
Defines functions plot.pkm

Documented in plot.pkm

#' Plot method for PK model
#' @param x An object of class \code{pkm}
#' @param alp Value used to produce (1 - \code{alp})\% credible intervals
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @importFrom graphics abline legend lines par plot points polygon
#' @return Concentration-time curve for the fitted pharmacokinetic model
#' @export

plot.pkm <- function(x, alp = 0.05, ...){
  col_bg <- "#AAAAB5"
  col_fg <- "#3E465A"

  est <- x$optim
  ivt <- x$infsched
  cod <- x$cod

  ## Compute plotting times
  ## - ensure peak and trough times
  ## - avoid time zero
  tms <- sapply(ivt, function(y) c(y$begin, y$end))
  tms <- c(tms, max(tms)+cod)
  tms <- unlist(sapply(1:(length(tms)-1), function(i) {
    s1 <- seq(tms[i], tms[i+1], 1/10)
    if(tms[i+1] %% 1/10)
      s1 <- c(s1, tms[i+1])
  tms <- pmax(1e-3, tms)
  # Compute concentration at each time
  sol <- pk_solution(v_1=exp(est$par[1]), k_10=exp(est$par[2]),
                     k_12=exp(est$par[3]), k_21=exp(est$par[4]), ivt=ivt)
  con <- apply(sol(tms)*1000, 2, function(x) pmax(0,x))
  con <- con[1,]

  ## Approximate standard deviation of log concentration-time curve
  grd <- sapply(tms, function(tm) {
    fdGrad(est$par, function(pars) {
      sol <- pk_solution(v_1 = exp(pars[1]), k_10 = exp(pars[2]),
                         k_12 = exp(pars[3]), k_21 = exp(pars[4]), ivt = ivt)
      log(sol(tm)[1, ] * 1000)
  sde <- apply(grd, MARGIN = 2, function(grd_i) {
    sqrt(diag(t(grd_i) %*% solve(-est$hessian) %*% grd_i))
  sde <- ifelse(is.nan(sde), 0, sde)


  plot(tms, con, xlab="Time (h)", ylab="Concentration (ug/mL)",
       ylim=c(0, max(exp(log(con)+qnorm(1-alp/2)*sde), na.rm=TRUE)),
       type='n', main="Concentration vs. Time")

  ## Plot 95% credible bands
          c(exp(log(con) + qnorm(1-alp/2)*sde),
            rev(exp(log(con) - qnorm(1-alp/2)*sde))),
          col=col_bg, border=NA)

  ## Plot posterior estimate
  lines(tms, con, lwd=2, col=col_fg)

  ## Plot measured points
  dat <- x$data
  if(nrow(dat) > 0){
    points(dat$time_h, dat$conc_mcg_ml, pch=16)

  ## Create legend
  legend('topleft', c("Predicted", "95% Credible Band", "Measured"),
         lwd=c(2,4,NA), pch=c(NA,NA,16), col=c(col_fg,col_bg,'black'),
         border=NA, bty='n')

  #Plotting elements for mic statistic
  ftmic <- x$ftmic
  thres <- x$thresh
  abline(h = thres, lty = 2)
  legend("topright", bty = 'n',
         legend = c(paste("fT > threshold:", round(ftmic$ftmic, 3)),
                    paste(ifelse(ftmic$mcmc, "Exact", "Approximate"), "95% CI: (", round(ftmic$conf.int[1], 3), ",",
                          round(ftmic$conf.int[2], 3), ")")))
hlweeks/pkpredict documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 6:08 a.m.