
Defines functions detectionP.minfi eval_detP_cutoffs mask detectionP.neg detectionP

Documented in detectionP detectionP.minfi detectionP.neg eval_detP_cutoffs mask

#' @title  Detection p-values
#' @description Compute detection p-values. p-values are based on the distribution of the intensities of the negative control probes or the U (M) intensities observed for completely methylated (unmethylated) probes, respectively (Heiss and Just, 2019). \code{detP_threshold} generates a plot showing the number of undetected Y chromosome probes among male and female subjects for various p-value thresholds, in order to empirically choose a threshold. Finally, \code{mask} is masking all probes with detection p-values below the specified threshold. \code{detectionP.minfi} provides an implementation for \code{RGChannelSet} objects as used in the \code{minfi} package.
#' @author Jonathan A. Heiss
#' @param raw Output of calling \code{\link{read_idats}}, must include component \code{detP} for \code{mask} and \code{detP_threshold}.
#' @param threshold p-value threshold (arithmetic scale) above which oberservations are set to NA.
#' @param male/female Indices of male and female subjects
#' @param rgSet minfi rgSet object 
#' @return For \code{detectionP} and \code{detectionP.neg} a modified \code{raw} object with a \code{detP} component, a matrix of detection p-values, added. \code{detectionP} computes p-values on the linear scale, whereas \code{detectionP.neg} returns p-values on the log10 scale.
#' @return For \code{detectionP.minfi} a matrix of detection p-values.
#' @return For \code{mask}, a modified \code{raw} object, with undetected probes set to \code{NA}.
#' @references{Heiss JA, Just AC. Improved filtering of DNA methylation microarray data by detection p values and its impact on downstream analyses. Clinical Epigenetics (2019) 11:15}

#' Return peaks of beta-value distribution
#' Return the locations of the two peaks (completly methylated and unmethylated CpG sites)
#' of the beta-value distribution.
#' @return Vector of length two
#' @rdname detectionP
summits = function (beta)
    d <- density(beta,bw=0.01,na.rm=TRUE)

    l = which(d$x <0.4)
    u = which(d$x >0.6)

    l = l[which.max(d$y[l])]
    u = u[which.max(d$y[u])]


#' @rdname detectionP
#' @export
detectionP <- function(raw){

    if(!all(c('manifest','M','U')%in%names(raw))) stop('Invalid argument')


        detP = matrix(NA_real_,nrow=nrow(U),ncol=ncol(U))

        iR = manifest[channel=="Red" ,index]
        iG = manifest[channel=="Grn" ,index]
        i2 = manifest[channel=="Both",index]
        for(j in 1:ncol(M)){

            beta = M[,j]/(U[,j]+M[,j])
            # red color channel
            # locate the peaks for (un)methylated sites
            sR = summits(beta[iR])

            # pick 1000 CpG sites closest to the peaks
            # sR[2] is the   methylated peak, provides unmethylated background signal
            bkgU = head(order(abs(beta[iR]-sR[2])),n=1000)
            # sR[1] is the unmethylated peak, provides   methylated background signal
            bkgM = head(order(abs(beta[iR]-sR[1])),n=1000)

            bkgU = iR[bkgU]
            bkgM = iR[bkgM]

            # median and MAD for these 1000 sites
            muUR = median(U[bkgU,j],na.rm=TRUE)
            muMR = median(M[bkgM,j],na.rm=TRUE)

            sdUR = mad(U[bkgU,j],na.rm=TRUE)
            sdMR = mad(M[bkgM,j],na.rm=TRUE)

            # green color channel
            sG = summits(beta[iG])

            bkgU = head(order(abs(beta[iG]-sG[2])),n=1000)
            bkgM = head(order(abs(beta[iG]-sG[1])),n=1000)

            bkgU = iG[bkgU]
            bkgM = iG[bkgM]

            muUG = median(U[bkgU,j],na.rm=TRUE)
            muMG = median(M[bkgM,j],na.rm=TRUE)

            sdUG = mad(U[bkgU,j],na.rm=TRUE)
            sdMG = mad(M[bkgM,j],na.rm=TRUE)

            detP[iR,j] = pnorm(U[iR,j]+M[iR,j],mean=muUR+muMR,sd=sqrt(sdUR^2+sdMR^2),lower.tail=FALSE)
            detP[iG,j] = pnorm(U[iG,j]+M[iG,j],mean=muUG+muMG,sd=sqrt(sdUG^2+sdMG^2),lower.tail=FALSE)
            detP[i2,j] = pnorm(U[i2,j]+M[i2,j],mean=muUR+muMG,sd=sqrt(sdUR^2+sdMG^2),lower.tail=FALSE)

        raw$detP = detP

#' @rdname detectionP
#' @export
detectionP.neg <- function(raw){

    bkgR = bkgG = controls[group=='NEGATIVE',index] 

    bkgR = ctrlR[bkgR,,drop=FALSE]
    bkgG = ctrlG[bkgG,,drop=FALSE]

    muG = apply(bkgG,2,median,na.rm=TRUE)
    sdG = apply(bkgG,2,mad   ,na.rm=TRUE)

    muR = apply(bkgR,2,median,na.rm=TRUE) 
    sdR = apply(bkgR,2,mad   ,na.rm=TRUE) 

    detP = matrix(NA_real_,nrow=nrow(U),ncol=ncol(U))

    i = manifest[channel=='Red' ,index] 
        for(j in 1:ncol(M))  
            detP[i,j] = pnorm(U[i,j]+M[i,j],mean=2*muR[j],sd=sqrt(2)*sdR[j],lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE) 
    i = manifest[channel=='Grn' ,index] 
        for(j in 1:ncol(M))  
            detP[i,j] = pnorm(U[i,j]+M[i,j],mean=2*muG[j],sd=sqrt(2)*sdG[j],lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE) 
    i = manifest[channel=='Both',index] 
        for(j in 1:ncol(M)) 
            detP[i,j] = pnorm(U[i,j]+M[i,j],mean=muR[j]+muG[j],sd=sqrt(sdR[j]^2+sdG[j]^2),lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=TRUE) 

    raw$detP = detP/log(10)

#' @rdname detectionP
#' @export
mask <- function(raw,threshold){

    if(!all(c('M','U','detP')%in%names(raw))) stop('Invalid argument')
    raw$U[raw$detP>threshold] = NA_real_
    raw$M[raw$detP>threshold] = NA_real_


#' @rdname detectionP
#' @export
eval_detP_cutoffs = function(raw,males=NULL,females=NULL){

    if(is.null(males) | is.null(females)) stop('Please specify the column indices for male and female subjects')
    if(!'detP'%in%names(raw)) stop('detP component missing')

    chrY = raw$manifest[chr=='Y',index]
    chrY = raw$detP[chrY,]

    cutoffs = c(1,0.5,0.1,0.05,0.01,0.001,0.0001)

    tmp = sapply(cutoffs,function(t){ colSums(chrY>t,na.rm=TRUE) })
    males   = apply(tmp[males  ,],2,quantile,prob=0.9)
    females = apply(tmp[females,],2,quantile,prob=0.1)

    plot  (-log10(cutoffs),females,ylim=c(0,nrow(chrY)),ylab='Chr Y # undetected ',xlab='p-value cutoff',xaxt="n")
    legend('topleft',pch=c(3,1),legend=c('Male 90% Quantile','Female 10% Quantile'))

#' @rdname detectionP
#' @export
detectionP.minfi <- function(rgSet){

    locusNames = getManifestInfo(rgSet, "locusNames")
    detP = matrix(NA_real_,ncol=ncol(rgSet),nrow=length(locusNames),dimnames = list(locusNames, colnames(rgSet)))

    i2 = minfi::getProbeInfo(rgSet, type = "II")
    iR = minfi::getProbeInfo(rgSet, type = "I-Red")
    iG = minfi::getProbeInfo(rgSet, type = "I-Green")

    i2 = as.data.table(as.data.frame(i2))
    iR = as.data.table(as.data.frame(iR))
    iG = as.data.table(as.data.frame(iG))

    betas   = minfi::getBeta(rgSet)
    betasIr = betas[iR$Name,]
    betasIg = betas[iG$Name,]

    reds   = minfi::getRed(rgSet)
    greens = minfi::getGreen(rgSet)

    muUR = muMR = muUG = muMG = numeric(ncol(detP))
    sdUR = sdMR = sdUG = sdMG = numeric(ncol(detP))

    for(j in 1:ncol(detP)){

        sR = summits(betasIr[,j])
        sG = summits(betasIg[,j])

        # Red channel
        bkgU = order(abs(betasIr[,j]-sR[2]))[1:1000]
        bkgM = order(abs(betasIr[,j]-sR[1]))[1:1000]

        bkgU = iR$AddressA[bkgU]
        bkgM = iR$AddressB[bkgM]

        bkgU = reds[bkgU,j]
        bkgM = reds[bkgM,j]

        muUR[j] = median(bkgU,na.rm=TRUE)
        muMR[j] = median(bkgM,na.rm=TRUE)

        sdUR[j] = mad(bkgU,na.rm=TRUE)
        sdMR[j] = mad(bkgM,na.rm=TRUE)

        # Green channel
        bkgU = order(abs(betasIg[,j]-sG[2]))[1:1000]
        bkgM = order(abs(betasIg[,j]-sG[1]))[1:1000]

        bkgU = iG$AddressA[bkgU]
        bkgM = iG$AddressB[bkgM]

        bkgU = greens[bkgU,j]
        bkgM = greens[bkgM,j]

        muUG[j] = median(bkgU,na.rm=TRUE)
        muMG[j] = median(bkgM,na.rm=TRUE)

        sdUG[j] = mad(bkgU,na.rm=TRUE)
        sdMG[j] = mad(bkgM,na.rm=TRUE)


    detP[iR$Name,] = pnorm(reds[iR$AddressA,]+reds[iR$AddressB,],     mean=rep(muUR+muMR,each=nrow(iR)), sd=rep(sqrt(sdUR^2+sdMR^2),each=nrow(iR)), lower.tail=FALSE)
    detP[iG$Name,] = pnorm(greens[iG$AddressA,]+greens[iG$AddressB,], mean=rep(muUG+muMG,each=nrow(iG)), sd=rep(sqrt(sdUG^2+sdMG^2),each=nrow(iG)), lower.tail=FALSE)
    detP[i2$Name,] = pnorm(reds[i2$AddressA,]+greens[i2$AddressA,],   mean=rep(muUR+muMG,each=nrow(i2)), sd=rep(sqrt(sdUR^2+sdMG^2),each=nrow(i2)), lower.tail=FALSE)

hhhh5/ewastools documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 6:21 p.m.