
"pearson" = cor(reduced$data, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
"spearman" = cor(reduced$data, method = "spearman", use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
adhoc.check <- suppressMessages(
redundancy.process(data = reduced$data, cormat = cor.data,
n = n,
model = model,
method = method,
type = "threshold", sig = .20,
plot.redundancy = FALSE, plot.args = plot.args)
# Artificial pause for feel
# Artificial pause for feel
}else if(isTRUE(reduce) & isTRUE(auto)){## Automated
# Message user
message("\nCombining variables...", appendLF = FALSE)
# Initial reduction
reduced <- redund.reduce.auto(
node.redundant.obj = process,
reduce.method = reduce.method,
lavaan.args = lavaan.args,
corr = corr
## Run check
## Compute correlation matrix
cor.data <- reduced$data
sink <- capture.output(
cor.data <- suppressMessages(
"cor_auto" = auto.correlate(reduced$data),
"pearson" = cor(reduced$data, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
"spearman" = cor(reduced$data, method = "spearman", use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
### Make sure it's positive definite
if(any(eigen(cor.data)$values < 0)){
cor.data <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(cor.data, keepDiag = TRUE)$mat)
adhoc.check <- suppressMessages(
redundancy.process(data = reduced$data, cormat = cor.data,
n = n,
model = model,
method = method,
type = "threshold", sig = sig,
plot.redundancy = FALSE, plot.args = plot.args)
# Check for names in key
rename_check <- adhoc.check$redundant
target_names <- names(rename_check) %in% names(key)
names(rename_check)[target_names] <- key[names(rename_check)[target_names]]
# Insert into adhoc.check
adhoc.check$redundant <- lapply(rename_check, function(x){
target_names <- x %in% names(key)
x[target_names] <- key[x[target_names]]
# Adhoc reductions
reduced <- redund.adhoc.auto(node.redundant.obj = adhoc.check,
node.redundant.reduced = reduced,
node.redundant.original = process,
reduce.method = reduce.method,
lavaan.args = lavaan.args,
corr = corr)
# Check for undimensionality
if(ncol(reduced$data) == 1){
## Run check
## Compute correlation matrix
cor.data <- reduced$data
sink <- capture.output(
cor.data <- suppressMessages(
"cor_auto" = auto.correlate(reduced$data),
"pearson" = cor(reduced$data, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),
"spearman" = cor(reduced$data, method = "spearman", use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
### Make sure it's positive definite
if(any(eigen(cor.data)$values < 0)){
cor.data <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(cor.data, keepDiag = TRUE)$mat)
adhoc.check <- suppressMessages(
redundancy.process(data = reduced$data, cormat = cor.data,
n = n,
model = model,
method = "wto",
type = "threshold", sig = sig,
plot.redundancy = FALSE, plot.args = plot.args)
# Check for names in key
rename_check <- adhoc.check$redundant
target_names <- names(rename_check) %in% names(key)
names(rename_check)[target_names] <- key[names(rename_check)[target_names]]
# Insert into adhoc.check
adhoc.check$redundant <- lapply(rename_check, function(x){
target_names <- x %in% names(key)
x[target_names] <- key[x[target_names]]
# Message user
# Message user
if(ncol(reduced$data) == 1){
"\nAfter combining local dependencies, data are determined to be unidimensional."
# # Name latent variables
# name_question <- readline(prompt = "Name latent variables? [Y/n]: ")
# # Check for appropriate response
# name_question <- tolower(name_question)
# while(name_question != "y" & name_question != "n"){
# # Name latent variables
# name_question <- readline(prompt = "Inappropriate response. Try again. [Y/n]: ")
# # Check for appropriate response
# name_question <- tolower(name_question)
# }
# Name latent variables
name_question <- "y"
name_question <- "n"
if(name_question == "y"){
# Copy of reduced merged
lats <- reduced$merged
# Make it a list
lats <- lapply(apply(lats, 1, as.list), unlist)
lats <- lapply(lats, unname) # unname
lats <- lapply(lats, function(x){ # make them homogeneous with spaces
x <- na.omit(ifelse(x == "", NA, x))
x <- c(x, "", "")
# Line break
# Loop through latent variables
for(i in 1:length(lats)){
# Variables in latent variable
collapse = "\n"
# Ask for label
lab <- readline(prompt = "New label for latent variable (no quotations): ")
# Assign new label
which(colnames(reduced$data) == row.names(reduced$merged)[i])
] <- lab
row.names(reduced$merged)[i] <- lab
# Message user for progress
"\n", i, "of", nrow(reduced$merged), "latent variables named."
# Line break
}else{reduced <- process}
# Full results
res <- list()
res$redundancy <- process
res$reduced <- reduced
if(adhoc){res$adhoc <- adhoc.check}
# Set up methods
res$Methods <- list()
res$Methods$method <- method
res$Methods$type <- type
res$Methods$sig <- sig
res$Methods$reduce.method <- reduce.method
if(reduce.method == "latent"){
res$Methods$lavaan.args <- lavaan.args
res$Methods$auto <- auto
# Change reduced names for sum scores
if(reduce.method == "sum"){
colnames(res$reduced$data) <- gsub("LV_", "SUM_", colnames(res$reduced$data))
row.names(res$reduced$merged) <- gsub("LV_", "SUM_", row.names(res$reduced$merged))
# Set class
class(res) <- "UVA"
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