
Defines functions screenPSpectrum appendDiscardedFeatures getLOBpeaklist trimAssignments exclude_dblebond excludeoddFAlength evalFeatureRT extractLOBdbasedata matchbyPPM getformattedIsoData loadLOBdbase doLOBscreen

Documented in doLOBscreen extractLOBdbasedata getLOBpeaklist loadLOBdbase

################ Wrapper function #############

# doLOBscreen: Wrapper function for LOBSTAHS screening & annotation of an 
# xsAnnotate object; returns a LOBSet object

doLOBscreen = function(xsA, polarity = NULL, database = NULL, remove.iso = TRUE, 
                       rt.restrict =  TRUE, rt.windows = NULL, 
                       exclude.oddFA = TRUE, exclude.oxyrule = TRUE, 
                       match.ppm = NULL, retain.unidentified = TRUE) {
  # planning to add nSlaves option at some point
  ################ Check arguments, load necessary data ############# 
  # verify that input xsA is of correct class, has pseudospectra, and that rt 
  # data are in seconds
  if (!class(xsA)=="xsAnnotate") {
    stop("Input 'xsA' is not an 'xsAnnotate' object.\n")
  if (length(xsA@pspectra)<1) {
    stop("Input 'xsA' does not appear to have any CAMERA pseudospectra. Re-",
         "run CAMERA or examine the input object!\n")
  if (sum(xsA@groupInfo[colnames(xsA@groupInfo)=="rt"]>100)==0) {
    # likely that rt data are in minutes; they need to be in seconds
    stop("Retention time data in input object 'xsA' appear to be in minutes. ",
         "Please ensure data are recorded in seconds during conversion of ",
         "manufacturer data files to mzXML.\n")
  # check for match.ppm input
  if (is.null(match.ppm)) {
    stop("User did not specify a ppm matching tolerance.\n")
  # check for consistent polarity between xsA and value of argument 'polarity' 
  # provided by user
  if (is.null(polarity)) { # user didn't provide value for argument, try to 
    # automatically detect polarity from xsA@polarity
    cat("User did not specify a value for argument 'polarity.' Attempting to",
        "detect current polarity from property of input 'xsA'...\n")
    if (!is.null(xsA@polarity)) {
      if (is.element(xsA@polarity,c("positive","negative"))) {
        polarity = xsA@polarity
        cat("Input 'xsA' appears to be of polarity '",polarity,"'\n\n")
      } else {
        stop("Polarity of input 'xsA' is not 'positive' or 'negative.'\nIf ",
             "value for argument 'polarity' is not specified by user in call ",
             "to doLOBscreen, input object must have a valid polarity.\n")
    } else {
      stop("Input 'xsA' has no assigned polarity. Re-create xsAnnotate object ",
           "with CAMERA, or specify value for argument 'polarity' in call to ",
  } else { # user provided some value for 'polarity'
    if (!is.element(polarity,c("positive","negative"))) {
      stop("Value for argument 'polarity' must be 'positive' or 'negative.'\n")
    } else {
      if (!is.null(xsA@polarity)) {
        if (xsA@polarity!=polarity) {
          stop("Value '",polarity,"' given for argument 'polarity' does not ",
               "match apparent polarity '",xsA@polarity,"' of input 'xsA.'\n")
  # check for database input, use correct polarity default DB if no input
  if (!is.null(database)) {
    if (!class(database)=="LOBdbase") {
      # likely a bad input argument, but let's perform a quick, "hail mary"
      # check to see if user accidentally/unknowingly supplied a list object
      # that *contains* the correct LOBdbase object in an appropriately-named
      # slot
      if (class(database)=="list" && (polarity %in% names(database)) && 
          (class(get(eval(polarity), database))=="LOBdbase")) {
        # this indeed appears to be the case; lucky for the user we're so nice
        database = get(eval(polarity), database)
      } else {
        stop("Input 'database' is not a 'LOBdbase' object of the correct ",
             "polarity. Use loadLOBdbase() to read a user-supplied ",
             "lipid-ox-lipid-oxylipin database from a .csv file, or use ",
             "generateLOBdbase() to generate a new LOBSTAHS ",
    # if we made it this far, object is a LOBdbase; but let's make sure it's the
    # correct polarity
    if (polarity!=polarity(database)) {
      stop("Polarity '",polarity(database),"' of database does not match ",
           "polarity '",polarity,"' of input 'xsA' object. Specify a ",
           "'LOBdbase' object of the appropriate polarity.\n")
    # not using the default database, set defDB to 0 (false)
    defDB = 0
  } else { # user didn't specify a database, use the default DB of the correct 
    # polarity
    cat("User did not specify a valid external database. Using default",
        "LOBSTAHS database for polarity '",polarity,"'\n\n")
    defDB = 1
    default.LOBdbase = NULL # to satisfy R CMD CHECK
    data(default.LOBdbase, envir = environment())
    LOBdbase = default.LOBdbase
    database = LOBdbase[[polarity]]
  # set things up for rt window screening
  if (rt.restrict==TRUE) {
    warning("User elected screening based on retention time. If any flavor of ",
            "xcms retention time correction was applied to the dataset prior ",
            "to analysis with LOBSTAHS, user is advised to consider whether ",
            "RT screening was a wise choice. Although LOBSTAHS adds a 10% ",
            "buffer to all retention times to account for small shifts that ",
            "may occur during RT correction, poor results may arise if the ",
            "original data contained wide variance in retention time.\n")
    if (is.null(rt.windows)) { # use defaults
      default.rt.windows = NULL # to satisfy R CMD CHECK
      data(default.rt.windows, envir = environment())
      rt.windows = default.rt.windows
      defRTwin = 1
      warning("User did not specify an external source of retention time ",
              "window data. Default rt windows for the Van Mooy Lab Orbitrap ",
              "were used. Non-VML users are strongly urged to use argument ",
              "'rt.wintable' to load retention time data specific to their ",
    } else { # load and perform basic check of user-specified rt window data, 
      # assuming they pointed rt.wintable to a valid R matrix with 
      # reasonbly named column headings
      if (!file.exists(rt.windows)) {
        stop("User defined file containing retention time window data does not exist!")
      # load the retention time window data 
      rt.windows = read.csv(rt.windows)
      defRTwin = 0 # set defRTwin to 0 (false)
      if (sum(grepl("[Ll][Ii][Pp][Ii][Dd][ |\\.|_]*[Cc][Ll][Aa][Ss][Ss]",
                    colnames(rt.windows)))!=1) {
        stop("Could not find unique field 'lipid_class' in user's retention ",
             "time data.\n")
      } else {
        rt.windows$lipid_class = as.character(rt.windows[
          ,grepl("[Ll][Ii][Pp][Ii][Dd][ |\\.|_]*[Cc][Ll][Aa][Ss][Ss]",
      if (sum(grepl("[Rr][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Ww][Ii][Nn][ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Ii][Nn]",
                    colnames(rt.windows)))!=1) {
        stop("Could not find unique field 'rt_win_min' in user's retention ",
             "time data.\n")
      } else {
        rt.windows$rt_win_min = as.numeric(rt.windows[
          ,grepl("[Rr][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Ww][Ii][Nn][ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Ii][Nn]",
      if (sum(grepl("[Rr][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Ww][Ii][Nn][ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Aa][Xx]",
                    colnames(rt.windows)))!=1) {
        stop("Could not find unique field 'rt_win_max' in user's retention ",
             "time data.\n")
      } else {
        rt.windows$rt_win_max = as.numeric(rt.windows[
          ,grepl("[Rr][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Ww][Ii][Nn][ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Aa][Xx]",
      if (any((rt.windows$rt_win_min|rt.windows$rt_win_max)>100, 
              na.rm = TRUE)) { # likely that user's data are in seconds, not 
        # minutes
        warning("Retention time data should be specified in minutes, not ",
                "seconds. User's data appear to be in seconds.\n\n")
  # lastly, if user has elected remove.iso, make sure there are actually 
  # isotopes ID'd in the xsAnnotate object
  if ((remove.iso==TRUE) & (length(xsA@isotopes)<1)) {
    stop("Input 'xsA' does not appear to contain any identified isotopes. ",
         "Re-run CAMERA and use findIsotopes!\n")
  # # remove any holdovers from a previous run, if they exist
  # if (exists("screened.peaktable")) {
  #   rm(screened.peaktable)
  # }
  # if (exists("isodata_C3r")) {
  #   rm(isodata_C3r)
  # }
  # if (exists("diagnostic_data")) {
  #   rm(diagnostic_data)
  # }
  ################ Perform screening #############
  cat("Performing initial screening and annotation of dataset. Compound",
      "assignments will be made from database with",match.ppm,"ppm match",
  pspectra = 1:length(xsA@pspectra)
  casecodes = c("C1","C1x","C2a","C2b","C3c","C3f","C3r","C4","C5","C6a","C6b")
  # the possible case codes with which we'll be annotating each putative parent
  # compound identification based on the data for its various adduct assignments
  screened.pspecdata = lapply(pspectra, screenPSpectrum, xsA = xsA, 
                              polarity = polarity, database = database, 
                              remove.iso = remove.iso, 
                              rt.restrict = rt.restrict, 
                              rt.windows = rt.windows, 
                              exclude.oddFA = exclude.oddFA, 
                              exclude.oxyrule = exclude.oxyrule,
                              match.ppm = match.ppm, casecodes = casecodes)
  # extract & reformat results, plus extract some aggregate diagnostics
  screenedpeaks = as.data.frame(
    do.call("rbind", lapply(
      screened.pspecdata, function(x) x[["screened.peaktable"]])))
  # to clarify distinction between DB values and observed data:
  colnames(screenedpeaks)[1:6] = c("peakgroup_mz","peakgroup_mzmin",
  isodata_C3r = unlist(lapply(
    screened.pspecdata, function(x) x[["isodata_C3r"]]), recursive = FALSE)
  LOBscreen_diagnostics = Reduce("+",lapply(
    screened.pspecdata, function(x) x[["diagnostic_data"]]))
  # update one last column in LOBscreen_diagnostics
  LOBscreen_diagnostics[c("post_AIHscreen"),c("assignments")] = 
  # calculate the match delta ppm for each item in screenedpeaks
  screenedpeaks$LOBdbase_ppm_match = (screenedpeaks$LOBdbase_mz-
  # append a match_ID
  screenedpeaks$match_ID = 1:nrow(screenedpeaks)
  cat("\n\nInitial screening and annotation complete.",
      "peakgroups remain in dataset, to which\n",
      "parent compound identities have been assigned from database.\n\n")
  # further screening to identify isomers
  # first, get number of sample treatments in original dataset (i.e., xcms 
  # "classes")
  num.treatments = length(levels(xsA@xcmsSet@phenoData$class))
  # create a matrix to keep track of isomer data
  LOBisoID_diagnostics = data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = 3, ncol = 4))
  colnames(LOBisoID_diagnostics) = c("peakgroups","parent_compounds",
  rownames(LOBisoID_diagnostics) = c("C3r_regio.iso","C3f_funct.struct.iso",
  # check for & tag any additional "case 3r" regioisomers
  cat("Identifying and annotating possible regioisomers...\n")
  # set "C3r" for all compounds with regioisomers to 1
  screenedpeaks$C3r[screenedpeaks$compound_name %in% 
                        duplicated(screenedpeaks$compound_name)]] = 1 
  C3r.peakdata = screenedpeaks[screenedpeaks$C3r==1,]
  C3r.parent_compounds = unique(C3r.peakdata$compound_name)
  # update dataset.isodata_C3r with correct cross-references
  if (nrow(C3r.peakdata)>0) { # proceed only if we actually have regioisomers 
    # present
    for (i in 1:length(C3r.parent_compounds)) {
      pg.this.parent = screenedpeaks[screenedpeaks$compound_name==
                    C3r.parent_compounds[i]] = 
                                            "assignments","features")] =
      sum(apply(screenedpeaks[(!duplicated(screenedpeaks$xcms_peakgroup) & 
                c(1,2), function(x) x>0))
  cat("Found",LOBisoID_diagnostics$peakgroups[1],"possible regioisomers of",
      LOBisoID_diagnostics$parent_compounds[1],"parent compounds.\n\n")
  # check for & tag isobars (case C3c) and functional structural isomers 
  # (case C3f)
  cat("Identifying and annotating isobars and possible functional structural",
  # create some lists to hold the C3f isomer/C3c isobar information
  isodata_C3c = vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(screenedpeaks))
  isodata_C3f = vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(screenedpeaks))
  C3f_C3c.peakdata = screenedpeaks[
    screenedpeaks$xcms_peakgroup %in% 
  C3f_C3c.peakgroups = unique(C3f_C3c.peakdata$xcms_peakgroup)
  if (nrow(C3f_C3c.peakdata)>0) { # proceed only if we actually have 
    # isobars/functional isomers present
    for (i in 1:length(C3f_C3c.peakgroups)) {
      IDs.this.pg = screenedpeaks[screenedpeaks$xcms_peakgroup==
      parent.mzs.this.pg = unique(IDs.this.pg$LOBdbase_mz)
      if (length(parent.mzs.this.pg)>1) { # we have a C3c scenario
                            C3f_C3c.peakgroups[i]] = 1
                      C3f_C3c.peakgroups[i]] = 
      for (j in 1:length(parent.mzs.this.pg)) {
        if (nrow(IDs.this.pg[IDs.this.pg$LOBdbase_mz==
                             parent.mzs.this.pg[j],])>1) { 
          # we have at least 2 functional structural isomers that go together
            screenedpeaks$match_ID %in% 
                                     parent.mzs.this.pg[j]]] = 1
            screenedpeaks$match_ID %in% 
                                     parent.mzs.this.pg[j]]] = 
                                                   "assignments","features")] =
      sum(apply(screenedpeaks[(!duplicated(screenedpeaks$xcms_peakgroup) & 
                c(1,2), function(x) x>0))
                                          "assignments","features")] =
      sum(apply(screenedpeaks[(!duplicated(screenedpeaks$xcms_peakgroup) & 
                c(1,2), function(x) x>0))
  cat("Found",LOBisoID_diagnostics$peakgroups[2],"functional structural",
      "isomers and",LOBisoID_diagnostics$peakgroups[3],"isobars, representing",
      sum(LOBisoID_diagnostics$parent_compounds[c(2,3)]),"parent compounds.\n\n")
  # populate screenedpeaks.casecodes
  codestrings = apply(screenedpeaks[,casecodes], c(1), 
                      function (x) casecodes[x>=1])
  screenedpeaks$casecodes = unlist(lapply(codestrings, 
                                          function(x) paste(x,collapse="; ")))
  # create LOBSet object for return to user
  object = new("LOBSet")
  peakdata(object) = screenedpeaks
  polarity(object) = as.factor(polarity)
  sampnames(object) = sampnames(xsA@xcmsSet)
  object@iso_C3r = isodata_C3r
  object@iso_C3c = isodata_C3c
  object@iso_C3f = isodata_C3f
  LOBscreen_diagnostics(object) = LOBscreen_diagnostics
  LOBisoID_diagnostics(object) = LOBisoID_diagnostics
  if (defDB==1) {
    database.used = "default"
  } else {
    database.used = "user-supplied database"
  if (rt.restrict==TRUE) {
    if (defRTwin==1) {
      rt.windows.used = "default"
    } else {
      rt.windows.used = "user-supplied rt window data"
  } else {
    rt.windows.used = NULL
  LOBscreen_settings(object) = list(database = database.used,
                                    remove.iso = remove.iso,
                                    rt.restrict = rt.restrict,
                                    rt.windows = rt.windows.used,
                                    exclude.oddFA = exclude.oddFA,
                                    exclude.oxyrule = exclude.oxyrule,
                                    match.ppm = match.ppm)
  # append discarded/unidentified features from input xsAnnotate object, if user
  # desires
  if (retain.unidentified==TRUE) {
    cat("Collecting data for all unidentified features present in the",
        "input 'xsAnnotate' object and\n",
        "those features discarded during LOBSTAHS screening...\n")
    object = appendDiscardedFeatures(object, xsA)
    # calculate no. additional features that we just added back in
    count.unIDd =
    cat("Appended data for",count.unIDd,
        "unidentified or discarded peak groups.\n\n")

################ Helper functions (some will be private) #############

# loadLOBdbase: loads and creates a LOBdbase object from a properly formatted 
# .csv file
# presumes file has correct header names somewhere in the file, but order and 
# spelling/capitalization shouldn't matter

loadLOBdbase = function(file, polarity, num_compounds = NULL) {
  polarity = match.arg(polarity, c("positive","negative"), several.ok = FALSE)
  # read in raw data first to determine where headers are (in case there are 
  # any junk lines at top of file)
  db.readraw = read.table(file, sep = ",", skip = 0, header = FALSE, 
                          colClasses = "character") 
  ind.header = which(matrix(grepl("[Mm]/*[Zz]", db.readraw), 
                            ncol=ncol(db.readraw)), arr.ind=TRUE)
  # ... assuming position of m/z column header is a reasonable indicator of 
  # where data starts
  header.row = ind.header[1]
  if (length(header.row)>1) {
    stop("Found multiple possible header rows in .csv file. Please check the ",
         "format of your database.\n")
  db.rawdata = read.table(file, sep = ",", skip = header.row-1, header = TRUE, 
                          colClasses = "character") # read in file, for real
  object = new("LOBdbase") # create new LOBdbase object
  # determine which fields are where, being as forgiving as possible regarding 
  # capitalization and punctuation of column headers, then load data from that 
  # column into appropriate slot in the LOBdbase object
  mz(object) = as.numeric(db.rawdata[,grepl("[Mm]/*[Zz]",colnames(db.rawdata))])
  # only optional field is frag_ID
  if (sum(grepl("[Ff][Rr][Aa][Gg][ |\\.|_]*[Ii][Dd]",
                colnames(db.rawdata)))==1) { # user DB appears to have frag_IDs
    frag_ID(object) = as.integer(db.rawdata[
      ,grepl("[Ff][Rr][Aa][Gg][ |\\.|_]*[Ii][Dd]",colnames(db.rawdata))])
  } else {
    frag_ID(object) = 1:length(mz(object))
    cat("Database being imported doesn't appear to have field 'frag_ID';",
        "frag_ID will be assigned sequentially based on order of entries in",
        ".csv file.\n")
  exact_parent_neutral_mass(object) = as.numeric(db.rawdata[,rowSums(sapply(c(
    paste0("[Ee][Xx][Aa][Cc][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Pp][Aa][Rr][Ee][Nn][Tt][ |\\.|_]",
           "*[Nn][Ee][Uu][Tt][Rr][Aa][Ll][ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Aa][Ss][Ss]"),
    paste0("[Ee][Xx][Aa][Cc][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Nn][Ee][Uu][Tt][Rr][Aa][Ll]",
           "[ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Aa][Ss][Ss]"),
    paste0("[Ee][Xx][Aa][Cc][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Aa][Ss][Ss]"),
    paste0("[Pp][Aa][Rr][Ee][Nn][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Nn][Ee][Uu][Tt][Rr][Aa][Ll]",
           "[ |\\.|_]*[Mm][Aa][Ss][Ss]")),
  lipid_class(object) = as.factor(db.rawdata[
    ,grepl("[Ll][Ii][Pp][Ii][Dd][ |\\.|_]*[Cc][Ll][Aa][Ss][Ss]",
  species(object) = as.character(db.rawdata[
  adduct(object) = as.factor(db.rawdata[
  adduct_rank(object) = as.integer(db.rawdata[
    ,grepl("[Aa][Dd][Dd][Uu][Cc][Tt][ |\\.|_]*[Rr][Aa][Nn][Kk]",
  FA_total_no_C(object) = as.integer(db.rawdata[,grepl(
    paste0("[Ff][Aa][ |\\.|_]*[Tt][Oo][Tt][Aa][Ll][ |\\.|_]*",
           "([Nn][Oo]|[Nn][Uu][Mm]|#)[ |\\.|_]",
  FA_total_no_DB(object) = as.integer(db.rawdata[,grepl(
    paste0("[Ff][Aa][ |\\.|_]*[Tt][Oo][Tt][Aa][Ll][ |\\.|_]*",
           "([Nn][Oo]|[Nn][Uu][Mm]|#)[ |\\.|_]*",
           "([Dd][Bb]|[Dd][Oo][Uu][Bb][Ll][Ee][ |\\.|_]*",
  degree_oxidation(object) = as.integer(db.rawdata[,grepl(
    paste0("([Dd][Ee][Gg][Rr][Ee][Ee]|[Dd][Ee][Gg])[ |\\.|_]*",
  parent_elem_formula(object) = as.character(db.rawdata[,grepl(
    paste0("[Pp][Aa][Rr][Ee][Nn][Tt][ |\\.|_]*",
           "([Ee][Ll][Ee][Mm][Ee][Nn][Tt][Aa][Ll]|[Ee][Ll][Ee][Mm])[ |\\.|_]*",
  parent_compound_name(object) = as.character(db.rawdata[,grepl(
    paste0("[Pp][Aa][Rr][Ee][Nn][Tt][ |\\.|_]*",
           "[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Oo][Uu][Nn][Dd][ |\\.|_]*",
  # try to verify user's indication of polarity
  if (polarity=="positive") {
    if (sum(grepl("^\\[.*\\]\\-{1,}$",adduct(object)))>0) {
      stop("At least one of the adducts in field 'adduct' of the database ",
           "being imported appears to be of ionization mode opposite that of ",
           "indicated polarity '",polarity,".' Check the ionization mode ",
           "specified. Aborting...\n")
    if (sum(grepl("^\\[.*\\]\\+{1,}$",adduct(object)))!=length(mz(object))) {
      warning(paste0("Could not determine that all adducts in field 'adduct' ",
                     "of the database being imported are of indicated ",
                     "polarity '",polarity,".' User may experience unexpected ",
  if (polarity=="negative") {
    if (sum(grepl("^\\[.*\\]\\+{1,}$",adduct(object)))>0) {
      stop("At least one of the adducts in field 'adduct' of the database ",
           "being imported appears to be of ionization mode opposite that of ",
           "indicated polarity '",polarity,".' Check the ionization mode ",
           "specified. Aborting...\n")
    if (sum(grepl("^\\[.*\\]\\-{1,}$",adduct(object)))!=length(mz(object))) {
      warning(paste0("Could not determine that all adducts in field 'adduct' ",
                     "of the database being imported are of indicated ",
                     "polarity '",polarity,".' User may experience unexpected ",
  # assign object@polarity
  polarity(object) = as.factor(polarity)
  # assign object@num_entries
  num_entries(object) = as.integer(length(mz(object)))
  # assign object@num_compounds, if user has provided it
  if (!is.null(num_compounds)) {
    num_compounds(object) = as.integer(num_compounds)

# getformattedIsoData: generate plain-text labels for each peakgroup in an 
# xsAnnotate object for which findIsotopes returned data; should be called with 
# sapply or lapply, e.g., sapply(isodata, getformattedIsoData, polarity = 
# "positive")

# DISCLAIMER: Some code in this function was borrowed and then modified from 
# source code for the CAMERA function getPeaklist. This code was borrowed 
# under the GPL 2.0 license from the CAMERA source R file "xsAnnotate.R" on 
# 12/10/2015. The modified code is provided without warranty. CAMERA is 
# described in Kuhl, C., Tautenhahn, R., Boettcher, C., Larson, T.R., and 
# Neumann, S., 2012, "CAMERA: an integrated strategy for compound spectra 
# extraction and annotation of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry data 
# sets," Anal. Chem. 84:283–289. See 
# http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac202450g and 
# https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/CAMERA.html

getformattedIsoData = function(isodata, polarity) {
  # input "isodata" should be all or part of the 'isotopes' slot from a CAMERA 
  # "xsAnnotate" object
  polarity = match.arg(polarity, choices = c("positive","negative"), 
                       several.ok = FALSE)
  polsym = switch(
  if (!is.null(isodata)) {
    num.iso = isodata$iso
    # begin building isotope data string
    if (num.iso == 0) {
      str.iso = "[M]"
    } else {
      str.iso = paste("[M+", num.iso, "]", sep="")
    # if multiply charged
    if (isodata$charge > 1) {
      isotopes = paste("[", isodata$y, "]", str.iso, isodata$charge, 
                       polsym, sep="")
    } else {
      isotopes = paste("[", isodata$y, "]", str.iso, polsym, sep="")
  } else {
    # no isotope information for this peakgroup
    isotopes = ""

# matchbyPPM: assigns compound identities to a dataset from a database based on 
# a ppm restriction

matchbyPPM = function(mz, database, match.ppm) {
  # mz is list of m/z ratios from a dataset; database is a "LOBdbase" object; 
  # match.ppm inherited from wrapper function
  matches = frag_ID(database)[abs((mz(database)-mz)/mz(database)*1000000)<=

# extractLOBdbasedata: extracts data from a LOBdbase object for a given frag_ID

extractLOBdbasedata = function(frag_ID, database) {
  DBdata = data.frame(as.integer(frag_ID(database)[frag_ID(database)==frag_ID]),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(DBdata) = c("LOBdbase_frag_ID","LOBdbase_exact_parent_neutral_mass",

# evalFeatureRT: evaluates retention times of xcms peakgroups to which putative 
# database assignments have been made against retention time window restrictions
# supplied by user

evalFeatureRT = function(matched.frag_IDs, assignment.rtmin, assignment.rtmax, 
                         rt.windows, database) {
  # assignment.rtmin and max are the min and max retention times of a peakgroup;
  # matched.frag_IDs are the database fragment IDs of the putative database 
  # assignment(s) matched to that peakgroup
  if (is.null(rt.windows)) { # use defaults
    default.rt.windows = NULL # to satisfy R CMD CHECK
    data(default.rt.windows, envir = environment())
    rt.windows = default.rt.windows
  # convert observed feature rts from seconds to minutes
  assignment.rtmin = assignment.rtmin/60
  assignment.rtmax = assignment.rtmax/60
  # incorporate a conservative (10%) error into each value, to account for the 
  # fact that rt's can be altered from observed values during xcms retention 
  # time correction; the extra 10% should be sufficient in most cases, unless 
  # the user fed xcms a low-quality dataset with very large variance in rt 
  assignment.rtmin = assignment.rtmin-assignment.rtmin*.1
  assignment.rtmax = assignment.rtmax+assignment.rtmax*.1
  ID.eval = rep(TRUE, length(matched.frag_IDs))
  # vector of logicals to record of the compliance of each assignment
  if (length(matched.frag_IDs)>0) { # matches were made to this feature
    for (i in 1:length(matched.frag_IDs)) {
      # get any window data for this feature
      rt.windowdata = rt.windows[species(database)[frag_ID(database)==
      if (nrow(rt.windowdata)==1) { # there is rt window data for this lipid 
        # class
        if (!is.na(rt.windowdata$rt_win_min) & 
            !is.na(rt.windowdata$rt_win_max)) { # we have an upper and lower 
          # bound for this class
          if (!(assignment.rtmax>rt.windowdata$rt_win_min & 
                assignment.rtmin<rt.windowdata$rt_win_max)) {
            ID.eval[i] = FALSE
        } else if (!is.na(rt.windowdata$rt_win_min) & 
                   is.na(rt.windowdata$rt_win_max)) { # we only have a lower 
          # bound
          if (!(assignment.rtmax>rt.windowdata$rt_win_min)) {
            ID.eval[i] = FALSE
        } else if (is.na(rt.windowdata$rt_win_min) & 
                   !is.na(rt.windowdata$rt_win_max)) { # we only have an upper 
          # bound
          if (!(assignment.rtmin<rt.windowdata$rt_win_max)) {
            ID.eval[i] = FALSE

# excludeoddFAlength: removes IP-DAG, TAG, PUA, FFA assignments which have an 
# odd total number of fatty acid C atoms

excludeoddFAlength = function(matched.frag_IDs, database) {
  ID.eval = rep(TRUE, length(matched.frag_IDs)) # vector of logicals to record 
  # of the compliance of each 
  # assignment
  if (length(matched.frag_IDs)>0) { # matches were made to this feature
    for (i in 1:length(matched.frag_IDs)) { # for each match
      if (lipid_class(database)[frag_ID(database)==
                                matched.frag_IDs[i]] %in% 
          c("IP_DAG","PUA","FFA","TAG","IP_MAG")) { # if this is a "IP_DAG","PUA","FFA","TAG","IP_MAG"
                                         matched.frag_IDs[i]])){ # if this has a non 'NA' C chain length 
                                                                 # implying that is not a DB_unique_spieces
          if (FA_total_no_C(database)[frag_ID(database)==
                                      matched.frag_IDs[i]]%%2!=0) { #if this is not even
            ID.eval[i] = FALSE

##exlude wrong double bonds
exclude_dblebond = function(matched.frag_IDs, database) {
  ID.eval = rep(TRUE, length(matched.frag_IDs)) # vector of logicals to record 
  # of the compliance of each 
  # assignment
  if (length(matched.frag_IDs)>0) { # matches were made to this feature
    for (i in 1:length(matched.frag_IDs)) {
      if (lipid_class(database)[frag_ID(database)==
                                matched.frag_IDs[i]] %in% 
          c("IP_DAG","PUA","FFA","TAG", "IP_MAG")) {
        if (!is.na(FA_total_no_DB(database)[frag_ID(database)==matched.frag_IDs[i]])) {
          if (FA_total_no_DB(database)[frag_ID(database)==matched.frag_IDs[i]] <
              degree_oxidation(database)[frag_ID(database)==matched.frag_IDs[i]]) {
            ID.eval[i] = FALSE

# trimAssignments: for a given compound, removes any C4/C5 assignments, i.e., 
# those representing adducts of lesser theoretical abundance in cases where the 
# pseudospectrum doesn't also contain an assignment representing the adduct of 
# greatest theoretical abundance

trimAssignments = function(matched.frag_IDs, database, pspectrum.frag_IDs, 
                           pspectrum.compound_names) {
  # matched.frag_IDs are the database fragment IDs of the putative database 
  # assignment(s) matched to a given peakgroup; pspectrum.frag_IDs is a list of 
  # all the fragment IDs of assignments in the entire pseudospectrum; 
  # pspectrum.compound_names is a list of the parent compound names in the 
  # pseudospectrum (with duplicates)
  ID.eval = rep(TRUE, length(matched.frag_IDs)) # vector of logicals to record 
  # compliance of each assignment
  if (length(matched.frag_IDs)>0) { # matches were made to this feature
    for (i in 1:length(matched.frag_IDs)) {
      if (adduct_rank(database)[frag_ID(database)==matched.frag_IDs[i]]==1) {
        ID.eval[i] = TRUE
      } else {
        other.assignments.same.parent = 
        other.adduct.ranks.this.parent = 
                                       match, frag_ID(database))]
        if (any(other.adduct.ranks.this.parent==1)==TRUE) {
          ID.eval[i] = TRUE
        } else {
          ID.eval[i] = FALSE

# getLOBpeaklist: generates a peaklist from a screened & annotated LOBSet 
# object, with options to include isotope cross-references and export to .csv

getLOBpeaklist = function(LOBSet, include.iso = TRUE,
                          include.unidentified = TRUE, gen.csv = FALSE) {
  if (!class(LOBSet)=="LOBSet") {
    stop("Input 'LOBSet' is not a 'LOBSet' object.\n")
  cat("Exporting peaklist...\n")
  export.df = peakdata(LOBSet)
  # excise unidentified features, if they exist and user wants to get rid of
  # them
  if (include.unidentified==TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(LOBscreen_settings(LOBSet)$retain.unidentified) &&
        LOBscreen_settings(LOBSet)$retain.unidentified==TRUE) {
      cat("Exported peaklist will include data for unidentified features and",
          "those features\n",
          "discarded during LOBSTAHS screening.\n")
    } else {
      cat("No data for unidentified features appears to be present in this",
          "LOBSet. Peaklist will\n",
          "include data only for features to which LOBSTAHS compound",
          "identities have been\n",
  } else if (include.unidentified==FALSE) {
    cat("Peaklist will include data only for features to which LOBSTAHS",
        "compound identities have\n",
        "been assigned.\n")
    if (!is.null(LOBscreen_settings(LOBSet)$retain.unidentified) &&
        LOBscreen_settings(LOBSet)$retain.unidentified==TRUE) {
      # no point in excising these data if they don't exist in the first place
      # excise data which don't have a LOBdbase_mz and match_ID (assuming these
      # are sufficient criteria to declare that a LOBSTAHS compound assignment
      # isn't present)
      export.df = export.df[
        !(apply(is.na(export.df[,c("LOBdbase_mz","match_ID")]), 1, sum)==2),]
  # get rid of some junk, reorder some columns
  export.df = export.df[,-c(which(colnames(export.df) %in% c("npeaks",
  if ("peakgroup_rt" %in% colnames(export.df)) {
    # can assume this is a "recent" LOBSet created after we replaced periods in
    # column names with underscores
    leadcols = export.df[,c("match_ID","compound_name","elem_formula",
    export.df = export.df[,-c(which(colnames(export.df) 
                                    %in% c("match_ID",
  } else if ("peakgroup.rt" %in% colnames(export.df)) {
    # can assume this is an older LOBSet created before we replaced periods in
    # (some) column names with underscores
    leadcols = export.df[,c("match_ID","compound_name","elem_formula",
    export.df = export.df[,-c(which(colnames(export.df) 
                                    %in% c("match_ID",
  export.df = data.frame(leadcols,export.df)
  # argument-dependent options
  # need if/then statements to account for change in slot naming from periods
  # to underscores
  if (include.iso==TRUE) {
    if (.hasSlot(LOBSet, "iso_C3r")) {
      iso_C3r.match_ID = sapply(LOBSet@iso_C3r, paste, collapse = ", ")
    } else if (.hasSlot(LOBSet, "iso.C3r")) {
      iso_C3r.match_ID = sapply(LOBSet@iso.C3r, paste, collapse = ", ")
    if (.hasSlot(LOBSet, "iso_C3f")) {
      iso_C3f.match_ID = sapply(LOBSet@iso_C3f, paste, collapse = ", ")
    } else if (.hasSlot(LOBSet, "iso.C3f")) {
      iso_C3f.match_ID = sapply(LOBSet@iso.C3f, paste, collapse = ", ")
    if (.hasSlot(LOBSet, "iso_C3c")) {
      iso_C3c.match_ID = sapply(LOBSet@iso_C3c, paste, collapse = ", ")
    } else if (.hasSlot(LOBSet, "iso.C3c")) {
      iso_C3c.match_ID = sapply(LOBSet@iso.C3c, paste, collapse = ", ")
    # collect isomer data, then flow it into the proper cell range
    isodata = data.frame(iso_C3r.match_ID,iso_C3f.match_ID,
                         iso_C3c.match_ID, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    export.df = data.frame(export.df, matrix(data = NA, 
                                             nrow = nrow(export.df),
                                             ncol = 3,
                                             dimnames =
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                "iso_C3c.match_ID")] = isodata
  if (gen.csv==TRUE) {
    output_DTG = genTimeStamp()
    fname = paste0("LOBSTAHS_screened_peakdata_",output_DTG,".csv")
    write.csv(export.df, fname, row.names = FALSE)
    cat("Peak data exported to:",fname,"\n")
  } else {
    cat("Peaklist generated.")

# appendDiscardedFeatures: appends to a LOBSet those features in the parent
# xsAnnotate object which were discarded durign the screening process; this
# function will be invoked if user sets retain.unidentified = TRUE

appendDiscardedFeatures = function(LOBSet, xsAnnotate) {
  # check to ensure the objects are the of the proper class
  if (!class(LOBSet)=="LOBSet") {
    stop("Input 'LOBSet' is not a 'LOBSet' object.\n")
  if (!class(xsAnnotate)=="xsAnnotate") {
    stop("Input 'xsAnnotate' is not an 'xsAnnotate' object.\n")
  # check to ensure the objects have the same polarity and sample names; this
  # is a very high-level way of validating that the supplied xsAnnotate object
  # is in fact the parent of the supplied LOBSet
  # there is no polarity method (accessor function) for xcmsSet or xsAnnotate
  # classes so we have to extract it directly from the slot
  if (as.character(xsAnnotate@polarity)!=as.character(polarity(LOBSet))) {
    stop("Input 'LOBSet' and 'xsAnnotate' objects do not contain data of the ",
         "same polarity.\n")
  if (!identical(sampnames(xsAnnotate@xcmsSet),sampnames(LOBSet))) {
    stop("Input 'LOBSet' and 'xsAnnotate' objects do not contain data for the ",
         "same sample names. Check that the supplied objects are directly ",
         "related as child and parent.\n")
  # retrieve the xsAnnotate peaklist using the CAMERA function getPeaklist
  xsAnnotate_peaklist = getPeaklist(xsAnnotate)
  # retrieve the initial LOBSet peakdata table
  LOBSet_peakdata_initial = peakdata(LOBSet)
  # extract features from the xsAnnotate.peaklist that do not appear in
  # LOBSet.peakdata.initial (i.e., those which were not retained for
  # whatever reason)
  discarded_peakdata =
    xsAnnotate_peaklist[!(1:nrow(xsAnnotate_peaklist) %in% 
  # set proper column names
  colnames(discarded_peakdata)[1:(ncol(discarded_peakdata)-3)] =
  # preallocate space for discarded feature data in a new data frame
  # LOBSet_peakdata_appended
  LOBSet_peakdata_appended = rbind(LOBSet_peakdata_initial,
                                   matrix(data = NA,
                                          nrow = nrow(discarded_peakdata),
                                          ncol = ncol(LOBSet_peakdata_initial),
                                          dimnames = 
  # append discarded feature data
  # first, primary data
    1:(ncol(discarded_peakdata)-3)] =
  # now xcms_peakgroup, isotope data
    c("xcms_peakgroup","isotopes")] =
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # replace the peakdata table in the LOBSet, update LOBscreen_settings
  peakdata(LOBSet) = LOBSet_peakdata_appended
  LOBscreen_settings(LOBSet)$retain.unidentified = TRUE
  # finally, return the updated object

# screenPSpectrum: applies screening & annotation routine to peakgroups that 
# belong to a given CAMERA pseudospectrum

screenPSpectrum = function(pseudospectrum, xsA, polarity, database, remove.iso, 
                           rt.restrict, rt.windows, exclude.oddFA, exclude.oxyrule, match.ppm, 
                           casecodes) {
  # first argument is a CAMERA pseudospectrum; second argument is the xsA object
  # from wrapper function; others self-explanatory or passed down from wrapper 
  # function
  # pass progress to user
  # get all peakgroup and isotope data associated with the pseudospectrum, 
  # appending the xcms peakgroup number, isotope data, and the pseudospectrum 
  # number
  pgdata = xsA@groupInfo[xsA@pspectra[[pseudospectrum]],] # get pg data
  xcms_peakgroup = xsA@pspectra[[pseudospectrum]] # get pg number, store to a 
  # vector
  CAMERA_pseudospectrum = rep(pseudospectrum,length(pgdata)/
                                ncol(xsA@groupInfo)) # create a vector that 
  # captures this ps number
  isodata = xsA@isotopes[xcms_peakgroup] # extract isotope data
  isotopes = as.character(sapply(isodata, getformattedIsoData, 
                                 polarity = polarity)) # generate iso strings
  # get number of sample treatments in original dataset (i.e., xcms "classes"):
  num.treatments = length(levels(xsA@xcmsSet@phenoData$class))
  if (length(pgdata)<=(7+num.treatments+length(sampnames(xsA@xcmsSet)))) {
    pgdata = t(pgdata)
  pgdata = data.frame(pgdata, xcms_peakgroup, isotopes, CAMERA_pseudospectrum, 
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # combine into data frame
  # define a matrix to hold diagnostic data elements
  #order of rownames matters for visual clarity
  diagnostic_data = data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = 7, ncol = 4))
  colnames(diagnostic_data) = c("peakgroups","peaks","assignments",
  rownames(diagnostic_data) = c("initial","post_remove_iso",
                                "post_exclude_oddFA", "post_exclude_wrongdblbonds","post_AIHscreen")
  diagnostic_data[c("initial"),c("peakgroups","peaks")] = 
  ################# begin pre-screening #################
  # take care of secondary isotopes, if user wants
  if (remove.iso==TRUE) {
    if (polarity=="positive") {
      pgdata = pgdata[(pgdata$isotopes=="") | (grepl("\\[M\\]\\+$",
    } else if (polarity=="negative") {
      pgdata = pgdata[(pgdata$isotopes=="") | (grepl("\\[M\\]\\-$",
    if (nrow(pgdata) > 0) { # we still have matches
      diagnostic_data[c("post_remove_iso"),c("peakgroups","peaks")] =
    } else {
      diagnostic_data[c("post_remove_iso"),c("peakgroups","peaks")] = c(0,0)
  # get initial matches, record results
  init.matches = lapply(pgdata$mz, matchbyPPM, database = database, 
                        match.ppm = match.ppm)
  # returns list of frag_IDs of potential matches to the mz of each peakgroup in
  # this pseudospectrum
  if (length(unlist(init.matches)) > 0) { # we still have matches
                                               "parent_compounds")] =
      c(sum(sapply(init.matches, function(x) length(x)>0)),
        sum(pgdata[sapply(init.matches, function(x) length(x)>0),
        sum(sapply(init.matches, length)),
  } else {
                                               "parent_compounds")] = 
  current.matches = init.matches
  # apply rt restrictions, if user asked for it
  if (rt.restrict==TRUE) {
    rt.matches = mapply(evalFeatureRT, matched.frag_IDs = current.matches, 
                        assignment.rtmin = pgdata$rtmin, 
                        assignment.rtmax = pgdata$rtmax, 
                        MoreArgs =  list(database = database, 
                                         rt.windows = rt.windows), 
                        SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    if (length(unlist(rt.matches)) > 0) { # we still have matches
                                              "parent_compounds")] =
        c(sum(sapply(rt.matches, function(x) length(x)>0)),
          sum(pgdata[sapply(rt.matches, function(x) length(x)>0),
          sum(sapply(rt.matches, length)),
    } else {
                                              "parent_compounds")] = c(rep(0,4))
    current.matches = rt.matches
  # apply even-odd FA chain length criteria, if user asked for it
  if (exclude.oddFA==TRUE) {
    evenFA.matches = lapply(current.matches, excludeoddFAlength, 
                            database = database)
    if (length(unlist(evenFA.matches)) > 0) { # we still have matches
                                                "parent_compounds")] =
        c(sum(sapply(evenFA.matches, function(x) length(x)>0)),
          sum(pgdata[sapply(evenFA.matches, function(x) length(x)>0),
          sum(sapply(evenFA.matches, length)),
    } else {
                                                "parent_compounds")] = 
    current.matches = evenFA.matches
  # apply double bond rule for oxidation, if user asked for it
  if (exclude.oxyrule==TRUE) {

  nodblbondoxy.matches = lapply(current.matches, exclude_dblebond, 
                                database = database)
  if (length(unlist(nodblbondoxy.matches)) > 0) { # we still have matches
                                                      "parent_compounds")] =
      c(sum(sapply(nodblbondoxy.matches, function(x) length(x)>0)),
        sum(pgdata[sapply(nodblbondoxy.matches, function(x) length(x)>0),
        sum(sapply(nodblbondoxy.matches, length)),
  } else {
                                                      "parent_compounds")] = 
  current.matches = nodblbondoxy.matches
  # eliminate case C4/C5 assignments; i.e., those assignments representing 
  # adducts of lesser theoretical abundance where the most abundant adduct of 
  # the same parent is not present; should leave us with only adducts of 
  # abundance rank = 1, and those lesser adducts for which the most abundant 
  # adduct is also present
  if (length(unlist(current.matches)) > 0) { # we still have matches
    pspectrum.compound_names = parent_compound_name(database)[sapply(
      unlist(current.matches), match, frag_ID(database))]
    current.matches = lapply(current.matches, trimAssignments, 
                             database = database, pspectrum.frag_IDs = 
                             pspectrum.compound_names = 
    if (length(unlist(current.matches)) > 0) { # we still have matches
      ################# begin adduct ion hierarchy screening #################
      # create a vector to keep track of case codes
      current_casecodes = array(NA,c(length = length(casecodes))) 
      current_casecodes[1:length(casecodes)] = 0 # set all case codes to 0 by 
      # default
      names(current_casecodes) = casecodes # label columns
      ################# resolution of case 2a/2b/3r #################
      # obtain list of parent compounds of all matches still remaining in this 
      # pseudospectrum
      parent.compounds.current.matches = 
        lapply(current.matches, function(x) parent_compound_name(database)[
          frag_ID(database) %in% x])
      # get list of compounds in the pseudospectrum for which we ID'd more than 
      # one adduct (these will be case 2a, 2b, and 3r assignments; note that we 
      # will also have to check for case 3r assignments again later, in case 
      # there are some which gap across pseudospectra)
      multiadduct.parent.compounds = 
      adducts.current.matches = 
        lapply(current.matches, function(x) adduct(database)[
          frag_ID(database) %in% x])
      ranks.current..matches = lapply(current.matches, 
                                      function(x) adduct_rank(database)[
                                        frag_ID(database) %in% x])
      if (length(multiadduct.parent.compounds) > 0) {  # if we don't have any 
        # potential case 2a/2b/3r
        # species, skip this part
        for (i in 1:length(multiadduct.parent.compounds)) {
          # return all observed adducts of this case 2/3r parent compound 
          # appearing in this pseudospectrum
          observed.adducts.this.parent = 
              adducts.current.matches, parent.compounds.current.matches) 
          # return all frag_IDs for this case 2/3r parent compound appearing in 
          # this pseudospectrum
          frag_IDs.this.parent = 
              current.matches, parent.compounds.current.matches) 
          # use the assignments involving this parent compound to obtain the 
          # distribution of its adducts in this pseudospectrum
          adduct_distribution.this.pspectrum = 
          # return list of possible adducts for this parent compound from the 
          # database
          possible.adducts.this.parent = 
          colnames(possible.adducts.this.parent) = c("adduct","adduct_rank") 
          # reorder the list of possible adducts to iterate through them; must 
          # return any NA's (i.e., any adducts for which ranking was not given 
          # in DB) first so that rest of code works ok
          possible.adducts.this.parent = 
              possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct_rank, decreasing = TRUE, 
              na.last = FALSE),] 
          # iterate through the list of all possible adducts from least to most 
          # abundant, checking to see whether we made an assignment for each one
          for (j in 1:nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent)) { 
            if (!is.na(adduct_distribution.this.pspectrum[as.character(
              possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct[j])]) && 
                possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct[j])]>=1) {
              # at least one peak was identified in the data for this adduct
              # mark this adduct as being present in the pseudospectrum
              # indicate number of different peakgroups identified as this 
              # adduct
            } else { # assume no peak was identified for this adduct
              # mark this adduct as being absent from the data
              # indicate number of different peaks identified as this adduct (0)
          ################# case 6 check #############
          # before continuing evaluation of case 2a/2b/3r parent compounds, 
          # first check to see whether they happen to be case 6's, then proceed 
          # accordingly
          if (!all(is.na(possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct_rank))) {
            # either we have a case 6a situation, or no case 6 at all; either 
            # way, proceed with evaluation of case 2a/2b/3r parent compounds
            if (any(is.na(possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct_rank))) { 
              # we have a case 6a situation
              current_casecodes["C6a"] = 1 # note that case 6a is true
            # apply subrules to the case 2a/2b/3r assignments for this parent 
            # compound
            # Note that the way i've coded this, using independent "if" 
            # statments, some subrule assignments will be nonexclusive; i.e., 
            # the script can tag a particular parent compound as both case 3r 
            # and 2a or 2b if it meets the minimum criteria for each
            # case 3r: we have multiple assignments of the dominant adduct of
            # the same putative parent compound, and this is because we've 
            # identified > 1 peakgroup in this pseudospectrum representing the 
            # same dominant adduct
            if (possible.adducts.this.parent$num_times_present[
              possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct_rank==1]>1) { 
              # parent compound is case 3r
              # note that case 3r is true
              current_casecodes["C3r"] = 1 
              if (sum((adduct_distribution.this.pspectrum>=1))==1) { 
                # this is a case 1-case 3r compound
                current_casecodes["C1"] = 1 # note that case 1 is true
            # case 2a or 2b: we have multiple assignments for the same putative 
            # parent compound, and this is because we've identified multiple 
            # peaks representing different adducts
            if (sum((adduct_distribution.this.pspectrum>=1))>1) { 
              # putative parent compound is case 2a/2b... but, have to determine
              # which subtybe
              # case 2a: the different adducts identified strictly satisfy the 
              # hypothesized adduct hierarchy for this parent compound, i.e., we
              # have identified a peakgroup in this pseudospectrum for every 
              # adduct more abundant than the least abundant adduct in the 
              # pseudospectrum (however, this does not mean we have to have 
              # identified a peakgroup in the pseudospectrum for EVERY possible 
              # adduct of this parent compound)
              adduct_theoretically_least = 
              # of the adducts present in the pseudospectrum, this one should be
              # the least abundant according to the rules; for case 2a to be 
              # satisfied, we must then have in the pseudospectrum all adducts 
              # which are supposed to be more abundant than this one
              if (sum(possible.adducts.this.parent$present_in_pspectrum[
                nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent)]) == 
                nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent) - 
                adduct_theoretically_least + 1 ) { 
                # parent compound is case 2a
                current_casecodes["C2a"] = 1 # note that case 2a is true
              # case 2b: the different adducts identified do not perfectly 
              # satisfy the hypothesized adduct hierarchy for this putative 
              # parent compound, but we consider it a good parent compound match
              # because the adduct which should be most abundant according to 
              # the rules is present in the pseudospectrum; in this case, some 
              # adducts of intermediate hypothesized abundance may be absent 
              # from the pseudospectrum while some other less abundant adducts 
              # are present, however the adduct which should be most abundant is
              # definitely present
              if ((sum(possible.adducts.this.parent$present_in_pspectrum[
                nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent)]) < 
                nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent) - 
                adduct_theoretically_least + 1 ) & 
                  nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent)]==1) { 
                # parent compound is case 2b
                current_casecodes["C2b"] = 1 # note that case 2b is true
            # last order of business before moving onto the next case 2a/2b/3r 
            # species in this pseudospectrum: select and then write to the 
            # results array the appropriate data for the current parent compound
            # method: we will use the rules to determine the particular adduct 
            # of this parent compound from which we will pull the data
            # if the parent compound is case 2a or 2b, the adduct which should 
            # be most abundant is present in pseudospectrum --> record data for 
            # this adduct, regardless of whether it is actually the most 
            # abundant in this particular pseudospectrum; as long as we are 
            # consistent in applying this throughout the experiment, we should 
            # be ok since we're only really concerned with relative changes 
            # between samples
            # if the parent compound is case 3r, we have a slightly more 
            # complicated situation (because >= 2 regioisomers of the species 
            # were simultaneously identified in the pseudospectrum); we will 
            # record data for all of these assignments by inserting as many 
            # additional row(s) as is necessary
            # lastly, if the parent compound is case 6b, warn user
            if ((current_casecodes["C2a"]==1 | current_casecodes["C2b"]==1) & 
                  nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent)]==1) { 
              # 2a or 2b, and we identified only a single peak for the adduct of
              # theoretical greatest abundance  --> use data for this single 
              # peak assignment
              peakdata_to_record = cbind(pgdata[as.character(
              isodata_C3r_to_record = NULL
            } else if ((current_casecodes["C3r"]==1 & 
                          nrow(possible.adducts.this.parent)]>1)) { 
              # C3r, with more than one assignment at different retention times 
              # for the adduct that should most abundant
              LOBdbdata.thisparent = t(sapply(as.integer(frag_IDs.this.parent[
                extractLOBdbasedata, database = database, simplify = FALSE))
              LOBdbdata.thisparent = 
                as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(LOBdbdata.thisparent, 
                                                      function(x) x)))
              peakdata_to_record = 
              isodata_C3r_to_record = 
          } else { # we have a case 6b situation: unable to determine what data 
            # to record
            warning(paste0("Pseudospectrum ",pseudospectrum," contains an ",
                           "assignment for which no adduct hierarchy data are ",
                           "given in the database. Cannot determine what peak ",
                           "data to report for this pseudospectrum.\n"))
            current_casecodes["C6b"] = 1 # note that case 6b is true
            LOBdbdata.thisparent = t(sapply(as.integer(frag_IDs.this.parent[
                observed.adducts.this.parent]), extractLOBdbasedata, 
              database = database, simplify = FALSE))
            LOBdbdata.thisparent = 
              as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(LOBdbdata.thisparent, 
                                                    function(x) x)))
            peakdata_to_record = 
              cbind(matrix(nrow = nrow(LOBdbdata.thisparent), 
                           ncol = 29),LOBdbdata.thisparent)
            isodata_C3r_to_record = NULL
          # now, insert/append the peakdata and case codes for this parent 
          # compound into screened.peaktable and isodata_C3r
          if (exists("peakdata_to_record")) { # only force insertion if there's 
            # data
            if (!exists("screened.peaktable")) { # it's the first peaktable 
              # entry
              # create a matrix for our results, and a list for storing any C3r 
              # isodata
              peaktable.ncols = ncol(pgdata)+13+length(casecodes)
              screened.peaktable = 
                data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(peakdata_to_record), 
                                  ncol = peaktable.ncols))
              colnames(screened.peaktable) = 
              # record data
              screened.peaktable[,1:(peaktable.ncols-2)] = 
            } else { # it's not the first sample, so rbind
              peakdata_to_record = cbind(peakdata_to_record,
                                         matrix(data = NA, 
                                                nrow = nrow(peakdata_to_record),
                                                ncol = 2))
              colnames(peakdata_to_record) = colnames(screened.peaktable)
              screened.peaktable = rbind(screened.peaktable,
            if (!exists("isodata_C3r")) { # it's the first isodata_C3r entry
              isodata_C3r = vector("list", nrow(peakdata_to_record))
              isodata_C3r[1:nrow(peakdata_to_record)] = 
            } else { # it's not the first entry
              isodata_C3r = append(isodata_C3r, rep(list(isodata_C3r_to_record),
            # finally, reset/remove our casecode and peakdata_to_record vectors 
            # before proceeding
          current_casecodes[1:length(current_casecodes)] = 0
      ################# resolution of case 1 species #############
      # get list of compounds for which we ID'd only one adduct in this 
      # pseudospectrum (case 1 compounds; should be all those parent compounds 
      # that we did not ID as case 2a/2b/3r above)
      single_adduct.parent.compounds = 
                      fromLast = FALSE)&
                        fromLast = TRUE)] 
      if (length(single_adduct.parent.compounds) > 0) {  # if we don't have any 
        # case 1 species, skip 
        # this part
        for (l in 1:length(single_adduct.parent.compounds)) { 
          # cycle through each of the case 1 putative compounds in this sample
          frag_IDs.this.parent = 
            mapply(function(x,y) as.character(
              x[y==single_adduct.parent.compounds[l]]), current.matches, 
          # return frag_ID (there should be only one) for this case 1 parent 
          # compound appearing in this pseudospectrum
          if (length(unlist(frag_IDs.this.parent))!=1) { 
            # check to make sure there's only one assignment for this parent 
            # compound in this particular pseudospectrum (otherwise something's 
            # wrong with the code)
            stop(paste0("More than one assignment remaining in pseudospectrum ",
                        pseudospectrum," for a case 1 compound. Something is ",
                        "wrong! Please capture conditions leading to this ",
                        "error and send to developer.\n")) 
            # stop script if this is the case
          observed.adducts.this.parent = 
            mapply(function(x,y) as.character(
              adducts.current.matches, parent.compounds.current.matches) 
          # return observed adduct (there should be only one) of this case 1 
          # parent compound appearing in this pseudospectrum
          possible.adducts.this.parent = 
          # return list of possible adducts for this parent compound from the 
          # database
          colnames(possible.adducts.this.parent) = c("adduct","adduct_rank") 
          # reorder the list of possible adducts
          possible.adducts.this.parent = 
                    decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE),]
          # another final check to make sure this is a case 1 species
          ################# case 6 check #############
          # before continuing, check again to see whether we have a case 6 
          # situation, then proceed accordingly
          if (is.na(possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct_rank[
            unlist(observed.adducts.this.parent)])) {
            # we have a case 6b-1x situation; we ID'd a single peak representing
            # only one good adduct for this parent compound, but we don't know 
            # how it ranks since there's no ranking data in the DB
            warning(paste0("Pseudospectrum ",pseudospectrum," contains an ",
                           "assignment for which no adduct hierarchy data are ",
                           "given in the database. Since only one adduct of ",
                           "this parent compound appears in this ",
                           "pseudospectrum, peak data will be reported for ",
                           "the lone adduct.\n"))
            current_casecodes["C1x"] = 1  # note that case 1x is true; we can't 
            # really say whether it's a case 1 or 
            # 4 since we don't know
            current_casecodes["C6b"] = 1  # note that case 6b is also true
          } else if (possible.adducts.this.parent$adduct_rank[
            unlist(observed.adducts.this.parent)]==1) { 
            # this is definitely a case 1 situation, proceed
            current_casecodes["C1"] = 1 # note that case 1 is true
          } else {
            stop("Adduct rank data for this parent compound appear to be ",
                 "incorrect. Aborting...\n")
          # last order of business before moving onto the next case 1 parent 
          # compound in this sample: select and then write to the 
          # screened.peakdata results array the data for the current parent 
          # compound
          # method: we will use the rules (pretty simple for case 1 IDs) to 
          # determine whether data gets written or not:
          # if the ID is case 1 --> record data for this adduct
          # if the species is case 6b and only one adduct was identified, 
          # record data for that adduct
          if (current_casecodes["C1"]==1) { # case 1
            peakdata_to_record = 
            isodata_C3r_to_record = NULL
          } else { # we have a case 1-case 6b scenario:
            current_casecodes["C1x"] = 1  # note that case 1x is true; we can't 
            # really say whether it's a case 1 or 
            # 4 since we don't know
            current_casecodes["C6b"] = 1  # note that case 6b is true
            peakdata_to_record = 
                                  function(x) length(x)>0),],
                      sapply(frag_IDs.this.parent, function(x) length(x)>0)]),
            isodata_C3r_to_record = NULL
          # now, insert/append the peakdata and case codes for this parent 
          # compound into our peakdata results array
          if (exists("peakdata_to_record")) { # only force insertion if there's 
            # data
            if (!exists("screened.peaktable")) { # it's the first peaktable 
              # entry
              # create a matrix for our results, and a list for storing any C3r 
              # isodata
              peaktable.ncols = ncol(pgdata)+13+length(casecodes)
              screened.peaktable = 
                data.frame(matrix(data = NA, 
                                  nrow = nrow(peakdata_to_record), 
                                  ncol = peaktable.ncols))
              colnames(screened.peaktable) = 
              # record data
              screened.peaktable[,1:(peaktable.ncols-2)] = 
            } else { # it's not the first sample, so rbind
              peakdata_to_record = cbind(peakdata_to_record,
                                         matrix(data = NA, 
                                                nrow = nrow(peakdata_to_record),
                                                ncol = 2))
              colnames(peakdata_to_record) = colnames(screened.peaktable)
              screened.peaktable = rbind(screened.peaktable,
            if (!exists("isodata_C3r")) { # it's the first isodata_C3r entry
              isodata_C3r = vector("list", nrow(peakdata_to_record))
              isodata_C3r[1:nrow(peakdata_to_record)] = 
            } else { # it's not the first entry
              isodata_C3r = 
                append(isodata_C3r, rep(list(isodata_C3r_to_record),
            # finally, reset/remove our casecode and peakdata_to_record vectors 
            # before proceeding
          current_casecodes[1:length(current_casecodes)] = 0
  # update our diagnostics
  if (length(unlist(current.matches)) > 0) {
                                          "parent_compounds")] =
          c(1,2), function(x) x>0)),
  } else {
                                          "parent_compounds")] = c(0,0,NA,0)
    screened.peaktable = NULL
    isodata_C3r = NULL
  # return our results
  list(diagnostic_data = diagnostic_data, 
       screened.peaktable = screened.peaktable, isodata_C3r = isodata_C3r)
hholm/LOBSTAHS documentation built on March 17, 2024, 1:53 a.m.