
#' The DropoutSimulation class
#' This class has slots to store results of different simulations
#' using Lasso and kknn methods.
#' @slot dropout.percentage Vector containing values between 0 and 1
#'  representing the percentages of dropout to simulate over repitions
#' @slot n an integer specifying the number of repititions for
#'  a particular dropout percentage
#' @slot simulation.result.genes a list storing results of all simulations
#'  where genes are imputed as function of cells
#' @slot simulation.result.cells a list storing results of all simulations
#'  where cells are imputed as functions of genes
#' @name DropoutSimulation
#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @exportClass DropoutSimulation

DropoutSimulation <- setClass("DropoutSimulation",
                              slots = 
                                  dropout.percentage = "vector",
                                  n = "numeric",
                                  simulation.result.genes = "list",
                                  simulation.result.cells = "list"
                              prototype = list(
                                simulation.result.genes = list(),
                                simulation.result.cells = list()

#' Simulations on genes with dependency on cells
#' @param theObject an object of the DropoutSimulation class
#' @param expressionData the data matrix containing gene expression values,
#'  genes as rows and cells as columns
#' @param dropoutPercentage a vector specifying dropout percentages to simulate
#' @param n the number of simulations for each dropout
#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @exportMethod simulateDropoutGene
setGeneric(name = "simulateDropoutGene",
           def = function(theObject, expressionData, dropoutPercentage, n) {

#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @export
setMethod(f = "simulateDropoutGene",
          signature = "DropoutSimulation",
          definition = function(theObject, expressionData, dropoutPercentage, n) {
            theObject@dropout.percentage <- dropoutPercentage
            theObject@n <- n
            # select 500 most abundantly expressed genes
            Filter(function(x){ return(sum(expressionData[x,] == 0) == 0)}, rownames(expressionData)) -> local.selectedGenes
            expressionData[local.selectedGenes, ] -> local.simData
            for (p in theObject@dropout.percentage) {
              for (simID in 1:n) {
                sample(colnames(expressionData), p*ncol(expressionData)) -> local.selectedCells
                # simulation for random forest
                td <- mapply(randomForestImpute, local.selectedGenes,
                             MoreArgs = list(as.matrix(t(local.simData[, -which(colnames(local.simData) %in% local.selectedCells)])),
                                             as.matrix(t(local.simData[, local.selectedCells]))))
                theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)+1]] <- td
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)]], "drop-percentage") <- p
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)]], "method") <- "randomForest"
                # simulation for lasso
                td <- mapply(lassoImpute, local.selectedGenes,
                             MoreArgs = list(as.matrix(t(local.simData[, -which(colnames(local.simData) %in% local.selectedCells)])),
                                             as.matrix(t(local.simData[, local.selectedCells]))))
                theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)+1]] <- td
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)]], "drop-percentage") <- p
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)]], "method") <- "lasso"

                # simulation for kknn
                td <- mapply(kknnImpute, local.selectedGenes,
                             MoreArgs = list(as.data.frame(t(local.simData[, -which(colnames(local.simData) %in% local.selectedCells)])),
                                             as.data.frame(t(local.simData[, local.selectedCells]))))
                theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)+1]] <- td
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)]], "drop-percentage") <- p
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)]], "method") <- "kknn"

#' Simulations on cells with dependency on genes
#' @param theObject an object of the DropoutSimulation class
#' @param expressionData the data matrix containing gene expression values,
#'  genes as rows and cells as columns
#' @param dropoutPercentage a vector specifying dropout percentages to simulate
#' @param n the number of simulations for each dropout
#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @exportMethod simulateDropoutCells
setGeneric(name = "simulateDropoutCells",
           def = function(theObject, expressionData, dropoutPercentage, n) {

#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @export
setMethod(f = "simulateDropoutCells",
          signature = "DropoutSimulation",
          definition = function(theObject, expressionData, dropoutPercentage, n) {
            theObject@dropout.percentage <- dropoutPercentage
            theObject@n <- n
            # select 500 most abundantly expressed genes
            Filter(function(x){ return(sum(expressionData[x,] == 0) == 0)}, rownames(expressionData)) -> local.selectedGenes
            expressionData[local.selectedGenes, ] -> local.simData
            colnames(local.simData) <- gsub("[_?]", "", gsub("^[0-9]", "X", colnames(local.simData), perl = TRUE), perl = TRUE)
            for (p in theObject@dropout.percentage) {
              for (simID in 1:n) {
                sample(rownames(local.simData), p*nrow(local.simData)) -> local.dropoutGenes
                # simulation for random forest
                td <- mapply(randomForestImpute, colnames(local.simData),
                             MoreArgs = list(as.data.frame(local.simData[-which(rownames(local.simData) %in% local.dropoutGenes),]),
                                             as.data.frame(local.simData[local.dropoutGenes,]) ))
                theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)+1]] <- td
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)]], "drop-percentage") <- p
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)]], "method") <- "randomForest"
                # simulation for lasso
                td <- mapply(lassoImpute, colnames(local.simData),
                             MoreArgs = list(as.matrix(local.simData[-which(rownames(local.simData) %in% local.dropoutGenes),]),
                                             as.matrix(local.simData[local.dropoutGenes,]) ))
                theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)+1]] <- td
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)]], "drop-percentage") <- p
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)]], "method") <- "lasso"
                # simulation for kknn
                td <- mapply(kknnImpute, colnames(local.simData),
                             MoreArgs = list(as.data.frame(local.simData[-which(rownames(local.simData) %in% local.dropoutGenes),]),
                                             as.data.frame(local.simData[local.dropoutGenes,]) ))
                theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)+1]] <- td
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)]], "drop-percentage") <- p
                attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)]], "method") <- "kknn"

#' Plot imputed values for genes
#' This function plots the observed v/s predicted values for gene imputation.
#' @param expressionData the data of gene expression values
#' @param geneID the geneID to plot
#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes labs
#' @exportMethod plot.predict.gene

setGeneric(name = "plot.predict.gene",
           def = function(expressionData, drop.percent, geneID) {

#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @export
setMethod(f = "plot.predict.gene",
          signature = "ANY",
          definition = function(expressionData, drop.percent, geneID) {
            Filter(function(x){ return(sum(expressionData[x,] == 0) == 0)}, rownames(expressionData)) -> local.selectedGenes
            expressionData[local.selectedGenes, ] -> local.simData
            sample(colnames(expressionData), drop.percent*ncol(expressionData)) -> local.selectedCells
            original.values <- local.simData[geneID, local.selectedCells]
            predicted.values <- kknnImpute(geneID,
                                           as.data.frame(t(local.simData[, -which(colnames(local.simData) %in% local.selectedCells)])),
                                           as.data.frame(t(local.simData[, local.selectedCells])), predicted = TRUE)
            plotData <- data.frame(original.values, predicted.values)
            kknnPlot <- ggplot(plotData, aes(y=predicted.values, x=original.values, color=predicted.values)) + geom_point() + geom_line(aes(y=original.values))
            kknnPlot <- kknnPlot + labs(title = paste("Predicted values for gene:", geneID, ", Dropout:", drop.percent, ", Method: kknn"))

#' Analysis of simulation results for cells
#' This function plots graphs to help analyse between lasso and knn approaches for cell-based imputation.
#' @param theObject an object of the DropoutSimulation class containing simulation results
#' @param type the type of graph to plot, "compare" will plot difference of mse(also the default value)
#' @param p the dropout percentage to plot, default: 0 will consider the whole range
#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes labs geom_density
#' @exportMethod plot.cells

setGeneric(name = "plot.cells",
           def = function(theObject, type = "compare", p = 0) {

#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @export
setMethod(f = "plot.cells",
          signature = "DropoutSimulation",
          definition = function(theObject, type = "compare", p = 0){
            if(0 == length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)) {
              stop("The object does not have the data for cell-based imputation.")
            # plot type 1
            # comparison over all dropout percentages
            if(type == "compare"){
              plotData <- vector()
              for(i in seq(1, length(theObject@simulation.result.cells)-1, by=2)) {
                if(attr(theObject@simulation.result.cells[[i]], "drop-percentage") == p || 0 == p) {
                  plotData <- c(plotData,
              pd <- as.data.frame(plotData)
              plotObject <- ggplot(pd, aes(plotData)) + geom_density()
              if(0 == p){
                plotObject <- plotObject + labs(title = "MSE differences (lasso-knn) over all simulations", x = "mse(lasso)-mse(knn)")
              } else {
                plotObject <- plotObject + labs(title = paste("MSE differences (lasso-knn) over", p, "dropout"), x = "mse(lasso)-mse(knn)")
            } else {
                stop("Invalid parameters specified")

#' Analysis of simulation results for genes
#' This function plots graphs to help analyse between lasso and knn approaches for gene-based imputation.
#' @param theObject an object of the DropoutSimulation class containing simulation results
#' @param type the type of graph to plot, "compare" will plot difference of mse(also the default value)
#' @param p the dropout percentage to plot, default: 0 will consider the whole range
#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes labs geom_density
#' @exportMethod plot.genes
setGeneric(name = "plot.genes",
           def = function(theObject, type = "compare", p = 0, ...) {

#' @rdname DropoutSimulation
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point geom_line
#' @export
setMethod(f = "plot.genes",
          signature = "DropoutSimulation",
          definition = function(theObject, type = "compare", p = 0, originalData = NULL, methodAttr = NULL){
            if(0 == length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)) {
              stop("The object does not have the data for gene-based imputation.")
            # plot type 1
            # comparison over all dropout percentages
            if(type == "compare"){
              plotData <- vector()
              for(i in seq(1, length(theObject@simulation.result.genes)-1, by=2)) {
                if(attr(theObject@simulation.result.genes[[i]], "drop-percentage") == p || 0 == p) {
                  plotData <- c(plotData,
              pd <- as.data.frame(plotData)
              plotObject <- ggplot(pd, aes(plotData)) + geom_density()
              if(0 == p){
                plotObject <- plotObject + labs(title = "MSE differences (lasso-knn) over all simulations", x = "mse(lasso)-mse(knn)")
              } else {
                plotObject <- plotObject + labs(title = paste("MSE differences (lasso-knn) over", p, "dropout"), x = "mse(lasso)-mse(knn)")
            } else if(type == "variance"){
              if(is.null(originalData) || is.null(methodAttr)){
                stop("The actual data needs to be provided for this plot.")
              x <- sample(Filter(function(x) {return((attr(x, "method") == methodAttr) && (p==0 || attr(x, "drop-percentage") == p))}, theObject@simulation.result.genes), 1)
              geneMse <- unlist(x[[1]]["mse",])
              geneCor <- cor(t(originalData[colnames(x[[1]]),]))
              # remove variances from the correlation matrix
              diag(geneCor) <- rep(0, length(diag(geneCor)))
              geneVars <- apply(X =  abs(geneCor), MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
              plotData <- data.frame(geneMse, geneVars)
              plotObject <- ggplot(plotData, aes(x=geneVars, y=geneMse, color=geneMse)) + geom_point()
              plotObject <- plotObject + labs(title = paste("Method:", attr(x[[1]], "method"), ", Dropout:", attr(x[[1]], "drop-percentage")))
            }else {
              stop("Invalid parameters specified")
hkumar6/gene.expression documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:33 p.m.